{ ************************************************************** Package: XWB - Kernel RPCBroker Date Created: Sept 18, 1997 (Version 1.1) Site Name: Oakland, OI Field Office, Dept of Veteran Affairs Developers: Danila Manapsal, Don Craven, Joel Ivey Description: Functions that emulate MUMPS functions. Current Release: Version 1.1 Patch 47 (Jun. 17, 2008)) *************************************************************** } unit MFunStr; interface uses SysUtils, Dialogs; {procedure and function prototypes} function Piece(x: string; del: string; piece1: integer = 1; piece2: integer=0): string; function Translate(passedString, identifier, associator: string): string; const U: string = '^'; implementation function Translate(passedString, identifier, associator: string): string; {TRANSLATE(string,identifier,associator) Performs a character-for-character replacement within a string.} var index, position: integer; newString: string; substring: string; begin newString := ''; {initialize NewString} for index := 1 to length(passedString) do begin substring := copy(passedString,index,1); position := pos(substring,identifier); if position > 0 then newString := newString + copy(associator,position,1) else newString := newString + copy(passedString,index,1) end; result := newString; end; function Piece(x: string; del: string; piece1: integer = 1; piece2: integer=0) : string; {PIECE(string,delimiter,piece number) Returns a field within a string using the specified delimiter.} var delIndex,pieceNumber: integer; Resval: String; Str: String; begin {initialize variables} pieceNumber := 1; Str := x; {delIndex :=1;} if piece2 = 0 then piece2 := piece1; Resval := ''; repeat delIndex := Pos(del,Str); if (delIndex > 0) or ((pieceNumber > Pred(piece1)) and (pieceNumber < (piece2+1))) then begin if (pieceNumber > Pred(piece1)) and (pieceNumber < (piece2+1)) then begin if (pieceNumber > piece1) and (Str <> '') then Resval := Resval + del; if delIndex > 0 then begin Resval := Resval + Copy(Str,1,delIndex-1); Str := Copy(Str,delIndex+Length(del),Length(Str)); end else begin Resval := Resval + Str; Str := ''; end; end else Str := Copy(Str,delIndex+Length(del),Length(Str)); end else if Str <> '' then Str := ''; inc(pieceNumber); until (pieceNumber > piece2); Result := Resval; end; end.