{ ************************************************************** Package: XWB - Kernel RPCBroker Date Created: Sept 18, 1997 (Version 1.1) Site Name: Oakland, OI Field Office, Dept of Veteran Affairs Developers: Danila Manapsal, Don Craven, Joel Ivey Description: winsock utilities. Current Release: Version 1.1 Patch 47 (Jun. 17, 2008)) *************************************************************** } unit RpcNet ; { Changes in v1.1.13 (JLI -- 8/23/00) -- XWB*1.1*13 Made changes to cursor dependent on current cursor being crDefault so that the application can set it to a different cursor for long or repeated processes without the cursor 'flashing' repeatedly. } interface uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, winsock; Const XWB_GHIP = WM_USER + 10000; //Const XWB_SELECT = WM_USER + 10001; Const WINSOCK1_1 = $0101; Const PF_INET = 2; Const SOCK_STREAM = 1; Const IPPROTO_TCP = 6; Const INVALID_SOCKET = -1; Const SOCKET_ERROR = -1; Const FIONREAD = $4004667F; Const ActiveConnection: boolean = False; type EchatError = class(Exception); type TRPCFRM1 = class(TForm) private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } procedure XWBGHIP(var msgSock: TMessage); //procedure xwbSelect(var msgSock: TMessage); //P14 procedure WndProc(var Message : TMessage); reintroduce; //P14 end; type WinTaskRec = record InUse: boolean; pTCPResult: Pointer; strTemp: string; {generic output string for async calls} chrTemp: PChar; {generic out PChar for async calls} hTCP: THandle; {pseudo handle for async calls} hWin: hWnd; {handle for owner window} CallWait: boolean; CallAbort: boolean; RPCFRM1: TRPCFRM1; end; var WRec: array[1..128] of WinTaskRec; Hash: array[0..159] of char; {Windows OS abstraction functions. Should be taken over by VA Kernel} function libGetCurrentProcess: word; {Socket functions using library RPCLIB.DLL, in this case called locally} //function libAbortCall(inst: integer): integer; export; //P14 function libGetHostIP1(inst: integer; HostName: PChar; var outcome: PChar): integer; export; function libGetLocalIP(inst: integer; var outcome: PChar): integer; export; procedure libClose(inst: integer); export; function libOpen:integer; export; function GetTCPError:string; {Secure Hash Algorithm functions, library SHA.DLL and local interfaces} function libGetLocalModule: PChar; export; function GetFileHash(fn: PChar): longint; export; implementation uses rpcconf1; {function shsTest: integer; far; external 'SHA'; procedure shsHash(plain: PChar; size: integer; Hash: PChar); far; external 'SHA';} //Removed in P14 {$R *.DFM} function libGetCurrentProcess: word; begin Result := GetCurrentProcess; end; function libGetLocalIP(inst: integer; var outcome: PChar): integer; var local: PChar; begin local := StrAlloc(255); gethostname( local, 255); Result := libGetHostIP1(inst, local, outcome); StrDispose(local); end; function libGetLocalModule: PChar; var tsk: THandle; name: PChar; begin tsk := GetCurrentProcess; name := StrAlloc(1024); GetModuleFilename(tsk, name, 1024); Result := name; end; function GetFileHash(fn: PChar): longint; var hFn: integer; finfo: TOFSTRUCT; bytesRead, status: longint; tBuf: PChar; begin tBuf := StrAlloc(160); hFn := OpenFile(fn, finfo, OF_READ); bytesRead := 0; status := _lread(hFn, tBuf, sizeof(tBuf)); while status <> 0 do begin status := _lread(hFn, tBuf, sizeof(tBuf)); inc(bytesRead,status); end; _lclose(hFn); StrDispose(tBuf); Result := bytesRead; end; function libOpen:integer; var inst: integer; WSData: TWSADATA; RPCFRM1: TRPCFRM1; begin inst := 1; {in this case, no DLL so instance is always 1} RPCFRM1 := TRPCFRM1.Create(nil); //P14 with WRec[inst] do begin hWin := AllocateHWnd(RPCFRM1.wndproc); WSAStartUp(WINSOCK1_1, WSData); WSAUnhookBlockingHook; Result := inst; InUse := True; end; RPCFRM1.Release; //P14 end; procedure libClose(inst: integer); begin with WRec[inst] do begin InUse := False; WSACleanup; DeallocateHWnd(hWin); end; end; function libGetHostIP1(inst: integer; HostName: PChar; var outcome: PChar): integer; var //RPCFRM1: TRPCFRM1; {P14} //wMsg: TMSG; {P14} //hWnd: THandle; {P14} ChangeCursor: Boolean; begin outcome[0] := #0; if Screen.Cursor = crDefault then ChangeCursor := True else ChangeCursor := False; if ChangeCursor then Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; with WRec[inst] do begin if HostName[0] = #0 then begin StrCat(outcome,'No Name to Resolve!'); Result := -1; exit; end; if CallWait = True then begin outcome[0] := #0; StrCat(outcome, 'Call in Progress'); Result := -1; exit; end; if inet_addr(HostName) > INADDR_ANY then begin outcome := Hostname; Result := 0; if ChangeCursor then Screen.Cursor := crDefault; WSACleanup; exit; end; GetMem(pTCPResult, MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT+1); try begin CallWait := True; CallAbort := False; PHostEnt(pTCPResult)^.h_name := nil; hTCP := WSAAsyncGetHostByName(hWin, XWB_GHIP, HostName, pTCPResult, MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT ); { loop while CallWait is True } CallAbort := False; while CallWait = True do Application.ProcessMessages; end; except on EInValidPointer do begin StrCat(outcome,'Error in GetHostByName'); if ChangeCursor then Screen.Cursor := crDefault; end; end; FreeMem(pTCPResult, MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT+1); StrCopy(outcome,chrTemp); Result := 0; if ChangeCursor then Screen.Cursor := crDefault; end; end; (*procedure TRPCFRM1.XWBSELECT(var msgSock: TMessage); var noop: integer; begin case msgSock.lparam of FD_ACCEPT: {connection arrived} begin noop := 1; end; FD_CONNECT: {connection initiated} begin noop := 1; end; FD_READ: {data received, put in display} begin noop := 1; end; FD_CLOSE: {disconnection of accepted socket} begin noop := 1; end; else noop := 1; end; end;*) //Procedure removed in P14. procedure TRPCFRM1.WndProc(var Message : TMessage); begin with Message do case Msg of {XWB_SELECT : xwbSelect(Message);} //P14 XWB_GHIP: xwbghip(Message); else DefWindowProc(WRec[1].hWin, Msg, wParam, lParam); {Inherited WndProc(Message);} end; end; procedure TRPCFRM1.XWBGHIP(var msgSock: TMessage); var TCPResult: PHostEnt; WSAError: integer; HostAddr: TSockaddr; inst: integer; begin inst := 1; {local case is always 1} with WRec[inst] do begin hTCP := msgSock.WParam; chrTemp := StrAlloc(512); CallWait := False; If CallAbort = True then { User aborted call } begin StrCopy(ChrTemp,'Abort!'); exit; end; WSAError := WSAGetAsyncError(hTCP); { in case async call failed } If WSAError < 0 then begin StrPCopy(chrTemp,IntToStr(WSAError)); exit; end; try begin TCPResult := PHostEnt(pTCPResult); StrTemp := ''; if TCPResult^.h_name = nil then begin StrCopy(chrTemp, 'Unknown!'); if rpcconfig <> nil then rpcconfig.panel4.Caption := StrPas(chrTemp); exit; end; {success, return resolved address} HostAddr.sin_addr.S_addr := longint(plongint(TCPResult^.h_addr_list^)^); chrTemp := inet_ntoa(HostAddr.sin_addr); end; except on EInValidPointer do StrCat(chrTemp, 'Error in GetHostByName'); end; end; end; (*function libAbortCall(inst: integer): integer; var WSAError: integer; begin with WRec[inst] do begin WSAError := WSACancelAsyncRequest(hTCP); if WSAError = Socket_Error then begin WSAError := WSAGetLastError; CallWait := False; CallAbort := True; Result := WSAError; end; CallAbort := True; CallWait := False; Result := WSAError; end; end; *) //Removed in P14 function GetTCPError:string; var x: string; r: integer; begin r := WSAGetLastError; Case r of WSAEINTR : x := 'WSAEINTR'; WSAEBADF : x := 'WSAEINTR'; WSAEFAULT : x := 'WSAEFAULT'; WSAEINVAL : x := 'WSAEINVAL'; WSAEMFILE : x := 'WSAEMFILE'; WSAEWOULDBLOCK : x := 'WSAEWOULDBLOCK'; WSAEINPROGRESS : x := 'WSAEINPROGRESS'; WSAEALREADY : x := 'WSAEALREADY'; WSAENOTSOCK : x := 'WSAENOTSOCK'; WSAEDESTADDRREQ : x := 'WSAEDESTADDRREQ'; WSAEMSGSIZE : x := 'WSAEMSGSIZE'; WSAEPROTOTYPE : x := 'WSAEPROTOTYPE'; WSAENOPROTOOPT : x := 'WSAENOPROTOOPT'; WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT : x := 'WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT'; WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT : x := 'WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT'; WSAEOPNOTSUPP : x := 'WSAEOPNOTSUPP'; WSAEPFNOSUPPORT : x := 'WSAEPFNOSUPPORT'; WSAEAFNOSUPPORT : x := 'WSAEAFNOSUPPORT'; WSAEADDRINUSE : x := 'WSAEADDRINUSE'; WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL : x := 'WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL'; WSAENETDOWN : x := 'WSAENETDOWN'; WSAENETUNREACH : x := 'WSAENETUNREACH'; WSAENETRESET : x := 'WSAENETRESET'; WSAECONNABORTED : x := 'WSAECONNABORTED'; WSAECONNRESET : x := 'WSAECONNRESET'; WSAENOBUFS : x := 'WSAENOBUFS'; WSAEISCONN : x := 'WSAEISCONN'; WSAENOTCONN : x := 'WSAENOTCONN'; WSAESHUTDOWN : x := 'WSAESHUTDOWN'; WSAETOOMANYREFS : x := 'WSAETOOMANYREFS'; WSAETIMEDOUT : x := 'WSAETIMEDOUT'; WSAECONNREFUSED : x := 'WSAECONNREFUSED'; WSAELOOP : x := 'WSAELOOP'; WSAENAMETOOLONG : x := 'WSAENAMETOOLONG'; WSAEHOSTDOWN : x := 'WSAEHOSTDOWN'; WSAEHOSTUNREACH : x := 'WSAEHOSTUNREACH'; WSAENOTEMPTY : x := 'WSAENOTEMPTY'; WSAEPROCLIM : x := 'WSAEPROCLIM'; WSAEUSERS : x := 'WSAEUSERS'; WSAEDQUOT : x := 'WSAEDQUOT'; WSAESTALE : x := 'WSAESTALE'; WSAEREMOTE : x := 'WSAEREMOTE'; WSASYSNOTREADY : x := 'WSASYSNOTREADY'; WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED : x := 'WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED'; WSANOTINITIALISED : x := 'WSANOTINITIALISED'; WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND : x := 'WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND'; WSATRY_AGAIN : x := 'WSATRY_AGAIN'; WSANO_RECOVERY : x := 'WSANO_RECOVERY'; WSANO_DATA : x := 'WSANO_DATA'; else x := 'Unknown Error'; end; Result := x + ' (' + IntToStr(r) + ')'; end; end.