{ ************************************************************** Package: XWB - Kernel RPCBroker Date Created: Sept 18, 1997 (Version 1.1) Site Name: Oakland, OI Field Office, Dept of Veteran Affairs Developers: Kevin Meldrum, Travis Hilton, Joel Ivey Description: Describes TSharedRPCBroker class. Current Release: Version 1.1 Patch 47 (Jun. 17, 2008)) *************************************************************** } unit SharedRPCBroker; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, RPCSharedBrokerSessionMgr1_TLB_SRB, Trpcb, ActiveX, Extctrls; // TRPCB is only used for data classes like TParams. There is no TRPCBroker dependency. type TLogout = procedure () of object; TOnConnectionDropped = procedure (ConnectionIndex: Integer; ErrorText: WideString) of object; { TOnClientConnected = procedure (uniqueClientId: Integer) of object; TOnClientDisconnected = procedure (uniqueClientId: Integer) of object; } // TSharedBrokerDataCollector is a data container class that collects all RPC call parameters BEFORE // an RPC call is made. When the actual RPC call is made all of the parameters are turned into a WideString // and passed through the Out-of-process COM interface to the TSharedBroker class found in VistASessionMgr.exe. // After the call the results are put back into Results which is a TStrings class like in TRPCBroker. // The parameters are stored in a local TParams member just like in TRPCBroker. // All Connections to the backend Mumps server are done through TSharedBroker which actually instantiates a real // TRPCBroker and uses it for the connection. // Thus this class becomes a Delphi Component that wraps all of the data and keeps performance as high as possible. // If these calls were to be moved into the VistASessionMgr.exe then there would be two major problems // 1. Performance suffers when marshaling data across an out-of-process COM connection // 2. It is impossible to keeps the same Params and Results access interface that exists in TRPCBroker // since the COM interface will not support structured data. { Modified 11/27/2001 jli to TSharedRPCBroker from TSharedBrokerDataCollector, and changed as derived from TRPCBroker instead of TComponent, since other components have properties which are of Type TRPCBroker and the TSharedBrokerDataCollector derived from TComponent can't be used as a value for those properties. } // TSharedBrokerDataCollector = class(TComponent) TSharedRPCBroker = class(TRPCBroker) private { FAccessVerifyCodes: TAccessVerifyCodes; FClearParameters: Boolean; FClearResults: Boolean; FConnected: Boolean; FConnecting: Boolean; FCurrentContext: String; FDebugMode: Boolean; FListenerPort: integer; FParams: TParams; FResults: TStrings; FRemoteProcedure: TRemoteProc; FRpcVersion: TRpcVersion; FServer: TServer; FSocket: integer; FRPCTimeLimit : integer; //for adjusting client RPC duration timeouts FPulse : TTimer; //P6 FKernelLogIn : Boolean; //p13 FLogIn: TVistaLogIn; //p13 FUser: TVistaUser; //p13 FOnRPCBFailure: TOnRPCBFailure; FShowErrorMsgs: TShowErrorMsgs; FRPCBError: String; } FAllowShared: Boolean; FVistaSession: ISharedBroker; // TSharedBroker; FCurrRPCVersion: TRpcVersion; // FOnLogout: TNotifyEvent; FOnLogout: TLogout; FOnConnectionDropped: TOnConnectionDropped; { FOnClientConnected: TOnClientConnected; FOnClientDisconnected: TOnClientDisconnected; } FSinkCookie: LongInt; FKernelLogin: Boolean; FRPCTimeLimit: integer; FSocket: Integer; FRPCBError: String; FOnRPCBFailure: TOnRPCBFailure; FLogin: TVistaLogin; FUser: TVistaUser; protected procedure SetLoginStr(Str: string); virtual; procedure SetUserStr(Str: String); procedure SetConnected(Value: Boolean); override; function GetConnected: Boolean; procedure SetResults(Value: TStrings); override; procedure SetClearParameters(Value: Boolean); override; procedure SetClearResults(Value: Boolean); override; procedure SetRPCTimeLimit(Value: integer); override; //Screen changes to timeout. // procedure SetOnLogout(EventHandler: TNotifyEvent); procedure SetOnLogout(EventHandler: TLogout); function GetRpcVersion:TRpcVersion; procedure SetRpcVersion(version: TRpcVersion); function LoginStr: String; { procedure SetRPC(Value: TRemoteProc); function GetRPC: TRemoteProc; } public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; // procedure OnLogoutEventHandlerDefault(Sender: TObject); virtual; procedure OnLogoutEventHandlerDefault; virtual; procedure OnConnectionDroppedHandler(ConnectionIndex: Integer; ErrorText: WideString); virtual; function GetBrokerConnectionIndexFromUniqueClientId(UniqueClientId: Integer): Integer; property RPCBError: String read FRPCBError write FRPCBError; property OnRPCBFailure: TOnRPCBFailure read FOnRPCBFailure write FOnRPCBFailure; property User: TVistaUser read FUser write FUser; // jli property Login: TVistaLogin read FLogin write FLogin; // jli property OnConnectionDropped: TOnConnectionDropped read FOnConnectionDropped write FOnConnectionDropped; { property OnClientConnected: TOnClientConnected read FOnClientConnected write FOnClientConnected; property OnClientDisconnected: TOnClientDisconnected read FOnClientDisconnected write FOnClientDisconnected; } published // Call is he invocation entry point of the RPC call. // The RPC Name, params, server and listener port must all be set up before // making this call procedure Call; override; // lstCall is similar to the method Call, but puts Results in OutputBuffer // lstCall actually calls Call so it is really more efficient to use the // Call method and get the results from the Results property procedure lstCall(OutputBuffer: TStrings); override; // pchCall makes an RPC call and returns the results in a PChar; // pchCall actually calls the Call method and then converts the results // to PChar before returning. // Making a call to Call and then using the Results property to get // results is more efficient function pchCall: PChar; override; // strCall makes an RPC call and returns the results in a string; // strCall actually calls the Call method and then converts the results // to a string before returning. // Making a call to Call and then using the Results property to get // results is more efficient function strCall: string; override; // CreateContext sets up the context for the RPC call on the M server function CreateContext(strContext: string): boolean; override; { // Server sets the server name or direct IP address // Must be set BEFORE making the connection or the default on the system // will be used property Server: TServer read FServer write FServer; } // AllowShared allows this connection to share with and existing one // Must be set BEFORE making a connection property AllowShared: Boolean read FAllowShared write FAllowShared; { // DebugMode turns the debug mode on or off. // Must be set BEFORE making an RPC Call property DebugMode: boolean read FDebugMode write FDebugMode default False; // ListenerPort sets the listener port on the server // Must be set BEFORE making a connection property ListenerPort: integer read FListenerPort write FListenerPort; // Param accesses the parameters for the RPC call. // Set them BEFORE making the RPC call property Param: TParams read FParams write FParams; // Results contains the results of the most recent RPC call property Results: TStrings read FResults write SetResults; // RemoteProcedure sets the name of the RPC to be made // Set this BEFORE making the Call property RemoteProcedure: TRemoteProc read FRemoteProcedure1 write FRemoteProcedure1; // property RemoteProcedure: TRemoteProc read GetRPC write SetRPC; // The RpcVersion property is used to tell the M server on the other end of the RPCBroker connection // which version of the RPC call it is expecting the M server to service. This is for the Client // to specify. // Note: This is NOT the version of the RPCBroker! property RpcVersion: TRpcVersion read GetRpcVersion write SetRpcVersion; // ClearParameters clears out the params data if set to true so one can start over easily with // new parameters property ClearParameters: boolean read FClearParameters write SetClearParameters; // ClearResults clears out the Results data if set to true. This is from legacy code. In // the current implementation the Results from a recent call overwrite the current Results anyway. property ClearResults: boolean read FClearResults write SetClearResults; } // If Connected is set to True then it makes a BrokerConnection call to the VistASessionMgr. // property Connected: boolean read FConnected write SetConnected; property Connected: boolean read GetConnected write SetConnected default False; // RPCTimeLimit allows the application to change the network operation timeout prior to a call. // This may be useful during times when it is known that a certain RPC, by its nature, // can take a significant amount of time to execute. The value of this property is an // integer that can not be less than 30 seconds nor greater that 32767 seconds. // Care should be taken when altering this value, since the network operation will block // the application until the operation finishes or the timeout is triggered. property RPCTimeLimit : integer read FRPCTimeLimit write SetRPCTimeLimit; // OnLogout sets/gets the OnLogout event handler to be called whenever the VistASessionMgr // logs out. // property OnLogout: TNotifyEvent read FOnLogout write SetOnLogout; property OnLogout: TLogout read FOnLogout write SetOnLogout; property Socket: Integer read FSocket; property KernelLogin: Boolean read FKernelLogin write FKernelLogin default True; // jli end; implementation uses ComObj, MfunStr, SharedRPCBrokerSink, fRPCBErrMsg; const {Keys} REG_BROKER = 'Software\Vista\Broker'; REG_VISTA = 'Software\Vista'; REG_SIGNON = 'Software\Vista\Signon'; REG_SERVERS = 'Software\Vista\Broker\Servers'; procedure TSharedRPCBroker.SetLoginStr(Str: string); function TorF(Value: String): Boolean; begin Result := False; if Value = '1' then Result := True; end; const SEP_FS = #28; SEP_GS = #29; var DivStr: String; StrFS: String; StrGS: String; ModeVal: String; I: Integer; DivisionList: TStringList; begin StrFS := SEP_FS; StrGS := SEP_GS; with FLogin do begin LoginHandle := Piece(Str,StrFS,1); NTToken := Piece(Str,StrFS,2); AccessCode := Piece(Str,StrFS,3); VerifyCode := Piece(Str,StrFS,4); Division := Piece(Str,StrFS,5); ModeVal := Piece(Str,StrFS,6); DivStr := Piece(Str,StrFS,7); MultiDivision := TorF(Piece(Str,StrFS,8)); DUZ := Piece(Str,StrFS,9); PromptDivision := TorF(Piece(Str,StrFS,10)); ErrorText := Piece(Str,StrFS,11); if ModeVal = '1' then Mode := lmAVCodes else if ModeVal = '2' then Mode := lmAppHandle else if ModeVal = '3' then Mode := lmNTToken; if DivStr <> '' then begin DivisionList := TStringList.Create; try I := 1; while Piece(DivStr,StrGS,I) <> '' do begin DivisionList.Add(Piece(DivStr,StrGS,I)); Inc(I); end; // while DivList.Assign(DivisionList); finally DivisionList.Free; end; end; end; // with end; procedure TSharedRPCBroker.SetUserStr(Str: String); const SEP_FS = #28; var VC: String; StrFS: String; begin StrFS := SEP_FS; with User do begin DUZ := Piece(Str,StrFS,1); Name := Piece(Str,StrFS,2); StandardName := Piece(Str,StrFS,3); Division := Piece(Str,StrFS,4); VC := Piece(Str,StrFS,5); Title := Piece(Str,StrFS,6); ServiceSection := Piece(Str,StrFS,7); Language := Piece(Str,StrFS,8); DTime := Piece(Str,StrFS,9); if VC = '0' then VerifyCodeChngd := False else if VC = '1' then VerifyCodeChngd := True; end; // with end; function TSharedRPCBroker.LoginStr: string; function TorF1(Value: Boolean): String; begin Result := '0'; if Value then Result := '1'; end; const SEP_FS = #28; SEP_GS = #29; var Str: String; ModeVal: String; DivLst: String; MultiDiv: String; PromptDiv: String; StrFS, StrGS: String; begin Str := ''; with FLogin do begin StrFS := SEP_FS; StrGS := SEP_GS; ModeVal := ''; if Mode = lmAVCodes then ModeVal := '1' else if Mode = lmAppHandle then ModeVal := '2' else if Mode = lmNTToken then ModeVal := '3'; DivLst := ''; MultiDiv := TorF1(MultiDivision); PromptDiv := TorF1(PromptDivision); Str := LoginHandle + StrFS + NTToken + StrFS + AccessCode + StrFS; Str := Str + VerifyCode + StrFS + Division + StrFS + ModeVal + StrFS; Str := Str + DivLst + StrFS + MultiDiv + StrFS + DUZ + StrFS; Str := Str + PromptDiv + StrFS + ErrorText + StrFS; end; // with Result := Str; end; // Constructor and Destructor implemented here constructor TSharedRPCBroker.Create(AOwner: TComponent); const ProgID = 'RPCSharedBrokerSessionMgr.Application'; //var // brokerError: ISharedBrokerErrorCode; // regResult: WideString; begin inherited Create(AOwner); FConnected := False; DebugMode := False; FParams := TParams.Create(Self); // FResults := TStringList.Create; RpcVersion := '0'; FCurrRpcVersion := '0'; FRPCTimeLimit := MIN_RPCTIMELIMIT; // MIN_RPCTIMELIMIT comes from TRPCBroker (30 seconds) // FAllowShared := False; FOnLogout := OnLogoutEventHandlerDefault; // Supply this one incase the application doesn't FOnConnectionDropped := OnConnectionDroppedHandler; Server := ''; ListenerPort := 0; FKernelLogin := True; // jli FUser := TVistaUser.Create; // jli FLogin := TVistaLogin.Create(Self); // jli // CoInitialize(nil); { try if not (CoInitialize(nil) = S_OK) then ShowMessage('CoInitialize Problem!'); except end; } end; destructor TSharedRPCBroker.Destroy; begin if Connected then // FConnected begin Connected := False; FConnected := False; end; FParams.Free; FParams := nil; { FResults.Free; FResults := nil; } if FVistaSession <> nil then begin // FVistaSession.Free; FVistaSession := nil; end; { FUser.Free; FLogin.Free; } inherited; end; //procedure TSharedRPCBroker.OnLogoutEventHandlerDefault(Sender: TObject); procedure TSharedRPCBroker.OnLogoutEventHandlerDefault; begin // This event handler will get called if the application that uses // this component does not supply one. SendMessage(Application.MainForm.Handle,WM_CLOSE,0,0); end; procedure TSharedRPCBroker.OnConnectionDroppedHandler(ConnectionIndex: Integer; ErrorText: WideString); var Str: String; // BrokerError: EBrokerError; begin Str := ErrorText; RPCBShowErrMsg(ErrorText); // FConnected := False; // Raising an error here returns an error 'The Server Threw an exception' back into the server // BrokerError := EBrokerError.Create(Str); // raise BrokerError; end; // Published Methods implemented here procedure TSharedRPCBroker.Call; const SEP_FS = #28; SEP_GS = #29; SEP_US = #30; SEP_RS = #31; var i, j, ErrCode: Integer; rpcParams, ASub, AVal: string; ReturnedResults: WideString; AnError: EBrokerError; ErrCode1: ISharedBrokerErrorCode; begin try rpcParams := ''; if not Connected then Connected := True; for i := 0 to Pred(Param.Count) do begin case Param[i].PType of literal: rpcParams := rpcParams + 'L' + SEP_FS; reference: rpcParams := rpcParams + 'R' + SEP_FS; list: rpcParams := rpcParams + 'M' + SEP_FS; else rpcParams := rpcParams + 'U' + SEP_FS; end; {case} if Param[i].PType = list then begin for j := 0 to Pred(Param[i].Mult.Count) do begin ASub := Param[i].Mult.Subscript(j); AVal := Param[i].Mult[ASub]; rpcParams := rpcParams + ASub + SEP_US + AVal + SEP_RS; end; rpcParams := rpcParams + SEP_GS; end else begin rpcParams := rpcParams + Param[i].Value + SEP_GS; end; {if Param[i]...else} end; {for i} if RpcVersion <> FCurrRpcVersion then FVistaSession.Set_RPCVersion(RPCVersion); RPCBError := ''; ErrCode1 := FVistaSession.BrokerCall(RemoteProcedure, rpcParams, RPCTimeLimit, ReturnedResults, ErrCode); if ClearParameters = true then Param.Clear; if ErrCode1 = Success then Results.Text := ReturnedResults else begin Results.Text := ''; RPCBError := FVistaSession.RpcbError; if Assigned(FOnRPCBFailure) then // p13 FOnRPCBFailure(Self) // p13 else if ShowErrorMsgs = semRaise then begin AnError := EBrokerError.Create(FRPCBError); raise AnError; end else exit; end; {if ErrCode...else} except on e: Exception do begin AnError := EBrokerError.Create('Error: ' + e.Message); raise AnError; end; end; end; function TSharedRPCBroker.CreateContext(strContext: string): boolean; var Intval: Integer; begin // hides the RPCBroker CreateContext if not Connected then SetConnected(TRUE); // FConnected Intval := FVistaSession.BrokerSetContext(strContext); Result := Intval = 1; end; procedure TSharedRPCBroker.lstCall(OutputBuffer: TStrings); begin Call; OutputBuffer.Text := Results.Text; end; function TSharedRPCBroker.pchCall: PChar; begin Call; Result := Results.GetText; end; function TSharedRPCBroker.strCall: string; begin Call; Result := Results.Text; end; procedure TSharedRPCBroker.SetConnected(Value: Boolean); var uniqueClientId: Integer; brokerError: ISharedBrokerErrorCode; regResult: WideString; CurrWindow: HWND; AnError: EBrokerError; UserStr: String; RPCError: WideString; BrokerErrorVal: EBrokerError; ShowErrMsgs: ISharedBrokerShowErrorMsgs; LoginStrX: WideString; SBSink: TSharedRPCBrokerSink; begin try { call connect method for VistaSession } if Value then begin if FVistaSession = nil then begin FVistaSession := CreateComObject(CLASS_SharedBroker) as ISharedBroker; // TSharedBroker.Create(self); // FVistaSession.Connect; //No need to keep hold of event sink. It will be destroyed //through interface reference counting when the client //disconnects from the server in the form's OnDestroy event handler SBSink := TSharedRPCBrokerSink.Create; SBSink.Broker := Self; InterfaceConnect(FVistaSession, ISharedBrokerEvents, SBSink, FSinkCookie); // ConnectEvents(FVistaSession); { If Assigned(FOnLogout) then FVistaSession.OnLogout := FOnLogout; if Assigned(FOnConnectionDropped) then FVistaSession.OnConnectionDropped := OnConnectionDroppedHandler; } regResult := ''; brokerError := FVistaSession.ReadRegDataDefault(HKLM,REG_BROKER,'ClearParameters','1',regResult); Assert(brokerError = Success); ClearParameters := boolean(StrToInt(regResult)); // FClearParameters brokerError := FVistaSession.ReadRegDataDefault(HKLM,REG_BROKER,'ClearResults','1',regResult); Assert(brokerError = Success); ClearResults := boolean(StrToInt(regResult)); // FClearResults // DebugMode := False; // FParams := TParams.Create(Self); // FResults := TStringList.Create; ??? if Server = '' then begin brokerError := FVistaSession.ReadRegDataDefault(HKLM,REG_BROKER,'Server','BROKERSERVER',regResult); Assert(brokerError = Success); Server := regResult; end; if ListenerPort = 0 then begin brokerError := FVistaSession.ReadRegDataDefault(HKLM,REG_BROKER,'ListenerPort','9000',regResult); Assert(brokerError = Success); ListenerPort := StrToInt(regResult); end; RpcVersion := '0'; // TODO: Remove this when the property is remove. It is UESLESS! // FRPCTimeLimit := MIN_RPCTIMELIMIT; // MIN_RPCTIMELIMIT comes from TRPCBroker (30 seconds) // AllowShared := True; end; if FConnected <> True then // FConnected begin // Connect to the M server through the COm Server CurrWindow := GetActiveWindow; if AccessVerifyCodes <> '' then // p13 handle as AVCode single signon begin Login.AccessCode := Piece(AccessVerifyCodes, ';', 1); Login.VerifyCode := Piece(AccessVerifyCodes, ';', 2); Login.Mode := lmAVCodes; FKernelLogIn := False; end; if ShowErrorMsgs = semRaise then ShowErrMsgs := isemRaise else ShowErrMsgs := isemQuiet; BrokerError := GeneralFailure; LoginStrX := WideString(LoginStr); try brokerError := FVistaSession.BrokerConnect(ParamStr(0),BrokerClient,Server + ':' + IntToStr(ListenerPort), DebugMode, FAllowShared, FKernelLogin, ShowErrMsgs, RPCTimeLimit, LoginStrX, uniqueClientId, RPCError); except end; FRPCBError := RPCError; SetLoginStr(LoginStrX); ShowApplicationAndFocusOK(Application); SetForegroundWindow(CurrWindow); if brokerError = Success then begin FConnected := True; // FConnected FSocket := 1; // temporarily handle socket until it can be pulled from Shared Broker; UserStr := FVistaSession.User; SetUserStr(UserStr); end else begin if Assigned(FOnRPCBFailure) then // p13 FOnRPCBFailure(Self) // p13 else if ShowErrorMsgs = semRaise then begin BrokerErrorVal := EBrokerError.Create(FRPCBError); raise BrokerErrorVal; end; end; end; end else begin if FVistaSession<>nil then begin if FConnected = true then // FConnected begin // Lets make the OnLogout event handler nil to eliminate // circularity problems before we do the disconnects. OnLogout := nil; FVistaSession.BrokerDisconnect; // Disconnect from the Broker // FVistaSession.Disconnect; // Disconnect from the COM server FSocket := 0; // temporarily handle socket until it can be pulled from Shared Broker end; // FVistaSession.Free; InterfaceDisconnect(FVistaSession, ISharedBrokerEvents, FSinkCookie); FVistaSession := nil; end; FConnected := False; // FConnected end; except on e: Exception do begin AnError := EBrokerError.Create('Error: ' + e.Message); raise AnError; end; end; end; procedure TSharedRPCBroker.SetResults(Value: TStrings); begin Results.Assign(Value); // FResults end; procedure TSharedRPCBroker.SetClearParameters(Value: Boolean); begin if Value then Param.Clear; // FParams FClearParameters := Value; // FClearParameters end; procedure TSharedRPCBroker.SetClearResults(Value: Boolean); begin if Value then Results.Clear; // FResults FClearResults := Value; // FClearResults end; procedure TSharedRPCBroker.SetRPCTimeLimit(Value: integer); begin if Value <> RPCTimeLimit then // FRPCTimeLimit if Value > MIN_RPCTIMELIMIT then FRPCTimeLimit := Value // FRPCTimeLimit else FRPCTimeLimit := MIN_RPCTIMELIMIT; // FRPCTimeLimit end; //procedure TSharedRPCBroker.SetOnLogout(EventHandler: TNotifyEvent); procedure TSharedRPCBroker.SetOnLogout(EventHandler: TLogout); begin FOnLogout := EventHandler; // if FVistaSession <> nil then // FVistaSession.OnLogout := FOnLogout; end; function TSharedRPCBroker.GetRpcVersion: TRpcVersion; begin if FVistaSession <> nil then Result := FVistaSession.RPCVersion else Result := '0'; end; procedure TSharedRPCBroker.SetRpcVersion(version: TRpcVersion); begin if FVistaSession <> nil then FVistaSession.RPCVersion:= version; end; function TSharedRPCBroker.GetConnected: Boolean; begin Result := FConnected; end; { procedure TSharedRPCBroker.SetRPC(Value: TRemoteProc); begin RemoteProcedure := Value; end; function TSharedRPCBroker.GetRPC: TRemoteProc; begin Result := FRemoteProcedure1; end; } { procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Kernel', [TSharedBrokerDataCollector]); end; } function TSharedRPCBroker.GetBrokerConnectionIndexFromUniqueClientId(UniqueClientId: Integer): Integer; var ConnectionIndex: Integer; begin ConnectionIndex := -1; if FVistaSession <> nil then FVistaSession.GetActiveBrokerConnectionIndexFromUniqueClientId(UniqueClientId, ConnectionIndex); Result := ConnectionIndex; end; end.