{ ************************************************************** Package: XWB - Kernel RPCBroker Date Created: Sept 18, 1997 (Version 1.1) Site Name: Oakland, OI Field Office, Dept of Veteran Affairs Developers: Danila Manapsal, Don Craven, Joel Ivey Description: Contains utilities used by the BDK. Current Release: Version 1.1 Patch 47 (Jun. 17, 2008)) *************************************************************** } unit Xwbut1; interface Uses Sysutils, Classes, Messages, WinProcs, IniFiles, Dialogs, Registry; const xwb_ConnectAction = wm_User + 200; IniFile = 'VISTA.INI'; BrokerSection = 'RPCBroker'; BrokerServerSection = 'RPCBroker_Servers'; TAB = #9; {For Registry interaction} {Roots} HKCR = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; HKCU = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; HKLM = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; HKU = HKEY_USERS; HKCC = HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG; HKDD = HKEY_DYN_DATA; {Keys} REG_BROKER = 'Software\Vista\Broker'; REG_VISTA = 'Software\Vista'; REG_SIGNON = 'Software\Vista\Signon'; REG_SERVERS = 'Software\Vista\Broker\Servers'; var RetryLimit: integer; function BuildSect(s1: string; s2: string): string; procedure GetHostList(HostList: TStrings); function GetHostsPath : String; function GetIniValue(Value, Default: string): string; function Iff(Condition: boolean; strTrue, strFalse: string): string; function Sizer (s1: string; s2: string): string; function ReadRegData(Root : HKEY; Key, Name : string) : string; procedure WriteRegData(Root: HKEY; Key, Name, Value : string); procedure DeleteRegData(Root: HKEY; Key, Name : string); function ReadRegDataDefault(Root: HKEY; Key, Name, Default : string) : string; procedure ReadRegValues(Root: HKEY; Key : string; var RegValues : TStringList); procedure ReadRegValueNames(Root:HKEY; Key : string; var RegNames : TStringlist); implementation {---------------------------- BuildSect --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------} Function BuildSect(s1: string; s2: string): string; var s, x: string[100]; begin if s2 <> '' then s := s1 + s2 else s := s1; x := IntToStr(length(s)); if length(x) = 1 then x := '00' + x; if length(x) = 2 then x := '0' + x; Result := x + s; end; {--------------------------- GetHostList -------------------------- Reads HOSTS file and fills the passed HostList with all entries from that file. ------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure GetHostList(HostList: TStrings); var I, SpacePos: integer; IP, HostName: string; S : string; //Individual line from Hosts file. WholeList: TStringList; begin HostList.Clear; WholeList := nil; try WholeList := TStringList.Create; {create temp buffer} WholeList.LoadFromFile(GetHostsPath + '\HOSTS'); {read in the file} for I := 0 to WholeList.Count - 1 do begin S := WholeList[I]; {ignore lines that start with '#' and empty lines} if (Copy(S,1,1) <> '#') and (Length(S) > 0) then begin while Pos(TAB, S) > 0 do //Convert tabs to spaces S[Pos(TAB, S)] := ' '; IP := Copy(S,1,pos(' ', S)-1); {get IP addr} {parse out Host name} SpacePos := Length(IP) + 1; while Copy(S,SpacePos,1) = ' ' do inc(SpacePos); HostName := Copy(S,SpacePos,255); if pos(' ',HostName) > 0 then HostName := Copy(HostName,1,pos(' ',HostName)-1); if pos('#',HostName) > 0 then HostName := Copy(HostName,1,pos('#',HostName)-1); HostList.Add(HostName+' [' + IP + ']'); end{if}; end{for}; finally WholeList.Free; end{try}; end; {GetHostsPath returns path to host file without terminating '\'. If path in VISTA.INI that is used. Otherwise, path is determined based on default windows directory and Windows OS.} function GetHostsPath : String; var OsInfo : TOSVersionInfo; //Type for OS info HostsPath : String; WinDir : PChar; begin Result := ''; OSInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(OsInfo); GetVersionEx(OSInfo); // Retrieve OS info WinDir := StrAlloc(MAX_PATH + 1); GetWindowsDirectory(WinDir, MAX_PATH); //Retieve windows directory HostsPath := StrPas(WinDir); StrDispose(WinDir); {Now check OS. VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS indicates Windows 95. If Windows 95, hosts default directory is windows directory. Else assume NT and append NT's directory for hosts to windows directory.} if OSInfo.dwPlatformID <> VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS then HostsPath := HostsPath + '\system32\drivers\etc'; HostsPath := GetIniValue('HostsPath',HostsPath); if Copy(HostsPath, Length(HostsPath), 1) = '\' then //Strip terminating '\' HostsPath := Copy(HostsPath, 1, Length(HostsPath)-1); Result := HostsPath; end; {-------------------------- GetIniValue -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------} function GetIniValue(Value, Default: string): string; var DhcpIni: TIniFile; pchWinDir: array[0..100] of char; begin GetWindowsDirectory(pchWinDir, SizeOf(pchWinDir)); DhcpIni := TIniFile.Create(IniFile); Result := DhcpIni.ReadString(BrokerSection, Value, 'Could not find!'); if Result = 'Could not find!' then begin if ((Value <> 'Installing') and (GetIniValue('Installing','0') <> '1')) then {during Broker install Installing=1 so warnings should not display} begin DhcpIni.WriteString(BrokerSection, Value, Default); {Creates vista.ini if necessary} end; Result := Default; end; DhcpIni.Free; end; {------------------------------ Iff ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------} function Iff(Condition: boolean; strTrue, strFalse: string): string; begin if Condition then Result := strTrue else Result := strFalse; end; {------------------------------ Sizer ----------------------------- This function is used in conjunction with the ListSetUp function. It returns the number of characters found in the string passed in. The string is returned with a leading 0 for the 3 character number format required by the broker call. ------------------------------------------------------------------} function Sizer (s1: string; s2: string): string; var x: integer; st: string; begin st := s1 + s2; x := Length(st); st := IntToStr(x); if length(st) < 3 then Result := '0' + st else Result := st; end; {Function to retrieve a data value from the Windows Registry. If Key or Name does not exist, null returned.} function ReadRegData(Root: HKEY; Key, Name : string) : string; var Registry: TRegistry; begin Result := ''; Registry := TRegistry.Create; try Registry.RootKey := Root; if Registry.OpenKeyReadOnly(Key) then begin Result := Registry.ReadString(Name); Registry.CloseKey; end; finally Registry.Free; end; end; {Function to set a data value into the Windows Registry. If Key or Name does not exist, it is created.} procedure WriteRegData(Root: HKEY; Key, Name, Value : string); var Registry: TRegistry; begin Registry := TRegistry.Create; try Registry.RootKey := Root; if Registry.OpenKey(Key, True) then begin Registry.WriteString(Name, Value); Registry.CloseKey; end; finally Registry.Free; end; end; {Procedure to delete a data value into the Windows Registry.} procedure DeleteRegData(Root: HKEY; Key, Name : string); var Registry: TRegistry; begin Registry := TRegistry.Create; try Registry.RootKey := Root; if Registry.OpenKey(Key, True) then begin Registry.DeleteValue(Name); Registry.CloseKey; end; finally Registry.Free; end; end; {Returns string value from registry. If value is '', then Default value is filed in Registry and Default is returned.} function ReadRegDataDefault(Root: HKEY; Key, Name, Default : string) : string; begin Result := ReadRegData(Root, Key, Name); if Result = '' then begin WriteRegData(Root, Key, Name, Default); Result := Default; end; end; {Returns name=value pairs for a key. Format returned same as found in .ini files. Useful with the Values method of TStringList.} procedure ReadRegValues(Root: HKEY; Key : string; var RegValues : TStringList); var RegNames : TStringList; Registry : TRegistry; i : integer; begin RegNames := TStringlist.Create; Registry := TRegistry.Create; try Registry.RootKey := Root; if Registry.OpenKeyReadOnly(Key) then begin Registry.GetValueNames(RegNames); for i := 0 to (RegNames.Count - 1) do RegValues.Add(RegNames.Strings[i] + '=' + Registry.ReadString(RegNames.Strings[i])); end else RegValues.Add(''); finally Registry.Free; RegNames.Free; end; end; procedure ReadRegValueNames(Root:HKEY; Key : string; var RegNames : TStringlist); var Registry : TRegistry; ReturnedNames : TStringList; begin RegNames.Clear; Registry := TRegistry.Create; ReturnedNames := TStringList.Create; try Registry.RootKey := Root; if Registry.OpenKeyReadOnly(Key) then begin Registry.GetValueNames(ReturnedNames); RegNames.Assign(ReturnedNames); end; finally Registry.Free; ReturnedNames.Free; end; end; end.