{ ************************************************************** Package: XWB - Kernel RPCBroker Date Created: Sept 18, 1997 (Version 1.1) Site Name: Oakland, OI Field Office, Dept of Veteran Affairs Developers: Danila Manapsal, Don Craven, Joel Ivey Description: manages Winsock connections and creates/parses messages Current Release: Version 1.1 Patch 47 (Jun. 17, 2008) *************************************************************** } unit Wsockc; { Changes in v1.1.13 (JLI -- 8/23/00) -- XWB*1.1*13 Made changes to cursor dependent on current cursor being crDefault so that the application can set it to a different cursor for long or repeated processes without the cursor 'flashing' repeatedly. Changes in v1.1.8 (REM -- 6/18/99) -- XWB*1.1*8 Update version 'BrokerVer'. Changes in v1.1.6 (DPC -- 6/7/99) -- XWB*1.1*6 In tCall function, made changing cursor to hourglass conditional: don't do it if XWB IM HERE RPC is being invoked. Changes in V1.1.4 (DCM - 9/18/98)-XWB*1.1*4 1. Changed the ff line in NetStart from: if inet_addr(PChar(Server)) <> INADDR_NONE then to if inet_addr(PChar(Server)) <> longint(INADDR_NONE) then Reason: true 64 bit types in Delphi 4 2. Changed the ff line in NetStart from: $else hSocket := accept(hSocketListen, DHCPHost, AddrLen);{ -- returns new socket to $else hSocket := accept(hSocketListen, @DHCPHost, @AddrLen);{ -- returns new socket Reason: Incompatible types when recompiling 3. In NetStop, if socket <= 0, restore the default cursor. Reason: Gave the impression of a busy process after the Kernel login process timesout. Changes in V1.1T3 [Feb 5, 1997] 1. Connect string now includes workstation name. This is used by kernel security. 2. Code is 32bit compliant for Delphi 2.0 3. A great majority of PChars changed to default string (ansi-string) 4. Reading is done in 32k chunks during a loop. Intermediate data is buffered into a string. At the end, a PChar is allocated and returned to maintain compatibility with the original broker interface. It is expected that shortly this will change once the broker component changes its usage of tcall to expect a string return. Total read can now exceed 32K up to workstation OS limits. 5. Creation of Hostent and Address structures has been streamlined. Changes in V1.0T12 1. Inclusion of hSocket as a parameter on most API calls Changes in V1.0T11 1. Reference parameter type is included. i.e. $J will be evaluated rather than sending "$J". 2. Fully integrated with the TRPCB component interface. 3. This low level module is now called from an intermediate DLL. Changes in V1.0T10 1. Fixed various memory leaks. Changes in V1.0T9 1. Supports word processing fields. 2. Added a new exception type EBrokerError. This is raised when errors occur in NetCall, NetworkConnect, and NetworkDisconnect Changes in V1.0T8 1. Fix a problem in BuildPar in the case of a single list parameter with many entries. 2. List parameters (arrays) can be large up to 65520 bytes 3. Introduction of sCallV and tCallV which use the Delphi Pascal open array syntax (sCallFV and tCallV developed by Kevin Meldrum) 4. A new brokerDataRec type, null has been introduced to represent M calls with no parameters, i.e. D FUN^LIB(). 5. If you want to send a null parameter "", i.e. D FUN^LIB(""), Value should be set to ''. 6. Fixed bug where a single ^ passed to sCall would generate error (confused as a global reference. 7. Fixed a bug where a first position dot (.) in a literal parameter would cause an error at the server end. 8. Fixed a bug where null strings (as white space in a memo box for example) would not be correctly received at the server. Changes in V1.0T7 1. Procedure NetworkConnect has been changed to Function NetworkConnect returning BOOL 2. global variable IsConnected (BOOL) can be used to determine connection state 3. Function cRight has been fixed to preserve head pointer to input PChar string 4. New message format which includes length calculations for input parameters ******************************************************************* A 32-bit high level interface to the Winsock API in Delphi Pascal. This implementation allows communications between Delphi forms and DHCP back end servers through the use of the DHCP Request Broker. Usage: Put wsock in your Uses clause of your Delphi form. See additional specs for Request Broker message formats, etc. Programmer: Enrique Gomez - VA San Francisco ISC - April 1995 } interface Uses SysUtils, winsock, xwbut1, WinProcs, Wintypes, classes, dialogs, forms, controls, stdctrls, ClipBrd, Trpcb, RpcbErr; type TXWBWinsock = class(TObject) private FCountWidth: Integer; FIsBackwardsCompatible: Boolean; FOldConnectionOnly: Boolean; public XNetCallPending, xFlush: boolean; SocketError, XHookTimeOut: integer; XNetTimerStart: TDateTime; BROKERSERVER: string; SecuritySegment, ApplicationSegment: string; IsConnected: Boolean; IsNewStyle: Boolean; // 060919 added to support multiple brokers with both old and new type connections Prefix: String; // NetBlockingHookVar: Function(): Bool; export; function NetCall(hSocket: integer; imsg: string): PChar; function tCall(hSocket: integer; api, apVer: String; Parameters: TParams; var Sec, App: PChar; TimeOut: integer): PChar; function cRight( z: PChar; n: longint): PChar; function cLeft( z: PChar; n: longint): PChar; function BuildApi ( n,p: string; f: longint): string; function BuildHdr ( wkid: string; winh: string; prch: string; wish: string): string; function BuildPar(hSocket: integer; api, RPCVer: string; const Parameters: TParams): string; function StrPack ( n: string; p: integer): string; function VarPack(n: string): string; function NetStart(ForegroundM: boolean; Server: string; ListenerPort: integer; var hSocket: integer): integer; function NetworkConnect(ForegroundM: boolean; Server: string; ListenerPort, TimeOut: integer): Integer; function libSynGetHostIP(s: string): string; function libNetCreate (lpWSData : TWSAData) : integer; function libNetDestroy: integer; function GetServerPacket(hSocket: integer): string; // function NetBlockingHook: BOOL; export; procedure NetworkDisconnect(hSocket: integer); procedure NetStop(hSocket: integer); procedure CloseSockSystem(hSocket: integer; s: string); constructor Create; procedure NetError(Action: string; ErrType: integer); function NetStart1(ForegroundM: boolean; Server: string; ListenerPort: integer; var hSocket: integer): Integer; virtual; function BuildPar1(hSocket: integer; api, RPCVer: string; const Parameters: TParams): String; virtual; property CountWidth: Integer read FCountWidth write FCountWidth; property IsBackwardsCompatible: Boolean read FIsBackwardsCompatible write FIsBackwardsCompatible; property OldConnectionOnly: Boolean read FOldConnectionOnly write FOldConnectionOnly; end; function LPack(Str: String; NDigits: Integer): String; function SPack(Str: String): String; function NetBlockingHook: BOOL; export; // 080619 function to get socket port number function NewSocket(): Integer; var HookTimeOut: Integer; NetCallPending: Boolean; NetTimerStart: TDateTime; Const WINSOCK1_1 = $0101; DHCP_NAME = 'BROKERSERVER'; M_DEBUG = True; M_NORMAL = False; BrokerVer = '1.108'; Buffer64K = 65520; Buffer32K = 32767; Buffer24K = 24576; Buffer16K = 16384; Buffer8K = 8192; Buffer4K = 4096; DefBuffer = 256; DebugOn: boolean = False; XWBBASEERR = {WSABASEERR + 1} 20000; {Broker Application Error Constants} XWB_NO_HEAP = XWBBASEERR + 1; XWB_M_REJECT = XWBBASEERR + 2; XWB_BadSignOn = XWBBASEERR + 4; XWB_BadReads = XWBBASEERR + 8; XWB_ExeNoMem = XWBBASEERR + 100; XWB_ExeNoFile = XWB_ExeNoMem + 2; XWB_ExeNoPath = XWB_ExeNoMem + 3; XWB_ExeShare = XWB_ExeNoMem + 5; XWB_ExeSepSeg = XWB_ExeNoMem + 6; XWB_ExeLoMem = XWB_ExeNoMem + 8; XWB_ExeWinVer = XWB_ExeNoMem + 10; XWB_ExeBadExe = XWB_ExeNoMem + 11; XWB_ExeDifOS = XWB_ExeNoMem + 12; XWB_RpcNotReg = XWBBASEERR + 201; implementation uses fDebugInfo; {P36} //, TRPCB; // 060919 removed to support multiple brokers with both old and new type connections //var // Prefix: String; // 060919 end of removal { function LPack Prepends the length of the string in NDigits characters to the value of Str e.g., LPack('DataValue',4) returns '0009DataValue' } function LPack(Str: String; NDigits: Integer): String; Var r: Integer; t: String; Width: Integer; Ex1: Exception; begin r := Length(Str); // check for enough space in NDigits characters t := IntToStr(r); Width := Length(t); if NDigits < Width then begin Ex1 := Exception.Create('In generation of message to server, call to LPack where Length of string of '+IntToStr(Width)+' chars exceeds number of chars for output length ('+IntToStr(NDigits)+')'); Raise Ex1; end; t := '000000000' + IntToStr(r); {eg 11-1-96} Result := Copy(t, length(t)-(NDigits-1),length(t)) + Str; end; { function SPack Prepends the length of the string in one byte to the value of Str, thus Str must be less than 256 characters. e.g., SPack('DataValue') returns #9 + 'DataValue' } function SPack(Str: String): String; Var r: Integer; Ex1: Exception; begin r := Length(Str); // check for enough space in one byte if r > 255 then begin Ex1 := Exception.Create('In generation of message to server, call to SPack with Length of string of '+IntToStr(r)+' chars which exceeds max of 255 chars'); Raise Ex1; end; // t := Byte(r); Result := Char(r) + Str; end; function TXWBWinsock.libNetCreate (lpWSData : TWSAData) : integer; begin Result := WSAStartup(WINSOCK1_1, lpWSData); {hard coded for Winsock version 1.1} end; function TXWBWinsock.libNetDestroy :integer; begin WSAUnhookBlockingHook; { -- restore the default mechanism}; WSACleanup; { -- shutdown TCP API}; Result := 1; end; function TXWBWinsock.libSynGetHostIP(s: string): string; var HostName: PChar; HostAddr: TSockAddr; TCPResult: PHostEnt; test: longint; ChangeCursor: Boolean; begin { -- set up a hook for blocking calls so there is no automatic DoEvents in the background } xFlush := False; NetTimerStart := Now; NetCallPending := True; HookTimeOut := XHookTimeOut; WSASetBlockingHook(@NetBlockingHook); if Screen.Cursor = crDefault then ChangeCursor := True else ChangeCursor := False; if ChangeCursor then Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; HostName := StrNew(PChar(s)); test := inet_addr(HostName); if test > INADDR_ANY then begin Result := s; StrDispose(Hostname); if ChangeCursor then Screen.Cursor := crDefault; exit; end; try begin TCPResult := gethostbyname(HostName); if TCPResult = nil then begin if ChangeCursor then Screen.Cursor := crDefault; WSAUnhookBlockingHook; Result := ''; StrDispose(HostName); exit; end; HostAddr.sin_addr.S_addr := longint(plongint(TCPResult^.h_addr_list^)^); end; except on EInvalidPointer do begin Result := ''; Screen.Cursor := crDefault; StrDispose(HostName); exit; end; end; if ChangeCursor then Screen.Cursor := crDefault; WSAUnhookBlockingHook; Result := StrPas(inet_ntoa(HostAddr.sin_addr)); StrDispose(HostName); end; function TXWBWinsock.cRight; var i,t: longint; begin t := strlen(z); if n < t then begin for i := 0 to n do z[i] := z[t-n+i]; z[n] := chr(0); end; cRight := z; end; function TXWBWinsock.cLeft; var t: longint; begin t := strlen(z); if n > t then n := t; z[n] := chr(0); cLeft := z; end; function TXWBWinsock.BuildApi ( n,p: string; f: longint): string; Var x,s: string; begin str(f,x); s := StrPack(p,5); result := StrPack(x + n + '^' + s,5); end; function TXWBWinsock.NetworkConnect(ForegroundM: boolean; Server: string; ListenerPort, TimeOut: integer): Integer; var status: integer; hSocket: integer; BrokerError: EBrokerError; begin Prefix := '[XWB]'; IsNewStyle := true; xFlush := False; IsConnected := False; XHookTimeOut := TimeOut; if not OldConnectionOnly then try status := NetStart(ForeGroundM, server, ListenerPort, hSocket); except on E: EBrokerError do begin if IsBackwardsCompatible then // remove DSM specific error message, and just go with any error begin status := NetStart1(ForeGroundM, server, ListenerPort, hSocket); end else if ((Pos('connection lost',E.Message) > 0) // DSM or ((Pos('recv',E.Message) > 0) and (Pos('WSAECONNRESET',E.Message) > 0))) then // Cache begin BrokerError := EBrokerError.Create('Broker requires a UCX or single connection protocol and this port uses the callback protocol.'+' The application is specified to be non-backwards compatible. Installing patch XWB*1.1*35 and activating this port number for UCX connections will correct the problem.'); raise BrokerError; end else raise; end; end else // OldConnectionOnly status := NetStart1(ForeGroundM, server, ListenerPort, hSocket); if status = 0 then IsConnected := True; Result := hSocket; {return the newly established socket} end; procedure TXWBWinsock.NetworkDisconnect(hSocket: integer); begin xFlush := False; if IsConnected then try NetStop(hSocket); except on EBrokerError do begin SocketError := WSAUnhookBlockingHook; { -- rest deflt mechanism} SocketError := WSACleanup; { -- shutdown TCP API} end; end; end; function TXWBWinsock.BuildHdr ( wkid: string; winh: string; prch: string; wish: string): string; Var t: string; begin t := wkid + ';' + winh + ';' + prch + ';' + wish + ';'; Result := StrPack(t,3); end; function TXWBWinsock.BuildPar(hSocket: integer; api, RPCVer: string; const Parameters: TParams): string; var i,ParamCount: integer; param: string; tResult: string; subscript: string; IsSeen: Boolean; BrokerError: EBrokerError; Str: String; begin param := '5'; if Parameters = nil then ParamCount := 0 else ParamCount := Parameters.Count; for i := 0 to ParamCount - 1 do begin if Parameters[i].PType <> undefined then begin // Make sure that new parameter types are only used with non-callback server. if IsBackwardsCompatible and ((Parameters[i].PType = global) or (Parameters[i].PType = empty) or (Parameters[i].PType = stream)) then begin if Parameters[i].PType = global then Str := 'global' else if Parameters[i].PType = empty then Str := 'empty' else Str := 'stream'; BrokerError := EBrokerError.Create('Use of ' + Str + ' parameter type requires setting the TRPCBroker IsBackwardsCompatible property to FALSE'); raise BrokerError; end; with Parameters[i] do begin // if PType= null then // param:=''; if PType = literal then param := param + '0'+LPack(Value,CountWidth)+'f'; // 030107 new message protocol if PType = reference then param := param + '1'+LPack(Value,CountWidth)+'f'; // 030107 new message protocol if PType = empty then param := param + '4f'; if (PType = list) or (PType = global) then begin if PType = list then // 030107 new message protocol param := param + '2' else param := param + '3'; IsSeen := False; subscript := Mult.First; while subscript <> '' do begin if IsSeen then param := param + 't'; if Mult[subscript] = '' then Mult[subscript] := #1; param := param + LPack(subscript,CountWidth)+LPack(Mult[subscript],CountWidth); IsSeen := True; subscript := Mult.Order(subscript,1); end; // while subscript <> '' if not IsSeen then // 040922 added to take care of list/global parameters with no values param := param + LPack('',CountWidth); param := param + 'f'; end; if PType = stream then begin param := param + '5' + LPack(Value,CountWidth) + 'f'; end; end; // with Parameters[i] do end; // if Parameters[i].PType <> undefined end; // for i := 0 if param = '5' then param := param + '4f'; tresult := Prefix + '11' + IntToStr(CountWidth) + '0' + '2' + SPack(RPCVer) + SPack(api) + param + #4; // Application.ProcessMessages; // removed 040716 jli not needed and may impact some programs Result := tresult; end; { // previous message protocol sin := TStringList.Create; sin.clear; x := ''; param := ''; arr := 0; if Parameters = nil then ParamCount := 0 else ParamCount := Parameters.Count; for i := 0 to ParamCount - 1 do if Parameters[i].PType <> undefined then begin with Parameters[i] do begin // if PType= null then // param:=''; if PType = literal then param := param + strpack('0' + Value,3); if PType = reference then param := param + strpack('1' + Value,3); if (PType = list) or (PType = global) then begin Value := '.x'; param := param + strpack('2' + Value,3); if Pos('.',Value) >0 then x := Copy(Value,2,length(Value)); // if PType = wordproc then dec(last); subscript := Mult.First; while subscript <> '' do begin if Mult[subscript] = '' then Mult[subscript] := #1; sin.Add(StrPack(subscript,3) + StrPack(Mult[subscript],3)); subscript := Mult.Order(subscript,1); end; // while sin.Add('000'); arr := 1; end; // if end; // with end; // if param := Copy(param,1,Length(param)); tsize := 0; tResult := ''; tout := ''; hdr := BuildHdr('XWB','','',''); strout := strpack(hdr + BuildApi(api,param,arr),5); num :=0; RPCVersion := ''; RPCVersion := VarPack(RPCVer); if sin.Count-1 > 0 then num := sin.Count-1; if num > 0 then begin for i := 0 to num do tsize := tsize + length(sin.strings[i]); x := '00000' + IntToStr(tsize + length(strout)+ length(RPCVersion)); end; if num = 0 then begin x := '00000' + IntToStr(length(strout)+ length(RPCVersion)); end; psize := x; psize := Copy(psize,length(psize)-5,5); tResult := psize; tResult := ConCat(tResult, RPCVersion); tout := strout; tResult := ConCat(tResult, tout); if num > 0 then begin for i := 0 to num do tResult := ConCat(tResult, sin.strings[i]); end; sin.free; frmBrokerExample.Edit1.Text := tResult; Result := tResult; // return result end; } function TXWBWinsock.StrPack(n: string; p: integer): String; Var s,l: integer; t,x,zero: shortstring; y: string; begin s := Length(n); fillchar(zero,p+1, '0'); SetLength(zero, p); str(s,x); t := zero + x; l := length(x)+1; y := Copy(t, l , p); y := y + n; Result := y; end; function TXWBWinsock.VarPack(n: string): string; var s: integer; begin if n = '' then n := '0'; s := Length(n); SetLength(Result, s+2); Result := '|' + chr(s) + n; end; const OneSecond = 0.000011574; function NetBlockingHook: BOOL; var TimeOut: double; //TimeOut = 30 * OneSecond; begin if HookTimeOut > 0 then TimeOut := HookTimeOut * OneSecond else TimeOut := OneSecond / 20; Result := False; if NetCallPending then if Now > (NetTimerStart + TimeOut) then WSACancelBlockingCall; end; function TXWBWinsock.NetCall(hSocket: integer; imsg: string): PChar; var // I: Integer; BufSend, BufRecv, BufPtr: PChar; sBuf: string; OldTimeOut: integer; BytesRead, BytesLeft, BytesTotal: longint; TryNumber: Integer; BadXfer: Boolean; xString: String; begin { -- clear receive buffer prior to sending rpc } if xFlush = True then begin OldTimeOut := HookTimeOut; HookTimeOut := 0; WSASetBlockingHook(@NetBlockingHook); NetCallPending := True; BufRecv := StrAlloc(Buffer32k); NetTimerStart := Now; BytesRead := recv(hSocket, BufRecv^, Buffer32k, 0); if BytesRead > 0 then while BufRecv[BytesRead-1] <> #4 do begin BytesRead := recv(hSocket, BufRecv^, Buffer32k, 0); end; StrDispose(BufRecv); xFlush := False; //Buf := nil; //P14 HookTimeOut := OldTimeOut; end; { -- provide variables for blocking hook } TryNumber := 0; BadXfer := True; { -- send message length + message to server } BufRecv := StrAlloc(Buffer32k); try // BufRecv if Prefix = '[XWB]' then BufSend := StrNew(PChar({Prefix +} imsg)) //; //moved in P14 else BufSend := StrNew(PChar({Prefix +} imsg)); try // BufSend Result := PChar(''); while BadXfer and (TryNumber < 4) do begin NetCallPending := True; NetTimerStart := Now; TryNumber := TryNumber + 1; BadXfer := False; SocketError := send(hSocket, BufSend^, StrLen(BufSend), 0); if SocketError = SOCKET_ERROR then NetError('send', 0); BufRecv[0] := #0; try BufPtr := BufRecv; BytesLeft := Buffer32k; BytesTotal := 0; {Get Security and Application packets} SecuritySegment := GetServerPacket(hSocket); ApplicationSegment := GetServerPacket(hSocket); sBuf := ''; { -- loop reading TCP buffer until server is finished sending reply } repeat BytesRead := recv(hSocket, BufPtr^, BytesLeft, 0); if BytesRead > 0 then begin if BufPtr[BytesRead-1] = #4 then begin sBuf := ConCat(sBuf, BufPtr); end else begin BufPtr[BytesRead] := #0; sBuf := ConCat(sBuf, BufPtr); end; Inc(BytesTotal, BytesRead); end; if BytesRead <= 0 then begin if BytesRead = SOCKET_ERROR then NetError('recv', 0) else NetError('connection lost', 0); break; end; until BufPtr[BytesRead-1] = #4; sBuf := Copy(sBuf, 1, BytesTotal - 1); { StrDispose(BufRecv); BufRecv := StrAlloc(BytesTotal+1); // cause of many memory leaks StrCopy(BufRecv, PChar(sBuf)); Result := BufRecv; } Result := StrAlloc(BytesTotal+1); StrCopy(Result, PChar(sBuf)); if ApplicationSegment = 'U411' then BadXfer := True; NetCallPending := False; finally sBuf := ''; end; end; finally // BufSend StrDispose(BufSend); end; if BadXfer then begin // StrDispose(BufRecv); NetError(StrPas('Repeated Incomplete Reads on the server'), XWB_BadReads); Result := StrNew(''); end; { -- if there was on error on the server, display the error code } if Result[0] = #24 then begin xString := StrPas(@Result[1]); // StrDispose(BufRecv); NetError(xString, XWB_M_REJECT); // NetCall := #0; Result := StrNew(''); end; finally StrDispose(BufRecv); end; end; function TXWBWinsock.tCall(hSocket: integer; api, apVer: String; Parameters: TParams; var Sec , App: PChar; TimeOut: integer ): PChar; var tmp: string; ChangeCursor: Boolean; begin HookTimeOut := TimeOut; if (string(Api) <> 'XWB IM HERE') and (Screen.Cursor = crDefault) then ChangeCursor := True else ChangeCursor := False; if ChangeCursor then Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; //P6 if Prefix = '[XWB]' then tmp := BuildPar(hSocket, api, apVer, Parameters) else tmp := BuildPar1(hSocket, api, apVer, Parameters); // xFlush := True; // Have it clear input buffers prior to call Result := NetCall(hSocket, tmp); StrPCopy(Sec, SecuritySegment); StrPCopy(App, ApplicationSegment); if ChangeCursor then Screen.Cursor := crDefault; end; function TXWBWinsock.NetStart (ForegroundM: boolean; Server: string; ListenerPort: integer; var hSocket: integer): integer; Var WinSockData: TWSADATA; LocalHost, DHCPHost: TSockAddr; LocalName, workstation, pDHCPName: string; y, tmp, upArrow, rAccept, rLost: string; tmpPchar: PChar; pLocalname: array [0..255] of char; r: integer; HostBuf,DHCPBuf: PHostEnt; lin: TLinger; s_lin: array [0..3] of char absolute lin; ChangeCursor: Boolean; begin { ForegroundM is a boolean value, TRUE means the M handling process is running interactively a pointer rather than passing address length by value) } { -- initialize Windows Sockets API for this task } if Screen.Cursor = crDefault then ChangeCursor := True else ChangeCursor := False; if ChangeCursor then Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; upArrow := string('^'); rAccept := string('accept'); rLost := string('(connection lost)'); SocketError := WSAStartup(WINSOCK1_1, WinSockData); If SocketError >0 Then NetError( 'WSAStartup',0); { -- set up a hook for blocking calls so there is no automatic DoEvents in the background } NetCallPending := False; if ForeGroundM = False then if WSASetBlockingHook(@NetBlockingHook) = nil then NetError('WSASetBlockingHook',0); { -- establish HostEnt and Address structure for local machine} SocketError := gethostname(pLocalName, 255); { -- name of local system} If SocketError >0 Then NetError ('gethostname (local)',0); HostBuf := gethostbyname(pLocalName); { -- info for local name} If HostBuf = nil Then NetError( 'gethostbyname',0); LocalHost.sin_addr.S_addr := longint(plongint(HostBuf^.h_addr_list^)^); LocalName := inet_ntoa(LocalHost.sin_addr); workstation := string(HostBuf.h_name); { -- establish HostEnt and Address structure for remote machine } if inet_addr(PChar(Server)) <> longint(INADDR_NONE) then begin DHCPHost.sin_addr.S_addr := inet_addr(PChar(Server)); DHCPBuf := gethostbyaddr(@DHCPHost.sin_addr.S_addr,sizeof(DHCPHost),PF_INET); end else DHCPBuf := gethostbyname(PChar(Server)); { -- info for DHCP system} If DHCPBuf = nil Then begin { modification to take care of problems with 10-dot addresses that weren't registered - solution found by Shawn Hardenbrook } // NetError ('Error Identifying Remote Host ' + Server,0); // NetStart := 10001; // exit; DHCPHost.sin_addr.S_addr := inet_addr(PChar(Server)); pDHCPName := 'UNKNOWN'; end else begin; DHCPHost.sin_addr.S_addr := longint(plongint(DHCPBuf^.h_addr_list^)^); pDHCPName := inet_ntoa(DHCPHost.sin_addr); end; DHCPHost.sin_family := PF_INET; { -- internet address type} DHCPHost.sin_port := htons(ListenerPort); { -- port to connect to} { -- make connection to DHCP } hSocket := socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); If hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET Then NetError( 'socket',0); SocketError := connect(hSocket, DHCPHost, SizeOf(DHCPHost)); If SocketError = SOCKET_ERROR Then NetError( 'connect',0); HookTimeOut := 30; { -- remove setup of hSocketListen // establish local IP now that connection is done AddrLen := SizeOf(LocalHost); SocketError := getsockname(hSocket, LocalHost, AddrLen); if SocketError = SOCKET_ERROR then NetError ('getsockname',0); LocalName := inet_ntoa(LocalHost.sin_addr); // -- set up listening socket for DHCP return connect hSocketListen := socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); // -- new socket If hSocketListen = INVALID_SOCKET Then NetError ('socket (listening)',0); LocalHost.sin_family := PF_INET; // -- internet address type LocalHost.sin_port := 0; // -- local listening port SocketError := bind(hSocketListen, LocalHost, SizeOf(LocalHost)); // -- bind socket to address If SocketError = SOCKET_ERROR Then NetError( 'bind',0); AddrLen := sizeof(LocalHost); SocketError := getsockname(hSocketListen, LocalHost, AddrLen); // -- get listening port # If SocketError = SOCKET_ERROR Then NetError( 'getsockname',0); LocalPort := ntohs(LocalHost.sin_port); // -- put in proper byte order SocketError := listen(hSocketListen, 1); // -- put socket in listen mode If SocketError = SOCKET_ERROR Then NetError( 'listen',0); } { -- send IP address + port + workstation name and wait for OK : eg 1-30-97} { RPCVersion := VarPack(BrokerVer); // eg 11-1-96 x := string('TCPconnect^'); x := ConCat(x, LocalName, upArrow); // local ip address t := IntToStr(LocalPort); // callback port x := ConCat(x, t, upArrow, workstation, upArrow); // workstation name r := length(x) + length(RPCVersion) + 5; t := string('00000') + IntToStr(r); // eg 11-1-96 y := Copy(t, length(t)-4,length(t)); y := ConCat(y, RPCVersion, StrPack(x,5)); // rpc version } { new protocol 030107 } // y := '[XWB]10' +IntToStr(CountWidth)+ '0' + '4'+#$A+'TCPConnect50'+ LPack(LocalName,CountWidth)+'f0'+LPack(IntToStr(LocalPort),CountWidth)+'f0'+LPack(workstation,CountWidth)+'f'+#4; y := Prefix + '10' +IntToStr(CountWidth)+ '0' + '4'+#$A +'TCPConnect50'+ LPack(LocalName,CountWidth)+'f0'+LPack(IntToStr(0),CountWidth)+'f0'+LPack(workstation,CountWidth)+'f'+#4; { // need to remove selecting port etc from client, since it will now be handled on the server P36 if ForeGroundM = True then begin if ChangeCursor then Screen.Cursor := crDefault; t := 'Start M job D EN^XWBTCP' + #13 + #10 + 'Addr = ' + LocalName + #13 + #10 + 'Port = ' + IntToStr(LocalPort); frmDebugInfo := TfrmDebugInfo.Create(Application.MainForm); try frmDebugInfo.lblDebugInfo.Caption := t; ShowApplicationAndFocusOK(Application); frmDebugInfo.ShowModal; finally frmDebugInfo.Free end; // ShowMessage(t); //TODO end; } // remove debug mode from client tmpPChar := NetCall(hSocket, PChar(y)); {eg 11-1-96} tmp := tmpPchar; StrDispose(tmpPchar); if CompareStr(tmp, rlost) = 0 then begin lin.l_onoff := 1; lin.l_linger := 0; SocketError := setsockopt(hSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, s_lin, sizeof(lin)); If SocketError = SOCKET_ERROR Then NetError( 'setsockopt (connect)',0); closesocket(hSocket); WSACleanup; Result := 10002; exit; end; r := CompareStr(tmp, rAccept); If r <> 0 Then NetError ('NetCall',XWB_M_REJECT); { // JLI 021217 remove disconnect and reconnect code -- use UCX connection directly. lin.l_onoff := 1; lin.l_linger := 0; SocketError := setsockopt(hSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, s_lin, sizeof(lin)); If SocketError = SOCKET_ERROR Then NetError( 'setsockopt (connect)',0); SocketError := closesocket(hSocket); { -- done with this socket If SocketError > 0 Then NetError( 'closesocket',0); { -- wait for connect from DHCP and accept it - (uses blocking call) AddrLen := SizeOf(DHCPHost); hSocket := accept(hSocketListen, @DHCPHost, @AddrLen);{ -- returns new socket If hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET Then begin NetError( 'accept',0); end; lin.l_onoff := 1; lin.l_linger := 0; SocketError := setsockopt(hSocketListen, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, s_lin, sizeof(lin)); If SocketError = SOCKET_ERROR Then NetError( 'setsockopt (connect)',0); SocketError := closesocket(hSocketListen); // -- done with listen skt If SocketError > 0 Then begin NetError ('closesocket (listening)',0); end; } // JLI 12/17/02 end of section commented out if ChangeCursor then Screen.Cursor := crDefault; NetStart := 0; { -- connection established, socket handle now in: hSocket ifrmWinSock.txtStatus := 'socket obtained' *** } end; function TXWBWinsock.NetStart1(ForegroundM: boolean; Server: string; ListenerPort: integer; var hSocket: integer): Integer; Var WinSockData: TWSADATA; LocalHost, DHCPHost: TSockAddr; LocalName, t, workstation, pDHCPName: string; x, y, tmp,RPCVersion, upArrow, rAccept, rLost: string; tmpPchar: PChar; pLocalname: array [0..255] of char; LocalPort, AddrLen, hSocketListen,r: integer; HostBuf,DHCPBuf: PHostEnt; lin: TLinger; s_lin: array [0..3] of char absolute lin; ChangeCursor: Boolean; begin Prefix := '{XWB}'; IsNewStyle := false; { ForegroundM is a boolean value, TRUE means the M handling process is running interactively a pointer rather than passing address length by value) } { -- initialize Windows Sockets API for this task } if Screen.Cursor = crDefault then ChangeCursor := True else ChangeCursor := False; if ChangeCursor then Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; upArrow := string('^'); rAccept := string('accept'); rLost := string('(connection lost)'); SocketError := WSAStartup(WINSOCK1_1, WinSockData); If SocketError >0 Then NetError( 'WSAStartup',0); { -- set up a hook for blocking calls so there is no automatic DoEvents in the background } NetCallPending := False; if ForeGroundM = False then if WSASetBlockingHook(@NetBlockingHook) = nil then NetError('WSASetBlockingHook',0); { -- establish HostEnt and Address structure for local machine} SocketError := gethostname(pLocalName, 255); { -- name of local system} If SocketError >0 Then NetError ('gethostname (local)',0); HostBuf := gethostbyname(pLocalName); { -- info for local name} If HostBuf = nil Then NetError( 'gethostbyname',0); LocalHost.sin_addr.S_addr := longint(plongint(HostBuf^.h_addr_list^)^); LocalName := inet_ntoa(LocalHost.sin_addr); workstation := string(HostBuf.h_name); { -- establish HostEnt and Address structure for remote machine } if inet_addr(PChar(Server)) <> longint(INADDR_NONE) then begin DHCPHost.sin_addr.S_addr := inet_addr(PChar(Server)); DHCPBuf := gethostbyaddr(@DHCPHost.sin_addr.S_addr,sizeof(DHCPHost),PF_INET); end else DHCPBuf := gethostbyname(PChar(Server)); { -- info for DHCP system} If DHCPBuf = nil Then begin { modification to take care of problems with 10-dot addresses that weren't registered - solution found by Shawn Hardenbrook } // NetError ('Error Identifying Remote Host ' + Server,0); // NetStart := 10001; // exit; DHCPHost.sin_addr.S_addr := inet_addr(PChar(Server)); pDHCPName := 'UNKNOWN'; end else begin; DHCPHost.sin_addr.S_addr := longint(plongint(DHCPBuf^.h_addr_list^)^); pDHCPName := inet_ntoa(DHCPHost.sin_addr); end; DHCPHost.sin_family := PF_INET; { -- internet address type} DHCPHost.sin_port := htons(ListenerPort); { -- port to connect to} { -- make connection to DHCP } hSocket := socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); If hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET Then NetError( 'socket',0); SocketError := connect(hSocket, DHCPHost, SizeOf(DHCPHost)); If SocketError = SOCKET_ERROR Then NetError( 'connect',0); {establish local IP now that connection is done} AddrLen := SizeOf(LocalHost); SocketError := getsockname(hSocket, LocalHost, AddrLen); if SocketError = SOCKET_ERROR then NetError ('getsockname',0); LocalName := inet_ntoa(LocalHost.sin_addr); // { -- set up listening socket for DHCP return connect } hSocketListen := socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); // -- new socket If hSocketListen = INVALID_SOCKET Then NetError ('socket (listening)',0); LocalHost.sin_family := PF_INET; // -- internet address type LocalHost.sin_port := 0; // -- local listening port SocketError := bind(hSocketListen, LocalHost, SizeOf(LocalHost)); // -- bind socket to address If SocketError = SOCKET_ERROR Then NetError( 'bind',0); AddrLen := sizeof(LocalHost); SocketError := getsockname(hSocketListen, LocalHost, AddrLen); // -- get listening port # If SocketError = SOCKET_ERROR Then NetError( 'getsockname',0); LocalPort := ntohs(LocalHost.sin_port); // -- put in proper byte order SocketError := listen(hSocketListen, 1); // -- put socket in listen mode If SocketError = SOCKET_ERROR Then NetError( 'listen',0); { -- send IP address + port + workstation name and wait for OK : eg 1-30-97} RPCVersion := VarPack(BrokerVer); // eg 11-1-96 x := string('TCPconnect^'); x := ConCat(x, LocalName, upArrow); // local ip address t := IntToStr(LocalPort); // callback port x := ConCat(x, t, upArrow, workstation, upArrow); // workstation name r := length(x) + length(RPCVersion) + 5; t := string('00000') + IntToStr(r); // eg 11-1-96 y := Copy(t, length(t)-4,length(t)); y := ConCat(y, RPCVersion, StrPack(x,5)); // rpc version y := Prefix + y; { new protocol 030107 } // y := '[XWB]10' +IntToStr(CountWidth)+ '0' + '4'+#$A+'TCPConnect50'+ LPack(LocalName,CountWidth)+'f0'+LPack(IntToStr(LocalPort),CountWidth)+'f0'+LPack(workstation,CountWidth)+'f'+#4; // y := '[XWB]10' +IntToStr(CountWidth)+ '0' + '4'+#$A+'TCPConnect50'+ LPack(LocalName,CountWidth)+'f0'+LPack(IntToStr(0),CountWidth)+'f0'+LPack(workstation,CountWidth)+'f'+#4; // need to remove selecting port etc from client, since it will now be handled on the server P36 if ForeGroundM = True then begin if ChangeCursor then Screen.Cursor := crDefault; t := 'Start M job D EN^XWBTCP' + #13 + #10 + 'Addr = ' + LocalName + #13 + #10 + 'Port = ' + IntToStr(LocalPort); frmDebugInfo := TfrmDebugInfo.Create(Application.MainForm); try frmDebugInfo.lblDebugInfo.Caption := t; ShowApplicationAndFocusOK(Application); frmDebugInfo.ShowModal; finally frmDebugInfo.Free end; // ShowMessage(t); //TODO end; // remove debug mode from client tmpPChar := NetCall(hSocket, PChar(y)); {eg 11-1-96} tmp := tmpPchar; StrDispose(tmpPchar); if CompareStr(tmp, rlost) = 0 then begin lin.l_onoff := 1; lin.l_linger := 0; SocketError := setsockopt(hSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, s_lin, sizeof(lin)); If SocketError = SOCKET_ERROR Then NetError( 'setsockopt (connect)',0); closesocket(hSocket); WSACleanup; Result := 10002; exit; end; r := CompareStr(tmp, rAccept); If r <> 0 Then NetError ('NetCall',XWB_M_REJECT); // JLI 021217 remove disconnect and reconnect code -- use UCX connection directly. lin.l_onoff := 1; lin.l_linger := 0; SocketError := setsockopt(hSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, s_lin, sizeof(lin)); If SocketError = SOCKET_ERROR Then NetError( 'setsockopt (connect)',0); SocketError := closesocket(hSocket); // -- done with this socket If SocketError > 0 Then NetError( 'closesocket',0); // -- wait for connect from DHCP and accept it - (uses blocking call) AddrLen := SizeOf(DHCPHost); hSocket := accept(hSocketListen, @DHCPHost, @AddrLen); // -- returns new socket If hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET Then begin NetError( 'accept',0); end; lin.l_onoff := 1; lin.l_linger := 0; SocketError := setsockopt(hSocketListen, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, s_lin, sizeof(lin)); If SocketError = SOCKET_ERROR Then NetError( 'setsockopt (connect)',0); SocketError := closesocket(hSocketListen); // -- done with listen skt If SocketError > 0 Then begin NetError ('closesocket (listening)',0); end; // JLI 12/17/02 end of section commented out if ChangeCursor then Screen.Cursor := crDefault; NetStart1 := 0; { -- connection established, socket handle now in: hSocket ifrmWinSock.txtStatus := 'socket obtained' *** } end; procedure TXWBWinsock.NetStop(hSocket: integer); Var tmp: string; lin: TLinger; s_lin: array [0..3] of char absolute lin; ChangeCursor: Boolean; tmpPChar: PChar; Str: String; x: array [0..15] of Char; begin if not IsConnected then exit; if Screen.Cursor = crDefault then ChangeCursor := True else ChangeCursor := False; if ChangeCursor then Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; if hSocket <= 0 then begin if ChangeCursor then screen.cursor := crDefault; exit; end; StrPcopy(x, StrPack(StrPack('#BYE#',5),5)); { convert to new message protocol 030107 } if Prefix = '[XWB]' then Str := Prefix + '10'+IntToStr(CountWidth)+'0' +'4'+#5+'#BYE#'+#4 else Str := Prefix + x; If hSocket <> INVALID_SOCKET Then begin tmpPChar := NetCall(hSocket,Str); // tmpPChar := NetCall(hSocket, x); tmp := tmpPChar; StrDispose(tmpPChar); lin.l_onoff := 1; { -- shut down the M handler}; lin.l_linger := 0; SocketError := setsockopt(hSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, s_lin, sizeof(lin)); If SocketError = SOCKET_ERROR Then NetError( 'setsockopt (connect)',0); SocketError := closesocket(hSocket); { -- close the socket} end; SocketError := WSAUnhookBlockingHook; { -- restore the default mechanism} SocketError := WSACleanup; { -- shutdown TCP API} If SocketError > 0 Then NetError( 'WSACleanup',0); { -- check blocking calls, etc.} if ChangeCursor then Screen.Cursor := crDefault; IsConnected := False; end; procedure TXWBWinsock.CloseSockSystem(hSocket: integer; s: string); var lin: TLinger; s_lin: array [0..3] of char absolute lin; begin lin.l_onoff := 1; lin.l_linger := 0; SocketError := setsockopt(hSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, s_lin, sizeof(lin)); If SocketError = SOCKET_ERROR Then NetError( 'setsockopt (connect)',0); closesocket(hSocket); WSACleanup; ShowMessage(s); //TODO halt(1); end; function TXWBWinsock.GetServerPacket(hSocket: integer): string; var s,sb: PChar; buflen: integer; begin s := StrAlloc(1); s[0] := #0; buflen := recv(hSocket, s^, 1, 0); {get length of segment} if buflen = SOCKET_ERROR Then // 040720 code added to check for the timing problem if initial attempt to read during connection fails begin sleep(100); buflen := recv(hSocket, s^, 1, 0); end; if buflen = SOCKET_ERROR then NetError( 'recv',0); buflen := ord(s[0]); sb := StrAlloc(buflen+1); sb[0] := #0; buflen := recv(hSocket, sb^, buflen, 0); {get security segment} if buflen = SOCKET_ERROR Then NetError( 'recv',0); sb[buflen] := #0; Result := StrPas(sb); StrDispose(sb); StrDispose(s); end; constructor TXWBWinsock.Create; begin inherited; // NetBlockingHookVar := NetBlockingHook; CountWidth := 3; end; procedure TXWBWinsock.NetError(Action: string; ErrType: integer); var x,s: string; r: integer; BrokerError: EBrokerError; TimeOut: Double; begin Screen.Cursor := crDefault; r := 0; if ErrType > 0 then r := ErrType; if ErrType = 0 then begin // P36 // code added to indicate WSAETIMEDOUT error instead of WSAEINTR // when time out period exceeded. WSAEINTR error is misleading // since the server is still active, but took too long if NetcallPending then begin if HookTimeOut > 0 then begin TimeOut := HookTimeOut * OneSecond; if Now > (NetTimerStart + TimeOut) then r := WSAETIMEDOUT; end; end; if r = 0 then r := WSAGetLastError; if (r = WSAEINTR) or (r = WSAETIMEDOUT) then xFlush := True; if WSAIsBlocking = True then WSACancelBlockingCall; // JLI 021210 end; Case r of WSAEINTR : x := 'WSAEINTR'; WSAEBADF : x := 'WSAEINTR'; WSAEFAULT : x := 'WSAEFAULT'; WSAEINVAL : x := 'WSAEINVAL'; WSAEMFILE : x := 'WSAEMFILE'; WSAEWOULDBLOCK : x := 'WSAEWOULDBLOCK'; WSAEINPROGRESS : x := 'WSAEINPROGRESS'; WSAEALREADY : x := 'WSAEALREADY'; WSAENOTSOCK : x := 'WSAENOTSOCK'; WSAEDESTADDRREQ : x := 'WSAEDESTADDRREQ'; WSAEMSGSIZE : x := 'WSAEMSGSIZE'; WSAEPROTOTYPE : x := 'WSAEPROTOTYPE'; WSAENOPROTOOPT : x := 'WSAENOPROTOOPT'; WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT : x := 'WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT'; WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT : x := 'WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT'; WSAEOPNOTSUPP : x := 'WSAEOPNOTSUPP'; WSAEPFNOSUPPORT : x := 'WSAEPFNOSUPPORT'; WSAEAFNOSUPPORT : x := 'WSAEAFNOSUPPORT'; WSAEADDRINUSE : x := 'WSAEADDRINUSE'; WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL : x := 'WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL'; WSAENETDOWN : x := 'WSAENETDOWN'; WSAENETUNREACH : x := 'WSAENETUNREACH'; WSAENETRESET : x := 'WSAENETRESET'; WSAECONNABORTED : x := 'WSAECONNABORTED'; WSAECONNRESET : x := 'WSAECONNRESET'; WSAENOBUFS : x := 'WSAENOBUFS'; WSAEISCONN : x := 'WSAEISCONN'; WSAENOTCONN : x := 'WSAENOTCONN'; WSAESHUTDOWN : x := 'WSAESHUTDOWN'; WSAETOOMANYREFS : x := 'WSAETOOMANYREFS'; WSAETIMEDOUT : x := 'WSAETIMEDOUT'; WSAECONNREFUSED : x := 'WSAECONNREFUSED'; WSAELOOP : x := 'WSAELOOP'; WSAENAMETOOLONG : x := 'WSAENAMETOOLONG'; WSAEHOSTDOWN : x := 'WSAEHOSTDOWN'; WSAEHOSTUNREACH : x := 'WSAEHOSTUNREACH'; WSAENOTEMPTY : x := 'WSAENOTEMPTY'; WSAEPROCLIM : x := 'WSAEPROCLIM'; WSAEUSERS : x := 'WSAEUSERS'; WSAEDQUOT : x := 'WSAEDQUOT'; WSAESTALE : x := 'WSAESTALE'; WSAEREMOTE : x := 'WSAEREMOTE'; WSASYSNOTREADY : x := 'WSASYSNOTREADY'; WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED : x := 'WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED'; WSANOTINITIALISED : x := 'WSANOTINITIALISED'; WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND : x := 'WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND'; WSATRY_AGAIN : x := 'WSATRY_AGAIN'; WSANO_RECOVERY : x := 'WSANO_RECOVERY'; WSANO_DATA : x := 'WSANO_DATA'; XWB_NO_HEAP : x := 'Insufficient Heap'; XWB_M_REJECT : x := 'M Error - Use ^XTER'; XWB_BadReads : x := 'Server unable to read input data correctly.'; XWB_BadSignOn : x := 'Sign-on was not completed.'; XWB_ExeNoMem : x := 'System was out of memory, executable file was corrupt, or relocations were invalid.'; XWB_ExeNoFile : x := 'File was not found.'; XWB_ExeNoPath : x := 'Path was not found.'; XWB_ExeShare : x := 'Attempt was made to dynamically link to a task,' + ' or there was a sharing or network-protection error.'; XWB_ExeSepSeg : x := 'Library required separate data segments for each task.'; XWB_ExeLoMem : x := 'There was insufficient memory to start the application.'; XWB_ExeWinVer : x := 'Windows version was incorrect.'; XWB_ExeBadExe : x := 'Executable file was invalid.' + ' Either it was not a Windows application or there was an error in the .EXE image.'; XWB_ExeDifOS : x := 'Application was designed for a different operating system.'; XWB_RpcNotReg : X := 'Remote procedure not registered to application.'; XWB_BldConnectList : x := 'BrokerConnections list could not be created'; XWB_NullRpcVer : x := 'RpcVersion cannot be empty.' + #13 + 'Default is 0 (zero).'; else x := IntToStr(r); end; s := 'Error encountered.' + chr(13)+chr(10) + 'Function was: ' + Action + chr(13)+chr(10) + 'Error was: ' + x; BrokerError := EBrokerError.Create(s); BrokerError.Action := Action; BrokerError.Code := r; BrokerError.Mnemonic := x; raise BrokerError; end; function TXWBWinsock.BuildPar1(hSocket: integer; api, RPCVer: string; const Parameters: TParams): String; var i,ParamCount: integer; num: integer; tsize: longint; arr: LongInt; param,x,hdr,strout: string; tout,psize,tResult,RPCVersion: string; sin: TStringList; subscript: string; begin sin := TStringList.Create; sin.clear; x := ''; param := ''; arr := 0; if Parameters = nil then ParamCount := 0 else ParamCount := Parameters.Count; for i := 0 to ParamCount - 1 do if Parameters[i].PType <> undefined then begin with Parameters[i] do begin {if PType= null then param:='';} if PType = literal then param := param + strpack('0' + Value,3); if PType = reference then param := param + strpack('1' + Value,3); if (PType = list) {or (PType = wordproc)} then begin Value := '.x'; param := param + strpack('2' + Value,3); if Pos('.',Value) >0 then x := Copy(Value,2,length(Value)); {if PType = wordproc then dec(last);} subscript := Mult.First; while subscript <> '' do begin if Mult[subscript] = '' then Mult[subscript] := #1; sin.Add(StrPack(subscript,3) + StrPack(Mult[subscript],3)); subscript := Mult.Order(subscript,1); end{while}; sin.Add('000'); arr := 1; end{if}; end{with}; end{if}; param := Copy(param,1,Length(param)); tsize := 0; tResult := ''; tout := ''; hdr := BuildHdr('XWB','','',''); strout := strpack(hdr + BuildApi(api,param,arr),5); // num :=0; // JLI 040608 to correct handling of empty arrays RPCVersion := ''; RPCVersion := VarPack(RPCVer); {if sin.Count-1 > 0 then} num := sin.Count-1; // JLI 040608 to correct handling of empty arrays // if sin.Count-1 > 0 then num := sin.Count-1; if {num} sin.Count > 0 then // JLI 040608 to correct handling of empty arrays // if num > 0 then begin for i := 0 to num do tsize := tsize + length(sin.strings[i]); x := '00000' + IntToStr(tsize + length(strout)+ length(RPCVersion)); end; if {num} sin.Count = 0 then // JLI 040608 to correct handling of empty arrays // if num = 0 then begin x := '00000' + IntToStr(length(strout)+ length(RPCVersion)); end; psize := x; psize := Copy(psize,length(psize)-5,5); tResult := psize; tResult := ConCat(tResult, RPCVersion); tout := strout; tResult := ConCat(tResult, tout); if {num} sin.Count > 0 then // JLI 040608 to correct handling of empty arrays // if num > 0 then begin for i := 0 to num do tResult := ConCat(tResult, sin.strings[i]); end; sin.free; Result := Prefix + tResult; {return result} end; function NewSocket(): Integer; Var WinSockData: TWSADATA; LocalHost: TSockAddr; LocalName, workstation: string; upArrow, rAccept, rLost: string; pLocalname: array [0..255] of char; LocalPort, AddrLen, hSocketListen: integer; HostBuf: PHostEnt; lin: TLinger; s_lin: array [0..3] of char absolute lin; ChangeCursor: Boolean; SocketError: Integer; hSocket: Integer; begin { -- initialize Windows Sockets API for this task } if Screen.Cursor = crDefault then ChangeCursor := True else ChangeCursor := False; if ChangeCursor then Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; upArrow := string('^'); rAccept := string('accept'); rLost := string('(connection lost)'); SocketError := WSAStartup(WINSOCK1_1, WinSockData); If SocketError >0 Then NetError( 'WSAStartup',0); { -- set up a hook for blocking calls so there is no automatic DoEvents in the background } NetCallPending := False; // if ForeGroundM = False then if WSASetBlockingHook(@NetBlockingHook) = nil // then NetError('WSASetBlockingHook',0); { -- establish HostEnt and Address structure for local machine} SocketError := gethostname(pLocalName, 255); { -- name of local system} If SocketError >0 Then NetError ('gethostname (local)',0); HostBuf := gethostbyname(pLocalName); { -- info for local name} If HostBuf = nil Then NetError( 'gethostbyname',0); LocalHost.sin_addr.S_addr := longint(plongint(HostBuf^.h_addr_list^)^); LocalName := inet_ntoa(LocalHost.sin_addr); workstation := string(HostBuf.h_name); { -- make connection to DHCP } hSocket := socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); If hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET Then NetError( 'socket',0); {establish local IP now that connection is done} { AddrLen := SizeOf(LocalHost); SocketError := getsockname(hSocket, LocalHost, AddrLen); if SocketError = SOCKET_ERROR then NetError ('getsockname',0); LocalName := inet_ntoa(LocalHost.sin_addr); } // { -- set up listening socket for DHCP return connect } hSocketListen := socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); // -- new socket If hSocketListen = INVALID_SOCKET Then NetError ('socket (listening)',0); LocalHost.sin_family := PF_INET; // -- internet address type LocalHost.sin_port := 0; // -- local listening port SocketError := bind(hSocketListen, LocalHost, SizeOf(LocalHost)); // -- bind socket to address If SocketError = SOCKET_ERROR Then NetError( 'bind',0); AddrLen := sizeof(LocalHost); SocketError := getsockname(hSocketListen, LocalHost, AddrLen); // -- get listening port # If SocketError = SOCKET_ERROR Then NetError( 'getsockname',0); LocalPort := ntohs(LocalHost.sin_port); // -- put in proper byte order NewSocket := LocalPort; { SocketError := listen(hSocketListen, 1); // -- put socket in listen mode If SocketError = SOCKET_ERROR Then NetError( 'listen',0); // ShowMessage(t); //TODO end; // remove debug mode from client tmpPChar := NetCall(hSocket, PChar(y)); {eg 11-1-96} { tmp := tmpPchar; StrDispose(tmpPchar); if CompareStr(tmp, rlost) = 0 then begin lin.l_onoff := 1; lin.l_linger := 0; SocketError := setsockopt(hSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, s_lin, sizeof(lin)); If SocketError = SOCKET_ERROR Then NetError( 'setsockopt (connect)',0); closesocket(hSocket); WSACleanup; Result := 10002; exit; end; r := CompareStr(tmp, rAccept); If r <> 0 Then NetError ('NetCall',XWB_M_REJECT); // JLI 021217 remove disconnect and reconnect code -- use UCX connection directly. lin.l_onoff := 1; lin.l_linger := 0; SocketError := setsockopt(hSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, s_lin, sizeof(lin)); If SocketError = SOCKET_ERROR Then NetError( 'setsockopt (connect)',0); SocketError := closesocket(hSocket); // -- done with this socket If SocketError > 0 Then NetError( 'closesocket',0); // -- wait for connect from DHCP and accept it - (uses blocking call) AddrLen := SizeOf(DHCPHost); hSocket := accept(hSocketListen, @DHCPHost, @AddrLen); // -- returns new socket If hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET Then begin NetError( 'accept',0); end; lin.l_onoff := 1; lin.l_linger := 0; SocketError := setsockopt(hSocketListen, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, s_lin, sizeof(lin)); If SocketError = SOCKET_ERROR Then NetError( 'setsockopt (connect)',0); SocketError := closesocket(hSocketListen); // -- done with listen skt If SocketError > 0 Then begin NetError ('closesocket (listening)',0); end; // JLI 12/17/02 end of section commented out if ChangeCursor then Screen.Cursor := crDefault; NetStart1 := 0; { -- connection established, socket handle now in: hSocket ifrmWinSock.txtStatus := 'socket obtained' *** } if ChangeCursor then Screen.Cursor := crDefault; end; end.