1 | inherited frmDiagnoses: TfrmDiagnoses
2 | Left = 304
3 | Top = 169
4 | Caption = 'Encounter Diagnoses'
5 | PixelsPerInch = 96
6 | TextHeight = 13
7 | inherited lblSection: TLabel
8 | Width = 89
9 | Caption = 'Diagnoses Section'
10 | ExplicitWidth = 89
11 | end
12 | inherited btnOK: TBitBtn
13 | TabOrder = 7
14 | end
15 | inherited btnCancel: TBitBtn
16 | TabOrder = 8
17 | end
18 | inherited pnlGrid: TPanel
19 | Width = 523
20 | TabOrder = 1
21 | ExplicitWidth = 523
22 | inherited lbGrid: TORListBox
23 | Tag = 20
24 | Width = 523
25 | Pieces = '1,2,3'
26 | ExplicitWidth = 523
27 | end
28 | inherited hcGrid: THeaderControl
29 | Width = 523
30 | Sections = <
31 | item
32 | ImageIndex = -1
33 | MinWidth = 60
34 | Text = 'Add to PL'
35 | Width = 60
36 | end
37 | item
38 | ImageIndex = -1
39 | MinWidth = 65
40 | Text = 'Primary'
41 | Width = 65
42 | end
43 | item
44 | ImageIndex = -1
45 | MinWidth = 110
46 | Text = 'Selected Diagnoses'
47 | Width = 110
48 | end>
49 | ExplicitWidth = 523
50 | end
51 | end
52 | inherited edtComment: TCaptionEdit
53 | TabOrder = 3
54 | end
55 | object cmdDiagPrimary: TButton [8]
56 | Left = 536
57 | Top = 306
58 | Width = 75
59 | Height = 21
60 | Caption = 'Primary'
61 | Enabled = False
62 | TabOrder = 5
63 | OnClick = cmdDiagPrimaryClick
64 | end
65 | object ckbDiagProb: TCheckBox [9]
66 | Left = 535
67 | Top = 258
68 | Width = 76
69 | Height = 38
70 | Caption = 'Add to Problem list'
71 | TabOrder = 4
72 | WordWrap = True
73 | OnClick = ckbDiagProbClicked
74 | end
75 | inherited btnRemove: TButton
76 | TabOrder = 6
77 | end
78 | inherited btnSelectAll: TButton
79 | Left = 454
80 | TabOrder = 2
81 | TabStop = True
82 | ExplicitLeft = 454
83 | end
84 | inherited pnlMain: TPanel
85 | TabOrder = 0
86 | inherited lbxSection: TORListBox
87 | Tag = 20
88 | Height = 196
89 | IntegralHeight = True
90 | Pieces = '2,3,4,5'
91 | ExplicitHeight = 196
92 | end
93 | inherited pnlLeft: TPanel
94 | inherited lbSection: TORListBox
95 | Tag = 20
96 | TabOrder = 0
97 | end
98 | inherited btnOther: TButton
99 | Tag = 12
100 | Caption = 'Other Diagnosis...'
101 | TabOrder = 1
102 | end
103 | end
104 | end
105 | inherited amgrMain: TVA508AccessibilityManager
106 | Data = (
107 | (
108 | 'Component = cmdDiagPrimary'
109 | 'Status = stsDefault')
110 | (
111 | 'Component = ckbDiagProb'
112 | 'Status = stsDefault')
113 | (
114 | 'Component = edtComment'
115 | 'Label = lblComment'
116 | 'Status = stsOK')
117 | (
118 | 'Component = btnRemove'
119 | 'Status = stsDefault')
120 | (
121 | 'Component = btnSelectAll'
122 | 'Status = stsDefault')
123 | (
124 | 'Component = pnlMain'
125 | 'Status = stsDefault')
126 | (
127 | 'Component = lbxSection'
128 | 'Label = lblList'
129 | 'Status = stsOK')
130 | (
131 | 'Component = pnlLeft'
132 | 'Status = stsDefault')
133 | (
134 | 'Component = lbSection'
135 | 'Label = lblSection'
136 | 'Status = stsOK')
137 | (
138 | 'Component = btnOther'
139 | 'Status = stsDefault')
140 | (
141 | 'Component = pnlGrid'
142 | 'Status = stsDefault')
143 | (
144 | 'Component = lbGrid'
145 | 'Status = stsDefault')
146 | (
147 | 'Component = hcGrid'
148 | 'Status = stsDefault')
149 | (
150 | 'Component = btnOK'
151 | 'Status = stsDefault')
152 | (
153 | 'Component = btnCancel'
154 | 'Status = stsDefault')
155 | (
156 | 'Component = frmDiagnoses'
157 | 'Status = stsDefault'))
158 | end
159 | end