1 | unit fAllgyBox;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
7 | Dialogs, fRptBox, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, fARTAllgy, ORFn,
8 | VA508AccessibilityManager;
9 |
10 | type
11 | TfrmAllgyBox = class(TfrmReportBox)
12 | cmdEdit: TButton;
13 | cmdAdd: TButton;
14 | cmdInError: TButton;
15 | procedure cmdAddClick(Sender: TObject);
16 | procedure cmdEditClick(Sender: TObject);
17 | procedure cmdInErrorClick(Sender: TObject);
18 | private
19 | { Private declarations }
20 | FAllergyIEN: integer;
21 | procedure RefreshText;
22 | public
23 | { Public declarations }
24 | end;
25 |
26 | procedure AllergyBox(ReportText: TStrings; ReportTitle: string; AllowPrint: boolean; AllergyIEN: integer);
27 |
28 | var
29 | frmAllgyBox: TfrmAllgyBox;
30 |
31 | implementation
32 |
33 | {$R *.dfm}
34 |
35 | uses rCover, fCover, rODAllergy;
36 |
37 | const
38 | NEW_ALLERGY = True;
40 |
41 | function CreateAllergyBox(ReportText: TStrings; ReportTitle: string; AllowPrint: boolean): TfrmAllgyBox;
42 | var
43 | i, AWidth, MaxWidth, AHeight: Integer;
44 | Rect: TRect;
45 | // %$@# buttons!
46 | BtnArray: array of TButton;
47 | BtnRight: array of integer;
48 | BtnLeft: array of integer;
49 | j, k: integer;
50 | x: string;
51 | begin
52 | Result := TfrmAllgyBox.Create(Application);
53 | try
54 | with Result do
55 | begin
56 | k := 0;
57 | with pnlButton do for j := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do
58 | if Controls[j] is TButton then
59 | begin
60 | SetLength(BtnArray, k+1);
61 | SetLength(BtnRight, k+1);
62 | BtnArray[j] := TButton(Controls[j]);
63 | BtnRight[j] := ResizeWidth(Font, MainFont, BtnArray[j].Width - BtnArray[j].Width - BtnArray[j].Left);
64 | k := k + 1;
65 | end;
66 | MaxWidth := 350;
67 | for i := 0 to ReportText.Count - 1 do
68 | begin
69 | AWidth := lblFontTest.Canvas.TextWidth(ReportText[i]);
70 | if AWidth > MaxWidth then MaxWidth := AWidth;
71 | end;
72 | MaxWidth := MaxWidth + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL);
73 | AHeight := (ReportText.Count * (lblFontTest.Height + 2)) + pnlbutton.Height;
74 | AHeight := HigherOf(AHeight, 250);
75 | if AHeight > (Screen.Height - 80) then AHeight := Screen.Height - 80;
76 | if MaxWidth > Screen.Width then MaxWidth := Screen.Width;
77 | ClientWidth := MaxWidth;
78 | ClientHeight := AHeight;
79 | Rect := BoundsRect;
80 | ForceInsideWorkArea(Rect);
81 | BoundsRect := Rect;
82 | ResizeAnchoredFormToFont(Result);
83 |
84 | //CQ6889 - force Print & Close buttons to bottom right of form regardless of selected font size
85 | cmdClose.Left := (pnlButton.Left+pnlButton.Width)-cmdClose.Width;
86 | cmdPrint.Left := (cmdClose.Left-cmdPrint.Width) - 1;
87 | //end CQ6889
88 |
89 | Constraints.MinWidth := cmdAdd.Width + cmdEdit.Width + cmdInError.Width + cmdPrint.Width + cmdClose.Width + 20;
90 | Constraints.MinHeight := 2*pnlButton.Height + memReport.Height;
91 | cmdAdd.Left := 1;
92 | cmdEdit.Left := (cmdAdd.Left + cmdAdd.Width) + 1;
93 | cmdInError.Left := (cmdEdit.Left + cmdEdit.Width) + 1;
94 |
95 | SetLength(BtnLeft, k);
96 | for j := 0 to k - 1 do
97 | BtnLeft[j] := pnlButton.Width - BtnArray[j].Width - BtnRight[j];
98 | QuickCopy(ReportText, memReport);
99 | for i := 1 to Length(ReportTitle) do if ReportTitle[i] = #9 then ReportTitle[i] := ' ';
100 | Caption := ReportTitle;
101 | memReport.SelStart := 0;
102 | cmdPrint.Visible := AllowPrint;
103 | cmdAdd.Enabled := True; //IsARTClinicalUser(x); v26.12
104 | cmdEdit.Enabled := IsARTClinicalUser(x);
105 | cmdInError.Enabled := IsARTClinicalUser(x);
106 | end;
107 | except
108 | KillObj(@Result);
109 | raise;
110 | end;
111 | end;
112 |
113 | procedure AllergyBox(ReportText: TStrings; ReportTitle: string; AllowPrint: boolean; AllergyIEN: integer);
114 | begin
115 | frmAllgyBox := CreateAllergyBox(ReportText, ReportTitle, AllowPrint);
116 | try
117 | with frmAllgyBox do
118 | begin
119 | FAllergyIEN := AllergyIEN;
120 | if not ContainsVisibleChar(memReport.Text) then RefreshText;
121 | ShowModal;
122 | end;
123 | finally
124 | frmAllgyBox.Release;
125 | end;
126 | end;
127 |
128 | procedure TfrmAllgyBox.cmdAddClick(Sender: TObject);
129 | begin
130 | inherited;
131 | Visible := False;
132 | EnterEditAllergy(0, NEW_ALLERGY, not ENTERED_IN_ERROR);
133 | Close;
134 | end;
135 |
136 | procedure TfrmAllgyBox.cmdEditClick(Sender: TObject);
137 | var
138 | Changed: boolean;
139 | begin
140 | inherited;
141 | Visible := False;
142 | Changed := EnterEditAllergy(FAllergyIEN, not NEW_ALLERGY, not ENTERED_IN_ERROR);
143 | if Changed then RefreshText;
144 | Visible := True;
145 | end;
146 |
147 | procedure TfrmAllgyBox.cmdInErrorClick(Sender: TObject);
148 | begin
149 | inherited;
150 | Visible := False;
151 | MarkEnteredInError(FAllergyIEN);
152 | Close;
153 | end;
154 |
155 | procedure TfrmAllgyBox.RefreshText;
156 | begin
157 | memReport.Clear;
158 | QuickCopy(DetailAllergy(FAllergyIEN), memReport);
159 | end;
160 |
161 | end.