source: cprs/branches/HealthSevak-CPRS/CPRS-Chart/fHunSpell.dfm@ 1715

Last change on this file since 1715 was 1707, checked in by healthsevak, 10 years ago

Compiled after fine tuning OpenSource based spellCheck feature in Notes, Discharge Summary, Consult, TemplateEditor & TemplateFieldEditor

File size: 8.2 KB
[1693]1inherited frmHunSpell: TfrmHunSpell
2 Left = 192
3 Top = 114
4 BorderStyle = bsDialog
5 Caption = 'SpellCheck based on open source HanSpell Engine'
6 ClientHeight = 516
7 ClientWidth = 737
8 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
9 Font.Height = -13
10 Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
11 Position = poScreenCenter
12 OnActivate = FormActivate
13 OnClose = FormClose
14 OnCreate = FormCreate
15 OnShow = FormShow
16 ExplicitWidth = 743
17 ExplicitHeight = 548
18 PixelsPerInch = 96
19 TextHeight = 16
20 object lblDictionary: TLabel [0]
21 Left = 11
22 Top = 1
23 Width = 116
24 Height = 16
25 Caption = 'Main &Dictionary File:'
26 end
27 object lblOpenMedURL: TLabel [1]
28 Left = 11
29 Top = 54
30 Width = 726
31 Height = 14
32 Cursor = crHandPoint
33 Hint = 'URL for Medical Dictionary current being used (GPL license)'
34 Caption =
35 '' +
36 'enmedspel%2Fsrc%2Fdictionaries&cid=sPPyiSPxN3U&fp=363738&projSel' +
37 'ected=true'
38 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
39 Font.Color = clBlue
40 Font.Height = -11
41 Font.Name = 'Arial'
42 Font.Style = [fsItalic, fsUnderline]
43 ParentFont = False
44 ParentShowHint = False
45 ShowHint = True
46 WordWrap = True
47 OnClick = lblOpenMedURLClick
48 end
49 object lblDictionariesURL: TLabel [2]
50 Left = 11
51 Top = 74
52 Width = 486
53 Height = 16
54 Cursor = crHandPoint
55 Hint = 'URL for other language dictionaries'
56 Caption =
57 '' +
58 '/contrib/dictionaries/'
59 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
60 Font.Color = clBlue
61 Font.Height = -13
62 Font.Name = 'Arial'
63 Font.Style = [fsItalic, fsUnderline]
64 ParentFont = False
65 ParentShowHint = False
66 ShowHint = True
67 OnClick = lblOpenMedURLClick
68 end
69 object pnlAbout: TPanel [3]
70 Left = 8
71 Top = 8
72 Width = 721
73 Height = 508
[1707]74 Caption =
75 'Work under progress by Sunil Kumar Arora (' +
76 '.........Thi will be updated later........'
[1693]77 TabOrder = 6
78 Visible = False
79 object Button1: TButton
80 Left = 326
81 Top = 464
82 Width = 75
83 Height = 25
84 Caption = 'OK'
85 TabOrder = 0
86 OnClick = Button1Click
87 end
88 end
89 object btnClose: TButton [4]
90 Left = 503
91 Top = 483
92 Width = 110
93 Height = 25
94 Caption = 'C&lose'
95 ModalResult = 1
96 TabOrder = 2
97 Visible = False
98 OnClick = btnCloseClick
99 end
100 object pnlMisSpelled: TPanel [5]
101 Left = 0
102 Top = 268
103 Width = 729
104 Height = 248
105 BevelOuter = bvNone
106 TabOrder = 1
107 object Label1: TLabel
108 Left = 11
109 Top = 26
110 Width = 176
111 Height = 16
112 Caption = '&Suggestions and Alternavtives:'
113 FocusControl = lstSuggestions
114 end
115 object Label4: TLabel
116 Left = 11
117 Top = 3
118 Width = 133
119 Height = 16
120 Caption = 'C&urrent Misspelt Word:'
121 FocusControl = Edit2
122 end
123 object lstSuggestions: TListBox
124 Left = 3
125 Top = 43
126 Width = 406
127 Height = 197
128 ItemHeight = 16
129 TabOrder = 1
130 end
131 object Edit2: TEdit
132 Left = 151
133 Top = 4
134 Width = 554
135 Height = 18
136 AutoSize = False
137 BorderStyle = bsNone
138 Color = clBtnFace
139 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
140 Font.Color = clRed
141 Font.Height = -13
142 Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
143 Font.Style = []
144 ParentFont = False
145 TabOrder = 0
146 Text = 'HighlightEdit'
147 Visible = False
148 end
149 object btnReplaceWith: TButton
150 Left = 452
151 Top = 129
152 Width = 110
153 Height = 25
154 Caption = 'R&eplace with ...'
155 TabOrder = 6
156 OnClick = btnReplaceWithClick
157 end
158 object btnChangeAll: TButton
159 Left = 452
160 Top = 84
161 Width = 110
162 Height = 25
163 Caption = 'Change &All'
164 TabOrder = 3
165 OnClick = btnChangeAllClick
166 end
167 object btnChange: TButton
168 Left = 452
169 Top = 39
170 Width = 110
171 Height = 25
172 Caption = '&Change'
173 TabOrder = 2
174 OnClick = btnChangeClick
175 end
176 object btnAddToDictionary: TButton
177 Left = 611
178 Top = 129
179 Width = 110
180 Height = 25
181 Caption = 'A&dd to Dictionary'
182 TabOrder = 8
183 OnClick = btnAddToDictionaryClick
184 end
185 object btnIgnoreAll: TButton
186 Left = 611
187 Top = 84
188 Width = 110
189 Height = 25
190 Caption = 'I&gnore All'
191 TabOrder = 5
192 OnClick = btnIgnoreAllClick
193 end
194 object btnIgnoreOnce: TButton
195 Left = 611
196 Top = 39
197 Width = 110
198 Height = 25
199 Caption = '&Ignore Once'
200 TabOrder = 4
201 OnClick = btnIgnoreOnceClick
202 end
203 object btnCancel: TButton
204 Left = 619
205 Top = 216
206 Width = 110
207 Height = 25
208 Caption = 'Ca&ncel'
209 TabOrder = 9
210 OnClick = btnCancelClick
211 end
212 object btnUndo: TButton
213 Left = 452
214 Top = 175
215 Width = 110
216 Height = 25
217 Caption = '&Undo'
218 TabOrder = 7
219 OnClick = btnUndoClick
220 end
221 end
222 object Edit1: TEdit [6]
223 Left = 131
224 Top = 0
225 Width = 531
226 Height = 23
227 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
228 Font.Color = clWindowText
229 Font.Height = -11
230 Font.Name = 'Comic Sans MS'
231 Font.Style = []
232 ParentFont = False
233 ReadOnly = True
234 TabOrder = 3
235 OnEnter = Edit1Enter
236 end
237 object btnSelectDict: TBitBtn [7]
238 Left = 476
239 Top = 26
240 Width = 258
241 Height = 25
242 Caption = '&Browse for and select different dictionary'
243 TabOrder = 4
244 OnClick = btnSelectDictClick
245 end
246 object RichEdit1: TRichEdit [8]
247 Left = 3
248 Top = 101
249 Width = 726
250 Height = 161
251 Lines.Strings = (
252 'Nothing to Check !')
253 ScrollBars = ssBoth
254 TabOrder = 0
[1700]255 OnKeyDown = RichEdit1KeyDown
256 OnKeyUp = RichEdit1KeyUp
[1693]257 end
258 object btnAbout: TButton [9]
259 Left = 452
260 Top = 483
261 Width = 110
262 Height = 25
263 Caption = 'A&bout'
264 TabOrder = 5
265 OnClick = btnAboutClick
266 end
267 inherited amgrMain: TVA508AccessibilityManager
268 Data = (
269 (
270 'Component = pnlMisSpelled'
271 'Status = stsDefault')
272 (
273 'Component = lstSuggestions'
274 'Status = stsDefault')
275 (
276 'Component = Edit2'
277 'Status = stsDefault')
278 (
279 'Component = btnReplaceWith'
280 'Status = stsDefault')
281 (
282 'Component = btnChangeAll'
283 'Status = stsDefault')
284 (
285 'Component = btnChange'
286 'Status = stsDefault')
287 (
288 'Component = btnAddToDictionary'
289 'Status = stsDefault')
290 (
291 'Component = btnIgnoreAll'
292 'Status = stsDefault')
293 (
294 'Component = btnIgnoreOnce'
295 'Status = stsDefault')
296 (
297 'Component = btnCancel'
298 'Status = stsDefault')
299 (
300 'Component = btnClose'
301 'Status = stsDefault')
302 (
303 'Component = Edit1'
304 'Status = stsDefault')
305 (
306 'Component = btnSelectDict'
307 'Status = stsDefault')
308 (
309 'Component = RichEdit1'
310 'Status = stsDefault')
311 (
312 'Component = frmHunSpell'
313 'Status = stsDefault')
314 (
315 'Component = btnAbout'
316 'Status = stsDefault')
317 (
318 'Component = pnlAbout'
319 'Status = stsDefault')
320 (
321 'Component = Button1'
322 'Status = stsDefault')
323 (
324 'Component = btnUndo'
325 'Status = stsDefault'))
326 end
327 object OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog
328 DefaultExt = '*.Dict'
329 FileName = 'en_US-large.dic'
330 Filter = 'HanSpell Dictionary & Aff file|*.dic'
331 Title = 'Specify Dictionary file (Corresponding *.aff file also required)'
332 Left = 668
333 Top = 65534
334 end
335 object SpellCheck1: TskaHunSpellChecker
336 Active = False
337 btnClose = btnClose
338 CustDictionaryFile =
339 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\CustomDictionary.d' +
340 'ic'
341 MisSpeltWord = Edit2
342 SourceTextControl = RichEdit1
343 SpellCheckCompletionMessage = 'Spell Check Complete'
344 SuggestionList = lstSuggestions
345 Left = 368
346 Top = 104
347 end
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