source: cprs/branches/HealthSevak-CPRS/CPRS-Lib/Hans SpellCheck/Demo/fHunSpell.dfm@ 1717

Last change on this file since 1717 was 1715, checked in by healthsevak, 9 years ago

Modified the library to make it more generic from Delphi community point of view before sharing with original author/custodian of HunSpell library at sourceforge

File size: 5.8 KB
1object frmHunSpell: TfrmHunSpell
2 Left = 192
3 Top = 114
4 BorderStyle = bsDialog
5 Caption = 'SpellCheck based on open source HanSpell Engine'
6 ClientHeight = 516
7 ClientWidth = 737
8 Color = clBtnFace
9 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
10 Font.Color = clWindowText
11 Font.Height = -13
12 Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
13 Font.Style = []
14 OldCreateOrder = True
15 Position = poScreenCenter
16 OnActivate = FormActivate
17 OnClose = FormClose
18 OnCreate = FormCreate
19 PixelsPerInch = 96
20 TextHeight = 16
21 object lblDictionary: TLabel
22 Left = 11
23 Top = 3
24 Width = 116
25 Height = 16
26 Caption = 'Main &Dictionary File:'
27 FocusControl = edtDictionary
28 end
29 object lblDictionariesURL: TLabel
30 Left = 8
31 Top = 32
32 Width = 417
33 Height = 14
34 Cursor = crHandPoint
35 Hint = 'URL for compatible dictionaries for other languages'
36 Caption =
37 '' +
38 '/contrib/dictionaries/'
39 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
40 Font.Color = clBlue
41 Font.Height = -11
42 Font.Name = 'Arial'
43 Font.Style = [fsItalic, fsUnderline]
44 ParentFont = False
45 ParentShowHint = False
46 ShowHint = True
47 OnClick = lblDictionariesURLClick
48 end
49 object pnlMisSpelled: TPanel
50 Left = 0
51 Top = 268
52 Width = 729
53 Height = 248
54 BevelOuter = bvNone
55 TabOrder = 4
56 object Label1: TLabel
57 Left = 11
58 Top = 26
59 Width = 176
60 Height = 16
61 Caption = '&Suggestions and Alternavtives:'
62 FocusControl = lstSuggestions
63 end
64 object Label4: TLabel
65 Left = 11
66 Top = 3
67 Width = 133
68 Height = 16
69 Caption = 'C&urrent Misspelt Word:'
70 FocusControl = edtMisSpeltWordForExtraHint
71 end
72 object lstSuggestions: TListBox
73 Left = 3
74 Top = 43
75 Width = 406
76 Height = 197
77 ItemHeight = 16
78 TabOrder = 1
79 OnDblClick = lstSuggestionsDblClick
80 end
81 object edtMisSpeltWordForExtraHint: TEdit
82 Left = 151
83 Top = 4
84 Width = 554
85 Height = 18
86 AutoSize = False
87 BorderStyle = bsNone
88 Color = clBtnFace
89 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
90 Font.Color = clRed
91 Font.Height = -13
92 Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
93 Font.Style = []
94 ParentFont = False
95 TabOrder = 0
96 Text = 'HighlightEdit'
97 Visible = False
98 end
99 object btnReplaceWith: TButton
100 Left = 452
101 Top = 171
102 Width = 110
103 Height = 25
104 Caption = '&Replace with ...'
105 TabOrder = 6
106 OnClick = btnReplaceWithClick
107 end
108 object btnChangeAll: TButton
109 Left = 452
110 Top = 127
111 Width = 110
112 Height = 25
113 Caption = 'Change &All'
114 TabOrder = 3
115 OnClick = btnChangeAllClick
116 end
117 object btnChange: TButton
118 Left = 452
119 Top = 84
120 Width = 110
121 Height = 25
122 Caption = '&Change'
123 TabOrder = 2
124 OnClick = btnChangeClick
125 end
126 object btnAddToDictionary: TButton
127 Left = 611
128 Top = 171
129 Width = 110
130 Height = 25
131 Caption = 'A&dd to Dictionary'
132 TabOrder = 8
133 OnClick = btnAddToDictionaryClick
134 end
135 object btnIgnoreAll: TButton
136 Left = 611
137 Top = 127
138 Width = 110
139 Height = 25
140 Caption = 'I&gnore All'
141 TabOrder = 5
142 OnClick = btnIgnoreAllClick
143 end
144 object btnIgnoreOnce: TButton
145 Left = 611
146 Top = 84
147 Width = 110
148 Height = 25
149 Caption = '&Ignore Once'
150 TabOrder = 4
151 OnClick = btnIgnoreOnceClick
152 end
153 object btnAbort: TButton
154 Left = 611
155 Top = 215
156 Width = 110
157 Height = 25
158 Caption = 'A&bort'
159 ModalResult = 3
160 TabOrder = 9
161 OnClick = btnAbortClick
162 end
163 object btnUndo: TButton
164 Left = 452
165 Top = 215
166 Width = 110
167 Height = 25
168 Caption = '&Undo'
169 TabOrder = 7
170 OnClick = btnUndoClick
171 end
172 end
173 object edtDictionary: TEdit
174 Left = 131
175 Top = 2
176 Width = 531
177 Height = 23
178 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
179 Font.Color = clWindowText
180 Font.Height = -11
181 Font.Name = 'Comic Sans MS'
182 Font.Style = []
183 ParentFont = False
184 ReadOnly = True
185 TabOrder = 1
186 OnEnter = edtDictionaryEnter
187 end
188 object btnSelectDict: TBitBtn
189 Left = 485
190 Top = 26
191 Width = 244
192 Height = 25
193 Caption = '&Browse for and select different dictionary'
194 TabOrder = 2
195 OnClick = btnSelectDictClick
196 end
197 object RichEdit1: TRichEdit
198 Left = 3
199 Top = 57
200 Width = 726
201 Height = 205
202 Lines.Strings = (
203 'Type orr Paste heree the text '
204 ' for which you wish to do the SpellCheck')
205 ScrollBars = ssBoth
206 TabOrder = 0
207 OnKeyDown = RichEdit1KeyDown
208 OnKeyUp = RichEdit1KeyUp
209 end
210 object btnStart: TButton
211 Left = 452
212 Top = 310
213 Width = 110
214 Height = 25
215 Caption = '&Start SpellCheck'
216 TabOrder = 3
217 OnClick = btnStartClick
218 end
219 object btnClose: TButton
220 Left = 611
221 Top = 310
222 Width = 110
223 Height = 25
224 Caption = 'C&lose'
225 ModalResult = 1
226 TabOrder = 5
227 Visible = False
228 OnClick = btnCloseClick
229 end
230 object OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog
231 DefaultExt = '*.Dict'
232 FileName = 'en_US-large.dic'
233 Filter = 'HanSpell Dictionary & Aff file|*.dic'
234 Title = 'Specify Dictionary file (Corresponding *.aff file also required)'
235 Left = 668
236 Top = 65534
237 end
238 object SpellCheck1: TskaHunSpellChecker
239 Active = False
240 MisSpeltWord = edtMisSpeltWordForExtraHint
241 OnStart = SpellCheck1Start
242 OnStateChange = SpellCheck1StateChange
243 OnAbort = SpellCheck1Abort
244 SourceTextControl = RichEdit1
245 SuggestionList = lstSuggestions
246 Left = 368
247 Top = 104
248 end
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