1 | unit fHunSpell;
2 | (* ***************************** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK **********************
3 | *
4 | * Copyright (C) 2015
5 | * Sunil Kumar Arora (digitiger@gmail.com sunil@healthsevak.com)
6 | * All Rights Reserved.
7 | * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
8 | *
9 | * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
10 | * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
11 | * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
12 | * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
13 | *
14 | * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
15 | * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
16 | * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
17 | * License.
18 | *
19 | * Alternatively, the content of this file maybe used under the terms of either
20 | * the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or the GNU
21 | * Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), in which
22 | * case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead of those
23 | * above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the
24 | * terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to use your
25 | * version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your division by
26 | * deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other
27 | * provisions required by the GPL or LGPL. If you do not delete the provisions
28 | * above, a recipient may use your version of this file under the terms of any
29 | * one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
30 | *
31 | * *********************** END LICENSE BLOCK *********************************)
32 |
33 | interface
34 |
35 | uses
36 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
37 | StdCtrls, ComCtrls, RichEdit, Buttons, ExtCtrls, ShellAPI,
38 | skaSpellCheck;
39 |
40 | type
41 | TfrmHunSpell = class(TForm)
42 | lblDictionary: TLabel;
43 | btnClose: TButton;
44 | OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog;
45 | SpellCheck1: TskaHunSpellChecker;
46 | edtDictionary: TEdit;
47 | btnSelectDict: TBitBtn;
48 | lblDictionariesURL: TLabel;
49 | RichEdit1: TRichEdit;
50 | btnStart: TButton;
51 | pnlMisSpelled: TPanel;
52 | Label1: TLabel;
53 | Label4: TLabel;
54 | lstSuggestions: TListBox;
55 | edtMisSpeltWordForExtraHint: TEdit; //required for screenreaders which are MOSTLY colour blind
56 | btnReplaceWith: TButton;
57 | btnChangeAll: TButton;
58 | btnChange: TButton;
59 | btnAddToDictionary: TButton;
60 | btnIgnoreAll: TButton;
61 | btnIgnoreOnce: TButton;
62 | btnAbort: TButton;
63 | btnUndo: TButton;
64 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
65 | procedure btnIgnoreOnceClick(Sender: TObject);
66 | procedure btnIgnoreAllClick(Sender: TObject);
67 | procedure btnChangeClick(Sender: TObject);
68 | procedure btnChangeAllClick(Sender: TObject);
69 | procedure btnCloseClick(Sender: TObject);
70 | procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
71 | procedure btnSelectDictClick(Sender: TObject);
72 | procedure edtDictionaryEnter(Sender: TObject);
73 | procedure btnReplaceWithClick(Sender: TObject);
74 | procedure btnAddToDictionaryClick(Sender: TObject);
75 | procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
76 | procedure btnAbortClick(Sender: TObject);
77 | procedure btnStartClick(Sender: TObject);
78 | procedure btnUndoClick(Sender: TObject);
79 | procedure RichEdit1KeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
80 | Shift: TShiftState);
81 | procedure RichEdit1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
82 | Shift: TShiftState);
83 | procedure UpdateGUI;
84 | procedure SpellCheck1Abort(Sender: TObject);
85 | procedure SpellCheck1Start(Sender: TObject);
86 | procedure SpellCheck1StateChange(const Sender: TObject;
87 | const State: TSpellState);
88 | procedure lblDictionariesURLClick(Sender: TObject);
89 | procedure lstSuggestionsDblClick(Sender: TObject);
90 | private
91 | { Private declarations }
92 | NoEngineOpted: Boolean;
93 | FSourceControl: TCustomMemo;
94 | procedure GoToURL(const aURL: String);
95 | public
96 | { Public declarations }
97 | Showhighlight:boolean;
98 | highlightcolor:TColor;
99 | HighLightList:TStringlist;
100 | OldRichEditWndProc: {integer}pointer;
101 | PRichEditWndProc:pointer;
102 | class function DoHunSpellCheck(AnEditControl: TCustomMemo): TModalResult;
103 | static;
104 | end;
105 |
106 | Resourcestring
107 | TX_AFF_NOT_FOUND = 'Correspong AFF file named not found!'
108 | + #13
109 | + ' Specify dictionary file whose *.aff is also '
110 | + 'present in same directory.' ;
111 | TX_DIC_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 'Dictionary File for SpellCheck Engine not found!';
112 | TX_SPELL_COMPLETE = 'Spell Check Complete';
113 | TX_SPELL_CANCELLED = 'Spell Check Aborted'
114 | + #13
115 | + 'No Changes applied to the original text!';
116 |
117 | Const
118 | DefaultDicFile = 'dict\en_GB.dic';// 'dict\en-US-OpenMedSpel.dic';
119 | var
120 | frmHunSpell: TfrmHunSpell;
121 |
122 | implementation
123 | {$R *.DFM}
124 |
125 |
126 | class function TfrmHunSpell.DoHunSpellCheck(AnEditControl: TCustomMemo):
127 | TModalResult;
128 | {This function could be invoked from some other form by using this as modalform
129 | without creating the instance of this form in advance}
130 | var
131 | frm: TfrmHunSpell;
132 | begin
133 | Result := mrCancel;
134 | frm:= TfrmHunSpell.create(Application);
135 | try
136 | frm.RichEdit1.Text:= AnEditControl.Text;
137 | frm.FSourceControl := AnEditControl;
138 | Result := frm.ShowModal;
139 | finally
140 | frm.Free;
141 | end;
142 | end;
143 |
144 | {************ HighLight ***********888}
145 | procedure TfrmHunSpell.GoToURL(const aURL: String);
146 | begin
147 | if length(trim(aURL)) > 4 then
148 | ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar(aURL), '', '', SW_NORMAL);
149 | end;
150 |
151 | procedure TfrmHunSpell.lblDictionariesURLClick(Sender: TObject);
152 | begin
153 | GoToURL(TLabel(sender).Caption);
154 | end;
155 |
156 | procedure TfrmHunSpell.lstSuggestionsDblClick(Sender: TObject);
157 | begin
158 | if lstSuggestions.ItemIndex >= 0 then
159 | btnChangeClick(Self);
160 | end;
161 |
162 | procedure TfrmHunSpell.RichEdit1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
163 | Shift: TShiftState);
164 | begin
165 | if SpellCheck1.SpellCheckState = ssChecking then
166 | SpellCheck1.ManualChangeStart;
167 | end;
168 |
169 | procedure TfrmHunSpell.RichEdit1KeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
170 | Shift: TShiftState);
171 | begin
172 | if SpellCheck1.SpellCheckState in [ssCancelled, ssCompleted] then
173 | SpellCheck1.Reopen;
174 |
175 | if SpellCheck1.SpellCheckState = ssChecking then
176 | SpellCheck1.ManualChangeDone;
177 | end;
178 |
179 | procedure TfrmHunSpell.SpellCheck1Abort(Sender: TObject);
180 | begin
181 | UpdateGUI;
182 | end;
183 |
184 | procedure TfrmHunSpell.SpellCheck1Start(Sender: TObject);
185 | begin
186 | UpdateGUI;
187 | end;
188 |
189 | procedure TfrmHunSpell.SpellCheck1StateChange(const Sender: TObject;
190 | const State: TSpellState);
191 | begin
192 | if State = ssCompleted then
193 | ShowMessage(TX_SPELL_COMPLETE);
194 | UpdateGUI;
195 | end;
196 |
197 | procedure TfrmHunSpell.UpdateGUI;
198 | var
199 | Checking: Boolean;
200 | begin
201 | if csDestroying in componentstate then
202 | exit;
203 | btnStart.Enabled := (SpellCheck1.SpellCheckState in [ssReady, ssCancelled])
204 | and (trim(RichEdit1.Text) <> '');
205 |
206 | Checking := SpellCheck1.SpellCheckState = ssChecking;
207 | pnlMisSpelled.Visible := Checking;
208 | pnlMisSpelled.Enabled := Checking;
209 | btnClose.Visible := not Checking;
210 | end;
211 |
212 | {************* FormCreate **********}
213 | procedure TfrmHunSpell.btnStartClick(Sender: TObject);
214 | begin
215 | if SpellCheck1.SpellCheckState <> ssChecking then
216 | SpellCheck1.CheckSpelling;
217 |
218 | UpdateGUI;
219 | if (lstSuggestions.Count > 0) and btnChange.Visible and btnChange.Enabled then
220 | btnChange.SetFocus;
221 | end;
222 |
223 | procedure TfrmHunSpell.btnAddToDictionaryClick(Sender: TObject);
224 | begin
225 | SpellCheck1.AddCustomWord;
226 | end;
227 |
228 | procedure TfrmHunSpell.btnReplaceWithClick(Sender: TObject);
229 | begin
230 | SpellCheck1.CorrectWithMyWord;
231 | end;
232 |
233 | procedure TfrmHunSpell.btnAbortClick(Sender: TObject);
234 | begin
235 | if SpellCheck1.AbortSpellCheck(False) then
236 | UpdateGUI;
237 | end;
238 |
239 | procedure TfrmHunSpell.btnChangeAllClick(Sender: TObject);
240 | begin
241 | SpellCheck1.ChangeAll;
242 | end;
243 |
244 | procedure TfrmHunSpell.btnChangeClick(Sender: TObject);
245 | begin
246 | SpellCheck1.Change;
247 | end;
248 |
249 | procedure TfrmHunSpell.btnCloseClick(Sender: TObject);
250 | begin
251 | close;
252 | end;
253 |
254 | procedure TfrmHunSpell.btnIgnoreAllClick(Sender: TObject);
255 | begin
256 | SpellCheck1.IgnoreAll;
257 | end;
258 |
259 | procedure TfrmHunSpell.btnIgnoreOnceClick(Sender: TObject);
260 | begin
261 | SpellCheck1.IgnoreOnce;
262 | end;
263 |
264 | procedure TfrmHunSpell.btnSelectDictClick(Sender: TObject);
265 | var
266 | aff: String;
267 | begin
268 | if OpenDialog1.Execute then
269 | begin
270 | if SpellCheck1.DictionaryFileName = OpenDialog1.FileName then
271 | exit;
272 |
273 | aff := ChangeFileExt(OpenDialog1.FileName, '.aff');
274 | if not FileExists(aff) then
275 | begin
276 | ShowMessage(TX_AFF_NOT_FOUND);
277 | OpenDialog1.FileName := '';
278 | btnSelectDictClick(self);
279 | end
280 | else
281 | begin
282 | if SpellCheck1.SpellCheckState = ssChecking then
283 | SpellCheck1.AbortSpellCheck(False);
284 | edtDictionary.Text := OpenDialog1.FileName;
285 | SpellCheck1.DictionaryFileName := edtDictionary.Text;
286 | SpellCheck1.AffixFileName := aff;
287 | SpellCheck1.Open;
288 | end;
289 | end;
290 | end;
291 |
292 | procedure TfrmHunSpell.btnUndoClick(Sender: TObject);
293 | begin
294 | inherited;
295 | SpellCheck1.Undo;
296 | end;
297 |
298 | procedure TfrmHunSpell.edtDictionaryEnter(Sender: TObject);
299 | begin
300 | btnSelectDict.SetFocus;
301 | end;
302 |
303 | procedure TfrmHunSpell.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
304 | begin
305 | if ( not SpellCheck1.Active) and (not NoEngineOpted) then
306 | begin
307 | btnSelectDictClick(self);
308 | NoEngineOpted := True;
309 | end;
310 | end;
311 |
312 | procedure TfrmHunSpell.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
313 | begin
314 | { if SpellCheck1.SpellCheckState = ssCompleted then
315 | begin
316 | ShowMessage(TX_SPELL_COMPLETE) ;
317 | if Assigned(FSourceControl) then
318 | FSourceControl.Text := RichEdit1.Text;
319 | end
320 | else
321 | ShowMessage(TX_SPELL_CANCELLED) ; }
322 | end;
323 |
324 | procedure TfrmHunSpell.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
325 | var
326 | dicFile: String;
327 | function affFile: String;
328 | begin
329 | Result := ChangeFileExt(dicFile, '.aff');
330 | end;
331 | begin
332 | if (SpellCheck1.DictionaryFileName <> '') then
333 | dicFile := SpellCheck1.DictionaryFileName
334 | else
335 | dicFile := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName)+ DefaultDicFile;
336 |
337 | if (FileExists(dicFile)) and (FileExists(affFile)) then
338 | begin
339 | SpellCheck1.AffixFileName := affFile;
340 | edtDictionary.Text := SpellCheck1.DictionaryFileName;
341 | end
342 | else
343 | edtDictionary.Text := TX_Dic_File_Not_Found;
344 |
345 | if edtDictionary.Text = TX_Dic_File_Not_Found then
346 | btnSelectDictClick(self);
347 | // SpellCheck1.SourceTextControl := RichEdit1;
348 | // SpellCheck1.SuggestionList := lstSuggestions;
349 | //SpellCheck1.MisSpeltWord := Edit2;
350 | SpellCheck1.Active := (SpellCheck1.DictionaryFileName <> '')
351 | and FileExists(dicFile);
352 | UpdateGUI;
353 | end;
354 |
355 |
356 |
357 | end.
358 |