unit skaSpellCheck; (* ***************************** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ********************** * * Copyright (C) 2015 * Sunil Kumar Arora (digitiger@gmail.com sunil@healthsevak.com) * All Rights Reserved. * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * *Special Note: * This work has heavily relies upon rather build upon Copyrighted work by * Miha Vrhovnik (http://simail.sf.net, http://xcollect.sf.net) which is * available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/hunspell/ * * Alternatively, the content of this file maybe used under the terms of either * the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or the GNU * Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), in which * case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead of those * above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the * terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to use your * version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your division by * deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other * provisions required by the GPL or LGPL. If you do not delete the provisions * above, a recipient may use your version of this file under the terms of any * one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * *********************** END LICENSE BLOCK *********************************) interface uses Windows, Classes, SysUtils, ComCtrls, StdCtrls, Graphics, Forms, Controls; const AboutThis = 'A wrapper component developed by Sunil K Arora ' + '(digitiger@gmail.com) of HealthSevak using OpenSource HanSpell engine'; type TSpellState = (ssNoengine, ssInActive, ssReady, ssChecking, ssCancelled, ssCompleted); TStateChangeEvent = procedure (const Sender : TObject; const State : TSpellState) of object; TskaHunSpellChecker = class(TComponent) private FActiveOrLoaded: Boolean; FpointerHunLib: Pointer; FSourceEdit: TRichEdit; FSuggestionList: TListbox; FAffixFileName: string; FDictFileName: string; CurrentWord: String; CurrentText: String; FoundAt: Integer; PosOfFirstCharInCurrentLine: integer; CurrentLine: Integer; FIgnore: TStringList; WaitForUser: Boolean; WordLength:integer; WordPos: Integer; PREditorWndProc:pointer; FHighlightColor: TColor; FUndoList: TStringList; FCustDict: TStringList; FCustom: String; FModified: Boolean; FHighlightEdit: TEdit; FTxtBeforeManualEdit: String; FStatus: TSpellState; FOnStart: TNotifyEvent; FOnAbort : TNotifyEvent; FOnStateChange : TStateChangeEvent; FIgnoreWordWdigits: boolean; FIgnoreCaps: boolean; FOptionsKey: String; function AddCustomWord(aWord: String; isInternal: Boolean = False): Boolean; overload; virtual; Function CurrentWordDetail(WithPosition: Boolean= True): String; function GetActive: Boolean; procedure GetOptions; function GetStatus: TSpellState; procedure Initialize; procedure SetActive(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetAffixFileName(const Value: string); procedure SetCustomDict(const Value: String); procedure SetDictFileName(const Value: string); procedure SetHighLightEdit(const Value: TEdit); procedure SetOptions; procedure SetSourceEdit(const Value: TRichEdit); Function ShowMisSpelledWord:boolean; procedure Loaded; override; procedure ReplaceCurrentWordWith(const aNewWord: String); function GetAboutThis: String; procedure SaveForUndo(const Ignoring: Boolean=False); procedure InformStatusChange; procedure SetIgnoreCaps(const Value: boolean); procedure SetIgnoreWordWdigits(const Value: boolean); public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); overload; override; constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent; SourceTextRichEdit: TRichedit; SuggestList: TListbox); ReIntroduce; overload; destructor Destroy; override; function AbortSpellCheck(Verbose: Boolean = True):Boolean; function AddCustomWord: Boolean; overload; virtual; procedure Change; procedure ChangeAll; procedure CheckSpelling; procedure Close; virtual; procedure CorrectWithMyWord; procedure GetSuggestions(const aMisSpeltWord: string; const SuggestionList: TStrings); dynamic; procedure IgnoreAll; procedure IgnoreOnce; function IsMisspelled(const AWord: string): Boolean; dynamic; procedure ManualChangeStart; procedure ManualChangeDone; function Open:Boolean; virtual; procedure ReOpen; function ReStart: Boolean; virtual; function Undo: Boolean; property SpellCheckState: TSpellState read GetStatus default ssInActive; published property About: String read GetAboutThis; property Active: Boolean read GetActive write SetActive; property AffixFileName: string read FAffixFileName write SetAffixFileName; property IgnoreAllCaps: boolean read FIgnoreCaps write SetIgnoreCaps default true; property IgnoreWordWithDigits:boolean read FIgnoreWordWdigits write SetIgnoreWordWdigits default true; property CustDictionaryFile: String read FCustom write SetCustomDict; property DictionaryFileName:string read FDictFileName write SetDictFileName; property ColorForMisspelled: TColor read FHighlightColor write FHighlightColor default clRed; property MisSpeltWord: TEdit read FHighlightEdit write SetHighLightEdit; property IsModified: Boolean read FModified; property OnStart : TNotifyEvent read FOnStart write FOnStart; property OnStateChange : TStateChangeEvent read FOnStateChange write FOnStateChange; property OnAbort : TNotifyEvent read FOnAbort write FOnAbort; property SourceTextControl: TRichEdit read FSourceEdit write SetSourceEdit; property SuggestionList:TListbox read FSuggestionList write FSuggestionList; end; procedure Register; Const CompletionMessage = 'Spell Check Complete.'; CaptionForNewWord = 'New Word Suggestion'; ConfirmAbort = 'Really abort?'; ConfirmComplete = 'If you accept last change than SpellCheck is complete.' + #13 + ' To review last change click on "Cancel".'; PromptForNewWord = 'Specify the replacement for current mis-spelt word:'; DLLNotLoaded = 'Failed to load SpellCheck Engine DLL.'; MisSpeltReplacement = 'The new word specified by you "%s" looks mis-spelt!' +' Would you want to still use it? Click NO button ' +'to specify better replacement word.'; var OldRichEditWndProc: {integer}pointer; CurrentMe: TskaHunSpellChecker; implementation uses messages, Dialogs, RichEdit, SHFolder, uHunSpellLib, Registry; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponentsProc('SkA Utility', [TskaHunSpellChecker]); end; { TskaHunSpellChecker } function TskaHunSpellChecker.AbortSpellCheck(Verbose: Boolean = True): Boolean; begin if FStatus <> ssChecking then begin FStatus := ssCancelled; Close; exit; end; Result := (not isModified) or (not Verbose) or (MessageDlg(ConfirmAbort, mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo],0, mbNo) = 6); if Result then begin if FUndoList.Count > 0 then SourceTextControl.Text := FUndoList[0]; FUndoList.Clear; FUndoList.Add(SourceTextControl.Text); FIgnore.Clear; FStatus := ssCancelled; SourceTextControl.Invalidate; if Assigned(OnAbort) then OnAbort(Self); end; end; function TskaHunSpellChecker.AddCustomWord(aWord: String; isInternal: Boolean = False): Boolean; begin Result := False; if (not active) or (trim(aWord) = '') or (SpellCheckState <> ssChecking) or (not assigned(SourceTextControl)) or (not assigned(SuggestionList)) then begin Result := False; exit; end; uHunSpellLib.hunspell_put_word(FpointerHunLib, PAnsiChar(AnsiString(aWord))); Result := True; end; procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.ChangeAll; begin if (SpellCheckState <> ssChecking) or (not assigned(SourceTextControl)) or (not assigned(SuggestionList)) then exit; SaveForUndo; SourceTextControl.Text := StringReplace(SourceTextControl.Text, CurrentWord, SuggestionList.Items[SuggestionList.ItemIndex], [rfReplaceAll,rfIgnoreCase]); WaitForUser := False; FModified := True; SourceTextControl.Invalidate; end; function TskaHunSpellChecker.AddCustomWord: Boolean; begin Result := AddCustomWord(CurrentWord, False); FCustdict.Add(CurrentWord); WaitForUser := False; AbortSpellCheck(False); Initialize; CheckSpelling; ShowMisSpelledWord; end; procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.ReOpen; begin Close; Open; end; procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.ReplaceCurrentWordWith(const aNewWord: String); var full: String; prefix: string; suffix: string; begin full := SourceTextControl.Lines[CurrentLine]; {remember there is one extra space at the start of the line prefixed while populating this variable} prefix := copy(CurrentText, 2, WordPos-2); Suffix := copy(CurrentText, WordPos+WordLength, length(CurrentText)); SaveForUndo; FModified := True; SourceTextControl.Lines[CurrentLine] :=prefix + aNewWord + suffix; WaitForUser := False; FStatus := ssChecking; FModified := True; SourceTextControl.Invalidate; end; function TskaHunSpellChecker.ReStart: Boolean; begin Close; Result := Open; Initialize; WaitForUser := False; if FStatus <> ssChecking then begin FStatus := ssChecking; InformStatusChange; end; SourceTextControl.Invalidate; Result := not WaitForUser; end; procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.Change; begin if (SpellCheckState <> ssChecking) or (not assigned(SourceTextControl)) or (not assigned(SuggestionList)) then exit; ReplaceCurrentWordWith(SuggestionList.Items[SuggestionList.ItemIndex]); end; procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.CheckSpelling; begin if (SpellCheckState = ssChecking) or (not assigned(SourceTextControl)) or (trim(SourceTextControl.Text)= '') or (not assigned(SuggestionList)) then exit; Initialize; FUndoList.Clear; FUndoList.Add(SourceTextControl.Text); FIgnore.Clear; WaitForUser := False; FStatus := ssChecking; if Assigned(OnStart) then OnStart(Self); SourceTextControl.Invalidate; end; procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.Close; begin if not Active then Exit; uHunSpellLib.hunspell_uninitialize(FpointerHunLib); FpointerHunLib := nil; FStatus := ssInActive; InformStatusChange; end; procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.CorrectWithMyWord; var NewWord: String; GotIt: Boolean; begin if (SpellCheckState <> ssChecking) or (not assigned(SourceTextControl)) or (not assigned(SuggestionList)) then exit; if SuggestionList.Count > 0 then NewWord := SuggestionList.Items[0] else NewWord := CurrentWord; GotIt := False; while not GotIt do begin if not InputQuery(CaptionForNewWord, PromptForNewWord, NewWord) then exit; GotIt := (not IsMisspelled(NewWord)) or (MessageDlg(Format(MisSpeltReplacement,[NewWord]), mtWarning, [mbYes, mbNo],0, mbNo) =6) ; end; if IsMisspelled(NewWord) then AddCustomWord(NewWord, True); ReplaceCurrentWordWith(NewWord); end; constructor TskaHunSpellChecker.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; ColorForMisspelled := clRed; CurrentMe := Self; FIgnore := TStringList.Create; FCustDict := TStringList.Create; if (trim(CustDictionaryFile)<>'') and (FileExists(CustDictionaryFile)) then try FCustDict.LoadFromFile(CustDictionaryFile); except end; FUndoList := TStringList.Create; FOptionsKey := '\software\' + ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(Application.ExeName),'') + '\skaHunSpellCheckOptions'; if csDesigning in componentState then begin IgnoreAllCaps := True; IgnoreWordWithDigits := True; end else GetOptions; FStatus := ssInActive; WaitForUser := False; WordPos := 0; end; constructor TskaHunSpellChecker.Create(AOwner: TComponent; SourceTextRichEdit: TRichedit; SuggestList: TListbox); begin create(AOwner); SourceTextControl := SourceTextRichEdit; SuggestionList := SuggestList; end; function TskaHunSpellChecker.CurrentWordDetail(WithPosition: Boolean): String; begin Result := '$$' + CurrentWord + '$$'; if WithPosition then Result :='$$' + IntToStr(CurrentLine) + '$$' + IntToStr(FoundAt+1) + Result; end; destructor TskaHunSpellChecker.Destroy; begin Close; FIgnore.clear; FreeAndNil(FIgnore); FreeAndNil(FUndoList); if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then try if FCustDict.Count > 0 then try FCustDict.SaveToFile(CustDictionaryFile); except end; SetOptions; finally FCustDict.Free; end; inherited; end; function TskaHunSpellChecker.GetAboutThis: String; begin Result := AboutThis; end; function TskaHunSpellChecker.GetActive: Boolean; begin Result := (FpointerHunLib <> nil); end; procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.GetOptions; var reg:TRegistry; begin reg:=TRegistry.Create; try reg.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; //first get the dicationary file name Reg.OpenKey(FOptionsKey,True); if reg.ValueExists('DicFileName') then DictionaryFileName:=Reg.readString('DicFileName') else Reg.WriteString('DicFileName',DictionaryFileName); //IgnoreAllCaps ? if reg.ValueExists('IgnoreAllCaps') then IgnoreAllCaps:=Reg.readBool('IgnoreAllCaps') else Reg.WriteBool('IgnoreAllCaps',IgnoreAllCaps); //IgnoreWordsWithDigits ? if reg.ValueExists('IgnoreWordWithDigits') then IgnoreWordWithDigits:=Reg.readBool('IgnoreWordWithDigits') else Reg.WriteBool('IgnoreWordWithDigits',IgnoreWordWithDigits); finally Reg.Free; end; end; function TskaHunSpellChecker.GetStatus: TSpellState; begin Result := FStatus; end; procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.GetSuggestions(const aMisSpeltWord: string; const SuggestionList: TStrings); var i: Integer; pMisSpelt: PAnsiChar; suggestions: PPAnsiChar; Results: PPAnsiChar; Count: Integer; begin if (not Active) or (not Assigned(SuggestionList)) then exit; pMisSpelt := PAnsiChar(AnsiString(aMisSpeltWord)); if not uHunSpellLib.hunspell_spell(FpointerHunLib, pMisSpelt) then uHunSpellLib.hunspell_suggest_auto(FpointerHunLib, pMisSpelt, suggestions); begin Count :=uHunSpellLib.hunspell_suggest(FpointerHunLib,pMisSpelt,suggestions); Results := suggestions; for i := 1 to Count do begin SuggestionList.Add(Results^); Inc(Integer(Results), SizeOf(Pointer)); end; uHunSpellLib.hunspell_suggest_free(FpointerHunLib, suggestions, Count); end; end; function TskaHunSpellChecker.ShowMisSpelledWord: boolean; var I , l :integer; CharPosion:integer; FirstVisibleLine, LastVisibleLine:integer; hndl: hwnd; dcForHndl: THandle; visrect:Trect; vispoint:TPoint; procedure ShowMisSpelletWord; begin if Assigned(FHighlightEdit) then begin FHighlightEdit.Font.Color := ColorForMisspelled; FHighlightEdit.Text := CurrentWord; FHighlightEdit.Show; end ; if ((PosOfFirstCharInCurrentLine + FoundAt) < 1) then exit; SendMessage (SourceTextControl.Handle, EM_POSFROMCHAR, integer(@VisPoint), PosOfFirstCharInCurrentLine + FoundAt-1); SetTextColor(dcForHndl, ColorForMisspelled); TextOut(dcForHndl, VisPoint.x, VisPoint.y, pchar(CurrentWord), WordLength); end; function WordIsIgnorable: Boolean; var i: Integer; begin Result := False; if IgnoreAllCaps then begin Result := True; for i := 1 to WordLength do begin Result := Result and (ord(CurrentWord[i]) in [65..90]); end; if Result then exit; end; if IgnoreWordWithDigits then begin Result := False; for i := 1 to WordLength do begin Result := Result or (ord(CurrentWord[i]) in [48..57]); if Result then break; end; end; end; begin Result := False; if (SpellCheckState <> ssChecking) or (not assigned(SourceTextControl)) or (not assigned(SuggestionList)) then exit; hndl:=SourceTextControl.Handle; result:= SendMessage (hndl, EM_GETRECT, 0, integer(@visrect))=0; dcForHndl := getdc(hndl); if result then begin // VisPoint := visrect.BottomRight; vispoint.Y := visrect.Bottom; vispoint.X := visrect.Right; CharPosion := SendMessage (hndl, EM_CHARFROMPOS, 0, integer(@VisPoint)); LASTVISIBLELINE := SendMessage (hndl, EM_LINEFROMCHAR, CharPosion, 0); FIRSTVISIBLELINE := SendMessage (hndl, EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE, 0, 0); SetBkMode (dcForHndl, TRANSPARENT); SelectObject(dcForHndl, SourceTextControl.font.Handle); i := 0; if WaitForUser then begin ShowMisSpelletWord; exit; end; For l := 0 to SourceTextControl.Lines.Count -1 do begin {$R-} CurrentLine := l; if trim(SourceTextControl.Lines[CurrentLine]) = '' then continue; CurrentText := ' ' + SourceTextControl.Lines[CurrentLine]; PosOfFirstCharInCurrentLine := SendMessage (SourceTextControl.Handle, EM_LINEINDEX, CurrentLine, 0); i := 0; While i <= LENgth(CurrentText) do begin FoundAt := i -1; if Assigned(FHighlightEdit) then FHighlightEdit.Hide; //SuggestionList.Clear; {Any character except these will count as a word delimiter} While CurrentText[i] in ['A'..'Z','a'..'z','0'..'9'] do inc(i); WordLength := i- FoundAt -1; WordPos := i-WordLength; CurrentWord := copy(CurrentText, WordPos, WordLength); // if WordIsCorrect then if (((FIgnore.IndexOf(CurrentWordDetail(True))< 0) //SingelIgnore and (FIgnore.IndexOf(CurrentWordDetail(False))< 0) //IgnoreAll and (IsMisspelled(CurrentWord)))) and (not WordIsIgnorable) then begin GetSuggestions(CurrentWord, SuggestionList.Items); if SuggestionList.Count > 0 then SuggestionList.ItemIndex := 0; ShowMisSpelletWord; if CurrentLine > LastVisibleLine then SendMessage(SourceTextControl.Handle, EM_LINESCROLL, 0, (CurrentLine - lastvisibleLine)+5); WaitForUser := True; exit; End else SuggestionList.Clear; inc(i); end; end; if (CurrentLine >= SourceTextControl.Lines.Count-1) and (i >= length(CurrentText) +1) then begin if (not FModified) or (MessageDlg(ConfirmComplete,mtConfirmation,[mbOK, mbCancel],0)=mrOk) then begin FStatus := ssCompleted; InformStatusChange; end else Undo; end; {$R+} end; ReleaseDC(SourceTextControl.Handle, dcForHndl); End; function TskaHunSpellChecker.Undo: Boolean; var tmpStr: String; tmpCount: Integer; SrcText: String; begin if FUndoList.Count > 1 then try tmpStr := FUndoList.Strings[FUndoList.Count-1]; if (AnsiPos('$$',tmpStr)=1) and (copy(tmpStr,length(tmpStr)-1,2) = '$$')then //if last action was ignoring word then just remove it from ignore list begin tmpCount := strtoInt(StringReplace(tmpStr,'$$','',[rfReplaceAll])); while FIgnore.Count > tmpCount do FIgnore.Delete(FIgnore.Count -1); end else SourceTextControl.Text := tmpStr; Result := True; FUndoList.Delete(FUndoList.Count-1); ReStart; except Result := False; end; end; procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.IgnoreAll; begin if (SpellCheckState <> ssChecking) or (not assigned(SourceTextControl)) or (not assigned(SuggestionList)) then exit; SaveForUndo(True); FIgnore.Add(CurrentWordDetail(False)) ; WaitForUser := False; SourceTextControl.Invalidate; end; procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.IgnoreOnce; begin if (SpellCheckState <> ssChecking) or (not assigned(SourceTextControl)) or (not assigned(SuggestionList)) then exit; if trim(CurrentWord) <> '' then begin SaveForUndo(True); FIgnore.Add(CurrentWordDetail(True)) ; end; WaitForUser := False; SourceTextControl.Invalidate; end; procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.InformStatusChange; begin if Assigned(OnStateChange) then OnStateChange(Self, FStatus); end; procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.Initialize; begin CurrentWord := ''; WordLength := 0; FoundAt := -1; CurrentLine := 0; WordPos := 0; SuggestionList.Clear; end; function TskaHunSpellChecker.IsMisspelled(const AWord: string): Boolean; begin if (not Active) then Result := True else Result := not uHunSpellLib.hunspell_spell(FpointerHunLib, PAnsiChar(AnsiString(AWord))); end; procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.Loaded; begin inherited; SetActive(FActiveOrLoaded); end; procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.ManualChangeDone; begin if trim(FTxtBeforeManualEdit) = '' then exit; FUndoList.Add(FTxtBeforeManualEdit); ReStart; end; procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.ManualChangeStart; begin FTxtBeforeManualEdit := FSourceEdit.Text; end; function TskaHunSpellChecker.Open: Boolean; var CurrentLine: integer; function GetSpecialFolderPath(folder : integer) : string; var path: array [0..MAX_PATH] of char; begin if SUCCEEDED(SHGetFolderPath(0,folder,0,0,@path[0])) then Result := path else Result := ''; end; begin Result := True; if Active then Exit; Result := False; FpointerHunLib := Nil; if not uHunSpellLib.LoadLibHunspell('') then begin MessageDlg(DLLNotLoaded, mtError, [mbOK],0); Exit; end; FpointerHunLib := uHunSpellLib.hunspell_initialize( PAnsiChar(AnsiString(FAffixFileName)), PAnsiChar(AnsiString(FDictFileName))); Result := Assigned(FpointerHunLib); if Result then begin FStatus := ssReady; InformStatusChange; end; if trim(CustDictionaryFile) = '' then CustDictionaryFile := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter( GetSpecialFolderPath(CSIDL_PERSONAL)) + 'CustomDictionary.txt'; if (Result) and (assigned(FCustDict)) then for CurrentLine := 0 to FCustDict.Count - 1 do AddCustomWord(FCustDict[CurrentLine], True); end; procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.SaveForUndo(const Ignoring: Boolean = False); begin if Ignoring then FUndoList.Add('$$'+ IntToStr(FIgnore.Count)+'$$') else FUndoList.Add(SourceTextControl.Text); end; procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.SetActive(const Value: Boolean); begin if (csDesigning in ComponentState) or (csLoading in ComponentState) then FActiveOrLoaded := Value else if Value then FActiveOrLoaded := Open else Close; end; procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.SetAffixFileName(const Value: string); begin Close; FAffixFileName := Value; if (trim(DictionaryFileName) = '') and (trim(value)<>'') then DictionaryFileName := ChangeFileExt(value, '.dic'); end; procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.SetCustomDict(const Value: String); begin FCustom := Value; if (not (csDesigning in componentState)) and (FileExists(Value)) and assigned(FCustDict) then begin FCustDict.Clear; FCustDict.LoadFromFile(Value); end; end; procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.SetDictFileName(const Value: string); begin Close; FDictFileName := Value; if (trim(AffixFileName) = '') and (trim(value)<>'') then AffixFileName := ChangeFileExt(value, '.aff'); end; procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.SetHighLightEdit(const Value: TEdit); begin if FHighlightEdit = Value then exit; FHighlightEdit := Value; if Active then FHighlightEdit.Text := CurrentWord; end; procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.SetIgnoreCaps(const Value: boolean); begin if (FIgnoreCaps = Value) then exit; FIgnoreCaps := Value; if SpellCheckState = ssChecking then ReStart; end; procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.SetIgnoreWordWdigits(const Value: boolean); begin if (FIgnoreWordWdigits = Value) then exit; FIgnoreWordWdigits := Value; if SpellCheckState = ssChecking then ReStart; end; procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.SetOptions; var reg:TRegistry; begin reg:=TRegistry.Create; try reg.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; Reg.OpenKey(FOptionsKey,True); //first save the dicationary file name Reg.WriteString('DicFileName',DictionaryFileName); //IgnoreAllCaps ? Reg.WriteBool('IgnoreAllCaps',IgnoreAllCaps); //IgnoreWordsWithDigits ? Reg.WriteBool('IgnoreWordWithDigits',IgnoreWordWithDigits); finally Reg.Free; end; end; Function RichEditWndProc(handle:HWnd;uMsg,wParam,lParam:longint):longint stdcall; begin Result := CallWindowProc(OldRichEditWndProc, handle, uMsg, wParam, lParam); if (uMsg=WM_PAINT) and assigned(CurrentMe) then CurrentMe.ShowMisSpelledWord; End; procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.SetSourceEdit(const Value: TRichEdit); begin if FSourceEdit = Value then exit; FSourceEdit := Value; if csDesigning in ComponentState then exit; PREditorWndProc:=@RichEditWndProc; //raise the limit of text which could be inserted into this Richedit Value.perform(EM_EXLIMITTEXT, 0, 65535*32); OldRichEditWndProc := pointer(SetWindowLong(Value.handle, GWL_WNDPROC, longint(@RichEditWndProc))); end; end.