1 | unit skaSpellCheck;
2 | (* ***************************** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK **********************
3 | *
4 | * Copyright (C) 2015
5 | * Sunil Kumar Arora (digitiger@gmail.com sunil@healthsevak.com)
6 | * All Rights Reserved.
7 | * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
8 | *
9 | * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
10 | * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
11 | * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
12 | * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
13 | *
14 | * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
15 | * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
16 | * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
17 | * License.
18 | *
19 | *Special Note:
20 | * This work has heavily relies upon rather build upon Copyrighted work by
21 | * Miha Vrhovnik (http://simail.sf.net, http://xcollect.sf.net) which is
22 | * available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/hunspell/
23 | *
24 | * Alternatively, the content of this file maybe used under the terms of either
25 | * the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or the GNU
26 | * Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), in which
27 | * case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead of those
28 | * above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the
29 | * terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to use your
30 | * version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your division by
31 | * deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other
32 | * provisions required by the GPL or LGPL. If you do not delete the provisions
33 | * above, a recipient may use your version of this file under the terms of any
34 | * one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
35 | *
36 | * *********************** END LICENSE BLOCK *********************************)
37 |
38 | interface
39 |
40 | uses
41 | Windows, Classes, SysUtils, ComCtrls, StdCtrls, Graphics, Forms, Controls;
42 |
43 | const
44 | AboutThis = 'A wrapper component developed by Sunil K Arora '
45 | + '(digitiger@gmail.com) of HealthSevak using OpenSource HanSpell engine';
46 | type
47 | TSpellState = (ssNoengine, ssInActive, ssReady, ssChecking, ssCancelled,
48 | ssCompleted);
49 | TStateChangeEvent = procedure (const Sender : TObject;
50 | const State : TSpellState) of object;
51 |
52 | TskaHunSpellChecker = class(TComponent)
53 | private
54 | FActiveOrLoaded: Boolean;
55 | FpointerHunLib: Pointer;
56 | FSourceEdit: TRichEdit;
57 | FSuggestionList: TListbox;
58 |
59 | FAffixFileName: string;
60 | FDictFileName: string;
61 | CurrentWord: String;
62 | CurrentText: String;
63 | FoundAt: Integer;
64 | PosOfFirstCharInCurrentLine: integer;
65 | CurrentLine: Integer;
66 | FIgnore: TStringList;
67 | WaitForUser: Boolean;
68 | WordLength:integer;
69 | WordPos: Integer;
70 | PREditorWndProc:pointer;
71 | FHighlightColor: TColor;
72 | FUndoList: TStringList;
73 | FCustDict: TStringList;
74 | FCustom: String;
75 | FModified: Boolean;
76 | FHighlightEdit: TEdit;
77 | FTxtBeforeManualEdit: String;
78 |
79 | FStatus: TSpellState;
80 | FOnStart: TNotifyEvent;
81 | FOnAbort : TNotifyEvent;
82 | FOnStateChange : TStateChangeEvent;
83 | FIgnoreWordWdigits: boolean;
84 | FIgnoreCaps: boolean;
85 | FOptionsKey: String;
86 | function AddCustomWord(aWord: String; isInternal: Boolean = False): Boolean;
87 | overload; virtual;
88 | Function CurrentWordDetail(WithPosition: Boolean= True): String;
89 | function GetActive: Boolean;
90 | procedure GetOptions;
91 | function GetStatus: TSpellState;
92 | procedure Initialize;
93 | procedure SetActive(const Value: Boolean);
94 | procedure SetAffixFileName(const Value: string);
95 | procedure SetCustomDict(const Value: String);
96 | procedure SetDictFileName(const Value: string);
97 | procedure SetHighLightEdit(const Value: TEdit);
98 | procedure SetOptions;
99 | procedure SetSourceEdit(const Value: TRichEdit);
100 | Function ShowMisSpelledWord:boolean;
101 | procedure Loaded; override;
102 | procedure ReplaceCurrentWordWith(const aNewWord: String);
103 | function GetAboutThis: String;
104 | procedure SaveForUndo(const Ignoring: Boolean=False);
105 | procedure InformStatusChange;
106 | procedure SetIgnoreCaps(const Value: boolean);
107 | procedure SetIgnoreWordWdigits(const Value: boolean);
108 | public
109 | constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); overload; override;
110 | constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent; SourceTextRichEdit: TRichedit;
111 | SuggestList: TListbox); ReIntroduce; overload;
112 | destructor Destroy; override;
113 |
114 | function AbortSpellCheck(Verbose: Boolean = True):Boolean;
115 | function AddCustomWord: Boolean; overload; virtual;
116 | procedure Change;
117 | procedure ChangeAll;
118 | procedure CheckSpelling;
119 | procedure Close; virtual;
120 | procedure CorrectWithMyWord;
121 | procedure GetSuggestions(const aMisSpeltWord: string;
122 | const SuggestionList: TStrings); dynamic;
123 | procedure IgnoreAll;
124 | procedure IgnoreOnce;
125 | function IsMisspelled(const AWord: string): Boolean; dynamic;
126 | procedure ManualChangeStart;
127 | procedure ManualChangeDone;
128 | function Open:Boolean; virtual;
129 | procedure ReOpen;
130 | function ReStart: Boolean; virtual;
131 | function Undo: Boolean;
132 | property SpellCheckState: TSpellState read GetStatus default ssInActive;
133 | published
134 | property About: String read GetAboutThis;
135 | property Active: Boolean read GetActive write SetActive;
136 | property AffixFileName: string read FAffixFileName write SetAffixFileName;
137 | property IgnoreAllCaps: boolean read FIgnoreCaps write SetIgnoreCaps default true;
138 | property IgnoreWordWithDigits:boolean read FIgnoreWordWdigits write SetIgnoreWordWdigits default true;
139 | property CustDictionaryFile: String read FCustom write SetCustomDict;
140 | property DictionaryFileName:string read FDictFileName write SetDictFileName;
141 | property ColorForMisspelled: TColor read FHighlightColor
142 | write FHighlightColor default clRed;
143 | property MisSpeltWord: TEdit read FHighlightEdit write SetHighLightEdit;
144 | property IsModified: Boolean read FModified;
145 | property OnStart : TNotifyEvent read FOnStart write FOnStart;
146 | property OnStateChange : TStateChangeEvent read FOnStateChange
147 | write FOnStateChange;
148 | property OnAbort : TNotifyEvent read FOnAbort write FOnAbort;
149 | property SourceTextControl: TRichEdit read FSourceEdit write SetSourceEdit;
150 | property SuggestionList:TListbox read FSuggestionList write FSuggestionList;
151 |
152 | end;
153 |
154 | procedure Register;
155 |
156 | Const
157 | CompletionMessage = 'Spell Check Complete.';
158 | CaptionForNewWord = 'New Word Suggestion';
159 | ConfirmAbort = 'Really abort?';
160 | ConfirmComplete = 'If you accept last change than SpellCheck is complete.'
161 | + #13 + ' To review last change click on "Cancel".';
162 | PromptForNewWord = 'Specify the replacement for current mis-spelt word:';
163 | DLLNotLoaded = 'Failed to load SpellCheck Engine DLL.';
164 | MisSpeltReplacement = 'The new word specified by you "%s" looks mis-spelt!'
165 | +' Would you want to still use it? Click NO button '
166 | +'to specify better replacement word.';
167 |
168 | var
169 | OldRichEditWndProc: {integer}pointer;
170 | CurrentMe: TskaHunSpellChecker;
171 | implementation
172 | uses messages, Dialogs, RichEdit, SHFolder, uHunSpellLib, Registry;
173 |
174 | procedure Register;
175 | begin
176 | RegisterComponentsProc('SkA Utility', [TskaHunSpellChecker]);
177 | end;
178 |
179 | { TskaHunSpellChecker }
180 |
181 | function TskaHunSpellChecker.AbortSpellCheck(Verbose: Boolean = True): Boolean;
182 | begin
183 | if FStatus <> ssChecking then
184 | begin
185 | FStatus := ssCancelled;
186 | Close;
187 | exit;
188 | end;
189 |
190 | Result := (not isModified) or
191 | (not Verbose) or (MessageDlg(ConfirmAbort, mtConfirmation,
192 | [mbYes, mbNo],0, mbNo) = 6);
193 |
194 | if Result then
195 | begin
196 | if FUndoList.Count > 0 then
197 | SourceTextControl.Text := FUndoList[0];
198 | FUndoList.Clear;
199 | FUndoList.Add(SourceTextControl.Text);
200 | FIgnore.Clear;
201 | FStatus := ssCancelled;
202 | SourceTextControl.Invalidate;
203 | if Assigned(OnAbort) then
204 | OnAbort(Self);
205 | end;
206 | end;
207 |
208 | function TskaHunSpellChecker.AddCustomWord(aWord: String;
209 | isInternal: Boolean = False): Boolean;
210 | begin
211 | Result := False;
212 | if (not active) or (trim(aWord) = '') or (SpellCheckState <> ssChecking)
213 | or (not assigned(SourceTextControl)) or (not assigned(SuggestionList)) then
214 | begin
215 | Result := False;
216 | exit;
217 | end;
218 | uHunSpellLib.hunspell_put_word(FpointerHunLib, PAnsiChar(AnsiString(aWord)));
219 | Result := True;
220 | end;
221 |
222 | procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.ChangeAll;
223 | begin
224 | if (SpellCheckState <> ssChecking) or (not assigned(SourceTextControl))
225 | or (not assigned(SuggestionList)) then
226 | exit;
227 | SaveForUndo;
228 | SourceTextControl.Text := StringReplace(SourceTextControl.Text,
229 | CurrentWord, SuggestionList.Items[SuggestionList.ItemIndex],
230 | [rfReplaceAll,rfIgnoreCase]);
231 | WaitForUser := False;
232 | FModified := True;
233 | SourceTextControl.Invalidate;
234 |
235 | end;
236 |
237 | function TskaHunSpellChecker.AddCustomWord: Boolean;
238 | begin
239 | Result := AddCustomWord(CurrentWord, False);
240 | FCustdict.Add(CurrentWord);
241 | WaitForUser := False;
242 | AbortSpellCheck(False);
243 | Initialize;
244 | CheckSpelling;
245 | ShowMisSpelledWord;
246 | end;
247 |
248 | procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.ReOpen;
249 | begin
250 | Close;
251 | Open;
252 | end;
253 |
254 | procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.ReplaceCurrentWordWith(const aNewWord: String);
255 | var
256 | full: String;
257 | prefix: string;
258 | suffix: string;
259 | begin
260 | full := SourceTextControl.Lines[CurrentLine];
261 | {remember there is one extra space at the start of the line prefixed while
262 | populating this variable}
263 | prefix := copy(CurrentText, 2, WordPos-2);
264 | Suffix := copy(CurrentText, WordPos+WordLength,
265 | length(CurrentText));
266 | SaveForUndo;
267 | FModified := True;
268 | SourceTextControl.Lines[CurrentLine] :=prefix + aNewWord + suffix;
269 | WaitForUser := False;
270 | FStatus := ssChecking;
271 | FModified := True;
272 | SourceTextControl.Invalidate;
273 | end;
274 |
275 | function TskaHunSpellChecker.ReStart: Boolean;
276 | begin
277 | Close;
278 | Result := Open;
279 | Initialize;
280 | WaitForUser := False;
281 | if FStatus <> ssChecking then
282 | begin
283 | FStatus := ssChecking;
284 | InformStatusChange;
285 | end;
286 | SourceTextControl.Invalidate;
287 | Result := not WaitForUser;
288 | end;
289 |
290 | procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.Change;
291 |
292 | begin
293 | if (SpellCheckState <> ssChecking) or (not assigned(SourceTextControl))
294 | or (not assigned(SuggestionList)) then
295 | exit;
296 | ReplaceCurrentWordWith(SuggestionList.Items[SuggestionList.ItemIndex]);
297 | end;
298 |
299 | procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.CheckSpelling;
300 | begin
301 | if (SpellCheckState = ssChecking) or (not assigned(SourceTextControl))
302 | or (trim(SourceTextControl.Text)= '') or (not assigned(SuggestionList)) then
303 | exit;
304 |
305 | Initialize;
306 | FUndoList.Clear;
307 | FUndoList.Add(SourceTextControl.Text);
308 | FIgnore.Clear;
309 | WaitForUser := False;
310 | FStatus := ssChecking;
311 | if Assigned(OnStart) then
312 | OnStart(Self);
313 | SourceTextControl.Invalidate;
314 | end;
315 |
316 | procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.Close;
317 | begin
318 | if not Active then Exit;
319 | uHunSpellLib.hunspell_uninitialize(FpointerHunLib);
320 | FpointerHunLib := nil;
321 | FStatus := ssInActive;
322 | InformStatusChange;
323 | end;
324 |
325 |
326 | procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.CorrectWithMyWord;
327 | var
328 | NewWord: String;
329 | GotIt: Boolean;
330 | begin
331 | if (SpellCheckState <> ssChecking) or (not assigned(SourceTextControl))
332 | or (not assigned(SuggestionList)) then
333 | exit;
334 |
335 | if SuggestionList.Count > 0 then
336 | NewWord := SuggestionList.Items[0]
337 | else
338 | NewWord := CurrentWord;
339 |
340 | GotIt := False;
341 | while not GotIt do
342 | begin
343 | if not InputQuery(CaptionForNewWord, PromptForNewWord, NewWord) then
344 | exit;
345 |
346 | GotIt := (not IsMisspelled(NewWord))
347 | or (MessageDlg(Format(MisSpeltReplacement,[NewWord]),
348 | mtWarning, [mbYes, mbNo],0, mbNo) =6) ;
349 | end;
350 |
351 | if IsMisspelled(NewWord) then
352 | AddCustomWord(NewWord, True);
353 |
354 | ReplaceCurrentWordWith(NewWord);
355 | end;
356 |
357 | constructor TskaHunSpellChecker.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
358 | begin
359 | inherited;
360 | ColorForMisspelled := clRed;
361 |
362 | CurrentMe := Self;
363 | FIgnore := TStringList.Create;
364 | FCustDict := TStringList.Create;
365 |
366 | if (trim(CustDictionaryFile)<>'') and (FileExists(CustDictionaryFile)) then
367 | try
368 | FCustDict.LoadFromFile(CustDictionaryFile);
369 | except
370 | end;
371 |
372 | FUndoList := TStringList.Create;
373 |
374 | FOptionsKey := '\software\'
375 | + ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(Application.ExeName),'')
376 | + '\skaHunSpellCheckOptions';
377 | if csDesigning in componentState then
378 | begin
379 | IgnoreAllCaps := True;
380 | IgnoreWordWithDigits := True;
381 | end
382 | else
383 | GetOptions;
384 |
385 | FStatus := ssInActive;
386 | WaitForUser := False;
387 | WordPos := 0;
388 | end;
389 |
390 | constructor TskaHunSpellChecker.Create(AOwner: TComponent;
391 | SourceTextRichEdit: TRichedit; SuggestList: TListbox);
392 | begin
393 | create(AOwner);
394 | SourceTextControl := SourceTextRichEdit;
395 | SuggestionList := SuggestList;
396 | end;
397 |
398 | function TskaHunSpellChecker.CurrentWordDetail(WithPosition: Boolean): String;
399 | begin
400 | Result := '$$' + CurrentWord + '$$';
401 | if WithPosition then
402 | Result :='$$' + IntToStr(CurrentLine) + '$$' + IntToStr(FoundAt+1) + Result;
403 | end;
404 |
405 | destructor TskaHunSpellChecker.Destroy;
406 | begin
407 | Close;
408 | FIgnore.clear;
409 | FreeAndNil(FIgnore);
410 | FreeAndNil(FUndoList);
411 | if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
412 | try
413 | if FCustDict.Count > 0 then
414 | try
415 | FCustDict.SaveToFile(CustDictionaryFile);
416 | except
417 | end;
418 | SetOptions;
419 | finally
420 | FCustDict.Free;
421 | end;
422 | inherited;
423 | end;
424 |
425 | function TskaHunSpellChecker.GetAboutThis: String;
426 | begin
427 | Result := AboutThis;
428 | end;
429 |
430 | function TskaHunSpellChecker.GetActive: Boolean;
431 | begin
432 | Result := (FpointerHunLib <> nil);
433 | end;
434 |
435 | procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.GetOptions;
436 | var
437 | reg:TRegistry;
438 | begin
439 | reg:=TRegistry.Create;
440 | try
441 | reg.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
442 |
443 | //first get the dicationary file name
444 | Reg.OpenKey(FOptionsKey,True);
445 | if reg.ValueExists('DicFileName') then
446 | DictionaryFileName:=Reg.readString('DicFileName')
447 | else
448 | Reg.WriteString('DicFileName',DictionaryFileName);
449 |
450 | //IgnoreAllCaps ?
451 | if reg.ValueExists('IgnoreAllCaps') then
452 | IgnoreAllCaps:=Reg.readBool('IgnoreAllCaps')
453 | else
454 | Reg.WriteBool('IgnoreAllCaps',IgnoreAllCaps);
455 |
456 |
457 | //IgnoreWordsWithDigits ?
458 | if reg.ValueExists('IgnoreWordWithDigits') then
459 | IgnoreWordWithDigits:=Reg.readBool('IgnoreWordWithDigits')
460 | else
461 | Reg.WriteBool('IgnoreWordWithDigits',IgnoreWordWithDigits);
462 |
463 | finally
464 | Reg.Free;
465 | end;
466 |
467 | end;
468 |
469 | function TskaHunSpellChecker.GetStatus: TSpellState;
470 | begin
471 | Result := FStatus;
472 | end;
473 |
474 | procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.GetSuggestions(const aMisSpeltWord: string;
475 | const SuggestionList: TStrings);
476 | var
477 | i: Integer;
478 | pMisSpelt: PAnsiChar;
479 | suggestions: PPAnsiChar;
480 | Results: PPAnsiChar;
481 | Count: Integer;
482 | begin
483 | if (not Active) or (not Assigned(SuggestionList)) then
484 | exit;
485 |
486 | pMisSpelt := PAnsiChar(AnsiString(aMisSpeltWord));
487 |
488 | if not uHunSpellLib.hunspell_spell(FpointerHunLib, pMisSpelt) then
489 | uHunSpellLib.hunspell_suggest_auto(FpointerHunLib, pMisSpelt, suggestions);
490 | begin
491 | Count :=uHunSpellLib.hunspell_suggest(FpointerHunLib,pMisSpelt,suggestions);
492 | Results := suggestions;
493 | for i := 1 to Count do
494 | begin
495 | SuggestionList.Add(Results^);
496 | Inc(Integer(Results), SizeOf(Pointer));
497 | end;
498 | uHunSpellLib.hunspell_suggest_free(FpointerHunLib, suggestions, Count);
499 | end;
500 | end;
501 |
502 | function TskaHunSpellChecker.ShowMisSpelledWord: boolean;
503 | var
504 | I , l :integer;
505 | CharPosion:integer;
506 | FirstVisibleLine, LastVisibleLine:integer;
507 |
508 | hndl: hwnd;
509 | dcForHndl: THandle;
510 | visrect:Trect;
511 | vispoint:TPoint;
512 | procedure ShowMisSpelletWord;
513 | begin
514 | if Assigned(FHighlightEdit) then
515 | begin
516 | FHighlightEdit.Font.Color := ColorForMisspelled;
517 | FHighlightEdit.Text := CurrentWord;
518 | FHighlightEdit.Show;
519 | end ;
520 |
521 | if ((PosOfFirstCharInCurrentLine + FoundAt) < 1) then
522 | exit;
523 |
524 | SendMessage (SourceTextControl.Handle, EM_POSFROMCHAR, integer(@VisPoint),
525 | PosOfFirstCharInCurrentLine + FoundAt-1);
526 | SetTextColor(dcForHndl, ColorForMisspelled);
527 | TextOut(dcForHndl, VisPoint.x, VisPoint.y, pchar(CurrentWord), WordLength);
528 | end;
529 |
530 | function WordIsIgnorable: Boolean;
531 | var
532 | i: Integer;
533 | begin
534 | Result := False;
535 | if IgnoreAllCaps then
536 | begin
537 | Result := True;
538 | for i := 1 to WordLength do
539 | begin
540 | Result := Result and (ord(CurrentWord[i]) in [65..90]);
541 | end;
542 | if Result then
543 | exit;
544 | end;
545 |
546 |
547 |
548 | if IgnoreWordWithDigits then
549 | begin
550 | Result := False;
551 | for i := 1 to WordLength do
552 | begin
553 | Result := Result or (ord(CurrentWord[i]) in [48..57]);
554 | if Result then
555 | break;
556 | end;
557 | end;
558 | end;
559 | begin
560 | Result := False;
561 | if (SpellCheckState <> ssChecking) or (not assigned(SourceTextControl))
562 | or (not assigned(SuggestionList)) then
563 | exit;
564 |
565 | hndl:=SourceTextControl.Handle;
566 |
567 | result:= SendMessage (hndl, EM_GETRECT, 0, integer(@visrect))=0;
568 |
569 | dcForHndl := getdc(hndl);
570 |
571 | if result then
572 | begin
573 | // VisPoint := visrect.BottomRight;
574 | vispoint.Y := visrect.Bottom;
575 | vispoint.X := visrect.Right;
576 | CharPosion := SendMessage (hndl, EM_CHARFROMPOS, 0, integer(@VisPoint));
577 | LASTVISIBLELINE := SendMessage (hndl, EM_LINEFROMCHAR, CharPosion, 0);
579 |
580 | SetBkMode (dcForHndl, TRANSPARENT);
581 | SelectObject(dcForHndl, SourceTextControl.font.Handle);
582 | i := 0;
583 |
584 | if WaitForUser then
585 | begin
586 | ShowMisSpelletWord;
587 | exit;
588 | end;
589 |
590 | For l := 0 to SourceTextControl.Lines.Count -1 do
591 | begin
592 | {$R-}
593 | CurrentLine := l;
594 | if trim(SourceTextControl.Lines[CurrentLine]) = '' then
595 | continue;
596 |
597 | CurrentText := ' ' + SourceTextControl.Lines[CurrentLine];
598 | PosOfFirstCharInCurrentLine := SendMessage (SourceTextControl.Handle,
599 | EM_LINEINDEX, CurrentLine, 0);
600 | i := 0;
601 |
602 | While i <= LENgth(CurrentText) do
603 | begin
604 | FoundAt := i -1;
605 | if Assigned(FHighlightEdit) then
606 | FHighlightEdit.Hide;
607 |
608 |
609 | //SuggestionList.Clear;
610 | {Any character except these will count as a word delimiter}
611 | While CurrentText[i] in ['A'..'Z','a'..'z','0'..'9'] do inc(i);
612 |
613 | WordLength := i- FoundAt -1;
614 | WordPos := i-WordLength;
615 | CurrentWord := copy(CurrentText, WordPos, WordLength);
616 | // if WordIsCorrect then
617 | if (((FIgnore.IndexOf(CurrentWordDetail(True))< 0) //SingelIgnore
618 | and (FIgnore.IndexOf(CurrentWordDetail(False))< 0) //IgnoreAll
619 | and (IsMisspelled(CurrentWord))))
620 | and (not WordIsIgnorable) then
621 |
622 | begin
623 | GetSuggestions(CurrentWord, SuggestionList.Items);
624 | if SuggestionList.Count > 0 then
625 | SuggestionList.ItemIndex := 0;
626 | ShowMisSpelletWord;
627 | if CurrentLine > LastVisibleLine then
628 | SendMessage(SourceTextControl.Handle, EM_LINESCROLL, 0,
629 | (CurrentLine - lastvisibleLine)+5);
630 | WaitForUser := True;
631 | exit;
632 | End
633 | else
634 | SuggestionList.Clear;
635 | inc(i);
636 | end;
637 | end;
638 | if (CurrentLine >= SourceTextControl.Lines.Count-1)
639 | and (i >= length(CurrentText) +1) then
640 | begin
641 | if (not FModified)
642 | or (MessageDlg(ConfirmComplete,mtConfirmation,[mbOK, mbCancel],0)=mrOk)
643 | then
644 | begin
645 | FStatus := ssCompleted;
646 | InformStatusChange;
647 | end
648 | else
649 | Undo;
650 | end;
651 | {$R+}
652 | end;
653 | ReleaseDC(SourceTextControl.Handle, dcForHndl);
654 |
655 | End;
656 |
657 | function TskaHunSpellChecker.Undo: Boolean;
658 | var
659 | tmpStr: String;
660 | tmpCount: Integer;
661 | SrcText: String;
662 | begin
663 | if FUndoList.Count > 1 then
664 | try
665 | tmpStr := FUndoList.Strings[FUndoList.Count-1];
666 | if (AnsiPos('$$',tmpStr)=1) and (copy(tmpStr,length(tmpStr)-1,2) = '$$')then
667 | //if last action was ignoring word then just remove it from ignore list
668 | begin
669 | tmpCount := strtoInt(StringReplace(tmpStr,'$$','',[rfReplaceAll]));
670 | while FIgnore.Count > tmpCount do
671 | FIgnore.Delete(FIgnore.Count -1);
672 | end
673 | else
674 | SourceTextControl.Text := tmpStr;
675 |
676 | Result := True;
677 | FUndoList.Delete(FUndoList.Count-1);
678 | ReStart;
679 | except
680 | Result := False;
681 | end;
682 | end;
683 |
684 | procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.IgnoreAll;
685 | begin
686 | if (SpellCheckState <> ssChecking) or (not assigned(SourceTextControl))
687 | or (not assigned(SuggestionList)) then
688 | exit;
689 |
690 | SaveForUndo(True);
691 | FIgnore.Add(CurrentWordDetail(False)) ;
692 | WaitForUser := False;
693 | SourceTextControl.Invalidate;
694 | end;
695 |
696 | procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.IgnoreOnce;
697 | begin
698 | if (SpellCheckState <> ssChecking) or (not assigned(SourceTextControl))
699 | or (not assigned(SuggestionList)) then
700 | exit;
701 |
702 | if trim(CurrentWord) <> '' then
703 | begin
704 | SaveForUndo(True);
705 | FIgnore.Add(CurrentWordDetail(True)) ;
706 | end;
707 | WaitForUser := False;
708 | SourceTextControl.Invalidate;
709 | end;
710 |
711 | procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.InformStatusChange;
712 | begin
713 | if Assigned(OnStateChange) then
714 | OnStateChange(Self, FStatus);
715 | end;
716 |
717 | procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.Initialize;
718 | begin
719 | CurrentWord := '';
720 | WordLength := 0;
721 | FoundAt := -1;
722 | CurrentLine := 0;
723 | WordPos := 0;
724 | SuggestionList.Clear;
725 | end;
726 |
727 | function TskaHunSpellChecker.IsMisspelled(const AWord: string): Boolean;
728 | begin
729 | if (not Active) then
730 | Result := True
731 | else
732 | Result := not uHunSpellLib.hunspell_spell(FpointerHunLib,
733 | PAnsiChar(AnsiString(AWord)));
734 | end;
735 |
736 | procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.Loaded;
737 | begin
738 | inherited;
739 | SetActive(FActiveOrLoaded);
740 | end;
741 |
742 | procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.ManualChangeDone;
743 | begin
744 | if trim(FTxtBeforeManualEdit) = '' then
745 | exit;
746 | FUndoList.Add(FTxtBeforeManualEdit);
747 | ReStart;
748 | end;
749 |
750 | procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.ManualChangeStart;
751 | begin
752 | FTxtBeforeManualEdit := FSourceEdit.Text;
753 | end;
754 |
755 | function TskaHunSpellChecker.Open: Boolean;
756 | var
757 | CurrentLine: integer;
758 | function GetSpecialFolderPath(folder : integer) : string;
759 | var
760 | path: array [0..MAX_PATH] of char;
761 | begin
762 | if SUCCEEDED(SHGetFolderPath(0,folder,0,0,@path[0])) then
763 | Result := path
764 | else
765 | Result := '';
766 | end;
767 | begin
768 | Result := True;
769 | if Active then Exit;
770 | Result := False;
771 | FpointerHunLib := Nil;
772 | if not uHunSpellLib.LoadLibHunspell('') then
773 | begin
774 | MessageDlg(DLLNotLoaded, mtError, [mbOK],0);
775 | Exit;
776 | end;
777 | FpointerHunLib := uHunSpellLib.hunspell_initialize(
778 | PAnsiChar(AnsiString(FAffixFileName)),
779 | PAnsiChar(AnsiString(FDictFileName)));
780 | Result := Assigned(FpointerHunLib);
781 |
782 | if Result then
783 | begin
784 | FStatus := ssReady;
785 | InformStatusChange;
786 | end;
787 | if trim(CustDictionaryFile) = '' then
788 | CustDictionaryFile := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(
789 | GetSpecialFolderPath(CSIDL_PERSONAL)) + 'CustomDictionary.txt';
790 | if (Result) and (assigned(FCustDict)) then
791 | for CurrentLine := 0 to FCustDict.Count - 1 do
792 | AddCustomWord(FCustDict[CurrentLine], True);
793 | end;
794 |
795 | procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.SaveForUndo(const Ignoring: Boolean = False);
796 | begin
797 | if Ignoring then
798 | FUndoList.Add('$$'+ IntToStr(FIgnore.Count)+'$$')
799 | else
800 | FUndoList.Add(SourceTextControl.Text);
801 | end;
802 |
803 | procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.SetActive(const Value: Boolean);
804 | begin
805 | if (csDesigning in ComponentState) or (csLoading in ComponentState) then
806 | FActiveOrLoaded := Value
807 | else
808 | if Value then
809 | FActiveOrLoaded := Open
810 | else
811 | Close;
812 | end;
813 |
814 | procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.SetAffixFileName(const Value: string);
815 | begin
816 | Close;
817 | FAffixFileName := Value;
818 | if (trim(DictionaryFileName) = '') and (trim(value)<>'') then
819 | DictionaryFileName := ChangeFileExt(value, '.dic');
820 | end;
821 |
822 | procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.SetCustomDict(const Value: String);
823 | begin
824 | FCustom := Value;
825 | if (not (csDesigning in componentState))
826 | and (FileExists(Value)) and assigned(FCustDict) then
827 | begin
828 | FCustDict.Clear;
829 | FCustDict.LoadFromFile(Value);
830 | end;
831 | end;
832 |
833 | procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.SetDictFileName(const Value: string);
834 | begin
835 | Close;
836 | FDictFileName := Value;
837 | if (trim(AffixFileName) = '') and (trim(value)<>'') then
838 | AffixFileName := ChangeFileExt(value, '.aff');
839 | end;
840 |
841 | procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.SetHighLightEdit(const Value: TEdit);
842 | begin
843 | if FHighlightEdit = Value then
844 | exit;
845 |
846 | FHighlightEdit := Value;
847 |
848 | if Active then
849 | FHighlightEdit.Text := CurrentWord;
850 |
851 |
852 | end;
853 |
854 | procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.SetIgnoreCaps(const Value: boolean);
855 | begin
856 | if (FIgnoreCaps = Value) then
857 | exit;
858 |
859 | FIgnoreCaps := Value;
860 | if SpellCheckState = ssChecking then
861 | ReStart;
862 | end;
863 |
864 | procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.SetIgnoreWordWdigits(const Value: boolean);
865 | begin
866 | if (FIgnoreWordWdigits = Value) then
867 | exit;
868 |
869 | FIgnoreWordWdigits := Value;
870 | if SpellCheckState = ssChecking then
871 | ReStart;
872 |
873 | end;
874 |
875 | procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.SetOptions;
876 | var
877 | reg:TRegistry;
878 | begin
879 | reg:=TRegistry.Create;
880 | try
881 | reg.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
882 |
883 |
884 | Reg.OpenKey(FOptionsKey,True);
885 |
886 | //first save the dicationary file name
887 | Reg.WriteString('DicFileName',DictionaryFileName);
888 |
889 | //IgnoreAllCaps ?
890 | Reg.WriteBool('IgnoreAllCaps',IgnoreAllCaps);
891 |
892 |
893 | //IgnoreWordsWithDigits ?
894 | Reg.WriteBool('IgnoreWordWithDigits',IgnoreWordWithDigits);
895 |
896 | finally
897 | Reg.Free;
898 | end;
899 | end;
900 |
901 | Function RichEditWndProc(handle:HWnd;uMsg,wParam,lParam:longint):longint stdcall;
902 | begin
903 | Result := CallWindowProc(OldRichEditWndProc, handle, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
904 | if (uMsg=WM_PAINT) and assigned(CurrentMe) then
905 | CurrentMe.ShowMisSpelledWord;
906 | End;
907 |
908 | procedure TskaHunSpellChecker.SetSourceEdit(const Value: TRichEdit);
909 | begin
910 | if FSourceEdit = Value then
911 | exit;
912 |
913 | FSourceEdit := Value;
914 |
915 | if csDesigning in ComponentState then
916 | exit;
917 |
918 | PREditorWndProc:=@RichEditWndProc;
919 | //raise the limit of text which could be inserted into this Richedit
920 | Value.perform(EM_EXLIMITTEXT, 0, 65535*32);
921 | OldRichEditWndProc := pointer(SetWindowLong(Value.handle, GWL_WNDPROC,
922 | longint(@RichEditWndProc)));
923 | end;
924 |
925 | end.