unit UBACore; {.$define debug} interface uses Classes, ORNet, uConst, ORFn, Sysutils, Dialogs, Windows,Messages, UBAGlobals,Trpcb, fFrame; function rpcAddToPersonalDxList(UserDUZ:int64; DxCodes:TStringList):boolean; function rpcGetPersonalDxList(UserDUZ:int64):TStringList; function rpcDeleteFromPersonalDxList(UserDUZ:int64; Dest:TStringList):integer; procedure rpcSaveBillingData(pBillingData:TStringList); function rpcNonBillableOrders(pOrderList: TStringList): TStringList; function rpcOrderRequiresDx(pList: TStringList):boolean; procedure rpcSetBillingAwareSwitch(encProvider: int64; encLocation: integer); procedure rpcGetProviderPatientDaysDx(ProviderIEN: string;PatientIEN: string); procedure rpcGetSC4Orders; // returns Eligible Treatment Factors for a given patient procedure rpcSaveBillingDxEntered; // save dx enteries regardless of being mandatory.... function rpcTreatmentFactorsActive(pOrderID: string):boolean; procedure rpcBuildSCIEList(pOrderList: TList); function rpcGetUnsignedOrdersBillingData(pOrderList: TStringList):TStringList; function rpcRetrieveBillingData(thisOrderID: string; var thisBAData: string) : boolean; function rpcRetrieveSelectedOrderInfo(pOrderIDList: TStringList):TStringList; function rpcGetTFHintData:TStringList; procedure rpcSaveNurseConsultOrder(pOrderRec:TStringList); function rpcGetBAMasterSwStatus:boolean; function OrdersHaveDx(pOrderList:TStringList):boolean; procedure SetTreatmentFactors(TFactors: string); function AttachDxToOrderList(pOrderList:TStringList):TStringList; procedure AttachPLTFactorsToDx(var Dest:String;ProblemRec:string); procedure BALoadStsFlagsAsIs(StsFlagsIN: string); function BADxEntered:boolean; // This will only be executed if bypass switch is set... function StripTFactors(FactorsIN: string): string; function AddProviderPatientDaysDx(Dest: TStringList; ProviderIEN: string;PatientIEN: string) : TStringList; function IsOrderBillable(pOrderID: string):boolean; function OrderRequiresSCEI(pOrderID :String): boolean; procedure SaveUnsignedOrders(pOrderRec:String); procedure CompleteUnsignedBillingInfo(pOrderList: TStringList); procedure BuildSaveUnsignedList(pOrderList: TStringList); procedure LoadUnsignedOrderRec(var thisRetVal: TBAUnsignedBillingRec;UnsignedBillingInfo:string); function GetUnsignedOrderFlags(pOrderID: string; pFlagList: TStringList):string; // returns STSFlags if found procedure BuildTFHintRec; function IsAllOrdersNA(pOrderList:TStringList):boolean; function PrepOrderID(pOrderID:String): String; procedure ClearSelectedOrderDiagnoses(pOrderIDList: TStringList); procedure LoadConsultOrderRec(var thisRetVal: TBAConsultOrderRec; pOrderID: String; pDxList: TStringList); procedure CompleteConsultOrderRec(pOrderID: string; pDxList: TStringList); function GetConsultFlags(pOrderID:String; pFlagList:TStringList;FlagsAsIs:string):string; function SetConsultFlags(pPLFactors: string;pFlagsAsIs: string):string; // return updated flags. procedure GetBAStatus(pProvider:int64; pLocation:integer); function IsICD9CodeActive(ACode: string; LexApp: string; ADate:TFMDateTime = 0): boolean; function BuildConsultDxRec(ConsultRec: TBAConsultOrderRec): string; function ConvertPIMTreatmentFactors(pTFactors:string):string; procedure DeleteDCOrdersFromCopiedList(pOrderID:string); //function SetOrderIDConsultDxRequired(pOrderID:String):String; // replace orderid with "R" if consult dx required. procedure UpdateBAConsultOrderList(pDcOrders: TStringList); var uAddToPDl: integer; uDeleteFromPDL: integer; uDxLst: TStringList; BADxList: TStringList; implementation uses fBALocalDiagnoses, fOrdersSign, fReview, rOrders, uCore, rCore, rPCE,uPCE, UBAConst, UBAMessages, USignItems; function rpcRetrieveBillingData(thisOrderID: string; var thisBAData: string) : boolean; var rpcResult: TStringList; BAOrderExists : boolean; begin Result := false; BAOrderExists := false; rpcResult := TStringList.Create; tCallV(rpcResult, 'ORWDBA1 RCVORCI', [thisOrderID]); BAOrderExists := StrToBool(rpcResult[0]); if (not BAOrderExists) then //GRAB RETURNED BA DATA HERE Result := true; end; procedure rpcSaveBillingData(pBillingData:TStringList); var RecsToSave: TStringList; i: integer; x: string; begin RecsToSave := TStringList.Create; RecsToSave.Clear; RecsToSave := AttachDxToOrderList(pBillingData); //call with new Biling data, return-code returned // for i := 0 to RecstoSave.Count-1 do // begin // ShowMessage('Data Sent to ORW ' + RecsToSave.Strings[i]); // end; CallV('ORWDBA1 RCVORCI',[RecsToSave]); // if Assigned(UBAGlobals.BAConsultOrdersRequireDx) then UBAGlobals.BAConsultOrdersRequireDx.Clear; if Assigned(UBAGlobals.BAOrderList) then UBAGlobals.BAOrderList.Clear; // hds00005025 end; function rpcTreatmentFactorsActive(pOrderID:string): boolean; var x: string; i: integer; pList: TStringList; rList: TStringList; begin pList := TStringList.Create; rList := TStringList.Create; rList.Clear; rList := nil; pList.Clear; pList.Add(pOrderID); Result := FALSE; // call returns boolean, orders is billable=1 or nonbillable=0 or discontinued = 0 tCallV(rList,'ORWDBA1 ORPKGTYP',[pList]); //returns boolean value by OrderID - True = billable for i := 0 to rList.Count-1 do begin x := rList[i]; if rList[i] = BILLABLE_ORDER then begin Result := True; end; end; end; function AttachDxToOrderList(pOrderList:TStringList):TStringList; var i: integer; newBillingList: TStringList; baseDxRec: TBADxRecord; currentOrderID: string; currentOrderString: string; dxString,FlagsStatsIn: string; begin newBillingList:= TStringList.Create; newBillingList.Clear; dxString := ''; baseDxRec := nil; baseDxRec := TBADxRecord.Create; InitializeNewDxRec(baseDxRec); for i := 0 to pOrderList.Count-1 do begin currentOrderString := pOrderList.Strings[i]; currentOrderID := piece(pOrderList.Strings[i],';',1)+ ';1'; GetBADxListForOrder(baseDxRec, currentOrderID); FlagsStatsIn := BAFlagsIN; dxString := currentOrderString + '^' + piece(baseDxRec.FBADxCode,':',2); if baseDxRec.FBASecDx1 <> '' then dxString := dxString + '^' + piece(baseDxRec.FBASecDx1,':',2); if baseDxRec.FBASecDx2 <> '' then dxString := dxString + '^' + piece(baseDxRec.FBASecDx2,':',2); if baseDxRec.FBASecDx3 <> '' then dxString := dxString + '^' + piece(baseDxRec.FBASecDx3,':',2); NewBillingList.Add(dxString); InitializeNewDxRec(baseDxRec); //HDS00004744 end; Result := NewBillingList; end; function rpcAddToPersonalDxList(UserDUZ:int64; DxCodes:TStringList):boolean; //input example ien^code = 12345^306.70 begin Result := (sCallV('ORWDBA2 ADDPDL', [UserDUZ,DxCodes])= '1'); end; function rpcGetPersonalDxList(UserDUZ:int64):TStringList; var tmplst: TStringList; begin tmplst := TStringList.Create; tmplst.clear; tCallV(tmplst, 'ORWDBA2 GETPDL', [UserDUZ]); Result := tmplst; end; function rpcDeleteFromPersonalDxList(UserDUZ:int64; Dest:TStringList):integer; begin uDeleteFromPDL := StrToIntDef(sCallV('ORWDBA2 DELPDL', [UserDUZ,Dest]), 0); Result := uDeleteFromPDL; end; function rpcOrderRequiresDx(pList: TStringList):boolean; var x: string; i,j: integer; returnList, updatedList: TStringList; begin // for i := 0 to plist.count-1 do // x := plist.strings[i]; Result := FALSE; returnList := TStringList.Create; updatedList := TStringList.Create; returnList.Clear; updatedList.Clear; // remove deleted orderid's if UBAGlobals.BADeltedOrders.Count > 0 then begin for i := 0 to UBAGlobals.BADeltedOrders.Count-1 do x := UBAGlobals.BADeltedOrders.Strings[i]; for j := 0 to pList.Count-1 do begin if x = pList.Strings[j] then continue // orderid is removed.. or skipped else updatedList.Add(x); end; end else updatedList.Assign(pList); // call returns boolean, orders is billable=1 or nonbillable=0 or discontinued = 0 tCallV(returnList,'ORWDBA1 ORPKGTYP',[updatedList]); //Remove NON LRMP orders from the mix(for checking for dx entry); // BAOrderList and pList are in sync - order id.... for i := 0 to BAOrderList.Count-1 do begin x:= piece(returnList.Strings[i],'^',1); if x = BILLABLE_ORDER then // change to test BA begin updatedBAOrderList.Add(BAOrderList[i]); Result := TRUE; end; end; end; // returns value used to bypass Billing Aware if needed. // turns off visual and functionality procedure rpcSetBillingAwareSwitch(encProvider:int64; encLocation: integer); begin BILLING_AWARE := TRUE; if (encProvider = 0) and not PersonHasKey(encProvider, 'PROVIDER') then BILLING_AWARE := FALSE else begin if (sCallV('ORWDBA1 BASTATUS', [nil]) = '1') then // Master switch is set "ON" BILLING_AWARE := (sCallV('ORWDBA4 GETBAUSR', [encProvider]) = '1') else BILLING_AWARE := FALSE; end; end ; function rpcGetBAMasterSwStatus:boolean; begin Result := False; Result := (sCallV('ORWDBA1 BASTATUS', [nil]) = '1'); // Master switch is set "ON" end; procedure rpcSaveNurseConsultOrder(pOrderRec:TStringList); begin CallV('ORWDBA1 RCVORCI',[pOrderRec]); end; procedure rpcSaveBillingDxEntered; // if not mandatory and user enters dx. var ordersWithDx,i: integer; newBillingList: TStringList; baseDxRec, tempDxRec: TBADxRecord; currentOrderID, thisOrderID: string; currentOrderString, thisRec: string; begin // verify Dx has been entered for orders checked for signature.. ordersWithDx := 0; tempDxRec := TBADxRecord.Create; UBAGlobals.InitializeNewDxRec(tempDxRec); for i := 0 to BAOrderList.Count-1 do begin thisRec := BAOrderList.Strings[i]; thisOrderID := piece(thisRec,';',1) + ';1'; //rebuild orderID pass to M. if tempDxNodeExists(thisOrderID) then inc(ordersWithDx); end; // if orders have dx enteries - save billing data. if ordersWithDx > 0 then begin newBillingList:= TStringList.Create; newBillingList.Clear; baseDxRec := nil; baseDxRec := TBADxRecord.Create; InitializeNewDxRec(baseDxRec); try for i := 0 to BAOrderList.Count-1 do begin currentOrderString := BAOrderList.Strings[i]; currentOrderID := piece(BAOrderList.Strings[i],';',1)+ ';1'; GetBADxListForOrder(baseDxRec, currentOrderID); if baseDxRec.FBADxCode <> '' then begin NewBillingList.Add(currentOrderString +'^'+ baseDxRec.FBADxCode +'^'+ baseDxRec.FBASecDx1+ '^'+ baseDxRec.FBASecDx2+'^'+ baseDxRec.FBASecDx3); end; end; except on EListError do begin {$ifdef debug}ShowMessage('EListError in UBACore.rpcSaveBillingDxEntered()');{$endif} raise; end; end; if NewBillingList.Count > 0 then CallV('ORWDBA1 RCVORCI',[NewBillingList]); //1.3.10 if Assigned(NewBillingList) then FreeAndNil(NewBillingList); // if Assigned(UBAGlobals.BAConsultOrdersRequireDx) then UBAGlobals.BAConsultOrdersRequireDx.Clear; end; end; procedure rpcGetSC4Orders; begin RPCBrokerV.Param[0].PType := literal; RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Value := Patient.DFN; RPCBrokerV.RemoteProcedure := 'ORWDBA1 SCLST'; CallBroker; end; procedure rpcGetProviderPatientDaysDx(ProviderIEN: string;PatientIEN: string); var i:integer; x: string; tmplst: TStringList; begin tmplst := TStringList.Create; uDxLst := TStringList.Create; tmplst.clear; uDxLst.Clear; tCallV(tmplst, 'ORWDBA2 GETDUDC', [ProviderIEN, PatientIEN]); UBACore.UDxLst.Assign(tmplst); tmplst.clear; end; function rpcGetTFHintData:TStringList; begin Result := nil; tCallv(BATFHints,'ORWDBA3 HINTS', [nil]); Result := BATFHints; end; // call made to determine if order type is billable // if order type NOT billable, flagged with "NA". function rpcNonBillableOrders(pOrderList: TStringList):TStringList; var x: string; i: integer; rList: TStringList; begin rList := TStringList.Create; rList.Clear; NonBillableOrderList.Clear; Result := NonBillableOrderList; // call returns boolean, orders is billable=1 or nonbillable=0 or discontinued = 0 tCallV(rList,'ORWDBA1 ORPKGTYP',[pOrderList]); for i := 0 to rList.Count-1 do begin x := rList[i]; if rList[i] <> BILLABLE_ORDER then NonBillableOrderList.Add(pOrderList[i] + U + 'NA'); end; Result := NonBillableOrderList; end; procedure rpcBuildSCIEList(pOrderList: TList); var AnOrder: TOrder; OrderIDList: TStringList; rList: TStringList; i: integer; begin OrderIDList := TStringList.Create; rList := TStringList.Create; if Assigned(OrderListSCEI) then OrderListSCEI.Clear; OrderIDList.Clear; rList.Clear; for i := 0 to pOrderList.Count -1 do begin AnOrder := TOrder(pOrderList.Items[i]); OrderIDList.Add(AnOrder.ID); end; // call returns boolean, orders is billable=1 or nonbillable=0 or discontinued = 0 tCallV(rList,'ORWDBA1 ORPKGTYP',[OrderIDList]); for i := 0 to rList.Count-1 do begin if rList.Strings[i] = BILLABLE_ORDER then OrderListSCEI.Add(OrderIDList.Strings[i]); end; end; function OrdersHaveDx(pOrderList:TStringList):boolean; var i: integer; thisOrderID: string; thisRec: string; tempDxRec: TBADxRecord; begin Result := TRUE; tempDxRec := nil; tempDxRec := TBADxRecord.Create; UBAGlobals.InitializeNewDxRec(tempDxRec); try for i := 0 to pOrderList.Count-1 do begin thisRec := pOrderList.Strings[i]; thisOrderID := piece(thisRec,';',1) + ';1'; //rebuild orderID pass to M. if not tempDxNodeExists(thisOrderID) then begin Result := FALSE; Break; end else begin GetBADxListForOrder(tempDxRec, thisOrderID); if tempDxRec.FBADxCode = '' then begin Result := FALSE; Break; end; end; end; except on EListError do begin {$ifdef debug}ShowMessage('EListError in UBACore.OrdersHaveDx()');{$endif} raise; end; end; if Assigned(tempDxRec) then FreeAndNil(tempDxRec); end; function BADxEntered:boolean; var i, orderStatus: integer; x: string; passList: TStringList; holdOrderList: TStringList; thisOrderID: string; thisRec: string; begin Result := FALSE; holdOrderList := TStringList.Create; holdOrderList.Clear; updatedBAOrderList := TStringList.Create; updatedBAOrderList.Clear; passList := TStringList.Create; passList.Clear; // determine which orders require a dx (lrmp- only) // if NO then continue // if YES, check BADxList for orders with DX enteries. // if ok then create data string pass to M via RPC orderStatus := 0; Result := true; try for i := 0 to BAOrderList.Count-1 do begin thisRec := BAOrderList.Strings[i]; thisOrderID := piece(thisRec,';',1) + ';1'; //rebuild orderID pass to M. x := BAOrderList.Strings[i]; orderStatus := StrToInt(CharAt(Piece(x, ';', 2), 1)); // Order Status 1=OK, 2=DISCONTINUE if orderStatus = integer(BAOK2SIGN) then begin passList.Add(piece(x,';',1)); holdOrderList.Add(x);// place holder for orders that can be signed! end; end; except on EListError do begin {$ifdef debug}ShowMessage('EListError in UBACore.BADxEntered()');{$endif} raise; end; end; BAOrderList.Assign(holdOrderList); //assign signable orders to BAOrderList for further processing holdOrderList.Clear; // CQ5025 //call with passList determine if LRMP if rpcOrderRequiresDx(passList) then BAOrderList.Assign(updatedBAOrderList); if updatedBAOrderList.Count <= 0 then // order list reflecting orders flagged as - begin // dx required. Result := TRUE; // force true, no record need DX entry rpcSaveBillingDxEntered; // save billing data for orders that may have dx enteries Exit; //to do. clean this up... when time permitts end else begin if OrdersHaveDx(UBAGlobals.BAOrderList) then rpcSaveBillingData(UBAGlobals.BAOrderList) else begin Result := FALSE; Exit; end; end; end; procedure LoadUnsignedOrderRec(var thisRetVal: TBAUnsignedBillingRec;UnsignedBillingInfo:string); var thisString : String; begin thisString := UnsignedBillingInfo; with thisRetVal do begin FBAOrderID := Piece(thisString,U,1) + ';1'; FBASTSFlags := Piece(thisString,U,2); FBADxCode := (Piece(thisString,U,4)+ U + (Piece(thisString,U,3))); FBASecDx1 := (Piece(thisString,U,6)+ U + (Piece(thisString,U,5))); FBASecDx2 := (Piece(thisString,U,8)+ U + (Piece(thisString,U,7))); FBASecDx3 := (Piece(thisString,U,10)+ U + (Piece(thisString,U,9))); // if codes are absent then get rid of '^'. if FBADxCode = U then FBADxCode := DXREC_INIT_FIELD_VAL; if FBASecDx1 = U then FBASecDx1 := DXREC_INIT_FIELD_VAL; if FBASecDx2 = U then FBASecDx2 := DXREC_INIT_FIELD_VAL; if FBASecDx3 = U then FBASecDx3 := DXREC_INIT_FIELD_VAL; end; end; procedure AttachPLTFactorsToDx(var Dest:String;ProblemRec:string); var TFResults: string; thisRec: TBAPLFactorsIN; begin TFResults := ''; thisRec := TBAPLFactorsIN.Create; thisRec.FBADxText := Piece(ProblemRec,'(',1); thisRec.FBADxText := Piece(thisRec.FBADxText,U,2); thisRec.FBADxCode := Piece(ProblemRec,U,3); thisRec.FBASC := Piece(ProblemRec,U,5); thisRec.FBASC_YN := Piece(ProblemRec,U,6); thisRec.FBATreatFactors := Piece(ProblemRec,')',1); thisRec.FBATreatFactors := Piece(thisRec.FBATreatFactors,'(',2); with thisRec do begin if StrLen(pchar(FBATreatFactors)) > 0 then // 0 Treatment Factors exist //build string containing Problem List Treatment Factors TFResults := ( FBADXCode + U + FBADxText + ' (' + FBASC + '/' + FBATreatFactors + ') ' ) else if StrLen(PChar(FBASC)) > 0 then TFResults := ( FBADxCode + U + FBADxText + ' (' + FBASC + ') ' ) else TFResults := ( FBADxCode + U + FBADxText ); end; Dest := TFResults; end; // this code is to handle adding Problem List(only) TF's when selected procedure BALoadStsFlagsAsIs(StsFlagsIN: String); var x: string; begin x:= Piece(StsFlagsIN,U,2); UBAGlobals.SC := Copy(x,1,1); UBAGlobals.AO := Copy(x,2,1); UBAGlobals.IR := Copy(x,3,1); UBAGlobals.EC := Copy(x,4,1); UBAGlobals.MST := Copy(x,5,1); UBAGlobals.HNC := Copy(x,6,1); UBAGlobals.CV := Copy(x,7,1); end; // this code is to handle adding Problem List(only) TF's when selected procedure SetTreatmentFactors(TFactors: string); var strTFactors : string; strFlagsOut: string; FlagsIN : TStringList; Idx: string; i : integer; begin UBAGlobals.BAFlagsOUT := TStringList.Create; UBAGlobals.BAFlagsOUT.Clear; FlagsIN := TStringList.Create; FlagsIN.Clear; FlagsIN := UBAGlobals.PLFactorsIndexes; for i:= 0 to FlagsIN.Count-1 do begin BALoadStsFlagsAsIs(FlagsIN.Strings[i]); IDX := Piece(FlagsIN.Strings[i],U,1); strTFactors := TFactors; if UBAGlobals.SC <> 'N' then if StrPos(PChar(strTFactors),PChar(SERVICE_CONNECTED)) <> nil then UBAGlobals.SC := 'C' ; if UBAGlobals.SC <> 'N' then if StrPos(PChar(strTFactors),PChar(NOT_SERVICE_CONNECTED)) <> nil then UBAGlobals.SC := 'U'; if UBAGlobals.AO <>'N' then if StrPos(PChar(strTFactors),PChar(AGENT_ORANGE)) <> nil then UBAGlobals.AO := 'C'; if UBAGlobals.IR <>'N' then if StrPos(PChar(strTFactors),PChar(IONIZING_RADIATION)) <> nil then UBAGlobals.IR := 'C'; if UBAGlobals.EC <>'N' then if StrPos(PChar(strTFactors),PChar(ENVIRONMENTAL_CONTAM)) <> nil then UBAGlobals.EC := 'C'; if UBAGlobals.MST <>'N' then if StrPos(PChar(strTFactors),PChar(MILITARY_SEXUAL_TRAUMA)) <> nil then UBAGlobals.MST := 'C'; if UBAGlobals.CV <>'N' then if StrPos(PChar(strTFactors),PChar(COMBAT_VETERAN)) <> nil then UBAGlobals.CV := 'C'; if UBAGlobals.HNC <>'N' then if StrPos(PChar(strTFactors),PChar(HEAD_NECK_CANCER)) <> nil then UBAGlobals.HNC := 'C'; // Build Treatment Factor List to be passed to fOrdersSign form strFlagsOut := (SC + AO + IR + EC + MST + HNC + CV); UBAGlobals.BAFlagsOUT.Add(IDX + '^' + strFlagsOut ); end; end; function StripTFactors(FactorsIN: string):string; var strDxCode,strDxName:string; begin Result := ''; strDxCode := Piece(FactorsIN,U,2); strDxName := Piece(FactorsIN,'(',1); Result := (strDxName + U + strDxCode); end; function AddProviderPatientDaysDx(Dest: TStringList; ProviderIEN: string;PatientIEN: string) : TStringList; var i:integer; x: string; tmplst: TStringList; begin tmplst := TStringList.Create; tmplst.clear; tCallV(tmplst, 'ORWDBA2 GETDUDC', [ProviderIEN, PatientIEN]); try for i := 0 to tmplst.count-1 do x := tmplst.Strings[i]; except on EListError do begin {$ifdef debug}ShowMessage('EListError in UBACore.AddProviderPatientDaysDx()');{$endif} raise; end; end; Result := tmplst; end; // UBAGlobals.NonBillableOrderList must be populated prior to calling this function. // call rpcNonBillableOrders to populate List. function IsOrderBillable(pOrderID: string):boolean ; var i: integer; currOrderID: string; matchOrderID : string; begin Result := TRUE; // = Billable currOrderID := PrepOrderID(pOrderID); if Piece(pOrderID,';',2) = DISCONTINUED_ORDER THEN begin Result := FALSE; Exit; end; try for i := 0 to UBAGlobals.NonBillableOrderList.Count -1 do begin matchOrderID := PrepOrderID( (Piece(UBAGlobals.NonBillableOrderList.Strings[i],U,1)) ); if currOrderID = matchOrderID then Result := FALSE //= Non Billable end; except on EListError do begin {$ifdef debug}ShowMessage('EListError in UBACore.IsOrderBillable()');{$endif} raise; end; end; end; function OrderRequiresSCEI(pOrderID: string):boolean; var i:integer; begin Result := False; try for i := 0 to UBAGlobals.OrderListSCEI.Count-1 do begin if pOrderID = UBAGlobals.OrderListSCEI.Strings[i] then begin Result := True; Break; end; end; except on EListError do begin {$ifdef debug}ShowMessage('EListError in UBACore.OrderRequiresSCEI()');{$endif} raise; end; end; end; procedure SaveUnsignedOrders(pOrderRec:String); begin // save all unsigned orders, keeping freview and fordersSign in sync // this change may have an impact on response time?????? // change from save orders with dx to save all. 06/24/04 // / if not clear treatment factors for order is non cidc uBAGlobals.UnsignedOrders.Add(pOrderRec); end; function rpcRetrieveSelectedOrderInfo(pOrderIDList: TStringList):TStringList; var rList : TStringList; newList:TStringList; i: integer; x: string; begin rList := TStringList.Create; newList := TStringList.Create; if Assigned(rList) then rList.Clear; if Assigned(newList) then newList.Clear; for i := 0 to pOrderIDList.Count-1 do begin newList.Add(Piece(pOrderIDList.Strings[i],';',1)); x := newlist.strings[i]; end; if newList.Count > 0 then tCallV(rList,'ORWDBA4 GETTFCI',[newList]); Result := rList; end; procedure BuildSaveUnsignedList(pOrderList: TStringList); var thisList: TStringList; rList: TStringList; i:integer; x: string; begin thisList := TStringList.Create; rList := TStringList.Create; if Assigned(rList) then rList.Clear; if Assigned(thisList)then thisList.Clear; for i := 0 to pOrderList.Count -1 do x := pOrderList.Strings[i]; rpcSaveBillingData(pOrderList); // save unsigned info to be displayed when recalled at later time end; function rpcGetUnsignedOrdersBillingData(pOrderList: TStringList):TStringList; var i:integer; newList:TStringList; rList:TStringList; begin newList := TStringList.Create; rList := TStringList.Create; if Assigned(newList) then newList.Clear; if Assigned(rList) then rList.Clear; Result := rList; if pOrderList.Count = 0 then Exit; for i := 0 to pOrderList.Count-1 do begin newList.Add(Piece(pOrderList.Strings[i],';',1)); end; tCallV(rList,'ORWDBA4 GETTFCI',[newList]); Result := rList; end; procedure CompleteUnsignedBillingInfo(pOrderList:TStringList); var i: integer; RecOut : TBADxRecord; copyList: TStringList; begin copyList := TStringList.Create; if Assigned(copyList) then copyList.Clear; if Assigned(BAUnSignedOrders) then BAUnSignedOrders.Clear; if not Assigned(UBAGlobals.UnsignedBillingRec) then begin UBAGlobals.UnSignedBillingRec := UBAGlobals.TBAUnsignedBillingRec.Create; UBAGlobals.InitializeUnsignedOrderRec(UBAGlobals.UnsignedBillingRec); end; UBAGlobals.InitializeUnsignedOrderRec(UnsignedBillingRec); try for i := 0 to pOrderList.Count-1 do begin LoadUnsignedOrderRec(UBAGlobals.UnsignedBillingRec, pOrderList.Strings[i]); if Not UBAGlobals.tempDxNodeExists(UnsignedBillingRec.FBAOrderID) then begin SimpleAddTempDxList(UnSignedBillingRec.FBAOrderID); RecOut := TBADxRecord.Create; RecOut.FExistingRecordID := UnSignedBillingRec.FBAOrderID; RecOut.FBADxCode := UnsignedBillingRec.FBADxCode; RecOut.FBASecDx1 := UnsignedBillingRec.FBASecDx1; RecOut.FBASecDx2 := UnsignedBillingRec.FBASecDx2; RecOut.FBASecDx3 := UnsignedBillingRec.FBASecDx3; RecOut.FTreatmentFactors := UnSignedBillingRec.FBASTSFlags; PutBADxListForOrder(RecOut, RecOut.FExistingRecordID); UBAGlobals.BAUnSignedOrders.Add(UnSignedBillingRec.FBAOrderID + '^' + UnSignedBillingRec.FBASTSFlags); end else begin RecOut := TBADxRecord.Create; if tempDxNodeExists(UnSignedBillingRec.FBAOrderID) then begin GetBADxListForOrder(RecOut, UnSignedBillingRec.FBAOrderID); //load data from source copyList.Add(UnSignedBillingRec.FBAOrderID + '^' + UnSignedBillingRec.FBASTSFlags); BuildSaveUnsignedList(copyList); end; end; end; except on EListError do begin {$ifdef debug}ShowMessage('EListError in UBACore.CompleteUnsignedBillingInfo()');{$endif} raise; end; end; end; function GetUnsignedOrderFlags(pOrderID: string; pFlagList: TStringList):string; var i: integer; begin Result := ''; try for i := 0 to pFlagList.Count-1 do begin if pOrderID = Piece(pFlagList.Strings[i],U,1) then begin Result := Piece(pFlagList.Strings[i],U,2); // STSFlags Break; end; end; except on EListError do begin {$ifdef debug}ShowMessage('EListError in UBACore.GetUnsignedOrderFlags()');{$endif} raise; end; end; end; // BuildTFHintRec is meant to run once, first user of the session // contains the information to be displayed while mouse-over in fOrdersSign and fReview. procedure BuildTFHintRec; var hintList :TStringList; i: integer; x: string; begin hintList := TStringList.Create; if Assigned(hintList) then hintList.Clear; hintList := rpcGetTFHintData; if hintList.Count > 0 then UBAGlobals.BAFactorsRec.FBAFactorActive := TRUE; try for i := 0 to hintList.Count -1 do begin x := hintList.Strings[i]; if piece(x,U,1) = SERVICE_CONNECTED then begin if piece(x,U,2) = '1' then UBAGlobals.BAFactorsRec.FBAFactorSC := Piece(x,U,3) else UBAGlobals.BAFactorsRec.FBAFactorSC := ( UBAGlobals.BAFactorsRec.FBAFactorSC + CRLF + Piece(x,U,3) ); end else if piece(x,U,1) = AGENT_ORANGE then begin if piece(x,U,2) = '1' then UBAGlobals.BAFactorsRec.FBAFactorAO := Piece(x,U,3) else UBAGlobals.BAFactorsRec.FBAFactorAO := (UBAGlobals.BAFactorsRec.FBAFactorAO + CRLF + Piece(x,U,3) ); end else if piece(x,U,1) = IONIZING_RADIATION then begin if piece(x,U,2) = '1' then UBAGlobals.BAFactorsRec.FBAFactorIR := Piece(x,U,3) else UBAGlobals.BAFactorsRec.FBAFactorIR := (UBAGlobals.BAFactorsRec.FBAFactorIR + CRLF + Piece(x,U,3) ); end else if piece(x,U,1) = ENVIRONMENTAL_CONTAM then begin if piece(x,U,2) = '1' then UBAGlobals.BAFactorsRec.FBAFactorEC := Piece(x,U,3) else UBAGlobals.BAFactorsRec.FBAFactorEC := (UBAGlobals.BAFactorsRec.FBAFactorEC + CRLF + Piece(x,U,3) ); end else if piece(x,U,1) = HEAD_NECK_CANCER then begin if piece(x,U,2) = '1' then UBAGlobals.BAFactorsRec.FBAFactorHNC := Piece(x,U,3) else UBAGlobals.BAFactorsRec.FBAFactorHNC := (UBAGlobals.BAFactorsRec.FBAFactorHNC + CRLF + Piece(x,U,3) ); end else if piece(x,U,1) = MILITARY_SEXUAL_TRAUMA then begin if piece(x,U,2) = '1' then UBAGlobals.BAFactorsRec.FBAFactorMST := Piece(x,U,3) else UBAGlobals.BAFactorsRec.FBAFactorMST := (UBAGlobals.BAFactorsRec.FBAFactorMST + CRLF + Piece(x,U,3) ); end else if piece(x,U,1) = COMBAT_VETERAN then begin if piece(x,U,2) = '1' then UBAGlobals.BAFactorsRec.FBAFactorCV := Piece(x,U,3) else UBAGlobals.BAFactorsRec.FBAFactorCV := (UBAGlobals.BAFactorsRec.FBAFactorCV + CRLF + Piece(x,U,3) ); end; end; except on EListError do begin {$ifdef debug}ShowMessage('EListError in UBACore.BuileTFHintRec()');{$endif} raise; end; end; end; function IsAllOrdersNA(pOrderList:TStringList):boolean; var i,j:integer; rList: TStringList; begin rList := TStringList.Create; if Assigned(rList) then rList.Clear; Result := True;// disables dx button for j := 0 to pOrderList.Count-1 do begin // code added to allow consult orders that are not cidc but require dx, dx can be edited. if tempDxNodeExists(pOrderList.Strings[j]) then begin Result := False; Exit; end else if Piece(pOrderList.Strings[j],';',2) = DISCONTINUED_ORDER then begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; // call returns boolean, orders is billable=1 or nonbillable=0 or discontinued = 0 tCallV(rList,'ORWDBA1 ORPKGTYP',[pOrderList]); for i := 0 to rList.Count-1 do begin if rList.Strings[i] = BILLABLE_ORDER then begin Result := False; Break; end; end; end; function PrepOrderID(pOrderID:String): String; var newOrderID: String; begin newOrderID := ''; if pos(';',pOrderID) > 0 then newOrderID := Piece(pOrderID,';',1) else newOrderID := pOrderID ; Result := newOrderID; end; procedure ClearSelectedOrderDiagnoses(pOrderIDList: TStringList); var RecOut: TBADXRecord; i: integer; begin try for i := 0 to pOrderIDList.Count-1 do begin if UBAGlobals.tempDxNodeExists(pOrderIDList.Strings[i]) then begin RecOut := TBADxRecord.Create; GetBADxListForOrder(RecOut, pOrderIDList.Strings[i]); RecOut.FOrderID := RecOut.FOrderID; RecOut.FBADxCode := DXREC_INIT_FIELD_VAL; RecOut.FBASecDx1 := DXREC_INIT_FIELD_VAL; RecOut.FBASecDx2 := DXREC_INIT_FIELD_VAL; RecOut.FBASecDx3 := DXREC_INIT_FIELD_VAL; PutBADxListForOrder(RecOut, pOrderIDList.Strings[i]); frmReview.lstReview.Refresh; end; end; except on EListError do begin {$ifdef debug}ShowMessage('EListError in UBACore.ClearSelectedORdersDiagnoses()');{$endif} raise; end; end; end; procedure LoadConsultOrderRec(var thisRetVal: TBAConsultOrderRec; pOrderID: String; pDxList: TStringList); var thisString, thisFlags:String; dx1,dx2,dx3,dx4: string; i: integer; begin thisFlags := ''; dx1 := ''; dx2 := ''; dx3 := ''; dx4 := ''; UBAGlobals.BAConsultDxList.Sort; try for i := 0 to UBAGlobals.BAConsultDxList.Count -1 do begin thisString := UBAGlobals.BAConsultDxList[i]; if i = 0 then begin if pos( '(', thisString) > 0 then begin thisFlags := Piece(thisString,'(',2); thisFlags := Piece(thisFlags,')',1); UBAGlobals.BAConsultPLFlags.Add(pOrderID + U + thisFlags); dx1 := Piece(thisString,U,2); dx1 := Piece(dx1,'(',1) + U + Piece(thisString,':',2); end else begin dx1 := Piece(thisString,U,2); dx1 := Piece(dx1,':',1)+ U + Piece(thisString,':',2); end end else if i = 1 then begin if pos( '(', thisString) > 0 then begin dx2 := Piece(thisString,U,2); dx2 := Piece(dx2,'(',1)+ U + Piece(thisString,':',2); end else begin dx2 := Piece(thisString,U,2); dx2 := Piece(dx2,':',1)+ U + Piece(thisString,':',2); end end else if i = 2 then begin if pos( '(', thisString) > 0 then begin dx3 := Piece(thisString,U,2); dx3 := Piece(dx3,'(',1)+ U + Piece(thisString,':',2); end else begin dx3 := Piece(thisString,U,2); dx3 := Piece(dx3,':',1)+ U + Piece(thisString,':',2); end end else if i = 3 then begin if pos( '(', thisString) > 0 then begin dx4 := Piece(thisString,U,2); dx4 := Piece(dx4,'(',1)+ U + Piece(thisString,':',2); end else begin dx4 := Piece(thisString,U,2); dx4 := Piece(dx4,':',1)+ U + Piece(thisString,':',2); end; end; end; except on EListError do begin {$ifdef debug}ShowMessage('EListError in UBACore.LoadConsultOrderRec()');{$endif} raise; end; end; with thisRetVal do begin FBAOrderID := pOrderID; FBATreatmentFactors:= thisFlags; FBADxCode := dx1; FBASecDx1 := dx2; FBASecDx2 := dx3; FBASecDx3 := dx4; end; end; procedure LoadTFactorsInRec(var thisRetVal: TBATreatmentFactorsInRec; pOrderID:string; pEligible: string; pTFactors:string); begin with thisRetVal do begin FBAOrderID := pOrderID; FBAEligible := pEligible; FBATFactors := pTFactors; end; end; procedure CompleteConsultOrderRec(pOrderID: string; pDxList: TStringList); var RecOut : TBADxRecord; TfFlags,dxRec: string; orderList : TStringList; tmpOrderList: TStringList; begin orderList := TStringList.Create; tmpOrderList := TStringList.Create; orderList.Clear; tmpOrderList.Clear; if not Assigned(uBAGlobals.ConsultOrderRec)then begin UBAGlobals.ConsultOrderRec := UBAGlobals.TBAConsultOrderRec.Create; InitializeConsultOrderRec(UBAGlobals.ConsultOrderRec); end else InitializeConsultOrderRec(UBAGlobals.ConsultOrderRec); // call rpc to load list with boolean values based on orders package type. UBAGlobals.NonBillableOrderList.Clear; tmpOrderList.Add(UBAGLobals.BAOrderID); rpcNonBillableOrders(tmpOrderList); if IsOrderBillable(uBAGlobals.BAOrderID) then begin if not UBAGlobals.tempDxNodeExists(uBAGlobals.BAOrderID) then begin LoadConsultOrderRec(UBAGlobals.ConsultOrderRec,UBAGlobals.BAOrderID,uBAGlobals.BAConsultDxList); if NOT UBAGlobals.tempDxNodeExists(pOrderID) then SimpleAddTempDxList(pOrderID); RecOut := TBADxRecord.Create; RecOut.FExistingRecordID := pOrderID; RecOut.FBADxCode := ConsultOrderRec.FBADxCode; RecOut.FBASecDx1 := ConsultOrderRec.FBASecDx1; RecOut.FBASecDx2 := ConsultOrderRec.FBASecDx2; RecOut.FBASecDx3 := ConsultOrderRec.FBASecDx3; RecOut.FTreatmentFactors := ConsultOrderRec.FBATreatmentFactors; PutBADxListForOrder(RecOut, RecOut.FExistingRecordID); // HDS00003380 if IsUserNurseProvider(User.DUZ) then begin dxRec := BuildConsultDxRec(ConsultOrderRec); orderList.Add(RecOut.FExistingRecordID); TfFlags := Piece(GetPatientTFactors(orderList),U,2); orderList.Clear; if strLen(PChar(dxRec)) > 0 then orderList.Add(RecOut.FExistingRecordID +TfFlags + '^'+ BuildConsultDxRec(ConsultOrderRec) ) else orderList.Add(RecOut.FExistingRecordID +TfFlags); rpcSaveBillingData(OrderList); // save unsigned info to be displayed when re end; end; end; end; function GetConsultFlags(pOrderID:String; pFlagList:TStringList;FlagsAsIs:string):string; var i: integer; //add code to match order id..... begin Result := ''; for i := 0 to pFlagList.Count -1 do begin if pOrderID = Piece(pFlagList.Strings[i],U,1) then begin Result := SetConsultFlags( Piece(pFlagList.Strings[i],U,2), FlagsAsIs); break; end; end; end; function SetConsultFlags(pPLFactors: string; pFlagsAsIs:string):string; // return updated flags. var strFlagsAsIs: string; strTFactors: string; strFlagsOut,x: string; begin strFlagsAsIs := pFlagsAsIs; // flags from pims strTFactors := pPLFactors; // value selected from problem list strFlagsOut := ''; // flags updated with selected values from problem list x := strFlagsAsIs; Result := ''; UBAGlobals.SC := Copy(x,1,1); UBAGlobals.AO := Copy(x,2,1); UBAGlobals.IR := Copy(x,3,1); UBAGlobals.EC := Copy(x,4,1); UBAGlobals.MST := Copy(x,5,1); UBAGlobals.HNC := Copy(x,6,1); UBAGlobals.CV := Copy(x,7,1); // load factors to global vars; if UBAGlobals.SC <> 'N' then if StrPos(PChar(strTFactors),PChar(SERVICE_CONNECTED)) <> nil then UBAGlobals.SC := 'C' ; if UBAGlobals.SC <> 'N' then if StrPos(PChar(strTFactors),PChar(NOT_SERVICE_CONNECTED)) <> nil then UBAGlobals.SC := 'U'; if UBAGlobals.AO <>'N' then if StrPos(PChar(strTFactors),PChar(AGENT_ORANGE)) <> nil then UBAGlobals.AO := 'C'; if UBAGlobals.IR <>'N' then if StrPos(PChar(strTFactors),PChar(IONIZING_RADIATION)) <> nil then UBAGlobals.IR := 'C'; if UBAGlobals.EC <>'N' then if StrPos(PChar(strTFactors),PChar(ENVIRONMENTAL_CONTAM)) <> nil then UBAGlobals.EC := 'C'; if UBAGlobals.MST <>'N' then if StrPos(PChar(strTFactors),PChar(MILITARY_SEXUAL_TRAUMA)) <> nil then UBAGlobals.MST := 'C'; if UBAGlobals.CV <>'N' then if StrPos(PChar(strTFactors),PChar(COMBAT_VETERAN)) <> nil then UBAGlobals.CV := 'C'; strFlagsOut := (UBAGlobals.SC + UBAGlobals.AO + UBAGlobals.IR + UBAGlobals.EC + UBAGlobals.MST + UBAGlobals.HNC + UBAGlobals.CV); Result := strFlagsOut; end; procedure GetBAStatus(pProvider:int64; pLocation:integer); begin // sets global switch, based in value returned from server. // True -> Billing Aware Switch ON. else OFF UBACore.rpcSetBillingAwareSwitch(pProvider,pLocation); if Assigned(UBAGlobals.BAPCEDiagList) then UBAGlobals.BAPCEDiagList.Clear; frmFrame.SetBADxList; if not UBAGlobals.BAFactorsRec.FBAFactorActive then UBACore.BuildTFHintRec; end; function IsICD9CodeActive(ACode: string; LexApp: string; ADate: TFMDateTime = 0): boolean; var inactiveChar : string; begin inactiveChar := '#'; if StrPos(PChar(ACode),PChar(inactiveChar) ) <> nil then ACode := Piece(ACode,'#',1); // remove the '#' added for inactive code. Result := (sCallV('ORWPCE ACTIVE CODE',[ACode, LexApp, ADate]) = '1'); end; function BuildConsultDxRec(ConsultRec: TBAConsultOrderRec): string; var newString: string; begin if strLen(PChar(ConsultRec.FBADxCode)) > 0 then newString := Piece(ConsultRec.FBADxCode,U,2) else if strLen(PChar(ConsultRec.FBASecDx1)) > 0 then newString := newString + '^' + Piece(ConsultRec.FBASecDx1,U,2) else if strLen(PChar(ConsultRec.FBASecDx2)) > 0 then newString := newString + '^' + Piece(ConsultRec.FBASecDx2,U,2) else if strLen(PChar(ConsultRec.FBASecDx3)) > 0 then newString := newString + '^' + Piece(ConsultRec.FBASecDx3,U,2); Result := newString; end; function ConvertPIMTreatmentFactors(pTFactors:string):string; var strSC,strAO, strIR: string; strEC, strMST, strHNC, strCV: string; begin Result := ''; if StrPos(PChar(pTFactors),PChar(SERVICE_CONNECTED)) <> nil then strSC := '?' else strSC := 'N'; if StrPos(PChar(pTFactors),PChar(AGENT_ORANGE)) <> nil then strAO := '?' else strAO := 'N'; if StrPos(PChar(pTFactors),PChar(IONIZING_RADIATION)) <> nil then strIR := '?' else strIR := 'N'; if StrPos(PChar(pTFactors),PChar(ENVIRONMENTAL_CONTAM)) <> nil then strEC := '?' else strEC := 'N'; if StrPos(PChar(pTFactors),PChar(MILITARY_SEXUAL_TRAUMA)) <> nil then strMST := '?' else strMST := 'N'; if StrPos(PChar(pTFactors),PChar(HEAD_NECK_CANCER)) <> nil then strHNC := '?' else strHNC := 'N'; if StrPos(PChar(pTFactors),PChar(COMBAT_VETERAN)) <> nil then strCV := '?' else strCV := 'N'; Result := (strSC + strAO + strIR + strEC + strMST + strHNC + strCV); end; // Delete dc'd orders from BACopiedOrderList to keep things in sync. procedure DeleteDCOrdersFromCopiedList(pOrderID:string); var i:integer; holdList: TStringList; x: string; begin holdList := TStringList.Create; holdList.Clear; holdList.Assign(UBAGlobals.BACopiedOrderFlags); UBAGlobals.BACopiedOrderFlags.Clear; for i := 0 to holdList.Count-1 do begin x := Piece(holdList.Strings[i],';',1); if pOrderID = Piece(holdList.Strings[i],';',1) then continue else UBAGlobals.BACopiedOrderFlags.Add(holdList.Strings[i]); end; end; procedure UpdateBAConsultOrderList(pDcOrders: TStringList); var AnOrder,x: string; var i,j: integer; holdList : TStringList; begin // remove order enteries from the dx list that are being discontinued. for i := 0 to pDcOrders.Count -1 do begin UBAGlobals.RemoveOrderFromDxList(pDcOrders.Strings[i]); end; if UBAGlobals.BAConsultPLFlags.Count > 0 then begin holdList := TStringList.Create; holdList.Clear; holdList.Assign(UBAGlobals.BAConsultPLFlags); UBAGlobals.BAConsultPLFlags.Clear; for i := 0 to holdList.Count-1 do begin x := holdList.Strings[i]; for j := 0 to pDcOrders.Count-1 do begin if x = pDcOrders.Strings[j] then continue else UBAGlobals.BAConsultPLFlags.Add(x); end; end; end; end; {function SetOrderIDConsultDxRequired(pOrderID:string):string; var i: integer; orderIdIN, OrderIdOut,x: string; begin result := ''; for i := 0 to UBAGlobals.BAConsultOrdersRequireDx.Count-1 do begin orderIdIN := pOrderID; x := UBAGlobals.BAConsultOrdersRequireDx.Strings[i]; if orderIdIN = UBAGlobals.BAConsultOrdersRequireDx.Strings[i] then orderIdOUT := 'CONSULT_DX' // consult requires dx entry. enable display of cidc and non-cidc else orderIdOUT := orderIdIN; end; result := OrderIdOut; end; } end.