1 | unit fConsultAct;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ORFN,
7 | StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ORCtrls, uCore, ComCtrls, ORDtTm;
8 |
9 | type
10 | TfrmConsultAction = class(TForm)
11 | lblActionBy: TOROffsetLabel;
12 | calDateofAction: TORDateBox;
13 | lblDateofAction: TOROffsetLabel;
14 | cboPerson: TORComboBox;
15 | memComments: TCaptionMemo;
16 | lblComments: TOROffsetLabel;
17 | lblToService: TOROffsetLabel;
18 | cboAttentionOf: TORComboBox;
19 | lblAttentionOf: TOROffsetLabel;
20 | lblUrgency: TOROffsetLabel;
21 | cmdOK: TORAlignButton;
22 | cmdCancel: TORAlignButton;
23 | cboUrgency: TORComboBox;
24 | pnlBase: TPanel;
25 | pnlForward: TPanel;
26 | pnlOther: TPanel;
27 | treService: TORTreeView;
28 | pnlComments: TPanel;
29 | pnlAllActions: TPanel;
30 | grpSigFindings: TRadioGroup;
31 | pnlSigFind: TPanel;
32 | cboService: TORComboBox;
33 | pnlAlert: TPanel;
34 | ckAlert: TCheckBox;
35 | Label1: TMemo;
36 | lblAutoAlerts: TStaticText;
37 | procedure cmdCancelClick(Sender: TObject);
38 | procedure cmdOKClick(Sender: TObject);
39 | procedure NewPersonNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: string;
40 | Direction, InsertAt: Integer);
41 | procedure ProviderNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: string;
42 | Direction, InsertAt: Integer);
43 | procedure ckAlertClick(Sender: TObject);
44 | procedure treServiceChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);
45 | procedure treServiceExit(Sender: TObject);
46 | procedure cboServiceSelect(Sender: TObject); {**REV**}
47 | private
48 | FActionType: integer ;
49 | FChanged: boolean ;
50 | FActionBy: Int64;
51 | FActionDate: TFMDateTime;
52 | FToService: integer ;
53 | FAttentionOf: int64 ;
54 | FUrgency: integer ;
55 | FSigFind: string;
56 | FComments: TStrings ;
57 | FAlert: integer ;
58 | FAlertTo: string ;
59 | FIsProcedure: boolean;
60 | FProcIEN: integer;
61 | FUserLevel: integer;
62 | FUserIsRequester: boolean;
63 | function SetupForward(IsProcedure: boolean; ProcIEN: integer): boolean;
64 | procedure SetupAddComment;
65 | procedure SetupAdminComplete;
66 | procedure SetupSigFindings;
67 | procedure SigFindPanelShow;
68 | procedure SetupReceive;
69 | procedure SetupSchedule;
70 | procedure SetupOther;
71 | procedure ShowAutoAlertText;
72 | end;
73 |
74 | function SetActionContext(FontSize: Integer; ActionCode: integer; IsProcedure: boolean; ProcID: string; UserLevel: integer): boolean;
75 |
76 | var
77 | frmConsultAction: TfrmConsultAction;
78 | SvcList: TStrings ;
79 | uChanging: Boolean;
80 |
81 | const
82 | TX_FWD_NO_CSLT_SVCS_TEXT = 'There are no services that you can forward this consult to' ;
83 | TX_FWD_NO_PROC_SVCS_TEXT = 'There are no additional services that can perform this procedure.' ;
84 | TX_NOTTHISSVC_TEXT = 'Consults cannot be forwarded to this service. Please select a subspecialty' ;
85 | TX_NOFORWARD_TEXT = 'Service must be specified.' ;
86 | TX_NOFORWARD_SELF = 'A consult cannot be forwarded to the same service already responsible.';
87 | TX_NOFORWARD_CAP = 'Unable to forward' ;
88 | TX_NOURGENCY_TEXT = 'Urgency must be specified';
89 | TX_PERSON_TEXT = 'Select a person to perform this action or press Cancel.';
90 | TX_PERSON_CAP = 'Missing person';
91 | TX_DATE_TEXT = 'Enter a valid date for this action.' ;
92 | TX_DATE_CAP = 'Invalid date' ;
93 | TX_FUTDATE_TEXT = 'Dates or times in the future are not allowed.';
94 | TX_COMMENTS_TEXT = 'Comments are required for this action.' ;
95 | TX_COMMENTS_CAP = 'No comments entered' ;
96 | TX_SIGFIND_TEXT = 'A significant findings selection is required.' ;
97 | TX_SIGFIND_CAP = 'No significant findings status entered' ;
98 |
99 | implementation
100 |
101 | {$R *.DFM}
102 |
103 | uses rCore, rConsults, uConsults, fConsults, fConsultAlertTo, rOrders;
104 |
105 | var
106 | RecipientList: TRecipientList ;
107 |
108 | function SetActionContext(FontSize: Integer; ActionCode: integer; IsProcedure: boolean; ProcID: string; UserLevel: integer): boolean;
109 | { displays action input form for consults and sets up broker calls }
110 | begin
111 | Result := False;
112 | frmConsultAction := TfrmConsultAction.Create(Application);
113 | try
114 | ResizeAnchoredFormToFont(frmConsultAction);
115 | with frmConsultAction do
116 | begin
117 | //I wish I knew why the resize wasn't working on the buttons
118 | cmdCancel.Left := pnlAllActions.ClientWidth - cmdCancel.Width -7;
119 | cmdOK.Left := cmdCancel.Left - cmdOK.Width - 10;
120 | FChanged := False;
121 | FActionType := ActionCode ;
122 | FIsProcedure := IsProcedure;
123 | FProcIEN := StrToIntDef(Piece(ProcID, ';', 1), 0);
124 | FUserLevel := UserLevel;
125 | FUserIsRequester := (User.DUZ = ConsultRec.SendingProvider);
126 | Caption := ActionType[ActionCode] ;
127 | RecipientList.Recipients := '' ;
128 | RecipientList.Changed := False ;
129 |
130 | case FActionType of
131 | CN_ACT_FORWARD: if not SetupForward(FIsProcedure, FProcIEN) then exit;
132 | CN_ACT_ADD_CMT: SetupAddComment;
133 | CN_ACT_ADMIN_COMPLETE: SetupAdminComplete;
134 | CN_ACT_SIGFIND: SetupSigFindings;
135 | CN_ACT_RECEIVE: SetupReceive;
136 | CN_ACT_SCHEDULE: SetupSchedule;
137 | else SetupOther;
138 | end;
139 |
140 | ShowModal ;
141 | Result := FChanged ;
142 | end ;
143 | finally
144 | frmConsultAction.Release;
145 | end;
146 | end;
147 |
148 | //=================== Setup form for different actions ===========================
149 |
150 | function TfrmConsultAction.SetupForward(IsProcedure: boolean; ProcIEN: integer): boolean;
151 | var
152 | i: integer;
153 | OrdItmIEN: integer;
154 | begin
155 | pnlSigFind.Visible := False;
156 | with frmConsultAction do Height := Height - pnlSigFind.Height;
157 | pnlComments.Visible := True;
158 | memComments.Clear;
159 | if IsProcedure then
160 | begin
161 | OrdItmIEN := GetOrderableIEN(IntToStr(ConsultRec.ORFileNumber));
162 | SvcList.Assign(GetProcedureServices(OrdItmIEN));
163 | //SvcList.Assign(GetProcedureServices(ProcIEN)); RPC expects pointer to 101.43, NOT 123.3 (RV)
164 | i := SvcList.IndexOf(IntToStr(ConsultRec.ToService) + U + Trim(ExternalName(ConsultRec.ToService, 123.5)));
165 | if i > -1 then SvcList.Delete(i);
166 | treService.Visible := False;
167 | end
168 | else
169 | SvcList.Assign(LoadServiceListWithSynonyms(CN_SVC_LIST_FWD, ConsultRec.IEN)); {RV}
170 | if (IsProcedure and (SvcList.Count <= 0)) then
171 | begin
173 | Result := False ;
174 | Exit ;
175 | end
176 | else if ((not IsProcedure) and (Piece(SvcList.Strings[0],U,1) = '-1')) then
177 | begin
179 | Result := False ;
180 | Exit ;
181 | end
182 | else
183 | begin
184 | SortByPiece(TStringList(SvcList), U, 2); {RV}
185 | for i := 0 to SvcList.Count - 1 do
186 | if (cboService.Items.IndexOf(Trim(Piece(SvcList.Strings[i], U, 2))) = -1) and {RV}
187 | (Piece(SvcList.Strings[i], U, 5) <> '1') then
188 | cboService.Items.Add(SvcList.Strings[i]);
189 | if not IsProcedure then
190 | begin
191 | BuildServiceTree(treService, SvcList, '0', nil) ;
192 | with treService do
193 | for i:=0 to Items.Count-1 do
194 | begin
195 | if Items[i].Level > 0 then Items[i].Expanded := False
196 | else Items[i].Expanded := True;
197 | TopItem := Items[0] ;
198 | Selected := Items[0] ;
199 | end ;
200 | end;
201 | pnlForward.Visible := True ;
202 | end ;
203 | if cboService.Items.Count = 1 then cboService.ItemIndex := 0;
204 | FToService := cboService.ItemIEN;
205 | cboAttentionOf.InitLongList('') ;
206 | with cboUrgency do
207 | begin
208 | Items.Assign(SubsetofUrgencies(ConsultRec.IEN)) ;
209 | MixedCaseList(Items) ;
210 | SelectByIEN(ConsultRec.Urgency);
211 | if ItemIndex = -1 then
212 | begin
213 | for i := 0 to Items.Count-1 do
214 | if DisplayText[i] = 'Routine' then break ;
215 | ItemIndex := i ;
216 | end;
217 | end ;
218 | FUrgency := cboUrgency.ItemIEN;
219 | //lblActionBy.Caption := 'Responsible Clinician'; // v20.1 RV
220 | //cboPerson.OnNeedData := ProviderNeedData; //
221 | lblActionBy.Caption := 'Responsible Person'; //
222 | cboPerson.Caption := lblActionBy.Caption;
223 | cboPerson.OnNeedData := NewPersonNeedData; //
224 | cboPerson.InitLongList(User.Name) ;
225 | cboPerson.SelectByIEN(User.DUZ);
226 | ckAlert.Visible := False ;
227 | lblAutoAlerts.Visible := False;
228 | Result := True;
229 | end;
230 |
231 | procedure TfrmConsultAction.SetupAddComment;
232 | begin
233 | pnlForward.Visible := False ;
234 | //with frmConsultAction do Width := Width - pnlForward.Width ;
235 | pnlSigFind.Visible := False;
236 | with frmConsultAction do Height := Height - pnlSigFind.Height;
237 | ckAlert.Visible := True ;
238 | lblAutoAlerts.Visible := True;
239 | ShowAutoAlertText;
240 | (* RecipientList.Recipients := '' ;
241 | RecipientList.Changed := False ;*)
242 | lblActionBy.Visible := False ;
243 | cboPerson.Visible := False ;
244 | pnlComments.Visible := True;
245 | memComments.Clear;
246 | ActiveControl := memComments ;
247 | end;
248 |
249 | procedure TfrmConsultAction.SetupSchedule;
250 | begin
251 | pnlForward.Visible := False ;
252 | //with frmConsultAction do Width := Width - pnlForward.Width ;
253 | pnlSigFind.Visible := False;
254 | with frmConsultAction do Height := Height - pnlSigFind.Height;
255 | ckAlert.Visible := True ;
256 | lblAutoAlerts.Visible := True;
257 | ShowAutoAlertText;
258 | (* RecipientList.Recipients := '' ;
259 | RecipientList.Changed := False ;*)
260 | lblActionBy.Visible := True ;
261 | cboPerson.Visible := True ;
262 | lblActionBy.Caption := 'Responsible Person';
263 | cboPerson.Caption := lblActionBy.Caption;
264 | cboPerson.OnNeedData := NewPersonNeedData;
265 | cboPerson.InitLongList(User.Name) ;
266 | cboPerson.SelectByIEN(User.DUZ);
267 | pnlComments.Visible := True;
268 | memComments.Clear;
269 | ActiveControl := memComments ;
270 | end;
271 |
272 | procedure TfrmConsultAction.SetupAdminComplete;
273 | begin
274 | SigFindPanelShow ;
275 | pnlForward.Visible := False ;
276 | //with frmConsultAction do Width := Width - pnlForward.Width ;
277 | ckAlert.Visible := False ;
278 | lblAutoAlerts.Visible := False;
279 |
280 | //lblActionBy.Caption := 'Responsible Provider';
281 | //cboPerson.OnNeedData := ProviderNeedData; //RIC-0100-21228 - need ALL users here
282 | //cboPerson.InitLongList('') ;
283 | //cboPerson.ItemIndex := -1;
284 | lblActionBy.Caption := 'Responsible Person';
285 | cboPerson.Caption := lblActionBy.Caption;
286 | cboPerson.OnNeedData := NewPersonNeedData;
287 | cboPerson.InitLongList(User.Name) ;
288 | cboPerson.SelectByIEN(User.DUZ);
289 |
290 | pnlComments.Visible := True;
291 | memComments.Clear;
292 | (* if not FUserIsRequester then RecipientList.Recipients := IntToStr(ConsultRec.SendingProvider);
293 | RecipientList.Changed := not FUserIsRequester;*)
294 | ActiveControl := memComments ;
295 | end;
296 |
297 | procedure TfrmConsultAction.SetupSigFindings;
298 | begin
299 | SigFindPanelShow ;
300 | pnlForward.Visible := False ;
301 | //with frmConsultAction do Width := Width - pnlForward.Width ;
302 | ckAlert.Visible := True ;
303 | lblAutoAlerts.Visible := True;
304 | ShowAutoAlertText;
305 | (* RecipientList.Recipients := '' ;
306 | RecipientList.Changed := False ;*)
307 | lblActionBy.Visible := False ;
308 | cboPerson.Visible := False ;
309 | pnlComments.Visible := True;
310 | memComments.Clear;
311 | ActiveControl := memComments ;
312 | end;
313 |
314 | procedure TfrmConsultAction.SigFindPanelShow;
315 | var
316 | i: integer;
317 | begin
318 | pnlSigFind.Visible := True;
319 | with grpSigFindings do
320 | begin
321 | for i := 0 to 2 do if Copy(Items[i],1,1)=ConsultRec.Findings then ItemIndex := i ;
322 | if ItemIndex = -1 then
323 | begin
324 | ItemIndex := 2;
325 | Caption := Caption + 'Not yet entered';
326 | end
327 | else
328 | Caption := Caption + Items[ItemIndex];
329 | end;
330 | end ;
331 |
332 | procedure TfrmConsultAction.SetupReceive;
333 | begin
334 | pnlForward.Visible := False ;
335 | //with frmConsultAction do Width := Width - pnlForward.Width ;
336 | pnlComments.Visible := True; // V14?
337 | ckAlert.Visible := False ;
338 | lblAutoAlerts.Visible := False;
339 | pnlSigFind.Visible := False;
340 | with frmConsultAction do Height := Height - pnlSigFind.Height;// - pnlComments.Height ; // V14?
341 | cboPerson.OnNeedData := NewPersonNeedData;
342 | cboPerson.InitLongList(User.Name) ;
343 | cboPerson.SelectByIEN(User.DUZ);
344 | ActiveControl := calDateOfAction;
345 | end;
346 |
347 | procedure TfrmConsultAction.SetupOther;
348 | begin
349 | pnlForward.Visible := False ;
350 | //with frmConsultAction do Width := Width - pnlForward.Width ;
351 | pnlSigFind.Visible := False;
352 | with frmConsultAction do Height := Height - pnlSigFind.Height;
353 | lblActionBy.Caption := 'Action by';
354 | cboPerson.Caption := lblActionBy.Caption;
355 | cboPerson.OnNeedData := NewPersonNeedData;
356 | cboPerson.InitLongList(User.Name) ;
357 | cboPerson.SelectByIEN(User.DUZ);
358 | ckAlert.Visible := False ;
359 | lblAutoAlerts.Visible := False;
360 | pnlComments.Visible := True;
361 | memComments.Clear;
362 | ActiveControl := memComments ;
363 | end;
364 |
365 | // ============================= Control events ================================
366 |
367 | procedure TfrmConsultAction.NewPersonNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: string;
368 | Direction, InsertAt: Integer);
369 | begin
370 | inherited;
371 | (Sender as TORComboBox).ForDataUse(SubSetOfPersons(StartFrom, Direction));
372 | end;
373 |
374 | procedure TfrmConsultAction.ProviderNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: string;
375 | Direction, InsertAt: Integer);
376 | begin
377 | inherited;
378 | (Sender as TORComboBox).ForDataUse(SubSetOfProviders(StartFrom, Direction));
379 | end;
380 |
381 | procedure TfrmConsultAction.cmdCancelClick(Sender: TObject);
382 | begin
383 | FChanged := False ;
384 | Close ;
385 | end;
386 |
387 | procedure TfrmConsultAction.cmdOKClick(Sender: TObject);
388 | var
389 | Alist: TStringList;
390 | begin
391 | Alist := TStringList.Create ;
392 | try
393 | if (cboPerson.ItemIEN = 0)
394 | and (FActionType <> CN_ACT_ADD_CMT)
395 | and (FActionType <> CN_ACT_SIGFIND) then
396 | begin
398 | Exit;
399 | end;
400 |
401 | if ((FActionType = CN_ACT_SIGFIND) or (FActionType = CN_ACT_ADMIN_COMPLETE))
402 | and (grpSigFindings.ItemIndex < 0) then
403 | begin
405 | Exit;
406 | end;
407 |
408 | if ((FActionType = CN_ACT_DENY)
409 | or (FActionType = CN_ACT_DISCONTINUE)
410 | or (FActionType = CN_ACT_ADD_CMT)
411 | or (FActionType = CN_ACT_ADMIN_COMPLETE))
412 | and (memComments.Lines.Count = 0) then
413 | begin
415 | Exit;
416 | end;
417 |
418 | if (FActionType = CN_ACT_FORWARD) then
419 | begin
420 | if (FIsProcedure and (cboService.ItemIndex = -1) and (FToService = 0 )) or
421 | ((not FIsProcedure) and (treService.Selected = nil) and (FToService = 0 )) then
422 | begin
424 | Exit;
425 | end;
426 | if (not FIsProcedure) and (cboService.ItemIEN = ConsultRec.ToService) then
427 | begin
429 | Exit;
430 | end;
431 | if cboUrgency.ItemIEN = 0 then
432 | begin
434 | Exit;
435 | end;
436 | if (FIsProcedure and (Piece(cboService.Items[cboService.ItemIndex], U, 5) = '1')) or
437 | ((not FIsProcedure) and (Piece(TORTreeNode(treService.Selected).StringData, U, 5) = '1')) then
438 | begin
440 | Exit;
441 | end;
442 | end ;
443 |
444 | if calDateofAction.Text <> '' then
445 | begin
446 | FActionDate := StrToFMDateTime(calDateofAction.Text) ;
447 | if FActionDate = -1 then
448 | begin
450 | calDateofAction.SetFocus ;
451 | exit ;
452 | end
453 | else if FActionDate > FMNow then
454 | begin
456 | calDateofAction.SetFocus ;
457 | exit ;
458 | end;
459 | end
460 | else
461 | FActionDate := FMNow ;
462 |
463 | FActionBy := cboPerson.ItemIEN;
464 | FAttentionOf := cboAttentionOf.ItemIEN ;
465 | FUrgency := cboUrgency.ItemIEN ;
466 | if (FActionType = CN_ACT_SIGFIND) or (FActionType = CN_ACT_ADMIN_COMPLETE) then
467 | FSigFind := Copy(grpSigFindings.Items[grpSigFindings.ItemIndex],2,1);
468 | LimitEditWidth(memComments, 74);
469 | FComments := memComments.Lines ;
470 | if ((ckAlert.Checked) (*or (FActionType = CN_ACT_ADMIN_COMPLETE)*))
471 | and RecipientList.Changed then
472 | begin
473 | FAlert := 1 ;
474 | FAlertTo := RecipientList.Recipients ;
475 | end
476 | else
477 | begin
478 | FAlert := 0;
479 | FAlertTo := '';
480 | end ;
481 |
482 | case FActionType of
484 | ReceiveConsult(Alist, ConsultRec.IEN, FActionBy, FActionDate, FComments) ;
486 | ScheduleConsult(Alist, ConsultRec.IEN, FActionBy, FActionDate, FAlert, FAlertTo, FComments) ;
487 | CN_ACT_DENY :
488 | DenyConsult(Alist, ConsultRec.IEN, FActionBy, FActionDate, FComments) ;
490 | DiscontinueConsult(Alist, ConsultRec.IEN, FActionBy, FActionDate, FComments) ;
492 | ForwardConsult(Alist, ConsultRec.IEN, FToService, FActionBy, FAttentionOf, FUrgency, FActionDate, FComments);
493 | CN_ACT_ADD_CMT :
494 | AddComment(Alist, ConsultRec.IEN, FComments, FActionDate, FAlert, FAlertTo) ;
496 | SigFindings(Alist, ConsultRec.IEN, FSigFind, FComments, FActionDate, FAlert, FAlertTo) ;
498 | AdminComplete(Alist,ConsultRec.IEN, FSigFind, FComments, FActionBy, FActionDate, FAlert, FAlertTo);
499 | end ;
500 | if AList.Count > 0 then
501 | begin
502 | if StrToInt(Piece(Alist[0],u,1)) > 0 then
503 | begin
504 | InfoBox(Piece(Alist[0],u,2), 'Unable to '+ActionType[FActionType], MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING);
505 | FChanged := False ;
506 | end
507 | else
508 | FChanged := True;
509 | end
510 | else
511 | FChanged := True ;
512 | finally
513 | Alist.Free ;
514 | end ;
515 | Close ;
516 | end ;
517 |
518 | procedure TfrmConsultAction.ckAlertClick(Sender: TObject);
519 | begin
520 | if ckAlert.Checked then SelectRecipients(Font.Size, FActionType, RecipientList) ;
521 | end;
522 |
523 |
524 | procedure TfrmConsultAction.treServiceChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);
525 | begin
526 | if uChanging or FIsProcedure then Exit;
527 | FToService := StrToIntDef(Piece(TORTreeNode(treService.Selected).StringData, U, 1), 0);
528 | (* if (treService.Selected.Data <> nil) and (Piece(string(treService.Selected.Data), U, 5) <> '1') then
529 | cboService.SelectByID(Piece(string(treService.Selected.Data), U, 1))*)
530 | //cboService.SelectByID(Piece(string(treService.Selected.Data), U, 1));
531 | cboService.ItemIndex := cboService.Items.IndexOf(Trim(treService.Selected.Text)); {RV}
532 | ActiveControl := cboService; {RV}
533 | end;
534 |
535 | procedure TfrmConsultAction.treServiceExit(Sender: TObject);
536 | begin
537 | (* if (Piece(TORTreeNode(treService.Selected).StringData, U, 5) = '1') then WHY IS THIS IN HERE? (rv - v15.5)
539 | end;
540 |
541 | procedure TfrmConsultAction.cboServiceSelect(Sender: TObject);
542 | var
543 | i: integer;
544 | begin
545 | if not FIsProcedure then
546 | begin
547 | uChanging := True;
548 | with treService do for i := 0 to Items.Count-1 do
549 | begin
550 | if Piece(TORTreeNode(Items[i]).StringData, U, 1) = cboService.ItemID then
551 | begin
552 | Selected := Items[i];
553 | //treServiceChange(Self, Items[i]);
554 | break;
555 | end;
556 | end;
557 | uChanging := False;
558 | FToService := StrToIntDef(Piece(TORTreeNode(treService.Selected).StringData, U, 1), 0);
559 | end
560 | else
561 | FToService := cboService.ItemIEN;
562 | end;
563 |
564 | procedure TfrmConsultAction.ShowAutoAlertText;
565 | const
566 | TX_ALERT1 = 'An alert will automatically be sent to ';
567 | TX_ALERT_PROVIDER = 'the ordering provider';
568 | TX_ALERT_SVC_USERS = 'notification recipients for this service.';
569 | TX_ALERT_NOBODY = 'No automatic alerts will be sent.'; // this should be rare to never
570 | var
571 | x: string;
572 | begin
573 | case FUserLevel of
575 | begin
576 | if FUserIsRequester then
578 | else
579 | x := TX_ALERT1 + TX_ALERT_PROVIDER + ' and to ' + TX_ALERT_SVC_USERS;
580 | end;
582 | begin
583 | if FUserIsRequester then
584 | x := TX_ALERT_NOBODY
585 | else
586 | x := TX_ALERT1 + TX_ALERT_PROVIDER + '.';
587 | end;
588 | end;
589 | lblAutoAlerts.Caption := x;
590 | end;
591 |
592 | initialization
593 | SvcList := TStringList.Create ;
594 |
595 | finalization
596 | SvcList.Free ;
597 |
598 |
599 | end.