1 | unit fConsultBS;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
7 | ExtCtrls, ORCtrls, StdCtrls, ORFn, ComCtrls, uConsults;
8 |
9 | type
10 | TfrmConsultsByService = class(TForm)
11 | pnlBase: TORAutoPanel;
12 | lblService: TLabel;
13 | radSort: TRadioGroup;
14 | cmdOK: TButton;
15 | cmdCancel: TButton;
16 | treService: TORTreeView;
17 | cboService: TORComboBox;
18 | procedure cmdCancelClick(Sender: TObject);
19 | procedure cmdOKClick(Sender: TObject);
20 | procedure treServiceChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);
21 | procedure cboServiceSelect(Sender: TObject);
22 | private
23 | FChanged: Boolean;
24 | FService: string;
25 | FServiceName: string;
26 | FAscending: Boolean;
27 | fConsultUser: boolean ;
28 | end;
29 |
30 | TServiceContext = record
31 | Changed: Boolean;
32 | Service: string;
33 | ServiceName: string;
34 | Ascending: Boolean;
35 | ConsultUser: Boolean ;
36 | end;
37 |
38 | function SelectService(FontSize: Integer; CurrentContext: TSelectContext; var ServiceContext: TServiceContext): boolean;
39 |
40 | implementation
41 |
42 | {$R *.DFM}
43 |
44 | uses rConsults, rCore, uCore;
45 |
46 | var
47 | SvcList: TStrings ;
48 | SvcInfo: string ;
49 | uChanging: Boolean;
50 |
51 | const
52 | TX_SVC_TEXT = 'Select a consult service or press Cancel.';
53 | TX_SVC_CAP = 'Missing Service';
54 |
55 | function SelectService(FontSize: Integer; CurrentContext: TSelectContext; var ServiceContext: TServiceContext): boolean;
56 | { displays service select form for consults and returns a record of the selection }
57 | var
58 | frmConsultsByService: TfrmConsultsByService;
59 | W, H, i: Integer;
60 | CurrentService: string;
61 | begin
62 | frmConsultsByService := TfrmConsultsByService.Create(Application);
63 | try
64 | with frmConsultsByService do
65 | begin
66 | Font.Size := FontSize;
67 | W := ClientWidth;
68 | H := ClientHeight;
69 | ResizeToFont(FontSize, W, H);
70 | ClientWidth := W; pnlBase.Width := W;
71 | ClientHeight := H; pnlBase.Height := H;
72 | FChanged := False;
73 | //SvcList.Assign(LoadServiceList(CN_SVC_LIST_DISP)); {RV}
74 | SvcList.Assign(LoadServiceListWithSynonyms(CN_SVC_LIST_DISP)); {RV}
75 | SortByPiece(TStringList(SvcList), U, 2); {RV}
76 | for i := 0 to SvcList.Count - 1 do
77 | if cboService.Items.IndexOf(Trim(Piece(SvcList.Strings[i], U, 2))) = -1 then {RV}
78 | //if cboService.SelectByID(Piece(SvcList.Strings[i], U, 1)) = -1 then
79 | cboService.Items.Add(SvcList.Strings[i]);
80 | BuildServiceTree(treService, SvcList, '0', nil) ;
81 | with treService do
82 | for i := 0 to Items.Count-1 do
83 | begin
84 | if Items[i].Level > 0 then Items[i].Expanded := False else Items[i].Expanded := True;
85 | TopItem := Items[0] ;
86 | Selected := Items[0] ;
87 | end ;
88 | FAscending := CurrentContext.Ascending;
89 | radSort.ItemIndex := Ord(not FAscending);
90 | CurrentService := CurrentContext.Service;
91 | if StrToIntDef(CurrentService, 0) > 0 then
92 | begin
93 | cboservice.SelectByID(CurrentService);
94 | cboServiceSelect(frmConsultsByService);
95 | end;
96 | ShowModal;
97 | with ServiceContext do
98 | begin
99 | Changed := FChanged;
100 | Service := FService;
101 | ServiceName := FServiceName;
102 | Ascending := FAscending;
103 | ConsultUser := FConsultUser ;
104 | Result := Changed ;
105 | end; {with ServiceContext}
106 | end; {with frmConsultsByService}
107 | finally
108 | frmConsultsByService.Release;
109 | end;
110 | end;
111 |
112 | procedure TfrmConsultsByService.cmdCancelClick(Sender: TObject);
113 | begin
114 | Close;
115 | end;
116 |
117 | procedure TfrmConsultsByService.cmdOKClick(Sender: TObject);
118 | begin
119 | if (treService.Selected = nil) and (StrToIntDef(FService, 0) = 0 ) then
120 | begin
122 | Exit;
123 | end;
124 | FChanged := True;
125 | FService := Piece(SvcInfo,u,1);
126 | FServiceName := Piece(SvcInfo,u,2) ;
127 | FAscending := (radSort.ItemIndex = 0);
128 | FConsultUser := ConsultServiceUser(StrToIntDef(FService, 0), User.DUZ) ;
129 | Close;
130 | end;
131 |
132 | procedure TfrmConsultsByService.treServiceChange(Sender: TObject;
133 | Node: TTreeNode);
134 | begin
135 | if uChanging then Exit;
136 | SvcInfo := TORTreeNode(treService.Selected).StringData ;
137 | cboService.ItemIndex := cboService.Items.IndexOf(Trim(treService.Selected.Text)); {RV}
138 | //cboService.SelectByID(Piece(string(treService.Selected.Data), U, 1));
139 | end;
140 |
141 | procedure TfrmConsultsByService.cboServiceSelect(Sender: TObject);
142 | var
143 | i: integer;
144 | begin
145 | uChanging := True;
146 | with treService do for i := 0 to Items.Count-1 do
147 | begin
148 | if Piece(TORTreeNode(Items[i]).StringData, U, 1) = cboService.ItemID then
149 | begin
150 | Selected := Items[i];
151 | //treServiceChange(Self, Items[i]);
152 | break;
153 | end;
154 | end;
155 | uChanging := False;
156 | SvcInfo := TORTreeNode(treService.Selected).StringData ;
157 | end;
158 |
159 | initialization
160 | SvcList := TStringList.Create ;
161 |
162 | finalization
163 | SvcList.Free ;
164 |
165 | end.