1 | unit uConsults;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | SysUtils, Windows, Messages, Controls, Classes, StdCtrls, ORfn, uTIU, ORCtrls;
7 |
8 | type
9 |
10 | TConsultRequest = record {file 123} {Order Dialog}
11 | IEN: integer ; {.001}
12 | EntryDate: TFMDateTime ; { .01}
13 | ORFileNumber: integer ; { .03}
14 | PatientLocation: integer ; { .04}
15 | OrderingFacility: integer ; { .05}
16 | ForeignConsultFileNum: integer ; { .06}
17 | ToService: integer ; { 1} { * }
18 | From: integer ; { 2}
19 | RequestDate: TFMDateTime ; { 3}
20 | ConsultProcedure: string ; { 4}
21 | Urgency: integer ; { 5} { * }
22 | PlaceOfConsult: integer ; { 6} { * }
23 | Attention: int64 ; { 7} { * }
24 | ORStatus: integer ; { 8}
25 | LastAction: integer ; { 9}
26 | SendingProvider: int64 ; { 10}
27 | SendingProviderName: string ;
28 | Result: string ; { 11}
29 | ModeOfEntry: string ; { 12}
30 | RequestType: integer ; { 13}
31 | InOut: string ; { 14} { * }
32 | Findings: string ; { 15}
33 | TIUResultNarrative: integer ; { 16}
34 | TIUDocuments: TStrings ; {from '50' node of file 123}
35 | MedResults: TStrings; {from '50' node of file 123}
36 | RequestReason: TStringList ; { 20} { * }
37 | ProvDiagnosis: string ; { 30} { * }
38 | ProvDxCode: string; { 30.1}
39 | RequestProcessingActivity: TStringList; { 40}
40 | end ;
41 |
42 | TEditResubmitRec = record
43 | Changed: boolean;
44 | IEN: integer;
45 | OrderableItem: integer;
46 | RequestType: string;
47 | ToService: integer;
48 | ToServiceName: string;
49 | ConsultProc: string;
50 | ConsultProcName: string;
51 | Urgency: integer;
52 | UrgencyName: string;
53 | Place: string;
54 | PlaceName: string;
55 | Attention: int64;
56 | AttnName: string;
57 | InpOutp: string;
58 | RequestReason: TStringList;
59 | ProvDiagnosis: string;
60 | ProvDxCode: string;
61 | ProvDxCodeInactive: boolean;
62 | DenyComments: TStringList;
63 | OtherComments: TStringList;
64 | NewComments: TStringList;
65 | end;
66 |
67 | TSelectContext = record
68 | Changed: Boolean;
69 | BeginDate: string;
70 | EndDate: string;
71 | Ascending: Boolean;
72 | Service: string;
73 | ServiceName: string;
74 | ConsultUser: Boolean ;
75 | Status: string;
76 | StatusName: string;
77 | GroupBy: string;
78 | end ;
79 |
80 | TMenuAccessRec = record
81 | UserLevel: integer;
82 | AllowMedResulting: Boolean;
83 | AllowMedDissociate: Boolean;
84 | AllowResubmit: Boolean;
85 | ClinProcFlag: integer;
86 | IsClinicalProcedure: Boolean;
87 | end;
88 |
89 | TProvisionalDiagnosis = record
90 | Code: string;
91 | Text: string;
92 | CodeInactive: boolean;
93 | Reqd: string;
94 | PromptMode: string;
95 | end;
96 |
97 | TConsultTitles = class
98 | DfltTitle: Integer;
99 | DfltTitleName: string;
100 | ShortList: TStringList;
101 | constructor Create;
102 | destructor Destroy; override;
103 | end;
104 |
105 | TClinProcTitles = class
106 | DfltTitle: Integer;
107 | DfltTitleName: string;
108 | ShortList: TStringList;
109 | constructor Create;
110 | destructor Destroy; override;
111 | end;
112 |
113 | function MakeConsultListItem(InputString: string):string;
114 | function MakeConsultListDisplayText(InputString: string): string;
115 | function MakeConsultNoteDisplayText(RawText: string): string;
116 | procedure BuildServiceTree(Tree: TORTreeView; SvcList: TStrings; const Parent: string; Node: TORTreeNode);
117 | procedure CreateListItemsForConsultTree(Dest, Source: TStrings; Context: integer; GroupBy: string;
118 | Ascending: Boolean);
119 | procedure BuildConsultsTree(Tree: TORTreeView; tmpList: TStrings; const Parent: string; Node: TORTreeNode;
120 | CurrentContext: TSelectContext);
121 | procedure SetNodeImage(Node: TORTreeNode; CurrentContext: TSelectContext);
122 |
123 | const
124 | CN_SVC_LIST_DISP = 0 ;
125 | CN_SVC_LIST_FWD = 1 ;
126 | CN_SVC_LIST_ORD = 1 ;
127 | CSLT_PTR = ';99CON';
128 | PROC_PTR = ';99PRC';
129 |
130 | {MenuAccessRec.UserLevel}
131 | UL_NONE = 0;
132 | UL_REVIEW = 1;
133 | UL_UPDATE = 2;
134 | UL_ADMIN = 3;
136 |
137 | {Clinical Procedure statuses}
138 | CP_NOT_CLINPROC = 0;
140 | CP_INSTR_NO_STUB = 2;
143 |
144 | CN_NEW_CSLT_NOTE = '-30';
145 | CN_NEW_CP_NOTE = '-20';
146 |
147 | var
148 | ConsultRec: TConsultRequest ;
149 |
150 | implementation
151 |
152 | uses
153 | uConst;
154 |
155 | constructor TConsultTitles.Create;
156 | { creates an object to store Consult titles so only obtained from server once }
157 | begin
158 | inherited Create;
159 | ShortList := TStringList.Create;
160 | end;
161 |
162 | destructor TConsultTitles.Destroy;
163 | { frees the lists that were used to store the Consult titles }
164 | begin
165 | ShortList.Free;
166 | inherited Destroy;
167 | end;
168 |
169 | constructor TClinProcTitles.Create;
170 | { creates an object to store ClinProc titles so only obtained from server once }
171 | begin
172 | inherited Create;
173 | ShortList := TStringList.Create;
174 | end;
175 |
176 | destructor TClinProcTitles.Destroy;
177 | { frees the lists that were used to store the ClinProc titles }
178 | begin
179 | ShortList.Free;
180 | inherited Destroy;
181 | end;
182 |
183 | {============================================================================================
184 | 1016^Jun 04,98 ^(dc)^ COLONOSCOPY GASTROENTEROLOGY Proc^Consult #: 1016^15814^^P
185 | 1033^Jun 10,98 ^(c)^ GASTROENTEROLOGY Cons^Consult #: 1033^15881^^C
186 | =============================================================================================
187 | function call [GetConsultsList] returns the following string '^' pieces:
188 | ===============================================================
189 | 1 - Consult IEN
190 | 2 - Consult Date
191 | 3 - (Status)
192 | 4 - Consult/Procedure Display Text
193 | 5 - Consult #: ###
194 | 6 - Order IFN
195 | 7 - '' (used for HasChildren in tree)
196 | 8 - Parent in tree
197 | 9 - 'Consult', 'Procedure', or 'Clinical Procedure'
198 | 10 - Service Name
199 | 11 - FMDate of piece 2
200 | 12 - 'C' or 'P' or 'M' or 'I' or 'R'
201 | ===============================================================}
202 |
203 | function MakeConsultListItem(InputString: string): string;
204 | var
205 | x: string;
206 | begin
207 | x := InputString;
208 | if Piece(x, U, 6) = '' then SetPiece(x, U, 6, ' ');
209 | if Piece(x, U, 9) <> '' then
210 | case Piece(x, U, 9)[1] of
211 | 'C': SetPiece(x, U, 10, 'Consult');
212 | 'P': SetPiece(x, U, 10, 'Procedure');
213 | 'M': SetPiece(x, U, 10, 'Procedure'); //'Clinical Procedure');
214 | 'I': SetPiece(x, U, 10, 'Consult - Interfacility');
215 | 'R': SetPiece(x, U, 10, 'Procedure - Interfacility');
216 | end
217 | else
218 | begin
219 | if Piece(x, U, 5) = 'Consult' then SetPiece(x, U, 10, 'Consult')
220 | else SetPiece(x, U, 10, 'Procedure');
221 | end;
222 | x := Piece(x, U, 1) + U + FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy', MakeFMDateTime(Piece(x, U, 2))) + ' ' + U + '(' + Piece(x, U, 3) + ')' + U + Piece(x, U, 6) + Piece(x, U, 7) + U +
223 | 'Consult #: ' + Piece(x, U, 1) + U + Piece(x, U, 8) + U + U + U + Piece(x, U, 10) + U + Piece(x, U, 4)+ U +
224 | Piece(x, U, 2) + U + Piece(x, U, 9);
225 | Result := x;
226 | end;
227 |
228 | function MakeConsultListDisplayText(InputString: string): string;
229 | var
230 | x: string;
231 | begin
232 | x := InputString;
233 | x := Piece(x, U, 2) + ' ' + Piece(x, U, 3) + ' ' + Piece(x, U, 4) + ' ' + Piece(x, U, 5);
234 | Result := x;
235 | end;
236 |
237 | function MakeConsultNoteDisplayText(RawText: string): string;
238 | var
239 | x: string;
240 | begin
241 | x := RawText;
242 | if Piece(x, U, 1)[1] in ['A', 'N', 'E'] then
243 | x := Piece(x, U, 2)
244 | else
245 | begin
246 | x := FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy', MakeFMDateTime(Piece(x, U, 3))) + ' ' + Piece(x, U, 2) +
247 | ' (#' + Piece(Piece(x, U, 1), ';', 1) + ')';
248 | if not (Copy(Piece(Piece(RawText, U, 1), ';', 2), 1, 4) = 'MCAR') then
249 | x := x + ', ' + Piece(RawText, U, 6) + ', ' + Piece(Piece(RawText, U, 5), ';', 2);
250 | end;
251 | Result := x;
252 | end;
253 |
254 | procedure BuildServiceTree(Tree: TORTreeView; SvcList: TStrings; const Parent: string; Node: TORTreeNode);
255 | var
256 | MyID, MyParent, Name, temp: string;
257 | i: Integer;
258 | ChildNode, tmpNode: TORTreeNode;
259 | HasChildren: Boolean;
260 | begin
261 | Tree.Items.BeginUpdate;
262 | with SvcList do for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
263 | begin
264 | if Piece(Strings[i], U, 5) = 'S' then Continue; // V19.4 {rv}
265 | //if Piece(Strings[i], U, 6) = 'S' then Continue;
266 | MyParent := Piece(Strings[i], U, 3);
267 | if (MyParent = Parent) then
268 | begin
269 | MyID := Piece(Strings[i], U, 1);
270 | Name := Piece(Strings[i], U, 2);
271 | temp := Strings[i];
272 | tmpNode := nil;
273 | HasChildren := Piece(Strings[i], U, 4) = '+';
274 | if Node <> nil then if Node.HasChildren then
275 | tmpNode := Tree.FindPieceNode(MyID, 1, U, Node);
276 | if (tmpNode <> nil) and tmpNode.HasAsParent(Node) then
277 | Continue
278 | else
279 | begin
280 | ChildNode := TORTreeNode(Tree.Items.AddChild(Node, Name));
281 | ChildNode.StringData := temp;
282 | if HasChildren then BuildServiceTree(Tree, SvcList, MyID, ChildNode);
283 | end;
284 | end;
285 | end;
286 | Tree.Items.EndUpdate;
287 | end;
288 |
289 | procedure CreateListItemsForConsultTree(Dest, Source: TStrings; Context: integer; GroupBy: string;
290 | Ascending: Boolean);
291 | var
292 | i: Integer;
293 | x, x3, MyParent, MyService, MyStatus, MyType, StatusText: string;
294 | AList, SrcList: TStringList;
295 | begin
296 | AList := TStringList.Create;
297 | SrcList := TStringList.Create;
298 | try
299 | SrcList.Assign(Source);
300 | with SrcList do
301 | begin
302 | if (Count = 1) and (Piece(Strings[0], U, 1) = '-1') then
303 | begin
304 | Dest.Insert(0, IntToStr(Context) + '^^^' + 'No Matching Consults Found' + '^^^^0^^^^');
305 | Exit;
306 | end;
307 | for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
308 | begin
309 | x := Strings[i];
310 | MyType := Piece(x, U, 9);
311 | if Context = 0 then Context := CC_ALL;
312 | SetPiece(x, U, 8, IntToStr(Context));
313 | MyParent := Piece(x, U, 8);
314 | MyService := Piece(x, U, 10);
315 | MyStatus := Piece(x, U, 3);
316 | if Length(Trim(MyService)) = 0 then
317 | begin
318 | MyService := '** No Service **';
319 | SetPiece(x, U, 10, MyService);
320 | end;
321 | if Length(Trim(MyStatus)) = 0 then
322 | begin
323 | MyStatus := '** No Status **';
324 | SetPiece(x, U, 3, MyStatus);
325 | end;
326 | if GroupBy <> '' then case GroupBy[1] of
327 | 'S': begin
328 | SetPiece(x, U, 8, MyParent + MyStatus);
329 | if MyStatus = '(a)' then StatusText := 'Active'
330 | else if MyStatus = '(p)' then StatusText := 'Pending'
331 | else if MyStatus = '(pr)' then StatusText := 'Partial Results'
332 | else if MyStatus = '(s)' then StatusText := 'Scheduled'
333 | else if MyStatus = '(x)' then StatusText := 'Cancelled'
334 | else if MyStatus = '(dc)' then StatusText := 'Discontinued'
335 | else if MyStatus = '(c)' then StatusText := 'Completed'
336 | else StatusText := 'Other';
337 | x3 := MyStatus + U + StatusText + U + IntToStr(Context);
338 | if (AList.IndexOf(x3) = -1) then AList.Add(x3);
339 | end;
340 | 'V': begin
341 | SetPiece(x, U, 8, MyParent + MyService);
342 | x3 := MyService + U + MixedCase(MyService) + U + IntToStr(Context);
343 | if (AList.IndexOf(x3) = -1) then AList.Add(x3);
344 | end;
345 | 'T': begin
346 | SetPiece(x, U, 8, MyParent + MyType);
347 | x3 := MyType + U + MixedCase(MyType) + U + IntToStr(Context);
348 | if (AList.IndexOf(x3) = -1) then AList.Add(x3);
349 | end;
350 | end;
351 | Dest.Add(x);
352 | end; {for}
353 | SortByPiece(TStringList(Dest), U, 11);
354 | if not Ascending then InvertStringList(TStringList(Dest));
355 | Dest.Insert(0, IntToStr(Context) + '^^^' + CC_TV_TEXT[Context] + '^^^+^0^^^^');
356 | Alist.Sort;
357 | InvertStringList(AList);
358 | for i := 0 to AList.Count-1 do
359 | Dest.Insert(0, IntToStr(Context) + Piece(AList[i], U, 1) + '^^^' + Piece(AList[i], U, 2) + '^^^+^' + Piece(AList[i], U, 3) + '^^^^');
360 | end;
361 | finally
362 | AList.Free;
363 | SrcList.Free;
364 | end;
365 | end;
366 |
367 | procedure BuildConsultsTree(Tree: TORTreeView; tmpList: TStrings; const Parent: string; Node: TORTreeNode;
368 | CurrentContext: TSelectContext);
369 | var
370 | MyID, MyParent, Name, temp: string;
371 | i: Integer;
372 | ChildNode, tmpNode: TORTreeNode;
373 | HasChildren: Boolean;
374 | begin
375 | Tree.Items.BeginUpdate;
376 | with tmpList do for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
377 | begin
378 | MyParent := Piece(Strings[i], U, 8);
379 | if (MyParent = Parent) then
380 | begin
381 | MyID := Piece(Strings[i], U, 1);
382 | Name := MakeConsultListDisplayText(Strings[i]);
383 | temp := Strings[i];
384 | tmpNode := nil;
385 | HasChildren := Piece(Strings[i], U, 7) = '+';
386 | if Node <> nil then if Node.HasChildren then
387 | tmpNode := Tree.FindPieceNode(MyID, 1, U, Node);
388 | if (tmpNode <> nil) and tmpNode.HasAsParent(Node) then
389 | Continue
390 | else
391 | begin
392 | ChildNode := TORTreeNode(Tree.Items.AddChild(Node, Name));
393 | ChildNode.StringData := temp;
394 | SetNodeImage(ChildNode, CurrentContext);
395 | if HasChildren then
396 | BuildConsultsTree(Tree, tmpList, MyID, ChildNode, CurrentContext);
397 | end;
398 | end;
399 | end;
400 | Tree.Items.EndUpdate;
401 | end;
402 |
403 | procedure SetNodeImage(Node: TORTreeNode; CurrentContext: TSelectContext);
404 | begin
405 | with Node do
406 | begin
407 | if Piece(Stringdata, U, 8) = '0' then
408 | begin
409 | ImageIndex := IMG_GMRC_TOP_LEVEL;
410 | SelectedIndex := IMG_GMRC_TOP_LEVEL;
411 | if (Piece(StringData, U, 4) = 'No Matching Consults Found') then exit;
412 | if Piece(Stringdata, U, 1) <> '-1' then
413 | with CurrentContext, Node do
414 | if GroupBy <> '' then case GroupBy[1] of
415 | 'V': Text := CC_TV_TEXT[StrToInt(Piece(Stringdata, U, 1))] + ' by Service';
416 | 'S': Text := CC_TV_TEXT[StrToInt(Piece(Stringdata, U, 1))] + ' by Status';
417 | 'T': Text := CC_TV_TEXT[StrToInt(Piece(Stringdata, U, 1))] + ' by Type';
418 | end;
419 | end
420 | else
421 | begin
422 | if Piece(Stringdata, U, 7) <> '' then
423 | case Piece(Stringdata, U, 7)[1] of
424 | '+': begin
425 | ImageIndex := IMG_GMRC_GROUP_SHUT;
426 | SelectedIndex := IMG_GMRC_GROUP_OPEN;
427 | end;
428 | end
429 | else
430 | begin
431 | if Piece(StringData, U, 12) <> '' then
432 | case Piece(StringData, U, 12)[1] of
433 | 'C': ImageIndex := IMG_GMRC_CONSULT;
434 | 'P': ImageIndex := IMG_GMRC_ALL_PROC; //IMG_GMRC_PROC;
435 | 'M': ImageIndex := IMG_GMRC_ALL_PROC; //IMG_GMRC_CLINPROC;
436 | 'I': ImageIndex := IMG_GMRC_IFC_CONSULT;
437 | 'R': ImageIndex := IMG_GMRC_IFC_PROC;
438 | end
439 | else
440 | begin
441 | if Piece(StringData, U, 9) = 'Procedure' then
442 | ImageIndex := IMG_GMRC_ALL_PROC
443 | else
444 | ImageIndex := IMG_GMRC_CONSULT;
445 | end;
446 | SelectedIndex := ImageIndex;
447 | end;
448 | end;
449 | StateIndex := IMG_NONE;
450 | end;
451 | end;
452 |
453 | end.