unit rPCE; {$OPTIMIZATION OFF} // REMOVE AFTER UNIT IS DEBUGGED interface uses SysUtils, Classes, ORNet, ORFn, uPCE, UBACore, ORClasses; const LX_ICD = 12; LX_CPT = 13; LX_Threshold = 15; PCE_IMM = 20; PCE_SK = 21; PCE_PED = 22; PCE_HF = 23; PCE_XAM = 24; PCE_TRT = 25; SCC_YES = 1; SCC_NO = 0; SCC_NA = -1; var uEncLocation: integer; // uEncDateTime: TFMDateTime; type TSCConditions = record SCAllow: Boolean; // prompt for service connected SCDflt: Boolean; // default if prompting service connected AOAllow: Boolean; // prompt for agent orange exposure AODflt: Boolean; // default if prompting agent orange exposure IRAllow: Boolean; // prompt for ionizing radiation exposure IRDflt: Boolean; // default if prompting ionizing radiation ECAllow: Boolean; // prompt for environmental conditions ECDflt: Boolean; // default if prompting environmental cond. MSTAllow: Boolean; // prompt for military sexual trauma MSTDflt: Boolean; // default if prompting military sexual trauma HNCAllow: Boolean; // prompt for Head or Neck Cancer HNCDflt: Boolean; // default if prompting Head or Neck Cancer CVAllow: Boolean; // prompt for Combat Veteran Related CVDflt: Boolean; // default if prompting Comabt Veteran end; TPCEListCodesProc = procedure(Dest: TStrings; SectionIndex: Integer); TAskPCE = (apPrimaryNeeded, apPrimaryOutpatient, apPrimaryAlways, apNeeded, apOutpatient, apAlways, apNever, apDisable); function GetVisitCat(InitialCat: char; Location: integer; Inpatient: boolean): char; {assign and read values from fPCEData} //function SetRPCEncouterInfo(PCEData: TPCEData): boolean; function SetRPCEncLocation(Loc: Integer): boolean; //function SetRPCEncDateTime(DT: TFMDateTime): boolean; function PCERPCEncLocation: integer; //function PCERPCEncDateTime: TFMDateTime; function GetLocSecondaryVisitCode(Loc: integer): char; {check for active person class on provider} function CheckActivePerson(provider:string;DateTime:TFMDateTime): boolean; function ForcePCEEntry(Loc: integer): boolean; {"Other" form PCE calls} procedure LoadcboOther(Dest: TStrings; Location, fOtherApp: Integer); { Lexicon Lookup Calls } function LexiconToCode(IEN, LexApp: Integer; ADate: TFMDateTime = 0): string; procedure ListLexicon(Dest: TStrings; const x: string; LexApp: Integer; ADate: TFMDateTime = 0); function IsActiveICDCode(ACode: string; ADate: TFMDateTime = 0): boolean; function IsActiveCPTCode(ACode: string; ADate: TFMDateTime = 0): boolean; function IsActiveCode(ACode: string; LexApp: integer; ADate: TFMDateTime = 0): boolean; { Encounter Form Elements } procedure DeletePCE(const AVisitStr: string); function EligbleConditions: TSCConditions; procedure ListVisitTypeSections(Dest: TStrings); procedure ListVisitTypeCodes(Dest: TStrings; SectionIndex: Integer); procedure ListVisitTypeByLoc(Dest: TStrings; Location: Integer; ADateTime: TFMDateTime = 0); function AutoSelectVisit(Location: integer): boolean; function UpdateVisitTypeModifierList(Dest: TStrings; Index: integer): string; procedure ListDiagnosisSections(Dest: TStrings); procedure ListDiagnosisCodes(Dest: TStrings; SectionIndex: Integer); procedure ListExamsSections(Dest: TStrings); procedure ListExamsCodes(Dest: TStrings; SectionIndex: Integer); procedure ListHealthSections(Dest: TStrings); procedure ListHealthCodes(Dest: TStrings; SectionIndex: Integer); procedure ListImmunizSections(Dest: TStrings); procedure ListImmunizCodes(Dest: TStrings; SectionIndex: Integer); procedure ListPatientSections(Dest: TStrings); procedure ListPatientCodes(Dest: TStrings; SectionIndex: Integer); procedure ListProcedureSections(Dest: TStrings); procedure ListProcedureCodes(Dest: TStrings; SectionIndex: Integer); function ModifierList(CPTCode: string): string; procedure ListCPTModifiers(Dest: TStrings; CPTCodes, NeededModifiers: string); function ModifierName(ModIEN: string): string; function ModifierCode(ModIEN: string): string; function UpdateModifierList(Dest: TStrings; Index: integer): string; procedure ListSkinSections(Dest: TStrings); procedure ListSkinCodes(Dest: TStrings; SectionIndex: Integer); procedure ListSCDisabilities(Dest: TStrings); procedure LoadPCEDataForNote(Dest: TStrings; ANoteIEN: Integer; VStr: string); function GetVisitIEN(NoteIEN: Integer): string; procedure SavePCEData(PCEList: TStringList; ANoteIEN, ALocation: integer); function DataHasCPTCodes(AList: TStrings): boolean; function GetAskPCE(Loc: integer): TAskPCE; function HasVisit(const ANoteIEN, ALocation: integer; const AVisitDate: TFMDateTime): Integer; procedure LoadImmSeriesItems(Dest: TStrings); procedure LoadImmReactionItems(Dest: TStrings); procedure LoadSkResultsItems(Dest: TStrings); procedure LoadPEDLevelItems(Dest: TStrings); procedure LoadHFLevelItems(Dest: TStrings); procedure LoadXAMResultsItems(Dest: TStrings); procedure LoadHistLocations(Dest: TStrings); procedure AddProbsToDiagnoses; //GAF function GAFOK: boolean; function MHClinic(const Location: integer): boolean; procedure RecentGAFScores(const Limit: integer); function SaveGAFScore(const Score: integer; GAFDate: TFMDateTime; Staff: Int64): boolean; function GAFURL: string; function MHTestsOK: boolean; function MHTestAuthorized(Test: string): boolean; function AnytimeEncounters: boolean; function AutoCheckout(Loc: integer): boolean; { Encounter } //function RequireExposures(ANote: Integer): Boolean; {RAB} function RequireExposures(ANote, ATitle: Integer): Boolean; function PromptForWorkload(ANote, ATitle: Integer; VisitCat: Char; StandAlone: boolean): Boolean; function DefaultProvider(ALocation: integer; AUser: Int64; ADate: TFMDateTime; ANoteIEN: integer): string; function IsUserAProvider(AUser: Int64; ADate: TFMDateTime): boolean; function IsCancelOrNoShow(ANote: integer): boolean; // HNC Flag //function HNCOK: boolean; implementation uses TRPCB, rCore, uCore, uConst, fEncounterFrame, UBAGlobals, UBAConst; var uLastLocation: Integer; uLastDFN: String; uVTypeLastLoc: Integer; uVTypeLastDate: double = 0; uDiagnoses: TStringList; uExams: TStringList; uHealthFactors: TStringList; uImmunizations: TStringList; uPatientEds: TStringList; uProcedures: TStringList; uSkinTests: TStringList; uVisitTypes: TStringList; uVTypeForLoc: TStringList; uProblems: TStringList; uModifiers: TORStringList = nil; uGAFOK: boolean; uGAFOKCalled: boolean = FALSE; uLastForceLoc: integer = -1; uLastForce: boolean; uHasCPT: TStringList = nil; uGAFURL: string; uGAFURLChecked: boolean = FALSE; uMHOK: boolean; uMHOKChecked: boolean = FALSE; uVCInitialCat: char = #0; uVCLocation: integer = -2; uVCInpatient: boolean = FALSE; uVCResult: char; uAPUser: Int64 = -1; uAPLoc: integer = -2; uAPAsk: TAskPCE; uAnytimeEnc: integer = -1; UAutoSelLoc: integer = -1; UAutoSelVal: boolean; uLastChkOut: boolean; uLastChkOutLoc: integer = -2; uLastIsClinicLoc: integer = 0; uLastIsClinic: boolean = FALSE; // uHNCOK: integer = -1; function GetVisitCat(InitialCat: char; Location: integer; Inpatient: boolean): char; var tmp: string; begin if(InitialCat <> uVCInitialCat) or (Location <> uVCLocation) or (Inpatient <> uVCInpatient) then begin uVCInitialCat := InitialCat; uVCLocation := Location; uVCInpatient := Inpatient; tmp := sCallV('ORWPCE GETSVC', [InitialCat, Location, BOOLCHAR[Inpatient]]); if(tmp <> '') then uVCResult := tmp[1] else uVCResult := InitialCat; end; Result := uVCResult end; { Lexicon Lookup Calls } function LexiconToCode(IEN, LexApp: Integer; ADate: TFMDateTime = 0): string; var CodeSys: string; begin case LexApp of LX_ICD: CodeSys := 'ICD'; LX_CPT: CodeSys := 'CHP'; end; Result := sCallV('ORWPCE LEXCODE', [IEN, CodeSys, ADate]); end; procedure ListLexicon(Dest: TStrings; const x: string; LexApp: Integer; ADate: TFMDateTime = 0); var CodeSys: string; begin case LexApp of LX_ICD: CodeSys := 'ICD'; LX_CPT: CodeSys := 'CHP'; end; CallV('ORWPCE LEX', [x, CodeSys, ADate]); Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results); end; function IsActiveICDCode(ACode: string; ADate: TFMDateTime = 0): boolean; begin Result := IsActiveCode(ACode, LX_ICD, ADate); end; function IsActiveCPTCode(ACode: string; ADate: TFMDateTime = 0): boolean; begin Result := IsActiveCode(ACode, LX_CPT, ADate); end; function IsActiveCode(ACode: string; LexApp: integer; ADate: TFMDateTime = 0): boolean; var CodeSys: string; begin case LexApp of LX_ICD: CodeSys := 'ICD'; LX_CPT: CodeSys := 'CHP'; end; Result := (sCallV('ORWPCE ACTIVE CODE',[ACode, CodeSys, ADate]) = '1'); end; { Encounter Form Elements ------------------------------------------------------------------ } procedure DeletePCE(const AVisitStr: string); begin sCallV('ORWPCE DELETE', [AVisitStr, Patient.DFN]); end; procedure LoadEncounterForm; { load the major coding lists that are used by the encounter form for a given location } var i: integer; uTempList: TStringList; EncDt: TFMDateTime; begin uLastLocation := uEncLocation; EncDt := Trunc(uEncPCEData.VisitDateTime); //add problems to the top of diagnoses. uTempList := TstringList.Create; if UBAGlobals.BILLING_AWARE then //BAPHII 1.3.10 begin UBACore.BADxList := TStringList.Create; end; try uDiagnoses.clear; if BILLING_AWARE then begin UBACore.BADxList.Clear; //BAPHII 1.3.10 end; tCallV(uTempList, 'ORWPCE DIAG', [uEncLocation, EncDt]); //BAPHII 1.3.10 uDiagnoses.add(utemplist.strings[0]); //BAPHII 1.3.10 AddProbsToDiagnoses; //BAPHII 1.3.10 // BA 25 AddProviderPatientDaysDx(uDxLst, IntToStr(Encounter.Provider), Patient.DFN); for i := 1 to (uTempList.Count-1) do //BAPHII 1.3.10 uDiagnoses.add(uTemplist.strings[i]); //BAPHII 1.3.10 finally uTempList.free; end; tCallV(uVisitTypes, 'ORWPCE VISIT', [uEncLocation, EncDt]); tCallV(uProcedures, 'ORWPCE PROC', [uEncLocation, EncDt]); tCallV(uImmunizations, 'ORWPCE IMM', [uEncLocation]); tCallV(uSkinTests, 'ORWPCE SK', [uEncLocation]); tCallV(uPatientEds, 'ORWPCE PED', [uEncLocation]); tCallV(uHealthFactors, 'ORWPCE HF', [uEncLocation]); tCallV(uExams, 'ORWPCE XAM', [uEncLocation]); if uVisitTypes.Count > 0 then uVisitTypes.Delete(0); // discard counts if uDiagnoses.Count > 0 then uDiagnoses.Delete(0); if uProcedures.Count > 0 then uProcedures.Delete(0); if uImmunizations.Count > 0 then uImmunizations.Delete(0); if uSkinTests.Count > 0 then uSkinTests.Delete(0); if uPatientEds.Count > 0 then uPatientEds.Delete(0); if uHealthFactors.Count > 0 then uHealthFactors.Delete(0); if uExams.Count > 0 then uExams.Delete(0); if (uVisitTypes.Count > 0) and (CharAt(uVisitTypes[0], 1) <> U) then uVisitTypes.Insert(0, U); if (uDiagnoses.Count > 0) and (CharAt(uDiagnoses[0], 1) <> U) then uDiagnoses.Insert(0, U); if (uProcedures.Count > 0) and (CharAt(uProcedures[0], 1) <> U) then uProcedures.Insert(0, U); if (uImmunizations.Count > 0) and (CharAt(uImmunizations[0], 1) <> U) then uImmunizations.Insert(0, U); if (uSkinTests.Count > 0) and (CharAt(uSkinTests[0], 1) <> U) then uSkinTests.Insert(0, U); if (uPatientEds.Count > 0) and (CharAt(uPatientEds[0], 1) <> U) then uPatientEds.Insert(0, U); if (uHealthFactors.Count > 0) and (CharAt(uHealthFactors[0], 1) <> U) then uHealthFactors.Insert(0, U); if (uExams.Count > 0) and (CharAt(uExams[0], 1) <> U) then uExams.Insert(0, U); end; {Visit Types-------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure ListVisitTypeSections(Dest: TStrings); { return section names in format: ListIndex^SectionName (sections begin with '^') } var i: Integer; x: string; begin if (uLastLocation <> uEncLocation) then LoadEncounterForm; for i := 0 to uVisitTypes.Count - 1 do if CharAt(uVisitTypes[i], 1) = U then begin x := Piece(uVisitTypes[i], U, 2); if Length(x) = 0 then x := ''; Dest.Add(IntToStr(i) + U + Piece(uVisitTypes[i], U, 2) + U + x); end; end; procedure ListVisitTypeCodes(Dest: TStrings; SectionIndex: Integer); { return visit types in format: visit type amount of time CPT code CPT code } var i: Integer; s: string; function InsertTab(x: string): string; { turn the white space between the name and the number of minutes into a single tab } begin if CharAt(x, 20) = ' ' then Result := Trim(Copy(x, 1, 20)) + U + Trim(Copy(x, 21, Length(x))) else Result := Trim(x) + U; end; begin {ListVisitTypeCodes} Dest.Clear; i := SectionIndex + 1; // first line after the section name while (i < uVisitTypes.Count) and (CharAt(uVisitTypes[i], 1) <> U) do begin s := Pieces(uVisitTypes[i], U, 1, 2) + U + InsertTab(Piece(uVisitTypes[i], U, 2)) + U + Piece(uVisitTypes[i], U, 1) + U + IntToStr(i); Dest.Add(s); Inc(i); end; end; procedure ListVisitTypeByLoc(Dest: TStrings; Location: Integer; ADateTime: TFMDateTime = 0); var i: Integer; x, SectionName: string; EncDt: TFMDateTime; begin EncDt := Trunc(ADateTime); if (uVTypeLastLoc <> Location) or (uVTypeLastDate <> EncDt) then begin uVTypeForLoc.Clear; if Location = 0 then Exit; SectionName := ''; CallV('ORWPCE VISIT', [Location, EncDt]); with RPCBrokerV do for i := 0 to Results.Count - 1 do begin x := Results[i]; if CharAt(x, 1) = U then SectionName := Piece(x, U, 2) else uVTypeForLoc.Add(Piece(x, U, 1) + U + SectionName + U + Piece(x, U, 2)); end; uVTypeLastLoc := Location; uVTypeLastDate := EncDt; end; Dest.Assign(uVTypeForLoc); end; function AutoSelectVisit(Location: integer): boolean; begin if UAutoSelLoc <> Location then begin UAutoSelVal := (sCallV('ORWPCE AUTO VISIT TYPE SELECT', [Location]) = '1'); UAutoSelLoc := Location; end; Result := UAutoSelVal; end; {Diagnosis---------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure ListDiagnosisSections(Dest: TStrings); { return section names in format: ListIndex^SectionName (sections begin with '^') } var i: Integer; x: string; begin //// if (uLastLocation <> uEncLocation) then LoadEncounterForm; // if (uLastDFN <> patient.DFN) then LoadEncounterForm;// commented out for CIDC needs. LoadEncounterForm; for i := 0 to uDiagnoses.Count - 1 do if CharAt(uDiagnoses[i], 1) = U then begin x := Piece(uDiagnoses[i], U, 2); if Length(x) = 0 then x := ''; Dest.Add(IntToStr(i) + U + Piece(uDiagnoses[i], U, 2) + U + x); end; end; procedure ListDiagnosisCodes(Dest: TStrings; SectionIndex: Integer); { return diagnoses within section in format: diagnosis ICDInteger .ICDDecimal ICD Code } var i: Integer; s,d: string; EncDT: TFMDateTime; begin EncDT := uEncPCEData.VisitDateTime; Dest.Clear; i := SectionIndex + 1; // first line after the section name while (i < uDiagnoses.Count) and (CharAt(uDiagnoses[i], 1) <> U) do begin s := Piece(uDiagnoses[i], U, 1); d := Piece(s, '.', 2); s := s + U + Piece(uDiagnoses[i], U, 2) + U + Piece(s, '.', 1) + U; if(d <> '') then SetPiece(s, U, 4, '.' + d ) else // RV - CSV - need to do this so trailing "#" lines up correctly when no decimals SetPiece(s, U, 4, ' '); //filtering out inactive codes. if (Piece(uDiagnoses[i], U, 3) = '#') then begin SetPiece(s, U, 5, '#'); Dest.Add(s); end else if ((Piece(uDiagnoses[i], U, 3) = '') or ( StrToFloat(Piece(uDiagnoses[i], U, 3)) > EncDT )) then begin Dest.Add(s); end; Inc(i); end; end; procedure AddProbsToDiagnoses; var i: integer; //loop index EncDT: TFMDateTime; begin //get problem list EncDT := Trunc(uEncPCEData.VisitDateTime); uLastDFN := patient.DFN; tCallV(uProblems, 'ORWPCE ACTPROB',[Patient.DFN, EncDT]); if uProblems.count > 0 then begin //add category to udiagnoses uDiagnoses.add(U + DX_PROBLEM_LIST_TXT); for i := 1 to (uProblems.count-1) do //start with 1 because strings[0] is //the count of elements. begin //add problems to udiagnosis. if (piece(uproblems.Strings[i],U,3) = '799.9') then continue; // DON'T INCLUDE 799.9 CODES if (Piece(uproblems.Strings[i], U, 11) = '#') then uDiagnoses.add(piece(uProblems.Strings[i],U,3) + U + // PL code inactive piece(uProblems.Strings[i],U,2) + U + '#') else if (Piece(uproblems.Strings[i], U, 10) = '') then // no inactive date for code uDiagnoses.add(piece(uProblems.Strings[i],U,3) + U + piece(uProblems.Strings[i],U,2)) else if (Trunc(StrToFloat(Piece(uProblems.Strings[i], U, 10))) > EncDT) then // code active as of EncDt uDiagnoses.add(piece(uProblems.Strings[i],U,3) + U + piece(uProblems.Strings[i],U,2)) else uDiagnoses.add(piece(uProblems.Strings[i],U,3) + U + // PL code inactive piece(uProblems.Strings[i],U,2) + U + '#'); end; //1.3.10 if BILLING_AWARE then begin // add New Section and dx codes to Encounter Diagnosis Section and Code List. // Diagnoses -> Provider/Patient/24 hrs uDiagnoses.add(UBAConst.ENCOUNTER_TODAYS_DX); //BAPHII 1.3.10 //BADxList := AddProviderPatientDaysDx(UBACore.uDxLst, IntToStr(Encounter.Provider), Patient.DFN); //BAPHII 1.3.10 rpcGetProviderPatientDaysDx(IntToStr(Encounter.Provider), Patient.DFN); //BAPHII 1.3.10 for i := 0 to (UBACore.uDxLst.Count-1) do //BAPHII 1.3.10 uDiagnoses.add(UBACore.uDxLst[i]); //BAPHII 1.3.10 // Code added after presentation..... // Add Personal Diagnoses Section and Codes to Encounter Diagnosis Section and Code List. UBACore.uDxLst.Clear; uDiagnoses.Add(UBAConst.ENCOUNTER_PERSONAL_DX); UBACore.uDxLst := rpcGetPersonalDxList(User.DUZ); for i := 0 to (UBACore.uDxLst.Count -1) do begin uDiagnoses.Add(UBACore.uDxLst.Strings[i]); end; end; end; end; {Immunizations-----------------------------------------------------------------} procedure LoadImmReactionItems(Dest: TStrings); begin tCallV(Dest,'ORWPCE GET SET OF CODES',['9000010.11','.06','1']); end; procedure LoadImmSeriesItems(Dest: TStrings); {loads items into combo box on Immunixation screen} begin tCallV(Dest,'ORWPCE GET SET OF CODES',['9000010.11','.04','1']); end; procedure ListImmunizSections(Dest: TStrings); { return section names in format: ListIndex^SectionName (sections begin with '^') } var i: Integer; x: string; begin if (uLastLocation <> uEncLocation) then LoadEncounterForm; for i := 0 to uImmunizations.Count - 1 do if CharAt(uImmunizations[i], 1) = U then begin x := Piece(uImmunizations[i], U, 2); if Length(x) = 0 then x := ''; Dest.Add(IntToStr(i) + U + Piece(uImmunizations[i], U, 2) + U + x); end; end; procedure ListImmunizCodes(Dest: TStrings; SectionIndex: Integer); { return procedures within section in format: procedure CPT code CPT code} var i: Integer; begin Dest.Clear; i := SectionIndex + 1; // first line after the section name while (i < uImmunizations.Count) and (CharAt(uImmunizations[i], 1) <> U) do begin Dest.Add(Pieces(uImmunizations[i], U, 1, 2)); Inc(i); end; end; {Procedures--------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure ListProcedureSections(Dest: TStrings); { return section names in format: ListIndex^SectionName (sections begin with '^') } var i: Integer; x: string; begin if (uLastLocation <> uEncLocation) then LoadEncounterForm; for i := 0 to uProcedures.Count - 1 do if CharAt(uProcedures[i], 1) = U then begin x := Piece(uProcedures[i], U, 2); if Length(x) = 0 then x := ''; Dest.Add(IntToStr(i) + U + Piece(uProcedures[i], U, 2) + U + x); end; end; procedure ListProcedureCodes(Dest: TStrings; SectionIndex: Integer); { return procedures within section in format: procedure CPT code CPT code} //Piece 12 are CPT Modifiers, Piece 13 is a flag indicating conversion of Piece 12 from //modifier code to modifier IEN (updated in UpdateModifierList routine) var i: Integer; begin Dest.Clear; i := SectionIndex + 1; // first line after the section name while (i < uProcedures.Count) and (CharAt(uProcedures[i], 1) <> U) do begin Dest.Add(Pieces(uProcedures[i], U, 1, 2) + U + Piece(uProcedures[i], U, 1) + U + Piece(uProcedures[i], U, 12) + U + Piece(uProcedures[i], U, 13) + U + IntToStr(i)); Inc(i); end; end; function MixedCaseModifier(const inStr: string): string; begin Result := inStr; SetPiece(Result, U, 2, MixedCase(Trim(Piece(Result, U, 2)))); end; function ModifierIdx(ModIEN: string): integer; var EncDt: TFMDateTime; begin Result := uModifiers.IndexOfPiece(ModIEN); if(Result < 0) then begin if Assigned(uEncPCEData) then // may not exist yet on display of note and PCE data EncDT := Trunc(uEncPCEData.VisitDateTime) else if Encounter.DateTime > 0 then // really need note date/time next, but can't get to it EncDT := Trunc(Encounter.DateTime) else EncDT := FMToday; Result := uModifiers.Add(MixedCaseModifier(sCallV('ORWPCE GETMOD', [ModIEN, EncDt]))); end; end; function ModifierList(CPTCode: string): string; // uModifiers list contains <@>CPTCode;ModCount;^Mod1Index^Mod2Index^...^ModNIndex // or MODIEN^MODDescription^ModCode const CPTCodeHeader = '<@>'; var i, idx: integer; s, ModIEN: string; EncDt: TFMDateTime; begin EncDT := Trunc(uEncPCEData.VisitDateTime); idx := uModifiers.IndexOfPiece(CPTCodeHeader + CPTCode, ';', 1); if(idx < 0) then begin CallV('ORWPCE CPTMODS', [CPTCode, EncDt]); s := CPTCodeHeader + CPTCode + ';' + IntToStr(RPCBrokerV.Results.Count) + ';' + U; for i := 0 to RPCBrokerV.Results.Count - 1 do begin ModIEN := piece(RPCBrokerV.Results[i], U, 1); idx := uModifiers.IndexOfPiece(ModIEN); if(idx < 0) then idx := uModifiers.Add(MixedCaseModifier(RPCBrokerV.Results[i])); s := s + IntToStr(idx) + U; end; idx := uModifiers.Add(s); end; Result := uModifiers[idx]; end; procedure ListCPTModifiers(Dest: TStrings; CPTCodes, NeededModifiers: string); //CPTCodes expected in the format of code^code^code //NeededModifiers in format of ModIEN1;ModIEN2;ModIEN3 var TmpSL: TStringList; i, j, idx, cnt, found: integer; s, Code: string; begin if(not assigned(uModifiers)) then uModifiers := TORStringList.Create; if(copy(CPTCodes, length(CPTCodes), 1) <> U) then CPTCodes := CPTCodes + U; if(copy(NeededModifiers, length(NeededModifiers), 1) <> ';') then NeededModifiers := NeededModifiers + ';'; TmpSL := TStringList.Create; try repeat i := pos(U, CPTCodes); if(i > 0) then begin Code := copy(CPTCodes, 1, i-1); delete(CPTCodes,1,i); if(Code <> '') then TmpSL.Add(ModifierList(Code)); i := pos(U, CPTCodes); end; until(i = 0); if(TmpSL.Count = 0) then s := ';0;' else if(TmpSL.Count = 1) then s := TmpSL[0] else begin s := ''; found := 0; cnt := StrToIntDef(piece(TmpSL[0], ';', 2), 0); for i := 1 to cnt do begin Code := U + Piece(TmpSL[0], U, i+1); for j := 1 to TmpSL.Count-1 do begin if(pos(Code + U, TmpSL[j]) = 0) then begin Code := ''; break; end; end; if(Code <> '') then begin s := s + Code; inc(found); end; end; s := s + U; SetPiece(s , U, 1, ';' + IntToStr(Found) + ';'); end; finally TmpSL.Free; end; Dest.Clear; cnt := StrToIntDef(piece(s, ';', 2), 0); if(NeededModifiers <> '') then begin found := cnt; repeat i := pos(';',NeededModifiers); if(i > 0) then begin idx := StrToIntDef(copy(NeededModifiers,1,i-1),0); if(idx > 0) then begin Code := IntToStr(ModifierIdx(IntToStr(idx))) + U; if(pos(U+Code, s) = 0) then begin s := s + Code; inc(cnt); end; end; delete(NeededModifiers,1,i); end; until(i = 0); if(found <> cnt) then SetPiece(s , ';', 2, IntToStr(cnt)); end; for i := 1 to cnt do begin idx := StrToIntDef(piece(s, U, i + 1), -1); if(idx >= 0) then Dest.Add(uModifiers[idx]); end; end; function ModifierName(ModIEN: string): string; begin if(not assigned(uModifiers)) then uModifiers := TORStringList.Create; Result := piece(uModifiers[ModifierIdx(ModIEN)], U, 2); end; function ModifierCode(ModIEN: string): string; begin if(not assigned(uModifiers)) then uModifiers := TORStringList.Create; Result := piece(uModifiers[ModifierIdx(ModIEN)], U, 3); end; function UpdateModifierList(Dest: TStrings; Index: integer): string; var i, idx, LastIdx: integer; Tmp, OKMods, Code: string; OK: boolean; begin if(Piece(Dest[Index], U, 5) = '1') then Result := Piece(Dest[Index],U,4) else begin Tmp := Piece(Dest[Index], U, 4); Result := ''; OKMods := ModifierList(Piece(Dest[Index], U, 1))+U; i := 1; repeat Code := Piece(Tmp,';',i); if(Code <> '') then begin LastIdx := -1; OK := FALSE; repeat idx := uModifiers.IndexOfPiece(Code, U, 3, LastIdx); if(idx > 0) then begin if(pos(U + IntToStr(idx) + U, OKMods)>0) then begin Result := Result + piece(uModifiers[idx],U,1) + ';'; OK := TRUE; end else LastIdx := Idx; end; until(idx < 0) or OK; inc(i); end until(Code = ''); Tmp := Dest[Index]; SetPiece(Tmp,U,4,Result); SetPiece(Tmp,U,5,'1'); Dest[Index] := Tmp; idx := StrToIntDef(piece(Tmp,U,6),-1); if(idx >= 0) then begin Tmp := uProcedures[idx]; SetPiece(Tmp,U,12,Result); SetPiece(Tmp,U,13,'1'); uProcedures[idx] := Tmp; end; end; end; function UpdateVisitTypeModifierList(Dest: TStrings; Index: integer): string; var i, idx, LastIdx: integer; Tmp, OKMods, Code: string; OK: boolean; begin if(Piece(Dest[Index], U, 7) = '1') then Result := Piece(Dest[Index],U,6) else begin Tmp := Piece(Dest[Index], U, 6); Result := ''; OKMods := ModifierList(Piece(Dest[Index], U, 1))+U; i := 1; repeat Code := Piece(Tmp,';',i); if(Code <> '') then begin LastIdx := -1; OK := FALSE; repeat idx := uModifiers.IndexOfPiece(Code, U, 3, LastIdx); if(idx > 0) then begin if(pos(U + IntToStr(idx) + U, OKMods)>0) then begin Result := Result + piece(uModifiers[idx],U,1) + ';'; OK := TRUE; end else LastIdx := Idx; end; until(idx < 0) or OK; inc(i); end until(Code = ''); Tmp := Dest[Index]; SetPiece(Tmp,U,6,Result); SetPiece(Tmp,U,7,'1'); Dest[Index] := Tmp; idx := StrToIntDef(piece(Tmp,U,8),-1); if(idx >= 0) then begin Tmp := uProcedures[idx]; SetPiece(Tmp,U,12,Result); SetPiece(Tmp,U,13,'1'); uProcedures[idx] := Tmp; end; end; end; {SkinTests---------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure LoadSkResultsItems(Dest: TStrings); begin tCallV(Dest,'ORWPCE GET SET OF CODES',['9000010.12','.04','1']); end; procedure ListSkinSections(Dest: TStrings); { return section names in format: ListIndex^SectionName (sections begin with '^') } var i: Integer; x: string; begin if (uLastLocation <> uEncLocation) then LoadEncounterForm; for i := 0 to uSkinTests.Count - 1 do if CharAt(uSkinTests[i], 1) = U then begin x := Piece(uSkinTests[i], U, 2); if Length(x) = 0 then x := ''; Dest.Add(IntToStr(i) + U + Piece(uSkinTests[i], U, 2) + U + x); end; end; procedure ListSkinCodes(Dest: TStrings; SectionIndex: Integer); { return procedures within section in format: procedure CPT code CPT code} var i: Integer; begin Dest.Clear; i := SectionIndex + 1; // first line after the section name while (i < uSkinTests.Count) and (CharAt(uSkinTests[i], 1) <> U) do begin Dest.Add(Pieces(uSkinTests[i], U, 1, 2)); Inc(i); end; end; {Patient Education-------------------------------------------------------------} procedure LoadPEDLevelItems(Dest: TStrings); begin tCallV(Dest,'ORWPCE GET SET OF CODES',['9000010.16','.06','1']); end; procedure ListPatientSections(Dest: TStrings); { return Sections in format: ListIndex^SectionName (sections begin with '^') } var i: Integer; x: string; begin if (uLastLocation <> uEncLocation) then LoadEncounterForm; for i := 0 to uPatientEds.Count - 1 do if CharAt(uPatientEds[i], 1) = U then begin x := Piece(uPatientEds[i], U, 2); if Length(x) = 0 then x := ''; Dest.Add(IntToStr(i) + U + Piece(uPatientEds[i], U, 2) + U + x); end; end; procedure ListPatientCodes(Dest: TStrings; SectionIndex: Integer); { return PatientEds within section in format: procedure CPT code CPT code} var i: Integer; begin Dest.Clear; i := SectionIndex + 1; // first line after the section name while (i < uPatientEds.Count) and (CharAt(uPatientEds[i], 1) <> U) do begin Dest.Add(Pieces(uPatientEds[i], U, 1, 2)); Inc(i); end; end; {HealthFactors-------------------------------------------------------------} procedure LoadHFLevelItems(Dest: TStrings); begin tCallV(Dest,'ORWPCE GET SET OF CODES',['9000010.23','.04','1']); end; procedure ListHealthSections(Dest: TStrings); { return Sections in format: ListIndex^SectionName (sections begin with '^') } var i: Integer; x: string; begin if (uLastLocation <> uEncLocation) then LoadEncounterForm; for i := 0 to uHealthFactors.Count - 1 do if CharAt(uHealthFactors[i], 1) = U then begin x := Piece(uHealthFactors[i], U, 2); if Length(x) = 0 then x := ''; Dest.Add(IntToStr(i) + U + Piece(uHealthFactors[i], U, 2) + U + x); end; end; procedure ListHealthCodes(Dest: TStrings; SectionIndex: Integer); { return PatientEds within section in format: procedure CPT code CPT code} var i: Integer; begin Dest.Clear; i := SectionIndex + 1; // first line after the section name while (i < uHealthFactors.Count) and (CharAt(uHealthFactors[i], 1) <> U) do begin Dest.Add(Pieces(uHealthFactors[i], U, 1, 2)); Inc(i); end; end; {Exams-------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure LoadXAMResultsItems(Dest: TStrings); begin tCallV(Dest,'ORWPCE GET SET OF CODES',['9000010.13','.04','1']); end; procedure LoadHistLocations(Dest: TStrings); var i, j, tlen: integer; tmp: string; begin tCallV(Dest,'ORQQPX GET HIST LOCATIONS',[]); for i := 0 to (Dest.Count - 1) do begin tmp := MixedCase(dest[i]); j := pos(', ',tmp); tlen := length(tmp); if(j > 0) and (j < (tlen - 2)) and (pos(tmp[j+2],UpperCaseLetters) > 0) and (pos(tmp[j+3],LowerCaseLetters)>0) and ((j = (tlen-3)) or (pos(tmp[j+4],LowerCaseLetters)=0)) then tmp[j+3] := UpCase(tmp[j+3]); if(tlen > 1) then begin if(pos(tmp[tlen],Digits) > 0) and (pos(tmp[tlen-1],Digits)=0) then insert(' ',tmp, tlen); end; dest[i] := tmp; end; end; procedure ListExamsSections(Dest: TStrings); { return Sections in format: ListIndex^SectionName (sections begin with '^') } var i: Integer; x: string; begin if (uLastLocation <> uEncLocation) then LoadEncounterForm; for i := 0 to uExams.Count - 1 do if CharAt(uExams[i], 1) = U then begin x := Piece(uExams[i], U, 2); if Length(x) = 0 then x := ''; Dest.Add(IntToStr(i) + U + Piece(uExams[i], U, 2) + U + x); end; end; procedure ListExamsCodes(Dest: TStrings; SectionIndex: Integer); { return PatientEds within section in format: procedure CPT code CPT code} var i: Integer; begin Dest.Clear; i := SectionIndex + 1; // first line after the section name while (i < uExams.Count) and (CharAt(uExams[i], 1) <> U) do begin Dest.Add(Pieces(uExams[i], U, 1, 2)); Inc(i); end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function EligbleConditions: TSCConditions; { return a record listing the conditions for which a patient is eligible } var x: string; begin x := sCallV('ORWPCE SCSEL', [Patient.DFN, Encounter.DateTime, uEncLocation]); with Result do begin SCAllow := Piece(Piece(x, ';', 1), U, 1) = '1'; SCDflt := Piece(Piece(x, ';', 1), U, 2) = '1'; AOAllow := Piece(Piece(x, ';', 2), U, 1) = '1'; AODflt := Piece(Piece(x, ';', 2), U, 2) = '1'; IRAllow := Piece(Piece(x, ';', 3), U, 1) = '1'; IRDflt := Piece(Piece(x, ';', 3), U, 2) = '1'; ECAllow := Piece(Piece(x, ';', 4), U, 1) = '1'; ECDflt := Piece(Piece(x, ';', 4), U, 2) = '1'; MSTAllow := Piece(Piece(x, ';', 5), U, 1) = '1'; MSTDflt := Piece(Piece(x, ';', 5), U, 2) = '1'; HNCAllow := Piece(Piece(x, ';', 6), U, 1) = '1'; HNCDflt := Piece(Piece(x, ';', 6), U, 2) = '1'; CVAllow := Piece(Piece(x, ';', 7), U, 1) = '1'; CVDflt := Piece(Piece(x, ';', 7), U, 2) = '1'; end; end; procedure ListSCDisabilities(Dest: TStrings); { return text listing a patient's rated disabilities and % service connected } begin CallV('ORWPCE SCDIS', [Patient.DFN]); Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results); end; procedure LoadPCEDataForNote(Dest: TStrings; ANoteIEN: Integer; VStr: string); begin if(ANoteIEN < 1) then CallV('ORWPCE PCE4NOTE', [ANoteIEN, Patient.DFN, VStr]) else CallV('ORWPCE PCE4NOTE', [ANoteIEN]); Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results); end; function GetVisitIEN(NoteIEN: Integer): string; begin if(NoteIEN < 1) then CallV('ORWPCE GET VISIT', [NoteIEN, Patient.DFN, Encounter.VisitStr]) else CallV('ORWPCE GET VISIT', [NoteIEN]); if(RPCBrokerV.Results.Count > 0) then Result := RPCBrokerV.Results[0] else Result := '0'; end; procedure SavePCEData(PCEList: TStringList; ANoteIEN, ALocation: integer); begin CallV('ORWPCE SAVE', [PCEList, ANoteIEN, ALocation]); end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} function DataHasCPTCodes(AList: TStrings): boolean; var i: integer; vl: string; begin if(not assigned(uHasCPT)) then uHasCPT := TStringList.Create; Result := FALSE; i := 0; while(i < AList.Count) do begin vl := uHasCPT.Values[AList[i]]; if(vl = '1') then begin Result := TRUE; exit; end else if(vl = '0') then AList.Delete(i) else inc(i); end; if(AList.Count > 0) then begin with RPCBrokerV do begin ClearParameters := True; RemoteProcedure := 'ORWPCE HASCPT'; Param[0].PType := list; with Param[0] do begin for i := 0 to AList.Count-1 do Mult[inttostr(i+1)] := AList[i]; end; CallBroker; for i := 0 to RPCBrokerV.Results.Count-1 do begin if(Piece(RPCBrokerV.Results[i],'=',2) = '1') then begin Result := TRUE; break; end; end; uHasCPT.AddStrings(RPCBrokerV.Results); end; end; end; function GetAskPCE(Loc: integer): TAskPCE; begin if(uAPUser <> User.DUZ) or (uAPLoc <> Loc) then begin uAPUser := User.DUZ; uAPLoc := Loc; uAPAsk := TAskPCE(StrToIntDef(sCallV('ORWPCE ASKPCE', [User.DUZ, Loc]), 0)); end; Result := uAPAsk; end; function HasVisit(const ANoteIEN, ALocation: integer; const AVisitDate: TFMDateTime): Integer; begin Result := StrToIntDef(sCallV('ORWPCE HASVISIT', [ANoteIEN, Patient.DFN, ALocation, AVisitDate]), -1); end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} function CheckActivePerson(provider:String;DateTime:TFMDateTime): boolean; var RetVal: String; begin Callv('ORWPCE ACTIVE PROV',[provider,FloatToStr(DateTime)]); retval := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; if StrToInt(RetVal) = 1 then result := true else result := false; end; function ForcePCEEntry(Loc: integer): boolean; begin if(Loc <> uLastForceLoc) then begin uLastForce := (sCallV('ORWPCE FORCE', [User.DUZ, Loc]) = '1'); uLastForceLoc := Loc; end; Result := uLastForce; end; procedure LoadcboOther(Dest: TStrings; Location, fOtherApp: Integer); {loads items into combo box on Immunization screen} var IEN, RPC: string; TmpSL: TORStringList; i, j, idx, typ: integer; begin TmpSL := TORStringList.Create; try Idx := 0; case fOtherApp of PCE_IMM: begin typ := 1; RPC := 'ORWPCE GET IMMUNIZATION TYPE'; end; PCE_SK: begin typ := 2; RPC := 'ORWPCE GET SKIN TEST TYPE'; end; PCE_PED: begin typ := 3; RPC := 'ORWPCE GET EDUCATION TOPICS'; end; PCE_HF: begin typ := 4; RPC := 'ORWPCE GET HEALTH FACTORS TY'; Idx := 1; end; PCE_XAM: begin typ := 5; RPC := 'ORWPCE GET EXAM TYPE'; end; else begin typ := 0; RPC := ''; end; end; if typ > 0 then begin if idx = 0 then tCallV(TmpSL,RPC,[nil]) else tCallV(TmpSL,RPC,[idx]); CallV('ORWPCE GET EXCLUDED', [Location, Typ]); for i := 0 to RPCBrokerV.Results.Count-1 do begin IEN := piece(RPCBrokerV.Results[i],U,2); idx := TmpSL.IndexOfPiece(IEN); if idx >= 0 then begin TmpSL.Delete(idx); if fOtherApp = PCE_HF then begin j := 0; while (j < TmpSL.Count) do begin if IEN = Piece(TmpSL[J],U,4) then TmpSL.Delete(j) else inc(j); end; end; end; end; end; Dest.Assign(TmpSL); finally TmpSL.Free; end; end; { function SetRPCEncouterInfo(PCEData: TPCEData): boolean; begin if (SetRPCEncLocation(PCEData.location) = False) or (SetRPCEncDateTime(PCEData.DateTime) = False) then result := False else result := True; end; } function SetRPCEncLocation(Loc: Integer): boolean; begin uEncLocation := Loc; Result := (uEncLocation <> 0); end; { function SetRPCEncDateTime(DT: TFMDateTime): boolean; begin uEncDateTime := 0.0; result := False; uEncDateTime := DT; if uEncDateTime > 0.0 then result := true; end; } function PCERPCEncLocation: integer; begin result := uEncLocation; end; { function PCERPCEncDateTime: TFMDateTime; begin result := uEncDateTime; end; } function GetLocSecondaryVisitCode(Loc: integer): char; begin if (Loc <> uLastIsClinicLoc) then begin uLastIsClinicLoc := Loc; uLastIsClinic := (sCallV('ORWPCE ISCLINIC', [Loc]) = '1'); end; if uLastIsClinic then Result := 'I' else Result := 'D'; end; function GAFOK: boolean; begin if(not uGAFOKCalled) then begin uGAFOK := (sCallV('ORWPCE GAFOK', []) = '1'); uGAFOKCalled := TRUE; end; Result := uGAFOK; end; function MHClinic(const Location: integer): boolean; begin if GAFOK then Result := (sCallV('ORWPCE MHCLINIC', [Location]) = '1') else Result := FALSE; end; procedure RecentGAFScores(const Limit: integer); begin if(GAFOK) then begin with RPCBrokerV do begin ClearParameters := True; RemoteProcedure := 'ORWPCE LOADGAF'; Param[0].PType := list; with Param[0] do begin Mult['"DFN"'] := Patient.DFN; Mult['"LIMIT"'] := IntToStr(Limit); end; CallBroker; end; end; end; function SaveGAFScore(const Score: integer; GAFDate: TFMDateTime; Staff: Int64): boolean; begin Result := FALSE; if(GAFOK) then begin with RPCBrokerV do begin ClearParameters := True; RemoteProcedure := 'ORWPCE SAVEGAF'; Param[0].PType := list; with Param[0] do begin Mult['"DFN"'] := Patient.DFN; Mult['"GAF"'] := IntToStr(Score); Mult['"DATE"'] := FloatToStr(GAFDate); Mult['"STAFF"'] := IntToStr(Staff); end; CallBroker; end; if(RPCBrokerV.Results.Count > 0) and (RPCBrokerV.Results[0] = '1') then Result := TRUE; end; end; function GAFURL: string; begin if(not uGAFURLChecked) then begin uGAFURL := sCallV('ORWPCE GAFURL', []); uGAFURLChecked := TRUE; end; Result := uGAFURL; end; function MHTestsOK: boolean; begin if(not uMHOKChecked) then begin uMHOK := (sCallV('ORWPCE MHTESTOK', []) = '1'); uMHOKChecked := TRUE; end; Result := uMHOK; end; function MHTestAuthorized(Test: string): boolean; begin Result := (sCallV('ORWPCE MH TEST AUTHORIZED', [Test, User.DUZ]) = '1'); end; function AnytimeEncounters: boolean; begin if uAnytimeEnc < 0 then uAnytimeEnc := ord(sCallV('ORWPCE ANYTIME', []) = '1'); Result := BOOLEAN(uAnytimeEnc); end; function AutoCheckout(Loc: integer): boolean; begin if(uLastChkOutLoc <> Loc) then begin uLastChkOutLoc := Loc; uLastChkOut := (sCallV('ORWPCE ALWAYS CHECKOUT', [Loc]) = '1'); end; Result := uLastChkOut; end; { encounter capture functions ------------------------------------------------ } function RequireExposures(ANote, ATitle: Integer): Boolean; {*RAB 3/22/99*} { returns true if a progress note should require the expossure questions to be answered } begin if ANote <= 0 then Result := Piece(sCallV('TIU GET DOCUMENT PARAMETERS', ['0', ATitle]), U, 15) = '1' else Result := Piece(sCallV('TIU GET DOCUMENT PARAMETERS', [ANote]), U, 15) = '1'; end; function PromptForWorkload(ANote, ATitle: Integer; VisitCat: Char; StandAlone: boolean): Boolean; { returns true if a progress note should prompt for capture of encounter } var X: string; begin Result := FALSE; if (VisitCat <> 'A') and (VisitCat <> 'I') and (VisitCat <> 'T') then exit; if ANote <= 0 then X := sCallV('TIU GET DOCUMENT PARAMETERS', ['0', ATitle]) else X := sCallV('TIU GET DOCUMENT PARAMETERS', [ANote]); if(Piece(X, U, 14) = '1') then exit; // Suppress DX/CPT param is TRUE - don't ask if StandAlone then Result := TRUE else Result := (Piece(X, U, 16) = '1'); // Check Ask DX/CPT param end; function IsCancelOrNoShow(ANote: integer): boolean; begin Result := (sCallV('ORWPCE CXNOSHOW', [ANote]) = '0'); end; function DefaultProvider(ALocation: integer; AUser: Int64; ADate: TFMDateTime; ANoteIEN: integer): string; begin Result := sCallV('TIU GET DEFAULT PROVIDER', [ALocation, AUser, ADate, ANoteIEN]); end; function IsUserAProvider(AUser: Int64; ADate: TFMDateTime): boolean; begin Result := (sCallV('TIU IS USER A PROVIDER?', [AUser, ADate]) = '1'); end; //function HNCOK: boolean; //begin // if uHNCOK < 0 then // uHNCOK := ord(sCallV('ORWPCE HNCOK', []) = '1'); // Result := boolean(uHNCOK); //end; initialization uLastLocation := 0; uVTypeLastLoc := 0; uVTypeLastDate := 0; uDiagnoses := TStringList.Create; uExams := TStringList.Create; uHealthFactors := TStringList.Create; uImmunizations := TStringList.Create; uPatientEds := TStringList.Create; uProcedures := TStringList.Create; uSkinTests := TStringList.Create; uVisitTypes := TStringList.Create; uVTypeForLoc := TStringList.Create; uProblems := TStringList.Create; finalization uDiagnoses.Free; uExams.Free; uHealthFactors.Free; uImmunizations.Free; uPatientEds.Free; uProcedures.Free; uSkinTests.free; uVisitTypes.Free; uVTypeForLoc.Free; uProblems.Free; KillObj(@uModifiers); KillObj(@uHasCPT); end.