unit fODDietLT; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, fAutoSz, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, ORFn; type TfrmODDietLT = class(TfrmAutoSz) lblMealCutoff: TStaticText; Label2: TStaticText; GroupBox1: TGroupBox; cmdYes: TButton; cmdNo: TButton; radLT1: TRadioButton; radLT2: TRadioButton; radLT3: TRadioButton; chkBagged: TCheckBox; Bevel1: TBevel; procedure cmdYesClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cmdNoClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private FOutpatient: boolean; YesPressed: Boolean; public { Public declarations } end; TLateTrayFields = record LateMeal: Char; LateTime: string; IsBagged: Boolean; end; procedure CheckLateTray(const StartTime: string; var LateTrayFields: TLateTrayFields; IsOutpatient: boolean; AMeal: char = #0); implementation {$R *.DFM} uses rCore, uCore, rODDiet, uConst, rOrders; const TX_MEAL_REQ = 'A meal time must be selected.'; TC_MEAL_REQ = 'No Meal Time Selected'; procedure CheckLateTray(const StartTime: string; var LateTrayFields: TLateTrayFields; IsOutpatient: boolean; AMeal: char = #0); var frmODDietLT: TfrmODDietLT; DietParams: TDietParams; FMTime: TFMDateTime; TimePart: Extended; Meal: Char; AvailTimes,ALocation: string; TimeCount: Integer; function AMPMToFMTime(const x: string): Extended; var IntTime: Integer; begin Result := 0; if Pos(':', x) = 0 then Exit; IntTime := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, ':', 1) + Copy(Piece(x, ':', 2), 1, 2), 0); if (Pos('P', x) > 0) and (IntTime < 1200) then IntTime := IntTime + 1200; if (Pos('A', x) > 0) and (IntTime > 1200) then IntTime := IntTime - 1200; Result := IntTime / 10000; end; function FMTimeToAMPM(x: Extended): string; var TimePart: extended; AMPMTime, Suffix: string; begin TimePart := Frac(x); if TimePart > 0.12 then begin x := x - 0.12; Suffix := 'P' end else Suffix := 'A'; AMPMTime := FormatFMDateTime('hh:nn', x); Result := AMPMTime + Suffix; end; procedure SetAvailTimes(ATime: Extended; var ACount: Integer; var TimeList: string); var i: Integer; ReturnList: string; begin ACount := 0; ReturnList := ''; for i := 1 to 3 do if AMPMToFMTime(Piece(TimeList, U, i)) > ATime then begin if Length(ReturnList) > 0 then ReturnList := ReturnList + U; ReturnList := ReturnList + Piece(TimeList, U, i); Inc(ACount); end; TimeList := ReturnList; end; begin // initialize LateTrayFields LateTrayFields.LateMeal := #0; LateTrayFields.LateTime := ''; LateTrayFields.IsBagged := False; // make sure the start time is today and not in the future FMTime := StrToFMDateTime(StartTime); if FMTime < 0 then Exit; if Int(FMTime) <> FMToday then Exit; TimePart := Frac(FMTime); if TimePart = 0 then TimePart := Frac(FMNow); if TimePart > Frac(FMNow) then Exit; Meal := #0; ALocation := IntToStr(Encounter.Location); LoadDietParams(DietParams,ALocation); // check to see if falling within the alarm range of a meal if not IsOutpatient then begin if (TimePart > (StrToIntDef(Piece(DietParams.Alarms, U, 1), 0) / 10000)) and (TimePart < (StrToIntDef(Piece(DietParams.Alarms, U, 2), 0) / 10000)) then Meal := 'B'; if (TimePart > (StrToIntDef(Piece(DietParams.Alarms, U, 3), 0) / 10000)) and (TimePart < (StrToIntDef(Piece(DietParams.Alarms, U, 4), 0) / 10000)) then Meal := 'N'; if (TimePart > (StrToIntDef(Piece(DietParams.Alarms, U, 5), 0) / 10000)) and (TimePart < (StrToIntDef(Piece(DietParams.Alarms, U, 6), 0) / 10000)) then Meal := 'E'; if Meal = #0 then Exit; // get the available late times for this meal case Meal of 'B': AvailTimes := Pieces(DietParams.BTimes, U, 4, 6); 'E': AvailTimes := Pieces(DietParams.ETimes, U, 4, 6); 'N': AvailTimes := Pieces(DietParams.NTimes, U, 4, 6); end; SetAvailTimes(TimePart, TimeCount, AvailTimes); if TimeCount = 0 then Exit; end else // for outpatients begin Meal := AMeal; case AMeal of 'B': if TimePart < (StrToIntDef(Piece(DietParams.Alarms, U, 1), 0) / 10000) then Meal := #0; 'N': if TimePart < (StrToIntDef(Piece(DietParams.Alarms, U, 3), 0) / 10000) then Meal := #0; 'E': if TimePart < (StrToIntDef(Piece(DietParams.Alarms, U, 5), 0) / 10000) then Meal := #0; end; if Meal = #0 then exit; end; // setup form to get the selected late tray frmODDietLT := TfrmODDietLT.Create(Application); try ResizeFormToFont(TForm(frmODDietLT)); with frmODDietLT do begin FOutpatient := IsOutpatient; if not IsOutpatient then begin if Length(Piece(AvailTimes, U, 1)) > 0 then radLT1.Caption := Piece(AvailTimes, U, 1); if Length(Piece(AvailTimes, U, 2)) > 0 then radLT2.Caption := Piece(AvailTimes, U, 2); if Length(Piece(AvailTimes, U, 3)) > 0 then radLT3.Caption := Piece(AvailTimes, U, 3); radLT1.Visible := Length(radLT1.Caption) > 0; radLT2.Visible := Length(radLT2.Caption) > 0; radLT3.Visible := Length(radLT3.Caption) > 0; radLT1.Checked := TimeCount = 1; end else GroupBox1.Visible := False; chkBagged.Visible := DietParams.Bagged; with lblMealCutOff do case Meal of 'B': Caption := 'You have missed the breakfast cut-off.'; 'E': Caption := 'You have missed the evening cut-off.'; 'N': Caption := 'You have missed the noon cut-off.'; end; // display the form ShowModal; if YesPressed then begin if not IsOutpatient then begin with radLT1 do if Checked then LateTrayFields.LateTime := Caption; with radLT2 do if Checked then LateTrayFields.LateTime := Caption; with radLT3 do if Checked then LateTrayFields.LateTime := Caption; end else LateTrayFields.LateTime := FMTimeToAMPM(FMToday + TimePart); LateTrayFields.LateMeal := Meal; LateTrayFields.IsBagged := chkBagged.Checked; end; {if YesPressed} end; {with frmODDietLT} finally frmODDietLT.Release; end; end; // ---------- frmODDietLT procedures --------------- procedure TfrmODDietLT.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; YesPressed := False; end; procedure TfrmODDietLT.cmdYesClick(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; if not FOutpatient then if (radLT1.Checked = False) and (radLT2.Checked = False) and (radLT3.Checked = False) then begin InfoBox(TX_MEAL_REQ, TC_MEAL_REQ, MB_OK); Exit; end; YesPressed := True; Close; end; procedure TfrmODDietLT.cmdNoClick(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; Close; end; end.