unit fODMedIV; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, fODBase, Grids, StdCtrls, ORCtrls, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, Buttons, Menus, IdGlobal; type TfrmODMedIV = class(TfrmODBase) tabFluid: TTabControl; cboSolution: TORComboBox; lblInfusionRate: TLabel; txtRate: TCaptionEdit; lblPriority: TLabel; cboPriority: TORComboBox; lblComponent: TLabel; lblAmount: TLabel; grdSelected: TCaptionStringGrid; cmdRemove: TButton; lblComments: TLabel; memComments: TCaptionMemo; cboAdditive: TORComboBox; txtSelected: TCaptionEdit; cboSelected: TCaptionComboBox; Label1: TStaticText; popDuration: TPopupMenu; popML: TMenuItem; popDays: TMenuItem; popHours: TMenuItem; popL: TMenuItem; pnlXDuration: TPanel; txtXDuration: TCaptionEdit; lblLimit: TLabel; btnXDuration: TSpeedButton; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure tabFluidChange(Sender: TObject); procedure cboAdditiveNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: string; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); procedure cboSolutionNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: string; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); procedure cboAdditiveMouseClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cboAdditiveExit(Sender: TObject); procedure cboSolutionMouseClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cboSolutionExit(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure cmdRemoveClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject); procedure txtSelectedExit(Sender: TObject); procedure cboSelectedExit(Sender: TObject); procedure ControlChange(Sender: TObject); procedure txtSelectedChange(Sender: TObject); procedure cboSelectedChange(Sender: TObject); procedure grdSelectedDrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState); procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure grdSelectedKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); procedure grdSelectedMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure btnXDurationClick(Sender: TObject); procedure popDurationClick(Sender: TObject); procedure txtXDurationChange(Sender: TObject); procedure pnlXDurationEnter(Sender: TObject); procedure txtXDurationExit(Sender: TObject); private FInpatient: Boolean; procedure SetValuesFromResponses; procedure DoSetFontSize( FontSize: integer); procedure ClickOnGridCell; procedure SetLimitationControl(aValue: string); public procedure InitDialog; override; procedure SetupDialog(OrderAction: Integer; const ID: string); override; procedure Validate(var AnErrMsg: string); override; procedure SetFontSize( FontSize: integer); override; end; var frmODMedIV: TfrmODMedIV; implementation {$R *.DFM} uses ORFn, uConst, rODMeds, rODBase, uAccessibleStringGrid; const TX_NO_DEA = 'Provider must have a DEA# or VA# to order this medication'; TC_NO_DEA = 'DEA# Required'; type TIVComponent = class private IEN: Integer; Name: string; Fluid: Char; Amount: Integer; Units: string; Volumes: string; end; const TC_RESTRICT = 'Ordering Restrictions'; TX_NO_BASE = 'A solution must be selected.'; TX_NO_AMOUNT = 'A valid strength or volume must be entered for '; TX_NO_UNITS = 'Units must be entered for '; TX_NO_RATE = 'An infusion rate must be entered.'; TX_BAD_RATE = 'The infusion rate must be: # ml/hr or text@labels per day'; (* { TIVComponent methods } procedure TIVComponent.Clear; begin IEN := 0; Name := ''; Fluid := #0; Amount := 0; Units := ''; Volumes := ''; end; *) { Form methods } procedure TfrmODMedIV.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var Restriction: string; begin inherited; AllowQuickOrder := True; CheckAuthForMeds(Restriction); if Length(Restriction) > 0 then begin InfoBox(Restriction, TC_RESTRICT, MB_OK); Close; Exit; end; DoSetFontSize(MainFontSize); FillerID := 'PSIV'; // does 'on Display' order check **KCM** StatusText('Loading Dialog Definition'); Responses.Dialog := 'PSJI OR PAT FLUID OE'; // loads formatting info StatusText('Loading Default Values'); CtrlInits.LoadDefaults(ODForIVFluids); // ODForIVFluids returns TStrings with defaults InitDialog; TAccessibleStringGrid.WrapControl(grdSelected); end; procedure TfrmODMedIV.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; begin TAccessibleStringGrid.UnwrapControl(grdSelected); with grdSelected do for i := 0 to RowCount - 1 do TIVComponent(Objects[0, i]).Free; inherited; end; procedure TfrmODMedIV.FormResize(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; with grdSelected do begin ColWidths[1] := Canvas.TextWidth(' 10000 ') + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL); ColWidths[2] := Canvas.TextWidth('meq.') + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL); ColWidths[0] := ClientWidth - ColWidths[1] - ColWidths[2] - 4; end; lblAmount.Left := grdSelected.Left + grdSelected.ColWidths[0]; end; { TfrmODBase overrides } procedure TfrmODMedIV.InitDialog; const NOSELECTION: TGridRect = (Left: -1; Top: -1; Right: -1; Bottom: -1); var i: Integer; begin inherited; //grdSelected.Selection := NOSELECTION; with grdSelected do for i := 0 to RowCount - 1 do begin TIVComponent(Objects[0, i]).Free; Rows[i].Clear; end; grdSelected.RowCount := 1; //txtRate.Text := ' ml/hr'; {*kcm*} with CtrlInits do begin SetControl(cboSolution, 'ShortList'); cboSolution.InsertSeparator; SetControl(cboPriority, 'Priorities'); end; tabFluid.TabIndex := 0; tabFluidChange(Self); // this makes cboSolution visible cboSolution.InitLongList(''); cboAdditive.InitLongList(''); ActiveControl := cboSolution; //SetFocusedControl(cboSolution); StatusText(''); end; procedure TfrmODMedIV.Validate(var AnErrMsg: string); var ItemOK: Boolean; x: string; i: Integer; procedure SetError(const x: string); begin if Length(AnErrMsg) > 0 then AnErrMsg := AnErrMsg + CRLF; AnErrMsg := AnErrMsg + x; end; begin inherited; with grdSelected do begin ItemOK := False; for i := 0 to RowCount - 1 do if TIVComponent(Objects[0, i]).Fluid = 'B' then ItemOK := True; if not ItemOK then SetError(TX_NO_BASE); for i := 0 to RowCount - 1 do begin if (Objects[0, i] <> nil) and ((Length(Cells[1, i]) = 0) or (StrToFloat(Cells[1,i])=0)) then SetError(TX_NO_AMOUNT + Cells[0, i]); if (Objects[0, i] <> nil) and (Length(Cells[2, i]) = 0) then SetError(TX_NO_UNITS + Cells[0, i]); end; end; if Length(txtRate.Text) = 0 then SetError(TX_NO_RATE) else begin x := Trim(txtRate.Text); ValidateIVRate(x); if Length(x) = 0 then SetError(TX_BAD_RATE) else Responses.Update('RATE', 1, x, x); end; end; procedure TfrmODMedIV.SetValuesFromResponses; var x: string; AnInstance: Integer; AResponse: TResponse; AnIVComponent: TIVComponent; begin Changing := True; with Responses do begin FInpatient := OrderForInpatient; AnInstance := NextInstance('ORDERABLE', 0); while AnInstance > 0 do begin AResponse := FindResponseByName('ORDERABLE', AnInstance); if AResponse <> nil then begin x := AmountsForIVFluid(StrToIntDef(AResponse.IValue, 0), 'B'); AnIVComponent := TIVComponent.Create; AnIVComponent.IEN := StrToIntDef(AResponse.IValue, 0); if not FInpatient then begin if DEACheckFailedForIVOnOutPatient(AnIVComponent.IEN,'S') then begin InfoBox(TX_NO_DEA, TC_NO_DEA, MB_OK); cboAdditive.Text := ''; Exit; end; end else begin if DEACheckFailed(AnIVComponent.IEN, FInpatient) then begin InfoBox(TX_NO_DEA, TC_NO_DEA, MB_OK); cboAdditive.Text := ''; Exit; end; end; AnIVComponent.Name := AResponse.EValue; AnIVComponent.Fluid := 'B'; AnIVComponent.Amount := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 2), 0); AnIVComponent.Units := Piece(x, U, 1); AnIVComponent.Volumes := Copy(x, Pos(U, x) + 1, Length(x)); with grdSelected do begin if Objects[0, RowCount - 1] <> nil then RowCount := RowCount + 1; Objects[0, RowCount - 1] := AnIVComponent; Cells[0, RowCount - 1] := AnIVComponent.Name; if AnIVComponent.Amount <> 0 then Cells[1, RowCount - 1] := IntToStr(AnIVComponent.Amount); Cells[2, RowCount - 1] := AnIVComponent.Units; end; end; AResponse := FindResponseByName('VOLUME', AnInstance); if AResponse <> nil then with grdSelected do Cells[1, RowCount - 1] := AResponse.EValue; AnInstance := NextInstance('ORDERABLE', AnInstance); end; {while AnInstance - ORDERABLE} AnInstance := NextInstance('ADDITIVE', 0); while AnInstance > 0 do begin AResponse := FindResponseByName('ADDITIVE', AnInstance); if AResponse <> nil then begin x := AmountsForIVFluid(StrToIntDef(AResponse.IValue, 0), 'A'); AnIVComponent := TIVComponent.Create; AnIVComponent.IEN := StrToIntDef(AResponse.IValue, 0); if not FInpatient then begin if DEACheckFailedForIVOnOutPatient(AnIVComponent.IEN,'A') then begin InfoBox(TX_NO_DEA, TC_NO_DEA, MB_OK); cboAdditive.Text := ''; Exit; end; end else begin if DEACheckFailed(AnIVComponent.IEN, FInpatient) then begin InfoBox(TX_NO_DEA, TC_NO_DEA, MB_OK); cboAdditive.Text := ''; Exit; end; end; AnIVComponent.Name := AResponse.EValue; AnIVComponent.Fluid := 'A'; AnIVComponent.Amount := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 2), 0); AnIVComponent.Units := Piece(x, U, 1); AnIVComponent.Volumes := Copy(x, Pos(U, x) + 1, Length(x)); with grdSelected do begin if Objects[0, RowCount - 1] <> nil then RowCount := RowCount + 1; Objects[0, RowCount - 1] := AnIVComponent; Cells[0, RowCount - 1] := AnIVComponent.Name; if AnIVComponent.Amount <> 0 then Cells[1, RowCount - 1] := IntToStr(AnIVComponent.Amount); Cells[2, RowCount - 1] := AnIVComponent.Units; end; end; AResponse := FindResponseByName('STRENGTH', AnInstance); if AResponse <> nil then with grdSelected do Cells[1, RowCount - 1] := AResponse.EValue; AResponse := FindResponseByName('UNITS', AnInstance); if AResponse <> nil then with grdSelected do Cells[2, RowCount - 1] := AResponse.EValue; AnInstance := NextInstance('ADDITIVE', AnInstance); end; {while AnInstance - ADDITIVE} SetControl(txtRate, 'RATE', 1); if LowerCase(Copy(ReverseStr(txtRate.Text), 1, 6)) = 'rh/lm ' {*kcm*} then txtRate.Text := Copy(txtRate.Text, 1, Length(txtRate.Text) - 6); SetControl(cboPriority, 'URGENCY', 1); SetControl(memComments, 'COMMENT', 1); AnInstance := NextInstance('DAYS', 0); if AnInstance > 0 then begin AResponse := FindResponseByName('DAYS', AnInstance); if AResponse <> nil then SetLimitationControl(AResponse.EValue); end; end; {if...with Responses} Changing := False; ControlChange(Self); end; procedure TfrmODMedIV.SetupDialog(OrderAction: Integer; const ID: string); begin inherited; if OrderAction in [ORDER_COPY, ORDER_EDIT, ORDER_QUICK] then SetValuesFromResponses; end; { tabFluid events } procedure TfrmODMedIV.tabFluidChange(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; case TabFluid.TabIndex of 0: begin cboSolution.Visible := True; cboAdditive.Visible := False; end; 1: begin cboAdditive.Visible := True; cboSolution.Visible := False; end; end; if cboSolution.Visible then ActiveControl := cboSolution; if cboAdditive.Visible then ActiveControl := cboAdditive; end; { cboSolution events } procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboSolutionNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: string; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); var CurString: string; begin inherited; if (Direction = 1) then CurString := AnsiUpperCase(StartFrom) + ' '; cboSolution.ForDataUse(SubSetOfOrderItems(CurString, Direction, 'S.IVB RX')); end; procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboSolutionMouseClick(Sender: TObject); var AnIVComponent: TIVComponent; x: string; begin inherited; if CharAt(cboSolution.ItemID, 1) = 'Q' then // setup quick order begin Responses.QuickOrder := ExtractInteger(cboSolution.ItemID); SetValuesFromResponses; cboSolution.ItemIndex := -1; Exit; end; if cboSolution.ItemIEN <= 0 then Exit; // process selection of solution FInpatient := OrderForInpatient; if not FInpatient then begin if DEACheckFailedForIVOnOutPatient(cboSolution.ItemIEN,'S') then begin InfoBox(TX_NO_DEA, TC_NO_DEA, MB_OK); cboSolution.Text := ''; Exit; end; end else begin if DEACheckFailed(cboSolution.ItemIEN, FInpatient) then begin InfoBox(TX_NO_DEA, TC_NO_DEA, MB_OK); cboSolution.Text := ''; Exit; end; end; x := AmountsForIVFluid(cboSolution.ItemIEN, 'B'); AnIVComponent := TIVComponent.Create; AnIVComponent.IEN := cboSolution.ItemIEN; AnIVComponent.Name := Piece(cboSolution.Items[cboSolution.ItemIndex], U, 3); AnIVComponent.Fluid := 'B'; AnIVComponent.Amount := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 2), 0); AnIVComponent.Units := Piece(x, U, 1); AnIVComponent.Volumes := Copy(x, Pos(U, x) + 1, Length(x)); cboSolution.ItemIndex := -1; with grdSelected do begin if Objects[0, RowCount - 1] <> nil then RowCount := RowCount + 1; Objects[0, RowCount - 1] := AnIVComponent; Cells[0, RowCount - 1] := AnIVComponent.Name; Cells[1, RowCount - 1] := IntToStr(AnIVComponent.Amount); Cells[2, RowCount - 1] := AnIVComponent.Units; Row := RowCount - 1; if Length(Piece(AnIVComponent.Volumes, U, 2)) > 0 then Col := 1 else Col := 0; if RowCount = 1 then // switch to additives after 1st IV begin tabFluid.TabIndex := 1; tabFluidChange(Self); end; end; ClickOnGridCell; if cboAdditive.Visible then ActiveControl := cboAdditive; ControlChange(Sender); end; procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboSolutionExit(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; if cboSolution.ItemIEN > 0 then cboSolutionMouseClick(Self); end; { cboAdditive events } procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboAdditiveNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: string; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); var CurString: string; begin inherited; if (Direction = 1) then CurString := AnsiUpperCase(StartFrom) + ' '; cboAdditive.ForDataUse(SubSetOfOrderItems(CurString, Direction, 'S.IVA RX')); end; procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboAdditiveMouseClick(Sender: TObject); var AnIVComponent: TIVComponent; x: string; begin inherited; if cboAdditive.ItemIEN <= 0 then Exit; FInpatient := OrderForInpatient; if not FInpatient then begin if DEACheckFailedForIVOnOutPatient(cboAdditive.ItemIEN,'A') then begin InfoBox(TX_NO_DEA, TC_NO_DEA, MB_OK); cboAdditive.Text := ''; Exit; end; end else begin if DEACheckFailed(cboAdditive.ItemIEN, FInpatient) then begin InfoBox(TX_NO_DEA, TC_NO_DEA, MB_OK); cboAdditive.Text := ''; Exit; end; end; x := AmountsForIVFluid(cboAdditive.ItemIEN, 'A'); AnIVComponent := TIVComponent.Create; AnIVComponent.IEN := cboAdditive.ItemIEN; AnIVComponent.Name := Piece(cboAdditive.Items[cboAdditive.ItemIndex], U, 3); AnIVComponent.Fluid := 'A'; AnIVComponent.Amount := 0; AnIVComponent.Units := Piece(x, U, 1); AnIVComponent.Volumes := ''; cboAdditive.ItemIndex := -1; with grdSelected do begin if Objects[0, RowCount - 1] <> nil then RowCount := RowCount + 1; Objects[0, RowCount - 1] := AnIVComponent; Cells[0, RowCount - 1] := AnIVComponent.Name; Cells[2, RowCount - 1] := AnIVComponent.Units; Row := RowCount - 1; Col := 1; end; ClickOnGridCell; ControlChange(Sender); end; procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboAdditiveExit(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; if cboAdditive.ItemIEN > 0 then cboAdditiveMouseClick(Self); end; { grdSelected events } procedure TfrmODMedIV.ClickOnGridCell; var AnIVComponent: TIVComponent; procedure PlaceControl(AControl: TWinControl); var ARect: TRect; begin with AControl do begin ARect := grdSelected.CellRect(grdSelected.Col, grdSelected.Row); SetBounds(ARect.Left + grdSelected.Left + 1, ARect.Top + grdSelected.Top + 1, ARect.Right - ARect.Left + 1, ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top + 1); BringToFront; Show; SetFocus; end; end; begin AnIVComponent := TIVComponent(grdSelected.Objects[0, grdSelected.Row]); if (AnIVComponent = nil) or (grdSelected.Col = 0) then Exit; // allow selection if more the 1 unit to choose from if (grdSelected.Col = 2) and (Length(Piece(AnIVComponent.Units, U, 2)) > 0) then begin PiecesToList(AnIVComponent.Units, U, cboSelected.Items); cboSelected.ItemIndex := cboSelected.Items.IndexOf(grdSelected.Cells[grdSelected.Col, grdSelected.Row]); cboSelected.Tag := (grdSelected.Col * 256) + grdSelected.Row; PlaceControl(cboSelected); end; // allow selection if more than 1 volume to choose from if (grdSelected.Col = 1) and (Length(Piece(AnIVComponent.Volumes, U, 2)) > 0) then begin PiecesToList(AnIVComponent.Volumes, U, cboSelected.Items); cboSelected.ItemIndex := cboSelected.Items.IndexOf(grdSelected.Cells[grdSelected.Col, grdSelected.Row]); cboSelected.Tag := (grdSelected.Col * 256) + grdSelected.Row; PlaceControl(cboSelected); end; // display text box to enter strength if the entry is an additive if (grdSelected.Col = 1) and (AnIVComponent.Fluid = 'A') then begin txtSelected.Text := grdSelected.Cells[grdSelected.Col, grdSelected.Row]; txtSelected.Tag := (grdSelected.Col * 256) + grdSelected.Row; PlaceControl(txtSelected); end; end; procedure TfrmODMedIV.txtSelectedChange(Sender: TObject); // text editor for grid begin inherited; with txtSelected do begin if Tag < 0 then Exit; grdSelected.Cells[Tag div 256, Tag mod 256] := Text; end; ControlChange(Sender); end; procedure TfrmODMedIV.txtSelectedExit(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; with txtSelected do begin grdSelected.Cells[Tag div 256, Tag mod 256] := Text; Tag := -1; Hide; end; end; procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboSelectedChange(Sender: TObject); // combo editor for grid begin inherited; with cboSelected do begin if Tag < 0 then Exit; grdSelected.Cells[Tag div 256, Tag mod 256] := Text; end; ControlChange(Sender); end; procedure TfrmODMedIV.cboSelectedExit(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; with cboSelected do begin grdSelected.Cells[Tag div 256, Tag mod 256] := Text; Tag := -1; Hide; end; end; procedure TfrmODMedIV.cmdRemoveClick(Sender: TObject); // remove button for grid var i: Integer; begin inherited; with grdSelected do begin if Row < 0 then Exit; if Objects[0, Row] <> nil then TIVComponent(Objects[0, Row]).Free; for i := Row to RowCount - 2 do Rows[i] := Rows[i + 1]; Rows[RowCount - 1].Clear; RowCount := RowCount - 1; end; ControlChange(Sender); end; { update Responses & Create Order Text } procedure TfrmODMedIV.ControlChange(Sender: TObject); var i, CurAdd, CurBase: Integer; x,xlimIn,xLimEx,eSch,iSch: string; AnIVComponent: TIVComponent; FQOSchedule: TResponse; function IsNumericRate(const x: string): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin Result := True; for i := 1 to Length(x) do if not (x[i] in ['0'..'9','.']) then Result := False; end; begin inherited; if Changing then Exit; // FQOSchedule := TResponse.Create; FQOSchedule := Responses.FindResponseByName('SCHEDULE',1); if FQOSchedule <> nil then begin eSch := FQOSchedule.EValue; iSch := FQOSchedule.IValue; end; //if Sender <> Self then Responses.Clear; // Sender=Self when called from SetupDialog Responses.Clear; // want this to clear even after SetupDialog in case instances don't match CurAdd := 1; CurBase := 1; with grdSelected do for i := 0 to RowCount - 1 do begin AnIVComponent := TIVComponent(Objects[0, i]); if AnIVComponent = nil then Continue; with AnIVComponent do begin if Fluid = 'B' then // Solutions begin if IEN > 0 then Responses.Update('ORDERABLE', CurBase, IntToStr(IEN), Name); if Length(Cells[1,i]) > 0 then Responses.Update('VOLUME', CurBase, Cells[1,i], Cells[1,i]); Inc(CurBase); end; {if Fluid B} if Fluid = 'A' then // Additives begin if IEN > 0 then Responses.Update('ADDITIVE', CurAdd, IntToStr(IEN), Name); if Length(Cells[1,i]) > 0 then Responses.Update('STRENGTH', CurAdd, Cells[1,i], Cells[1,i]); if Length(Cells[2,i]) > 0 then Responses.Update('UNITS', CurAdd, Cells[2,i], Cells[2,i]); Inc(CurAdd); end; {if Fluid A} end; {with AnIVComponent} end; {with grdSelected} x := txtRate.Text; xlimIn := ''; xlimEx := ''; if length(txtXDuration.Text) > 0 then begin if (btnXDuration.Caption = 'L') or (btnXDuration.Caption = 'ml') then begin xlimEx := 'with total volume ' + txtXDuration.Text + btnXDuration.Caption; xlimIn := 'with total volume ' + txtXDuration.Text + btnXDuration.Caption; end else if (btnXDuration.Caption = 'days') or (btnXDuration.Caption = 'hours') then begin xlimEx := 'for ' + txtXDuration.Text + ' ' + btnXDuration.Caption; xlimIn := 'for ' + txtXDuration.Text + ' ' + btnXDuration.Caption; end else begin xlimIn := ''; xlimEx := ''; end; end; //if x = IntToStr(StrToIntDef(x, -1)) then x := x + ' ml/hr'; if IsNumericRate(x) then x := x + ' ml/hr'; if (Pos('@',x)>0) and (Piece(x,'@',1) = IntToStr(StrToIntDef(Piece(x,'@',1), -1))) then x := Piece(x,'@',1) + ' ml/hr@' + Copy(x, Pos('@',x) + 1, Length(x)); with txtRate do if (Length(Text) > 0) then Responses.Update('RATE', 1, x, x); with cboPriority do if ItemIndex > -1 then Responses.Update('URGENCY', 1, ItemID, Text); if Length(xlimIn)>0 then Responses.Update('DAYS',1, xlimIn, xlimEx); with memComments do if GetTextLen > 0 then Responses.Update('COMMENT', 1, TX_WPTYPE, Text); memOrder.Text := Responses.OrderText; if (Length(eSch)>0) or (Length(iSch)>0) then Responses.Update('SCHEDULE',1,iSch,eSch); end; procedure TfrmODMedIV.grdSelectedDrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState); begin inherited; if Sender = ActiveControl then Exit; if not (gdSelected in State) then Exit; with Sender as TStringGrid do begin Canvas.Brush.Color := Color; Canvas.Font := Font; Canvas.TextRect(Rect, Rect.Left + 2, Rect.Top + 2, Cells[ACol, ARow]); end; end; procedure TfrmODMedIV.SetFontSize( FontSize: integer); begin inherited SetFontSize( FontSize ); DoSetFontSize( FontSize ); end; procedure TfrmODMedIV.DoSetFontSize( FontSize: integer); begin tabFluid.TabHeight := Abs(Font.Height) + 4; grdSelected.DefaultRowHeight := Abs(Font.Height) + 8; end; procedure TfrmODMedIV.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin inherited; if (Key = VK_TAB) and (ssCtrl in Shift) then begin //Back-tab works the same as forward-tab because there are only two tabs. tabFluid.TabIndex := (tabFluid.TabIndex + 1) mod tabFluid.Tabs.Count; Key := 0; tabFluidChange(tabFluid); end; end; procedure TfrmODMedIV.grdSelectedKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin inherited; ClickOnGridCell; end; procedure TfrmODMedIV.grdSelectedMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin inherited; ClickOnGridCell; end; procedure TfrmODMedIV.btnXDurationClick(Sender: TObject); var APoint: TPoint; begin inherited; txtXDuration.SetFocus; with TSpeedButton(Sender) do APoint := ClientToScreen(Point(0, Height)); popDuration.Popup(APoint.X, APoint.Y); end; procedure TfrmODMedIV.popDurationClick(Sender: TObject); var x: string; begin inherited; with TMenuItem(Sender) do begin x := Caption; {if Length(Trim(txtXDuration.Text)) > 0 then if AnsiCompareStr(btnXduration.Caption,x) <> 0 then txtXDuration.Text := '';} end; btnXDuration.Caption := x; txtXDurationChange(Sender); ControlChange(Sender); end; procedure TfrmODMedIV.txtXDurationChange(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; if Changing then Exit; ControlChange(Sender); end; procedure TfrmODMedIV.pnlXDurationEnter(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; txtXDuration.SetFocus; end; procedure TfrmODMedIV.SetLimitationControl(aValue: string); var limitUnit,limitValue,tempval: string; begin limitUnit := ''; limitValue := ''; tempVal := ''; if ( CharAt(aValue,1)= 'f') or ( CharAt(aValue,1)= 'F') then //days, hours begin limitValue := Piece(aValue,' ',2); limitUnit := Piece(aValue,' ',3); end; if (CharAt(aValue,1)= 'w') or (CharAt(aValue,1)= 'W') then //L, ml begin tempval := Piece(aValue,' ',4); limitValue := FloatToStr(ExtractFloat(tempVal)); limitUnit := Copy(tempVal,length(limitValue)+1,Length(tempVal)); end; if isNumeric(CharAt(aValue,1)) then begin limitValue := FloatToStr(ExtractFloat(aValue)); limitUnit := Copy(aValue,length(limitValue)+1,Length(aValue)); if limitUnit = 'D' then limitUnit := 'days' else if limitUnit = 'H' then limitUnit := 'hours' else if limitUnit = 'ML' then limitUnit := 'ml'; end; if ( Length(limitUnit)> 0) and ( (Length(limitValue) > 0 ) ) then begin txtXDuration.Text := limitValue; if Trim(UpperCase(limitUnit))='CC' then limitUnit := 'ml'; btnXDuration.Caption := limitUnit; end; end; procedure TfrmODMedIV.txtXDurationExit(Sender: TObject); var Code: double; begin inherited; if Changing then Exit; if (Pos('.', txtXDuration.Text)>0) and ((btnXduration.Caption = 'days') or (btnXduration.Caption = 'hours')) then begin ShowMessage('Can not save order.' + #13#10 + 'Reason: Invalid Duration, please enter an integer value for days or hours.'); txtXDuration.Text := ''; txtXDuration.SetFocus; Exit; end; if (txtXDuration.Text <> '0') and (txtXDuration.Text <> '') then begin try code := StrToFloat(txtXDuration.Text); except code := 0; end; if code < 0.0001 then begin ShowMessage('Can not save order.' + #13#10 + 'Reason: Invalid Duration or Total Volume!'); txtXDuration.Text := ''; txtXDuration.SetFocus; Exit; end; end; try if (Length(txtXDuration.Text)>0) and (StrToFloat(txtXDuration.Text)<0) then begin ShowMessage('Can not save order.' + #13#10 + 'Reason: Invalid Duration or total volume!'); txtXDuration.Text := ''; txtXDuration.SetFocus; Exit; end; except txtXDuration.Text := ''; end; ControlChange(Sender); end; end.