source: cprs/branches/foia-cprs/CPRS-Chart/Orders/fOrdersRelease.dfm@ 591

Last change on this file since 591 was 459, checked in by Kevin Toppenberg, 16 years ago

Adding foia-cprs branch

File size: 2.4 KB
[459]1inherited frmReleaseOrders: TfrmReleaseOrders
2 Left = 318
3 Top = 186
4 Height = 370
5 Caption = 'Release Orders to Service(s)'
6 Position = poScreenCenter
7 OnCreate = FormCreate
8 PixelsPerInch = 96
9 TextHeight = 13
10 object Panel1: TPanel
11 Left = 0
12 Top = 0
13 Width = 427
14 Height = 296
15 Align = alClient
16 BevelOuter = bvNone
17 Caption = 'Panel1'
18 Constraints.MinHeight = 260
19 TabOrder = 0
20 OnResize = Panel1Resize
21 DesignSize = (
22 427
23 296)
24 object Label1: TLabel
25 Left = 0
26 Top = 0
27 Width = 427
28 Height = 13
29 Align = alTop
30 Caption = 'The following orders will be released -'
31 end
32 object lstOrders: TCaptionListBox
33 Left = 1
34 Top = 16
35 Width = 425
36 Height = 275
37 Style = lbOwnerDrawVariable
38 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]
39 ItemHeight = 13
40 ScrollWidth = 415
41 TabOrder = 0
42 OnDrawItem = lstOrdersDrawItem
43 OnMeasureItem = lstOrdersMeasureItem
44 Caption = 'The following orders will be released '
45 end
46 end
47 object Panel2: TPanel
48 Left = 0
49 Top = 296
50 Width = 427
51 Height = 47
52 Align = alBottom
53 BiDiMode = bdRightToLeft
54 ParentBiDiMode = False
55 TabOrder = 1
56 object grpRelease: TGroupBox
57 Left = 8
58 Top = 3
59 Width = 241
60 Height = 41
61 Caption = 'Nature of Orders'
62 TabOrder = 0
63 object radVerbal: TRadioButton
64 Left = 8
65 Top = 16
66 Width = 53
67 Height = 17
68 Caption = '&Verbal'
69 Checked = True
70 TabOrder = 0
71 TabStop = True
72 end
73 object radPhone: TRadioButton
74 Left = 80
75 Top = 16
76 Width = 77
77 Height = 17
78 Caption = '&Telephone'
79 TabOrder = 1
80 end
81 object radPolicy: TRadioButton
82 Left = 168
83 Top = 16
84 Width = 49
85 Height = 17
86 Caption = '&Policy'
87 TabOrder = 2
88 end
89 end
90 object cmdOK: TButton
91 Left = 267
92 Top = 19
93 Width = 72
94 Height = 21
95 Caption = 'OK'
96 Default = True
97 TabOrder = 1
98 OnClick = cmdOKClick
99 end
100 object cmdCancel: TButton
101 Left = 347
102 Top = 19
103 Width = 72
104 Height = 21
105 Cancel = True
106 Caption = 'Cancel'
107 TabOrder = 2
108 OnClick = cmdCancelClick
109 end
110 end
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