1 | unit rODAllergy;
2 |
3 | {$O-}
4 |
5 | interface
6 |
7 | uses SysUtils, Classes, ORNet, ORFn, rCore, uCore, TRPCB, dialogs, rMisc ;
8 |
9 | type
10 | TAllergyRec = record
11 | Changed: boolean;
12 | IEN: Integer;
13 | CausativeAgent: string;
14 | AllergyType: string;
15 | NatureOfReaction: string;
16 | SignsSymptoms: TStringList;
17 | Originator: int64;
18 | OriginatorName: string;
19 | Originated: TFMDateTime;
20 | Comments: TStringList;
21 | IDBandMarked: TStringList;
22 | ChartMarked: TStringList;
23 | Verifier: int64;
24 | VerifierName: string;
25 | Verified: boolean;
26 | VerifiedDateTime: TFMDateTime;
27 | EnteredInError: boolean;
28 | DateEnteredInError: TFMDateTime;
29 | UserEnteringInError: int64;
30 | ErrorComments: TStringList;
31 | Observed_Historical: string;
32 | Observations: TStringList;
33 | ReactionDate: TFMDateTime;
34 | Severity: string;
35 | NoKnownAllergies: Boolean;
36 | NewComments: TStringList;
37 | end;
38 |
39 | TARTPatchInstalled = record
40 | PatchInstalled: boolean;
41 | PatchChecked: boolean;
42 | end;
43 |
44 | TGMRASiteParams = record
45 | MarkIDBandFlag: Boolean;
46 | OriginatorCommentsRequired: Boolean;
47 | ErrorCommentsEnabled: Boolean;
48 | ParamsSet: Boolean;
49 | end;
50 |
51 | function SearchForAllergies(StringToMatch: string): TStrings;
52 | function SubsetofSymptoms(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings;
53 | function ODForAllergies: TStrings;
54 | function GetCWADInfo(const DFN: string): string;
55 | function SaveAllergy(EditRec: TAllergyRec): string;
56 | function LoadAllergyForEdit(AllergyIEN: integer): TAllergyRec;
57 | function SendARTBulletin(AFreeTextEntry: string; AComment: TStringList): string;
58 | function RPCEnterNKAForPatient: string;
59 |
60 | // site parameter functions
61 | function ARTPatchInstalled: boolean;
62 | function GetSiteParams: TGMRASiteParams;
63 | function MarkIDBand: boolean;
64 | function RequireOriginatorComments: boolean;
65 | function EnableErrorComments: boolean;
66 |
67 | implementation
68 |
69 | const
70 | NO_YES: array[Boolean] of string = ('NO', 'YES');
71 |
72 | var
73 | uARTPatchInstalled: TARTPatchInstalled;
74 | uGMRASiteParams: TGMRASiteParams;
75 |
76 | function ODForAllergies: TStrings;
77 | begin
78 | CallV('ORWDAL32 DEF',[nil]);
79 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
80 | end;
81 |
82 | function SearchForAllergies(StringToMatch: string): TStrings;
83 | begin
84 | CallV('ORWDAL32 ALLERGY MATCH',[StringToMatch]);
85 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
86 | end;
87 |
88 | function SubsetofSymptoms(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings;
89 | begin
90 | Callv('ORWDAL32 SYMPTOMS',[StartFrom, Direction]);
91 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
92 | end;
93 |
94 | function GetCWADInfo(const DFN: string): string;
95 | begin
96 | Result := sCallV('ORWPT CWAD',[DFN]);
97 | end;
98 |
99 | function LoadAllergyForEdit(AllergyIEN: integer): TAllergyRec;
100 | var
101 | Dest: TStringList;
102 | EditRec: TAllergyRec;
103 | x: string;
104 | begin
105 | Dest := TStringList.Create;
106 | try
107 | tCallV(Dest, 'ORWDAL32 LOAD FOR EDIT', [AllergyIEN]) ;
108 | if Piece(RPCBrokerV.Results[0], U, 1) <> '-1' then
109 | begin
110 | with EditRec do
111 | begin
112 | Changed := False;
113 | IEN := AllergyIEN;
114 | CausativeAgent := ExtractDefault(Dest, 'CAUSATIVE AGENT');
115 | AllergyType := ExtractDefault(Dest, 'ALLERGY TYPE');
116 | NatureOfReaction := ExtractDefault(Dest, 'NATURE OF REACTION');
117 | SignsSymptoms := TStringList.Create;
118 | ExtractItems(SignsSymptoms, Dest, 'SIGN/SYMPTOMS');
119 | MixedCaseByPiece(SignsSymptoms, U, 4);
120 | x := ExtractDefault(Dest, 'ORIGINATOR');
121 | Originator := StrToInt64Def(Piece(x, U, 1), 0);
122 | OriginatorName := Piece(x, U, 2);
123 | Originated := StrToFMDateTime(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'ORIGINATED'));
124 | Comments := TStringList.Create;
125 | ExtractText(Comments, Dest, 'COMMENTS');
126 | IDBandMarked := TStringList.Create;
127 | ExtractItems(IDBandMarked, Dest, 'ID BAND MARKED');
128 | ChartMarked := TStringList.Create;
129 | ExtractItems(ChartMarked, Dest, 'CHART MARKED');
130 | //x := ExtractDefault(Dest, 'VERIFIER');
131 | //Verifier := StrToInt64Def(Piece(x, U, 1), 0);
132 | //VerifierName := Piece(x, U, 2);
133 | //x := ExtractDefault(Dest, 'VERIFIED');
134 | //Verified := Piece(x, U, 1) = 'YES';
135 | //if Verified then
136 | // VerifiedDateTime := StrToFMDateTime(Piece(x, U, 2));
137 | x := ExtractDefault(Dest, 'ENTERED IN ERROR');
138 | EnteredInError := Piece(x, U, 1) = 'YES';
139 | DateEnteredInError := StrToFloatDef(Piece(x, U, 2), 0);
140 | UserEnteringInError := StrToInt64Def(Piece(x, U, 3), 0);
141 | ErrorComments := TStringList.Create;
142 | Observed_Historical := ExtractDefault(Dest, 'OBS/HIST');
143 | Observations := TStringList.Create;
144 | ExtractText(Observations, Dest, 'OBSERVATIONS');
145 | //ReactionDate := StrToFMDateTime(Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'REACTDT'), U, 3));
146 | //Severity := Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'SEVERITY'), U, 3);
147 | NoKnownAllergies := (StrToIntDef(Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'NKA'), U, 3), 0) > 0);
148 | NewComments := TStringList.Create;
149 | end;
150 | end
151 | else
152 | EditRec.IEN := -1;
153 | Result := EditRec;
154 | finally
155 | Dest.Free;
156 | end;
157 | end;
158 |
159 | function SaveAllergy(EditRec: TAllergyRec): string;
160 | var
161 | i: integer;
162 | begin
163 | with RPCBrokerV, EditRec do
164 | begin
165 | ClearParameters := True;
166 | RemoteProcedure := 'ORWDAL32 SAVE ALLERGY';
167 | Param[0].PType := literal;
168 | Param[0].Value := IntToStr(IEN);
169 | Param[1].PType := literal;
170 | Param[1].Value := Patient.DFN;
171 | Param[2].PType := list;
172 | with Param[2] do
173 | begin
174 | if NoKnownAllergies then
175 | Mult['"GMRANKA"'] := NO_YES[NoKnownAllergies];
176 | if CausativeAgent <> '' then
177 | Mult['"GMRAGNT"'] := CausativeAgent;
178 | if AllergyType <> '' then
179 | Mult['"GMRATYPE"'] := AllergyType ;
180 | if NatureOfReaction <> '' then
181 | Mult['"GMRANATR"'] := NatureOfReaction ;
182 | if Originator > 0 then
183 | Mult['"GMRAORIG"'] := IntToStr(Originator);
184 | if Originated > 0 then
185 | Mult['"GMRAORDT"'] := FloatToStr(Originated);
186 | with SignsSymptoms do if Count > 0 then
187 | begin
188 | Mult['"GMRASYMP",0'] := IntToStr(Count);
189 | for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
190 | Mult['"GMRASYMP",' + IntToStr(i+1)] := Pieces(Strings[i], U, 1, 5);
191 | end;
192 | //if Verified then
193 | // Mult['"GMRAVER"'] := NO_YES[Verified];
194 | //if Verifier > 0 then
195 | // Mult['"GMRAVERF"'] := IntToStr(Verifier);
196 | //if VerifiedDateTime > 0 then
197 | // Mult['"GMRAVERD"'] := FloatToStr(VerifiedDateTime);
198 | if EnteredInError then
199 | begin
200 | Mult['"GMRAERR"'] := NO_YES[EnteredInError];
201 | Mult['"GMRAERRBY"'] := IntToStr(UserEnteringInError);
202 | Mult['"GMRAERRDT"'] := FloatToStr(DateEnteredInError);
203 | with ErrorComments do if Count > 0 then
204 | begin
205 | Mult['"GMRAERRCMTS",0'] := IntToStr(Count);
206 | for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
207 | Mult['"GMRAERRCMTS",' + IntToStr(i+1)] := Strings[i];
208 | end;
209 | end ;
210 | with ChartMarked do if Count > 0 then
211 | begin
212 | Mult['"GMRACHT",0'] := IntToStr(Count);
213 | for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
214 | Mult['"GMRACHT",' + IntToStr(i+1)] := Strings[i];
215 | end;
216 | with IDBandMarked do if Count > 0 then
217 | begin
218 | Mult['"GMRAIDBN",0'] := IntToStr(Count);
219 | for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
220 | Mult['"GMRAIDBN",' + IntToStr(i+1)] := Strings[i];
221 | end;
222 | if Length(Observed_Historical) > 0 then
223 | Mult['"GMRAOBHX"'] := Observed_Historical;
224 | if ReactionDate > 0 then
225 | Mult['"GMRARDT"'] := FloatToStr(ReactionDate);
226 | if Length(Severity) > 0 then
227 | Mult['"GMRASEVR"'] := Severity;
228 | with NewComments do if Count > 0 then
229 | begin
230 | Mult['"GMRACMTS",0'] := IntToStr(Count);
231 | for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
232 | Mult['"GMRACMTS",' + IntToStr(i+1)] := Strings[i];
233 | end;
234 | end;
235 | CallBroker;
236 | Result := Results[0];
237 | end;
238 | end;
239 |
240 | function RPCEnterNKAForPatient: string;
241 | begin
242 | with RPCBrokerV do
243 | begin
244 | ClearParameters := True;
245 | RemoteProcedure := 'ORWDAL32 SAVE ALLERGY';
246 | Param[0].PType := literal;
247 | Param[0].Value := '0';
248 | Param[1].PType := literal;
249 | Param[1].Value := Patient.DFN;
250 | Param[2].PType := list;
251 | with Param[2] do
252 | Mult['"GMRANKA"'] := 'YES';
253 | CallBroker;
254 | Result := Results[0];
255 | end;
256 | end;
257 |
258 | function SendARTBulletin(AFreeTextEntry: string; AComment: TStringList): string;
259 | var
260 | i: integer;
261 | begin
262 | with RPCBrokerV do
263 | begin
264 | ClearParameters := True;
265 | RemoteProcedure := 'ORWDAL32 SEND BULLETIN';
266 | Param[0].PType := literal;
267 | Param[0].Value := User.DUZ;
268 | Param[1].PType := literal;
269 | Param[1].Value := Patient.DFN;
270 | Param[2].PType := literal;
271 | Param[2].Value := AFreeTextEntry;
272 | if AComment.Count > 0 then with Param[3] do
273 | begin
274 | PType := list;
275 | for i := 0 to AComment.Count - 1 do
276 | Mult[IntToStr(Succ(i)) + ',0'] := AComment[i];
277 | Mult['0'] := '^^' + IntToStr(AComment.Count);
278 | end;
279 | CallBroker;
280 | Result := Results[0];
281 | end;
282 | end;
283 |
284 | // Site parameter functions
285 |
286 | function ARTPatchInstalled: boolean;
287 | begin
288 | with uARTPatchInstalled do
289 | if not PatchChecked then
290 | begin
291 | PatchInstalled := ServerHasPatch('GMRA*4.0*21');
292 | PatchChecked := True;
293 | end;
294 | Result := uARTPatchInstalled.PatchInstalled;
295 | end;
296 |
297 | function GetSiteParams: TGMRASiteParams;
298 | var
299 | x: string;
300 | begin
301 | with uGMRASiteParams do
302 | if not ParamsSet then
303 | begin
304 | x := sCallV('ORWDAL32 SITE PARAMS', [nil]);
305 | MarkIDBandFlag := (Piece(x, U, 5) <> '0');
306 | OriginatorCommentsRequired := (Piece(x, U, 4) = '1');
307 | ErrorCommentsEnabled := (Piece(x, U, 11) = '1');
308 | ParamsSet := True;
309 | end;
310 | Result := uGMRASiteParams;
311 | end;
312 |
313 | function MarkIDBand: boolean;
314 | begin
315 | Result := GetSiteParams.MarkIDBandFlag;
316 | end;
317 |
318 | function RequireOriginatorComments: boolean;
319 | begin
320 | Result := GetSiteParams.OriginatorCommentsRequired;
321 | end;
322 |
323 | function EnableErrorComments: boolean;
324 | begin
325 | Result := GetSiteParams.ErrorCommentsEnabled;
326 | end;
327 |
328 | end.