unit fDCSummProps; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ORDtTm, ORCtrls, ExtCtrls, uConst, rTIU, rDCSumm, uDocTree, uDCSumm, uTIU; type TfrmDCSummProperties = class(TForm) bvlConsult: TBevel; pnlFields: TORAutoPanel; lblNewTitle: TLabel; lblDateTime: TLabel; lblAuthor: TLabel; lblCosigner: TLabel; cboNewTitle: TORComboBox; calSumm: TORDateBox; cboAuthor: TORComboBox; cboAttending: TORComboBox; pnlTranscription: TORAutoPanel; lblTranscriptionist: TLabel; lblUrgency: TLabel; cboTranscriptionist: TORComboBox; cboUrgency: TORComboBox; pnlAdmissions: TORAutoPanel; cmdOK: TButton; cmdCancel: TButton; pnlLabels: TORAutoPanel; lblDCSumm1: TStaticText; lblDCSumm2: TStaticText; lblLocation: TLabel; lblDate: TLabel; lblType: TLabel; lblSummStatus: TLabel; lstAdmissions: TORListBox; procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure cboNewTitleNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); procedure cboAuthorNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); procedure cboAttendingNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); procedure cmdOKClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cmdCancelClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cboNewTitleExit(Sender: TObject); procedure cboNewTitleMouseClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cboNewTitleEnter(Sender: TObject); procedure cboAttendingExit(Sender: TObject); procedure cboAuthorExit(Sender: TObject); procedure cboAuthorMouseClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cboAuthorEnter(Sender: TObject); procedure cboNewTitleDropDownClose(Sender: TObject); procedure lstAdmissionsChange(Sender: TObject); procedure cboNewTitleDblClick(Sender: TObject); private FCosignIEN: Int64; // store cosigner that was passed in FCosignName: string; // store cosigner that was passed in FDocType: Integer; // store document type that was passed in FAddend: Integer; // store IEN of note being addended (if make addendum) FLastAuthor: Int64; // set by mouseclick to avoid redundant call on exit FLastTitle: Integer; // set by mouseclick to avoid redundant call on exit FAdmitDateTime: string ; FLocation: integer; FLocationName: string; FVisitStr: string; FEditIEN: integer; //FFixCursor: Boolean; // to fix the problem where the list box is an I-bar FLastCosigner: Int64; // holds cosigner from previous note (for defaulting) FLastCosignerName: string; // holds cosigner from previous note (for defaulting) FShowAdmissions: Boolean; FIDNoteTitlesOnly: boolean; procedure SetCosignerRequired; procedure ShowAdmissionList; procedure UMDelayEvent(var Message: TMessage); message UM_DELAYEVENT; public { Public declarations } end; function ExecuteDCSummProperties(var ASumm: TEditDCSummRec; var ListBoxItem: string; ShowAdmissions, IDNoteTitlesOnly: boolean): Boolean; var EditLines: TStringList; implementation {$R *.DFM} uses ORFn, uCore, rCore, uPCE, rPCE; { Initial values in ASumm Title Type Author DateTime Cosigner Location Consult NeedCPT New DCSumm dflt 244 DUZ NOW dflt Encnt 0 ? Edit DCSumm ien 244 ien DtTm ien ien ien fld Addend DCSumm ien 81 DUZ NOW 0 N/A N/A? no New Summ - setup as much as possible, then call ExecuteDCSummProperties if necessary. } const TC_REQ_FIELDS = 'Required Information'; TX_REQ_TITLE = CRLF + 'A title must be selected.'; TX_REQ_AUTHOR = CRLF + 'The author of the note must be identified.'; TX_REQ_REFDATE = CRLF + 'A valid date/time for the note must be entered.'; TX_REQ_COSIGNER = CRLF + 'An attending must be identified.'; TX_NO_FUTURE = CRLF + 'A reference date/time in the future is not allowed.'; TX_COS_SELF = CRLF + 'You cannot make yourself a cosigner.'; TX_COS_AUTH = CRLF + ' is not authorized to cosign this document.'; TX_BAD_ADMISSION = CRLF + 'Admission information is missing or invalid.'; TX_NO_ADMISSION = CRLF + 'An admission must be selected'; TX_NO_MORE_SUMMS = CRLF + 'Only one discharge summary may be written for each admission.'; TC_NO_EDIT = 'Unable to Edit'; TC_EDIT_EXISTING = 'Unsigned document in progress'; TX_EDIT_EXISTING = 'Would you like to continue editing the existing unsigned summary for this admission?'; function ExecuteDCSummProperties(var ASumm: TEditDCSummRec; var ListBoxItem: string; ShowAdmissions, IDNoteTitlesOnly: boolean): Boolean; var frmDCSummProperties: TfrmDCSummProperties; x: string; begin frmDCSummProperties := TfrmDCSummProperties.Create(Application); EditLines := TStringList.Create; try ResizeAnchoredFormToFont(frmDCSummProperties); with frmDCSummProperties do begin // setup common fields (title, reference date, author) FShowAdmissions := ShowAdmissions; FIDNoteTitlesOnly := IDNoteTitlesOnly; pnlTranscription.Visible := False; {was never used on old form} if not pnlTranscription.Visible then begin Height := Height - pnlTranscription.Height; Top := Top - pnlTranscription.Height; end; Height := Height - pnlAdmissions.Height - pnlLabels.Height; if ASumm.DocType <> TYP_ADDENDUM then begin cboNewTitle.InitLongList(''); ListDCSummTitlesShort(cboNewTitle.Items); end else //if addendum cboNewTitle.Items.Insert(0, IntToStr(ASumm.Title) + U + ASumm.TitleName); if ASumm.Title > 0 then cboNewTitle.SelectByIEN(ASumm.Title); if (ASumm.Title > 0) and (cboNewTitle.ItemIndex < 0) then cboNewTitle.SetExactByIEN(ASumm.Title, ASumm.TitleName); cboAuthor.InitLongList(ASumm.DictatorName); if ASumm.Dictator > 0 then cboAuthor.SelectByIEN(ASumm.Dictator); cboUrgency.Items.Assign(LoadDCUrgencies); cboUrgency.SelectByID('R'); if Asumm.Attending = 0 then begin ASumm.Attending := FLastCosigner; ASumm.AttendingName := FLastCosignerName; end; cboAttending.InitLongList(ASumm.AttendingName); if ASumm.Attending > 0 then cboAttending.SelectByIEN(ASumm.Attending); calSumm.FMDateTime := ASumm.DictDateTime; if FShowAdmissions then ShowAdmissionList; FAddend := ASumm.Addend; FDocType := ASumm.DocType; FLastCosigner := ASumm.LastCosigner; FLastCosignerName := ASumm.LastCosignerName; FEditIEN := 0; // restrict edit of title if addendum if FDocType = TYP_ADDENDUM then begin lblNewTitle.Caption := 'Addendum to:'; cboNewTitle.Caption := 'Addendum to:'; cboNewTitle.Enabled := False; cboNewTitle.Color := clBtnFace; end; Result := ShowModal = idOK; // display the form if Result then with ASumm do begin if FDocType <> TYP_ADDENDUM then begin Title := cboNewTitle.ItemIEN; TitleName := PrintNameForTitle(Title); end; Urgency := cboUrgency.ItemID; DictDateTime := calSumm.FMDateTime; Dictator := cboAuthor.ItemIEN; DictatorName := Piece(cboAuthor.Items[cboAuthor.ItemIndex], U, 2); Attending := cboAttending.ItemIEN; AttendingName := Piece(cboAttending.Items[cboAttending.ItemIndex], U, 2); if Attending = Dictator then Cosigner := 0 else begin Cosigner := cboAttending.ItemIEN; CosignerName := Piece(cboAttending.Items[cboAttending.ItemIndex], U, 2); // The LastCosigner fields are used to default the cosigner in subsequent notes. // These fields are not reset with new notes & not passed into TIU. LastCosigner := Cosigner; LastCosignerName := CosignerName; end; Transcriptionist := cboTranscriptionist.ItemIEN; if FShowAdmissions then begin AdmitDateTime := StrToFMDateTime(FAdmitDateTime); DischargeDateTime := StrToFMDateTime(GetDischargeDate(Patient.DFN, FAdmitDateTime)); if DischargeDateTime <= 0 then DischargeDateTime := FMNow; Location := FLocation; LocationName := FLocationName; VisitStr := IntToStr(Location) + ';' + FloatToStr(AdmitDateTime) + ';H' ; end; EditIEN := FEditIEN; if FEditIEN > 0 then begin x := GetTIUListItem(FEditIEN); ListBoxItem := x; if Lines = nil then Lines := TStringList.Create; Lines.Assign(EditLines); end else begin ListBoxItem := ''; end; end; // The following fields in TEditDCSummRec are not set: // DocType, NeedCPT, Lines (unless editing an existing summary) end; finally EditLines.Free; frmDCSummProperties.Release; end; end; { Form events } procedure TfrmDCSummProperties.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin //if cboNewTitle.Text = '' then PostMessage(Handle, UM_DELAYEVENT, 0, 0); end; procedure TfrmDCSummProperties.UMDelayEvent(var Message: TMessage); { let the window finish displaying before dropping list box, otherwise listbox drop in the design position rather then new windows position (ORCtrls bug?) } begin (* Screen.Cursor := crArrow; FFixCursor := TRUE; cboNewTitle.DroppedDown := True; lblDateTime.Visible := False; lblAuthor.Visible := False; lblCosigner.Visible := False;*) end; { General calls } procedure TfrmDCSummProperties.SetCosignerRequired; { called initially & whenever title or author changes } begin (* if FDocType = TYP_ADDENDUM then begin lblCosigner.Visible := AskCosignerForDocument(FAddend, cboAuthor.ItemIEN) end else begin if cboNewTitle.ItemIEN = 0 then lblCosigner.Visible := AskCosignerForTitle(FDocType, cboAuthor.ItemIEN) else lblCosigner.Visible := AskCosignerForTitle(cboNewTitle.ItemIEN, cboAuthor.ItemIEN); end;*) lblCosigner.Visible := True; cboAttending.Visible := lblCosigner.Visible; end; procedure TfrmDCSummProperties.ShowAdmissionList; var i, Status: integer; x: string; begin with lstAdmissions do begin ListAdmitAll(Items, Patient.DFN); if Items.Count > 0 then begin for i := 0 to Items.Count-1 do begin x := Items[i]; SetPiece(x, '^', 8, FormatFMDateTimeStr('mmm dd,yyyy hh:nn', Piece(Items[i],U,1))); Status := StrToIntDef(Piece(Items[i],U,7),0); case Status of 0: x := x + '^None on file'; 1: x := x + '^Completed'; 2: x := x + '^Unsigned'; end; Items[i] := x; end; end else FAdmitDateTime := '-1^No admissions were found for this patient.'; end; end; { cboNewTitle events } procedure TfrmDCSummProperties.cboNewTitleNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: string; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); begin cboNewTitle.ForDataUse(SubSetOfDCSummTitles(StartFrom, Direction, FIDNoteTitlesOnly)); end; procedure TfrmDCSummProperties.cboNewTitleEnter(Sender: TObject); begin FLastTitle := 0; end; procedure TfrmDCSummProperties.cboNewTitleMouseClick(Sender: TObject); begin with cboNewTitle do if (ItemIEN > 0) and (ItemIEN = FLastTitle) then Exit else if ItemIEN = 0 then begin if FLastTitle > 0 then SelectByIEN(FLastTitle) else ItemIndex := -1; Exit; end; SetCosignerRequired; if FShowAdmissions and (not pnlAdmissions.Visible) then begin Height := Height + pnlAdmissions.Height + pnlLabels.Height; pnlAdmissions.Visible := True; pnlLabels.Visible := True; end; FLastTitle := cboNewTitle.ItemIEN; end; procedure TfrmDCSummProperties.cboNewTitleExit(Sender: TObject); begin if cboNewTitle.ItemIEN <> FLastTitle then cboNewTitleMouseClick(Self); end; { cboAuthor & cboAttending events } procedure TfrmDCSummProperties.cboAuthorNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); begin (Sender as TORComboBox).ForDataUse(SubSetOfPersons(StartFrom, Direction)); end; procedure TfrmDCSummProperties.cboAttendingNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); begin // changed in v15.2, per BRX-1100-10981 // (Sender as TORComboBox).ForDataUse(SubSetOfPersons(StartFrom, Direction)); (Sender as TORComboBox).ForDataUse(SubSetOfProviders(StartFrom, Direction)); end; procedure TfrmDCSummProperties.cboAuthorEnter(Sender: TObject); begin FLastAuthor := 0; end; procedure TfrmDCSummProperties.cboAuthorMouseClick(Sender: TObject); begin SetCosignerRequired; FLastAuthor := cboAuthor.ItemIEN; end; procedure TfrmDCSummProperties.cboAuthorExit(Sender: TObject); begin if cboAuthor.ItemIEN <> FLastAuthor then cboAuthorMouseClick(Self); end; procedure TfrmDCSummProperties.cboAttendingExit(Sender: TObject); { make sure FCosign fields stay up to date in case SetCosigner gets called again } begin with cboAttending do if Text = '' then ItemIndex := -1; FCosignIEN := cboAttending.ItemIEN; FCosignName := Piece(cboAttending.Items[cboAttending.ItemIndex], U, 2); end; { Command Button events } procedure TfrmDCSummProperties.cmdOKClick(Sender: TObject); var ErrMsg, x, WhyNot: string; begin cmdOK.SetFocus; // make sure cbo exit events fire Application.ProcessMessages; SetCosignerRequired; ErrMsg := ''; if cboNewTitle.ItemIEN = 0 then ErrMsg := ErrMsg + TX_REQ_TITLE else if FIDNoteTitlesOnly and (not CanTitleBeIDChild(cboNewTitle.ItemIEN, WhyNot)) then ErrMsg := ErrMsg + CRLF + WhyNot; if cboAuthor.ItemIEN = 0 then ErrMsg := ErrMsg + TX_REQ_AUTHOR; if not calSumm.IsValid then ErrMsg := ErrMsg + TX_REQ_REFDATE; if calSumm.IsValid and (calSumm.FMDateTime > FMNow) then ErrMsg := ErrMsg + TX_NO_FUTURE; if cboAttending.Visible and (cboAttending.ItemIEN = 0) then ErrMsg := ErrMsg + TX_REQ_COSIGNER; //if cboAttending.ItemIEN = User.DUZ then ErrMsg := TX_COS_SELF; if (cboAttending.ItemIEN > 0) and not IsUserAProvider(cboAttending.ItemIEN, FMNow) then //if (cboAttending.ItemIEN > 0) and not CanCosign(cboNewTitle.ItemIEN, FDocType, cboAttending.ItemIEN) then ErrMsg := cboAttending.Text + TX_COS_AUTH; if pnlAdmissions.Visible then with lstAdmissions do begin if ItemIndex < 0 then ErrMsg := TX_NO_ADMISSION else if (Piece(x, U, 7) = '1') then begin x := Items[ItemIndex]; FVisitStr := Piece(x, U, 2) + ';' + Piece(x, U, 1) + ';H'; if (OneNotePerVisit(cboNewTitle.ItemIEN, Patient.DFN, FVisitStr)) then begin FEditIEN := 0; InfoBox(TX_NO_MORE_SUMMS, TC_NO_EDIT, MB_OK); lstAdmissions.ItemIndex := -1; end; end else begin x := Items[ItemIndex]; FAdmitDateTime := Piece(x,U,1); FLocation := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 2), 0); if (MakeFMDateTime(FAdmitDateTime)= -1) or (FLocation = 0) then ErrMsg := TX_BAD_ADMISSION else FLocationName := ExternalName(FLocation, 44); end; end; if ShowMsgOn(Length(ErrMsg) > 0, ErrMsg, TC_REQ_FIELDS) then Exit else ModalResult := mrOK; end; procedure TfrmDCSummProperties.cmdCancelClick(Sender: TObject); begin ModalResult := mrCancel; Close; end; procedure TfrmDCSummProperties.cboNewTitleDropDownClose(Sender: TObject); begin (* if FFixCursor then begin Screen.Cursor := crDefault; FFixCursor := FALSE; end; lblDateTime.Visible := True; lblAuthor.Visible := True; lblCosigner.Visible := True;*) end; procedure TfrmDCSummProperties.lstAdmissionsChange(Sender: TObject); var x: string; AnEditSumm: TEditDCSummRec; ActionSts: TActionRec; begin if lstAdmissions.ItemIndex < 0 then Exit; x := lstAdmissions.Items[lstAdmissions.ItemIndex]; if (StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 7), 0) = 2) then begin { Prompt for edit first - proceed as below if yes, else proceed as if '1'} if InfoBox(TX_EDIT_EXISTING, TC_EDIT_EXISTING, MB_YESNO) = MRYES then begin FillChar(AnEditSumm, SizeOf(AnEditSumm), 0); FEditIEN := StrToInt(Piece(x,U,6)); ActOnDCDocument(ActionSts, FEditIEN, 'EDIT RECORD'); if not ActionSts.Success then begin InfoBox(ActionSts.Reason, TX_IN_AUTH, MB_OK); lstAdmissions.ItemIndex := -1; Exit; end; GetDCSummForEdit(AnEditSumm, FEditIEN); EditLines.Assign(AnEditSumm.Lines); cboNewTitle.InitLongList(AnEditSumm.TitleName); ListDCSummTitlesShort(cboNewTitle.Items); if AnEditSumm.Title > 0 then cboNewTitle.SelectByIEN(AnEditSumm.Title); cboAuthor.InitLongList(AnEditSumm.DictatorName); if AnEditSumm.Dictator > 0 then cboAuthor.SelectByIEN(AnEditSumm.Dictator); cboUrgency.Items.Assign(LoadDCUrgencies); cboUrgency.SelectByID('R'); cboAttending.InitLongList(AnEditSumm.AttendingName); if AnEditSumm.Attending > 0 then cboAttending.SelectByIEN(AnEditSumm.Attending); calSumm.FMDateTime := AnEditSumm.DictDateTime; end else // if user answers NO to edit existing document, can new one be created? begin FVisitStr := Piece(x, U, 2) + ';' + Piece(x, U, 1) + ';H'; if (OneNotePerVisit(cboNewTitle.ItemIEN, Patient.DFN, FVisitStr)) then begin FEditIEN := 0; InfoBox(TX_NO_MORE_SUMMS, TC_NO_EDIT, MB_OK); lstAdmissions.ItemIndex := -1; end; end; end else if Piece(x, U, 7) = '1' then begin FVisitStr := Piece(x, U, 2) + ';' + Piece(x, U, 1) + ';H'; if (OneNotePerVisit(cboNewTitle.ItemIEN, Patient.DFN, FVisitStr)) then begin FEditIEN := 0; InfoBox(TX_NO_MORE_SUMMS, TC_NO_EDIT, MB_OK); lstAdmissions.ItemIndex := -1; end; end else begin FEditIEN := 0; (* cboNewTitle.ItemIndex := -1; cboAttending.ItemIndex := -1; calSumm.FMDateTime := FMNow;*) end; end; procedure TfrmDCSummProperties.cboNewTitleDblClick(Sender: TObject); begin cmdOKClick(Self); end; end.