unit fEncnt; //Modifed: 7/26/99 //By: Robert Bott //Location: ISL //Description of Mod: // Moved asignment of historical visit category from the cboNewVisitChange event // to the ckbHistoricalClick event. interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ORCtrls, ORDtTm, ORFn, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, ORDtTmRng, fAutoSz, rOptions; type TfrmEncounter = class(TForm) cboPtProvider: TORComboBox; lblProvider: TLabel; cmdOK: TButton; cmdCancel: TButton; lblLocation: TLabel; txtLocation: TCaptionEdit; pgeVisit: TPageControl; tabClinic: TTabSheet; lblClinic: TLabel; lblDateRange: TLabel; lstClinic: TORListBox; tabAdmit: TTabSheet; lblAdmit: TLabel; lstAdmit: TORListBox; tabNewVisit: TTabSheet; lblVisitDate: TLabel; lblNewVisit: TLabel; calVisitDate: TORDateBox; ckbHistorical: TORCheckBox; cboNewVisit: TORComboBox; dlgDateRange: TORDateRangeDlg; cmdDateRange: TButton; lblInstruct: TLabel; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure pgeVisitChange(Sender: TObject); procedure cmdOKClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cmdCancelClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cboNewVisitNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); procedure calVisitDateChange(Sender: TObject); procedure cboNewVisitChange(Sender: TObject); procedure calVisitDateExit(Sender: TObject); procedure cboPtProviderNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); procedure ckbHistoricalClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cmdDateRangeClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure lstAdmitChange(Sender: TObject); procedure lstClinicChange(Sender: TObject); private CLINIC_TXT : String; FFilter: Int64; FPCDate: TFMDateTime; FProvider: Int64; FLocation: Integer; FLocationName: string; FDateTime: TFMDateTime; FVisitCategory: Char; FStandAlone: Boolean; FFromSelf: Boolean; FFromDate: TFMDateTime; FThruDate: TFMDateTIme; FEncFutureLimit: string; FFromCreate: Boolean; FOldHintEvent: TShowHintEvent; OKPressed: Boolean; procedure AppShowHint(var HintStr: string; var CanShow: Boolean; var HintInfo: THintInfo); procedure SetVisitCat; public { Public declarations } end; procedure UpdateEncounter(PersonFilter: Int64; ADate: TFMDateTime = 0; TIULocation: integer = 0); procedure UpdateVisit(FontSize: Integer); overload; procedure UpdateVisit(FontSize: Integer; TIULocation: integer); overload; implementation {$R *.DFM} uses rCore, uCore, uConst, fReview, uPCE, rPCE; const TC_MISSING = 'Incomplete Encounter Information'; TX_NO_DATE = 'A valid date/time has not been entered.'; TX_NO_TIME = 'A valid time has not been entered.'; TX_NO_LOC = 'A visit location has not been selected.'; TC_LOCONLY = 'Location for Current Activities'; TX_FUTURE_WARNING = 'You have selected a visit with a date in the future. Are you sure?'; TC_FUTURE_WARNING = 'Visit Is In Future'; var uTIULocation: integer; uTIULocationName: string; procedure UpdateVisit(FontSize: Integer); begin UpdateEncounter(NPF_SUPPRESS); end; procedure UpdateVisit(FontSize: Integer; TIULocation: integer); begin UpdateEncounter(NPF_SUPPRESS, 0, TIULocation); end; procedure UpdateEncounter(PersonFilter: Int64; ADate: TFMDateTime = 0; TIULocation: integer = 0); const UP_SHIFT = 85; var frmEncounter: TfrmEncounter; CanChange: Boolean; TimedOut: Boolean; begin uTIULocation := TIULocation; if uTIULocation <> 0 then uTIULocationName := ExternalName(uTIULocation, FN_HOSPITAL_LOCATION); frmEncounter := TfrmEncounter.Create(Application); try TimedOut := False; ResizeAnchoredFormToFont(frmEncounter); with frmEncounter do begin FFilter := PersonFilter; FPCDate := ADate; if PersonFilter = NPF_SUPPRESS then // not prompting for provider begin lblProvider.Visible := False; cboPtProvider.Visible := False; lblInstruct.Visible := True; Caption := TC_LOCONLY; Height := frmEncounter.Height - UP_SHIFT; end else // also prompt for provider begin // InitLongList must be done AFTER FFilter is set cboPtProvider.InitLongList(Encounter.ProviderName); cboPtProvider.SelectByIEN(FProvider); end; ShowModal; if OKPressed then begin CanChange := True; if (PersonFilter <> NPF_SUPPRESS) and (((Encounter.Provider = User.DUZ) and (FProvider <> User.DUZ)) or ((Encounter.Provider <> User.DUZ) and (FProvider = User.DUZ))) then CanChange := ReviewChanges(TimedOut); if CanChange then begin if PersonFilter <> NPF_SUPPRESS then Encounter.Provider := FProvider; Encounter.Location := FLocation; Encounter.DateTime := FDateTime; Encounter.VisitCategory := FVisitCategory; Encounter.StandAlone := FStandAlone; end; end; end; finally frmEncounter.Release; end; end; procedure TfrmEncounter.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var ADateFrom, ADateThru: TDateTime; BDateFrom, BDateThru: Integer; BDisplayFrom, BDisplayThru: String; begin inherited; FProvider := Encounter.Provider; FLocation := Encounter.Location; FLocationName := Encounter.LocationName; FDateTime := Encounter.DateTime; FVisitCategory := Encounter.VisitCategory; FStandAlone := Encounter.StandAlone; rpcGetEncFutureDays(FEncFutureLimit); rpcGetRangeForEncs(BDateFrom, BDateThru, False); // Get user's current date range settings. if BDateFrom > 0 then BDisplayFrom := 'T-' + IntToStr(BDateFrom) else BDisplayFrom := 'T'; if BDateThru > 0 then BDisplayThru := 'T+' + IntToStr(BDateThru) else BDisplayThru := 'T'; lblDateRange.Caption := '(' + BDisplayFrom + ' thru ' + BDisplayThru + ')'; ADateFrom := (FMDateTimeToDateTime(FMToday) - BDateFrom); ADateThru := (FMDateTimeToDateTime(FMToday) + BDateThru); FFromDate := DateTimeToFMDateTime(ADateFrom); FThruDate := DateTimeToFMDateTime(ADateThru) + 0.2359; FFromCreate := True; with txtLocation do if Length(FLocationName) > 0 then begin Text := FLocationName + ' '; if (FVisitCategory <> 'H') and (FDateTime <> 0) then Text := Text + FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy hh:nn', FDateTime); end else Text := '< Select a location from the tabs below.... >'; OKPressed := False; pgeVisit.ActivePage := tabClinic; pgeVisitChange(Self); if lstClinic.Items.Count = 0 then begin pgeVisit.ActivePage := tabNewVisit; pgeVisitChange(Self); end; ckbHistorical.Hint := 'A historical visit or encounter is a visit that occurred at some time' + CRLF + 'in the past or at some other location (possibly non-VA). Although these' + CRLF + 'are not used for workload credit, they can be used for setting up the' + CRLF + 'PCE reminder maintenance system, or other non-workload-related reasons.'; FOldHintEvent := Application.OnShowHint; Application.OnShowHint := AppShowHint; FFromCreate := False; //JAWS will read the second caption if 2 are displayed, so Combining Labels CLINIC_TXT := lblClinic.Caption+' '; lblClinic.Caption := CLINIC_TXT + lblDateRange.Caption; lblDateRange.Hide; end; procedure TfrmEncounter.cboPtProviderNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: string; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); begin inherited; case FFilter of NPF_PROVIDER: cboPtProvider.ForDataUse(SubSetOfProviders(StartFrom, Direction)); // NPF_ENCOUNTER: cboPtProvider.ForDataUse(SubSetOfUsersWithClass(StartFrom, Direction, FloatToStr(FPCDate))); else cboPtProvider.ForDataUse(SubSetOfPersons(StartFrom, Direction)); end; end; procedure TfrmEncounter.pgeVisitChange(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; cmdDateRange.Visible := pgeVisit.ActivePage = tabClinic; if (pgeVisit.ActivePage = tabClinic) and (lstClinic.Items.Count = 0) then ListApptAll(lstClinic.Items, Patient.DFN, FFromDate, FThruDate); if (pgeVisit.ActivePage = tabAdmit) and (lstAdmit.Items.Count = 0) then ListAdmitAll(lstAdmit.Items, Patient.DFN); if pgeVisit.ActivePage = tabNewVisit then begin if cboNewVisit.Items.Count = 0 then begin if FVisitCategory <> 'H' then begin if uTIULocation <> 0 then begin cboNewVisit.InitLongList(uTIULocationName); cboNewVisit.SelectByIEN(uTIULocation); end else begin cboNewVisit.InitLongList(FLocationName); if Encounter.Location <> 0 then cboNewVisit.SelectByIEN(FLocation); end; FFromSelf := True; with calVisitDate do if FDateTime <> 0 then FMDateTime := FDateTime else Text := 'NOW'; FFromSelf := False; end else cboNewVisit.InitLongList(''); ckbHistorical.Checked := FVisitCategory = 'E'; end; {if cboNewVisit} end; {if pgeVisit.ActivePage} end; procedure TfrmEncounter.cboNewVisitNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: string; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); begin inherited; cboNewVisit.ForDataUse(SubSetOfNewLocs(StartFrom, Direction)); end; procedure TfrmEncounter.cmdDateRangeClick(Sender: TObject); begin dlgDateRange.FMDateStart := FFromDate; dlgDateRange.FMDateStop := FThruDate; if dlgDateRange.Execute then begin FFromDate := dlgDateRange.FMDateStart; FThruDate := dlgDateRange.FMDateStop + 0.2359; lblDateRange.Caption := '(' + dlgDateRange.RelativeStart + ' thru ' + dlgDateRange.RelativeStop + ')'; //label lblClinic.Caption := CLINIC_TXT + lblDateRange.Caption; //list lstClinic.Caption := lblClinic.Caption + ' ' + lblDateRange.Caption; lstClinic.Items.Clear; ListApptAll(lstClinic.Items, Patient.DFN, FFromDate, FThruDate); end; end; procedure TfrmEncounter.cboNewVisitChange(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; with cboNewVisit do begin FLocation := ItemIEN; FLocationName := DisplayText[ItemIndex]; FDateTime := calVisitDate.FMDateTime; SetVisitCat; with txtLocation do begin Text := FLocationName + ' '; if FDateTime <> 0 then Text := Text + FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy hh:nn', FDateTime); end; end; end; procedure TfrmEncounter.calVisitDateChange(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; // The FFromSelf was added because without it, a new visit (minus the seconds gets created. // Setting the text of calVisit caused the text to be re-evaluated & changed the FMDateTime property. if FFromSelf then Exit; with cboNewVisit do begin FLocation := ItemIEN; FLocationName := DisplayText[ItemIndex]; FDateTime := calVisitDate.FMDateTime; SetVisitCat; txtLocation.Text := FLocationName + ' ' + calVisitDate.Text; end; end; procedure TfrmEncounter.calVisitDateExit(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; with cboNewVisit do if ItemIEN > 0 then begin FLocation := ItemIEN; FLocationName := DisplayText[ItemIndex]; FDateTime := calVisitDate.FMDateTime; SetVisitCat; with txtLocation do begin Text := FLocationName + ' '; if FDateTime <> 0 then Text := Text + FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy hh:nn', FDateTime); end; end; end; procedure TfrmEncounter.cmdOKClick(Sender: TObject); var msg: string; ADate, AMaxDate: TDateTime; begin inherited; msg := ''; if FLocation = 0 then msg := TX_NO_LOC; if FDateTime <= 0 then msg := msg + CRLF + TX_NO_DATE else if(pos('.',FloatToStr(FDateTime)) = 0) then msg := msg + CRLF + TX_NO_TIME; if(msg <> '') then begin InfoBox(msg, TC_MISSING, MB_OK); Exit; end else begin ADate := FMDateTimeToDateTime(Trunc(FDateTime)); AMaxDate := FMDateTimeToDateTime(FMToday) + StrToIntDef(FEncFutureLimit, 0); if ADate > AMaxDate then if InfoBox(TX_FUTURE_WARNING, TC_FUTURE_WARNING, MB_YESNO or MB_ICONQUESTION) = MRNO then exit; end; if FFilter <> NPF_SUPPRESS then FProvider := cboPtProvider.ItemIEN; OKPressed := True; Close; end; procedure TfrmEncounter.cmdCancelClick(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; Close; end; procedure TfrmEncounter.ckbHistoricalClick(Sender: TObject); begin SetVisitCat; end; { procedure TfrmEncounter.cboPtProviderChange(Sender: TObject); var txt: string; AIEN: Int64; begin if(FFilter <> NPF_ENCOUNTER) then exit; AIEN := cboPtProvider.ItemIEN; if(AIEN <> 0) then begin txt := InvalidPCEProviderTxt(AIEN, FPCDate); if(txt <> '') then begin InfoBox(cboPtProvider.text + txt, TX_BAD_PROV, MB_OK); cboPtProvider.ItemIndex := -1; end; end; end; } procedure TfrmEncounter.AppShowHint(var HintStr: string; var CanShow: Boolean; var HintInfo: THintInfo); const HistHintDelay = 30000; // 30 seconds begin if (not Assigned(HintInfo.HintControl)) then exit; if(HintInfo.HintControl = ckbHistorical) then HintInfo.HideTimeout := HistHintDelay; if(assigned(FOldHintEvent)) then FOldHintEvent(HintStr, CanShow, HintInfo); end; procedure TfrmEncounter.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin //Application.OnShowHint := FOldHintEvent; v22.11f - RV end; procedure TfrmEncounter.SetVisitCat; begin if ckbHistorical.Checked then FVisitCategory := 'E' else FVisitCategory := GetVisitCat('A', FLocation, Patient.Inpatient); FStandAlone := (FVisitCategory = 'A'); end; procedure TfrmEncounter.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin Application.OnShowHint := FOldHintEvent; end; procedure TfrmEncounter.lstAdmitChange(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; with lstAdmit do begin FLocation := StrToIntDef(Piece(Items[ItemIndex], U, 2), 0); FLocationName := Piece(Items[ItemIndex], U, 3); FDateTime := MakeFMDateTime(ItemID); FVisitCategory := 'H'; FStandAlone := False; txtLocation.Text := FLocationName; // don't show admit date (could confuse user) end; end; procedure TfrmEncounter.lstClinicChange(Sender: TObject); // V|A;DateTime;LocIEN^DateTime^LocName^Status begin inherited; with lstClinic do begin FLocation := StrToIntDef(Piece(ItemID, ';', 3), 0); FLocationName := Piece(Items[ItemIndex], U, 3); FDateTime := MakeFMDateTime(Piece(ItemID,';', 2)); FVisitCategory := 'A'; FStandAlone := CharAt(ItemID, 1) = 'V'; with txtLocation do begin Text := FLocationName + ' '; if FDateTime <> 0 then Text := Text + FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy hh:nn', FDateTime); end; end; end; end.