1 | unit fFrame;
2 | { This is the main form for the CPRS GUI. It provides a patient-encounter-user framework
3 | which all the other forms of the GUI use. }
4 |
8 |
9 | {.$define debug}
10 |
11 | interface
12 |
13 | uses
14 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Tabs, ComCtrls,
15 | ExtCtrls, Menus, StdCtrls, Buttons, ORFn, fPage, uConst, ORCtrls, Trpcb,
16 | OleCtrls, VERGENCECONTEXTORLib_TLB, ComObj, AppEvnts;
17 |
18 | type
19 | TfrmFrame = class(TForm)
20 | pnlToolbar: TPanel;
21 | stsArea: TStatusBar;
22 | tabPage: TTabControl;
23 | pnlPage: TPanel;
24 | bvlPageTop: TBevel;
25 | bvlToolTop: TBevel;
26 | pnlPatient: TKeyClickPanel;
27 | lblPtName: TStaticText;
28 | lblPtSSN: TStaticText;
29 | lblPtAge: TStaticText;
30 | pnlVisit: TKeyClickPanel;
31 | lblPtLocation: TStaticText;
32 | lblPtProvider: TStaticText;
33 | mnuFrame: TMainMenu;
34 | mnuFile: TMenuItem;
35 | mnuFileExit: TMenuItem;
36 | mnuFileOpen: TMenuItem;
37 | mnuFileReview: TMenuItem;
38 | Z1: TMenuItem;
39 | mnuFilePrint: TMenuItem;
40 | mnuEdit: TMenuItem;
41 | mnuEditUndo: TMenuItem;
42 | Z3: TMenuItem;
43 | mnuEditCut: TMenuItem;
44 | mnuEditCopy: TMenuItem;
45 | mnuEditPaste: TMenuItem;
46 | Z4: TMenuItem;
47 | mnuEditPref: TMenuItem;
48 | Prefs1: TMenuItem;
49 | mnu24pt1: TMenuItem;
50 | mnu18pt1: TMenuItem;
51 | mnu14pt1: TMenuItem;
52 | mnu12pt1: TMenuItem;
53 | mnu10pt1: TMenuItem;
54 | mnu8pt: TMenuItem;
55 | mnuHelp: TMenuItem;
56 | mnuHelpContents: TMenuItem;
57 | mnuHelpTutor: TMenuItem;
58 | Z5: TMenuItem;
59 | mnuHelpAbout: TMenuItem;
60 | mnuTools: TMenuItem;
61 | mnuView: TMenuItem;
62 | mnuViewChart: TMenuItem;
63 | mnuChartReports: TMenuItem;
64 | mnuChartLabs: TMenuItem;
65 | mnuChartDCSumm: TMenuItem;
66 | mnuChartCslts: TMenuItem;
67 | mnuChartNotes: TMenuItem;
68 | mnuChartOrders: TMenuItem;
69 | mnuChartMeds: TMenuItem;
70 | mnuChartProbs: TMenuItem;
71 | mnuChartCover: TMenuItem;
72 | mnuHelpBroker: TMenuItem;
73 | mnuFileEncounter: TMenuItem;
74 | mnuViewDemo: TMenuItem;
75 | mnuViewPostings: TMenuItem;
76 | mnuHelpLists: TMenuItem;
77 | Z6: TMenuItem;
78 | mnuHelpSymbols: TMenuItem;
79 | mnuFileNext: TMenuItem;
80 | Z7: TMenuItem;
81 | mnuFileRefresh: TMenuItem;
82 | pnlPrimaryCare: TKeyClickPanel;
83 | lblPtCare: TStaticText;
84 | lblPtAttending: TStaticText;
85 | pnlCIRN: TKeyClickPanel;
86 | lblCIRN: TLabel;
87 | lblCIRNData: TLabel;
88 | pnlReminders: TKeyClickPanel;
89 | imgReminder: TImage;
90 | mnuViewReminders: TMenuItem;
91 | anmtRemSearch: TAnimate;
92 | lstCIRNLocations: TORListBox;
93 | popCIRN: TPopupMenu;
94 | popCIRNSelectAll: TMenuItem;
95 | popCIRNSelectNone: TMenuItem;
96 | popCIRNClose: TMenuItem;
97 | mnuFilePrintSetup: TMenuItem;
98 | LabInfo1: TMenuItem;
99 | mnuFileNotifRemove: TMenuItem;
100 | Z8: TMenuItem;
101 | mnuToolsOptions: TMenuItem;
102 | mnuChartSurgery: TMenuItem;
103 | OROpenDlg: TOpenDialog;
104 | mnuFileResumeContext: TMenuItem;
105 | mnuFileResumeContextSet: TMenuItem;
106 | Useexistingcontext1: TMenuItem;
107 | mnuFileBreakContext: TMenuItem;
108 | pnlCCOW: TPanel;
109 | imgCCOW: TImage;
110 | pnlPatientSelected: TPanel;
111 | pnlNoPatientSelected: TPanel;
112 | pnlFlag: TKeyClickPanel;
113 | lblFlag: TLabel;
114 | pnlPostings: TKeyClickPanel;
115 | lblPtPostings: TStaticText;
116 | lblPtCWAD: TStaticText;
117 | mnuFilePrintSelectedItems: TMenuItem;
118 | popAlerts: TPopupMenu;
119 | mnuAlertContinue: TMenuItem;
120 | mnuAlertForward: TMenuItem;
121 | mnuAlertRenew: TMenuItem;
122 | AppEvents: TApplicationEvents;
123 | paVAA: TKeyClickPanel;
124 | mnuToolsGraphing: TMenuItem;
125 | laVAA2: TButton;
126 | laMHV: TButton;
127 | lblCIRNAvail: TLabel;
128 | mnuViewInformation: TMenuItem;
129 | mnuViewVisits: TMenuItem;
130 | mnuViewPrimaryCare: TMenuItem;
131 | mnuViewMyHealtheVet: TMenuItem;
132 | mnuInsurance: TMenuItem;
133 | mnuViewFlags: TMenuItem;
134 | mnuViewRemoteData: TMenuItem;
135 | procedure tabPageChange(Sender: TObject);
136 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
137 | procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject);
138 | procedure pnlPatientMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
139 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
140 | procedure pnlPatientMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
141 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
142 | procedure pnlVisitMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
143 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
144 | procedure pnlVisitMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
145 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
146 | procedure mnuFileExitClick(Sender: TObject);
147 | procedure pnlPostingsMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
148 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
149 | procedure pnlPostingsMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
150 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
151 | procedure mnuFontSizeClick(Sender: TObject);
152 | procedure mnuChartTabClick(Sender: TObject);
153 | procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
154 | procedure mnuFileOpenClick(Sender: TObject);
155 | procedure mnuHelpBrokerClick(Sender: TObject);
156 | procedure mnuFileEncounterClick(Sender: TObject);
157 | procedure mnuViewPostingsClick(Sender: TObject);
158 | procedure mnuHelpAboutClick(Sender: TObject);
159 | procedure mnuFileReviewClick(Sender: TObject);
160 | procedure FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
161 | procedure mnuHelpListsClick(Sender: TObject);
162 | procedure ToolClick(Sender: TObject);
163 | procedure mnuEditClick(Sender: TObject);
164 | procedure mnuEditUndoClick(Sender: TObject);
165 | procedure mnuEditCutClick(Sender: TObject);
166 | procedure mnuEditCopyClick(Sender: TObject);
167 | procedure mnuEditPasteClick(Sender: TObject);
168 | procedure mnuHelpSymbolsClick(Sender: TObject);
169 | procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
170 | procedure mnuFilePrintClick(Sender: TObject);
171 | procedure mnuGECStatusClick(Sender: TObject);
172 | procedure mnuFileNextClick(Sender: TObject);
173 | procedure stsAreaMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
174 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
175 | procedure stsAreaMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
176 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
177 | procedure stsAreaDrawPanel(StatusBar: TStatusBar; Panel: TStatusPanel;
178 | const Rect: TRect);
179 | procedure pnlPrimaryCareMouseDown(Sender: TObject;
180 | Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
181 | procedure pnlPrimaryCareMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
182 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
183 | function FormHelp(Command: Word; Data: Integer;
184 | var CallHelp: Boolean): Boolean;
185 | procedure pnlRemindersMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
186 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
187 | procedure pnlRemindersMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
188 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
189 | procedure pnlCIRNClick(Sender: TObject);
190 | procedure lstCIRNLocationsClick(Sender: TObject);
191 | procedure popCIRNCloseClick(Sender: TObject);
192 | procedure popCIRNSelectAllClick(Sender: TObject);
193 | procedure popCIRNSelectNoneClick(Sender: TObject);
194 | procedure mnuFilePrintSetupClick(Sender: TObject);
195 | procedure lstCIRNLocationsChange(Sender: TObject);
196 | procedure LabInfo1Click(Sender: TObject);
197 | procedure mnuFileNotifRemoveClick(Sender: TObject);
198 | procedure mnuToolsOptionsClick(Sender: TObject);
199 | procedure mnuFileRefreshClick(Sender: TObject);
200 | procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
201 | Shift: TShiftState);
202 | procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
203 | procedure pnlPrimaryCareEnter(Sender: TObject);
204 | procedure pnlPrimaryCareExit(Sender: TObject);
205 | procedure pnlPatientClick(Sender: TObject);
206 | procedure pnlVisitClick(Sender: TObject);
207 | procedure pnlPrimaryCareClick(Sender: TObject);
208 | procedure pnlRemindersClick(Sender: TObject);
209 | procedure pnlPostingsClick(Sender: TObject);
210 | procedure ctxContextorCanceled(Sender: TObject);
211 | procedure ctxContextorCommitted(Sender: TObject);
212 | procedure ctxContextorPending(Sender: TObject;
213 | const aContextItemCollection: IDispatch);
214 | procedure mnuFileBreakContextClick(Sender: TObject);
215 | procedure mnuFileResumeContextGetClick(Sender: TObject);
216 | procedure mnuFileResumeContextSetClick(Sender: TObject);
217 | procedure pnlFlagMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
218 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
219 | procedure pnlFlagMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
220 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
221 | procedure pnlFlagClick(Sender: TObject);
222 | procedure mnuFilePrintSelectedItemsClick(Sender: TObject);
223 | procedure mnuAlertRenewClick(Sender: TObject);
224 | procedure mnuAlertForwardClick(Sender: TObject);
225 | procedure pnlFlagEnter(Sender: TObject);
226 | procedure pnlFlagExit(Sender: TObject);
227 | procedure tabPageMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
228 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
229 | procedure lstCIRNLocationsExit(Sender: TObject);
230 | procedure AppEventsActivate(Sender: TObject);
231 | procedure ScreenActiveFormChange(Sender: TObject);
232 | procedure AppEventsShortCut(var Msg: TWMKey; var Handled: Boolean);
233 | procedure mnuToolsClick(Sender: TObject);
234 | procedure mnuToolsGraphingClick(Sender: TObject);
235 | procedure pnlCIRNMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
236 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
237 | procedure pnlCIRNMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
238 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
239 | procedure laMHVClick(Sender: TObject);
240 | procedure laVAA2Click(Sender: TObject);
241 | procedure ViewInfo(Sender: TObject);
242 | procedure mnuViewInformationClick(Sender: TObject);
243 | private
244 | FJustEnteredApp : boolean;
245 | FCCOWInstalled: boolean;
246 | FCCOWContextChanging: boolean;
247 | FCCOWIconName: string;
248 | FCCOWDrivedChange: boolean;
249 | FCCOWBusy: boolean;
250 | FCCOWError: boolean;
251 | FNoPatientSelected: boolean;
252 | FRefreshing: boolean;
253 | FClosing: boolean;
254 | FContextChanging: Boolean;
255 | FChangeSource: Integer;
256 | FCreateProgress: Integer;
257 | FEditCtrl: TCustomEdit;
258 | FLastPage: TfrmPage;
259 | FNextButtonL: Integer;
260 | FNextButtonR: Integer;
261 | FNextButtonActive: Boolean;
262 | FNextButtonBitmap: TBitmap;
263 | FTerminate: Boolean;
264 | FTabChanged: TNotifyEvent;
265 | FOldActivate: TNotifyEvent;
266 | FOldActiveFormChange: TNotifyEvent;
267 | FECSAuthUser: Boolean;
268 | FFixedStatusWidth: integer;
269 | FPrevInPatient: Boolean;
270 | FFirstLoad: Boolean;
271 | FFlagList: TStringList;
272 | FPrevPtID: string;
273 | FVitalsDLLActive: boolean;
274 | FGraphFloatActive: boolean;
275 | FGraphContext: string;
276 | procedure RefreshFixedStatusWidth;
277 | procedure FocusApplicationTopForm;
278 | procedure AppActivated(Sender: TObject);
279 | procedure AppDeActivated(Sender: TObject);
280 | procedure AppException(Sender: TObject; E: Exception);
281 | function AllowContextChangeAll(var Reason: string): Boolean;
282 | procedure ClearPatient;
283 | procedure ChangeFont(NewFontSize: Integer);
284 | //procedure CreateTab(var AnInstance: TObject; AClass: TClass; ATabID: integer; ALabel: string);
285 | procedure CreateTab(ATabID: integer; ALabel: string);
286 | procedure DetermineNextTab;
287 | function ExpandCommand(x: string): string;
288 | procedure FitToolbar;
289 | procedure LoadSizesForUser;
290 | procedure SaveSizesForUser;
291 | procedure LoadUserPreferences;
292 | procedure SaveUserPreferences;
293 | procedure SwitchToPage(NewForm: TfrmPage);
294 | function TabToPageID(Tab: Integer): Integer;
295 | function TimeoutCondition: boolean;
296 | function GetTimedOut: boolean;
297 | procedure TimeOutAction;
298 | procedure SetUserTools;
299 | procedure SetDebugMenu;
300 | procedure SetupPatient(AFlaggedList : TStringList = nil);
301 | //procedure SetUpCIRN;
302 | procedure RemindersChanged(Sender: TObject);
303 | procedure ReportsOnlyDisplay;
304 | procedure UMInitiate(var Message: TMessage); message UM_INITIATE;
305 | procedure UMNewOrder(var Message: TMessage); message UM_NEWORDER;
306 | procedure UMStatusText(var Message: TMessage); message UM_STATUSTEXT;
307 | procedure UMShowPage(var Message: TMessage); message UM_SHOWPAGE;
308 | procedure WMSetFocus(var Message: TMessage); message WM_SETFOCUS;
309 | procedure WMSysCommand(var Message: TMessage); message WM_SYSCOMMAND;
310 | procedure UpdateECSParameter(var CmdParameter: string);
311 | function ValidECSUser: boolean;
312 | procedure StartCCOWContextor;
313 | function AllowCCOWContextChange(var CCOWResponse: UserResponse; NewDFN: string): boolean;
314 | procedure UpdateCCOWContext;
315 | procedure CheckHyperlinkResponse(aContextItemCollection: IDispatch; var HyperlinkReason: string);
316 | procedure CheckForDifferentPatient(aContextItemCollection: IDispatch; var PtChanged: boolean);
318 | procedure CheckForDifferentUser(aContextItemCollection: IDispatch; var UserChanged: boolean);
319 | {$ENDIF}
320 | procedure HideEverything;
321 | procedure ShowEverything;
322 | //function FindBestCCOWDFN(var APatientName: string): string;
323 | function FindBestCCOWDFN: string;
324 | procedure HandleCCOWError(AMessage: string);
325 | public
326 | EnduringPtSelSplitterPos: integer;
327 | procedure SetBADxList;
328 |
329 | function PageIDToTab(PageID: Integer): Integer;
330 | procedure ShowHideChartTabMenus(AMenuItem: TMenuItem);
331 | procedure UpdatePtInfoOnRefresh;
332 | function TabExists(ATabID: integer): boolean;
333 | procedure DisplayEncounterText;
334 | property ChangeSource: Integer read FChangeSource;
335 | property CCOWContextChanging: Boolean read FCCOWContextChanging;
336 | property CCOWDrivedChange: Boolean read FCCOWDrivedChange;
337 | property CCOWBusy: Boolean read FCCOWBusy write FCCOWBusy;
338 | property ContextChanging: Boolean read FContextChanging;
339 | property TimedOut: Boolean read GetTimedOut;
340 | property Closing: Boolean read FClosing;
341 | property OnTabChanged: TNotifyEvent read FTabChanged write FTabChanged;
342 | property VitalsDLLActive: boolean read FVitalsDLLActive write FVitalsDLLActive;
343 | property GraphFloatActive: boolean read FGraphFloatActive write FGraphFloatActive;
344 | property GraphContext: string read FGraphContext write FGraphContext;
345 | procedure ToggleMenuItemChecked(Sender: TObject);
346 | procedure SetUpCIRN;
347 | end;
348 |
349 | var
350 | frmFrame: TfrmFrame;
351 | uTabList: TStringList;
352 | uRemoteType : string;
353 | FlaggedPTList: TStringList;
354 | ctxContextor : TContextorControl;
355 | NextTab, LastTab: Integer;
356 | uToolsMaxed, uToolsWarned: boolean;
357 |
358 | const
359 | PASSCODE = '_gghwn7pghCrOJvOV61PtPvgdeEU2u5cRsGvpkVDjKT_H7SdKE_hqFYWsUIVT1H7JwT6Yz8oCtd2u2PALqWxibNXx3Yo8GPcTYsNaxW' + 'ZFo8OgT11D5TIvpu3cDQuZd3Yh_nV9jhkvb0ZBGdO9n-uNXPPEK7xfYWCI2Wp3Dsu9YDSd_EM34nvrgy64cqu9_jFJKJnGiXY96Lf1ecLiv4LT9qtmJ-BawYt7O9JZGAswi344BmmCbNxfgvgf0gfGZea';
360 |
361 | implementation
362 |
363 | {$R *.DFM}
364 | {$R sBitmaps}
365 | {$R sRemSrch}
366 |
367 | uses
368 | ORNet, rCore, fPtSelMsg, fPtSel, fCover, fProbs, fMeds, fOrders, rOrders, fNotes, fConsults, fDCSumm,
369 | rMisc, Clipbrd, fLabs, fReports, rReports, fPtDemo, fEncnt, fPtCWAD, uCore, fAbout, fReview, fxBroker,
370 | fxLists, fxServer, ORSystem, fRptBox, fSplash, rODAllergy, uInit, fLabTests, fLabInfo,
371 | uReminders, fReminderTree, ORClasses, fDeviceSelect, fDrawers, fReminderDialog, ShellAPI, rVitals,
372 | fOptions, fGraphs, rTemplates, fSurgery, rSurgery, uEventHooks, uSignItems, fDefaultEvent,rECS,
373 | fIconLegend, uOrders, fPtSelOptns, DateUtils, uSpell, uOrPtf, fPatientFlagMulti,
374 | fAlertForward, UBAGlobals, fBAOptionsDiagnoses, UBACore, fOrdersSign, uVitals, fOrdersRenew, uFormMonitor
376 | , CCOW_const
377 | {$ENDIF}
378 | ;
379 |
380 | var // RV 05/11/04
381 | IsRunExecuted: Boolean = FALSE; // RV 05/11/04
382 | GraphFloat: TfrmGraphs;
383 |
384 | const
385 | // moved to uConst - RV v16
386 | (* CT_NOPAGE = -1; // chart tab - none selected
387 | CT_UNKNOWN = 0; // chart tab - unknown (shouldn't happen)
388 | CT_COVER = 1; // chart tab - cover sheet
389 | CT_PROBLEMS = 2; // chart tab - problem list
390 | CT_MEDS = 3; // chart tab - medications screen
391 | CT_ORDERS = 4; // chart tab - doctor's orders
392 | CT_HP = 5; // chart tab - history & physical
393 | CT_NOTES = 6; // chart tab - progress notes
394 | CT_CONSULTS = 7; // chart tab - consults
395 | CT_DCSUMM = 8; // chart tab - discharge summaries
396 | CT_LABS = 9; // chart tab - laboratory results
397 | CT_REPORTS = 10; // chart tab - reports
398 | CT_SURGERY = 11; // chart tab - surgery*)
399 |
400 | FCP_UPDATE = 10; // form create about to check auto-update
401 | FCP_SETHOOK = 20; // form create about to set timeout hooks
402 | FCP_SERVER = 30; // form create about to connect to server
403 | FCP_CHKVER = 40; // form create about to check version
404 | FCP_OBJECTS = 50; // form create about to create core objects
405 | FCP_FORMS = 60; // form create about to create child forms
406 | FCP_PTSEL = 70; // form create about to select patient
407 | FCP_FINISH = 99; // form create finished successfully
408 |
409 | TX_IN_USE = 'VistA CPRS in use by: ';
412 | TX_PTINQ = 'Retrieving demographic information...';
413 | TX_NOTIF_STOP = 'Stop processing notifications?';
414 | TC_NOTIF_STOP = 'Currently Processing Notifications';
415 | TX_UNK_NOTIF = 'Unable to process the follow up action for this notification';
416 | TC_UNK_NOTIF = 'Follow Up Action Not Implemented';
417 | TX_NO_SURG_NOTIF = 'This notification must be processed using the Surgery tab, ' + CRLF +
418 | 'which is not currently available to you.';
419 | TC_NO_SURG_NOTIF = 'Surgery Tab Not Available';
420 | TX_VER1 = 'This is version ';
421 | TX_VER2 = ' of CPRSChart.exe.';
422 | TX_VER3 = CRLF + 'The running server version is ';
423 | TX_VER_REQ = ' version server is required.';
424 | TX_VER_OLD = CRLF + 'It is strongly recommended that you upgrade.';
425 | TX_VER_OLD2 = CRLF + 'The program cannot be run until the client is upgraded.';
426 | TX_VER_NEW = CRLF + 'The program cannot be run until the server is upgraded.';
427 | TC_VER = 'Server/Client Incompatibility';
428 | TC_CLIERR = 'Client Specifications Mismatch';
429 |
431 |
432 | TC_DGSR_ERR = 'Remote Data Error';
433 | TC_DGSR_SHOW = 'Restricted Remote Record';
434 | TC_DGSR_DENY = 'Remote Access Denied';
435 | TX_DGSR_YESNO = CRLF + 'Do you want to continue accessing this remote patient record?';
436 |
437 | TX_CCOW_LINKED = 'Clinical Link On';
438 | TX_CCOW_CHANGING = 'Clinical link changing';
439 | TX_CCOW_BROKEN = 'Clinical link broken';
440 | TX_CCOW_ERROR = 'CPRS was unable to communicate with the CCOW Context Vault' + CRLF +
441 | 'CCOW patient synchronization will be unavailable for the remainder of this session.';
442 | TC_CCOW_ERROR = 'CCOW Error';
443 |
444 | function TfrmFrame.TimeoutCondition: boolean;
445 | begin
446 | Result := (FCreateProgress < FCP_PTSEL);
447 | end;
448 |
449 | function TfrmFrame.GetTimedOut: boolean;
450 | begin
451 | Result := uInit.TimedOut;
452 | end;
453 |
454 | procedure TfrmFrame.TimeOutAction;
455 | begin
456 | if frmFrame.VitalsDLLActive then
457 | CloseVitalsDLL()
458 | else
459 | Close;
460 | end;
461 |
462 | { General Functions and Procedures }
463 |
464 | procedure TfrmFrame.AppException(Sender: TObject; E: Exception);
465 | var
466 | AnAddr: Pointer;
467 | ErrMsg: string;
468 | begin
469 | Application.NormalizeTopMosts;
470 | if (E is EIntError) then
471 | begin
472 | ErrMsg := E.Message + CRLF +
473 | 'CreateProgress: ' + IntToStr(FCreateProgress) + CRLF +
474 | 'RPC Info: ' + RPCLastCall;
475 | if EExternal(E).ExceptionRecord <> nil then
476 | begin
477 | AnAddr := EExternal(E).ExceptionRecord^.ExceptionAddress;
478 | ErrMsg := ErrMsg + CRLF + 'Address was ' + IntToStr(Integer(AnAddr));
479 | end;
480 | ShowMessage(ErrMsg);
481 | end
482 | else if (E is EBrokerError) then
483 | begin
484 | Application.ShowException(E);
485 | FCreateProgress := FCP_FORMS;
486 | Close;
487 | end
488 | else if (E is EOleException) then
489 | begin
490 | Application.ShowException(E);
491 | FCreateProgress := FCP_FORMS;
492 | Close;
493 | end
494 | else Application.ShowException(E);
495 | Application.RestoreTopMosts;
496 | end;
497 |
498 | function TfrmFrame.AllowContextChangeAll(var Reason: string): Boolean;
499 | var
500 | Silent: Boolean;
501 | begin
502 | if pnlNoPatientSelected.Visible then
503 | begin
504 | Result := True;
505 | exit;
506 | end;
507 | FContextChanging := True;
508 | Result := True;
509 | if COMObjectActive or SpellCheckInProgress or VitalsDLLActive then
510 | begin
511 | Reason := 'COM_OBJECT_ACTIVE';
512 | Result:= False;
513 | end;
514 | if Result then Result := frmCover.AllowContextChange(Reason);
515 | if Result then Result := frmProblems.AllowContextChange(Reason);
516 | if Result then Result := frmMeds.AllowContextChange(Reason);
517 | if Result then Result := frmOrders.AllowContextChange(Reason);
518 | if Result then Result := frmNotes.AllowContextChange(Reason);
519 | if Result then Result := frmConsults.AllowContextChange(Reason);
520 | if Result then Result := frmDCSumm.AllowContextChange(Reason);
521 | if Result then
522 | if Assigned(frmSurgery) then Result := frmSurgery.AllowContextChange(Reason);;
523 | if Result then Result := frmLabs.AllowContextChange(Reason);;
524 | if Result then Result := frmReports.AllowContextChange(Reason);
525 | if (not User.IsReportsOnly) then
526 | if Result and Changes.RequireReview then //Result := ReviewChanges(TimedOut);
527 | case BOOLCHAR[FCCOWContextChanging] of
528 | '1': begin
529 | if Changes.RequireReview then
530 | begin
531 | Reason := 'Items will be left unsigned.';
532 | Result := False;
533 | end
534 | else
535 | Result := True;
536 | end;
537 | '0': begin
538 | Silent := (TimedOut) or (Reason = 'COMMIT');
539 | Result := ReviewChanges(Silent);
540 | end;
541 | end;
542 | FContextChanging := False;
543 | end;
544 |
545 | procedure TfrmFrame.ClearPatient;
546 | { call all pages to make sure patient related information is cleared (when switching patients) }
547 | begin
548 | if frmFrame.Timedout then Exit; // added to correct Access Violation when "Refresh Patient Information" selected
549 | lblPtName.Caption := '';
550 | lblPtSSN.Caption := '';
551 | lblPtAge.Caption := '';
552 | pnlPatient.Caption := '';
553 | lblPtCWAD.Caption := '';
554 | lblPtLocation.Caption := 'Visit Not Selected';
555 | lblPtProvider.Caption := 'Current Provider Not Selected';
556 | pnlVisit.Caption := lblPtLocation.Caption + CRLF + lblPtProvider.Caption;
557 | lblPtCare.Caption := 'Primary Care Team Unassigned';
558 | lblPtAttending.Caption := '';
559 | pnlPrimaryCare.Caption := lblPtCare.Caption + ' ' + lblPtAttending.Caption;
560 | frmCover.ClearPtData;
561 | frmProblems.ClearPtData;
562 | frmMeds.ClearPtData;
563 | frmOrders.ClearPtData;
564 | frmNotes.ClearPtData;
565 | frmConsults.ClearPtData;
566 | frmDCSumm.ClearPtData;
567 | if Assigned(frmSurgery) then frmSurgery.ClearPtData;
568 | frmLabs.ClearPtData;
569 | frmReports.ClearPtData;
570 | tabPage.TabIndex := PageIDToTab(CT_NOPAGE); // to make sure DisplayPage gets called
571 | tabPageChange(tabPage);
572 | ClearReminderData;
573 | SigItems.Clear;
574 | lstCIRNLocations.Clear;
575 | uRemoteType := '';
576 | ClearFlag;
577 | if Assigned(FlagList) then FlagList.Clear;
578 | HasFlag := False;
579 | HidePatientSelectMessages;
580 | if (GraphFloat <> nil) and GraphFloatActive then
581 | with GraphFloat do
582 | begin
583 | Initialize;
584 | DisplayData('top');
585 | DisplayData('bottom');
586 | lstCheck.Items.Clear;
587 | Caption := 'CPRS Graphing - Patient: ' + MixedCase(Patient.Name);
588 | end;
589 | end;
590 |
591 | procedure TfrmFrame.DisplayEncounterText;
592 | { updates the display in the header bar of encounter related information (location & provider) }
593 | begin
594 | with Encounter do
595 | begin
596 | if Length(LocationText) > 0
597 | then lblPtLocation.Caption := LocationText
598 | else lblPtLocation.Caption := 'Visit Not Selected';
599 | if Length(ProviderName) > 0
600 | then lblPtProvider.Caption := 'Provider: ' + ProviderName
601 | else lblPtProvider.Caption := 'Current Provider Not Selected';
602 | end;
603 | pnlVisit.Caption := lblPtLocation.Caption + CRLF + lblPtProvider.Caption;
604 | FitToolBar;
605 | end;
606 |
607 | { Form Events (Create, Destroy) ----------------------------------------------------------- }
608 |
609 | procedure TfrmFrame.RefreshFixedStatusWidth;
610 | begin
611 | with stsArea do
612 | FFixedStatusWidth := Panels[0].Width + Panels[2].Width + Panels[3].Width + Panels[4].Width;
613 | end;
614 |
615 | procedure TfrmFrame.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
616 | { connect to server, create tab pages, select a patient, & initialize core objects }
617 | var
618 | ClientVer, ServerVer, ServerReq: string;
619 | begin
620 | FJustEnteredApp := false;
621 | SizeHolder := TSizeHolder.Create;
622 | FOldActiveFormChange := Screen.OnActiveFormChange;
623 | Screen.OnActiveFormChange := ScreenActiveFormChange;
624 | if not (ParamSearch('CCOW')='DISABLE') then
625 | try
626 | StartCCOWContextor;
627 | except
628 | IsRunExecuted := False;
629 | FCCOWInstalled := False;
630 | pnlCCOW.Visible := False;
631 | mnuFileResumeContext.Visible := False;
632 | mnuFileBreakContext.Visible := False;
633 | end
634 | else
635 | begin
636 | IsRunExecuted := False;
637 | FCCOWInstalled := False;
638 | pnlCCOW.Visible := False;
639 | mnuFileResumeContext.Visible := False;
640 | mnuFileBreakContext.Visible := False;
641 | end;
642 | RefreshFixedStatusWidth;
643 | FTerminate := False;
644 | AutoUpdateCheck;
645 |
646 | FFlagList := TStringList.Create;
647 |
648 | // setup initial timeout here so can timeout logon
649 | FCreateProgress := FCP_SETHOOK;
650 | InitTimeOut(TimeoutCondition, TimeOutAction);
651 |
652 | // connect to the server and create an option context
653 | FCreateProgress := FCP_SERVER;
654 |
656 | EnsureBroker;
657 | if ctxContextor <> nil then
658 | begin
659 | if ParamSearch('CCOW') = 'PATIENTONLY' then
660 | RPCBrokerV.Contextor := nil
661 | else
662 | RPCBrokerV.Contextor := ctxContextor;
663 | end
664 | else
665 | RPCBrokerV.Contextor := nil;
666 | {$ENDIF}
667 |
668 | if not ConnectToServer(TX_OPTION) then
669 | begin
670 | if Assigned(RPCBrokerV) then
671 | InfoBox(RPCBrokerV.RPCBError, 'Error', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR);
672 | Close;
673 | Exit;
674 | end;
675 |
676 | if ctxContextor <> nil then
677 | begin
678 | if not (ParamSearch('CCOW') = 'PATIENTONLY') then
679 | ctxContextor.NotificationFilter := ctxContextor.NotificationFilter + ';User';
680 | end;
681 |
682 | FECSAuthUser := ValidECSUser;
683 | uECSReport := TECSReport.Create;
684 | uECSReport.ECSPermit := FECSAuthUser;
685 | RPCBrokerV.CreateContext(TX_OPTION);
686 | Application.OnException := AppException;
687 | FOldActivate := Application.OnActivate;
688 | Application.OnActivate := AppActivated;
689 | Application.OnDeActivate := AppDeActivated;
690 |
691 | // create initial core objects
692 | FCreateProgress := FCP_OBJECTS;
693 | User := TUser.Create;
694 |
695 | // make sure we're using the matching server version
696 | FCreateProgress := FCP_CHKVER;
697 | ClientVer := ClientVersion(Application.ExeName);
698 | ServerVer := ServerVersion(TX_OPTION, ClientVer);
699 | if (ServerVer = '') then
700 | begin
701 | InfoBox('Unable to determine current version of server.', TX_OPTION, MB_OK);
702 | Close;
703 | Exit;
704 | end;
705 | ServerReq := Piece(FileVersionValue(Application.ExeName, FILE_VER_INTERNALNAME), ' ', 1);
706 | if (ClientVer <> ServerReq) then
707 | begin
708 | InfoBox('Client "version" does not match client "required" server.', TC_CLIERR, MB_OK);
709 | Close;
710 | Exit;
711 | end;
712 | if (CompareVersion(ServerVer, ServerReq) <> 0) then
713 | begin
714 | if (sCallV('ORWU DEFAULT DIVISION', [nil]) = '1') then
715 | begin
716 | if (InfoBox('Proceed with mismatched Client and Server versions?', TC_CLIERR, MB_YESNO) = ID_NO) then
717 | begin
718 | Close;
719 | Exit;
720 | end;
721 | end
722 | else
723 | begin
724 | if (CompareVersion(ServerVer, ServerReq) > 0) then // Server newer than Required
725 | begin
727 | // if GetUserParam('ORWOR REQUIRE CURRENT CLIENT') = '1' then
728 | if (true) then // "True" statement guarantees "required" current version client.
729 | begin
730 | InfoBox(TX_VER1 + ClientVer + TX_VER2 + CRLF + ServerReq + TX_VER_REQ + TX_VER3 + ServerVer + '.' + TX_VER_OLD2, TC_VER, MB_OK);
731 | Close;
732 | Exit;
733 | end;
734 | end
735 | else InfoBox(TX_VER1 + ClientVer + TX_VER2 + CRLF + ServerReq + TX_VER_REQ + TX_VER3 + ServerVer + '.' + TX_VER_OLD, TC_VER, MB_OK);
736 | end;
737 | if (CompareVersion(ServerVer, ServerReq) < 0) then // Server older then Required
738 | begin
739 | InfoBox(TX_VER1 + ClientVer + TX_VER2 + CRLF + ServerReq + TX_VER_REQ + TX_VER3 + ServerVer + '.' + TX_VER_NEW, TC_VER, MB_OK);
740 | Close;
741 | Exit;
742 | end;
743 | end;
744 |
745 | // Add future tabs here as they are created/implemented:
746 | if (
747 | (not User.HasCorTabs) and
748 | (not User.HasRptTab)
749 | )
750 | then
751 | begin
752 | InfoBox('No valid tabs assigned', 'Tab Access Problem', MB_OK);
753 | Close;
754 | Exit;
755 | end;
756 |
757 | // create creating core objects
758 | Patient := TPatient.Create;
759 | Encounter := TEncounter.Create;
760 | Changes := TChanges.Create;
761 | Notifications := TNotifications.Create;
762 | RemoteSites := TRemoteSiteList.Create;
763 | RemoteReports := TRemoteReportList.Create;
764 | uTabList := TStringList.Create;
765 | FlaggedPTList := TStringList.Create;
766 | HasFlag := False;
767 | FlagList := TStringList.Create;
768 | // set up structures specific to the user
769 | Caption := TX_IN_USE + MixedCase(User.Name) + ' (' + RPCBrokerV.Server + ')';
770 | SetDebugMenu;
771 | if InteractiveRemindersActive then
772 | NotifyWhenRemindersChange(RemindersChanged);
773 | // load all the tab pages
774 | FCreateProgress := FCP_FORMS;
775 | //CreateTab(TObject(frmProblems), TfrmProblems, CT_PROBLEMS, 'Problems');
776 | CreateTab(CT_PROBLEMS, 'Problems');
777 | CreateTab(CT_MEDS, 'Meds');
778 | CreateTab(CT_ORDERS, 'Orders');
779 | CreateTab(CT_NOTES, 'Notes');
780 | CreateTab(CT_CONSULTS, 'Consults');
781 | if ShowSurgeryTab then CreateTab(CT_SURGERY, 'Surgery');
782 | CreateTab(CT_DCSUMM, 'D/C Summ');
783 | CreateTab(CT_LABS, 'Labs');
784 | CreateTab(CT_REPORTS, 'Reports');
785 | CreateTab(CT_COVER, 'Cover Sheet');
786 | ShowHideChartTabMenus(mnuViewChart);
787 | // We defer calling LoadUserPreferences to UMInitiate, so that the font sizing
788 | // routines recognize this as the application's main form (this hasn't been
789 | // set yet).
790 | FNextButtonBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
791 | FNextButtonBitmap.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, 'BMP_HANDRIGHT');
792 | // set the timeout to DTIME now that there is a connection
793 | UpdateTimeOutInterval(User.DTIME * 1000); // DTIME * 1000 mSec
794 | // get a patient
795 | HandleNeeded; // make sure handle is there for ORWPT SHARE call
796 | FCreateProgress := FCP_PTSEL;
797 | Enabled := False;
798 | FFirstLoad := True; // First time to initialize the fFrame
799 | FCreateProgress := FCP_FINISH;
800 | pnlReminders.Visible := InteractiveRemindersActive;
801 | GraphFloatActive := false;
802 | GraphContext := '';
803 | uRemoteType := '';
804 | FPrevPtID := '';
805 | SetUserTools;
806 | EnduringPtSelSplitterPos := 0;
807 | if User.IsReportsOnly then // Reports Only tab.
808 | ReportsOnlyDisplay; // Calls procedure to hide all components/menus not needed.
809 | InitialOrderVariables;
810 | PostMessage(Handle, UM_INITIATE, 0, 0); // select patient after main form is created
811 | // mnuFileOpenClick(Self);
812 | // if Patient.DFN = '' then //*DFN*
813 | // begin
814 | // Close;
815 | // Exit;
816 | // end;
817 | // if WindowState = wsMinimized then WindowState := wsNormal;
818 | SetFormMonitoring(true);
819 | end;
820 |
821 | procedure TfrmFrame.StartCCOWContextor;
822 | begin
823 | try
824 | ctxContextor := TContextorControl.Create(Self);
825 | with ctxContextor do
826 | begin
827 | OnPending := ctxContextorPending;
828 | OnCommitted := ctxContextorCommitted;
829 | OnCanceled := ctxContextorCanceled;
830 | end;
831 | FCCOWBusy := False;
832 | FCCOWInstalled := True;
833 | FCCOWDrivedChange := False;
834 | ctxContextor.Run('CPRSChart', '', TRUE, 'Patient');
835 | IsRunExecuted := True;
836 | except
837 | on exc : EOleException do
838 | begin
839 | IsRunExecuted := False;
840 | FreeAndNil(ctxContextor);
841 | try
842 | ctxContextor := TContextorControl.Create(Self);
843 | with ctxContextor do
844 | begin
845 | OnPending := ctxContextorPending;
846 | OnCommitted := ctxContextorCommitted;
847 | OnCanceled := ctxContextorCanceled;
848 | end;
849 | FCCOWBusy := False;
850 | FCCOWInstalled := True;
851 | FCCOWDrivedChange := False;
852 | ctxContextor.Run('CPRSChart' + '#', '', TRUE, 'Patient');
853 | IsRunExecuted := True;
854 | if ParamSearch('CCOW') = 'FORCE' then
855 | begin
856 | mnuFileResumeContext.Enabled := False;
857 | mnuFileBreakContext.Visible := True;
858 | mnuFileBreakContext.Enabled := True;
859 | end
860 | else
861 | begin
862 | ctxContextor.Suspend;
863 | mnuFileResumeContext.Visible := True;
864 | mnuFileBreakContext.Visible := True;
865 | mnuFileBreakContext.Enabled := False;
866 | end;
867 | except
868 | IsRunExecuted := False;
869 | FCCOWInstalled := False;
870 | FreeAndNil(ctxContextor);
871 | pnlCCOW.Visible := False;
872 | mnuFileResumeContext.Visible := False;
873 | mnuFileBreakContext.Visible := False;
874 | end;
875 | end;
876 | end
877 | end;
878 |
879 | procedure TfrmFrame.UMInitiate(var Message: TMessage);
880 | begin
881 | NotifyOtherApps(NAE_OPEN, IntToStr(User.DUZ));
882 | LoadUserPreferences;
883 | GetBAStatus(User.DUZ,Patient.DFN);
884 | mnuFileOpenClick(Self);
885 | Enabled := True;
886 | // If TimedOut, Close has already been called.
887 | if not TimedOut and (Patient.DFN = '') then Close;
888 | end;
889 |
890 | procedure TfrmFrame.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
891 | { free core objects used by CPRS }
892 | begin
893 | Application.OnActivate := FOldActivate;
894 | Screen.OnActiveFormChange := FOldActiveFormChange;
895 | FNextButtonBitmap.Free;
896 | uTabList.Free;
897 | FlaggedPTList.Free;
898 | RemoteSites.Free;
899 | RemoteReports.Free;
900 | Notifications.Free;
901 | Changes.Free;
902 | Encounter.Free;
903 | Patient.Free;
904 | User.Free;
905 | SizeHolder.Free;
906 | ctxContextor.Free;
907 | end;
908 |
909 | procedure TfrmFrame.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
910 | { cancels close if the user cancels the ReviewChanges screen }
911 | var
912 | Reason: string;
913 | begin
914 | if (FCreateProgress < FCP_FINISH) then Exit;
915 | if User.IsReportsOnly then // Reports Only tab.
916 | exit;
917 | if TimedOut then
918 | begin
919 | if Changes.RequireReview then ReviewChanges(TimedOut);
920 | Exit;
921 | end;
922 | if not AllowContextChangeAll(Reason) then CanClose := False;
923 | end;
924 |
925 | procedure TfrmFrame.SetUserTools;
926 | var
927 | ToolItems: TToolItemList;
928 | i: Integer;
929 | UserTool: TMenuItem;
930 | MaxedOut: boolean;
931 | // OptionsClick: TNotifyEvent;
932 | begin
933 | if User.IsReportsOnly then // Reports Only tab.
934 | begin
935 | mnuTools.Clear; // Remove all current items.
936 | UserTool := TMenuItem.Create(Self);
937 | UserTool.Caption := 'Options...';
938 | UserTool.Hint := 'Options';
939 | UserTool.OnClick := mnuToolsOptionsClick;
940 | mnuTools.Add(UserTool); // Add back the "Options" menu.
941 | exit;
942 | end;
943 | if User.GECStatus then
944 | begin
945 | UserTool := TMenuItem.Create(self);
946 | UserTool.Caption := 'GEC Referral Status Display';
947 | UserTool.Hint := 'GEC Referral Status Display';
948 | UserTool.OnClick := mnuGECStatusClick;
949 | mnuTools.Add(UserTool); // Add back the "Options" menu.
950 | //exit;
951 | end;
952 | GetToolMenu(ToolItems, MaxedOut); // For all other users, proceed normally with creation of Tools menu:
953 | for i := Low(ToolItems) to High(ToolItems) do
954 | begin
955 | if (AnsiCompareText(ToolItems[i].Caption, 'Event Capture Interface') = 0 ) and
956 | (not uECSReport.ECSPermit) then
957 | begin
958 | ToolItems[i].Caption := '';
959 | ToolItems[i].Action := '';
960 | Break;
961 | end;
962 | end;
963 | if MaxedOut then
964 | begin
965 | uToolsMaxed := True;
966 | uToolsWarned := False;
967 | end;
968 | for i := 0 to MAX_TOOLITEMS do with ToolItems[i] do if Length(Caption) > 0 then
969 | begin
970 | UserTool := TMenuItem.Create(Self);
971 | UserTool.Caption := Caption;
972 | UserTool.Hint := Action;
973 | UserTool.OnClick := ToolClick;
974 | mnuTools.Insert(i, UserTool);
975 | end;
976 | end;
977 |
978 | procedure TfrmFrame.mnuToolsClick(Sender: TObject);
979 | const
980 | TX_TOO_MANY_TOOLS = 'Some defined items may not be shown';
981 | TC_TOO_MANY_TOOLS = 'Tool Menu Limit Exceeded';
982 | begin
983 | if uToolsMaxed and (not uToolsWarned) then
984 | begin
986 | uToolsWarned := True;
987 | end;
988 | end;
989 |
990 | procedure TfrmFrame.UpdateECSParameter(var CmdParameter: string); //ECS
991 | var
992 | vstID,AccVer,Svr,SvrPort,VUser: string;
993 | begin
994 | AccVer := '';
995 | Svr := '';
996 | SvrPort := '';
997 | VUser := '';
998 | if RPCBrokerV <> nil then
999 | begin
1000 | AccVer := RPCBrokerV.AccessVerifyCodes;
1001 | Svr := RPCBrokerV.Server;
1002 | SvrPort := IntToStr(RPCBrokerV.ListenerPort);
1003 | VUser := RPCBrokerV.User.DUZ;
1004 | end;
1005 | vstID := GetVisitID;
1006 | CmdParameter :=' Svr=' +Svr
1007 | +' SvrPort='+SvrPort
1008 | +' VUser='+ VUser
1009 | +' PtIEN='+ Patient.DFN
1010 | +' PdIEN='+IntToStr(Encounter.Provider)
1011 | +' vstIEN='+vstID
1012 | +' locIEN='+IntToStr(Encounter.Location)
1013 | +' Date=0'
1014 | +' Division='+GetDivisionID;
1015 |
1016 | end;
1017 |
1018 | function TfrmFrame.ValidECSUser: boolean; //ECS
1019 | var
1020 | isTrue: boolean;
1021 | begin
1022 | Result := True;
1023 | with RPCBrokerV do
1024 | begin
1025 | ShowErrorMsgs := semQuiet;
1026 | Connected := True;
1027 | try
1028 | isTrue := CreateContext(TX_ECSOPT);
1029 | if not isTrue then
1030 | Result := False;
1031 | ShowErrorMsgs := semRaise;
1032 | except
1033 | on E: Exception do
1034 | begin
1035 | ShowErrorMsgs := semRaise;
1036 | Result := False;
1037 | end;
1038 | end;
1039 | end;
1040 | end;
1041 |
1042 | procedure TfrmFrame.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
1043 | //var
1044 | // i: Integer;
1045 | // UserTool: TMenuItem;
1046 | begin
1047 | FClosing := TRUE;
1048 | SetFormMonitoring(false);
1049 | if FCreateProgress < FCP_FINISH then FTerminate := True;
1050 |
1051 | FlushNotifierBuffer;
1052 | if FCreateProgress = FCP_FINISH then NotifyOtherApps(NAE_CLOSE, '');
1053 | TerminateOtherAppNotification;
1054 |
1055 | if GraphFloat <> nil then
1056 | begin
1057 | if frmFrame.GraphFloatActive then
1058 | GraphFloat.Close;
1059 | GraphFloat.Release;
1060 | end;
1061 |
1062 | // unhook the timeout hooks
1063 | ShutDownTimeOut;
1064 | // clearing changes will unlock notes
1065 | if FCreateProgress = FCP_FINISH then Changes.Clear;
1066 | // clear server side flag global tmp
1067 | if FCreateProgress = FCP_FINISH then ClearFlag;
1068 | // save user preferences
1069 | if FCreateProgress = FCP_FINISH then SaveUserPreferences;
1070 | // call close for each page in case there is any special processing
1071 | if FCreateProgress > FCP_FORMS then
1072 | begin
1073 | mnuFrame.Merge(nil);
1074 | frmCover.Close; //frmCover.Release;
1075 | frmProblems.Close; //frmProblems.Release;
1076 | frmMeds.Close; //frmMeds.Release;
1077 | frmOrders.Close; //frmOrders.Release;
1078 | frmNotes.Close; //frmNotes.Release;
1079 | frmConsults.Close; //frmConsults.Release;
1080 | frmDCSumm.Close; //frmDCSumm.Release;
1081 | if Assigned(frmSurgery) then frmSurgery.Close; //frmSurgery.Release;
1082 | frmLabs.Close; //frmLabs.Release;
1083 | frmReports.Close; //frmReports.Release;
1084 | end;
1085 | // with mnuTools do for i := Count - 1 downto 0 do
1086 | // begin
1087 | // UserTool := Items[i];
1088 | // if UserTool <> nil then
1089 | // begin
1090 | // Delete(i);
1091 | // UserTool.Free;
1092 | // end;
1093 | // end;
1094 | //Application.ProcessMessages; // so everything finishes closing
1095 | // if < FCP_FINISH we came here from inside FormCreate, so need to call terminate
1096 | //if GraphFloat <> nil then GraphFloat.Release;
1097 | if FCreateProgress < FCP_FINISH then Application.Terminate;
1098 | end;
1099 |
1100 | procedure TfrmFrame.SetDebugMenu;
1101 | var
1102 | IsProgrammer: Boolean;
1103 | begin
1104 | IsProgrammer := User.HasKey('XUPROGMODE');
1105 | mnuHelpBroker.Visible := IsProgrammer;
1106 | mnuHelpLists.Visible := IsProgrammer;
1107 | mnuHelpSymbols.Visible := IsProgrammer;
1108 | Z6.Visible := IsProgrammer;
1109 | end;
1110 |
1111 | { Updates posted to MainForm --------------------------------------------------------------- }
1112 |
1113 | procedure TfrmFrame.UMNewOrder(var Message: TMessage);
1114 | { post a notice of change in orders to all TPages, wParam=OrderAction, lParam=TOrder }
1115 | var
1116 | OrderAct: string;
1117 | begin
1118 | with Message do
1119 | begin
1120 | frmCover.NotifyOrder(WParam, TOrder(LParam));
1121 | frmProblems.NotifyOrder(WParam, TOrder(LParam));
1122 | frmMeds.NotifyOrder(WParam, TOrder(LParam));
1123 | frmOrders.NotifyOrder(WParam, TOrder(LParam));
1124 | frmNotes.NotifyOrder(WParam, TOrder(LParam));
1125 | frmConsults.NotifyOrder(WParam, TOrder(LParam));
1126 | frmDCSumm.NotifyOrder(WParam, TOrder(LParam));
1127 | if Assigned(frmSurgery) then frmSurgery.NotifyOrder(WParam, TOrder(LParam));
1128 | frmLabs.NotifyOrder(WParam, TOrder(LParam));
1129 | frmReports.NotifyOrder(WParam, TOrder(LParam));
1130 | lblPtCWAD.Caption := GetCWADInfo(Patient.DFN);
1131 | if Length(lblPtCWAD.Caption) > 0
1132 | then lblPtPostings.Caption := 'Postings'
1133 | else lblPtPostings.Caption := 'No Postings';
1134 | pnlPostings.Caption := lblPtPostings.Caption + ' ' + lblPtCWAD.Caption;
1135 | OrderAct := '';
1136 | case WParam of
1137 | ORDER_NEW: OrderAct := 'NW';
1138 | ORDER_DC: OrderAct := 'DC';
1139 | ORDER_RENEW: OrderAct := 'RN';
1140 | ORDER_HOLD: OrderAct := 'HD';
1141 | ORDER_EDIT: OrderAct := 'XX';
1142 | ORDER_ACT: OrderAct := 'AC';
1143 | end;
1144 | if Length(OrderAct) > 0 then NotifyOtherApps(NAE_ORDER, OrderAct + U + TOrder(LParam).ID); // add FillerID
1145 | end;
1146 | end;
1147 |
1148 | { Tab Selection (navigate between pages) --------------------------------------------------- }
1149 |
1150 | procedure TfrmFrame.WMSetFocus(var Message: TMessage);
1151 | begin
1152 | if (FLastPage <> nil) and (not TimedOut) and
1153 | (not (csDestroying in FLastPage.ComponentState)) and FLastPage.Visible
1154 | then FLastPage.FocusFirstControl;
1155 | end;
1156 |
1157 | procedure TfrmFrame.UMShowPage(var Message: TMessage);
1158 | { shows a page when the UM_SHOWPAGE message is received }
1159 | begin
1160 | if FCCOWDrivedChange then FCCOWDrivedChange := False;
1161 | if FLastPage <> nil then FLastPage.DisplayPage;
1162 | FChangeSource := CC_CLICK; // reset to click so we're only dealing with exceptions to click
1163 | if assigned(FTabChanged) then
1164 | FTabChanged(Self);
1165 | end;
1166 |
1167 | procedure TfrmFrame.SwitchToPage(NewForm: TfrmPage);
1168 | { unmerge/merge menus, bring page to top of z-order, call form-specific OnDisplay code }
1169 | begin
1170 | if FLastPage = NewForm then
1171 | begin
1172 | if Notifications.Active then PostMessage(Handle, UM_SHOWPAGE, 0, 0);
1173 | Exit;
1174 | end;
1175 | if (FLastPage <> nil) then
1176 | begin
1177 | mnuFrame.Unmerge(FLastPage.Menu);
1178 | FLastPage.Hide;
1179 | end;
1180 | if Assigned(NewForm) then
1181 | begin
1182 | {if ((FLastPage = frmOrders) and (NewForm.Name <> frmMeds.Name))
1183 | or ((FLastPage = frmMeds) and (NewForm.Name <> frmOrders.Name)) then
1184 | begin
1185 | if not CloseOrdering then
1186 | Exit;
1187 | end;}
1188 | mnuFrame.Merge(NewForm.Menu);
1189 | NewForm.Show;
1190 | end;
1191 | lstCIRNLocations.Visible := False;
1192 | pnlCIRN.BevelOuter := bvRaised;
1193 | lstCIRNLocations.SendToBack;
1194 | mnuFilePrint.Enabled := False; // let individual page enable this
1195 | mnuFilePrintSetup.Enabled := False; // let individual page enable this
1196 | mnuFilePrintSelectedItems.Enabled := False;
1197 | FLastPage := NewForm;
1198 | if NewForm <> nil then
1199 | begin
1200 | if NewForm.Name = frmNotes.Name then frmNotes.Align := alClient
1201 | else frmNotes.Align := alNone;
1202 | if NewForm.Name = frmConsults.Name then frmConsults.Align := alClient
1203 | else frmConsults.Align := alNone;
1204 | if NewForm.Name = frmDCSumm.Name then frmDCSumm.Align := alClient
1205 | else frmDCSumm.Align := alNone;
1206 | if Assigned(frmSurgery) then
1207 | if NewForm.Name = frmSurgery.Name then frmSurgery.Align := alclient
1208 | else frmSurgery.Align := alNone;
1209 | NewForm.BringToFront; // to cause tab switch to happen immediately
1210 | NewForm.FocusFirstControl;
1211 | Application.ProcessMessages;
1212 | PostMessage(Handle, UM_SHOWPAGE, 0, 0); // this calls DisplayPage for the form
1213 | end;
1214 | end;
1215 |
1216 | procedure TfrmFrame.mnuChartTabClick(Sender: TObject);
1217 | { use the Tag property of the menu item to switch to proper page }
1218 | begin
1219 | with Sender as TMenuItem do tabPage.TabIndex := PageIDToTab(Tag);
1220 | LastTab := TabToPageID(tabPage.TabIndex) ;
1221 | tabPageChange(tabPage);
1222 | end;
1223 |
1224 | procedure TfrmFrame.tabPageChange(Sender: TObject);
1225 | { switches to form linked to NewTab }
1226 | begin
1227 |
1228 | if (not User.IsReportsOnly) then
1229 | begin
1230 | case TabToPageID((sender as TTabControl).TabIndex) of
1231 | CT_NOPAGE: SwitchToPage(nil);
1232 | CT_COVER: SwitchToPage(frmCover);
1233 | CT_PROBLEMS: SwitchToPage(frmProblems);
1234 | CT_MEDS: SwitchToPage(frmMeds);
1235 | CT_ORDERS: SwitchToPage(frmOrders);
1236 | CT_NOTES: SwitchToPage(frmNotes);
1237 | CT_CONSULTS: SwitchToPage(frmConsults);
1238 | CT_DCSUMM: SwitchToPage(frmDCSumm);
1239 | CT_SURGERY: SwitchToPage(frmSurgery);
1240 | CT_LABS: SwitchToPage(frmLabs);
1241 | CT_REPORTS: SwitchToPage(frmReports);
1242 | end; {case}
1243 | end
1244 | else // Reports Only tab.
1245 | SwitchToPage(frmReports);
1246 |
1247 | end;
1248 |
1249 | function TfrmFrame.PageIDToTab(PageID: Integer): Integer;
1250 | { returns the tab index that corresponds to a given PageID }
1251 | VAR
1252 | i: integer;
1253 | begin
1254 | i := uTabList.IndexOf(IntToStr(PageID));
1255 | Result := i;
1256 | //Result := uTabList.IndexOf(IntToStr(PageID));
1257 | (*
1258 | Result := -1;
1259 | case PageID of
1260 | CT_NOPAGE: Result := -1;
1261 | CT_COVER: Result := 0;
1262 | CT_PROBLEMS: Result := 1;
1263 | CT_MEDS: Result := 2;
1264 | CT_ORDERS: Result := 3;
1265 | {CT_HP: Result := 4;}
1266 | CT_NOTES: Result := 4;
1267 | CT_CONSULTS: Result := 5;
1268 | CT_DCSUMM: Result := 6;
1269 | CT_LABS: Result := 7;
1270 | CT_REPORTS: Result := 8;
1271 | end;*)
1272 | end;
1273 |
1274 | function TfrmFrame.TabToPageID(Tab: Integer): Integer;
1275 | { returns the constant that identifies the page given a TabIndex }
1276 | begin
1277 | if (Tab > -1) and (Tab < uTabList.Count) then
1278 | Result := StrToIntDef(uTabList[Tab], CT_UNKNOWN)
1279 | else
1280 | Result := CT_NOPAGE;
1281 | (* case Tab of
1282 | -1: Result := CT_NOPAGE;
1283 | 0: Result := CT_COVER;
1284 | 1: Result := CT_PROBLEMS;
1285 | 2: Result := CT_MEDS;
1286 | 3: Result := CT_ORDERS;
1287 | {4: Result := CT_HP;}
1288 | 4: Result := CT_NOTES;
1289 | 5: Result := CT_CONSULTS;
1290 | 6: Result := CT_DCSUMM;
1291 | 7: Result := CT_LABS;
1292 | 8: Result := CT_REPORTS;
1293 | end;*)
1294 | end;
1295 |
1296 | { File Menu Events ------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
1297 |
1298 | procedure TfrmFrame.SetupPatient(AFlaggedList : TStringList);
1299 | var
1300 | AMsg, SelectMsg: string;
1301 | begin
1302 | with Patient do
1303 | begin
1304 | ClearPatient; // must be called to avoid leaving previous patient's information visible!
1305 | Visible := True;
1306 | Application.ProcessMessages;
1307 | lblPtName.Caption := Name;
1308 | lblPtSSN.Caption := SSN;
1309 | lblPtAge.Caption := FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yyyy', DOB) + ' (' + IntToStr(Age) + ')';
1310 | pnlPatient.Caption := lblPtName.Caption + ' ' + lblPtSSN.Caption + ' ' + lblPtAge.Caption;
1311 | if Length(CWAD) > 0
1312 | then lblPtPostings.Caption := 'Postings'
1313 | else lblPtPostings.Caption := 'No Postings';
1314 | lblPtCWAD.Caption := CWAD;
1315 | pnlPostings.Caption := lblPtPostings.Caption + ' ' + lblPtCWAD.Caption;
1316 | if (Length(PrimaryTeam) > 0) or (Length(PrimaryProvider) > 0)
1317 | then lblPtCare.Caption := PrimaryTeam + ' / ' + MixedCase(PrimaryProvider);
1318 | if Length(Attending) > 0 then lblPtAttending.Caption := 'Attending: ' + MixedCase(Attending);
1319 | pnlPrimaryCare.Caption := lblPtCare.Caption + ' ' + lblPtAttending.Caption;
1320 | SetUpCIRN;
1321 | DisplayEncounterText;
1322 | SetShareNode(DFN, Handle);
1323 | with Patient do
1324 | NotifyOtherApps(NAE_NEWPT, SSN + U + FloatToStr(DOB) + U + Name);
1325 | SelectMsg := '';
1326 | if MeansTestRequired(Patient.DFN, AMsg) then SelectMsg := AMsg;
1327 | if HasLegacyData(Patient.DFN, AMsg) then SelectMsg := SelectMsg + CRLF + AMsg;
1328 |
1329 | HasActiveFlg(FlagList, HasFlag, Patient.DFN);
1330 | if HasFlag then
1331 | begin
1332 | pnlFlag.Enabled := True;
1333 | lblFlag.Font.Color := clMaroon;
1334 | lblFlag.Enabled := True;
1335 | if (not FReFreshing) and (TriggerPRFPopUp(Patient.DFN)) then
1336 | ShowFlags;
1337 | end else
1338 | begin
1339 | pnlFlag.Enabled := False;
1340 | lblFlag.Font.Color := clBtnFace;
1341 | lblFlag.Enabled := False;
1342 | end;
1343 | FPrevPtID := patient.DFN;
1344 | frmCover.UpdateVAAButton; //VAA CQ7525 (moved here in v26.30 (RV))
1345 | ProcessPatientChangeEventHook;
1346 | if Length(SelectMsg) > 0 then ShowPatientSelectMessages(SelectMsg);
1347 | end;
1348 | end;
1349 |
1350 | procedure TfrmFrame.mnuFileNextClick(Sender: TObject);
1351 | var
1352 | SaveDFN, NewDFN: string; // *DFN*
1353 | NextIndex: Integer;
1354 | Reason: string;
1355 | CCOWResponse: UserResponse;
1356 | begin
1357 | SaveDFN := Patient.DFN;
1358 | Notifications.Next;
1359 | if Notifications.Active then
1360 | begin
1361 | NewDFN := Notifications.DFN;
1362 | //Patient.DFN := Notifications.DFN;
1363 | //if SaveDFN <> Patient.DFN then
1364 | if SaveDFN <> NewDFN then
1365 | begin
1366 | // newdfn does not have new patient.co information for CCOW call
1367 | if (AllowContextChangeAll(Reason)) then
1368 | begin
1369 | RemindersStarted := FALSE;
1370 | Patient.DFN := NewDFN;
1371 | Encounter.Clear;
1372 | Changes.Clear;
1373 | if Assigned(FlagList) then
1374 | begin
1375 | FlagList.Clear;
1376 | HasFlag := False;
1377 | HasActiveFlg(FlagList, HasFlag, NewDFN);
1378 | end;
1379 | if (FCCOWInstalled and (ctxContextor.State = csSuspended)) or (AllowCCOWContextChange(CCOWResponse, Patient.DFN)) then
1380 | begin
1381 | if Patient.Inpatient then
1382 | begin
1383 | Encounter.Inpatient := True;
1384 | Encounter.Location := Patient.Location;
1385 | Encounter.DateTime := Patient.AdmitTime;
1386 | Encounter.VisitCategory := 'H';
1387 | end;
1388 | if User.IsProvider then Encounter.Provider := User.DUZ;
1389 | SetupPatient(FlaggedPTList);
1390 | if (FlaggedPTList.IndexOf(Patient.DFN) < 0) then
1391 | FlaggedPTList.Add(Patient.DFN);
1392 | end
1393 | else
1394 | begin
1395 | Patient.DFN := SaveDFN;
1396 | if Assigned(FlagList) then
1397 | begin
1398 | FlagList.Clear;
1399 | HasFlag := False;
1400 | HasActiveFlg(FlagList, HasFlag, NewDFN);
1401 | end;
1402 | Notifications.Prior;
1403 | Exit;
1404 | end;
1405 | end else
1406 | begin
1407 | Patient.DFN := SaveDFN;
1408 | Notifications.Prior;
1409 | Exit;
1410 | end;
1411 | end;
1412 | stsArea.Panels.Items[1].Text := Notifications.Text;
1413 | FChangeSource := CC_NOTIFICATION;
1414 | NextIndex := PageIDToTab(CT_COVER);
1415 | tabPage.TabIndex := CT_NOPAGE;
1416 | tabPageChange(tabPage);
1417 | mnuFileNotifRemove.Enabled := Notifications.Followup in [NF_FLAGGED_ORDERS,
1425 | case Notifications.FollowUp of
1426 | NF_LAB_RESULTS : NextIndex := PageIDToTab(CT_LABS);
1427 | NF_FLAGGED_ORDERS : NextIndex := PageIDToTab(CT_ORDERS);
1429 | NF_ABNORMAL_LAB_RESULTS : NextIndex := PageIDToTab(CT_LABS);
1430 | NF_IMAGING_RESULTS : NextIndex := PageIDToTab(CT_REPORTS);
1439 | NF_LAB_ORDER_CANCELED : NextIndex := PageIDToTab(CT_ORDERS);
1441 | if Piece(Piece(Notifications.AlertData, '|', 2), '@', 2) = 'LRCH' then
1442 | NextIndex := PageIDToTab(CT_LABS)
1443 | else if Piece(Piece(Notifications.AlertData, '|', 2), '@', 2) = 'GMRC' then
1444 | NextIndex := PageIDToTab(CT_CONSULTS)
1445 | else if Piece(Piece(Notifications.AlertData, '|', 2), '@', 2) = 'RA' then
1446 | NextIndex := PageIDToTab(CT_REPORTS);
1447 | NF_DNR_EXPIRING : NextIndex := PageIDToTab(CT_ORDERS);
1451 | NF_NEW_ORDER : NextIndex := PageIDToTab(CT_ORDERS);
1453 | NF_CRITICAL_LAB_RESULTS : NextIndex := PageIDToTab(CT_LABS);
1454 | NF_UNVERIFIED_ORDER : NextIndex := PageIDToTab(CT_ORDERS);
1455 | NF_FLAGGED_OI_RESULTS : NextIndex := PageIDToTab(CT_ORDERS);
1456 | NF_FLAGGED_OI_ORDER : NextIndex := PageIDToTab(CT_ORDERS);
1457 | NF_DC_ORDER : NextIndex := PageIDToTab(CT_ORDERS);
1460 | NF_NOTES_UNSIGNED_NOTE : NextIndex := PageIDToTab(CT_NOTES);
1462 | NF_FLAGGED_OI_EXP_INPT : NextIndex := PageIDToTab(CT_ORDERS);
1463 | NF_FLAGGED_OI_EXP_OUTPT : NextIndex := PageIDToTab(CT_ORDERS);
1466 | begin
1467 | ReportBox(GetNotificationFollowUpText(Patient.DFN, Notifications.FollowUp, Notifications.AlertData), Pieces(Piece(Notifications.RecordID, U, 1), ':', 2, 3), True);
1468 | Notifications.Delete;
1469 | end;
1472 | NextIndex := PageIDToTab(CT_SURGERY)
1473 | else
1475 | //NextIndex := PageIDToTab(CT_NOTES);
1476 | else InfoBox(TX_UNK_NOTIF, TC_UNK_NOTIF, MB_OK);
1477 | end;
1478 | tabPage.TabIndex := NextIndex;
1479 | tabPageChange(tabPage);
1480 | end
1481 | else mnuFileOpenClick(mnuFileNext);
1482 | end;
1483 |
1484 |
1485 | procedure TfrmFrame.SetBADxList;
1486 | var
1487 | i: smallint;
1488 | begin
1489 | if not Assigned(UBAGlobals.tempDxList) then
1490 | begin
1491 | UBAGlobals.tempDxList := TList.Create;
1492 | UBAGlobals.tempDxList.Count := 0;
1493 | Application.ProcessMessages;
1494 | end
1495 | else
1496 | begin
1497 | //Kill the old Dx list
1498 | for i := 0 to pred(UBAGlobals.tempDxList.Count) do
1499 | TObject(UBAGlobals.tempDxList[i]).Free;
1500 |
1501 | UBAGlobals.tempDxList.Clear;
1502 | Application.ProcessMessages;
1503 |
1504 | //Create new Dx list for newly selected patient
1505 | if not Assigned(UBAGlobals.tempDxList) then
1506 | begin
1507 | UBAGlobals.tempDxList := TList.Create;
1508 | UBAGlobals.tempDxList.Count := 0;
1509 | Application.ProcessMessages;
1510 | end;
1511 | end;
1512 | end;
1513 |
1514 | procedure TfrmFrame.mnuFileOpenClick(Sender: TObject);
1515 | { select a new patient & update the header displays (patient id, encounter, postings) }
1516 | var
1517 | SaveDFN, Reason: string;
1518 | //NextTab: Integer; // moved up for visibility - v23.4 rV
1519 | ok, OldRemindersStarted, PtSelCancelled: boolean;
1520 | //i: smallint;
1521 | CCOWResponse: UserResponse;
1522 | begin
1523 | PtSelCancelled := FALSE;
1524 | DetermineNextTab;
1525 | (* if (FRefreshing or User.UseLastTab) and (not FFirstLoad) then
1526 | NextTab := TabToPageID(tabPage.TabIndex)
1527 | else
1528 | NextTab := User.InitialTab;
1529 | if NextTab = CT_NOPAGE then NextTab := User.InitialTab;
1530 | if User.IsReportsOnly then // Reports Only tab.
1531 | NextTab := 0; // Only one tab should exist by this point in "REPORTS ONLY" mode.
1532 | if not TabExists(NextTab) then NextTab := CT_COVER;
1533 | if NextTab = CT_NOPAGE then NextTab := User.InitialTab;
1534 | if NextTab = CT_ORDERS then
1535 | if frmOrders <> nil then with frmOrders do
1536 | begin
1537 | if (lstSheets.ItemIndex > -1 ) and (TheCurrentView <> nil) and (theCurrentView.EventDelay.PtEventIFN>0) then
1538 | PtEvtCompleted(TheCurrentView.EventDelay.PtEventIFN, TheCurrentView.EventDelay.EventName);
1539 | end;*)
1540 | if not AllowContextChangeAll(Reason) then Exit;
1541 |
1542 | // update status text here
1543 | stsArea.Panels.Items[1].Text := '';
1544 | if (not User.IsReportsOnly) then
1545 | begin
1546 | if not FRefreshing then
1547 | begin
1548 | Notifications.Next; // avoid prompt if no more alerts selected to process {v14a RV}
1549 | if Notifications.Active then
1550 | begin
1551 | if (InfoBox(TX_NOTIF_STOP, TC_NOTIF_STOP, MB_YESNO) = ID_NO) then
1552 | begin
1553 | Notifications.Prior;
1554 | Exit;
1555 | end;
1556 | end;
1557 | if Notifications.Active then Notifications.Prior;
1558 | end;
1559 | end;
1560 |
1561 | if FNoPatientSelected then
1562 | SaveDFN := ''
1563 | else
1564 | SaveDFN := Patient.DFN;
1565 |
1566 | OldRemindersStarted := RemindersStarted;
1567 | RemindersStarted := FALSE;
1568 | try
1569 | if FRefreshing then
1570 | begin
1571 | UpdatePtInfoOnRefresh;
1572 | ok := TRUE;
1573 | end
1574 | else
1575 | begin
1576 | ok := FALSE;
1577 | if (not User.IsReportsOnly) then
1578 | begin
1579 | if FCCOWInstalled and (ctxContextor.State = csParticipating) then
1580 | begin
1581 | UpdateCCOWContext;
1582 | if not FCCOWError then
1583 | begin
1584 | FCCOWIconName := 'BMP_CCOW_LINKED';
1585 | pnlCCOW.Hint := TX_CCOW_LINKED;
1586 | imgCCOW.Picture.Bitmap.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, FCCOWIconName);
1587 | end;
1588 | end
1589 | else
1590 | begin
1591 | FCCOWIconName := 'BMP_CCOW_BROKEN';
1592 | pnlCCOW.Hint := TX_CCOW_BROKEN;
1593 | imgCCOW.Picture.BitMap.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, FCCOWIconName);
1594 | end;
1595 | if (Patient.DFN = '') or (Sender = mnuFileOpen) or (Sender = mnuFileNext) or (Sender = mnuViewDemo) then
1596 | SelectPatient(SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS, Font.Size, PtSelCancelled);
1597 | if PtSelCancelled then exit;
1598 | ShowEverything;
1599 | DisplayEncounterText;
1600 | FPrevInPatient := Patient.Inpatient;
1601 | if Notifications.Active then
1602 | begin
1603 | // display 'next notification' button
1604 | FNextButtonActive := True;
1605 | with stsArea.Panels[2] do
1606 | begin
1607 | //Text := 'Next ->';
1608 | Bevel := pbRaised;
1609 | end;
1610 | mnuFileNext.Enabled := True;
1611 | mnuFileNextClick(Self);
1612 | end
1613 | else
1614 | begin
1615 | // hide the 'next notification' button
1616 | FNextButtonActive := False;
1617 | with stsArea.Panels[2] do
1618 | begin
1619 | //Text := '';
1620 | Bevel := pbLowered;
1621 | end;
1622 | mnuFileNext.Enabled := False;
1623 | mnuFileNotifRemove.Enabled := False;
1624 | if Patient.DFN <> SaveDFN then
1625 | ok := TRUE;
1626 | end
1627 | end
1628 | else
1629 | begin
1630 | Notifications.Clear;
1631 | SelectPatient(False, Font.Size, PtSelCancelled); // Call Pt. Sel. w/o notifications.
1632 | if PtSelCancelled then exit;
1633 | ShowEverything;
1634 | DisplayEncounterText;
1635 | FPrevInPatient := Patient.Inpatient;
1636 | ok := TRUE;
1637 | end;
1638 | end;
1639 | if ok then
1640 | begin
1641 | if FCCOWInstalled and (ctxContextor.State = csParticipating) and (not FRefreshing) then
1642 | begin
1643 | if (AllowCCOWContextChange(CCOWResponse, Patient.DFN)) then
1644 | begin
1645 | SetupPatient;
1646 | tabPage.TabIndex := PageIDToTab(NextTab);
1647 | tabPageChange(tabPage);
1648 | end
1649 | else
1650 | begin
1651 | case CCOWResponse of
1652 | urCancel: UpdateCCOWContext;
1653 | urBreak:
1654 | begin
1655 | // do not revert to old DFN if context was manually broken by user - v26 (RV)
1656 | if (ctxContextor.State = csParticipating) then Patient.DFN := SaveDFN;
1657 | SetupPatient;
1658 | tabPage.TabIndex := PageIDToTab(NextTab);
1659 | tabPageChange(tabPage);
1660 | end;
1661 | end;
1662 | end;
1663 | end
1664 | else
1665 | begin
1666 | SetupPatient;
1667 | tabPage.TabIndex := PageIDToTab(NextTab);
1668 | tabPageChange(tabPage);
1669 | end;
1670 | end;
1671 | finally
1672 | if (not FRefreshing) and (Patient.DFN = SaveDFN) then
1673 | RemindersStarted := OldRemindersStarted;
1674 | FFirstLoad := False;
1675 | end;
1676 | {Begin BillingAware}
1677 | if BILLING_AWARE then frmFrame.SetBADxList; //end IsBillingAware
1678 | {End BillingAware}
1679 | //frmCover.UpdateVAAButton; //VAA CQ7525 CQ#7933 - moved to SetupPatient, before event hook execution (RV)
1680 | end;
1681 |
1682 | procedure TfrmFrame.DetermineNextTab;
1683 | begin
1684 | if (FRefreshing or User.UseLastTab) and (not FFirstLoad) then
1685 | begin
1686 | if (tabPage.TabIndex < 0) then
1687 | NextTab := LastTab
1688 | else
1689 | NextTab := TabToPageID(tabPage.TabIndex);
1690 | end
1691 | else
1692 | NextTab := User.InitialTab;
1693 | if NextTab = CT_NOPAGE then NextTab := User.InitialTab;
1694 | if User.IsReportsOnly then // Reports Only tab.
1695 | NextTab := 0; // Only one tab should exist by this point in "REPORTS ONLY" mode.
1696 | if not TabExists(NextTab) then NextTab := CT_COVER;
1697 | if NextTab = CT_NOPAGE then NextTab := User.InitialTab;
1698 | if NextTab = CT_ORDERS then
1699 | if frmOrders <> nil then with frmOrders do
1700 | begin
1701 | if (lstSheets.ItemIndex > -1 ) and (TheCurrentView <> nil) and (theCurrentView.EventDelay.PtEventIFN>0) then
1702 | PtEvtCompleted(TheCurrentView.EventDelay.PtEventIFN, TheCurrentView.EventDelay.EventName);
1703 | end;
1704 | end;
1705 |
1706 | procedure TfrmFrame.mnuFileEncounterClick(Sender: TObject);
1707 | { displays encounter window and updates encounter display in case encounter was updated }
1708 | begin
1709 | UpdateEncounter(NPF_ALL); {*KCM*}
1710 | DisplayEncounterText;
1711 | end;
1712 |
1713 | procedure TfrmFrame.mnuFileReviewClick(Sender: TObject);
1714 | { displays the Review Changes window (which resets the Encounter object) }
1715 | var
1716 | EventChanges: boolean;
1717 | NameNeedLook: string;
1718 | begin
1719 | EventChanges := False;
1720 | NameNeedLook := '';
1721 | UpdatePtInfoOnRefresh;
1722 | if Changes.Count > 0 then
1723 | begin
1724 | if (frmOrders <> nil) and (frmOrders.TheCurrentView <> nil) and ( frmOrders.TheCurrentView.EventDelay.EventIFN>0) then
1725 | begin
1726 | EventChanges := True;
1727 | NameNeedLook := frmOrders.TheCurrentView.ViewName;
1728 | frmOrders.PtEvtCompleted(frmOrders.TheCurrentView.EventDelay.PtEventIFN, frmOrders.TheCurrentView.EventDelay.EventName);
1729 | end;
1730 | ReviewChanges(TimedOut, EventChanges);
1731 | if TabToPageID(tabPage.TabIndex)= CT_MEDS then
1732 | begin
1733 | frmOrders.InitOrderSheets2(NameNeedLook);
1734 | end;
1735 | end
1736 | else InfoBox('No new changes to review/sign.', 'Review Changes', MB_OK);
1737 | end;
1738 |
1739 | procedure TfrmFrame.mnuFileExitClick(Sender: TObject);
1740 | { see the CloseQuery event }
1741 | var
1742 | i: smallint;
1743 | begin
1744 | try
1745 | if BILLING_AWARE then
1746 | begin
1747 | if Assigned(tempDxList) then
1748 | for i := 0 to pred(UBAGlobals.tempDxList.Count) do
1749 | TObject(UBAGlobals.tempDxList[i]).Free;
1750 |
1751 | UBAGlobals.tempDxList.Clear;
1752 | Application.ProcessMessages;
1753 | end; //end IsBillingAware
1754 | except
1755 | on EAccessViolation do
1756 | begin
1757 | {$ifdef debug}ShowMessage('Access Violation in procedure TfrmFrame.mnuFileExitClick()');{$endif}
1758 | raise;
1759 | end;
1760 | on E: Exception do
1761 | begin
1762 | {$ifdef debug}ShowMessage('Unhandled exception in procedure TfrmFrame.mnuFileExitClick()');{$endif}
1763 | raise;
1764 | end;
1765 | end;
1766 |
1767 | Close;
1768 | end;
1769 |
1770 | { View Menu Events ------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
1771 |
1772 | procedure TfrmFrame.mnuViewPostingsClick(Sender: TObject);
1773 | begin
1774 | end;
1775 |
1776 | { Tool Menu Events ------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
1777 |
1778 | function TfrmFrame.ExpandCommand(x: string): string;
1779 | { look for 'macros' on the command line and expand them using current context }
1780 |
1781 | procedure Substitute(const Key, Data: string);
1782 | var
1783 | Stop, Start: Integer;
1784 | begin
1785 | Stop := Pos(Key, x) - 1;
1786 | Start := Stop + Length(Key) + 1;
1787 | x := Copy(x, 1, Stop) + Data + Copy(x, Start, Length(x));
1788 | end;
1789 |
1790 | begin
1791 | if Pos('%MREF', x) > 0 then Substitute('%MREF',
1792 | '^TMP(''ORWCHART'',' + MScalar('$J') + ',''' + DottedIPStr + ''',' + IntToHex(Handle, 8) + ')');
1793 | if Pos('%SRV', x) > 0 then Substitute('%SRV', RPCBrokerV.Server);
1794 | if Pos('%PORT', x) > 0 then Substitute('%PORT', IntToStr(RPCBrokerV.ListenerPort));
1795 | if Pos('%DFN', x) > 0 then Substitute('%DFN', Patient.DFN); //*DFN*
1796 | if Pos('%DUZ', x) > 0 then Substitute('%DUZ', IntToStr(User.DUZ));
1797 | Result := x;
1798 | end;
1799 |
1800 | procedure TfrmFrame.ToolClick(Sender: TObject);
1801 | { executes the program associated with an item on the Tools menu, the command line is stored
1802 | in the item's hint property }
1803 | const
1804 | TXT_ECS_NOTFOUND = 'The ECS application is not found at the default directory,' + #13 + 'would you like manually search it?';
1805 | TC_ECS_NOTFOUND = 'Application Not Found';
1806 | var
1807 | x, AFile, Param, MenuCommand, ECSAppend, CapNm, curPath : string;
1808 | IsECSInterface: boolean;
1809 |
1810 | function TakeOutAmps(AString: string): string;
1811 | var
1812 | S1,S2: string;
1813 | begin
1814 | if Pos('&',AString)=0 then
1815 | begin
1816 | Result := AString;
1817 | Exit;
1818 | end;
1819 | S1 := Piece(AString,'&',1);
1820 | S2 := Piece(AString,'&',2);
1821 | Result := S1 + S2;
1822 | end;
1823 |
1824 | function ExcuteEC(AFile,APara: string): boolean;
1825 | begin
1826 | if (ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar(AFile), PChar(Param), '', SW_NORMAL) > 32 ) then Result := True
1827 | else
1828 | begin
1830 | begin
1831 | if OROpenDlg.Execute then
1832 | begin
1833 | AFile := OROpenDlg.FileName;
1834 | if Pos('ecs gui.exe',lowerCase(AFile))<1 then
1835 | begin
1836 | ShowMessage('This is not a valid ECS application.');
1837 | Result := True;
1838 | end else
1839 | begin
1840 | if (ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar(AFile), PChar(Param), '', SW_NORMAL)<32) then Result := False
1841 | else Result := True;
1842 | end;
1843 | end
1844 | else Result := True;
1845 | end else Result := True;
1846 | end;
1847 | end;
1848 |
1849 | function ExcuteECS(AFile, APara: string; var currPath: string): boolean;
1850 | var
1851 | commandline,RPCHandle: string;
1852 | StartupInfo: TStartupInfo;
1853 | ProcessInfo: TProcessInformation;
1854 | begin
1855 | FillChar(StartupInfo, SizeOf(TStartupInfo), 0);
1856 | with StartupInfo do
1857 | begin
1858 | cb := SizeOf(TStartupInfo);
1860 | wShowWindow := SW_SHOWNORMAL;
1861 | end;
1862 | commandline := AFile + Param;
1863 | RPCHandle := GetAppHandle(RPCBrokerV);
1864 | commandline := commandline + ' H=' + RPCHandle;
1865 | if CreateProcess(nil, PChar(commandline), nil, nil, False,
1866 | NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, nil, StartupInfo, ProcessInfo) then Result := True
1867 | else
1868 | begin
1870 | begin
1871 | if OROpenDlg.Execute then
1872 | begin
1873 | AFile := OROpenDlg.FileName;
1874 | if Pos('ecs gui.exe',lowerCase(AFile))<1 then
1875 | begin
1876 | ShowMessage('This is not a valid ECS application.');
1877 | Result := True;
1878 | end else
1879 | begin
1880 | SaveUserPath('Event Capture Interface='+AFile, currPath);
1881 | FillChar(StartupInfo, SizeOf(TStartupInfo), 0);
1882 | with StartupInfo do
1883 | begin
1884 | cb := SizeOf(TStartupInfo);
1886 | wShowWindow := SW_SHOWNORMAL;
1887 | end;
1888 | commandline := AFile + Param;
1889 | RPCHandle := GetAppHandle(RPCBrokerV);
1890 | commandline := commandline + ' H=' + RPCHandle;
1891 | if not CreateProcess(nil, PChar(commandline), nil, nil, False,
1892 | NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, nil,StartupInfo,ProcessInfo) then Result := False
1893 | else Result := True;
1894 | end;
1895 | end
1896 | else Result := True;
1897 | end else Result := True;
1898 | end;
1899 | end;
1900 |
1901 | begin
1902 | MenuCommand := '';
1903 | ECSAppend := '';
1904 | IsECSInterface := False;
1905 | curPath := '';
1906 | CapNm := LowerCase(TMenuItem(Sender).Caption);
1907 | CapNm := TakeOutAmps(CapNm);
1908 | if AnsiCompareText('event capture interface',CapNm)=0 then
1909 | begin
1910 | IsECSInterface := True;
1911 | if FECSAuthUser then UpdateECSParameter(ECSAppend)
1912 | else begin
1913 | ShowMessage('You don''t have permission to use ECS.');
1914 | exit;
1915 | end;
1916 | end;
1917 | MenuCommand := TMenuItem(Sender).Hint + ECSAppend;
1918 | x := ExpandCommand(MenuCommand);
1919 | if CharAt(x, 1) = '"' then
1920 | begin
1921 | x := Copy(x, 2, Length(x));
1922 | AFile := Copy(x, 1, Pos('"',x)-1);
1923 | Param := Copy(x, Pos('"',x)+1, Length(x));
1924 | end else
1925 | begin
1926 | AFile := Piece(x, ' ', 1);
1927 | Param := Copy(x, Length(AFile)+1, Length(x));
1928 | end;
1929 | if IsECSInterface then
1930 | begin
1931 | if not ExcuteECS(AFile,Param,curPath) then
1932 | ExcuteECS(AFile,Param,curPath);
1933 | if Length(curPath)>0 then
1934 | TMenuItem(Sender).Hint := curPath;
1935 | end
1936 | else if (Pos('ecs',LowerCase(AFile))>0) and (not IsECSInterface) then
1937 | begin
1938 | if not ExcuteEC(AFile,Param) then
1939 | ExcuteEC(AFile,Param);
1940 | end else
1941 | begin
1942 | ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar(AFile), PChar(Param), '', SW_NORMAL);
1943 | end;
1944 | end;
1945 |
1946 | { Help Menu Events ------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
1947 |
1948 | procedure TfrmFrame.mnuHelpBrokerClick(Sender: TObject);
1949 | { used for debugging - shows last n broker calls }
1950 | begin
1951 | ShowBroker;
1952 | end;
1953 |
1954 | procedure TfrmFrame.mnuHelpListsClick(Sender: TObject);
1955 | { used for debugging - shows internal contents of TORListBox }
1956 | begin
1957 | if Screen.ActiveControl is TListBox
1958 | then DebugListItems(TListBox(Screen.ActiveControl))
1959 | else InfoBox('Focus control is not a listbox', 'ListBox Data', MB_OK);
1960 | end;
1961 |
1962 | procedure TfrmFrame.mnuHelpSymbolsClick(Sender: TObject);
1963 | { used for debugging - shows current symbol table }
1964 | begin
1965 | DebugShowServer;
1966 | end;
1967 |
1968 | procedure TfrmFrame.mnuHelpAboutClick(Sender: TObject);
1969 | { displays the about screen }
1970 | begin
1971 | ShowAbout;
1972 | end;
1973 |
1974 | { Status Bar Methods }
1975 |
1976 | procedure TfrmFrame.UMStatusText(var Message: TMessage);
1977 | { displays status bar text (using the pointer to a text buffer passed in LParam) }
1978 | begin
1979 | stsArea.Panels.Items[0].Text := StrPas(PChar(Message.LParam));
1980 | stsArea.Refresh;
1981 | end;
1982 |
1983 | procedure TfrmFrame.stsAreaMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
1984 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
1985 | begin
1986 | if (FNextButtonActive) and (X > FNextButtonL) and (X < FNextButtonR) then
1987 | begin
1988 | stsArea.Panels[2].Bevel := pbLowered;
1989 | popAlerts.AutoPopup := TRUE;
1990 | end;
1991 | end;
1992 |
1993 | procedure TfrmFrame.stsAreaMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
1994 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
1995 | begin
1996 | if FNextButtonActive then
1997 | begin
1998 | stsArea.Panels[2].Bevel := pbRaised;
1999 | popAlerts.AutoPopup := FALSE;
2000 | if (X > FNextButtonL) and (X < FNextButtonR) then
2001 | if Button = mbLeft then mnuFileNextClick(Self);
2002 | end;
2003 | end;
2004 |
2005 | procedure TfrmFrame.stsAreaDrawPanel(StatusBar: TStatusBar; Panel: TStatusPanel;
2006 | const Rect: TRect);
2007 | begin
2008 | if FNextButtonActive then with StatusBar.Canvas do
2009 | begin
2010 | Draw(Rect.Left + 2, Rect.Top, FNextButtonBitmap); { draw bitmap }
2011 | TextOut(Rect.Left + 20, Rect.Top + 2, 'Next'); { draw text to the right of the bitmap }
2012 | end;
2013 | end;
2014 |
2015 | { Toolbar Methods (make panels act like buttons) ------------------------------------------- }
2016 |
2017 | procedure TfrmFrame.pnlPatientMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
2018 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
2019 | { emulate a button press in the patient identification panel }
2020 | begin
2021 | if pnlPatient.BevelOuter = bvLowered then exit;
2022 | pnlPatient.BevelOuter := bvLowered;
2023 | with lblPtName do SetBounds(Left+2, Top+2, Width, Height);
2024 | with lblPtSSN do SetBounds(Left+2, Top+2, Width, Height);
2025 | with lblPtAge do SetBounds(Left+2, Top+2, Width, Height);
2026 | end;
2027 |
2028 | procedure TfrmFrame.pnlPatientMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
2029 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
2030 | { emulate the button raising in the patient identification panel & call Patient Inquiry }
2031 | begin
2032 | if pnlPatient.BevelOuter = bvRaised then exit;
2033 | pnlPatient.BevelOuter := bvRaised;
2034 | with lblPtName do SetBounds(Left-2, Top-2, Width, Height);
2035 | with lblPtSSN do SetBounds(Left-2, Top-2, Width, Height);
2036 | with lblPtAge do SetBounds(Left-2, Top-2, Width, Height);
2037 | end;
2038 |
2039 | procedure TfrmFrame.pnlVisitMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
2040 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
2041 | { emulate a button press in the encounter panel }
2042 | begin
2043 | if User.IsReportsOnly then
2044 | exit;
2045 | pnlVisit.BevelOuter := bvLowered;
2046 | //with lblStLocation do SetBounds(Left+2, Top+2, Width, Height);
2047 | with lblPtLocation do SetBounds(Left+2, Top+2, Width, Height);
2048 | with lblPtProvider do SetBounds(Left+2, Top+2, Width, Height);
2049 | end;
2050 |
2051 | procedure TfrmFrame.pnlVisitMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
2052 | Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
2053 | { emulate a button raising in the encounter panel and call Update Provider/Location }
2054 | begin
2055 | if User.IsReportsOnly then
2056 | exit;
2057 | pnlVisit.BevelOuter := bvRaised;
2058 | //with lblStLocation do SetBounds(Left-2, Top-2, Width, Height);
2059 | with lblPtLocation do SetBounds(Left-2, Top-2, Width, Height);
2060 | with lblPtProvider do SetBounds(Left-2, Top-2, Width, Height);
2061 | end;
2062 |
2063 | procedure TfrmFrame.pnlPrimaryCareMouseDown(Sender: TObject;
2064 | Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
2065 | begin
2066 | pnlPrimaryCare.BevelOuter := bvLowered;
2067 | with lblPtCare do SetBounds(Left+2, Top+2, Width, Height);
2068 | with lblPtAttending do SetBounds(Left+2, Top+2, Width, Height);
2069 | end;
2070 |
2071 | procedure TfrmFrame.pnlPrimaryCareMouseUp(Sender: TObject;
2072 | Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
2073 | begin
2074 | pnlPrimaryCare.BevelOuter := bvRaised;
2075 | with lblPtCare do SetBounds(Left-2, Top-2, Width, Height);
2076 | with lblPtAttending do SetBounds(Left-2, Top-2, Width, Height);
2077 | end;
2078 |
2079 | procedure TfrmFrame.pnlPostingsMouseDown(Sender: TObject;
2080 | Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
2081 | { emulate a button press in the postings panel }
2082 | begin
2083 | pnlPostings.BevelOuter := bvLowered;
2084 | with lblPtPostings do SetBounds(Left+2, Top+2, Width, Height);
2085 | with lblPtCWAD do SetBounds(Left+2, Top+2, Width, Height);
2086 | end;
2087 |
2088 | procedure TfrmFrame.pnlPostingsMouseUp(Sender: TObject;
2089 | Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
2090 | { emulate a button raising in the posting panel and call Postings }
2091 | begin
2092 | pnlPostings.BevelOuter := bvRaised;
2093 | with lblPtPostings do SetBounds(Left-2, Top-2, Width, Height);
2094 | with lblPtCWAD do SetBounds(Left-2, Top-2, Width, Height);
2095 | end;
2096 |
2097 | { Resize and Font-Change procedures -------------------------------------------------------- }
2098 |
2099 | procedure TfrmFrame.LoadSizesForUser;
2100 | var
2101 | s1, s2, s3, s4, Dummy: integer;
2102 |
2103 | panelBottom, panelMedIn : integer;
2104 |
2105 | begin
2106 | ChangeFont(UserFontSize);
2107 | SetUserBounds(TControl(frmFrame));
2108 | SetUserWidths(TControl(frmProblems.pnlLeft));
2109 | //SetUserWidths(TControl(frmMeds.pnlLeft));
2110 | SetUserWidths(TControl(frmOrders.pnlLeft));
2111 | SetUserWidths(TControl(frmNotes.pnlLeft));
2112 | SetUserWidths(TControl(frmConsults.pnlLeft));
2113 | SetUserWidths(TControl(frmDCSumm.pnlLeft));
2114 | if Assigned(frmSurgery) then SetUserWidths(TControl(frmSurgery.pnlLeft));
2115 | SetUserWidths(TControl(frmLabs.pnlLeft));
2116 | SetUserWidths(TControl(frmReports.pnlLeft));
2117 | SetUserColumns(TControl(frmOrders.hdrOrders));
2118 | SetUserColumns(TControl(frmMeds.hdrMedsIn)); // still need conversion
2119 | SetUserColumns(TControl(frmMeds.hdrMedsOut));
2120 | SetUserBounds2(ReminderTreeName, RemTreeDlgLeft, RemTreeDlgTop, RemTreeDlgWidth, RemTreeDlgHeight);
2121 | SetUserBounds2(RemDlgName, RemDlgLeft, RemDlgTop, RemDlgWidth, RemDlgHeight);
2122 | SetUserBounds2(RemDlgSplitters, RemDlgSpltr1, RemDlgSpltr2, Dummy ,Dummy);
2123 | SetUserBounds2(DrawerSplitters,s1, s2, s3, Dummy);
2124 | if Assigned(frmSurgery) then frmSurgery.Drawers.LastOpenSize := Dummy; //CQ7315
2125 | frmNotes.Drawers.LastOpenSize := s1;
2126 | frmConsults.Drawers.LastOpenSize := s2;
2127 | frmDCSumm.Drawers.LastOpenSize := s3;
2128 |
2129 | with frmMeds do
2130 | begin
2131 | SetUserBounds2(frmMeds.Name+'Split', panelBottom, panelMedIn, Dummy, Dummy);
2132 | if (panelBottom > frmMeds.Height-50) then panelBottom := frmMeds.Height-50;
2133 | if (panelMedIn > panelBottom-50) then panelMedIn := panelBottom-50;
2134 | frmMeds.pnlBottom.Height := panelBottom;
2135 | frmMeds.pnlMedIn.Height := panelMedIn;
2136 | //Meds Tab Non-VA meds columns
2137 | SetUserColumns(TControl(hdrMedsNonVA)); //CQ7314
2138 | end;
2139 |
2140 | frmCover.DisableAlign;
2141 | try
2142 | SetUserBounds2(CoverSplitters1, s1, s2, s3, s4);
2143 | if s1 > 0 then
2144 | frmCover.pnl_1.Width := LowerOf( frmCover.pnl_not3.ClientWidth - 5, s1);
2145 | if s2 > 0 then
2146 | frmCover.pnl_3.Width := LowerOf( frmCover.pnlTop.ClientWidth - 5, s2);
2147 | if s3 > 0 then
2148 | frmCover.pnlTop.Height := LowerOf( frmCover.pnlBase.ClientHeight - 5, s3);
2149 | if s4 > 0 then
2150 | frmCover.pnl_4.Width := LowerOf( frmCover.pnlMiddle.ClientWidth - 5, s4);
2151 |
2152 | SetUserBounds2(CoverSplitters2, s1, s2, s3, Dummy);
2153 | if s1 > 0 then
2154 | frmCover.pnlBottom.Height := LowerOf( frmCover.pnlBase.ClientHeight - 5, s1);
2155 | if s2 > 0 then
2156 | frmCover.pnl_6.Width := LowerOf( frmCover.pnlBottom.ClientWidth - 5, s2);
2157 | if s3 > 0 then
2158 | frmCover.pnl_8.Width := LowerOf( frmCover.pnlBottom.ClientWidth - 5, s3);
2159 |
2160 | finally
2161 | frmCover.EnableAlign;
2162 | end;
2163 | if ParamSearch('rez') = '640' then SetBounds(Left, Top, 648, 488); // for testing
2164 | end;
2165 |
2166 | procedure TfrmFrame.SaveSizesForUser;
2167 | var
2168 | SizeList: TStringList;
2169 | SurgTempHt: integer;
2170 | begin
2171 | SaveUserFontSize(MainFontSize);
2172 | SizeList := TStringList.Create;
2173 | try
2174 | with SizeList do
2175 | begin
2176 | Add(StrUserBounds(frmFrame));
2177 | Add(StrUserWidth(frmProblems.pnlLeft));
2178 | //Add(StrUserWidth(frmMeds.pnlLeft));
2179 | Add(StrUserWidth(frmOrders.pnlLeft));
2180 | Add(StrUserWidth(frmNotes.pnlLeft));
2181 | Add(StrUserWidth(frmConsults.pnlLeft));
2182 | Add(StrUserWidth(frmDCSumm.pnlLeft));
2183 | if Assigned(frmSurgery) then Add(StrUserWidth(frmSurgery.pnlLeft));
2184 | Add(StrUserWidth(frmLabs.pnlLeft));
2185 | Add(StrUserWidth(frmReports.pnlLeft));
2186 | Add(StrUserColumns(frmOrders.hdrOrders));
2187 | Add(StrUserColumns(frmMeds.hdrMedsIn));
2188 | Add(StrUserColumns(frmMeds.hdrMedsOut));
2189 | Add(StrUserBounds2(ReminderTreeName, RemTreeDlgLeft, RemTreeDlgTop, RemTreeDlgWidth, RemTreeDlgHeight));
2190 | Add(StrUserBounds2(RemDlgName, RemDlgLeft, RemDlgTop, RemDlgWidth, RemDlgHeight));
2191 | Add(StrUserBounds2(RemDlgSplitters, RemDlgSpltr1, RemDlgSpltr2, 0 ,0));
2192 |
2193 | //v26.47 - RV - access violation if Surgery Tab not enabled. Set to designer height as default.
2194 | if Assigned(frmSurgery) then SurgTempHt := frmSurgery.Drawers.pnlTemplates.Height else SurgTempHt := 85;
2195 | Add(StrUserBounds2(DrawerSplitters, frmNotes.Drawers.LastOpenSize,
2196 | frmConsults.Drawers.LastOpenSize,
2197 | frmDCSumm.Drawers.LastOpenSize,
2198 | SurgTempHt)); // last parameter = CQ7315
2199 |
2200 | Add(StrUserBounds2(CoverSplitters1,
2201 | frmCover.pnl_1.Width,
2202 | frmCover.pnl_3.Width,
2203 | frmCover.pnlTop.Height,
2204 | frmCover.pnl_4.Width));
2205 | Add(StrUserBounds2(CoverSplitters2,
2206 | frmCover.pnlBottom.Height,
2207 | frmCover.pnl_6.Width,
2208 | frmCover.pnl_8.Width,
2209 | 0));
2210 |
2211 | //Meds Tab Splitters
2212 | Add(StrUserBounds2(frmMeds.Name+'Split',frmMeds.pnlBottom.Height,frmMeds.pnlMedIn.Height,0,0));
2213 |
2214 | //Meds Tab Non-VA meds columns
2215 | Add(StrUserColumns(fMeds.frmMeds.hdrMedsNonVA)); //CQ7314
2216 |
2217 | //Orders Tab columns
2218 | Add(StrUserColumns(fOrders.frmOrders.hdrOrders)); //CQ6328
2219 |
2220 | if EnduringPtSelSplitterPos <> 0 then
2221 | Add(StrUserBounds2('frmPtSel.sptVert', EnduringPtSelSplitterPos, 0, 0, 0));
2222 | end;
2223 | //Add sizes for forms that used SaveUserBounds() to save thier positions
2224 | SizeHolder.AddSizesToStrList(SizeList);
2225 | //Send the SizeList to the Database
2226 | SaveUserSizes(SizeList);
2227 | finally
2228 | SizeList.Free;
2229 | end;
2230 | end;
2231 |
2232 | procedure TfrmFrame.FormResize(Sender: TObject);
2233 | { need to resize tab forms specifically since they don't inherit resize event (because they
2234 | are derived from TForm itself) }
2235 | begin
2236 | if FTerminate or FClosing then Exit;
2237 | if csDestroying in ComponentState then Exit;
2238 | MoveWindow(frmCover.Handle, 0, 0, pnlPage.ClientWidth, pnlPage.ClientHeight, True);
2239 | MoveWindow(frmProblems.Handle, 0, 0, pnlPage.ClientWidth, pnlPage.ClientHeight, True);
2240 | MoveWindow(frmMeds.Handle, 0, 0, pnlPage.ClientWidth, pnlPage.ClientHeight, True);
2241 | MoveWindow(frmOrders.Handle, 0, 0, pnlPage.ClientWidth, pnlPage.ClientHeight, True);
2242 | MoveWindow(frmNotes.Handle, 0, 0, pnlPage.ClientWidth, pnlPage.ClientHeight, True);
2243 | MoveWindow(frmConsults.Handle, 0, 0, pnlPage.ClientWidth, pnlPage.ClientHeight, True);
2244 | MoveWindow(frmDCSumm.Handle, 0, 0, pnlPage.ClientWidth, pnlPage.ClientHeight, True);
2245 | if Assigned(frmSurgery) then MoveWindow(frmSurgery.Handle, 0, 0, pnlPage.ClientWidth, pnlPage.ClientHeight, True);
2246 | MoveWindow(frmLabs.Handle, 0, 0, pnlPage.ClientWidth, pnlPage.ClientHeight, True);
2247 | MoveWindow(frmReports.Handle, 0, 0, pnlPage.ClientWidth, pnlPage.ClientHeight, True);
2248 | with stsArea do
2249 | begin
2250 | Panels[1].Width := stsArea.Width - FFixedStatusWidth;
2251 | FNextButtonL := Panels[0].Width + Panels[1].Width;
2252 | FNextButtonR := FNextButtonL + Panels[2].Width;
2253 | end;
2254 | lstCIRNLocations.Left := FNextButtonL - ScrollBarWidth - 100;
2255 | lstCIRNLocations.Width := ClientWidth - lstCIRNLocations.Left;
2256 | Self.Repaint;
2257 | end;
2258 |
2259 | procedure TfrmFrame.ChangeFont(NewFontSize: Integer);
2260 | { Makes changes in all components whenever the font size is changed. This is hardcoded and
2261 | based on MS Sans Serif for now, as only the font size may be selected. Courier New is used
2262 | wherever non-proportional fonts are required. }
2263 | const
2264 | TAB_VOFFSET = 7;
2265 | var
2266 | OldFont: TFont;
2267 | begin
2268 | // Ho ho! ResizeAnchoredFormToFont(self) doesn't work here because the
2269 | // Form size is aliased with MainFormSize.
2270 | OldFont := TFont.Create;
2271 | try
2272 | DisableAlign;
2273 | try
2274 | OldFont.Assign(Font);
2275 | with Self do Font.Size := NewFontSize;
2276 | with lblPtName do Font.Size := NewFontSize; // must change BOLDED labels by hand
2277 | with lblPtSSN do Font.Size := NewFontSize;
2278 | with lblPtAge do Font.Size := NewFontSize;
2279 | with lblPtLocation do Font.Size := NewFontSize;
2280 | with lblPtProvider do Font.Size := NewFontSize;
2281 | with lblPtPostings do Font.Size := NewFontSize;
2282 | with lblPtCare do Font.Size := NewFontSize;
2283 | with lblPtAttending do Font.Size := NewFontSize;
2284 | with lblFlag do Font.Size := NewFontSize;
2285 | with lblPtCWAD do Font.Size := NewFontSize;
2286 | with lblCIRN do Font.Size := NewFontSize;
2287 | with lblCIRNData do Font.Size := NewFontSize;
2288 | with lstCIRNLocations do Font.Size := NewFontSize;
2289 | with tabPage do Font.Size := NewFontSize;
2290 | with laMHV do Font.Size := NewFontSize; //VAA
2291 | with laVAA2 do Font.Size := NewFontSize; //VAA
2292 |
2293 | tabPage.Height := MainFontHeight + TAB_VOFFSET; // resize tab selector
2294 | FitToolbar; // resize toolbar
2295 | stsArea.Font.Size := NewFontSize;
2296 | stsArea.Height := MainFontHeight + TAB_VOFFSET;
2297 | stsArea.Panels[0].Width := ResizeWidth( OldFont, Font, stsArea.Panels[0].Width);
2298 | stsArea.Panels[2].Width := ResizeWidth( OldFont, Font, stsArea.Panels[2].Width);
2299 |
2300 | //VAA CQ8271
2301 | if ((fCover.PtIsVAA and fCover.PtIsMHV)) then
2302 | begin
2303 | laMHV.Height := (pnlToolBar.Height div 2) -1;
2304 | with laVAA2 do
2305 | begin
2306 | Top := laMHV.Top + laMHV.Height;
2307 | Height := (pnlToolBar.Height div 2) -1;
2308 | end;
2309 | end;
2310 | //end VAA
2311 |
2312 | RefreshFixedStatusWidth;
2313 | FormResize( self );
2314 | finally
2315 | EnableAlign;
2316 | end;
2317 | finally
2318 | OldFont.Free;
2319 | end;
2320 |
2321 | //remove CWAD color if using high-contrast colors
2322 | if ColorToRGB(clWindowText) <> ColorToRGB(clBlack) then
2323 | begin
2324 | lblPtCWAD.Font.Color := clWindowText;
2325 | lblFlag.Font.Color := clWindowText;
2326 | end;
2327 |
2328 | case (NewFontSize) of
2329 | 8: mnu8pt.Checked := true;
2330 | 10: mnu10pt1.Checked := true;
2331 | 12: mnu12pt1.Checked := true;
2332 | 14: mnu14pt1.Checked := true;
2333 | 18: mnu18pt1.Checked := true;
2334 | 24: mnu24pt1.Checked := true;
2335 | end;
2336 |
2337 | //Now that the form elements are resized, the pages will know what size to take.
2338 | frmCover.SetFontSize(NewFontSize); // child pages lack a ParentFont property
2339 | frmProblems.SetFontSize(NewFontSize);
2340 | frmMeds.SetFontSize(NewFontSize);
2341 | frmOrders.SetFontSize(NewFontSize);
2342 | frmNotes.SetFontSize(NewFontSize);
2343 | frmConsults.SetFontSize(NewFontSize);
2344 | frmDCSumm.SetFontSize(NewFontSize);
2345 | if Assigned(frmSurgery) then frmSurgery.SetFontSize(NewFontSize);
2346 | frmLabs.SetFontSize(NewFontSize);
2347 | frmReports.SetFontSize(NewFontSize);
2348 | TfrmIconLegend.SetFontSize(NewFontSize);
2349 | uOrders.SetFontSize(NewFontSize);
2350 | if Assigned(frmRemDlg) then frmRemDlg.SetFontSize;
2351 | if Assigned(frmReminderTree) then frmReminderTree.SetFontSize(NewFontSize);
2352 | if GraphFloat <> nil then ResizeAnchoredFormToFont(GraphFloat);
2353 | end;
2354 |
2355 | procedure TfrmFrame.FitToolBar;
2356 | { resizes and repositions the panels & labels used in the toolbar }
2357 | const
2358 | PATIENT_WIDTH = 29;
2359 | VISIT_WIDTH = 36;
2360 | POSTING_WIDTH = 11.5;
2361 | FLAG_WIDTH = 5;
2362 | CIRN_WIDTH = 7;
2363 | MHV_WIDTH = 6;
2364 | LINES_HIGH = 2;
2365 | M_HORIZ = 4;
2366 | M_MIDDLE = 2;
2367 | M_NVERT = 4;
2368 | M_WVERT = 6;
2369 | TINY_MARGIN = 2;
2370 | //var
2371 | //WidthNeeded: integer;
2372 | begin
2373 | pnlToolbar.Height := (LINES_HIGH * lblPtName.Height) + M_HORIZ + M_MIDDLE + M_HORIZ;
2374 | pnlPatient.Width := HigherOf(PATIENT_WIDTH * MainFontWidth, lblPtName.Width + (M_WVERT * 2));
2375 | lblPtSSN.Top := M_HORIZ + lblPtName.Height + M_MIDDLE;
2376 | lblPtAge.Top := lblPtSSN.Top;
2377 | lblPtAge.Left := pnlPatient.Width - lblPtAge.Width - M_WVERT;
2378 | pnlVisit.Width := HigherOf(LowerOf(VISIT_WIDTH * MainFontWidth,
2379 | HigherOf(lblPtProvider.Width + (M_WVERT * 2),
2380 | lblPtLocation.Width + (M_WVERT * 2))),
2381 | PATIENT_WIDTH * MainFontWidth);
2382 | lblPtProvider.Top := lblPtSSN.Top;
2383 | lblPtAttending.Top := lblPtSSN.Top;
2384 | lblCIRNData.Top := lblPtSSN.Top;
2385 | pnlPostings.Width := Round(POSTING_WIDTH * MainFontWidth);
2386 | pnlFlag.Width := Round(FLAG_WIDTH * MainFontWidth);
2387 | pnlFlag.Width := Round(FLAG_WIDTH * MainFontWidth);
2388 | pnlCIRN.Width := Round(CIRN_WIDTH * MainFontWidth) + M_WVERT;
2389 | paVAA.Width := Round(MHV_WIDTH * MainFontWidth) + M_WVERT;
2390 | with lblPtPostings do
2391 | SetBounds(M_WVERT, M_HORIZ, pnlPostings.Width-M_WVERT-M_WVERT, lblPtName.Height);
2392 | with lblPtCWAD do
2393 | SetBounds(M_WVERT, lblPtSSN.Top, lblPtPostings.Width, lblPtName.Height);
2394 | //Low resolution handling: First, try to fit everything on by shrinking fields
2395 | if pnlPrimaryCare.Width < HigherOf( lblPtCare.Left + lblPtCare.Width, lblPtAttending.Left + lblPtAttending.Width) + TINY_MARGIN then
2396 | begin
2397 | lblPtAge.Left := lblPtAge.Left - (lblPtName.Left - TINY_MARGIN);
2398 | lblPtName.Left := TINY_MARGIN;
2399 | lblPTSSN.Left := TINY_MARGIN;
2400 | pnlPatient.Width := HigherOf( lblPtName.Left + lblPtName.Width, lblPtAge.Left + lblPtAge.Width)+ TINY_MARGIN;
2401 | lblPtLocation.Left := TINY_MARGIN;
2402 | lblPtProvider.Left := TINY_MARGIN;
2403 | pnlVisit.Width := HigherOf( lblPtLocation.Left + lblPtLocation.Width, lblPtProvider.Left + lblPtProvider.Width)+ TINY_MARGIN;
2404 | end;
2405 | //If that is not enough, add scroll bars to form
2406 | {if pnlPrimaryCare.Width < HigherOf( lblPtCare.Left + lblPtCare.Width, lblPtAttending.Left + lblPtAttending.Width) + TINY_MARGIN then
2407 | begin
2408 | WidthNeeded := HigherOf( lblPtCare.Left + lblPtCare.Width, lblPtAttending.Left + lblPtAttending.Width) + TINY_MARGIN - pnlPrimaryCare.Width;
2409 | HorzScrollBar.Range := ClientWidth + WidthNeeded;
2410 | Width := Width + WidthNeeded;
2411 | end
2412 | else } // commented out - BA
2413 | HorzScrollBar.Range := 0;
2414 | end;
2415 |
2416 | { Temporary Calls -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
2417 |
2418 | procedure TfrmFrame.ToggleMenuItemChecked(Sender: TObject);
2419 | begin
2420 | with (Sender as TMenuItem) do
2421 | begin
2422 | if not Checked then
2423 | Checked := true
2424 | else
2425 | Checked := false;
2426 | end;
2427 | end;
2428 |
2429 | procedure TfrmFrame.mnuFontSizeClick(Sender: TObject);
2430 | begin
2431 | if (frmRemDlg <> nil) then
2432 | ShowMessage('Please close the reminder dialog before changing font sizes.')
2433 | else
2434 | if (dlgProbs <> nil) then
2435 | ShowMessage('Font size cannot be changed while adding or editing a problem.')
2436 | else
2437 | begin
2438 | with (Sender as TMenuItem) do
2439 | begin
2440 | ToggleMenuItemChecked(Sender);
2441 | fMeds.oldFont := MainFontSize; //CQ9182
2442 | ChangeFont(Tag);
2443 | end;
2444 | end;
2445 | end;
2446 |
2447 | procedure TfrmFrame.mnuEditClick(Sender: TObject);
2448 | var
2449 | IsReadOnly: Boolean;
2450 | begin
2451 | FEditCtrl := nil;
2452 | if Screen.ActiveControl is TCustomEdit then FEditCtrl := TCustomEdit(Screen.ActiveControl);
2453 | if FEditCtrl <> nil then
2454 | begin
2455 | if FEditCtrl is TMemo then IsReadOnly := TMemo(FEditCtrl).ReadOnly
2456 | else if FEditCtrl is TEdit then IsReadOnly := TEdit(FEditCtrl).ReadOnly
2457 | else if FEditCtrl is TRichEdit then IsReadOnly := TRichEdit(FEditCtrl).ReadOnly
2458 | else IsReadOnly := True;
2459 | mnuEditUndo.Enabled := FEditCtrl.Perform(EM_CANUNDO, 0, 0) <> 0;
2460 | mnuEditCut.Enabled := FEditCtrl.SelLength > 0;
2461 | mnuEditCopy.Enabled := mnuEditCut.Enabled;
2462 | mnuEditPaste.Enabled := (IsReadOnly = False) and Clipboard.HasFormat(CF_TEXT);
2463 | end else
2464 | begin
2465 | mnuEditUndo.Enabled := False;
2466 | mnuEditCut.Enabled := False;
2467 | mnuEditCopy.Enabled := False;
2468 | mnuEditPaste.Enabled := False;
2469 | end;
2470 | end;
2471 |
2472 | procedure TfrmFrame.mnuEditUndoClick(Sender: TObject);
2473 | begin
2474 | FEditCtrl.Perform(EM_UNDO, 0, 0);
2475 | end;
2476 |
2477 | procedure TfrmFrame.mnuEditCutClick(Sender: TObject);
2478 | begin
2479 | FEditCtrl.CutToClipboard;
2480 | end;
2481 |
2482 | procedure TfrmFrame.mnuEditCopyClick(Sender: TObject);
2483 | begin
2484 | FEditCtrl.CopyToClipboard;
2485 | end;
2486 |
2487 | procedure TfrmFrame.mnuEditPasteClick(Sender: TObject);
2488 | begin
2489 | FEditCtrl.SelText := Clipboard.AsText;
2490 | //FEditCtrl.PasteFromClipboard; // use AsText to prevent formatting from being pasted
2491 | end;
2492 |
2493 | procedure TfrmFrame.mnuFilePrintClick(Sender: TObject);
2494 | begin
2495 | case mnuFilePrint.Tag of
2496 | CT_NOTES: frmNotes.RequestPrint;
2497 | CT_CONSULTS: frmConsults.RequestPrint;
2498 | CT_DCSUMM: frmDCSumm.RequestPrint;
2499 | CT_REPORTS: frmReports.RequestPrint;
2500 | CT_LABS: frmLabs.RequestPrint;
2501 | CT_ORDERS: frmOrders.RequestPrint;
2502 | CT_PROBLEMS: frmProblems.RequestPrint;
2503 | CT_SURGERY: if Assigned(frmSurgery) then frmSurgery.RequestPrint;
2504 | end;
2505 | end;
2506 |
2507 | function TfrmFrame.FormHelp(Command: Word; Data: Integer;
2508 | var CallHelp: Boolean): Boolean;
2509 | var
2510 | ActiveForm: TForm;
2511 | begin
2512 | inherited;
2513 | if Screen.ActiveForm <> nil then
2514 | begin
2515 | if Screen.ActiveForm.ActiveControl <> nil then
2516 | begin
2517 | if Screen.ActiveForm.ActiveControl is TForm then
2518 | ActiveForm := TForm(Screen.ActiveForm.ActiveControl)
2519 | else if Screen.ActiveForm.ActiveControl.Owner is TForm then
2520 | ActiveForm := TForm(Screen.ActiveForm.ActiveControl.Owner)
2521 | else
2522 | ActiveForm := Screen.ActiveForm;
2523 | end
2524 | else
2525 | ActiveForm := Screen.ActiveForm;
2526 | HelpFile := ActiveForm.HelpFile;
2527 | end ;
2528 | Result := True;
2529 | end;
2530 |
2531 | procedure TfrmFrame.WMSysCommand(var Message: TMessage);
2532 | begin
2533 | case TabToPageID(tabPage.TabIndex) of
2534 | CT_NOTES:
2535 | if Assigned(Screen.ActiveControl.Parent) and (Screen.ActiveControl.Parent.Name = 'cboCosigner') then
2536 | with Message do
2537 | begin
2538 | SendMessage(frmNotes.Handle, Msg, WParam, LParam);
2539 | Result := 0;
2540 | end
2541 | else
2542 | inherited;
2543 | CT_DCSUMM:
2544 | if Assigned(Screen.ActiveControl.Parent) and (Screen.ActiveControl.Parent.Name = 'cboAttending') then
2545 | with Message do
2546 | begin
2547 | SendMessage(frmDCSumm.Handle, Msg, WParam, lParam);
2548 | Result := 0;
2549 | end
2550 | else
2551 | inherited;
2553 | if Assigned(Screen.ActiveControl.Parent) and (Screen.ActiveControl.Parent.Name = 'cboCosigner') then
2554 | with Message do
2555 | begin
2556 | SendMessage(frmConsults.Handle, Msg, WParam, lParam);
2557 | Result := 0;
2558 | end
2559 | else
2560 | inherited;
2561 | else
2562 | inherited;
2563 | end;
2564 | if Message.WParam = SC_MAXIMIZE then
2565 | begin
2566 | // form becomes maximized;
2567 | frmOrders.mnuOptimizeFieldsClick(self);
2568 | frmProblems.mnuOptimizeFieldsClick(self);
2569 | frmMeds.mnuOptimizeFieldsClick(self);
2570 | end
2571 | else if Message.WParam = SC_MINIMIZE then
2572 | begin
2573 | // form becomes maximized;
2574 | end
2575 | else if Message.WParam = SC_RESTORE then
2576 | begin
2577 | // form is restored (from maximized);
2578 | frmOrders.mnuOptimizeFieldsClick(self);
2579 | frmProblems.mnuOptimizeFieldsClick(self);
2580 | frmMeds.mnuOptimizeFieldsClick(self);
2581 | end;
2582 | end;
2583 |
2584 | procedure TfrmFrame.RemindersChanged(Sender: TObject);
2585 | var
2586 | ImgName: string;
2587 | begin
2588 | pnlReminders.tag := HAVE_REMINDERS;
2589 | pnlReminders.Hint := 'Click to display reminders';
2590 | case GetReminderStatus of
2591 | rsUnknown:
2592 | begin
2593 | ImgName := 'BMP_REMINDERS_UNKNOWN';
2594 | pnlReminders.Caption := 'Reminders';
2595 | end;
2596 | rsDue:
2597 | begin
2598 | ImgName := 'BMP_REMINDERS_DUE';
2599 | pnlReminders.Caption := 'Due Reminders';
2600 | end;
2601 | rsApplicable:
2602 | begin
2604 | pnlReminders.Caption := 'Applicable Reminders';
2605 | end;
2606 | rsNotApplicable:
2607 | begin
2608 | ImgName := 'BMP_REMINDERS_OTHER';
2609 | pnlReminders.Caption := 'Other Reminders';
2610 | end;
2611 | else
2612 | begin
2613 | ImgName := 'BMP_REMINDERS_NONE';
2614 | pnlReminders.Hint := 'There are currently no reminders available';
2615 | pnlReminders.Caption := pnlReminders.Hint;
2616 | pnlReminders.tag := NO_REMINDERS;
2617 | end;
2618 | end;
2619 | if(RemindersEvaluatingInBackground) then
2620 | begin
2621 | if(anmtRemSearch.ResName = '') then
2622 | begin
2623 | TORExposedAnimate(anmtRemSearch).OnMouseDown := pnlRemindersMouseDown;
2624 | TORExposedAnimate(anmtRemSearch).OnMouseUp := pnlRemindersMouseUp;
2625 | anmtRemSearch.ResHandle := 0;
2626 | anmtRemSearch.ResName := 'REMSEARCHAVI';
2627 | end;
2628 | imgReminder.Visible := FALSE;
2629 | anmtRemSearch.Active := TRUE;
2630 | anmtRemSearch.Visible := TRUE;
2631 | if(pnlReminders.Hint <> '') then
2632 | pnlReminders.Hint := CRLF + pnlReminders.Hint + '.';
2633 | pnlReminders.Hint := 'Evaluating Reminders... ' + pnlReminders.Hint;
2634 | pnlReminders.Caption := pnlReminders.Hint;
2635 | end
2636 | else
2637 | begin
2638 | anmtRemSearch.Visible := FALSE;
2639 | imgReminder.Visible := TRUE;
2640 | imgReminder.Picture.Bitmap.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, ImgName);
2641 | anmtRemSearch.Active := FALSE;
2642 | end;
2643 | mnuViewReminders.Enabled := (pnlReminders.tag = HAVE_REMINDERS);
2644 | end;
2645 |
2646 | procedure TfrmFrame.pnlRemindersMouseDown(Sender: TObject;
2647 | Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
2648 | begin
2649 | if(not InitialRemindersLoaded) then
2650 | StartupReminders;
2651 | if(pnlReminders.tag = HAVE_REMINDERS) then
2652 | pnlReminders.BevelOuter := bvLowered;
2653 | end;
2654 |
2655 | procedure TfrmFrame.pnlRemindersMouseUp(Sender: TObject;
2656 | Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
2657 | begin
2658 | pnlReminders.BevelOuter := bvRaised;
2659 | if(pnlReminders.tag = HAVE_REMINDERS) then
2660 | ViewInfo(mnuViewReminders);
2661 | end;
2662 |
2663 | //--------------------- CIRN-related procedures --------------------------------
2664 |
2665 | procedure TfrmFrame.SetUpCIRN;
2666 | var
2667 | i: integer;
2668 | aAutoQuery: string;
2669 | ASite: TRemoteSite;
2670 | begin
2671 | with RemoteSites do
2672 | if UseVistaWeb then
2673 | begin
2674 | ChangePatient(Patient.DFN);
2675 | lblCIRN.Caption := 'Remote'; //VistaWeb On
2676 | lblCIRNData.Caption := 'Data*';
2677 | pnlCIRN.Caption := 'Remote Data';
2678 | lblCIRN.Width := 43;
2679 | lblCIRNData.Width := 43;
2680 | lblCIRNData.Alignment := taCenter;
2681 | lblCIRN.Alignment := taCenter;
2682 | lblCIRN.Enabled := True;
2683 | lblCIRNData.Enabled := True;
2684 | lblCIRNAvail.Enabled := True;
2685 | pnlCIRN.TabStop := True;
2686 | if RemoteDataExists and (RemoteSites.Count > 0) then
2687 | begin
2688 | lblCIRN.Enabled := True;
2689 | lblCIRNData.Enabled := True;
2690 | lblCIRNAvail.Enabled := True;
2691 | pnlCIRN.TabStop := True;
2692 | if ColorToRGB(clWindowText) = ColorToRGB(clBlack) then
2693 | begin
2694 | lblCIRN.Font.Color := clBlue;
2695 | lblCIRNData.Font.Color := clBlue;
2696 | lblCIRNAvail.Font.Color := clBlue;
2697 | lstCIRNLocations.Font.Color := clBlue;
2698 | lblCIRN.Caption := 'Remote';
2699 | lblCIRNData.Caption := 'Data*';
2700 | lblCIRNAvail.Caption := 'Available';
2701 | pnlCIRN.Caption := 'Remote Data Available';
2702 | end
2703 | else
2704 | begin
2705 | lblCIRN.Font.Color := clWindowText;
2706 | lblCIRNData.Font.Color := clWindowText;
2707 | lblCIRNAvail.Font.Color := clWindowText;
2708 | lstCIRNLocations.Font.Color := clWindowText;
2709 | end;
2710 | end
2711 | else
2712 | begin
2713 | lblCIRN.Font.Color := clWindowText;
2714 | lblCIRNData.Font.Color := clWindowText;
2715 | lblCIRNAvail.Font.Color := clWindowText;
2716 | lblCIRN.Enabled := False;
2717 | lblCIRNData.Enabled := False;
2718 | lblCIRNAvail.Enabled := False;
2719 | pnlCIRN.TabStop := False;
2720 | pnlCIRN.Hint := NoDataReason;
2721 | end;
2722 | pnlCIRN.Hint := 'Click to open VistaWeb';
2723 | end
2724 | else
2725 | begin
2726 | ChangePatient(Patient.DFN);
2727 | lblCIRN.Caption := ' Remote';
2728 | lblCIRNData.Caption := 'Data';
2729 | pnlCIRN.Caption := 'Remote Data';
2730 | lblCIRNAvail.Caption := '';
2731 | lblCIRN.Width := 43;
2732 | lblCIRNData.Width := 43;
2733 | lblCIRNData.Alignment := taCenter;
2734 | lblCIRN.Alignment := taCenter;
2735 | if RemoteDataExists and (RemoteSites.Count > 0) then
2736 | begin
2737 | lblCIRN.Enabled := True;
2738 | lblCIRNData.Enabled := True;
2739 | lblCIRNAvail.Enabled := True;
2740 | pnlCIRN.TabStop := True;
2741 | if ColorToRGB(clWindowText) = ColorToRGB(clBlack) then
2742 | begin
2743 | lblCIRN.Font.Color := clBlue;
2744 | lblCIRNData.Font.Color := clBlue;
2745 | lblCIRNAvail.Font.Color := clBlue;
2746 | lstCIRNLocations.Font.Color := clBlue;
2747 | lblCIRN.Caption := 'Remote';
2748 | lblCIRNData.Caption := 'Data';
2749 | lblCIRNAvail.Caption := 'Available';
2750 | pnlCIRN.Caption := 'Remote Data Available';
2751 | end
2752 | else
2753 | begin
2754 | lblCIRN.Font.Color := clWindowText;
2755 | lblCIRNData.Font.Color := clWindowText;
2756 | lblCIRNAvail.Font.Color := clWindowText;
2757 | lstCIRNLocations.Font.Color := clWindowText;
2758 | lblCIRNAvail.Color := clWindowText;
2759 | end;
2760 | pnlCIRN.Hint := 'Click to display other facilities having data for this patient.';
2761 | lstCIRNLocations.Items.Add('-1' + U + 'Use VistaWeb from now on');
2762 | if RemoteSites.Count > 0 then
2763 | lstCIRNLocations.Items.Add('0' + U + 'All Available Sites');
2764 | for i := 0 to RemoteSites.Count - 1 do
2765 | begin
2766 | ASite := TRemoteSite(SiteList[i]);
2767 | lstCIRNLocations.Items.Add(ASite.SiteID + U + ASite.SiteName + U +
2768 | FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd yyyy hh:nn', ASite.LastDate));
2769 | end;
2770 | end
2771 | else
2772 | begin
2773 | lblCIRN.Font.Color := clWindowText;
2774 | lblCIRNData.Font.Color := clWindowText;
2775 | lblCIRNAvail.Font.Color := clWindowText;
2776 | lblCIRN.Enabled := False;
2777 | lblCIRNData.Enabled := False;
2778 | lblCIRNAvail.Enabled := False;
2779 | pnlCIRN.TabStop := False;
2780 | pnlCIRN.Hint := NoDataReason;
2781 | end;
2782 | aAutoQuery := AutoRDV; //Check to see if Remote Queries should be used for all available sites
2783 | if (aAutoQuery = '1') and (lstCIRNLocations.Count > 0) then
2784 | begin
2785 | lstCIRNLocations.ItemIndex := 1;
2786 | lstCIRNLocations.Checked[1] := true;
2787 | lstCIRNLocationsClick(self);
2788 | end;
2789 | end;
2790 | end;
2791 |
2792 | procedure TfrmFrame.pnlCIRNClick(Sender: TObject);
2793 | //var
2794 | // aAddress: string;
2795 | begin
2796 | {if UseVistaWeb then
2797 | begin
2798 | pnlCIRN.BevelOuter := bvRaised;
2799 | pnlCIRN.Hint := 'Click to open VistaWeb';
2800 | lblCIRN.Width := 43;
2801 | lblCIRNData.Width := 43;
2802 | lblCIRNData.Alignment := taCenter;
2803 | lblCIRN.Alignment := taCenter;
2804 | lstCIRNLocations.Visible := false;
2805 | lstCIRNLocations.SendToBack;
2806 | aAddress := GetVistaWebAddress(Patient.DFN);
2807 | ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar(aAddress), PChar(''), '', SW_NORMAL);
2808 | Exit;
2809 | end;
2810 | if not RemoteSites.RemoteDataExists then Exit;
2811 | if (not lstCIRNLocations.Visible) then
2812 | begin
2813 | pnlCIRN.BevelOuter := bvLowered;
2814 | lstCIRNLocations.Visible := True;
2815 | lstCIRNLocations.BringToFront;
2816 | lstCIRNLocations.SetFocus;
2817 | pnlCIRN.Hint := 'Click to close list.';
2818 | end
2819 | else
2820 | begin
2821 | pnlCIRN.BevelOuter := bvRaised;
2822 | lstCIRNLocations.Visible := False;
2823 | lstCIRNLocations.SendToBack;
2824 | pnlCIRN.Hint := 'Click to display other facilities having data for this patient.';
2825 | end }
2826 | ViewInfo(mnuViewRemoteData);
2827 | end;
2828 |
2829 | procedure TfrmFrame.lstCIRNLocationsClick(Sender: TObject);
2830 | const
2831 | DGSR_FAIL = -1;
2832 | DGSR_NONE = 0;
2833 | DGSR_SHOW = 1;
2834 | DGSR_ASK = 2;
2835 | DGSR_DENY = 3;
2836 | var
2837 | iIndex,j,iAll,iCur: integer;
2838 | aMsg,s: string;
2839 | AccessStatus: integer;
2840 | begin
2841 | iAll := 1;
2842 | AccessStatus := 0;
2843 | iIndex := lstCIRNLocations.ItemIndex;
2844 | if iIndex = 0 then
2845 | if (piece(lstCIRNLocations.Items[0],'^',1) = '-1') and (lstCIRNLocations.Checked[iIndex] = true) then
2846 | begin
2847 | if MessageDlg('Are you sure you want to make VistaWeb your default for viewing Remote Data?',
2848 | mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0) = mrYes then
2849 | begin
2850 | ChangeVistaWebParam('1');
2851 | lblCIRN.Caption := 'Remote'; //VistaWeb On
2852 | lblCIRNData.Caption := 'Data*';
2853 | pnlCIRN.Caption := 'Remote Data';
2854 | lblCIRNAvail.Caption := '';
2855 | lblCIRN.Width := 43;
2856 | lblCIRNData.Width := 43;
2857 | lblCIRNData.Alignment := taCenter;
2858 | lblCIRN.Alignment := taCenter;
2859 | with RemoteSites do if RemoteDataExists and (RemoteSites.Count > 0) then
2860 | begin
2861 | lblCIRN.Enabled := True;
2862 | lblCIRNData.Enabled := True;
2863 | pnlCIRN.TabStop := True;
2864 | if ColorToRGB(clWindowText) = ColorToRGB(clBlack) then
2865 | begin
2866 | lblCIRN.Font.Color := clBlue;
2867 | lblCIRNData.Font.Color := clBlue;
2868 | lstCIRNLocations.Font.Color := clBlue;
2869 | lblCIRN.Caption := 'Remote';
2870 | lblCIRNData.Caption := 'Data*';
2871 | lblCIRNAvail.Caption := 'Available';
2872 | pnlCIRN.Caption := 'Remote Data Available';
2873 | end
2874 | else
2875 | begin
2876 | lblCIRN.Font.Color := clWindowText;
2877 | lblCIRNData.Font.Color := clWindowText;
2878 | lstCIRNLocations.Font.Color := clWindowText;
2879 | lblCIRNAvail.Font.Color := clWindowText;
2880 | end;
2881 | end;
2882 | pnlCIRNClick(self);
2883 | Exit;
2884 | end
2885 | else
2886 | lstCIRNLocations.Checked[iIndex] := false;
2887 | end
2888 | else
2889 | begin
2890 | ChangeVistaWebParam('0');
2891 | lblCIRN.Caption := 'Remote';
2892 | lblCIRNData.Caption := 'Data';
2893 | pnlCIRN.Caption := 'Remote Data';
2894 | lblCIRN.Width := 43;
2895 | lblCIRNData.Width := 43;
2896 | lblCIRNData.Alignment := taCenter;
2897 | lblCIRN.Alignment := taCenter;
2898 | pnlCIRNClick(self);
2899 | Exit;
2900 | end;
2901 | if not CheckHL7TCPLink then
2902 | begin
2903 | InfoBox('Local HL7 TCP Link is down.' + CRLF + 'Unable to retrieve remote data.', TC_DGSR_ERR, MB_OK);
2904 | lstCIRNLocations.Checked[iIndex] := false;
2905 | Exit;
2906 | end;
2907 | if lstCIRNLocations.Items.Count > 1 then
2908 | if piece(lstCIRNLocations.Items[1],'^',1) = '0' then
2909 | iAll := 2;
2910 | with frmReports do
2911 | if piece(uRemoteType,'^',2) = 'V' then
2912 | begin
2913 | lvReports.Items.BeginUpdate;
2914 | lvReports.Items.Clear;
2915 | lvReports.Columns.Clear;
2916 | lvReports.Items.EndUpdate;
2917 | end;
2918 | uReportInstruction := '';
2919 | frmReports.TabControl1.Tabs.Clear;
2920 | frmLabs.TabControl1.Tabs.Clear;
2921 | frmReports.TabControl1.Tabs.AddObject('Local',nil);
2922 | frmLabs.TabControl1.Tabs.AddObject('Local',nil);
2923 | StatusText('Checking Remote Sites...');
2924 | if piece(lstCIRNLocations.Items[iIndex],'^',1) = '0' then // All sites have been clicked
2925 | if lstCIRNLocations.Checked[iIndex] = false then // All selection is being turned off
2926 | begin
2927 | with RemoteSites.SiteList do
2928 | for j := 0 to Count - 1 do
2929 | if lstCIRNLocations.Checked[j+2] = true then
2930 | begin
2931 | lstCIRNLocations.Checked[j+2] := false;
2932 | TRemoteSite(RemoteSites.SiteList[j]).Selected := false;
2933 | TRemoteSite(RemoteSites.SiteList[j]).ReportClear;
2934 | TRemoteSite(RemoteSites.SiteList[j]).LabClear;
2935 | end;
2936 | end
2937 | else
2938 | begin
2939 | with RemoteSites.SiteList do
2940 | for j := 0 to Count - 1 do
2941 | begin
2942 | Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
2943 | {CheckRemotePatient(aMsg, Patient.DFN + ';' + Patient.ICN,TRemoteSite(Items[j]).SiteID,
2944 | AccessStatus);}
2945 | Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
2946 | aMsg := aMsg + ' at site: ' + TRemoteSite(Items[j]).SiteName;
2947 | s := lstCIRNLocations.Items[j+2];
2948 | lstCIRNLocations.Items[j+2] := pieces(s, '^', 1, 3);
2949 | case AccessStatus of
2950 | DGSR_FAIL: begin
2951 | if piece(aMsg,':',1) = 'RPC name not found at site' then //Allow for backward compatibility
2952 | begin
2953 | lstCIRNLocations.Checked[j+2] := true;
2954 | TRemoteSite(RemoteSites.SiteList[j]).ReportClear;
2955 | TRemoteSite(RemoteSites.SiteList[j]).LabClear;
2956 | TRemoteSite(Items[j]).Selected := true;
2957 | end
2958 | else
2959 | begin
2960 | InfoBox(aMsg, TC_DGSR_ERR, MB_OK);
2961 | lstCIRNLocations.Checked[j+2] := false;
2962 | lstCIRNLocations.Items[j+2] := pieces(s, '^', 1, 3) + '^' + TC_DGSR_ERR;
2963 | TRemoteSite(Items[j]).Selected := false;
2964 | Continue;
2965 | end;
2966 | end;
2967 | DGSR_NONE: begin
2968 | lstCIRNLocations.Checked[j+2] := true;
2969 | TRemoteSite(RemoteSites.SiteList[j]).ReportClear;
2970 | TRemoteSite(RemoteSites.SiteList[j]).LabClear;
2971 | TRemoteSite(Items[j]).Selected := true;
2972 | end;
2973 | DGSR_SHOW: begin
2974 | InfoBox(AMsg, TC_DGSR_SHOW, MB_OK);
2975 | lstCIRNLocations.Checked[j+2] := true;
2976 | TRemoteSite(RemoteSites.SiteList[j]).ReportClear;
2977 | TRemoteSite(RemoteSites.SiteList[j]).LabClear;
2978 | TRemoteSite(Items[j]).Selected := true;
2979 | end;
2981 | MB_DEFBUTTON2) = IDYES then
2982 | begin
2983 | lstCIRNLocations.Checked[j+2] := true;
2984 | TRemoteSite(RemoteSites.SiteList[j]).ReportClear;
2985 | TRemoteSite(RemoteSites.SiteList[j]).LabClear;
2986 | TRemoteSite(Items[j]).Selected := true;
2987 | end
2988 | else
2989 | begin
2990 | lstCIRNLocations.Checked[j+2] := false;
2991 | lstCIRNLocations.Items[j+2] := pieces(s, '^', 1, 3) + '^' + TC_DGSR_SHOW;
2992 | TRemoteSite(Items[j]).Selected := false;
2993 | Continue;
2994 | end;
2995 | else begin
2996 | InfoBox(AMsg, TC_DGSR_DENY, MB_OK);
2997 | lstCIRNLocations.Checked[j+2] := false;
2998 | lstCIRNLocations.Items[j+2] := pieces(s, '^', 1, 3) + '^' + TC_DGSR_DENY;
2999 | TRemoteSite(Items[j]).Selected := false;
3000 | Continue;
3001 | end;
3002 | end;
3003 | end;
3004 | end
3005 | else
3006 | begin
3007 | if iIndex > 0 then
3008 | begin
3009 | iCur := iIndex - iAll;
3010 | TRemoteSite(RemoteSites.SiteList[iCur]).Selected :=
3011 | lstCIRNLocations.Checked[iIndex];
3012 | if lstCIRNLocations.Checked[iIndex] = true then
3013 | with RemoteSites.SiteList do
3014 | begin
3015 | Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
3016 | {CheckRemotePatient(aMsg, Patient.DFN + ';' + Patient.ICN,TRemoteSite(Items[iCur]).SiteID,
3017 | AccessStatus);}
3018 | Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
3019 | aMsg := aMsg + ' at site: ' + TRemoteSite(Items[iCur]).SiteName;
3020 | s := lstCIRNLocations.Items[iIndex];
3021 | lstCIRNLocations.Items[iIndex] := pieces(s, '^', 1, 3);
3022 | case AccessStatus of
3023 | DGSR_FAIL: begin
3024 | if piece(aMsg,':',1) = 'RPC name not found at site' then //Allow for backward compatibility
3025 | begin
3026 | lstCIRNLocations.Checked[iIndex] := true;
3027 | TRemoteSite(RemoteSites.SiteList[iCur]).ReportClear;
3028 | TRemoteSite(RemoteSites.SiteList[iCur]).LabClear;
3029 | TRemoteSite(Items[iCur]).Selected := true;
3030 | end
3031 | else
3032 | begin
3033 | InfoBox(aMsg, TC_DGSR_ERR, MB_OK);
3034 | lstCIRNLocations.Checked[iIndex] := false;
3035 | lstCIRNLocations.Items[iIndex] := pieces(s, '^', 1, 3) + '^' + TC_DGSR_ERR;
3036 | TRemoteSite(Items[iCur]).Selected := false;
3037 | end;
3038 | end;
3039 | DGSR_NONE: begin
3040 | lstCIRNLocations.Checked[iIndex] := true;
3041 | TRemoteSite(RemoteSites.SiteList[iCur]).ReportClear;
3042 | TRemoteSite(RemoteSites.SiteList[iCur]).LabClear;
3043 | TRemoteSite(Items[iCur]).Selected := true;
3044 | end;
3045 | DGSR_SHOW: begin
3046 | InfoBox(AMsg, TC_DGSR_SHOW, MB_OK);
3047 | lstCIRNLocations.Checked[iIndex] := true;
3048 | TRemoteSite(RemoteSites.SiteList[iCur]).ReportClear;
3049 | TRemoteSite(RemoteSites.SiteList[iCur]).LabClear;
3050 | TRemoteSite(Items[iCur]).Selected := true;
3051 | end;
3053 | MB_DEFBUTTON2) = IDYES then
3054 | begin
3055 | lstCIRNLocations.Checked[iIndex] := true;
3056 | TRemoteSite(RemoteSites.SiteList[iCur]).ReportClear;
3057 | TRemoteSite(RemoteSites.SiteList[iCur]).LabClear;
3058 | TRemoteSite(Items[iCur]).Selected := true;
3059 | end
3060 | else
3061 | begin
3062 | lstCIRNLocations.Checked[iIndex] := false;
3063 | lstCIRNLocations.Items[iIndex] := pieces(s, '^', 1, 3) + '^' + TC_DGSR_SHOW;
3064 | end;
3065 | else begin
3066 | InfoBox(AMsg, TC_DGSR_DENY, MB_OK);
3067 | lstCIRNLocations.Checked[iIndex] := false;
3068 | lstCIRNLocations.Items[iIndex] := pieces(s, '^', 1, 3) + '^' + TC_DGSR_DENY;
3069 | TRemoteSite(Items[iCur]).Selected := false;
3070 | end;
3071 | end;
3072 | with frmReports do
3073 | if piece(uRemoteType,'^',1) = '1' then
3074 | if not(piece(uRemoteType,'^',2) = 'V') then
3075 | begin
3076 | TabControl1.Visible := true;
3077 | pnlRightTop.Height := lblTitle.Height + TabControl1.Height;
3078 | end;
3079 | with frmLabs do
3080 | if lstReports.ItemIndex > -1 then
3081 | if piece(lstReports.Items[lstReports.ItemIndex],'^',3) = '1' then
3082 | if not(piece(lstReports.Items[lstReports.ItemIndex],'^',5) = 'V') then
3083 | TabControl1.Visible := true;
3084 | end;
3085 | end;
3086 | end;
3087 | with RemoteSites.SiteList do
3088 | for j := 0 to Count - 1 do
3089 | if TRemoteSite(Items[j]).Selected then
3090 | begin
3091 | frmReports.TabControl1.Tabs.AddObject(TRemoteSite(Items[j]).SiteName,
3092 | TRemoteSite(Items[j]));
3093 | frmLabs.TabControl1.Tabs.AddObject(TRemoteSite(Items[j]).SiteName,
3094 | TRemoteSite(Items[j]));
3095 | end;
3096 | //frmLabs.TabControl1.OnChange(nil);
3097 | //frmReports.TabControl1.OnChange(nil);
3098 | if frmReports.tvReports.SelectionCount > 0 then frmReports.tvReportsClick(self);
3099 | if frmLabs.lstReports.ItemIndex > -1 then frmLabs.ExtlstReportsClick(self, true);
3100 | StatusText('');
3101 | end;
3102 |
3103 | procedure TfrmFrame.popCIRNCloseClick(Sender: TObject);
3104 | begin
3105 | lstCIRNLocations.Visible := False;
3106 | lstCirnLocations.SendToBack;
3107 | pnlCIRN.BevelOuter := bvRaised;
3108 | end;
3109 |
3110 | procedure TfrmFrame.popCIRNSelectAllClick(Sender: TObject);
3111 |
3112 | begin
3113 | lstCIRNLocations.ItemIndex := 0;
3114 | lstCIRNLocations.Checked[0] := true;
3115 | lstCIRNLocations.OnClick(Self);
3116 | end;
3117 |
3118 | procedure TfrmFrame.popCIRNSelectNoneClick(Sender: TObject);
3119 |
3120 | begin
3121 | lstCIRNLocations.ItemIndex := 0;
3122 | lstCIRNLocations.Checked[0] := false;
3123 | lstCIRNLocations.OnClick(Self);
3124 | end;
3125 |
3126 | procedure TfrmFrame.mnuFilePrintSetupClick(Sender: TObject);
3127 | var
3128 | CurrPrt: string;
3129 | begin
3130 | CurrPrt := SelectDevice(Self, Encounter.Location, True,'');
3131 | User.CurrentPrinter := Piece(CurrPrt, U, 1);
3132 | end;
3133 |
3134 | procedure TfrmFrame.lstCIRNLocationsChange(Sender: TObject);
3135 | begin
3136 | if lstCIRNLocations.ItemIndex > 0 then
3137 | if (lstCIRNLocations.Selected[lstCIRNLocations.ItemIndex] = true) and (uUpdateStat = false) then
3138 | if not (piece(lstCIRNLocations.Items[1],'^',1) = '0') then
3139 | lstCIRNLocations.OnClick(nil);
3140 | end;
3141 |
3142 | procedure TfrmFrame.LabInfo1Click(Sender: TObject);
3143 | begin
3144 | ExecuteLabInfo;
3145 | end;
3146 |
3147 | procedure TfrmFrame.mnuFileNotifRemoveClick(Sender: TObject);
3148 | const
3149 | TC_REMOVE_ALERT = 'Remove Current Alert';
3150 | TX_REMOVE_ALERT1 = 'This action will delete the alert you are currently processing; the alert will ' + CRLF +
3151 | 'disappear automatically when all orders have been acted on, but this action may' + CRLF +
3152 | 'be used to remove the alert if some orders are to be left unchanged.' + CRLF + CRLF +
3153 | 'Your ';
3154 | TX_REMOVE_ALERT2 = ' alert for ';
3155 | TX_REMOVE_ALERT3 = ' will be deleted!' + CRLF + CRLF + 'Are you sure?';
3156 | var
3157 | AlertMsg, AlertType: string;
3158 |
3159 | procedure StopProcessingNotifs;
3160 | begin
3161 | Notifications.Clear;
3162 | FNextButtonActive := False;
3163 | stsArea.Panels[2].Bevel := pbLowered;
3164 | mnuFileNext.Enabled := False;
3165 | mnuFileNotifRemove.Enabled := False;
3166 | end;
3167 |
3168 | begin
3169 | if not Notifications.Active then Exit;
3170 | case Notifications.Followup of
3171 | NF_MEDICATIONS_EXPIRING_INPT : AlertType := 'Expiring Medications';
3172 | NF_MEDICATIONS_EXPIRING_OUTPT : AlertType := 'Expiring Medications';
3173 | NF_ORDER_REQUIRES_ELEC_SIGNATURE: AlertType := 'Unsigned Orders';
3174 | NF_FLAGGED_ORDERS : AlertType := 'Flagged Orders (for clarification)';
3175 | NF_UNVERIFIED_MEDICATION_ORDER : AlertType := 'Unverified Medication Order';
3176 | NF_UNVERIFIED_ORDER : AlertType := 'Unverified Order';
3177 | NF_FLAGGED_OI_EXP_INPT : AlertType := 'Flagged Orderable Item (INPT)';
3178 | NF_FLAGGED_OI_EXP_OUTPT : AlertType := 'Flagged Orderable Item (OUTPT)';
3179 | else
3180 | Exit;
3181 | end;
3182 | AlertMsg := TX_REMOVE_ALERT1 + AlertType + TX_REMOVE_ALERT2 + Patient.Name + TX_REMOVE_ALERT3;
3183 | if InfoBox(AlertMsg, TC_REMOVE_ALERT, MB_YESNO) = ID_YES then
3184 | begin
3185 | Notifications.DeleteForCurrentUser;
3186 | Notifications.Next; // avoid prompt if no more alerts selected to process {v14a RV}
3187 | if Notifications.Active then
3188 | begin
3189 | if (InfoBox(TX_NOTIF_STOP, TC_NOTIF_STOP, MB_YESNO) = ID_NO) then
3190 | begin
3191 | Notifications.Prior;
3192 | mnuFileNextClick(Self);
3193 | end
3194 | else
3195 | StopProcessingNotifs;
3196 | end
3197 | else
3198 | StopProcessingNotifs;
3199 | end;
3200 | end;
3201 |
3202 | procedure TfrmFrame.mnuToolsOptionsClick(Sender: TObject);
3203 | // personal preferences - changes may need to be applied to chart
3204 | var
3205 | i: integer;
3206 | begin
3207 | i := 0;
3208 | DialogOptions(i);
3209 | end;
3210 |
3211 | procedure TfrmFrame.LoadUserPreferences;
3212 | begin
3213 | LoadSizesForUser;
3214 | // LoadUserVitalPreferences;
3215 | GetUserTemplateDefaults(TRUE);
3216 | end;
3217 |
3218 | procedure TfrmFrame.SaveUserPreferences;
3219 | begin
3220 | SaveSizesForUser; // position & size settings
3221 | // SaveUserVitalPreferences; // save Vitals metric setting
3222 | SaveUserTemplateDefaults;
3223 | end;
3224 |
3225 | procedure TfrmFrame.mnuFileRefreshClick(Sender: TObject);
3226 | begin
3227 | FRefreshing := TRUE;
3228 | try
3229 | mnuFileOpenClick(Self);
3230 | finally
3231 | FRefreshing := FALSE;
3232 | end;
3233 | end;
3234 |
3235 | procedure TfrmFrame.AppActivated(Sender: TObject);
3236 | begin
3237 | if assigned(FOldActivate) then
3238 | FOldActivate(Sender);
3239 | SetActiveWindow(Application.Handle);
3240 | end;
3241 |
3242 | // close Treatment Factor hint window if alt-tab pressed.
3243 | procedure TfrmFrame.AppDeActivated(Sender: TObject);
3244 | begin
3245 | if FRVTFhintWindowActive then
3246 | begin
3247 | FRVTFHintWindow.ReleaseHandle;
3248 | FRVTFHintWindowActive := False;
3249 | end
3250 | else
3251 | if FOSTFHintWndActive then
3252 | begin
3253 | FOSTFhintWindow.ReleaseHandle;
3254 | FOSTFHintWndActive := False ;
3255 | end;
3256 | if FHintWinActive then // graphing - hints on values
3257 | begin
3258 | FHintWin.ReleaseHandle;
3259 | FHintWinActive := false;
3260 | end;
3261 | end;
3262 |
3263 | (*procedure TfrmFrame.CreateTab(var AnInstance: TObject; AClass: TClass; ATabID: integer; ALabel: string);
3264 | begin
3265 | AnInstance := TPage.Create(Self);
3266 | TPage(AnInstance).Parent := pnlPage;
3267 | TPage(AnInstance).Show;
3268 | uTabList.Add(IntToStr(ATabID));
3269 | tabPage.Tabs.Add(ALabel);
3270 | end;*)
3271 |
3272 | procedure TfrmFrame.CreateTab(ATabID: integer; ALabel: string);
3273 | begin
3274 | // old comment - try making owner self (instead of application) to see if solves TMenuItem.Insert bug
3275 | case ATabID of
3276 | CT_PROBLEMS : begin
3277 | frmProblems := TfrmProblems.Create(Self);
3278 | frmProblems.Parent := pnlPage;
3279 | end;
3280 | CT_MEDS : begin
3281 | frmMeds := TfrmMeds.Create(Self);
3282 | frmMeds.Parent := pnlPage;
3283 | frmMeds.InitfMedsSize;
3284 | end;
3285 | CT_ORDERS : begin
3286 | frmOrders := TfrmOrders.Create(Self);
3287 | frmOrders.Parent := pnlPage;
3288 | end;
3289 | CT_HP : begin
3290 | // not yet
3291 | end;
3292 | CT_NOTES : begin
3293 | frmNotes := TfrmNotes.Create(Self);
3294 | frmNotes.Parent := pnlPage;
3295 | end;
3296 | CT_CONSULTS : begin
3297 | frmConsults := TfrmConsults.Create(Self);
3298 | frmConsults.Parent := pnlPage;
3299 | end;
3300 | CT_DCSUMM : begin
3301 | frmDCSumm := TfrmDCSumm.Create(Self);
3302 | frmDCSumm.Parent := pnlPage;
3303 | end;
3304 | CT_LABS : begin
3305 | frmLabs := TfrmLabs.Create(Self);
3306 | frmLabs.Parent := pnlPage;
3307 | end;
3308 | CT_REPORTS : begin
3309 | frmReports := TfrmReports.Create(Self);
3310 | frmReports.Parent := pnlPage;
3311 | end;
3312 | CT_SURGERY : begin
3313 | frmSurgery := TfrmSurgery.Create(Self);
3314 | frmSurgery.Parent := pnlPage;
3315 | end;
3316 | CT_COVER : begin
3317 | frmCover := TfrmCover.Create(Self);
3318 | frmCover.Parent := pnlPage;
3319 | end;
3320 | else
3321 | Exit;
3322 | end;
3323 | if ATabID = CT_COVER then
3324 | begin
3325 | uTabList.Insert(0, IntToStr(ATabID));
3326 | tabPage.Tabs.Insert(0, ALabel);
3327 | tabPage.TabIndex := 0;
3328 | end
3329 | else
3330 | begin
3331 | uTabList.Add(IntToStr(ATabID));
3332 | tabPage.Tabs.Add(ALabel);
3333 | end;
3334 | end;
3335 |
3336 | procedure TfrmFrame.ShowHideChartTabMenus(AMenuItem: TMenuItem);
3337 | var
3338 | i: integer;
3339 | begin
3340 | for i := 0 to AMenuItem.Count - 1 do
3341 | AMenuItem.Items[i].Visible := TabExists(AMenuItem.Items[i].Tag);
3342 | end;
3343 |
3344 | function TfrmFrame.TabExists(ATabID: integer): boolean;
3345 | begin
3346 | Result := (uTabList.IndexOf(IntToStr(ATabID)) > -1)
3347 | end;
3348 |
3349 | procedure TfrmFrame.ReportsOnlyDisplay;
3350 | begin
3351 |
3352 | // Configure "Edit" menu:
3353 | menuHideAllBut(mnuEdit, mnuEditPref); // Hide everything under Edit menu except Preferences.
3354 | menuHideAllBut(mnuEditPref, Prefs1); // Hide everything under Preferences menu except Fonts.
3355 |
3356 | // Remaining pull-down menus:
3357 | mnuView.visible := false;
3358 | mnuFileRefresh.visible := false;
3359 | mnuFileEncounter.visible := false;
3360 | mnuFileReview.visible := false;
3361 | mnuFileNext.visible := false;
3362 | mnuFileNotifRemove.visible := false;
3363 | mnuHelpBroker.visible := false;
3364 | mnuHelpLists.visible := false;
3365 | mnuHelpSymbols.visible := false;
3366 |
3367 | // Top panel components:
3368 | //pnlVisit.visible := false;
3369 | pnlVisit.hint := 'Provider/Location';
3370 | pnlVisit.onMouseDown := nil;
3371 | pnlVisit.onMouseUp := nil;
3372 | //pnlPrimaryCare.visible := false;
3373 | //pnlPostings.visible := false;
3374 | //lblPtCWAD.visible := false;
3375 | //lblPtPostings.visible := false;
3376 | //pnlReminders.visible := false;
3377 | //anmtRemSearch.visible := false;
3378 |
3379 | // Forms for other tabs:
3380 | frmCover.visible := false;
3381 | frmProblems.visible := false;
3382 | frmMeds.visible := false;
3383 | frmOrders.visible := false;
3384 | frmNotes.visible := false;
3385 | frmConsults.visible := false;
3386 | frmDCSumm.visible := false;
3387 | if Assigned(frmSurgery) then
3388 | frmSurgery.visible := false;
3389 | frmLabs.visible := false;
3390 |
3391 | // Other tabs (so to speak):
3392 | tabPage.tabs.clear;
3393 | tabPage.tabs.add('Reports');
3394 |
3395 | end;
3396 |
3397 | procedure TfrmFrame.UpdatePtInfoOnRefresh;
3398 | var
3399 | tmpDFN: string;
3400 | begin
3401 | tmpDFN := Patient.DFN;
3402 | Patient.Clear;
3403 | Patient.DFN := tmpDFN;
3404 | uCore.TempEncounterLoc := 0; //hds7591 Clinic/Ward movement.
3405 | uCore.TempEncounterLocName := ''; //hds7591 Clinic/Ward movement.
3406 |
3407 | if (FPrevInPatient and Patient.Inpatient) then //transfering inside hospital
3408 | Encounter.Location := Patient.Location
3409 | else if (FPrevInPatient and (not Patient.Inpatient)) then //patient was discharged
3410 | begin
3411 | Encounter.Inpatient := False;
3412 | Encounter.Location := 0;
3413 | FPrevInPatient := False;
3414 | end
3415 | else if ((not FPrevInPatient) and Patient.Inpatient) then //patient was admitted
3416 | begin
3417 | Encounter.Inpatient := True;
3418 | uCore.TempEncounterLoc := Encounter.Location; //hds7591 Clinic/Ward movement.
3419 | uCore.TempEncounterLocName := Encounter.LocationName; //hds7591 Clinic/Ward movement.
3420 | Encounter.Location := Patient.Location;
3421 | Encounter.DateTime := Patient.AdmitTime;
3422 | Encounter.VisitCategory := 'H';
3423 | FPrevInPatient := True;
3424 | end;
3425 | //if User.IsProvider then Encounter.Provider := ;
3426 | DisplayEncounterText;
3427 | end;
3428 |
3429 | procedure TfrmFrame.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
3430 | var
3431 | NewTabIndex: integer;
3432 | begin
3433 | //CQ2844: Toggle Remote Data button using Alt+R
3434 | case Key of
3435 | 82,114: if (ssAlt in Shift) then
3436 | frmFrame.pnlCIRNClick(Sender);
3437 | end;
3438 |
3439 | if (Key = VK_TAB) then begin
3440 | if (ssCtrl in Shift) then begin
3441 | if not (ActiveControl is TCustomMemo) or not TMemo(ActiveControl).WantTabs then begin
3442 | NewTabIndex := tabPage.TabIndex;
3443 | if ssShift in Shift then
3444 | dec(NewTabIndex)
3445 | else
3446 | inc(NewTabIndex);
3447 | if NewTabIndex >= tabPage.Tabs.Count then
3448 | dec(NewTabIndex,tabPage.Tabs.Count)
3449 | else if NewTabIndex < 0 then
3450 | inc(NewTabIndex,tabPage.Tabs.Count);
3451 | tabPage.TabIndex := NewTabIndex;
3452 | tabPageChange(tabPage);
3453 | Key := 0;
3454 | end;
3455 | end;
3456 | end;
3457 | end;
3458 |
3459 | procedure TfrmFrame.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
3460 | begin
3461 | if Assigned(FLastPage) then
3462 | FLastPage.FocusFirstControl;
3463 | end;
3464 |
3465 | procedure TfrmFrame.pnlPrimaryCareEnter(Sender: TObject);
3466 | begin
3467 | with Sender as TPanel do
3468 | if (ControlCount > 0) and (Controls[0] is TSpeedButton) and (TSpeedButton(Controls[0]).Down)
3469 | then
3470 | BevelInner := bvLowered
3471 | else
3472 | BevelInner := bvRaised;
3473 | end;
3474 |
3475 | procedure TfrmFrame.pnlPrimaryCareExit(Sender: TObject);
3476 | var
3477 | ShiftIsDown,TabIsDown : boolean;
3478 | begin
3479 | with Sender as TPanel do begin
3480 | BevelInner := bvNone;
3481 | //Make the lstCIRNLocations act as if between pnlCIRN & pnlReminders
3482 | //in the Tab Order
3483 | if (lstCIRNLocations.CanFocus) then
3484 | begin
3485 | ShiftIsDown := Boolean(Hi(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT)));
3486 | TabIsDown := Boolean(Hi(GetKeyState(VK_TAB)));
3487 | if TabIsDown then
3488 | if (ShiftIsDown) and (Name = 'pnlReminders') then
3489 | lstCIRNLocations.SetFocus
3490 | else if Not (ShiftIsDown) and (Name = 'pnlCIRN') then
3491 | lstCIRNLocations.SetFocus;
3492 | end;
3493 | end;
3494 | end;
3495 |
3496 | procedure TfrmFrame.pnlPatientClick(Sender: TObject);
3497 | begin
3498 | ViewInfo(mnuViewDemo);
3499 | end;
3500 |
3501 | procedure TfrmFrame.pnlVisitClick(Sender: TObject);
3502 | begin
3503 | //if (not User.IsReportsOnly) then // Reports Only tab.
3504 | // mnuFileEncounterClick(Self);
3505 | ViewInfo(mnuViewVisits);
3506 | end;
3507 |
3508 | procedure TfrmFrame.pnlPrimaryCareClick(Sender: TObject);
3509 | begin
3510 | //ReportBox(DetailPrimaryCare(Patient.DFN), 'Primary Care', True);
3511 | ViewInfo(mnuViewPrimaryCare);
3512 | end;
3513 |
3514 | procedure TfrmFrame.pnlRemindersClick(Sender: TObject);
3515 | begin
3516 | if(pnlReminders.tag = HAVE_REMINDERS) then
3517 | ViewInfo(mnuViewReminders);
3518 |
3519 | end;
3520 |
3521 | procedure TfrmFrame.pnlPostingsClick(Sender: TObject);
3522 | begin
3523 | ViewInfo(mnuViewPostings);
3524 | end;
3525 |
3526 | //=========================== CCOW main changes ========================
3527 |
3528 | procedure TfrmFrame.HandleCCOWError(AMessage: string);
3529 | begin
3530 | {$ifdef DEBUG}
3531 | ShowMessage(AMessage);
3532 | {$endif}
3534 | FCCOWInstalled := False;
3535 | imgCCOW.Picture.BitMap.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, 'BMP_CCOW_BROKEN');
3536 | pnlCCOW.Hint := TX_CCOW_BROKEN;
3537 | mnuFileResumeContext.Visible := True;
3538 | mnuFileResumeContext.Enabled := False;
3539 | mnuFileBreakContext.Visible := True;
3540 | mnuFileBreakContext.Enabled := False;
3541 | FCCOWError := True;
3542 | end;
3543 |
3544 | function TfrmFrame.AllowCCOWContextChange(var CCOWResponse: UserResponse; NewDFN: string): boolean;
3545 | var
3546 | PtData : IContextItemCollection;
3547 | PtDataItem2, PtDataItem3, PtDataItem4 : IContextItem;
3548 | response : UserResponse;
3549 | StationNumber: string;
3550 | IsProdAcct: boolean;
3551 | begin
3552 | Result := False;
3553 | response := 0;
3554 | try
3555 | // Start a context change transaction
3556 | if FCCOWInstalled then
3557 | begin
3558 | FCCOWError := False;
3559 | imgCCOW.Picture.BitMap.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, 'BMP_CCOW_CHANGING');
3560 | pnlCCOW.Hint := TX_CCOW_CHANGING;
3561 | try
3562 | ctxContextor.StartContextChange();
3563 | except
3564 | on E: Exception do HandleCCOWError(E.Message);
3565 | end;
3566 | if FCCOWError then
3567 | begin
3568 | Result := False;
3569 | Exit;
3570 | end;
3571 | // Set the new proposed context data.
3572 | PtData := CoContextItemCollection.Create();
3573 | StationNumber := User.StationNumber;
3574 | IsProdAcct := User.IsProductionAccount;
3575 |
3577 | //IsProdAcct := RPCBrokerV.Login.IsProduction; //not yet
3578 | {$ENDIF}
3579 |
3580 | PtDataItem2 := CoContextItem.Create();
3581 | PtDataItem2.Set_Name('Patient.co.PatientName'); // Patient.Name
3582 | PtDataItem2.Set_Value(Piece(Patient.Name, ',', 1) + U + Piece(Patient.Name, ',', 2) + '^^^^');
3583 | PtData.Add(PtDataItem2);
3584 |
3585 | PtDataItem3 := CoContextItem.Create();
3586 | if not IsProdAcct then
3587 | PtDataItem3.Set_Name('Patient.id.MRN.DFN_' + StationNumber + '_TEST') // Patient.DFN
3588 | else
3589 | PtDataItem3.Set_Name('Patient.id.MRN.DFN_' + StationNumber); // Patient.DFN
3590 | PtDataItem3.Set_Value(Patient.DFN);
3591 | PtData.Add(PtDataItem3);
3592 |
3593 | if Patient.ICN <> '' then
3594 | begin
3595 | PtDataItem4 := CoContextItem.Create();
3596 | if not IsProdAcct then
3597 | PtDataItem4.Set_Name('Patient.id.MRN.NationalIDNumber_TEST') // Patient.ICN
3598 | else
3599 | PtDataItem4.Set_Name('Patient.id.MRN.NationalIDNumber'); // Patient.ICN
3600 | PtDataItem4.Set_Value(Patient.ICN);
3601 | PtData.Add(PtDataItem4);
3602 | end;
3603 |
3604 | // End the context change transaction.
3605 | FCCOWError := False;
3606 | try
3607 | response := ctxContextor.EndContextChange(true, PtData);
3608 | except
3609 | on E: Exception do HandleCCOWError(E.Message);
3610 | end;
3611 | if FCCOWError then
3612 | begin
3613 | HideEverything;
3614 | Result := False;
3615 | Exit;
3616 | end;
3617 | end
3618 | else
3619 | //response := urBreak;
3620 | begin
3621 | Result := True;
3622 | Exit;
3623 | end;
3624 |
3625 | CCOWResponse := response;
3626 | if (response = UrCommit) then
3627 | begin
3628 | // New context is committed.
3629 | //ShowMessage('Response was Commit');
3630 | mnuFileResumeContext.Enabled := False;
3631 | mnuFileBreakContext.Enabled := True;
3632 | FCCOWIconName := 'BMP_CCOW_LINKED';
3633 | pnlCCOW.Hint := TX_CCOW_LINKED;
3634 | imgCCOW.Picture.BitMap.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, FCCOWIconName);
3635 | Result := True;
3636 | end
3637 | else if (response = UrCancel) then
3638 | begin
3639 | // Proposed context change is canceled. Return to the current context.
3640 | PtData.RemoveAll;
3641 | mnuFileResumeContext.Enabled := False;
3642 | mnuFileBreakContext.Enabled := True;
3643 | imgCCOW.Picture.BitMap.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, FCCOWIconName);
3644 | Result := False;
3645 | end
3646 | else if (response = UrBreak) then
3647 | begin
3648 | // The contextor has broken the link by suspending. This app should
3649 | // update the Clinical Link icon, enable the Resume menu item, and
3650 | // disable the Suspend menu item.
3651 | PtData.RemoveAll;
3652 | mnuFileResumeContext.Enabled := True;
3653 | mnuFileBreakContext.Enabled := False;
3654 | FCCOWIconName := 'BMP_CCOW_BROKEN';
3655 | pnlCCOW.Hint := TX_CCOW_BROKEN;
3656 | imgCCOW.Picture.BitMap.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, FCCOWIconName);
3657 | if Patient.Inpatient then
3658 | begin
3659 | Encounter.Inpatient := True;
3660 | Encounter.Location := Patient.Location;
3661 | Encounter.DateTime := Patient.AdmitTime;
3662 | Encounter.VisitCategory := 'H';
3663 | end;
3664 | if User.IsProvider then Encounter.Provider := User.DUZ;
3665 | SetupPatient;
3666 | tabPage.TabIndex := PageIDToTab(User.InitialTab);
3667 | tabPageChange(tabPage);
3668 | Result := False;
3669 | end;
3670 | except
3671 | on exc : EOleException do
3672 | //ShowMessage('EOleException: ' + exc.Message + ' - ' + string(exc.ErrorCode) );
3673 | ShowMessage('EOleException: ' + exc.Message);
3674 | end;
3675 | end;
3676 |
3677 | procedure TfrmFrame.ctxContextorCanceled(Sender: TObject);
3678 | begin
3679 | // Application should maintain its state as the current (existing) context.
3680 | imgCCOW.Picture.BitMap.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, FCCOWIconName);
3681 | end;
3682 |
3683 | procedure TfrmFrame.ctxContextorPending(Sender: TObject;
3684 | const aContextItemCollection: IDispatch);
3685 | var
3686 | Reason, HyperLinkReason: string;
3687 | PtChanged: boolean;
3689 | UserChanged: boolean;
3690 | {$ENDIF}
3691 | begin
3692 | // If the app would lose data, or have other problems changing context at
3693 | // this time, it should return a message using SetSurveyReponse. Note that the
3694 | // user may decide to commit the context change anyway.
3695 | //
3696 | // if (cannot-change-context-without-a-problem) then
3697 | // contextor.SetSurveyResponse('Conditional accept reason...');
3698 | if FCCOWBusy then
3699 | begin
3700 | Sleep(10000);
3701 | end;
3702 |
3703 | FCCOWError := False;
3704 | try
3705 | CheckForDifferentPatient(aContextItemCollection, PtChanged);
3707 | CheckForDifferentUser(aContextItemCollection, UserChanged);
3708 | {$ENDIF}
3709 | except
3710 | on E: Exception do HandleCCOWError(E.Message);
3711 | end;
3712 | if FCCOWError then
3713 | begin
3714 | HideEverything;
3715 | Exit;
3716 | end;
3717 |
3719 | if PtChanged or UserChanged then
3720 | {$ELSE}
3721 | if PtChanged then
3722 | {$ENDIF}
3723 | begin
3724 | FCCOWContextChanging := True;
3725 | imgCCOW.Picture.BitMap.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, 'BMP_CCOW_CHANGING');
3726 | pnlCCOW.Hint := TX_CCOW_CHANGING;
3727 | AllowContextChangeAll(Reason);
3728 | end;
3729 | CheckHyperlinkResponse(aContextItemCollection, HyperlinkReason);
3730 | Reason := HyperlinkReason + Reason;
3731 | if Pos('COM_OBJECT_ACTIVE', Reason) > 0 then
3732 | Sleep(12000)
3733 | else if Length(Reason) > 0 then
3734 | ctxContextor.SetSurveyResponse(Reason);
3735 | FCCOWContextChanging := False;
3736 | end;
3737 |
3738 | procedure TfrmFrame.ctxContextorCommitted(Sender: TObject);
3739 | var
3740 | Reason: string;
3741 | PtChanged: boolean;
3742 | i: integer;
3743 | begin
3744 | // Application should now access the new context and update its state.
3745 | FCCOWError := False;
3746 | try
3748 | with RPCBrokerV do if (WasUserDefined and IsUserCleared and (ctxContextor.CurrentContext.Present(CCOW_USER_NAME) = nil)) then // RV 05/11/04
3749 | begin
3750 | Reason := 'COMMIT';
3751 | if AllowContextChangeAll(Reason) then
3752 | begin
3753 | Close;
3754 | Exit;
3755 | end;
3756 | end;
3757 | {$ENDIF}
3758 | CheckForDifferentPatient(ctxContextor.CurrentContext, PtChanged);
3759 | except
3760 | on E: Exception do HandleCCOWError(E.Message);
3761 | end;
3762 | if FCCOWError then
3763 | begin
3764 | HideEverything;
3765 | Exit;
3766 | end;
3767 | if not PtChanged then exit;
3768 | FCCOWDrivedChange := True;
3769 | i := 0;
3770 | while Length(Screen.Forms[i].Name) > 0 do
3771 | begin
3772 | if fsModal in Screen.Forms[i].FormState then
3773 | begin
3774 | Screen.Forms[i].ModalResult := mrCancel;
3775 | i := i + 1;
3776 | end else // the fsModal forms always sequenced prior to the none-fsModal forms
3777 | Break;
3778 | end;
3779 | Reason := 'COMMIT';
3780 | if AllowContextChangeAll(Reason) then UpdateCCOWContext;
3781 | FCCOWIconName := 'BMP_CCOW_LINKED';
3782 | pnlCCOW.Hint := TX_CCOW_LINKED;
3783 | imgCCOW.Picture.BitMap.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, FCCOWIconName);
3784 | end;
3785 |
3786 | //function TfrmFrame.FindBestCCOWDFN(var APatientName: string): string;
3787 | function TfrmFrame.FindBestCCOWDFN: string;
3788 | var
3789 | data: IContextItemCollection;
3790 | anItem: IContextItem;
3791 | StationNumber, tempDFN: string;
3792 | IsProdAcct: Boolean;
3793 |
3794 | procedure FindNextBestDFN;
3795 | begin
3796 | StationNumber := User.StationNumber;
3797 | if IsProdAcct then
3798 | anItem := data.Present('Patient.id.MRN.DFN_' + StationNumber)
3799 | else
3800 | anItem := data.Present('Patient.id.MRN.DFN_' + StationNumber + '_TEST');
3801 | if anItem <> nil then tempDFN := anItem.Get_Value();
3802 | end;
3803 |
3804 | begin
3805 | if uCore.User = nil then
3806 | begin
3807 | Result := '';
3808 | exit;
3809 | end;
3810 | IsProdAcct := User.IsProductionAccount;
3812 | //IsProdAcct := RPCBrokerV.Login.IsProduction; //not yet
3813 | {$ENDIF}
3814 | // Get an item collection of the current context
3815 | FCCOWError := False;
3816 | try
3817 | data := ctxContextor.CurrentContext;
3818 | except
3819 | on E: Exception do HandleCCOWError(E.Message);
3820 | end;
3821 | if FCCOWError then
3822 | begin
3823 | HideEverything;
3824 | Exit;
3825 | end;
3826 | // Retrieve the ContextItem name and value as strings
3827 | if IsProdAcct then
3828 | anItem := data.Present('Patient.id.MRN.NationalIDNumber')
3829 | else
3830 | anItem := data.Present('Patient.id.MRN.NationalIDNumber_TEST');
3831 | if anItem <> nil then
3 |