unit fReminderDialog; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, ORFn, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, Buttons, ORCtrls, uReminders, uConst, ORClasses, fRptBox, Menus, rPCE, uTemplates; type TfrmRemDlg = class(TForm) sb1: TScrollBox; pnlBottom: TPanel; reData: TRichEdit; reText: TRichEdit; pnlButtons: TORAutoPanel; btnClear: TButton; btnBack: TButton; btnCancel: TButton; btnNext: TButton; btnFinish: TButton; sb2: TScrollBox; splTxtData: TSplitter; splText: TSplitter; btnClinMaint: TButton; lblFootnotes: TStaticText; btnVisit: TButton; Label1: TLabel; procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure sbResize(Sender: TObject); procedure btnClearClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnCancelClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ProcessReminderFromNodeStr(value: string); procedure btnNextClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnBackClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnFinishClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnClinMaintClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnVisitClick(Sender: TObject); procedure KillDlg(ptr: Pointer; ID: string; KillObjects: boolean = FALSE); procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); //AGP Change 24.8 private FSCCond: TSCConditions; FSCPrompt: boolean; FVitalsDate: TFMDateTime; FSCRelated: integer; FAORelated: integer; FIRRelated: integer; FECRelated: integer; FMSTRelated: integer; FHNCRelated: integer; FCVRelated: integer; FLastWidth: integer; FUseBox2: boolean; FExitOK: boolean; FReminder: TReminderDialog; CurReminderList: TORStringList; FClinMainBox: TfrmReportBox; FOldClinMaintOnDestroy: TNotifyEvent; FProcessingTemplate: boolean; FSilent: boolean; protected procedure RemindersChanged(Sender: TObject); procedure ClearControls(All: boolean = FALSE); procedure BuildControls; function GetBox(Other: boolean = FALSE): TScrollBox; function KillAll: boolean; procedure ResetProcessing(Wipe: string = ''); //AGP CHANGE 24.8; procedure BoxUpdateDone; procedure ControlsChanged(Sender: TObject); procedure UMResyncRem(var Message: TMessage); message UM_RESYNCREM; procedure UpdateText(Sender: TObject); function GetCurReminderList: integer; function NextReminder: string; function BackReminder: string; procedure UpdateButtons; procedure PositionTrees(NodeID: string); procedure ClinMaintDestroyed(Sender: TObject); procedure ProcessTemplate(Template: TTemplate); public procedure ProcessReminder(ARemData: string; NodeID: string); procedure SetFontSize; property Silent: boolean read FSilent write FSilent; end; procedure ViewReminderDialog(RemNode: TORTreeNode; InitDlg: boolean = TRUE); procedure ViewReminderDialogTemplate(TempNode: TORTreeNode; InitDlg: boolean = TRUE); procedure ViewRemDlgTemplateFromForm(OwningForm: TForm; Template: TTemplate; InitDlg, IsTemplate: boolean); procedure HideReminderDialog; procedure UpdateReminderFinish; procedure KillReminderDialog(frm: TForm); procedure NotifyWhenProcessingReminderChanges(Proc: TNotifyEvent); procedure RemoveNotifyWhenProcessingReminderChanges(Proc: TNotifyEvent); function ReminderDialogActive: boolean; function CurrentReminderInDialog: TReminderDialog; var frmRemDlg: TfrmRemDlg = nil; RemDlgSpltr1: integer = 0; RemDlgSpltr2: integer = 0; RemDlgLeft: integer = 0; RemDlgTop: integer = 0; RemDlgWidth: integer = 0; RemDlgHeight: integer = 0; const RemDlgName = 'frmRemDlg'; RemDlgSplitters = 'frmRemDlgSplitters'; implementation uses fNotes, uPCE, uOrders, rOrders, uCore, rMisc, rReminders, fReminderTree, uVitals, rVitals, RichEdit, fConsults, fTemplateDialog, uTemplateFields, fRemVisitInfo, rCore; {$R *.DFM} var PositionList: TORNotifyList = nil; ClinRemTextLocation: integer = -77; ClinRemTextStr: string = ''; const REQ_TXT = 'The following required items must be entered:' + CRLF; REQ_HDR = 'Required Items Missing'; function ClinRemText: string; begin if(ClinRemTextLocation <> Encounter.Location) then begin ClinRemTextLocation := Encounter.Location; ClinRemTextStr := GetProgressNoteHeader; end; Result := ClinRemTextStr; end; procedure NotifyWhenProcessingReminderChanges(Proc: TNotifyEvent); begin if(not assigned(PositionList)) then PositionList := TORNotifyList.Create; PositionList.Add(Proc); end; procedure RemoveNotifyWhenProcessingReminderChanges(Proc: TNotifyEvent); begin if(assigned(PositionList)) then PositionList.Remove(Proc); end; function ReminderDialogActive: boolean; begin Result := assigned(frmRemDlg); end; function CurrentReminderInDialog: TReminderDialog; begin Result := nil; if(assigned(frmRemDlg)) then Result := frmRemDlg.FReminder; end; procedure ViewRemDlgFromForm(OwningForm: TForm; RemNode: TORTreeNode; Template: TTemplate; InitDlg, IsTemplate: boolean); var Update: boolean; Err: string; begin Err := ''; if assigned(frmRemDlg) then begin if IsTemplate then Err := 'Can not process template while another reminder dialog is being processed.' else if frmRemDlg.FProcessingTemplate then Err := 'Can not process reminder while a reminder dialog template is being processed.' end; Update := FALSE; if Err = '' then begin if(RemForm.Form <> OwningForm) then begin if(assigned(RemForm.Form)) then Err := 'Reminders currently begin processed on another tab.' else begin if(OwningForm = frmNotes) then frmNotes.AssignRemForm else if(OwningForm = frmConsults) then frmConsults.AssignRemForm else Err := 'Can not process reminder dialogs on this tab.'; Update := TRUE; end; end; end; if Err <> '' then begin InfoBox(Err, 'Reminders in Process', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR); exit; end; if(InitDlg and (not assigned(frmRemDlg))) then begin //(AGP add) Check for a bad encounter date if RemForm.PCEObj.DateTime < 0 then begin InfoBox('The parent note has an invalid encounter date. Please contact IRM support for assistance.','Warning',MB_OK); exit; end; frmRemDlg := TfrmRemDlg.Create(Application); frmRemDlg.SetFontSize; Update := TRUE; end; if(assigned(frmRemDlg)) then begin if Update then begin frmRemDlg.FSCRelated := RemForm.PCEObj.SCRelated; frmRemDlg.FAORelated := RemForm.PCEObj.AORelated; frmRemDlg.FIRRelated := RemForm.PCEObj.IRRelated; frmRemDlg.FECRelated := RemForm.PCEObj.ECRelated; frmRemDlg.FMSTRelated := RemForm.PCEObj.MSTRelated; frmRemDlg.FHNCRelated := RemForm.PCEObj.HNCRelated; frmRemDlg.FCVRelated := RemForm.PCEObj.CVRelated; end; UpdateReminderFinish; if IsTemplate then frmRemDlg.ProcessTemplate(Template) else if assigned(RemNode) then frmRemDlg.ProcessReminder(RemNode.StringData, RemNode.TreeView.GetNodeID(RemNode, 1, IncludeParentID)); end; end; procedure ViewRemDlg(RemNode: TORTreeNode; InitDlg, IsTemplate: boolean); var own: TComponent; begin if assigned(RemNode) then begin own := RemNode.TreeView.Owner.Owner; // Owner is the Drawers, Owner.Owner is the Tab if(not (own is TForm)) then InfoBox('ViewReminderDialog called from an unsupported location.', 'Reminders in Process', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR) else ViewRemDlgFromForm(TForm(own), RemNode, TTemplate(RemNode.Data), InitDlg, IsTemplate); end; end; procedure ViewReminderDialog(RemNode: TORTreeNode; InitDlg: boolean = TRUE); begin if(assigned(RemNode)) then ViewRemDlg(RemNode, InitDlg, FALSE) else HideReminderDialog; end; procedure ViewReminderDialogTemplate(TempNode: TORTreeNode; InitDlg: boolean = TRUE); begin if(assigned(TempNode) and (assigned(TempNode.Data)) and (TTemplate(TempNode.Data).IsReminderDialog)) then ViewRemDlg(TempNode, InitDlg, TRUE) else KillReminderDialog(nil); end; procedure ViewRemDlgTemplateFromForm(OwningForm: TForm; Template: TTemplate; InitDlg, IsTemplate: boolean); begin if(assigned(OwningForm) and assigned(Template) and Template.IsReminderDialog) then ViewRemDlgFromForm(OwningForm, nil, Template, InitDlg, IsTemplate) else KillReminderDialog(nil); end; procedure HideReminderDialog; begin if(assigned(frmRemDlg)) then frmRemDlg.Hide; end; procedure UpdateReminderFinish; begin if(assigned(frmRemDlg)) and (assigned(RemForm.Form)) then begin frmRemDlg.btnFinish.Enabled := RemForm.CanFinishProc; frmRemDlg.UpdateButtons; end; end; procedure KillReminderDialog(frm: TForm); begin if(assigned(frm) and (assigned(RemForm.Form)) and (frm <> RemForm.Form)) then exit; if(assigned(frmRemDlg)) then begin frmRemDlg.FExitOK := TRUE; frmRemDlg.ResetProcessing; end; KillObj(@frmRemDlg); end; { TfrmRemDlg } procedure TfrmRemDlg.ProcessReminder(ARemData: string; NodeID: string); var Rem: TReminder; TmpList: TStringList; Msg: string; Flds, Abort: boolean; begin FProcessingTemplate := FALSE; Rem := GetReminder(ARemData); if(FReminder <> Rem) then begin if(assigned(FReminder)) then begin Abort := FALSE; Flds := FALSE; TmpList := TStringList.Create; try FReminder.FinishProblems(TmpList, Flds); if(TmpList.Count > 0) or Flds then begin TmpList.Insert(0, ' Reminder: ' + FReminder.PrintName); if Flds then TmpList.Add(' ' + MissingFieldsTxt); Msg := REQ_TXT + TmpList.Text + CRLF + ' Ignore required items and continue processing?'; Abort := (InfoBox(Msg, REQ_HDR, MB_YESNO or MB_DEFBUTTON2) = IDNO); end; finally TmpList.Free; end; if(Abort) then exit; end; ClearControls(TRUE); FReminder := Rem; Rem.PCEDataObj := RemForm.PCEObj; BuildControls; UpdateText(nil); end; PositionTrees(NodeID); UpdateButtons; Show; end; procedure TfrmRemDlg.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin Action := caFree; end; procedure TfrmRemDlg.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean); begin if(not FExitOK) then CanClose := KillAll; end; procedure TfrmRemDlg.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin reData.Color := ReadOnlyColor; reText.Color := ReadOnlyColor; (* FSCCond := EligbleConditions; FSCRelated := SCC_NA; AGP Change 25.2 FAORelated := SCC_NA; FIRRelated := SCC_NA; FECRelated := SCC_NA; FMSTRelated := SCC_NA; FHNCRelated := SCC_NA; FCVRelated := SCC_NA; with FSCCond do FSCPrompt := (SCAllow or AOAllow or IRAllow or ECAllow or MSTAllow or HNCAllow or CVAllow); *) NotifyWhenRemindersChange(RemindersChanged); RemForm.Drawers.NotifyWhenRemTreeChanges(RemindersChanged); KillReminderDialogProc := KillReminderDialog; end; procedure TfrmRemDlg.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin if FProcessingTemplate then KillObj(@FReminder); KillObj(@FClinMainBox); //Save the Position and Size of the Reminder Dialog RemDlgLeft := Self.Left; RemDlgTop := Self.Top; RemDlgWidth := Self.Width; RemDlgHeight := Self.Height; RemDlgSpltr1 := pnlBottom.Height; RemDlgSpltr2 := reData.Height; // SaveDialogSplitterPos(Name + 'Splitters', pnlBottom.Height, reData.Height); RemForm.Drawers.RemoveNotifyWhenRemTreeChanges(RemindersChanged); RemoveNotifyRemindersChange(RemindersChanged); KillReminderDialogProc := nil; ClearControls(TRUE); frmRemDlg := nil; if(assigned(frmReminderTree)) then frmReminderTree.EnableActions; RemForm.Form := nil; end; procedure TfrmRemDlg.ClearControls(All: boolean = FALSE); procedure WipeOutControls(const Ctrl: TWinControl); var i: integer; begin for i := Ctrl.ControlCount-1 downto 0 do begin if(Ctrl.Controls[i].Owner = Self) then begin if(Ctrl.Controls[i] is TWinControl) then WipeOutControls(TWinControl(Ctrl.Controls[i])); Ctrl.Controls[i].Free end; end; end; begin if(All) then begin WipeOutControls(sb1); WipeOutControls(sb2); end else WipeOutControls(GetBox); end; procedure TfrmRemDlg.BuildControls; var i, CtrlIdx, Y, ParentWidth: integer; AutoCtrl, Active, Ctrl: TWinControl; LastCB, LastObjCnt: integer; Box: TScrollBox; txt: string; function IsOnBox(Component: TComponent): boolean; var Prnt: TWinControl; begin Result := FALSE; if(Component is TWinControl) then begin Prnt := TWinControl(Component).Parent; while(assigned(Prnt)) and (not Result) do begin Result := (Prnt = Box); Prnt := Prnt.Parent; end; end; end; procedure SetActiveVars(ActCtrl: TWinControl); var i: integer; begin LastObjCnt := 0; LastCB := 0; Active := ActCtrl; while(assigned(Active) and (Active.Owner <> Self)) do begin if(assigned(Active.Owner) and (Active.Owner is TWinControl)) then Active := TWinControl(Active.Owner) else Active := nil; end; Ctrl := Active; if(assigned(Ctrl) and IsOnBox(Ctrl)) then begin if(Active is TORCheckBox) then LastCB := Active.Tag; if(LastCB = 0) then begin CtrlIdx := -1; for i := 0 to ComponentCount-1 do begin if(IsOnBox(Components[i])) then begin Ctrl := TWinControl(Components[i]); if(Ctrl is TORCheckBox) and (Ctrl.Tag <> 0) then CtrlIdx := i; if(Ctrl = Active) and (CtrlIdx >= 0) then begin LastCB := Components[CtrlIdx].Tag; LastObjCnt := (i - CtrlIdx); break; end; end; end; end; end; end; begin if(assigned(FReminder)) then begin Box := GetBox(TRUE); if Box.ControlCount > 0 then ClearControls; //AGP Change 25.7 this change should //resolve the problem with Duplicate CheckBoxes //appearing on some reminder dialogs CQ #2843 Y := Box.VertScrollBar.Position; GetBox.VertScrollBar.Position := 0; if FProcessingTemplate then txt := 'Reminder Dialog Template' else txt := 'Reminder Resolution'; Caption := txt + ': ' + FReminder.PrintName; FReminder.OnNeedRedraw := nil; ParentWidth := Box.Width - ScrollBarWidth - 6; SetActiveVars(ActiveControl); AutoCtrl := FReminder.BuildControls(ParentWidth, GetBox, Self); GetBox.VertScrollBar.Position := Y; BoxUpdateDone; if(LastCB <> 0) then begin Box := GetBox(TRUE); if(assigned(AutoCtrl)) then begin AutoCtrl.SetFocus; if(AutoCtrl is TORComboBox) then TORComboBox(AutoCtrl).DroppedDown := TRUE; end else for i := 0 to ComponentCount-1 do begin if(IsOnBox(Components[i])) then begin Ctrl := TWinControl(Components[i]); if(Ctrl is TORCheckBox) and (Ctrl.Tag = LastCB) then begin if((i + LastObjCnt) < ComponentCount) and (Components[i + LastObjCnt] is TWinControl) then TWinControl(Components[i + LastObjCnt]).SetFocus; break; end; end; end; end; ClearControls; FReminder.OnNeedRedraw := ControlsChanged; FReminder.OnTextChanged := UpdateText; end; end; function TfrmRemDlg.GetBox(Other: boolean = FALSE): TScrollBox; begin if(FUseBox2 xor Other) then Result := sb2 else Result := sb1; end; procedure TfrmRemDlg.BoxUpdateDone; begin sb2.Visible := FUseBox2; sb1.Visible := not FUseBox2; FUseBox2 := not FUseBox2; Application.ProcessMessages; // allows new ScrollBox to repaint end; procedure TfrmRemDlg.ControlsChanged(Sender: TObject); begin FLastWidth := GetBox(TRUE).ClientWidth; { This routine is fired as a result of clicking a checkbox. If we destroy the checkbox here we get access violations because the checkbox code is still processing the click event after calling this routine. By posting a message we can guarantee that the checkbox is no longer processing the click event when the message is handled, preventing access violations. } PostMessage(Handle, UM_RESYNCREM, 0 ,0); end; procedure TfrmRemDlg.UMResyncRem(var Message: TMessage); begin BuildControls; end; procedure TfrmRemDlg.sbResize(Sender: TObject); begin { If you remove this logic you will get an infinite loop in some cases } if(FLastWidth <> GetBox(TRUE).ClientWidth) then ControlsChanged(Sender); end; procedure TfrmRemDlg.UpdateText(Sender: TObject); const BadType = TPCEDataCat(-1); var TopIdx, i, LastPos, CurPos, TxtStart: integer; Cat, LastCat: TPCEDataCat; Rem: TReminderDialog; TmpData: TORStringList; Bold: boolean; tmp: string; begin RedrawSuspend(reText.Handle); try TopIdx := SendMessage(reText.Handle, EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE, 0, 0); reText.Clear; LastPos := reText.SelStart; reText.SelAttributes.Style := reText.SelAttributes.Style - [fsBold]; i := 0; repeat if FProcessingTemplate then Rem := FReminder else Rem := TReminder(RemindersInProcess.Objects[i]); Rem.AddText(reText.Lines); reText.SelStart := MaxInt; CurPos := reText.SelStart; if(Rem = FReminder) then begin reText.SelStart := LastPos; reText.SelLength := CurPos - LastPos; reText.SelAttributes.Style := reText.SelAttributes.Style + [fsBold]; reText.SelLength := 0; reText.SelStart := CurPos; reText.SelAttributes.Style := reText.SelAttributes.Style - [fsBold]; end; LastPos := CurPos; inc(i); until(FProcessingTemplate or (i >= RemindersInProcess.Count)); if((not FProcessingTemplate) and (reText.Lines.Count > 0)) then begin reText.Lines.Insert(0, ClinRemText); reText.SelStart := 0; reText.SelLength := length(ClinRemText); reText.SelAttributes.Style := reText.SelAttributes.Style - [fsBold]; reText.SelLength := 0; reText.SelStart := MaxInt; end; SendMessage(reText.Handle, EM_LINESCROLL, 0, TopIdx); finally RedrawActivate(reText.Handle); end; TmpData := TORStringList.Create; try reData.Clear; LastCat := BadType; tmp := RemForm.PCEObj.StrVisitType(FSCRelated, FAORelated, FIRRelated, FECRelated, FMSTRelated, FHNCRelated, FCVRelated); if FProcessingTemplate then i := GetReminderData(FReminder, TmpData) else i := GetReminderData(TmpData); if(tmp = '') and (i = 0) then reData.Lines.insert(0,TX_NOPCE); TmpData.Sort; RedrawSuspend(reData.Handle); try TopIdx := SendMessage(reData.Handle, EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE, 0, 0); reData.SelAttributes.Style := reData.SelAttributes.Style - [fsBold]; if tmp <> '' then reData.SelText := tmp + CRLF; i := 0; while i < TmpData.Count do begin tmp := TmpData[i]; TxtStart := 2; Bold := FALSE; Cat := TPCEDataCat(ord(tmp[1]) - ord('A')); if(LastCat <> Cat) or (Cat = pdcVital) then begin if(Cat = pdcVital) then inc(TxtStart); if(LastCat <> BadType) then begin reData.SelText := CRLF; reData.SelStart := MaxInt; end; reData.SelText := PCEDataCatText[Cat]; reData.SelStart := MaxInt; LastCat := Cat; end else begin reData.SelText := ', '; reData.SelStart := MaxInt; end; repeat if(TRemData(TmpData.Objects[i]).Parent.Reminder = FReminder) then Bold := TRUE; inc(i); until (i >= TmpData.Count) or (TmpData[i] <> tmp); if(Bold) then reData.SelAttributes.Style := reData.SelAttributes.Style + [fsBold]; reData.SelText := copy(tmp, TxtStart, MaxInt); reData.SelStart := MaxInt; if(Bold) then reData.SelAttributes.Style := reData.SelAttributes.Style - [fsBold]; end; SendMessage(reData.Handle, EM_LINESCROLL, 0, TopIdx); finally RedrawActivate(reData.Handle); end; finally TmpData.Free; end; end; procedure TfrmRemDlg.btnClearClick(Sender: TObject); var Tmp, TmpNode: string; i: integer; OK: boolean; begin if(assigned(FReminder)) then begin i := RemindersInProcess.IndexOf(FReminder.IEN); if(i >= 0) then begin if(FReminder.Processing) then OK := (InfoBox('Clear all reminder resolutions for ' + FReminder.PrintName, 'Clear Reminder Processing', MB_YESNO or MB_DEFBUTTON2) = ID_YES) else OK := TRUE; if(OK) then begin RemindersInProcess.Delete(i); Tmp := (FReminder as TReminder).RemData; // clear should never be active if template TmpNode := (FReminder as TReminder).CurrentNodeID; KillObj(@FReminder); ProcessReminder(Tmp, TmpNode); end; end; end; end; procedure TfrmRemDlg.btnCancelClick(Sender: TObject); begin if(KillAll) then begin FExitOK := TRUE; frmRemDlg.Release; frmRemDlg := nil; end; end; function TfrmRemDlg.KillAll: boolean; var i, cnt: integer; msg, RemWipe: string; begin //AGP 25.11 Move RemWipe section to cancel button to //flag the patient specific dialog to be destroy if not in process. RemWipe := ''; if FProcessingTemplate or FSilent then begin Result := TRUE; if Piece(FReminder.DlgData,U,3)='1' then RemWipe := Piece(FReminder.DlgData,U,1); end else begin msg := ''; cnt := 0; for i := 0 to RemindersInProcess.Count-1 do begin if Piece(TReminder(RemindersInProcess.Objects[i]).RemData,U,11)='1' then begin if RemWipe ='' then RemWipe := TReminder(RemindersInProcess.Objects[i]).IEN else RemWipe := RemWipe + U + TReminder(RemindersInProcess.Objects[i]).IEN end; if(TReminder(RemindersInProcess.Objects[i]).Processing) then begin msg := msg + ' ' + TReminder(RemindersInProcess.Objects[i]).PrintName + CRLF; inc(cnt); end; end; if(msg <> '') then begin if(cnt > 1) then msg := 'The Following Reminders are being processed:' + CRLF + CRLF + msg else msg := 'The Following Reminder is being processed: ' + CRLF + CRLF + msg; msg := msg + CRLF + 'Canceling will cause all processing information to be lost.' + CRLF + 'Do you still want to cancel out of reminder processing?'; Result := (InfoBox(msg, 'Cancel Reminder Processing', MB_YESNO or MB_DEFBUTTON2) = ID_YES); end else Result := TRUE; end; if(Result) then ResetProcessing(RemWipe); end; function TfrmRemDlg.GetCurReminderList: integer; var Sel, Node: TORTreeNode; Data: string; NodeCheck, Cur: boolean; begin Result := -1; CurReminderList := TORStringList.Create; Sel := TORTreeNode(RemForm.Drawers.tvReminders.Selected); NodeCheck := (assigned(Sel) and assigned(FReminder) and (Piece(Sel.StringData,U,1) = RemCode +FReminder.IEN)); Node := TORTreeNode(RemForm.Drawers.tvReminders.Items.GetFirstNode); while assigned(Node) do begin Data := TORTreeNode(Node).StringData; if(copy(Data, 1, 1) = RemCode) then begin delete(Data,1,1); Data := Node.TreeView.GetNodeID(Node, 1, IncludeParentID) + U + Data; if(NodeCheck) then Cur := (Node = Sel) else Cur := (assigned(FReminder)) and (FReminder.IEN = Piece(Data,U,1)); if(Cur) then Result := CurReminderList.Add(Data) else if(Piece(Data, U , 8) = '1') then CurReminderList.Add(Data); end; Node := TORTreeNode(Node.GetNextVisible); end; end; function TfrmRemDlg.NextReminder: string; var idx: integer; begin Result := ''; idx := GetCurReminderList; try inc(idx); if(idx < CurReminderList.Count) then Result := CurReminderList[idx]; finally KillObj(@CurReminderList); end; end; function TfrmRemDlg.BackReminder: string; var idx: integer; begin Result := ''; idx := GetCurReminderList; try dec(idx); if(idx >= 0) then Result := CurReminderList[idx]; finally KillObj(@CurReminderList); end; end; procedure TfrmRemDlg.ProcessReminderFromNodeStr(value: string); var NodeID: string; Data: string; i: integer; begin if(Value = '') then begin UpdateButtons; exit; end; Data := Value; i := pos(U, Data); if(i = 0) then i := length(Data); NodeID :=copy(Data,1,i-1); delete(Data,1,i); Data := RemCode + Data; ProcessReminder(Data, NodeID); end; procedure TfrmRemDlg.btnNextClick(Sender: TObject); begin ProcessReminderFromNodeStr(NextReminder); end; procedure TfrmRemDlg.btnBackClick(Sender: TObject); begin ProcessReminderFromNodeStr(BackReminder); end; procedure TfrmRemDlg.UpdateButtons; begin if(assigned(frmRemDlg)) and (not FProcessingTemplate) then begin btnBack.Enabled := btnFinish.Enabled and (BackReminder <> ''); btnNext.Enabled := btnFinish.Enabled and (NextReminder <> ''); btnClinMaint.Enabled := (not assigned(FClinMainBox)); end; end; procedure TfrmRemDlg.PositionTrees(NodeID: string); begin if(assigned(PositionList)) and (not FProcessingTemplate) then begin if(assigned(FReminder)) then (FReminder as TReminder).CurrentNodeID := NodeID; PositionList.Notify(FReminder); end; end; procedure TfrmRemDlg.btnFinishClick(Sender: TObject); var i, cnt, lcnt,OldRemCount, OldCount, T: integer; CurDate, CurLoc: string; LastDate, LastLoc: string; Rem: TReminderDialog; Reminder: TReminder; // Prompt: TRemPrompt; RData: TRemData; TmpData: TORStringList; OrderList: TStringList; TmpText: TStringList; TmpList: TStringList; VitalList: TStringList; MHList: TStringList; WHList: TStringList; MSTList: TStringList; HistData, PCEObj: TPCEData; Cat: TPCEDataCat; VisitParent, Msg, tmp: string; DelayEvent: TOrderDelayEvent; Hist: boolean; v: TVitalType; UserStr: string; BeforeLine, AfterTop: integer; GAFScore: integer; TestDate: TFMDateTime; TestStaff: Int64; DoOrders, Done, Kill, Flds: boolean; TR: TEXTRANGE; buf: array[0..3] of char; AddLine: boolean; Process, StoreVitals: boolean; PCEType: TPCEType; WHNode,WHPrint,WHResult,WHTmp, WHValue: String; WHType: TStrings; //Test: String; WHCnt,x: Integer; WHArray: TStringlist; GecRemIen, GecRemStr, RemWipe: String; procedure Add(PCEItemClass: TPCEItemClass); var itm: TPCEItem; tmp: string; begin if(Cat in MSTDataTypes) then begin tmp := piece(TmpData[i],U,pnumMST); if (tmp <> '') then begin MSTList.Add(tmp); tmp := TmpData[i]; setpiece(tmp,U,pnumMST,''); TmpData[i] := tmp; end; end; itm := PCEItemClass.Create; try itm.SetFromString(copy(TmpData[i], 2, MaxInt)); TmpList.AddObject('',itm); if Cat = pdcHF then itm.FGecRem := GecRemStr; case Cat of pdcDiag: PCEObj.SetDiagnoses(TmpList, FALSE); pdcProc: PCEObj.SetProcedures(TmpList, FALSE); pdcImm: PCEObj.SetImmunizations(TmpList, FALSE); pdcSkin: PCEObj.SetSkinTests(TmpList, FALSE); pdcPED: PCEObj.SetPatientEds(TmpList, FALSE); pdcHF: PCEObj.SetHealthFactors(TmpList, FALSE); pdcExam: PCEObj.SetExams(TmpList, FALSE); end; itm.Free; TmpList.Clear; except itm.free; end; end; procedure SaveMSTData(MSTVal: string); var vdate, s1, s2, prov, FType, FIEN: string; begin if MSTVal <> '' then begin s1 := piece(MSTVal, ';', 1); vdate := piece(MSTVal, ';', 2); prov := piece(MSTVal, ';', 3); FIEN := piece(MSTVal, ';', 4); if FIEN <> '' then begin s2 := s1; s1 := ''; FType := RemDataCodes[dtExam]; end else begin s2 := ''; FType := RemDataCodes[dtHealthFactor]; end; SaveMSTDataFromReminder(vdate, s1, Prov, FType, FIEN, s2); end; end; begin Kill := FALSE; GecRemIen := '0'; WHList := nil; Rem := nil; RemWipe := ''; //AGP CHANGE 24.8 try OldRemCount := ProcessedReminders.Count; if not FProcessingTemplate then ProcessedReminders.Notifier.BeginUpdate; try TmpList := TStringList.Create; try i := 0; repeat //AGP Added RemWipe section this section will determine if the Dialog is a patient specific if FProcessingTemplate or (i < RemindersInProcess.Count) then begin if FProcessingTemplate then begin Rem := FReminder; if Piece(Rem.DlgData,U,3)='1' then RemWipe := Piece(Rem.DlgData,U,1); end else begin Rem := TReminder(RemindersInProcess.Objects[i]); if Piece(TReminder(RemindersInProcess.Objects[i]).RemData,U,11)='1' then begin if RemWipe ='' then RemWipe := TReminder(RemindersInProcess.Objects[i]).IEN else RemWipe := RemWipe + U + TReminder(RemindersInProcess.Objects[i]).IEN; end; end; Flds := FALSE; OldCount := TmpList.Count; Rem.FinishProblems(TmpList, Flds); if(OldCount <> TmpList.Count) or Flds then begin TmpList.Insert(OldCount, ''); if not FProcessingTemplate then TmpList.Insert(OldCount+1, ' Reminder: ' + Rem.PrintName); if Flds then TmpList.Add(' ' + MissingFieldsTxt); end; inc(i); end; until(FProcessingTemplate or (i >= RemindersInProcess.Count)); if FProcessingTemplate then PCEType := ptTemplate else PCEType := ptReminder; Process := TRUE; if(TmpList.Count > 0) then begin Msg := REQ_TXT + TmpList.Text; InfoBox(Msg, REQ_HDR, MB_OK); Process := FALSE; end else begin TmpText := TStringList.Create; try if (not FProcessingTemplate) and (not InsertRemTextAtCursor) then RemForm.NewNoteRE.SelStart := MaxInt; // Move to bottom of note AddLine := FALSE; BeforeLine := SendMessage(RemForm.NewNoteRE.Handle, EM_EXLINEFROMCHAR, 0, RemForm.NewNoteRE.SelStart); if (SendMessage(RemForm.NewNoteRE.Handle, EM_LINEINDEX, BeforeLine, 0) <> RemForm.NewNoteRE.SelStart) then begin RemForm.NewNoteRE.SelStart := SendMessage(RemForm.NewNoteRE.Handle, EM_LINEINDEX, BeforeLine+1, 0); inc(BeforeLine); end; if(RemForm.NewNoteRE.SelStart > 0) then begin if(RemForm.NewNoteRE.SelStart = 1) then AddLine := TRUE else begin TR.chrg.cpMin := RemForm.NewNoteRE.SelStart-2; TR.chrg.cpMax := TR.chrg.cpMin+2; TR.lpstrText := @buf; SendMessage(RemForm.NewNoteRE.Handle, EM_GETTEXTRANGE, 0, LPARAM(@TR)); if(buf[0] <> #13) or (buf[1] <> #10) then AddLine := TRUE; end; end; if FProcessingTemplate then FReminder.AddText(TmpText) else begin for i := 0 to RemindersInProcess.Count-1 do TReminder(RemindersInProcess.Objects[i]).AddText(TmpText); end; if(TmpText.Count > 0) then begin if not FProcessingTemplate then begin tmp := ClinRemText; if(tmp <> '') then begin i := RemForm.NewNoteRE.Lines.IndexOf(tmp); if(i < 0) or (i > BeforeLine) then begin TmpText.Insert(0, tmp); if(RemForm.NewNoteRE.SelStart > 0) then TmpText.Insert(0, ''); if(BeforeLine < RemForm.NewNoteRE.Lines.Count) then TmpText.Add(''); end; end; end; if AddLine then TmpText.Insert(0, ''); CheckBoilerplate4Fields(TmpText, 'Unresolved template fields from processed Reminder Dialog(s)'); if TmpText.Count = 0 then Process := FALSE else begin if RemForm.PCEObj.NeedProviderInfo and MissingProviderInfo(RemForm.PCEObj, PCEType) then Process := FALSE else RemForm.NewNoteRE.SelText := TmpText.Text; end; end; if(Process) then begin SendMessage(RemForm.NewNoteRE.Handle, EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0); AfterTop := SendMessage(RemForm.NewNoteRE.Handle, EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE, 0, 0); SendMessage(RemForm.NewNoteRE.Handle, EM_LINESCROLL, 0, -1 * (AfterTop - BeforeLine)); end; finally TmpText.Free; end; end; if(Process) then begin PCEObj := RemForm.PCEObj; (* AGP Change 25.2 Remove this section base on the Clinical Workgroup decision if FSCPrompt and (ndSC in PCEObj.NeededPCEData) then btnVisitClick(nil); PCEObj.SCRelated := FSCRelated; PCEObj.AORelated := FAORelated; PCEObj.IRRelated := FIRRelated; PCEObj.ECRelated := FECRelated; PCEObj.MSTRelated := FMSTRelated; PCEObj.HNCRelated := FHNCRelated; PCEObj.CVRelated := FCVRelated; *) if not FProcessingTemplate then begin for i := 0 to RemindersInProcess.Count-1 do begin Reminder := TReminder(RemindersInProcess.Objects[i]); if(Reminder.Processing) and (ProcessedReminders.IndexOf(Reminder.RemData) < 0) then ProcessedReminders.Add(Copy(Reminder.RemData,2,MaxInt)); end; end; OrderList := TStringList.Create; try MHList := TStringList.Create; try StoreVitals := TRUE; VitalList := TStringList.Create; try WHList := TStringList.Create; try MSTList := TStringList.Create; try TmpData := TORStringList.Create; try UserStr := ''; LastDate := U; LastLoc := U; VisitParent := ''; HistData := nil; for Hist := FALSE to TRUE do begin TmpData.Clear; if FProcessingTemplate then i := GetReminderData(FReminder, TmpData, TRUE, Hist) else GetReminderData(TmpData, TRUE, Hist); if(TmpData.Count > 0) then begin if Hist then TmpData.SortByPieces([pnumVisitDate, pnumVisitLoc]) else TmpData.Sort; TmpData.RemoveDuplicates; TmpList.Clear; for i := 0 to TmpData.Count-1 do begin if(Hist) then begin CurDate := Piece(TmpData[i], U, pnumVisitDate); CurLoc := Piece(TmpData[i], U, pnumVisitLoc); if(CurDate = '') then CurDate := FloatToStr(Encounter.DateTime); if(LastDate <> CurDate) or (LastLoc <> CurLoc) then begin if(assigned(HistData)) then begin HistData.Save; HistData.Free; end; LastDate := CurDate; LastLoc := CurLoc; HistData := TPCEData.Create; HistData.DateTime := MakeFMDateTime(CurDate); HistData.VisitCategory := 'E'; if(VisitParent = '') then VisitParent := GetVisitIEN(RemForm.NoteList.ItemIEN); HistData.Parent := VisitParent; if(StrToIntDef(CurLoc,0) = 0) then CurLoc := '0' + U + CurLoc; HistData.HistoricalLocation := CurLoc; PCEObj := HistData; end; end; Cat := TPCEDataCat(ord(TmpData[i][1]) - ord('A')); //check this for multiple process //RData := TRemData(TmpData.Objects[i]); if Cat = pdcHF then begin if not FProcessingTemplate and (GecRemIen <> TRemData(TmpData.Objects[i]).Parent.Reminder.IEN) then begin GecRemIen := TRemData(TmpData.Objects[i]).Parent.Reminder.IEN; GecRemStr := CheckGECValue('R' + GecRemIen, PCEObj.NoteIEN); //SetPiece(TmpData.Strings[i],U,11,GecRemStr); end; if FProcessingTemplate then begin if GecRemIen <> Rem.IEN then begin GecRemIen := Rem.IEN; GecRemStr := CheckGECValue(Rem.IEN, PCEObj.NoteIEN) end; end; end; case Cat of // pdcVisit: pdcDiag: Add(TPCEDiag); pdcProc: Add(TPCEProc); pdcImm: Add(TPCEImm); pdcSkin: Add(TPCESkin); pdcPED: Add(TPCEPat); pdcHF: Add(TPCEHealth); pdcExam: Add(TPCEExams); pdcVital: if (StoreVitals) then begin Tmp := Piece(TmpData[i], U, 2); for v := low(TValidVitalTypes) to high(TValidVitalTypes) do begin if(Tmp = VitalCodes[v]) then begin if(UserStr = '') then UserStr := GetVitalUser; if(FVitalsDate = 0) then begin FVitalsDate := RemForm.PCEObj.VisitDateTime; StoreVitals := ValidVitalsDate(FVitalsDate, TRUE); if (not StoreVitals) then break; end; Tmp := GetVitalStr(v, Piece(TmpData[i], U, 3), '', UserStr, FloatToStr(FVitalsDate)); if(Tmp <> '') then VitalList.Add(Tmp); break; end; end; end; pdcOrder: OrderList.Add(TmpData[i]); pdcMH: MHList.Add(TmpData[i]); pdcWHR: begin WHNode := TmpData.Strings[i]; SetPiece(WHNode,U,11,TRemData(TmpData.Objects[i]).Parent.WHResultChk); WHList.Add(WHNode); end; pdcWH: begin WHPrint := TRemData(TmpData.Objects[i]).Parent.WHPrintDevice; WHNode := TmpData.Strings[i]; SetPiece(WHNode,U,11,TRemData(TmpData.Objects[i]).Parent.WHResultNot); SetPiece(WHNode,U,12,Piece(WHPrint,U,1)); SetPiece(WHNode,U,13,TRemData(TmpData.Objects[i]).Parent.Reminder.WHReviewIEN); //AGP CHANGE 23.13 WHList.Add(WHNode); end; end; end; if(Hist) then begin if(assigned(HistData)) then begin HistData.Save; HistData.Free; HistData := nil; end; end else begin while RemForm.PCEObj.NeedProviderInfo do MissingProviderInfo(RemForm.PCEObj, PCEType); RemForm.PCEObj.Save; VisitParent := GetVisitIEN(RemForm.NoteList.ItemIEN); end; end; end; finally TmpData.Free; end; for i := 0 to MSTList.Count-1 do SaveMSTData(MSTList[i]); finally MSTList.Free; end; if(StoreVitals) and (VitalList.Count > 0) then begin VitalList.Insert(0, VitalDateStr + FloatToStr(FVitalsDate)); VitalList.Insert(1, VitalPatientStr + Patient.DFN); VitalList.Insert(2, VitalLocationStr + IntToStr(Encounter.Location)); Tmp := ValAndStoreVitals(VitalList); if (Tmp <> 'True') then showmessage(Tmp); end; finally VitalList.Free; end; if(MHList.Count > 0) then begin TestDate := 0; for i := 0 to MHList.Count-1 do begin try TestDate := StrToFloat(Piece(MHList[i],U,4)); except on EConvertError do TestDate := 0 else raise; end; if(TestDate > 0) then begin TestStaff := StrToInt64Def(Piece(MHList[i],U,5), 0); if TestStaff <= 0 then TestStaff := User.DUZ; if(Piece(MHList[i],U,3) = '1') then begin GAFScore := StrToIntDef(Piece(MHList[i],U,6),0); if(GAFScore > 0) then SaveGAFScore(GAFScore, TestDate, TestStaff); end else begin SaveMentalHealthTest(Piece(MHList[i],U,2), TestDate, TestStaff, Piece(MHList[i],U,6)); end; end; end; end; finally MHList.Free; end; if(WHList.Count > 0) then begin WHResult :=''; for i :=0 to WHList.Count-1 do begin WHNode := WHList.Strings[i]; if (Pos('N', Piece(WHNode,U,1)) <> 0) then begin SetPiece(WHResult,U,1,'WHIEN:'+Piece(WHNode,U,2)); SetPiece(WHResult,U,2,'DFN:'+Patient.DFN); SetPiece(WHResult,U,3,'WHRES:'+Piece(WHNode,U,11)); SetPiece(WHResult,U,4,'Visit:'+Encounter.VisitStr); if (not assigned(WHArray)) then WHArray := TStringList.Create; WHArray.Add(WHResult); end; if (Pos('O', Piece(WHNode,U,1)) <> 0) then begin SetPiece(WHResult,U,1,'WHPur:'+Piece(WHNode,U,2)); SetPiece(WHResult,U,2,Piece(WHNode,U,11)); SetPiece(WHResult,U,3,Piece(WHNode,U,12)); SetPiece(WHResult,U,4,'DFN:'+Patient.DFN); SetPiece(WHResult,U,5,Piece(WHNode,U,13)); //AGP CHANGE 23.13 if (not assigned(WHArray)) then WHArray := TStringList.Create; WHArray.Add(WHResult); end; end; end; SaveWomenHealthData(WHArray); finally WHList.Free; end; ResetProcessing(RemWipe); Hide; Kill := TRUE; RemForm.DisplayPCEProc; // Process orders after PCE data saved in case of user input if(OrderList.Count > 0) then begin DelayEvent.EventType := 'C'; DelayEvent.Specialty := 0; DelayEvent.Effective := 0; DelayEvent.PtEventIFN :=0; DelayEvent.EventIFN := 0; DoOrders := TRUE; repeat Done := TRUE; if not ReadyForNewOrder(DelayEvent) then begin if(InfoBox('Unable to place orders.','Retry Orders?', MB_RETRYCANCEL or MB_ICONWARNING) = IDRETRY) then Done := FALSE else begin DoOrders := FALSE; ShowMessage('No Orders Placed.'); end; end; until(Done); if(DoOrders) then begin if(OrderList.Count = 1) then begin case CharAt(Piece(OrderList[0], U, 3), 1) of 'A': ActivateAction( Piece(OrderList[0], U, 2), RemForm.Form, 0); 'D', 'Q': ActivateOrderDialog(Piece(OrderList[0], U, 2), DelayEvent, RemForm.Form, 0); 'M': ActivateOrderMenu( Piece(OrderList[0], U, 2), DelayEvent, RemForm.Form, 0); 'O': ActivateOrderSet( Piece(OrderList[0], U, 2), DelayEvent, RemForm.Form, 0); end; end else begin for i := 0 to OrderList.Count-1 do begin tmp := Pieces(OrderList[i], U, 2, 4); OrderList[i] := tmp; end; ActivateOrderList(OrderList, DelayEvent, RemForm.Form, 0, '', ''); end; end; end; finally OrderList.Free; end; end; finally TmpList.Free; end; finally if not FProcessingTemplate then ProcessedReminders.Notifier.EndUpdate(ProcessedReminders.Count <> OldRemCount); end; finally if(Kill) then begin FExitOK := TRUE; Close; end; end; end; procedure TfrmRemDlg.ResetProcessing(Wipe: string = ''); //AGP CHANGE 24.8 var i: integer; RemWipeArray : TStringlist; begin if FProcessingTemplate then KillObj(@FReminder) else begin while(RemindersInProcess.Count > 0) do begin RemindersInProcess.Notifier.BeginUpdate; try RemindersInProcess.KillObjects; RemindersInProcess.Clear; finally FReminder := nil; RemindersInProcess.Notifier.EndUpdate(TRUE); end; end; end; ClearControls(TRUE); PositionTrees(''); //AGP Change 24.8 Add wipe section for reminder wipe If Wipe <> '' then begin RemWipeArray := TStringlist.Create; if pos(U,Wipe)>0 then begin for i:=0 to ReminderDialogInfo.Count-1 do begin if pos(ReminderDialogInfo.Strings[i],Wipe)>0 then begin RemWipeArray.Add(ReminderDialogInfo.Strings[i]); end; end; end else begin RemWipeArray.Add(Wipe); end; if assigned(RemWipeArray) then begin for i:=0 to RemWipeArray.Count-1 do KillDlg(@ReminderDialogInfo, RemWipeArray.Strings[i], True); end; if (assigned(RemWipeArray)) then begin RemWipeArray.Clear ; RemWipeArray.Free; end; end; end; procedure TfrmRemDlg.RemindersChanged(Sender: TObject); begin UpdateButtons; end; procedure TfrmRemDlg.btnClinMaintClick(Sender: TObject); begin if(not assigned(FClinMainBox)) then begin FClinMainBox := ModelessReportBox(DetailReminder(StrToIntDef(FReminder.IEN,0)), ClinMaintText + ': ' + FReminder.PrintName, TRUE); FOldClinMaintOnDestroy := FClinMainBox.OnDestroy; FClinMainBox.OnDestroy := ClinMaintDestroyed; UpdateButtons; end; end; procedure TfrmRemDlg.ClinMaintDestroyed(Sender: TObject); begin if(assigned(FOldClinMaintOnDestroy)) then FOldClinMaintOnDestroy(Sender); FClinMainBox := nil; UpdateButtons; end; procedure TfrmRemDlg.btnVisitClick(Sender: TObject); var frmRemVisitInfo: TfrmRemVisitInfo; VitalsDate: TFMDateTime; begin if FVitalsDate = 0 then VitalsDate := RemForm.PCEObj.VisitDateTime else VitalsDate := FVitalsDate; frmRemVisitInfo := TfrmRemVisitInfo.Create(Self); try frmRemVisitInfo.fraVisitRelated.InitAllow(FSCCond); frmRemVisitInfo.fraVisitRelated.InitRelated(FSCRelated, FAORelated, FIRRelated, FECRelated, FMSTRelated, FHNCRelated, FCVRelated); frmRemVisitInfo.dteVitals.FMDateTime := VitalsDate; frmRemVisitInfo.ShowModal; if frmRemVisitInfo.ModalResult = mrOK then begin VitalsDate := frmRemVisitInfo.dteVitals.FMDateTime; if VitalsDate <= FMNow then FVitalsDate := VitalsDate; frmRemVisitInfo.fraVisitRelated.GetRelated(FSCRelated, FAORelated, FIRRelated, FECRelated, FMSTRelated, FHNCRelated, FCVRelated); FSCPrompt := FALSE; UpdateText(nil); end; finally frmRemVisitInfo.Free; end; end; procedure TfrmRemDlg.ProcessTemplate(Template: TTemplate); begin FProcessingTemplate := TRUE; btnClear.Visible := FALSE; btnClinMaint.Visible := FALSE; btnBack.Visible := FALSE; btnNext.Visible := FALSE; FReminder := TReminderDialog.Create(Template.ReminderDialogIEN + U + Template.PrintName + U + Template.ReminderWipe); //AGP CHANGE 24.8 ClearControls(TRUE); FReminder.PCEDataObj := RemForm.PCEObj; BuildControls; UpdateText(nil); UpdateButtons; Show; end; procedure TfrmRemDlg.SetFontSize; begin ResizeAnchoredFormToFont(frmRemDlg); if Assigned(FClinMainBox) then ResizeAnchoredFormToFont(FClinMainBox); BuildControls; end; { AGP Change 24.8 You MUST pass an address to an object variable to get KillObj to work } procedure TfrmRemDlg.KillDlg(ptr: Pointer; ID: string; KillObjects: boolean = FALSE); var Obj: TObject; Lst: TList; SLst: TStringList; i: integer; begin Obj := TObject(ptr^); if(assigned(Obj)) then begin if(KillObjects) then begin if(Obj is TList) then begin Lst := TList(Obj); for i := Lst.count-1 downto 0 do if assigned(Lst[i]) then TObject(Lst[i]).Free; end else if(Obj is TStringList) then begin SLst := TStringList(Obj); //Check to see if the Reminder IEN is in the of IEN to be wipe out for i := SLst.count-1 downto 0 do if assigned(SLst.Objects[i]) and (pos(Slst.Strings[i],ID)>0) then SLst.Objects[i].Free; end; end; Obj.Free; TObject(ptr^) := nil; end; end; procedure TfrmRemDlg.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin //Set The form to it's Saved Position Left := RemDlgLeft; Top := RemDlgTop; Width := RemDlgWidth; Height := RemDlgHeight; end; initialization finalization KillReminderDialog(nil); KillObj(@PositionList); end.