unit uDocTree; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, ORNet, ORFn, rCore, uCore, uConst, ORCtrls, ComCtrls, uTIU; type PDocTreeObject = ^TDocTreeObject; TDocTreeObject = record DocID : string ; //Document IEN DocDate : string; //Formatted date of document DocTitle : string; //Document Title Text NodeText : string; //Title, Location, Author (depends on tab) ImageCount : integer; //Number of images VisitDate : string; //ADM/VIS: date;FMDate DocFMDate : string; //FM date of document DocHasChildren : string; //Has children (+,>,<) DocParent : string; //Parent document, or context Author : string; //DUZ;Author name PkgRef : string; //IEN;Package (consults only, for now) Location : string; //Location name Status : string; //Status Subject : string; //Subject OrderID : string; //Order file IEN (consults only, for now) OrderByTitle : boolean; //Within ID Parents, order children by title, not date end; // Procedures for document treeviews/listviews procedure CreateListItemsForDocumentTree(Dest, Source: TStrings; Context: integer; GroupBy: string; Ascending: boolean; TabIndex: integer); procedure BuildDocumentTree(DocList: TStrings; const Parent: string; Tree: TORTreeView; Node: TORTreeNode; TIUContext: TTIUContext; TabIndex: integer); procedure SetTreeNodeImagesAndFormatting(Node: TORTreeNode; CurrentContext: TTIUContext; TabIndex: integer); procedure ResetDocTreeObjectStrings(AnObject: PDocTreeObject); procedure KillDocTreeObjects(TreeView: TORTreeView); procedure KillDocTreeNode(ANode: TTreeNode); function ContextMatch(ANode: TORTreeNode; AParentID: string; AContext: TTIUContext): Boolean; function TextFound(ANode: TORTreeNode; CurrentContext: TTIUContext): Boolean; procedure RemoveParentsWithNoChildren(Tree: TTreeView; Context: TTIUContext); procedure TraverseTree(ATree: TTreeView; AListView: TListView; ANode: TTreeNode; MyNodeID: string; AContext: TTIUContext); procedure AddListViewItem(ANode: TTreeNode; AListView: TListView); function MakeNoteTreeObject(x: string): PDocTreeObject; function MakeDCSummTreeObject(x: string): PDocTreeObject; function MakeConsultsNoteTreeObject(x: string): PDocTreeObject; implementation uses rConsults, uDCSumm, uConsults; {============================================================== RPC [TIU DOCUMENTS BY CONTEXT] returns the following string '^' pieces: =============================================================== 1 - Document IEN 2 - Document Title 3 - FM date of document 4 - Patient Name 5 - DUZ;Author name 6 - Location 7 - Status 8 - ADM/VIS: date;FMDate 9 - Discharge Date;FMDate 10 - Package variable pointer 11 - Number of images 12 - Subject 13 - Has children 14 - Parent document 15 - Order children of ID Note by title rather than date ===============================================================} procedure CreateListItemsForDocumentTree(Dest, Source: TStrings; Context: integer; GroupBy: string; Ascending: Boolean; TabIndex: integer); const NO_MATCHES = '^No Matching Documents Found^^^^^^^^^^^%^0'; var i: Integer; x, x1, x2, x3, MyParent, MyTitle, MyLocation, MySubject: string; AList, SrcList: TStringList; begin AList := TStringList.Create; SrcList := TStringList.Create; try SrcList.Assign(Source); with SrcList do begin if (Count = 0) then begin Dest.Insert(0, IntToStr(Context) + NO_MATCHES); Exit; end; for i := 0 to Count - 1 do begin x := Strings[i]; MyParent := Piece(x, U, 14); MyTitle := Piece(x, U, 2); if Length(Trim(MyTitle)) = 0 then begin MyTitle := '** No Title **'; SetPiece(x, U, 2, MyTitle); end; MyLocation := Piece(x, U, 6); if Length(Trim(MyLocation)) = 0 then begin MyLocation := '** No Location **'; SetPiece(x, U, 6, MyLocation); end; MySubject := Piece(x, U, 12); (* case TIUContext.SearchField[1] of 'T': if ((TextFound(MyTitle)) then continue; 'S': if (not TextFound(MySubject)) then continue; 'B': if not ((TextFound(MyTitle)) or (TextFound(MySubject))) then continue; end;*) if GroupBy <> '' then case GroupBy[1] of 'D': begin x1 := Piece(Piece(x, U, 8), ';', 1); // Visit date x2 := Piece(Piece(Piece(x, U, 8), ';', 2), '.', 1); // Visit date (FM) no time - v15.4 if x2 = '' then begin x2 := 'No Visit'; x1 := Piece(x1, ':', 1) + ': No Visit'; end; (*else x1 := Piece(x1, ':', 1) + ': ' + FormatFMDateTimeStr('mmm dd,yy@hh:nn',x2)*) //removed v15.4 if MyParent = IntToStr(Context) then SetPiece(x, U, 14, MyParent + x2 + Copy(x1, 1, 3)); // '2980324Adm' x3 := x2 + Copy(x1, 1, 3) + U + MixedCase(x1) + U + IntToStr(Context) + MixedCase(Copy(x1, 1, 3)); if (Copy(MyTitle, 1, 8) <> 'Addendum') and (AList.IndexOf(x3) = -1) then AList.Add(x3); // '2980324Adm^Mar 24,98' end; 'L': begin if MyParent = IntToStr(Context) then // keep ID notes together, or SetPiece(x, U, 14, MyParent + MyLocation); (* if (Copy(MyTitle, 1, 8) <> 'Addendum') then // split ID Notes by location? SetPiece(x, U, 14, IntToStr(Context) + MyLocation);*) x3 := MyLocation + U + MixedCase(MyLocation) + U + IntToStr(Context); if (Copy(MyTitle, 1, 8) <> 'Addendum') and (AList.IndexOf(x3) = -1) then AList.Add(x3); end; 'T': begin if MyParent = IntToStr(Context) then // keep ID notes together, or SetPiece(x, U, 14, MyParent + MyTitle); (* if (Copy(MyTitle, 1, 8) <> 'Addendum') then // split ID Notes by title? SetPiece(x, U, 14, IntToStr(Context) + MyTitle);*) x3 := MyTitle + U + MixedCase(MyTitle) + U + IntToStr(Context); if (Copy(MyTitle, 1, 8) <> 'Addendum') and (AList.IndexOf(x3) = -1) then AList.Add(x3); end; 'A': begin x1 := Piece(Piece(x, U, 5), ';', 3); if x1 = '' then x1 := '** No Author **'; if MyParent = IntToStr(Context) then // keep ID notes together, or SetPiece(x, U, 14, MyParent + x1); //if (Copy(MyTitle, 1, 8) <> 'Addendum') then // split ID Notes by author? // SetPiece(x, U, 14, IntToStr(Context) + x1); x3 := x1 + U + MixedCase(x1) + U + IntToStr(Context); if (Copy(MyTitle, 1, 8) <> 'Addendum') and(AList.IndexOf(x3) = -1) then AList.Add(x3); end; (* 'A': begin // Makes note appear both places in tree, x1 := Piece(Piece(x, U, 5), ';', 3); // but also appears TWICE in lstNotes. if x1 = '' then x1 := '** No Author **'; // IS THIS REALLY A PROBLEM?? if MyParent = IntToStr(Context) then // Impact on EditingIndex? SetPiece(x, U, 14, MyParent + x1); // Careful when deleting note being edited!!! Dest.Add(x); // Need to find and delete ALL occurrences! SetPiece(x, U, 14, IntToStr(Context) + x1); x3 := x1 + U + MixedCase(x1) + U + IntToStr(Context); if (AList.IndexOf(x3) = -1) then AList.Add(x3); end;*) end; Dest.Add(x); end; {for} SortByPiece(TStringList(Dest), U, 3); if not Ascending then InvertStringList(TStringList(Dest)); if GroupBy <> '' then if GroupBy[1] ='D' then begin AList.Add('Adm^Inpatient Notes' + U + IntToStr(Context)); AList.Add('Vis^Outpatient Notes' + U + IntToStr(Context)); end; Dest.Insert(0, IntToStr(Context) + '^' + NC_TV_TEXT[TabIndex, Context] + '^^^^^^^^^^^%^0'); Alist.Sort; InvertStringList(AList); if GroupBy <> '' then if GroupBy[1] ='D' then if (not Ascending) then InvertStringList(AList); for i := 0 to AList.Count-1 do Dest.Insert(0, IntToStr(Context) + Piece(AList[i], U, 1) + '^' + Piece(AList[i], U, 2) + '^^^^^^^^^^^%^' + Piece(AList[i], U, 3)); end; finally AList.Free; SrcList.Free; end; end; procedure BuildDocumentTree(DocList: TStrings; const Parent: string; Tree: TORTreeView; Node: TORTreeNode; TIUContext: TTIUContext; TabIndex: integer); var MyID, MyParent, Name: string; i: Integer; ChildNode, tmpNode: TORTreeNode; DocHasChildren: Boolean; AnObject: PDocTreeObject; begin with DocList do for i := 0 to Count - 1 do begin tmpNode := nil; MyParent := Piece(Strings[i], U, 14); if (MyParent = Parent) then begin MyID := Piece(Strings[i], U, 1); if Piece(Strings[i], U, 13) <> '%' then case TabIndex of CT_NOTES: Name := MakeNoteDisplayText(Strings[i]); CT_CONSULTS: Name := MakeConsultNoteDisplayText(Strings[i]); CT_DCSUMM: Name := MakeDCSummDisplayText(Strings[i]); end else Name := Piece(Strings[i], U, 2); DocHasChildren := (Piece(Strings[i], U, 13) <> ''); if Node <> nil then if Node.HasChildren then tmpNode := Tree.FindPieceNode(MyID, 1, U, Node); if (tmpNode <> nil) and tmpNode.HasAsParent(Node) then Continue else begin case TabIndex of CT_NOTES: AnObject := MakeNoteTreeObject(Strings[i]); CT_CONSULTS: AnObject := MakeConsultsNoteTreeObject(Strings[i]); CT_DCSUMM: AnObject := MakeDCSummTreeObject(Strings[i]); else AnObject := nil; end; ChildNode := TORTreeNode(Tree.Items.AddChildObject(TORTreeNode(Node), Name, AnObject)); ChildNode.StringData := Strings[i]; SetTreeNodeImagesAndFormatting(ChildNode, TIUContext, TabIndex); if DocHasChildren then BuildDocumentTree(DocList, MyID, Tree, ChildNode, TIUContext, TabIndex); end; end; end; end; procedure SetTreeNodeImagesAndFormatting(Node: TORTreeNode; CurrentContext: TTIUContext; TabIndex: integer); var tmpAuthor: int64; i: integer; procedure MakeBold(ANode: TORTreeNode); begin with ANode do begin Bold := True; if Parent <> nil then begin Parent.Expand(False); if Parent.Parent <> nil then begin Parent.Parent.Expand(False); if Parent.Parent.Parent <> nil then Parent.Parent.Parent.Expand(False); end; end; end; end; begin with Node, PDocTreeObject(Node.Data)^ do begin i := Pos('*', DocTitle); if i > 0 then i := i + 1 else i := 0; if (Copy(DocTitle, i + 1, 8) = 'Addendum') then ImageIndex := IMG_ADDENDUM else if (DocHasChildren = '') then ImageIndex := IMG_SINGLE else if Pos('+>', DocHasChildren) > 0 then ImageIndex := IMG_ID_CHILD_ADD else if (DocHasChildren = '>') then ImageIndex := IMG_ID_CHILD else if Pos('+<', DocHasChildren) > 0 then ImageIndex := IMG_IDPAR_ADDENDA_SHUT else if DocParent = '0' then begin ImageIndex := IMG_TOP_LEVEL; SelectedIndex := IMG_TOP_LEVEL; StateIndex := -1; with CurrentContext, Node do begin if Node.HasChildren and (GroupBy <> '') then case GroupBy[1] of 'T': Text := NC_TV_TEXT[TabIndex, StrToInt(DocID)] + ' by title'; 'D': Text := NC_TV_TEXT[TabIndex, StrToInt(DocID)] + ' by visit date'; 'L': Text := NC_TV_TEXT[TabIndex, StrToInt(DocID)] + ' by location'; 'A': Text := NC_TV_TEXT[TabIndex, StrToInt(DocID)] + ' by author'; end; if TabIndex <> CT_CONSULTS then begin if (DocID = '2') or (DocID ='3') then begin if StrToIntDef(Status, 0) in [NC_UNSIGNED, NC_UNCOSIGNED] then begin if Author = 0 then tmpAuthor := User.DUZ else tmpAuthor := Author; Text := Text + ' for ' + ExternalName(tmpAuthor, 200); end else Text := Text + ' for ' + User.Name; end; if DocID = '4' then Text := Text + ' for ' + ExternalName(Author, 200); end; end; end else case DocHasChildren[1] of '<': ImageIndex := IMG_IDNOTE_SHUT; '+': ImageIndex := IMG_PARENT; '%': begin StateIndex := -1; ImageIndex := IMG_GROUP_SHUT; SelectedIndex := IMG_GROUP_OPEN; end; end; SelectedIndex := ImageIndex; if (ImageIndex in [IMG_TOP_LEVEL, IMG_GROUP_OPEN, IMG_GROUP_SHUT]) then StateIndex := IMG_NONE else begin if ImageCount > 0 then StateIndex := IMG_1_IMAGE else if ImageCount = 0 then StateIndex := IMG_NO_IMAGES else if ImageCount = -1 then StateIndex := IMG_IMAGES_HIDDEN; end; if (Parent <> nil) and (Parent.ImageIndex in [IMG_PARENT, IMG_IDNOTE_SHUT, IMG_IDNOTE_OPEN, IMG_IDPAR_ADDENDA_SHUT, IMG_IDPAR_ADDENDA_OPEN]) and (StateIndex in [IMG_1_IMAGE, IMG_IMAGES_HIDDEN]) then begin Parent.StateIndex := IMG_CHILD_HAS_IMAGES; end; (* case ImageCount of 0: StateIndex := IMG_NO_IMAGES; 1: StateIndex := IMG_1_IMAGE; 2: StateIndex := IMG_2_IMAGES; else StateIndex := IMG_MANY_IMAGES; end;*) if Node.Parent <> nil then if not CurrentContext.Filtered then //don't bother to BOLD every entry else begin if (*ContextMatch(Node) then if (CurrentContext.KeyWord = '') or *)TextFound(Node, CurrentContext) then MakeBold(Node); end; end; end; procedure TraverseTree(ATree: TTreeView; AListView: TListView; ANode: TTreeNode; MyNodeID: string; AContext: TTIUContext); var IncludeIt: Boolean; x: string; begin if ANode = nil then Exit; IncludeIt := False; if (ContextMatch(TORTreeNode(ANode), MyNodeID, AContext) and TextFound(TORTreeNode(ANode), AContext)) then with PDocTreeObject(ANode.Data)^ do begin if (AContext.GroupBy <> '') and (ATree.Selected.ImageIndex in [IMG_GROUP_OPEN, IMG_GROUP_SHUT]) then begin case AContext.GroupBy[1] of 'T': if (UpperCase(DocTitle) = UpperCase(PDocTreeObject(ATree.Selected.Data)^.DocTitle)) or (UpperCase(DocTitle) = UpperCase('Addendum to ' + PDocTreeObject(ATree.Selected.Data)^.DocTitle)) or (AContext.Filtered and TextFound(TORTreeNode(ANode), AContext)) then IncludeIt := True; 'D': begin x := PDocTreeObject(ATree.Selected.Data)^.DocID; if (Copy(x, 2, 3) = 'Vis') or (Copy(x, 2, 3) = 'Adm') then begin if Copy(VisitDate, 1, 3) = Copy(x, 2, 3) then IncludeIt := True; end else if Piece(Piece(VisitDate, ';', 2), '.', 1) = Copy(x, 2, Length(x) - 4) then IncludeIt := True; end; 'L': if MyNodeID + Location = PDocTreeObject(ATree.Selected.Data)^.DocID then IncludeIt := True; 'A': if MyNodeID + Piece(Author, ';', 2) = PDocTreeObject(ATree.Selected.Data)^.DocID then IncludeIt := True; end; end else IncludeIt := True; end; if IncludeIt then AddListViewItem(ANode, AListView); if ANode.HasChildren then TraverseTree(ATree, AListView, ANode.GetFirstChild, MyNodeID, AContext); TraverseTree(ATree, AListView, ANode.GetNextSibling, MyNodeID, AContext); end; function ContextMatch(ANode: TORTreeNode; AParentID: string; AContext: TTIUContext): Boolean; var Status: string; Author: int64; begin Result := True; if not Assigned(ANode.Data) then Exit; Status := PDocTreeObject(ANode.Data)^.Status; if (AContext.Status <> AParentID[1]) or (AContext.Author = 0) then Author := User.DUZ else Author := AContext.Author; if Length(Trim(Status)) = 0 then exit; (*if PDocTreeObject(ANode.Data)^.DocHasChildren = '%' then Result := False else Result := True; Result := False;*) case AParentID[1] of '1': Result := (Status = 'completed') or (Status = 'deleted') or (Status = 'amended') or (Status = 'uncosigned') or (Status = 'retracted'); '2': Result := ((Status = 'unsigned') or (Status = 'unreleased') or (Status = 'deleted') or (Status = 'retracted') or (Status = 'unverified')) and (Piece(PDocTreeObject(ANode.Data)^.Author, ';', 1) = IntToStr(Author)); '3': Result := ((Status = 'uncosigned') or (Status = 'unsigned') or (Status = 'unreleased') or (Status = 'deleted') or (Status = 'retracted') or (Status = 'unverified')) ;//and { TODO -oRich V. -cSort/Search : Uncosigned notes - need to check cosigner, not author, but don't have it } //(Piece(PDocTreeObject(ANode.Data)^.Author, ';', 1) = IntToStr(Author)); '4': Result := (Piece(PDocTreeObject(ANode.Data)^.Author, ';', 1) = IntToStr(Author)); '5': if PDocTreeObject(ANode.Data)^.DocHasChildren = '%' then Result := False else Result := (StrToFloat(PDocTreeObject(ANode.Data)^.DocFMDate) >= AContext.FMBeginDate) and (Trunc(StrToFloat(PDocTreeObject(ANode.Data)^.DocFMDate)) <= AContext.FMEndDate); 'N': Result := True; // NEW NOTE 'E': Result := True; // EDITING NOTE 'A': Result := True; // NEW ADDENDUM or processing alert end; end; function TextFound(ANode: TORTreeNode; CurrentContext: TTIUContext): Boolean; var MySearch: string; begin Result := False; if not Assigned(ANode.Data) then Exit; if CurrentContext.SearchField <> '' then case CurrentContext.SearchField[1] of 'T': MySearch := PDocTreeObject(ANode.Data)^.DocTitle; 'S': MySearch := PDocTreeObject(ANode.Data)^.Subject; 'B': MySearch := PDocTreeObject(ANode.Data)^.DocTitle + ' ' + PDocTreeObject(ANode.Data)^.Subject; end; Result := (not CurrentContext.Filtered) or ((CurrentContext.Filtered) and (Pos(UpperCase(CurrentContext.KeyWord), UpperCase(MySearch)) > 0)); end; procedure ResetDocTreeObjectStrings(AnObject: PDocTreeObject); begin with AnObject^ do begin DocID := ''; DocDate := ''; DocTitle := ''; NodeText := ''; VisitDate := ''; DocFMDate := ''; DocHasChildren := ''; DocParent := ''; Author := ''; PkgRef := ''; Location := ''; Status := ''; Subject := ''; OrderID := ''; end; end; procedure KillDocTreeObjects(TreeView: TORTreeView); var i: integer; begin with TreeView do for i := 0 to Items.Count-1 do begin if(Assigned(Items[i].Data)) then begin ResetDocTreeObjectStrings(PDocTreeObject(Items[i].Data)); Dispose(PDocTreeObject(Items[i].Data)); Items[i].Data := nil; end; end; end; procedure KillDocTreeNode(ANode: TTreeNode); begin if(Assigned(ANode.Data)) then begin ResetDocTreeObjectStrings(PDocTreeObject(ANode.Data)); Dispose(PDocTreeObject(ANode.Data)); ANode.Data := nil; end; ANode.Owner.Delete(ANode); end; procedure RemoveParentsWithNoChildren(Tree: TTreeView; Context: TTIUContext); var n: integer; begin with Tree do for n := Items.Count - 1 downto 0 do if ((Items[n].ImageIndex = IMG_GROUP_SHUT)) then begin if (not Items[n].HasChildren) then KillDocTreeNode(Items[n]) else if Context.Filtered then // if any hits, would be IMG_GROUP_OPEN KillDocTreeNode(Items[n]); end; end; procedure AddListViewItem(ANode: TTreeNode; AListView: TListView); var ListItem: TListItem; begin if not Assigned(ANode.Data) then Exit; with Anode, PDocTreeObject(ANode.Data)^, AListView do begin (* if (FCurrentContext.Status = '1') and (Copy(DocTitle, 1 , 8) = 'Addendum') then Exit;*) if ANode.ImageIndex in [IMG_TOP_LEVEL, IMG_GROUP_OPEN, IMG_GROUP_SHUT] then Exit; ListItem := Items.Add; ListItem.Caption := DocDate; // date ListItem.StateIndex := ANode.StateIndex; ListItem.ImageIndex := ANode.ImageIndex; with ListItem.SubItems do begin Add(DocTitle); // title Add(Subject); // subject Add(MixedCase(Piece(Author, ';', 2))); // author Add(Location); // location Add(DocFMDate); // reference date (FM) Add(DocID); // TIUDA end; end; end; function MakeNoteTreeObject(x: string): PDocTreeObject; var AnObject: PDocTreeObject; begin New(AnObject); with AnObject^ do begin DocID := Piece(x, U, 1); DocDate := FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy', MakeFMDateTime(Piece(x, U, 3))); DocTitle := Piece(x, U, 2); Location := Piece(x, U, 6); NodeText := MakeNoteDisplayText(x); ImageCount := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 11), 0); VisitDate := Piece(x, U, 8); DocFMDate := Piece(x, U, 3); DocHasChildren := Piece(x, U, 13); if Copy(DocHasChildren, 1, 1) = '*' then DocHasChildren := Copy(DocHasChildren, 2, 5); DocParent := Piece(x, U, 14); Author := Piece(Piece(x, U, 5), ';', 1) + ';' + Piece(Piece(x, U, 5), ';', 3); PkgRef := Piece(x, U, 10); Status := Piece(x, U, 7); Subject := Piece(x, U, 12); OrderByTitle := Piece(x, U, 15) = '1'; end; Result := AnObject; end; function MakeDCSummTreeObject(x: string): PDocTreeObject; var AnObject: PDocTreeObject; begin New(AnObject); if Copy(Piece(x, U, 9), 1, 4) = ' ' then SetPiece(x, U, 9, 'Dis: '); with AnObject^ do begin DocID := Piece(x, U, 1); DocDate := FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy', MakeFMDateTime(Piece(x, U, 3))); DocTitle := Piece(x, U, 2); Location := Piece(x, U, 6); NodeText := MakeDCSummDisplayText(x); DocFMDate := Piece(x, U, 3); ImageCount := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 11), 0); DocHasChildren := Piece(x, U, 13); if Copy(DocHasChildren, 1, 1) = '*' then DocHasChildren := Copy(DocHasChildren, 2, 5); DocParent := Piece(x, U, 14); Author := Piece(Piece(x, U, 5), ';', 1) + ';' + Piece(Piece(x, U, 5), ';', 3); PkgRef := Piece(x, U, 10); Status := Piece(x, U, 7); Subject := Piece(x, U, 12); VisitDate := Piece(x, U, 8); OrderByTitle := Piece(x, U, 15) = '1'; end; Result := AnObject; end; function MakeConsultsNoteTreeObject(x: string): PDocTreeObject; var AnObject: PDocTreeObject; begin New(AnObject); with AnObject^ do begin DocID := Piece(x, U, 1); DocDate := FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy', MakeFMDateTime(Piece(x, U, 3))); DocTitle := Piece(x, U, 2); Location := Piece(x, U, 6); NodeText := MakeConsultNoteDisplayText(x); DocFMDate := Piece(x, U, 3); Status := Piece(x, U, 7); Author := Piece(Piece(x, U, 5), ';', 1) + ';' + Piece(Piece(x, U, 5), ';', 3); PkgRef := Piece(x, U, 10); if Piece(PkgRef, ';', 2) = PKG_CONSULTS then OrderID := GetConsultOrderIEN(StrToIntDef(Piece(PkgRef, ';', 1), 0)); ImageCount := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 11), 0); VisitDate := Piece(x, U, 8); DocHasChildren := Piece(x, U, 13); if Copy(DocHasChildren, 1, 1) = '*' then DocHasChildren := Copy(DocHasChildren, 2, 5); DocParent := Piece(x, U, 14); OrderByTitle := Piece(x, U, 15) = '1'; end; Result := AnObject; end; end.