1 | unit uInit;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | Forms, Windows, Messages, SysUtils, ExtCtrls, ORSystem;
7 |
8 | type
9 | {$IFDEF GroupEncounter}
10 | TCPRSTimeoutTimerCondition = function: boolean;
11 | TCPRSTimeoutTimerAction = procedure;
12 | {$ELSE}
13 | TCPRSTimeoutTimerCondition = function: boolean of object;
14 | TCPRSTimeoutTimerAction = procedure of object;
15 | {$ENDIF}
16 |
17 | procedure AutoUpdateCheck;
18 |
19 | procedure InitTimeOut(AUserCondition: TCPRSTimeoutTimerCondition;
20 | AUserAction: TCPRSTimeoutTimerAction);
21 | procedure UpdateTimeOutInterval(NewTime: Cardinal);
22 | function TimedOut: boolean;
23 | procedure ShutDownTimeOut;
24 |
25 | implementation
26 |
27 | uses
28 | fTimeout;
29 |
30 | type
31 | TCPRSTimeoutTimer = class(TTimer)
32 | private
33 | FHooked: boolean;
34 | FUserCondition: TCPRSTimeoutTimerCondition;
35 | FUserAction: TCPRSTimeoutTimerAction;
36 | uTimeoutInterval: Cardinal;
37 | uTimeoutKeyHandle, uTimeoutMouseHandle: HHOOK;
38 | protected
39 | procedure ResetTimeout;
40 | procedure timTimeoutTimer(Sender: TObject);
41 | end;
42 |
43 | var
44 | timTimeout: TCPRSTimeoutTimer = nil;
45 | FTimedOut: boolean = FALSE;
46 |
47 | function TimeoutKeyHook(Code: Integer; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): LRESULT; StdCall; forward;
48 | function TimeoutMouseHook(Code: Integer; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): LRESULT; StdCall; forward;
49 |
50 | procedure AutoUpdateCheck;
51 | const
52 | {$IFDEF GroupEncounter}
53 | AppHelpFile = 'CPRSGE';
54 | {$ELSE}
55 | AppHelpFile = 'CPRS';
56 | WhatsThisHelpFile = 'CPRSWT';
57 | {$ENDIF}
58 | var
59 | x, CPRSUpdate :string;
60 |
61 | begin
62 | CPRSUpdate := RegReadStr(CPRS_REG_GOLD) + 'CPRSUpdate.exe';
63 | if not FileExists(CPRSUpdate) then CPRSUpdate := 'CPRSUpdate.exe';
64 | x := FullToPathPart(Application.ExeName) + AppHelpFile + '.HLP';
65 | if AppOutOfDate(x) and FileExists(CPRSUpdate) then RunProgram(CPRSUpdate + ' XFER="' + x + '"');
66 | x := FullToPathPart(Application.ExeName) + AppHelpFile + '.CNT';
67 | if AppOutOfDate(x) and FileExists(CPRSUpdate) then RunProgram(CPRSUpdate + ' XFER="' + x + '"');
68 | x := FullToPathPart(Application.ExeName) + WhatsThisHelpFile + '.HLP';
69 | if AppOutOfDate(x) and FileExists(CPRSUpdate) then RunProgram(CPRSUpdate + ' XFER="' + x + '"');
70 | x := FullToPathPart(Application.ExeName) + WhatsThisHelpFile + '.CNT';
71 | if AppOutOfDate(x) and FileExists(CPRSUpdate) then RunProgram(CPRSUpdate + ' XFER="' + x + '"');
72 | x := FullToPathPart(Application.ExeName) + 'BORLNDMM.DLL';
73 | if AppOutOfDate(x) and FileExists(CPRSUpdate) then RunProgram(CPRSUpdate + ' XFER="' + x + '"');
74 | end;
75 |
76 | {** Timeout Functions **}
77 |
78 | function TimeoutKeyHook(Code: Integer; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): LRESULT;
79 | { this is called for every keyboard event that occurs while running CPRS }
80 | begin
81 | if lParam shr 31 = 1 then timTimeout.ResetTimeout; // on KeyUp only
82 | Result := CallNextHookEx(timTimeout.uTimeoutKeyHandle, Code, wParam, lParam);
83 | end;
84 |
85 | function TimeoutMouseHook(Code: Integer; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): LRESULT;
86 | { this is called for every mouse event that occurs while running CPRS }
87 | begin
88 | if (Code >= 0) and (wParam > WM_MOUSEFIRST) and (wParam <= WM_MOUSELAST)
89 | then timTimeout.ResetTimeout; // all click events
90 | Result := CallNextHookEx(timTimeout.uTimeoutMouseHandle, Code, wParam, lParam);
91 | end;
92 |
93 | procedure InitTimeOut(AUserCondition: TCPRSTimeoutTimerCondition;
94 | AUserAction: TCPRSTimeoutTimerAction);
95 | begin
96 | if(not assigned(timTimeout)) then
97 | begin
98 | timTimeOut := TCPRSTimeoutTimer.Create(Application);
99 | with timTimeOut do
100 | begin
101 | OnTimer := timTimeoutTimer;
102 | FUserCondition := AUserCondition;
103 | FUserAction := AUserAction;
104 | uTimeoutInterval := 120000; // initially 2 minutes, will get DTIME after signon
105 | uTimeoutKeyHandle := SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD, TimeoutKeyHook, 0, GetCurrentThreadID);
106 | uTimeoutMouseHandle := SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE, TimeoutMouseHook, 0, GetCurrentThreadID);
107 | FHooked := TRUE;
108 | Interval := uTimeoutInterval;
109 | Enabled := True;
110 | end;
111 | end;
112 | end;
113 |
114 | procedure UpdateTimeOutInterval(NewTime: Cardinal);
115 | begin
116 | if(assigned(timTimeout)) then
117 | begin
118 | with timTimeout do
119 | begin
120 | uTimeoutInterval := NewTime;
121 | Interval := uTimeoutInterval;
122 | Enabled := True;
123 | end;
124 | end;
125 | end;
126 |
127 | function TimedOut: boolean;
128 | begin
129 | Result := FTimedOut;
130 | end;
131 |
132 | procedure ShutDownTimeOut;
133 | begin
134 | if(assigned(timTimeout)) then
135 | begin
136 | with timTimeout do
137 | begin
138 | Enabled := False;
139 | if(FHooked) then
140 | begin
141 | UnhookWindowsHookEx(uTimeoutKeyHandle);
142 | UnhookWindowsHookEx(uTimeoutMouseHandle);
143 | FHooked := FALSE;
144 | end;
145 | end;
146 | timTimeout.Free;
147 | timTimeout := nil;
148 | end;
149 | end;
150 |
151 | { TCPRSTimeoutTime }
152 |
153 | procedure TCPRSTimeoutTimer.ResetTimeout;
154 | { this restarts the timer whenever there is a keyboard or mouse event }
155 | begin
156 | Enabled := False;
157 | Interval := uTimeoutInterval;
158 | Enabled := True;
159 | end;
160 |
161 | procedure TCPRSTimeoutTimer.timTimeoutTimer(Sender: TObject);
162 | { when the timer expires, the application is closed after warning the user }
163 | begin
164 | Enabled := False;
165 | if(assigned(FUserCondition)) then
166 | FTimedOut := FUserCondition or AllowTimeout
167 | else
168 | FTimedOut := AllowTimeout;
169 | if FTimedOut then
170 | begin
171 | if(assigned(FUserAction)) then FUserAction;
172 | end
173 | else
174 | Enabled := True;
175 | end;
176 |
177 | initialization
178 |
179 | finalization
180 | ShutDownTimeOut;
181 |
182 | end.