1 | unit uSurgery;
2 |
3 | interface
4 |
5 | uses
6 | SysUtils, Windows, Messages, Controls, Classes, StdCtrls, ORfn, dialogs;
7 |
8 | type
9 | TSurgeryTitles = class
10 | ClassName: string;
11 | DfltTitle: Integer;
12 | DfltTitleName: string;
13 | ShortList: TStringList;
14 | constructor Create;
15 | destructor Destroy; override;
16 | end;
17 |
18 | function MakeSurgeryCaseDisplayText(InputString: string): string;
19 | function MakeSurgeryReportDisplayText(RawText: string): string;
20 | //procedure DisplayOpTop(ANoteIEN: integer);
21 |
22 | const
23 | (* SG_ALL = 1; // Case context - all cases
24 | SG_BY_SURGEON = 2; // Case context - all cases by surgeon
25 | SG_BY_DATE = 3; // Case context - all cases by date range*)
26 |
27 | SG_TV_TEXT = 'Surgery Cases';
28 |
31 | OP_TOP_ASK_TO_SHOW = 2;
32 |
33 | implementation
34 |
35 | uses
36 | uConst, rSurgery, fRptBox;
37 |
38 | constructor TSurgeryTitles.Create;
39 | { creates an object to store Surgery titles so only obtained from server once }
40 | begin
41 | inherited Create;
42 | ShortList := TStringList.Create;
43 | end;
44 |
45 | destructor TSurgeryTitles.Destroy;
46 | { frees the lists that were used to store the Surgery titles }
47 | begin
48 | ShortList.Free;
49 | inherited Destroy;
50 | end;
51 |
52 | function MakeSurgeryCaseDisplayText(InputString: string): string;
53 | (*
54 | CASE #^Operative Procedure^Date/Time of Operation^Surgeon^^^^^^^^^+^Context
55 | *)
56 | var
57 | x: string;
58 | begin
59 | x := InputString;
60 | x := FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd yyyy', MakeFMDateTime(Piece(x, U, 3))) + ' ' + Piece(x, U, 2) +
61 | ', ' + Piece(Piece(x, U, 4), ';', 2) + ', ' + 'Case #: ' + Piece(x, u, 1);
62 | Result := x;
63 | end;
64 |
65 | function MakeSurgeryReportDisplayText(RawText: string): string;
66 | var
67 | x: string;
68 | begin
69 | x := RawText;
70 | x := FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy', MakeFMDateTime(Piece(x, U, 3))) + ' ' + Piece(x, U, 2) +
71 | ' (#' + Piece(x, U, 1) + '), ' + Piece(x, U, 6) + ', ' + Piece(Piece(x, U, 5), ';', 2);
72 | Result := x;
73 | end;
74 |
75 | (*procedure DisplayOpTop(ANoteIEN: integer);
76 | const
77 | { TODO -oRich V. -cSurgery/TIU : What should be the text of the prompt for display OpTop on signature? }
78 | TX_OP_TOP_PROMPT = 'Would you like to first review the OpTop for this surgery report?';
79 | var
80 | AList: TStringList;
81 | ACaseIEN: integer;
82 | IsNonORProc: boolean;
83 | ShouldShowOpTop: integer;
84 | x: string;
85 | ShowReport: boolean;
86 | begin
87 | AList := TStringList.Create;
88 | try
89 | ShowReport := False;
90 | x := GetSurgCaseRefForNote(ANoteIEN);
91 | ACaseIEN := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, ';', 1), 0);
92 | ShouldShowOpTop := ShowOpTopOnSignature(ACaseIEN);
93 | case ShouldShowOpTop of
94 | OP_TOP_NEVER_SHOW : ; // do nothing
95 | OP_TOP_ALWAYS_SHOW : begin
96 | x := GetSingleCaseListItemWithoutDocs(ANoteIEN);
97 | IsNonORProc := IsNonORProcedure(ACaseIEN);
98 | LoadOpTop(AList, ACaseIEN, IsNonORProc, ShowReport);
99 | ReportBox(AList, MakeSurgeryCaseDisplayText(x), True);
100 | end;
101 | OP_TOP_ASK_TO_SHOW : if InfoBox(TX_OP_TOP_PROMPT, 'Confirmation', MB_YESNO or MB_ICONQUESTION) = IDYES then
102 | begin
103 | x := GetSingleCaseListItemWithoutDocs(ANoteIEN);
104 | IsNonORProc := IsNonORProcedure(ACaseIEN);
105 | LoadOpTop(AList, ACaseIEN, IsNonORProc, ShowReport);
106 | ReportBox(AList, MakeSurgeryCaseDisplayText(x), True);
107 | end;
108 | end;
109 | finally
110 | AList.Free;
111 | end;
112 | end;*)
113 |
114 | end.