1 | { **************************************************************
2 | Package: XWB - Kernel RPCBroker
3 | Date Created: Sept 18, 1997 (Version 1.1)
4 | Site Name: Oakland, OI Field Office, Dept of Veteran Affairs
5 | Developers: Danila Manapsal, Don Craven, Joel Ivey
6 | Description: Registers components and property editors.
7 | Current Release: Version 1.1 Patch 40 (January 7, 2005))
8 | *************************************************************** }
9 |
10 | unit XWBReg;
11 |
12 | {$I IISBase.inc}
13 |
14 | interface
15 |
16 | procedure Register;
17 |
18 | implementation
19 |
20 | uses Classes,
22 | DesignIntf, DesignEditors, DesignMenus,
23 | {$ELSE}
24 | DsgnIntf,
25 | {$ENDIF}
26 | ExptIntf, //Delphi units
27 | Trpcb, CCOWRPCBroker,
28 | RpcbEdtr, XWBRich20, //Broker units
29 | //{$IFDEF VER130}
31 | //{$ENDIF}
32 | //{$IFDEF VER140}
34 | //ENDIF}
35 | VergenceContextorLib_TLB;
36 |
37 | procedure Register;
38 | begin
39 | RegisterComponents('Kernel',[TRPCBroker, TCCOWRPCBroker, TXWBRichEdit, TContextorControl]);
40 |
41 | RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TRemoteProc),nil,'',TRemoteProcProperty);
42 | RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TServer),nil,'',TServerProperty);
43 | RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TRpcVersion),nil,'',TRpcVersionProperty);
44 | end;
45 |
46 | end.