1 | unit CPRSChart_TLB;
2 |
3 | // ************************************************************************ //
4 | // WARNING
5 | // -------
6 | // The types declared in this file were generated from data read from a
7 | // Type Library. If this type library is explicitly or indirectly (via
8 | // another type library referring to this type library) re-imported, or the
9 | // 'Refresh' command of the Type Library Editor activated while editing the
10 | // Type Library, the contents of this file will be regenerated and all
11 | // manual modifications will be lost.
12 | // ************************************************************************ //
13 |
14 | // PASTLWTR : 1.2
15 | // File generated on 11/27/2009 5:46:58 PM from Type Library described below.
16 |
17 | // ************************************************************************ //
18 | // Type Lib: P:\vista\tmg-cprs\CPRS-Chart\CPRSChart.tlb (1)
19 | // LIBID: {0A4A6086-6504-11D5-82DE-00C04F72C274}
20 | // LCID: 0
21 | // Helpfile:
22 | // HelpString: CPRSChart Library
23 | // DepndLst:
24 | // (1) v2.0 stdole, (C:\WINDOWS\system32\stdole2.tlb)
25 | // (2) v1.1 Accessibility, (C:\WINDOWS\system32\oleacc.dll)
26 | // ************************************************************************ //
27 | {$TYPEDADDRESS OFF} // Unit must be compiled without type-checked pointers.
31 | interface
32 |
33 | uses Windows, Accessibility_TLB, ActiveX, Classes, Graphics, StdVCL, Variants;
34 |
35 |
36 | // *********************************************************************//
37 | // GUIDS declared in the TypeLibrary. Following prefixes are used:
38 | // Type Libraries : LIBID_xxxx
39 | // CoClasses : CLASS_xxxx
40 | // DISPInterfaces : DIID_xxxx
41 | // Non-DISP interfaces: IID_xxxx
42 | // *********************************************************************//
43 | const
44 | // TypeLibrary Major and minor versions
45 | CPRSChartMajorVersion = 1;
46 | CPRSChartMinorVersion = 0;
47 |
48 | LIBID_CPRSChart: TGUID = '{0A4A6086-6504-11D5-82DE-00C04F72C274}';
49 |
50 | IID_ICPRSBroker: TGUID = '{63DC619B-6BE0-11D5-82E6-00C04F72C274}';
51 | IID_ICPRSState: TGUID = '{63DC619E-6BE0-11D5-82E6-00C04F72C274}';
52 | IID_ICPRSExtension: TGUID = '{63DC61C4-6BE0-11D5-82E6-00C04F72C274}';
53 | IID_IAccessibleStringGrid: TGUID = '{EFD768F7-59C0-48D9-889E-49EDF75488A6}';
54 | CLASS_AccessibleStringGrid: TGUID = '{25CDBD92-C72E-47B0-9E75-9457B603000C}';
55 | IID_IAccessibleListBox: TGUID = '{4B6A88F7-DCFE-4992-B5FC-565FDCB3829B}';
56 | CLASS_AccessibleListBox: TGUID = '{758002E7-7012-4FAB-BD84-40D372694719}';
57 | IID_IAccessibleTreeNode: TGUID = '{5974D1D8-0F49-45E5-AEFE-674A61F8771A}';
58 | CLASS_AccessibleTreeNode: TGUID = '{3AD21DCA-2298-487A-8197-59B8D586C244}';
59 | IID_IAccessibleTreeView: TGUID = '{06AA97AB-6D67-425C-B794-15FB8C62F870}';
60 | CLASS_AccessibleTreeView: TGUID = '{507AD9F0-9ED6-4BCD-A3AB-DBA72153F14D}';
61 | IID_IAccessibleRichEdit: TGUID = '{F2C380A5-C3DD-4AE8-81ED-C08C59E92962}';
62 | CLASS_AccessibleRichEdit: TGUID = '{DC61493C-51FE-49A4-8749-8464A00D5CFC}';
63 |
64 | // *********************************************************************//
65 | // Declaration of Enumerations defined in Type Library
66 | // *********************************************************************//
67 | // Constants for enum BrokerParamType
68 | type
69 | BrokerParamType = TOleEnum;
70 | const
71 | bptLiteral = $00000000;
72 | bptReference = $00000001;
73 | bptList = $00000002;
74 | bptUndefined = $00000003;
75 |
76 | type
77 |
78 | // *********************************************************************//
79 | // Forward declaration of types defined in TypeLibrary
80 | // *********************************************************************//
81 | ICPRSBroker = interface;
82 | ICPRSBrokerDisp = dispinterface;
83 | ICPRSState = interface;
84 | ICPRSStateDisp = dispinterface;
85 | ICPRSExtension = interface;
86 | ICPRSExtensionDisp = dispinterface;
87 | IAccessibleStringGrid = interface;
88 | IAccessibleStringGridDisp = dispinterface;
89 | IAccessibleListBox = interface;
90 | IAccessibleListBoxDisp = dispinterface;
91 | IAccessibleTreeNode = interface;
92 | IAccessibleTreeNodeDisp = dispinterface;
93 | IAccessibleTreeView = interface;
94 | IAccessibleTreeViewDisp = dispinterface;
95 | IAccessibleRichEdit = interface;
96 | IAccessibleRichEditDisp = dispinterface;
97 |
98 | // *********************************************************************//
99 | // Declaration of CoClasses defined in Type Library
100 | // (NOTE: Here we map each CoClass to its Default Interface)
101 | // *********************************************************************//
102 | AccessibleStringGrid = IAccessibleStringGrid;
103 | AccessibleListBox = IAccessibleListBox;
104 | AccessibleTreeNode = IAccessibleTreeNode;
105 | AccessibleTreeView = IAccessibleTreeView;
106 | AccessibleRichEdit = IAccessibleRichEdit;
107 |
108 |
109 | // *********************************************************************//
110 | // Interface: ICPRSBroker
111 | // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
112 | // GUID: {63DC619B-6BE0-11D5-82E6-00C04F72C274}
113 | // *********************************************************************//
114 | ICPRSBroker = interface(IDispatch)
115 | ['{63DC619B-6BE0-11D5-82E6-00C04F72C274}']
116 | function SetContext(const Context: WideString): WordBool; safecall;
117 | function Server: WideString; safecall;
118 | function Port: Integer; safecall;
119 | function DebugMode: WordBool; safecall;
120 | function Get_RPCVersion: WideString; safecall;
121 | procedure Set_RPCVersion(const Value: WideString); safecall;
122 | function Get_ClearParameters: WordBool; safecall;
123 | procedure Set_ClearParameters(Value: WordBool); safecall;
124 | function Get_ClearResults: WordBool; safecall;
125 | procedure Set_ClearResults(Value: WordBool); safecall;
126 | procedure CallRPC(const RPCName: WideString); safecall;
127 | function Get_Results: WideString; safecall;
128 | procedure Set_Results(const Value: WideString); safecall;
129 | function Get_Param(Index: Integer): WideString; safecall;
130 | procedure Set_Param(Index: Integer; const Value: WideString); safecall;
131 | function Get_ParamType(Index: Integer): BrokerParamType; safecall;
132 | procedure Set_ParamType(Index: Integer; Value: BrokerParamType); safecall;
133 | function Get_ParamList(Index: Integer; const Node: WideString): WideString; safecall;
134 | procedure Set_ParamList(Index: Integer; const Node: WideString; const Value: WideString); safecall;
135 | function ParamCount: Integer; safecall;
136 | function ParamListCount(Index: Integer): Integer; safecall;
137 | property RPCVersion: WideString read Get_RPCVersion write Set_RPCVersion;
138 | property ClearParameters: WordBool read Get_ClearParameters write Set_ClearParameters;
139 | property ClearResults: WordBool read Get_ClearResults write Set_ClearResults;
140 | property Results: WideString read Get_Results write Set_Results;
141 | property Param[Index: Integer]: WideString read Get_Param write Set_Param;
142 | property ParamType[Index: Integer]: BrokerParamType read Get_ParamType write Set_ParamType;
143 | property ParamList[Index: Integer; const Node: WideString]: WideString read Get_ParamList write Set_ParamList;
144 | end;
145 |
146 | // *********************************************************************//
147 | // DispIntf: ICPRSBrokerDisp
148 | // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
149 | // GUID: {63DC619B-6BE0-11D5-82E6-00C04F72C274}
150 | // *********************************************************************//
151 | ICPRSBrokerDisp = dispinterface
152 | ['{63DC619B-6BE0-11D5-82E6-00C04F72C274}']
153 | function SetContext(const Context: WideString): WordBool; dispid 1;
154 | function Server: WideString; dispid 2;
155 | function Port: Integer; dispid 3;
156 | function DebugMode: WordBool; dispid 4;
157 | property RPCVersion: WideString dispid 5;
158 | property ClearParameters: WordBool dispid 6;
159 | property ClearResults: WordBool dispid 7;
160 | procedure CallRPC(const RPCName: WideString); dispid 8;
161 | property Results: WideString dispid 9;
162 | property Param[Index: Integer]: WideString dispid 10;
163 | property ParamType[Index: Integer]: BrokerParamType dispid 11;
164 | property ParamList[Index: Integer; const Node: WideString]: WideString dispid 12;
165 | function ParamCount: Integer; dispid 13;
166 | function ParamListCount(Index: Integer): Integer; dispid 14;
167 | end;
168 |
169 | // *********************************************************************//
170 | // Interface: ICPRSState
171 | // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
172 | // GUID: {63DC619E-6BE0-11D5-82E6-00C04F72C274}
173 | // *********************************************************************//
174 | ICPRSState = interface(IDispatch)
175 | ['{63DC619E-6BE0-11D5-82E6-00C04F72C274}']
176 | function Handle: WideString; safecall;
177 | function UserDUZ: WideString; safecall;
178 | function UserName: WideString; safecall;
179 | function PatientDFN: WideString; safecall;
180 | function PatientName: WideString; safecall;
181 | function PatientDOB: WideString; safecall;
182 | function PatientSSN: WideString; safecall;
183 | function LocationIEN: Integer; safecall;
184 | function LocationName: WideString; safecall;
185 | end;
186 |
187 | // *********************************************************************//
188 | // DispIntf: ICPRSStateDisp
189 | // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
190 | // GUID: {63DC619E-6BE0-11D5-82E6-00C04F72C274}
191 | // *********************************************************************//
192 | ICPRSStateDisp = dispinterface
193 | ['{63DC619E-6BE0-11D5-82E6-00C04F72C274}']
194 | function Handle: WideString; dispid 1;
195 | function UserDUZ: WideString; dispid 2;
196 | function UserName: WideString; dispid 3;
197 | function PatientDFN: WideString; dispid 4;
198 | function PatientName: WideString; dispid 5;
199 | function PatientDOB: WideString; dispid 6;
200 | function PatientSSN: WideString; dispid 7;
201 | function LocationIEN: Integer; dispid 8;
202 | function LocationName: WideString; dispid 9;
203 | end;
204 |
205 | // *********************************************************************//
206 | // Interface: ICPRSExtension
207 | // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
208 | // GUID: {63DC61C4-6BE0-11D5-82E6-00C04F72C274}
209 | // *********************************************************************//
210 | ICPRSExtension = interface(IDispatch)
211 | ['{63DC61C4-6BE0-11D5-82E6-00C04F72C274}']
212 | function Execute(const CPRSBroker: ICPRSBroker; const CPRSState: ICPRSState;
213 | const Param1: WideString; const Param2: WideString; const Param3: WideString;
214 | var Data1: WideString; var Data2: WideString): WordBool; safecall;
215 | end;
216 |
217 | // *********************************************************************//
218 | // DispIntf: ICPRSExtensionDisp
219 | // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
220 | // GUID: {63DC61C4-6BE0-11D5-82E6-00C04F72C274}
221 | // *********************************************************************//
222 | ICPRSExtensionDisp = dispinterface
223 | ['{63DC61C4-6BE0-11D5-82E6-00C04F72C274}']
224 | function Execute(const CPRSBroker: ICPRSBroker; const CPRSState: ICPRSState;
225 | const Param1: WideString; const Param2: WideString; const Param3: WideString;
226 | var Data1: WideString; var Data2: WideString): WordBool; dispid 1;
227 | end;
228 |
229 | // *********************************************************************//
230 | // Interface: IAccessibleStringGrid
231 | // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
232 | // GUID: {EFD768F7-59C0-48D9-889E-49EDF75488A6}
233 | // *********************************************************************//
234 | IAccessibleStringGrid = interface(IDispatch)
235 | ['{EFD768F7-59C0-48D9-889E-49EDF75488A6}']
236 | end;
237 |
238 | // *********************************************************************//
239 | // DispIntf: IAccessibleStringGridDisp
240 | // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
241 | // GUID: {EFD768F7-59C0-48D9-889E-49EDF75488A6}
242 | // *********************************************************************//
243 | IAccessibleStringGridDisp = dispinterface
244 | ['{EFD768F7-59C0-48D9-889E-49EDF75488A6}']
245 | end;
246 |
247 | // *********************************************************************//
248 | // Interface: IAccessibleListBox
249 | // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
250 | // GUID: {4B6A88F7-DCFE-4992-B5FC-565FDCB3829B}
251 | // *********************************************************************//
252 | IAccessibleListBox = interface(IDispatch)
253 | ['{4B6A88F7-DCFE-4992-B5FC-565FDCB3829B}']
254 | end;
255 |
256 | // *********************************************************************//
257 | // DispIntf: IAccessibleListBoxDisp
258 | // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
259 | // GUID: {4B6A88F7-DCFE-4992-B5FC-565FDCB3829B}
260 | // *********************************************************************//
261 | IAccessibleListBoxDisp = dispinterface
262 | ['{4B6A88F7-DCFE-4992-B5FC-565FDCB3829B}']
263 | end;
264 |
265 | // *********************************************************************//
266 | // Interface: IAccessibleTreeNode
267 | // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
268 | // GUID: {5974D1D8-0F49-45E5-AEFE-674A61F8771A}
269 | // *********************************************************************//
270 | IAccessibleTreeNode = interface(IDispatch)
271 | ['{5974D1D8-0F49-45E5-AEFE-674A61F8771A}']
272 | end;
273 |
274 | // *********************************************************************//
275 | // DispIntf: IAccessibleTreeNodeDisp
276 | // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
277 | // GUID: {5974D1D8-0F49-45E5-AEFE-674A61F8771A}
278 | // *********************************************************************//
279 | IAccessibleTreeNodeDisp = dispinterface
280 | ['{5974D1D8-0F49-45E5-AEFE-674A61F8771A}']
281 | end;
282 |
283 | // *********************************************************************//
284 | // Interface: IAccessibleTreeView
285 | // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
286 | // GUID: {06AA97AB-6D67-425C-B794-15FB8C62F870}
287 | // *********************************************************************//
288 | IAccessibleTreeView = interface(IDispatch)
289 | ['{06AA97AB-6D67-425C-B794-15FB8C62F870}']
290 | end;
291 |
292 | // *********************************************************************//
293 | // DispIntf: IAccessibleTreeViewDisp
294 | // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
295 | // GUID: {06AA97AB-6D67-425C-B794-15FB8C62F870}
296 | // *********************************************************************//
297 | IAccessibleTreeViewDisp = dispinterface
298 | ['{06AA97AB-6D67-425C-B794-15FB8C62F870}']
299 | end;
300 |
301 | // *********************************************************************//
302 | // Interface: IAccessibleRichEdit
303 | // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
304 | // GUID: {F2C380A5-C3DD-4AE8-81ED-C08C59E92962}
305 | // *********************************************************************//
306 | IAccessibleRichEdit = interface(IDispatch)
307 | ['{F2C380A5-C3DD-4AE8-81ED-C08C59E92962}']
308 | end;
309 |
310 | // *********************************************************************//
311 | // DispIntf: IAccessibleRichEditDisp
312 | // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
313 | // GUID: {F2C380A5-C3DD-4AE8-81ED-C08C59E92962}
314 | // *********************************************************************//
315 | IAccessibleRichEditDisp = dispinterface
316 | ['{F2C380A5-C3DD-4AE8-81ED-C08C59E92962}']
317 | end;
318 |
319 | // *********************************************************************//
320 | // The Class CoAccessibleStringGrid provides a Create and CreateRemote method to
321 | // create instances of the default interface IAccessibleStringGrid exposed by
322 | // the CoClass AccessibleStringGrid. The functions are intended to be used by
323 | // clients wishing to automate the CoClass objects exposed by the
324 | // server of this typelibrary.
325 | // *********************************************************************//
326 | CoAccessibleStringGrid = class
327 | class function Create: IAccessibleStringGrid;
328 | class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IAccessibleStringGrid;
329 | end;
330 |
331 | // *********************************************************************//
332 | // The Class CoAccessibleListBox provides a Create and CreateRemote method to
333 | // create instances of the default interface IAccessibleListBox exposed by
334 | // the CoClass AccessibleListBox. The functions are intended to be used by
335 | // clients wishing to automate the CoClass objects exposed by the
336 | // server of this typelibrary.
337 | // *********************************************************************//
338 | CoAccessibleListBox = class
339 | class function Create: IAccessibleListBox;
340 | class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IAccessibleListBox;
341 | end;
342 |
343 | // *********************************************************************//
344 | // The Class CoAccessibleTreeNode provides a Create and CreateRemote method to
345 | // create instances of the default interface IAccessibleTreeNode exposed by
346 | // the CoClass AccessibleTreeNode. The functions are intended to be used by
347 | // clients wishing to automate the CoClass objects exposed by the
348 | // server of this typelibrary.
349 | // *********************************************************************//
350 | CoAccessibleTreeNode = class
351 | class function Create: IAccessibleTreeNode;
352 | class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IAccessibleTreeNode;
353 | end;
354 |
355 | // *********************************************************************//
356 | // The Class CoAccessibleTreeView provides a Create and CreateRemote method to
357 | // create instances of the default interface IAccessibleTreeView exposed by
358 | // the CoClass AccessibleTreeView. The functions are intended to be used by
359 | // clients wishing to automate the CoClass objects exposed by the
360 | // server of this typelibrary.
361 | // *********************************************************************//
362 | CoAccessibleTreeView = class
363 | class function Create: IAccessibleTreeView;
364 | class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IAccessibleTreeView;
365 | end;
366 |
367 | // *********************************************************************//
368 | // The Class CoAccessibleRichEdit provides a Create and CreateRemote method to
369 | // create instances of the default interface IAccessibleRichEdit exposed by
370 | // the CoClass AccessibleRichEdit. The functions are intended to be used by
371 | // clients wishing to automate the CoClass objects exposed by the
372 | // server of this typelibrary.
373 | // *********************************************************************//
374 | CoAccessibleRichEdit = class
375 | class function Create: IAccessibleRichEdit;
376 | class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IAccessibleRichEdit;
377 | end;
378 |
379 | implementation
380 |
381 | uses ComObj;
382 |
383 | class function CoAccessibleStringGrid.Create: IAccessibleStringGrid;
384 | begin
385 | Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_AccessibleStringGrid) as IAccessibleStringGrid;
386 | end;
387 |
388 | class function CoAccessibleStringGrid.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IAccessibleStringGrid;
389 | begin
390 | Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, CLASS_AccessibleStringGrid) as IAccessibleStringGrid;
391 | end;
392 |
393 | class function CoAccessibleListBox.Create: IAccessibleListBox;
394 | begin
395 | Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_AccessibleListBox) as IAccessibleListBox;
396 | end;
397 |
398 | class function CoAccessibleListBox.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IAccessibleListBox;
399 | begin
400 | Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, CLASS_AccessibleListBox) as IAccessibleListBox;
401 | end;
402 |
403 | class function CoAccessibleTreeNode.Create: IAccessibleTreeNode;
404 | begin
405 | Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_AccessibleTreeNode) as IAccessibleTreeNode;
406 | end;
407 |
408 | class function CoAccessibleTreeNode.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IAccessibleTreeNode;
409 | begin
410 | Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, CLASS_AccessibleTreeNode) as IAccessibleTreeNode;
411 | end;
412 |
413 | class function CoAccessibleTreeView.Create: IAccessibleTreeView;
414 | begin
415 | Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_AccessibleTreeView) as IAccessibleTreeView;
416 | end;
417 |
418 | class function CoAccessibleTreeView.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IAccessibleTreeView;
419 | begin
420 | Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, CLASS_AccessibleTreeView) as IAccessibleTreeView;
421 | end;
422 |
423 | class function CoAccessibleRichEdit.Create: IAccessibleRichEdit;
424 | begin
425 | Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_AccessibleRichEdit) as IAccessibleRichEdit;
426 | end;
427 |
428 | class function CoAccessibleRichEdit.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IAccessibleRichEdit;
429 | begin
430 | Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, CLASS_AccessibleRichEdit) as IAccessibleRichEdit;
431 | end;
432 |
433 | end.