//kt -- Modified with SourceScanner on 8/15/2007 unit fBALocalDiagnoses; {.$define debug} interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, fAutoSz, StdCtrls, ORCtrls, ExtCtrls,fPCELex, uConsults, ORFn, rPCE,DBCtrls, DB, DBClient, uPCE, fEncounterFrame, ComCtrls, Grids, UBAGlobals, Buttons, Menus, UBACore, UCore, DKLang; type DxRecord = Record DxFiller1 : string; DxFiller2 : string; DxAddToPL : string; DxPrimary : string; DxCode : string; end; TfrmBALocalDiagnoses = class(TfrmAutoSz) pnlTop: TPanel; lbOrders: TListBox; pnlMain: TPanel; lbSections: TORListBox; pnlBottom: TORAutoPanel; lvDxGrid: TListView; cbAddToPDList: TCheckBox; cbAddToPL: TCheckBox; btnPrimary: TButton; btnRemove: TButton; btnSelectAll: TButton; buOK: TButton; buCancel: TButton; btnOther: TButton; lbDiagnosis: TORListBox; ORStaticText1: TORStaticText; ORStaticText2: TORStaticText; ORStaticText3: TORStaticText; ORStaticText4: TORStaticText; lblPatientName: TStaticText; procedure buOKClick(Sender: TObject); procedure buCancelClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure Button4Click(Sender: TObject); procedure lbSectionsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnOtherClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnPrimaryClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnRemoveClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnSelectAllClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cbAddToPLClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ProcessAddToItems; procedure lbDiagnosisClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure AddDiagnosistoPersonalDiagnosesList1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure AddDiagnosistoPersonalDiagnosesList2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure cbAddToPDListClick(Sender: TObject); procedure lbSectionsDrawItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); procedure lvDxGridKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure lvDxGridKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure lvDxGridClick(Sender: TObject); procedure lbOrdersMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure ORStaticText1Enter(Sender: TObject); procedure ORStaticText1Exit(Sender: TObject); procedure ORStaticText3Enter(Sender: TObject); procedure ORStaticText3Exit(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } inactiveCodes: integer; procedure MainDriver; procedure LoadEncounterForm; procedure AddProbsToDiagnosis; procedure AddPCEToDiagnosis;//** adds dx's if selected currently from ecf procedure AddPersonalDxToDiagnosisList; procedure ListDiagnosisSections(Dest: TStrings); procedure ListDiagnosisCodes(Section : String); procedure DiagnosisSelection(SelectedDx: String); procedure EnsurePrimary; function IsDxAlreadySelected(SelectedDx: string):boolean; procedure BuildTempDxList; procedure AssocDxToOrders; procedure BuildBADxList; procedure ListGlobalDx(pOrderIDList: TStringList); procedure ListConsultDX(pOrderDxList: TStringList); procedure DeselectGridItems; procedure ListSelectedOrders; procedure BuildConsultDxList(pDxList: TStringList); function AddToWhatList(IsPLChecked:boolean; IsPDLChecked:boolean):string; procedure AddToProblemList; procedure AddToPersonalDxList; procedure InactiveICDNotification; procedure LoadTempDXLists; procedure SetAddToCBoxStatus; procedure SetAddToCheckBoxStatus(ADiagnosis:string); procedure ClearAndDisableCBoxes; procedure ProcessMultSelections; function ProblemListDxFound(pDxCode:string):boolean; function PersonalListDxFound(pDxCode:string):boolean; procedure ReSetCheckBoxStatus(pDxCode:String); public FLastHintItemNum: integer; procedure Enter(theCaller: smallint; pOrderIDList: TStringList); procedure LoadTempRec(var thisRec: TBADxRecord; thisOrderID: string); end; const TX799 = '799.9'; //PROBLEM_LIST_SECTION = 'Problem List Items'; <-- original line. //kt 8/15/2007 //PERSONAL_DX_SECTION = 'Personal Diagnoses List Items'; <-- original line. //kt 8/15/2007 function PROBLEM_LIST_SECTION : string; //kt function PERSONAL_DX_SECTION : string; //kt var deleteDX: boolean; selectingDX: boolean; FDxCode: string; FDxSection: string; PList: TextFile; FName: string; MaxDx : Integer; GridItems: integer; UpdatingGrid: boolean; whoCalled: smallint; currentOrderIDList: TStringList; ProblemDxHoldList, PersonalDxHoldList: TStringList; frmBALocalDiagnoses: TfrmBALocalDiagnoses; lexIENHoldList: TStringList; //** OrderID^Lexicon IEN implementation uses rCore, rODMeds, rODBase, rOrders, fRptBox, fODMedOIFA, uAccessibleStringGrid,ORNet, fProbs, fOrdersSign, UBAConst, UBAMessages, fReview, uSignItems, fODConsult, fFrame; var uProblems : TStringList; BADiagnosis : TStringList; ECFDiagnosis : TStringList; uLastDFN : string; uLastLocation: integer; ListItem : TListItem; uPrimaryDxHold: string; PrimaryChanged: boolean; {$R *.dfm} //************* Entry point *****************// function PROBLEM_LIST_SECTION : string; begin Result := DKLangConstW('fBALocalDiagnoses_Problem_List_Items'); end; function PERSONAL_DX_SECTION : string; begin Result := DKLangConstW('fBALocalDiagnoses_Personal_Diagnoses_List_Items'); end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.Enter(theCaller:smallint; pOrderIDList: TStringList); begin selectingDX := False; deleteDX := False; fBALocalDiagnoses.whoCalled := theCaller; currentOrderIDList := pOrderIDList; frmBALocalDiagnoses := TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.Create(Application); ResizeFormToFont(TForm(frmBALocalDiagnoses)); frmBALocalDiagnoses.ShowModal; frmBALocalDiagnoses.Release; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin MaxDx := 4; inactiveCodes := 0; MainDriver; GridItems := 0; PrimaryChanged := False; FLastHintItemNum := -1; ClearAndDisableCBoxes end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.ListDiagnosisSections(Dest: TStrings); { return section names in format: ListIndex^SectionName (sections begin with '^') } var i: Integer; x: string; begin for i := 0 to BADiagnosis.Count - 1 do if CharAt(BADiagnosis[i], 1) = U then begin x := Piece(BADiagnosis[i], U, 2); // if Length(x) = 0 then x := ''; <-- original line. //kt 8/15/2007 if Length(x) = 0 then x := DKLangConstW('fBALocalDiagnoses_xNo_Section_Namex'); //kt added 8/15/2007 Dest.Add(IntToStr(i) + U + Piece(BADiagnosis[i], U, 2) + U + x); end; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.MainDriver; begin BADiagnosis := TStringList.Create; ECFDiagnosis := TStringList.Create; uProblems := TStringList.Create; lblPatientName.Caption := Patient.Name; DeselectGridItems; if whoCalled = F_CONSULTS then ListConsultDX(uBAGlobals.BAConsultDxList) else ListGlobalDx(currentOrderIDList); LoadEncounterForm; ListDiagnosisSections(lbSections.Items); ListSelectedOrders; LoadTempDXLists; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.LoadTempRec(var thisRec: TBADxRecord; thisOrderID: string); begin if frmFrame.TimedOut then exit; thisRec := TBADxRecord.Create; UBAGlobals.InitializeNewDxRec(thisRec); //** Load it thisRec.FOrderID := thisOrderID; if pos( '(', UBAGlobals.Dx1) > 0 then thisRec.FBADxCode := UBACore.StripTFactors(UBAGlobals.Dx1) else thisRec.FBADxCode := UBAGlobals.Dx1; if pos( '(', UBAGlobals.Dx2) > 0 then thisRec.FBASecDx1 := UBACore.StripTFactors(UBAGlobals.Dx2) else thisRec.FBASecDx1 := UBAGlobals.Dx2; if pos( '(', UBAGlobals.Dx3) > 0 then thisRec.FBASecDx2 := UBACore.StripTFactors(UBAGlobals.Dx3) else thisRec.FBASecDx2 := UBAGlobals.Dx3; if pos( '(', UBAGlobals.Dx4) > 0 then thisRec.FBASecDx3 := UBACore.StripTFactors(UBAGlobals.Dx4) else thisRec.FBASecDx3 := UBAGlobals.Dx4; //** Verify Diagnosis exists prior to adding to list. if UBAGlobals.Dx1 <> '' then BADiagnosis.Add(UBAGlobals.Dx1); if UBAGlobals.Dx2 <> '' then BADiagnosis.Add(UBAGlobals.Dx2); if UBAGlobals.Dx3 <> '' then BADiagnosis.Add(UBAGlobals.Dx3); if UBAGlobals.Dx4 <> '' then BADiagnosis.Add(UBAGlobals.Dx4); end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.AssocDxToOrders; var tmpFlagList: TStringList; i: integer; thisOrderID: string; tempDxRec: TBADxRecord; {$ifdef debug}thismsg: string;{$endif} begin //** Initialize if Assigned(UBAGlobals.OrderIDList) then UBAGlobals.OrderIDList.Clear; tmpFlagList := TStringList.Create; //** Associate Dx's to Orders if whoCalled = F_ORDERS_SIGN then begin for i := 0 to fOrdersSign.frmSignOrders.clstOrders.Items.Count-1 do begin if (frmSignOrders.clstOrders.Selected[i]) then begin thisOrderID := TOrder(fOrdersSign.frmSignOrders.clstOrders.Items.Objects[i]).ID; if Not UBACore.IsOrderBillable(thisOrderID) then Continue; //BAPHII 1.4.16 LoadTempRec(tempDxRec, thisOrderID); if ((UBAGlobals.tempDxList <> nil) and (not UBAGlobals.tempDxNodeExists(thisOrderID))) then UBAGlobals.tempDxList.Add(TBADxRecord(tempDxRec)) else begin //** Order already exists in Dx list, so modifiy existing Dx record SetBADxListForOrder(tempDxRec, thisOrderID); end; //** Add it to OrderID string list if Assigned(UBAGlobals.OrderIDList) then UBAGlobals.OrderIDList.Add(thisOrderID); end; //** if end; //** for end else if whoCalled = F_REVIEW then begin DeselectGridItems; for i := 0 to fReview.frmReview.lstReview.Items.Count-1 do begin if (frmReview.lstReview.Selected[i]) then begin thisOrderID := TOrder(fReview.frmReview.lstReview.Items.Objects[i]).ID; if Not UBACore.IsOrderBillable(thisOrderID) then Continue; //BAPHII 1.4.16 LoadTempRec(tempDxRec, thisOrderID); if ((UBAGlobals.tempDxList <> nil) and (not UBAGlobals.tempDxNodeExists(thisOrderID))) then UBAGlobals.tempDxList.Add(TBADxRecord(tempDxRec)) else begin //** Order already exists in Dx list, so modifiy existing Dx record SetBADxListForOrder(tempDxRec, thisOrderID); GetUnsignedOrderFlags(thisOrderID,tmpFlagList); end; //** Add it to OrderID string list if Assigned(UBAGlobals.OrderIDList) then UBAGlobals.OrderIDList.Add(thisOrderID); end; end; //for end; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.buOKClick(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; //*** Load selected diagnosis to Temp List*** ///// if whoCalled <> F_CONSULTS then begin BuildTempDxList; //** Loop thru dx grid and build list of dx's BuildBADxList; //** Save selected Dx passed to PCE-Diagnosis Tab AssocDxToOrders; //** Add selected Dx to TList for display and tracking. end else begin BuildConsultDxList(UBAGlobals.BAConsultDxList); //** Loop thru dx grid and build list of dx's fODConsult.consultQuickOrder := False; // allow multiple dx's if first selection was a quick order end; ProcessAddToItems; //** Items flagged with 'add' will be added to the Problem list table lvDxGrid.Clear; frmBALocalDiagnoses.Close; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.LoadEncounterForm; { load the major coding lists that are used by the encounter form for a given location } var i: integer; uTempList: TStringList; EncDt: TFMDateTime; begin uLastLocation := Encounter.Location; EncDt := Trunc(FMToday); // ** add problems to the top of diagnoses. uTempList := TstringList.Create; BADiagnosis.clear; tCallV(uTempList,'ORWPCE DIAG', [uLastLocation, EncDt]); BADiagnosis.add(utemplist.strings[0]); AddProbsToDiagnosis; // ** Loading Diagnoses if previously entered via the Encounter Form AddPersonalDxToDiagnosisList; if Assigned(BAPCEDiagList) then begin AddPCEToDiagnosis; end; for i := 1 to (uTempList.Count-1) do BADiagnosis.add(uTemplist.strings[i]); end; // ** Add problem-list enteries to Diagnosis selection list procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.AddProbsToDiagnosis; var i : integer; EncDt: TFMDateTime; ProblemListTFactors: string; begin // ** Get problem list EncDt := Trunc(FMToday); uLastDFN := Patient.DFN; tCallV(UProblems, 'ORWPCE ACTPROB', [Patient.DFN, EncDT]); if uProblems.Count > 0 then begin // BADiagnosis.add('^Problem List Items'); <-- original line. //kt 8/15/2007 BADiagnosis.add('^'+DKLangConstW('fBALocalDiagnoses_Problem_List_Items')); //kt added 8/15/2007 for i := 1 to (uProblems.count-1) do begin // ** add PL Treatment Factors to Dx Display List. //HDS00006194 if (Piece(uproblems.Strings[i],U,3) = '799.9') then continue; //HDS00006194 if (Piece(uproblems.Strings[i],U,2) = '799.9') then continue; // change made to allow 799.9 into selection list AttachPLTFactorsToDx(ProblemListTFactors,uProblems.Strings[i]); if (Piece(uproblems.Strings[i], U, 11) = '#') then begin BADiagnosis.add(Piece(uProblems.Strings[i],U,3) + U + // PL code inactive Piece(uProblems.Strings[i],U,2) + U + '#'); inc(inactiveCodes); end else if (Piece(uproblems.Strings[i], U, 10) = '') then // no inactive date for code BADiagnosis.add(ProblemListTFactors) else if (Trunc(StrToFloat(Piece(uProblems.Strings[i], U, 10))) > EncDT) then // code active as of EncDt BADiagnosis.add(Piece(uProblems.Strings[i],U,3) + U + ProblemListTFactors ) else BADiagnosis.add(Piece(uProblems.Strings[i],U,3) + U + // PL code inactive Piece(uProblems.Strings[i],U,2) + U + '#'); end; end; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.AddPCEToDiagnosis; var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to (BAPCEDiagList.Count-1) do begin if CharAt(BAPCEDiagList.Strings[i], 1) = U then BADiagnosis.Add(BAPCEDiagList.Strings[i]) //** section header else BADiagnosis.add(Piece(BAPCEDiagList.Strings[i],U,1) + U + Piece(BAPCEDiagList.Strings[i],U,2)); end; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.AddPersonalDxToDiagnosisList; var personalDxList: TStringList; personalDxListSorted: TStringList; i,z: integer; begin personalDxList := TStringList.Create; personalDxListSorted := TStringlist.Create; personalDxList.Clear; personalDxListSorted.Clear; personalDxList := rpcGetPersonalDxList(User.DUZ); for i := 0 to personalDxList.Count-1 do personalDxListSorted.Add(Piece(personalDXList.Strings[i],U,2) + U + (Piece(personalDXList.Strings[i],U,1)) ); //****** sort personal dx list alphabetical by code name personalDxListSorted.Sorted := False; personalDxListSorted.Sorted := True ; personalDxList.Clear; for z := 0 to personalDxListSorted.Count-1 do personalDxList.Add(Piece(personalDXListSorted.Strings[z],U,2) + U + (Piece(personalDXListSorted.Strings[z],U,1)) ); if personalDxList.Count > 0 then begin BADiagnosis.add(U + DX_PERSONAL_LIST_TXT); for i := 0 to personalDxList.Count-1 do BADiagnosis.Add(personalDxList.Strings[i]); end else // BADiagnosis.add('^NO Personal Diagnoses Available'); <-- original line. //kt 8/15/2007 BADiagnosis.add('^'+DKLangConstW('fBALocalDiagnoses_NO_Personal_Diagnoses_Available')); //kt added 8/15/2007 end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.buCancelClick(Sender: TObject); begin lvDxGrid.Clear; fODConsult.displayDXCode := 'DXCANCEL';// retain original dx in consult dialog uBAGlobals.TFactors := ''; // clear treatment factors from last order.// hds00006266 Close; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.lbSectionsClick(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to lbSections.Items.Count-1 do begin if(lbSections.Selected[i]) then begin lvDxGrid.ClearSelection; ClearAndDisableCBoxes; ListDiagnosisCodes(lbSections.Items[i]); FDXSection := lbSections.Items[i]; Break; end; end; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.ListDiagnosisCodes(Section: String); var i,j: integer; a: string; begin lbDiagnosis.Clear; for i := 0 to BADiagnosis.Count-1 do begin a := BADiagnosis.Strings[i]; if Piece(BADiagnosis[i], U, 2) = (Piece(Section,U,2)) then Break; end; inc(i); for j := i to BADiagnosis.Count-1 do begin if Piece(BADiagnosis[j], U, 0) = '' then break else begin a := Piece(BADiagnosis[j], U, 2) + U + Piece(BADiagnosis[j], U, 1) + U + ' ' + Piece(BADiagnosis[j], U, 3) ; // if a = '' then showmessage('found nothing'); <-- original line. //kt 8/15/2007 if a = '' then showmessage(DKLangConstW('fBALocalDiagnoses_found_nothing')); //kt added 8/15/2007 lbDiagnosis.Items.Add(a); end; end; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.btnOtherClick(Sender: TObject); var Match: string; selectedDx: string; i: integer; lexIEN: string; begin lvDxGrid.ClearSelection; ProvDx.Code := ''; //** init lexIEN := ''; BAPersonalDX := True; //** returns LexIEN in piece 3 //** Execute LEXICON LexiconLookup(Match, LX_ICD); if Match = '' then Exit; fOrdersSign.ProvDx.Code := Piece(Match, U, 1); fOrdersSign.ProvDx.Text := Piece(Match, U, 2); lexIEN := Piece(Match, U, 3); i := Pos(' (ICD', fOrdersSign.ProvDx.Text); if i = 0 then i := Length(ProvDx.Text) + 1; if fOrdersSign.ProvDx.Text[i-1] = '*' then i := i - 2; fOrdersSign.ProvDx.Text := Copy(fOrdersSign.ProvDx.Text, 1, i - 1); fOrdersSign.ProvDx.Text := StringReplace(fOrdersSign.ProvDx.Text,':',' ',[rfReplaceAll]); fOrdersSign.ProvDx.Code := StringReplace(fOrdersSign.ProvDx.Code,':',' ',[rfReplaceAll]); selectedDx := (fOrdersSign.ProvDx.Text + ':' + fOrdersSign.ProvDx.Code); if strLen(PChar(lexIEN) ) > 0 then lexIENHoldList.Add(fOrdersSign.ProvDx.Code + U + lexIEN); //** Begin CQ4819 if not IsDxAlreadySelected(selectedDx) then begin if UBACore.IsICD9CodeActive(fOrdersSign.ProvDx.Code,'ICD',0) then DiagnosisSelection(selectedDx) else InfoBox(BA_INACTIVE_ICD9_CODE_1 + fOrdersSign.ProvDx.Code + BA_INACTIVE_ICD9_CODE_2 , BA_INACTIVE_CODE, MB_ICONWARNING or MB_OK); end; //** End CQ4819 BAPersonalDX := False; SetAddToCheckBoxStatus(selectedDX); end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.btnPrimaryClick(Sender: TObject); var i: shortint; Primary: boolean; begin inherited; Primary := FALSE; if lvDxGrid.Items.Count = 0 then Exit; //** Exit if list empty for i := 0 to lvDxGrid.Items.Count-1 do begin if(lvDxGrid.Items[i].Selected) then begin if not Primary then begin LvDxGrid.Items[i].SubItems[0] := UBAConst.PRIMARY_DX; Primary :=TRUE; end; end else LvDxGrid.Items[i].SubItems[0] := UBAConst.SECONDARY_DX ; end; if not Primary then EnsurePrimary; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.btnRemoveClick(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; deleteDX := True; lvDxGrid.DeleteSelected; ClearAndDisableCBoxes; DeselectGridItems; EnsurePrimary; deleteDX := False; // if all dx's removed, clear out displaycode if lvDxGrid.items.Count = 0 then FODConsult.displayDXCode := ''; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.btnSelectAllClick(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; begin inherited; for i := 0 to lvDxGrid.Items.Count-1 do begin if cbAddToPDList.Enabled then SetAddToCheckBoxStatus(lvDxGrid.Items[i].Subitems[1]); //** personal dx if cbAddToPL.Enabled then SetAddToCheckBoxStatus(lvDxGrid.Items[i].Subitems[1]);; //** problem dx end; lvDxGrid.MultiSelect := true; lvDxGrid.SelectAll; lvDxGrid.Setfocus; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.DiagnosisSelection(SelectedDx: String); begin // ** Set up Dx grid if lvDxGrid.Items.Count < MaxDx then begin if lvDxGrid.Items.count = 0 then begin ListItem := lvDxGrid.Items.Add; // ** add the row instance prior to adding text // adding text. ListItem.SubItems.Add(UBAConst.PRIMARY_DX); ListItem.SubItems.Add(SelectedDX); end else begin DeselectGridItems; ListItem := lvDxGrid.Items.Add; // ** add the row instance prior to adding text. ListItem.SubItems.Add(UBAConst.SECONDARY_DX); ListItem.SubItems.Add(SelectedDX); end; end else begin DeselectGridItems; ShowMessage(BA_MAX_DX); //** max 4 diagnoses per order end; end; // insure unique diagnoses entered. function TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.IsDxAlreadySelected(SelectedDx: string):boolean; var i: integer; x: string; begin Result := False; with lvDxGrid do begin for i := 0 to lvDxGrid.Items.Count-1 do begin x := lvDxGrid.Items[i].Subitems[1]; if Piece(x,':',2) = Piece(SelectedDx,':',2) then begin Result := True; Break; end; end; end; end; function TFrmBALocalDiagnoses.ProblemListDxFound(pDxCode:string):boolean; var i: integer; problemDx: string; begin Result := False; for i := 0 to ProblemDXHoldList.Count -1 do begin problemDX := ProblemDXHoldList.Strings[i]; problemDX := Piece(ProblemDX,':',2); if pDxCode = problemDX then begin Result := True; break; end; end;//** for end; function TFrmBALocalDiagnoses.PersonalListDxFound(pDxCode:string):boolean; var i: integer; personalDx: string; begin Result := False; for i := 0 to PersonalDxHoldList.Count -1 do begin personalDX := PersonalDXHoldList.Strings[i]; personalDX := Piece(personalDX,':',2); if pDxCode = personalDX then begin Result := True; break; end; end; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.EnsurePrimary; var Primary: boolean; i : integer; begin Primary := False; for i := 0 to lvDxGrid.Items.Count-1 do begin if LvDxGrid.Items[i].SubItems[0] = UBAConst.PRIMARY_DX then begin Primary := True; Break; end; end; if not Primary then begin if lvDxGrid.Items.Count > 0 then lvDxGrid.Items[0].Subitems[0] := UBAConst.PRIMARY_DX; end; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.cbAddToPLClick(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; begin inherited; if cbAddToPL.Checked then begin for i := 0 to lvDxGrid.Items.Count-1 do begin if(lvDxGrid.Items[i].Selected) then begin lvDxGrid.Items[i].Caption := AddToWhatList(cbAddToPL.Checked,cbAddToPDList.Checked); cbaddToPL.Checked := true; lvDxGrid.Items[i].Selected := True; lvDxGrid.SetFocus; end; end; end else begin if not cbaddToPL.Checked then for i := 0 to lvDxGrid.Items.Count-1 do begin if(lvDxGrid.Items[i].Selected) then begin lvDxGrid.Items[i].Caption := AddToWhatList(cbAddToPL.Checked,cbAddToPDList.Checked); lvDxGrid.Items[i].Selected := True; lvDxGrid.SetFocus; end; end; end; EnsurePrimary; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.ProcessAddToItems; begin AddToProblemList; AddToPersonalDxList; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.AddToPersonalDxList; var i,j: integer; tempcode,thisCode : string; tempList, addToPDList: TStringList; begin templist := TStringList.Create; addToPDList := TStringList.Create; tempList.Clear; addTOPDList.Clear; with lvDxGrid do begin for i := 0 to Items.Count-1 do begin if StrPos(PChar(LvDxGrid.Items[i].Caption),PChar(ADD_TO_PERSONAL_DX_LIST)) <> nil then begin tempCode := lvDxGrid.Items[i].Subitems[1]; tempCode := Piece(tempCode, ':', 2); tempList.Add(tempCode); end; end; end; //** add Lexicon IEN to list (if any) for i := 0 to tempList.Count -1 do begin thisCode := tempList.Strings[i]; if lexIENHoldList.Count > 0 then //HDS6393 begin for j := 0 to lexIENHoldList.Count-1 do begin if thisCode = Piece(lexIENHoldList.Strings[j],U,1) then AddToPDList.Add(thisCode + U + Piece(lexIENHoldList.Strings[j],U,2) ) // code was selected from Lexicon else AddToPDList.Add(thisCode); end; end else //HDS6393 AddToPDList.Add(thisCode); // code was not selected from the Lexicon. //HDS6393 end; if AddToPDList.Count > 0 then rpcAddToPersonalDxList(User.DUZ,AddToPDList); end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.AddToProblemList; var i: integer; tempCode, passCode: string; NewList: TStringList; PatientInfo:string; ProviderID:string; ptVAMC:string; begin PatientInfo := Patient.DFN + U + Patient.Name + U; ProviderID := IntToStr(Encounter.Provider); ptVAMC := ''; NewList := TStringList.Create; NewList.Clear; // ** Add Diagnosis to Problem List if flagged with 'Add' in First Col. with lvDxGrid do begin for i := 0 to Items.Count-1 do begin if StrPos(PChar(LvDxGrid.Items[i].Caption),PChar(ADD_TO_PROBLEM_LIST)) <> nil then begin tempCode := lvDxGrid.Items[i].Subitems[1]; // ** passCode consists of Dx Code '^' Dx Desc ///// passCode := Piece(tempCode,':',2) + U + Piece(tempCode,':',1); if Piece(passCode,U,1) <> TX799 then begin NewList := BAPLRec.BuildProblemListDxEntry(passCode); CallV('ORQQPL ADD SAVE',[PatientInfo, ProviderID, BAPLPt.PtVAMC, NewList]); NewList.Free; end; end; end; end; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.BuildConsultDxList(pDxList: TStringList); // ** adds grid items to BAConsultDxList - uConsults var i: integer; x: string; begin UBAGlobals.BAConsultDxList.Clear; if lvDxGrid.Items.Count > 0 then with lvDxGrid do begin for i := 0 to Items.Count-1 do begin if i = 0 then fODConsult.displayDXCode := lvDxGrid.Items[i].Subitems[0] + '^' + lvDxGrid.Items[i].Subitems[1]; x:= lvDxGrid.Items[i].Subitems[0] + '^' + lvDxGrid.Items[i].Subitems[1]; if Piece(lvDxGrid.Items[i].Subitems[0] + '^' + lvDxGrid.Items[i].Subitems[1],U,1) = PRIMARY_DX then fODConsult.displayDXCode := Piece(lvDxGrid.Items[i].Subitems[0] + '^' + lvDxGrid.Items[i].Subitems[1],U,2); uBAGlobals.BAConsultDxList.Add(lvDxGrid.Items[i].Subitems[0] + '^' + lvDxGrid.Items[i].Subitems[1]); end; uBAGlobals.BAConsultDxList.Sort; end else uBAGlobals.BAConsultDxList.Clear; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.BuildTempDxList; var i : integer; tempStr1,tempStr2, tempStr3: string; tempFactor1,x: string; tempStrList: TStringList; begin tempStrList := TStringList.Create; if Assigned(tempStrList) then tempStrList.Clear; UBAGlobals.Dx1 := ''; UBAGlobals.Dx2 := ''; UBAGlobals.Dx3 := ''; UBAGlobals.Dx4 := ''; UBAGlobals.TFactors := ''; tempstr1 := ''; tempstr2 := ''; tempstr3 := ''; tempFactor1 := ''; if lvDxGrid.Items.Count > 0 then with lvDxGrid do begin for i := 0 to Items.Count-1 do begin x := lvDxGrid.Items[i].Subitems[0]; x := lvDxGrid.Items[i].Subitems[1]; x:= lvDxGrid.Items[i].Subitems[0] + '^' + lvDxGrid.Items[i].Subitems[1]; tempStrList.Add(lvDxGrid.Items[i].Subitems[0] + '^' + lvDxGrid.Items[i].Subitems[1]); end; if tempStrList.Count > 0 then tempStrList.Sort; //** Sort list Ascending order. with tempStrList do begin tempFactor1 := (Piece(tempStrList.Strings[0],'(',2)); //** 0 = Primary tempFactor1 := (Piece(tempFactor1,')',1) ); if (Length(tempFactor1) > 0) then UBAGLobals.TFactors := tempFactor1; for i := 0 to tempStrList.Count-1 do begin tempstr1 := (Piece(tempStrList.Strings[i],U,2)); tempstr2 := (Piece(tempstr1,':',1) + '^'+ Piece(tempstr1,':',2)); if i = 0 then //** has primary dx changed begin if tempStr2 <> uPrimaryDxHold then begin if tempStr2 <> '' then PrimaryChanged := True; end; end; if tempstr2 = U then tempstr2 := DXREC_INIT_FIELD_VAL; case i of 0: UBAGlobals.Dx1 := tempStr2; 1: UBAGlobals.Dx2 := tempStr2; 2: UBAGlobals.Dx3 := tempStr2; 3: UBAGlobals.Dx4 := tempStr2; else Exit; end; end; end; end else if lvDxGrid.Items.Count = 0 then begin UBAGlobals.Dx1 := DXREC_INIT_FIELD_VAL; UBAGlobals.Dx2 := DXREC_INIT_FIELD_VAL; UBAGlobals.Dx3 := DXREC_INIT_FIELD_VAL; UBAGlobals.Dx4 := DXREC_INIT_FIELD_VAL; end; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.BuildBADxList; begin if not assigned(BADiagnosisList) then begin BADiagnosisList := TStringList.Create; BADiagnosisList.Duplicates := dupIgnore; BADiagnosisList.Sorted := True; end; if UBAGlobals.Dx1 <> '' then BADiagnosisList.Add(U + UBAGlobals.Dx1 + U); if UBAGlobals.Dx2 <> '' then BADiagnosisList.Add(U + UBAGlobals.Dx2 + U); if UBAGlobals.Dx3 <> '' then BADiagnosisList.Add(U + UBAGlobals.Dx3 + U); if UBAGlobals.Dx4 <> '' then BADiagnosisList.Add(U + UBAGlobals.Dx4 + U); end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.ListConsultDX(pOrderDxList: TStringList); var i: integer; dx1,dx2,dx3,dx4: string; begin if UBAGlobals.BAConsultDxList.Count = 0 then Exit; dx1 := ''; dx2 := ''; dx3 := ''; dx4 := ''; for i := 0 to BAConsultDxList.Count-1 do begin case i of 0: dx1 := BAConsultDxList.Strings[i]; 1: dx2 := BAConsultDxList.Strings[i]; 2: dx3 := BAConsultDxList.Strings[i]; 3: dx4 := BAConsultDxList.Strings[i]; end; end; ListItem := lvDxGrid.Items.Add; if Length(dx1) > 0 then ListItem.SubItems.Add(UBAConst.PRIMARY_DX) else ListItem.SubItems.Add(DXREC_INIT_FIELD_VAL); ListItem.SubItems.Add(Piece(dx1,U,2)); if Length(dx2) > 1 then begin ListItem := lvDxGrid.Items.Add; ListItem.SubItems.Add(UBAConst.SECONDARY_DX); ListItem.SubItems.Add(Piece(dx2,U,2)); end; if Length(dx3) > 1 then begin ListItem := lvDxGrid.Items.Add; ListItem.SubItems.Add(UBAConst.SECONDARY_DX); ListItem.SubItems.Add(Piece(dx3,U,2)); end; if Length(dx4) > 1 then begin ListItem := lvDxGrid.Items.Add; ListItem.SubItems.Add(UBAConst.SECONDARY_DX); ListItem.SubItems.Add(Piece(dx4,U,2)); end; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.ListGlobalDx(pOrderIDList: TStringList); // need to get rec based on orderid var i :integer; begin if not Assigned(UBAGlobals.globalDxRec) then Exit; if (Assigned(UBAGlobals.globalDxRec)) and (UBAGlobals.globalDxRec.FBADxCode = '') then Exit; for i := 0 to pOrderIDList.Count-1 do begin if tempDxNodeExists(pOrderIDList.Strings[i]) then begin UBAGlobals.globalDxRec.FOrderID := pOrderIDList.Strings[i]; break; end; end; ListItem := lvDxGrid.Items.Add; if Length(UBAGlobals.globalDxRec.FBADxCode) > 0 then ListItem.SubItems.Add(UBAConst.PRIMARY_DX) else ListItem.SubItems.Add(DXREC_INIT_FIELD_VAL); uPrimaryDxHold := UBAGlobals.globalDxRec.FBADxCode; ListItem.SubItems.Add(UBAGlobals.globalDxRec.FBADxCode); if Length(UBAGlobals.globalDxRec.FBASecDx1) > 1 then begin ListItem := lvDxGrid.Items.Add; ListItem.SubItems.Add(UBAConst.SECONDARY_DX); ListItem.SubItems.Add(UBAGlobals.globalDxRec.FBASecDx1); end; if Length(UBAGlobals.globalDxRec.FBASecDx2) > 1 then begin ListItem := lvDxGrid.Items.Add; ListItem.SubItems.Add(UBAConst.SECONDARY_DX); ListItem.SubItems.Add(UBAGlobals.globalDxRec.FBASecDx2); end; if Length(UBAGlobals.globalDxRec.FBASecDx3) > 1 then begin ListItem := lvDxGrid.Items.Add; ListItem.SubItems.Add(UBAConst.SECONDARY_DX); ListItem.SubItems.Add(UBAGlobals.globalDxRec.FBASecDx3); end; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.lbDiagnosisClick(Sender: TObject); var i : integer; newDxCode, initDxCode: string; begin inherited; for i := 0 to lbDiagnosis.Count-1 do begin if(lbDiagnosis.Selected[i]) then begin initDxCode := StringReplace(lbDiagnosis.Items[i],':',' ',[rfReplaceAll]); newDxCode := (Piece(initDxCode,U,1) + ':'+ Piece(initDxCode,U,2)); if UBACore.IsICD9CodeActive(Piece(newDxCode,':',2),'ICD',Encounter.DateTime) then begin if not IsDxAlreadySelected(newDxCode) then begin DiagnosisSelection(newDxCode); SetAddToCheckBoxStatus(newDxCode); end else begin DeselectGridItems; lvDxGrid.Items[lvDxGrid.items.Count-1].Selected := true; InfoBox(BA_DUP_DX_DISALLOWED_1 + Piece(newDxCode,':',2) + BA_DUP_DX_DISALLOWED_2,BA_DUP_DX ,MB_ICONINFORMATION or MB_OK); end; end else InfoBox(BA_INACTIVE_ICD9_CODE_1 + Piece(newDxCode,':',2) + BA_INACTIVE_ICD9_CODE_2 , BA_INACTIVE_CODE, MB_ICONWARNING or MB_OK); end; end; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.DeselectGridItems; var i: integer; begin if lvDxGrid.Items.Count = 0 then lvDxGrid.Clear else begin for i := 0 to lvDxGrid.Items.Count-1 do lvDxGrid.Items[i].Selected := false; end; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.FormActivate(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; InactiveICDNotification; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin lbSections.Selected[0] := false; if lbSections.Count > 0 then ListDiagnosisCodes(lbSections.Items[0]); end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.ListSelectedOrders; var i: integer; begin if BAtmpOrderList.Count > 0 then try for i:= 0 to BAtmpOrderList.Count -1 do begin lbOrders.Items.Add(StringReplace(BAtmpOrderList.Strings[i],CRLF,' ',[rfReplaceAll]) ); end; except on EListError do begin {$ifdef debug}ShowMessage('EListError in frmBALocalDiagnoses.ListSelectedOrders()');{$endif} raise; end; end; //try end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.AddDiagnosistoPersonalDiagnosesList1Click(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; pCodeList: TStringList; selectedList: TStringList; begin inherited; pCodeList := TStringList.Create; selectedList := TStringList.Create; if Assigned(pCodeList) then pCodeList.Clear; if Assigned(selectedList) then selectedList.Clear; try for i := 0 to lbDiagnosis.Items.Count-1 do if(lbDiagnosis.Selected[i]) then selectedList.Add((Piece(lbDiagnosis.Items[i],U,2)) ); except on EListError do begin {$ifdef debug}ShowMessage('EListError in frmBALocalDiagnoses.AddDiagnosisToPersonalDiagnosesListClick()');{$endif} raise; end; end; //try if selectedList.Count > 0 then if UBACore.rpcAddToPersonalDxList(User.DUZ,selectedList) then begin ShowMessage(UBAMessages.BA_PERSONAL_LIST_UPDATED); LoadEncounterForm; Refresh; end; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.AddDiagnosistoPersonalDiagnosesList2Click( Sender: TObject); var i:integer; selectedList: TStringList; begin inherited; selectedList := TStringList.Create; if Assigned(selectedList) then selectedList.create; for i := 0 to lvDxGrid.Items.Count-1 do begin if(lvDxGrid.Items[i].Selected) then selectedList.Add( piece(LvDxGrid.Items[i].SubItems[1],':',2) ); end; if UBACore.rpcAddToPersonalDxList(User.DUZ,selectedList) then begin ShowMessage(UBAMessages.BA_PERSONAL_LIST_UPDATED); LoadEncounterForm; Refresh; end; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.cbAddToPDListClick(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; begin inherited; if cbAddToPDList.Checked then begin for i := 0 to lvDxGrid.Items.Count-1 do begin if(lvDxGrid.Items[i].Selected) then begin lvDxGrid.Items[i].Caption := AddToWhatList(cbAddToPL.Checked,cbAddToPDList.Checked); cbaddToPDList.Checked := true; lvDxGrid.SetFocus; end else if(lvDxGrid.Items[i].Selected) then begin lvDxGrid.Items[i].Caption := AddToWhatList(cbAddToPL.Checked,cbAddToPDList.Checked); cbaddToPL.Checked := false; lvDxGrid.SetFocus; end; end; end else begin if not cbaddToPDList.Checked then for i := 0 to lvDxGrid.Items.Count-1 do begin if(lvDxGrid.Items[i].Selected) then lvDxGrid.Items[i].Caption := AddToWhatList(cbAddToPL.Checked,cbAddToPDList.Checked); end; end; EnsurePrimary; end; function TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.AddToWhatList(IsPLChecked:boolean; IsPDLChecked:boolean):string; begin Result := ''; if IsPLChecked and IsPDLChecked then Result := 'PL/PD' else if IsPLChecked then Result := 'PL' else if IsPDLChecked then Result := 'PD'; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.InactiveICDNotification; begin if inactiveCodes > 0 then begin if (not BAFWarningShown) and (inactiveCodes > 0) then begin // InfoBox('There are ' + IntToStr(inactiveCodes) + ' active problem(s) flagged with a "#" as having' + #13#10 + <-- original line. //kt 8/15/2007 InfoBox(DKLangConstW('fBALocalDiagnoses_There_are')+' ' + IntToStr(inactiveCodes) + DKLangConstW('fBALocalDiagnoses_active_problemxsx_flagged_with_a_xxx_as_having') + #13#10 + //kt added 8/15/2007 // 'inactive ICD codes as of today''s date. Please correct these' + #13#10 + <-- original line. //kt 8/15/2007 DKLangConstW('fBALocalDiagnoses_inactive_ICD_codes_as_of_todayxxs_datex__Please_correct_these') + #13#10 + //kt added 8/15/2007 // 'problems via the Problems Tab - Change" option.', 'Inactive ICD Codes Found', MB_ICONWARNING or MB_OK); <-- original line. //kt 8/15/2007 DKLangConstW('fBALocalDiagnoses_problems_via_the_Problems_Tab_x_Changex_optionx'), DKLangConstW('fBALocalDiagnoses_Inactive_ICD_Codes_Found'), MB_ICONWARNING or MB_OK); //kt added 8/15/2007 BAFWarningShown := True; end; end; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.lbSectionsDrawItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); begin inherited; lbsections.Font.Size := MainFontSize; if (control as Tlistbox).items[index] = DX_PROBLEM_LIST_TXT then (Control as TListBox).Canvas.Font.Style := [fsBold] else if (control as Tlistbox).items[index] = DX_PERSONAL_LIST_TXT then (Control as TListBox).Canvas.Font.Style := [fsBold] else if (control as Tlistbox).items[index] = DX_ENCOUNTER_LIST_TXT then (Control as TListBox).Canvas.Font.Style := [fsBold]; (Control as TListBox).Canvas.TextOut(Rect.Left+2, Rect.Top+1, (Control as TListBox).Items[Index]); {** display the text } end; //** Loads string lists containing Diagnoses contained in the Problem and Personal DX List. //** These lists will be used to insure duplicates can not be entered via add to check boxes. procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.LoadTempDXLists; var i: integer; sChar,probDX,x: string; updatingProblemList, updatingPersonalList: boolean; begin sChar := ')'; updatingProblemList := FALSE; updatingPersonalList := FALSE; if Assigned(ProblemDxHoldList) then ProblemDxHoldList.Clear; if Assigned(PersonalDxHoldList) then PersonalDxHoldList.Clear; for i := 0 to BADiagnosis.Count - 1 do begin x := BADiagnosis.Strings[i]; if CharAt(BADiagnosis[i], 1) = U then begin if Piece(BADiagnosis.Strings[i],U,2) = PROBLEM_LIST_SECTION then begin updatingProblemList := TRUE; updatingPersonalList := FALSE; end else begin if Piece(BADiagnosis.Strings[i],U,2) = PERSONAL_DX_SECTION then begin updatingProblemList := FALSE; updatingPersonalList := TRUE; end else begin updatingProblemList := FALSE; updatingPersonalList := FALSE; end; end; end; if updatingProblemList then begin if Piece(BADiagnosis.Strings[i],U,2) = PROBLEM_LIST_SECTION then lbSections.Selected[0] := true; if strPos(pChar(BADiagnosis.Strings[i]) , pChar(sChar) ) <> nil then begin probDX := StringReplace(BADiagnosis.Strings[i],'(','^',[rfReplaceAll]); probDX := StringReplace(probDX,')','^',[rfReplaceAll]); probDX := Piece(probDX,U,2) + ':' + Piece(probDX,U,1); probDX := StringReplace(probDX,' ','',[rfReplaceAll]); ProblemDXHoldList.Add(probDX); end else ProblemDxHoldList.Add(Piece(BADiagnosis.Strings[i],U,2) +':' +Piece(BADiagnosis.Strings[i],U,1) ); end else if updatingPersonalList then PersonalDxHoldList.Add(Piece(BADiagnosis.Strings[i],U,2) + ':' + Piece(BADiagnosis.Strings[i],U,1) ); end; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.lvDxGridKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin inherited; if(ssShift in Shift) or(ssCtrl in Shift) then selectingDX := True; end; //** set Add To Check Boxes status. procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.SetAddToCBoxStatus; var i: integer; x: string; begin UpdatingGrid := False; // ** detemine status of "add to" check boxes..... //** if dx selected already exists in Problem or Personal Dx List then //** add to checkboxes are disabled. for i := 0 to lvDxGrid.Items.Count-1 do begin if lvDxGrid.Items[i].Selected then begin x:= lvDxGrid.Items[i].Subitems[1]; lvDxGrid.Items[i].Selected := True; SetAddToCheckBoxStatus(lvDxGrid.Items[i].Subitems[1]); lvDxGrid.SetFocus; end; end; for i := 0 to lvDxGrid.Items.Count-1 do begin if lvDxGrid.Items[i].Selected then if lvDxGrid.Items[i].Caption = 'PL/PD' then begin UpdatingGrid := True; lvDxGrid.Items[i].Selected := True; cbaddToPL.Checked := True; cbAddToPDList.Checked := true; ResetCheckBoxStatus(lvDxGrid.Items[i].Subitems[1]); lvDxGrid.SetFocus; end else if lvDxGrid.Items[i].Caption = 'PL' then begin UpdatingGrid := True; lvDxGrid.Items[i].Selected := True; cbaddToPL.Checked := True; cbAddToPDList.Checked := False; ResetCheckBoxStatus(lvDxGrid.Items[i].Subitems[1]); lvDxGrid.SetFocus; end else if lvDxGrid.Items[i].Caption = 'PD' then begin UpdatingGrid := True; lvDxGrid.Items[i].Selected := True; cbaddToPL.Checked := False; cbAddToPDList.Checked := True; ResetCheckBoxStatus(lvDxGrid.Items[i].Subitems[1]); lvDxGrid.SetFocus; end; end; // ** end determine check box status................ end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.lvDxGridKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin inherited; selectingDX := False; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.lvDxGridClick(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; if deleteDX then Exit; if lvDxGrid.SelCount > 1 then ProcessMultSelections else SetAddToCBoxStatus; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.lbOrdersMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var lstIndex: integer; begin inherited; //** CQ4739 with lbOrders do begin lstIndex := SendMessage(Handle, LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0, MakeLParam(X, Y)); if (lstIndex >= 0) and (lstIndex <= Items.Count-1) then Hint := Items[lstIndex] else Hint := ''; end; //** end CQ4739 end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.SetAddToCheckBoxStatus(ADiagnosis:string); var selectedDX :string; i: integer; begin if (cbAddToPL.Checked or cbAddToPDList.Checked) then begin for i := 0 to LvDxGrid.Items.Count-1 do begin if(lvDxGrid.Items[i].Selected) then begin if StrPos(PChar(LvDxGrid.Items[i].Caption),PChar(ADD_TO_PERSONAL_DX_LIST)) <> nil then Exit; if StrPos(PChar(LvDxGrid.Items[i].Caption),PChar(ADD_TO_PROBLEM_LIST)) <> nil then Exit; end; end; end; if lvDxGrid.SelCount = 0 then begin ClearAndDisableCBoxes; Exit; end; selectedDX:= Piece(ADiagnosis,':',2); //** loop thru problem list dx, if match check box disabled if ProblemListDxFound(selectedDx) then begin cbAddToPL.Enabled := False; cbAddToPL.Checked := False; end else begin cbAddToPL.Enabled := True; cbAddToPL.Checked := False; end; if PersonalListDxFound(selectedDx) then begin cbAddToPDList.Enabled := False; cbAddToPDList.Checked := False; end else begin cbAddToPDList.Enabled := True; cbAddToPDList.Checked := False; end; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.ProcessMultSelections; var i: integer; selectedDX: string; PLFound, PDLFound: boolean; begin PLFound := False; PDLFound := False; for i := 0 to lvDxGrid.Items.Count-1 do begin if(lvDxGrid.Items[i].Selected) then begin selectedDX := lvDxGrid.Items[i].Subitems[1]; selectedDX := Piece(selectedDX,':',2); if not PLFound then PLFound := ProblemListDxFound(selectedDX); if not PDLFound then PDLFound := PersonalListDXFound(selectedDX); end; end; if not PDLFound then begin cbAddToPDList.Enabled := True; cbAddTOPDList.Checked := False; end else begin cbAddToPDList.Enabled := False; cbAddTOPDList.Checked := False; end; if not PLFound then begin cbAddToPL.Enabled := True; cbAddToPL.Checked := False; end else begin cbAddToPL.Enabled := False; cbAddToPL.Checked := False; end; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.ClearAndDisableCBoxes; begin cbAddToPL.Checked := False; cbAddToPDList.Checked := False; lvDxGrid.ClearSelection; cbAddToPL.Enabled := False; cbAddToPDList.Enabled := False; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.ORStaticText1Enter(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; (Sender as TORStaticText).Font.Style := [fsBold]; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.ORStaticText1Exit(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; (Sender as TORStaticText).Font.Style := []; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.ORStaticText3Enter(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; (Sender as TORStaticText).Font.Style := [fsBold]; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.ORStaticText3Exit(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; (Sender as TORStaticText).Font.Style := []; end; procedure TfrmBALocalDiagnoses.ResetCheckBoxStatus(pDxCode:string); begin if Not ProblemListDxFound(pDxCode) then cbAddToPL.Enabled := True; if Not PersonalListDxFound(pDxCode) then cbAddToPDList.Enabled := True; end; Initialization BADiagnosis := TStringList.Create; currentOrderIDList := TStringList.Create; ProblemDxHoldList := TStringList.Create; PersonalDxHoldList := TStringList.Create; lexIENHoldList := TStringList.Create; BADiagnosis.Clear; currentOrderIDList.Clear; PersonalDxHoldList.Clear; ProblemDxHoldList.Clear; lexIENHoldList.Clear; end.