1 | //kt -- Modified with SourceScanner on 8/8/2007
2 | unit rConsults;
3 |
4 | interface
5 |
6 | uses SysUtils, Classes, ORNet, ORFn, rCore, uCore, TRPCB, dialogs, uConsults, rTIU, uTIU;
7 |
8 | type
9 |
10 | TUnresolvedConsults = record
11 | UnresolvedConsultsExist: boolean;
12 | ShowNagScreen: boolean;
13 | end;
14 |
15 | {Consult Titles }
16 | function DfltConsultTitle: integer;
17 | function DfltConsultTitleName: string;
18 | function DfltClinProcTitle: integer;
19 | function DfltClinProcTitleName: string;
20 | function IdentifyConsultsClass: integer;
21 | function IdentifyClinProcClass: integer;
22 | procedure ListConsultTitlesShort(Dest: TStrings);
23 | procedure ListClinProcTitlesShort(Dest: TStrings);
24 | function SubSetOfConsultTitles(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer; IDNoteTitlesOnly: boolean): TStrings;
25 | function SubSetOfClinProcTitles(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer; IDNoteTitlesOnly: boolean): TStrings;
26 | procedure ResetConsultTitles;
27 | procedure ResetClinProcTitles;
28 |
29 | { Data Retrieval }
30 | procedure GetConsultsList(Dest: TStrings; Early, Late: double;
31 | Service, Status: string; SortAscending: Boolean);
32 | procedure LoadConsultDetail(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer) ;
33 | function GetCurrentContext: TSelectContext;
34 | procedure SaveCurrentContext(AContext: TSelectContext) ;
35 | procedure DisplayResults(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer) ;
36 | procedure GetConsultRec(IEN: integer) ;
37 | function ShowSF513(ConsultIEN: integer): TStrings ;
38 | procedure PrintSF513ToDevice(AConsult: Integer; const ADevice: string; ChartCopy: string;
39 | var ErrMsg: string);
40 | function GetFormattedSF513(AConsult: Integer; ChartCopy: string): TStrings;
41 | function UnresolvedConsultsExist: boolean;
42 | procedure GetUnresolvedConsultsInfo;
43 |
44 | {list box fillers}
45 | function SubSetOfStatus: TStrings;
46 | function SubSetOfUrgencies(ConsultIEN: integer): TStrings;
47 | function LoadServiceList(Purpose: integer): TStrings ;
48 | function LoadServiceListWithSynonyms(Purpose: integer): TStrings ; overload;
49 | function LoadServiceListWithSynonyms(Purpose, ConsultIEN: integer): TStrings ; overload;
50 | function SubSetOfServices(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings;
51 | function FindConsult(ConsultIEN: integer): string ;
52 |
53 | {user access level functions}
54 | function ConsultServiceUser(ServiceIEN: integer; DUZ: int64): boolean ;
55 | function GetActionMenuLevel(ConsultIEN: integer): TMenuAccessRec ;
56 |
57 | {consult result functions}
58 | function GetAssignableMedResults(ConsultIEN: integer): TStrings;
59 | function GetRemovableMedResults(ConsultIEN: integer): TStrings;
60 | function GetDetailedMedicineResults(ResultID: string): TStrings;
61 | procedure AttachMedicineResult(ConsultIEN: integer; ResultID: string; DateTime: TFMDateTime; ResponsiblePerson: int64; AlertTo: string);
62 | procedure RemoveMedicineResult(ConsultIEN: integer; ResultID: string; DateTime: TFMDateTime; ResponsiblePerson: int64);
63 |
64 | {Consult Request Actions}
65 | procedure ReceiveConsult(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; ReceivedBy: int64; RcptDate: TFMDateTime; Comments: TStrings);
66 | procedure ScheduleConsult(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; ScheduledBy: Int64; SchdDate: TFMDateTime; Alert: integer;
67 | AlertTo: string; Comments: TStrings);
68 | procedure DiscontinueConsult(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; DiscontinuedBy: int64;
69 | DiscontinueDate: TFMDateTime; Comments: TStrings);
70 | procedure DenyConsult(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; DeniedBy: int64;
71 | DenialDate: TFMDateTime; Comments: TStrings);
72 | procedure ForwardConsult(Dest: TStrings; IEN, ToService: integer; Forwarder, AttentionOf: int64;
73 | Urgency: integer; ActionDate: TFMDateTime; Comments: TStrings);
74 | procedure AddComment(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; Comments: TStrings; ActionDate: TFMDateTime; Alert: integer;
75 | AlertTo: string) ;
76 | procedure SigFindings(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; SigFindingsFlag: string; Comments: TStrings; ActionDate: TFMDateTime;Alert: integer;
77 | AlertTo: string) ;
78 | procedure AdminComplete(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; SigFindingsFlag: string; Comments: TStrings;
79 | RespProv: Int64; ActionDate: TFMDateTime; Alert: integer; AlertTo: string) ;
80 |
81 | { Consults Ordering Calls }
82 | function ODForConsults: TStrings;
83 | function ODForProcedures: TStrings;
84 | function ConsultMessage(AnIEN: Integer): string;
85 | function LoadConsultsQuickList: TStrings ;
86 | function GetProcedureServices(ProcIEN: integer): TStrings;
87 | function ConsultCanBeResubmitted(ConsultIEN: integer): string;
88 | function LoadConsultForEdit(ConsultIEN: integer): TEditResubmitRec;
89 | function ResubmitConsult(EditResubmitRec: TEditResubmitRec): string;
90 | function SubSetOfProcedures(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings;
91 | function GetDefaultReasonForRequest(Service: string; Resolve: Boolean): TStrings;
92 | function ReasonForRequestEditable(Service: string): string;
93 | function GetNewDialog(OrderType: string): string;
94 | function GetServiceIEN(ORIEN: string): string;
95 | function GetProcedureIEN(ORIEN: string): string;
96 | function GetConsultOrderIEN(ConsultIEN: integer): string;
97 | function GetServicePrerequisites(Service: string): TStrings;
98 | procedure GetProvDxMode(var ProvDx: TProvisionalDiagnosis; SvcIEN: string);
99 |
100 | { Clinical Procedures Specific}
101 | function GetSavedCPFields(NoteIEN: integer): TEditNoteRec;
102 |
103 | var
104 | uConsultsClass: integer;
105 | uConsultTitles: TConsultTitles;
106 | uClinProcClass: integer;
107 | uClinProcTitles: TClinProcTitles;
108 | uUnresolvedConsults: TUnresolvedConsults;
109 |
110 | implementation
111 |
112 | uses rODBase;
113 |
114 | var
115 | uLastOrderedIEN: Integer;
116 | uLastOrderMsg: string;
117 |
118 | { -------------------------- Consult Titles --------------------------------- }
119 |
120 | function IdentifyConsultsClass: integer;
121 | begin
122 | if uConsultsClass = 0 then
123 | uConsultsClass := StrToIntDef(sCallV('TIU IDENTIFY CONSULTS CLASS',[nil]), 0) ;
124 | Result := uConsultsClass;
125 | end;
126 |
127 | procedure LoadConsultTitles;
128 | { private - called one time to set up the uConsultTitles object }
129 | var
130 | x: string;
131 | begin
132 | if uConsultTitles <> nil then Exit;
133 | CallV('TIU PERSONAL TITLE LIST', [User.DUZ, IdentifyConsultsClass]);
134 | RPCBrokerV.Results.Insert(0, '~SHORT LIST'); // insert so can call ExtractItems
135 | uConsultTitles := TConsultTitles.Create;
136 | ExtractItems(uConsultTitles.ShortList, RPCBrokerV.Results, 'SHORT LIST');
137 | x := ExtractDefault(RPCBrokerV.Results, 'SHORT LIST');
138 | uConsultTitles.DfltTitle := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 1), 0);
139 | uConsultTitles.DfltTitleName := Piece(x, U, 2);
140 | end;
141 |
142 | procedure ResetConsultTitles;
143 | begin
144 | if uConsultTitles <> nil then
145 | begin
146 | uConsultTitles.Free;
147 | uConsultTitles := nil;
148 | LoadConsultTitles;
149 | end;
150 | end;
151 |
152 | function DfltConsultTitle: integer;
153 | { returns the user defined default Consult title (if any) }
154 | begin
155 | if uConsultTitles = nil then LoadConsultTitles;
156 | Result := uConsultTitles.DfltTitle;
157 | end;
158 |
159 | function DfltConsultTitleName: string;
160 | { returns the name of the user defined default progress note title (if any) }
161 | begin
162 | if uConsultTitles = nil then LoadConsultTitles;
163 | Result := uConsultTitles.DfltTitleName;
164 | end;
165 |
166 | procedure ListConsultTitlesShort(Dest: TStrings);
167 | { returns the user defined list (short list) of Consult titles }
168 | begin
169 | if uConsultTitles = nil then LoadConsultTitles;
170 | Dest.AddStrings(uConsultTitles.ShortList);
171 | if uConsultTitles.ShortList.Count > 0 then
172 | begin
173 | Dest.Add('0^________________________________________________________________________');
174 | Dest.Add('0^ ');
175 | end;
176 | end;
177 |
178 | function SubSetOfConsultTitles(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer; IDNoteTitlesOnly: boolean): TStrings;
179 | { returns a pointer to a list of consults progress note titles (for use in a long list box) -
180 | The return value is a pointer to RPCBrokerV.Results, so the data must be used BEFORE
181 | the next broker call! }
182 | begin
183 | (* if IDNoteTitlesOnly then // This RPC not changed for initial ID Notes release
184 | CallV('TIU LONG LIST CONSULT TITLES', [StartFrom, Direction, IDNoteTitlesOnly])
185 | else*)
186 | CallV('TIU LONG LIST CONSULT TITLES', [StartFrom, Direction]);
187 | //MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results);
188 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
189 | end;
190 |
191 |
192 | { -------------------------- Clinical Procedures Titles --------------------------------- }
193 | function IdentifyClinProcClass: integer;
194 | begin
195 | if uClinProcClass = 0 then
196 | uClinProcClass := StrToIntDef(sCallV('TIU IDENTIFY CLINPROC CLASS',[nil]), 0) ;
197 | Result := uClinProcClass;
198 | end;
199 |
200 | procedure LoadClinProcTitles;
201 | { private - called one time to set up the uConsultTitles object }
202 | var
203 | x: string;
204 | begin
205 | if uClinProcTitles <> nil then Exit;
206 | CallV('TIU PERSONAL TITLE LIST', [User.DUZ, IdentifyClinProcClass]);
207 | RPCBrokerV.Results.Insert(0, '~SHORT LIST'); // insert so can call ExtractItems
208 | uClinProcTitles := TClinProcTitles.Create;
209 | ExtractItems(uClinProcTitles.ShortList, RPCBrokerV.Results, 'SHORT LIST');
210 | x := ExtractDefault(RPCBrokerV.Results, 'SHORT LIST');
211 | uClinProcTitles.DfltTitle := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 1), 0);
212 | uClinProcTitles.DfltTitleName := Piece(x, U, 2);
213 | end;
214 |
215 | procedure ResetClinProcTitles;
216 | begin
217 | if uClinProcTitles <> nil then
218 | begin
219 | uClinProcTitles.Free;
220 | uClinProcTitles := nil;
221 | LoadClinProcTitles;
222 | end;
223 | end;
224 |
225 | function DfltClinProcTitle: integer;
226 | { returns the user defined default ClinProc title (if any) }
227 | begin
228 | if uClinProcTitles = nil then LoadClinProcTitles;
229 | Result := uClinProcTitles.DfltTitle;
230 | end;
231 |
232 | function DfltClinProcTitleName: string;
233 | { returns the name of the user defined default progress note title (if any) }
234 | begin
235 | if uClinProcTitles = nil then LoadClinProcTitles;
236 | Result := uClinProcTitles.DfltTitleName;
237 | end;
238 |
239 | procedure ListClinProcTitlesShort(Dest: TStrings);
240 | { returns the user defined list (short list) of ClinProc titles }
241 | begin
242 | if uClinProcTitles = nil then LoadClinProcTitles;
243 | Dest.AddStrings(uClinProcTitles.ShortList);
244 | if uClinProcTitles.ShortList.Count > 0 then
245 | begin
246 | Dest.Add('0^________________________________________________________________________');
247 | Dest.Add('0^ ');
248 | end;
249 | end;
250 |
251 | function SubSetOfClinProcTitles(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer; IDNoteTitlesOnly: boolean): TStrings;
252 | { returns a pointer to a list of clinical procedures titles (for use in a long list box) -
253 | The return value is a pointer to RPCBrokerV.Results, so the data must be used BEFORE
254 | the next broker call! }
255 | begin
256 | (* if IDNoteTitlesOnly then // This RPC not changed for initial ID Notes release
257 | CallV('TIU LONG LIST CLINPROC TITLES', [StartFrom, Direction, IDNoteTitlesOnly])
258 | else*)
259 | CallV('TIU LONG LIST CLINPROC TITLES', [StartFrom, Direction]);
260 | //MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results);
261 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
262 | end;
263 |
264 | {--------------- data retrieval ------------------------------------------}
265 |
266 | procedure GetConsultsList(Dest: TStrings; Early, Late: double;
267 | Service, Status: string; SortAscending: Boolean);
268 | { returns a list of consults for a patient, based on selected dates, service, status, or ALL}
269 | var
270 | i: Integer;
271 | x, date1, date2: string;
272 | begin
273 | if Early <= 0 then date1 := '' else date1 := FloatToStr(Early) ;
274 | if Late <= 0 then date2 := '' else date2 := FloatToStr(Late) ;
275 | CallV('ORQQCN LIST', [Patient.DFN, date1, date2, Service, Status]);
276 | with RPCBrokerV do
277 | begin
278 | if Copy(Results[0],1,1) <> '<' then
279 | begin
280 | SortByPiece(TStringList(Results), U, 2);
281 | if not SortAscending then InvertStringList(TStringList(Results));
282 | //SetListFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy', TStringList(Results), U, 2);
283 | for i := 0 to Results.Count - 1 do
284 | begin
285 | x := MakeConsultListItem(Results[i]);
286 | Results[i] := x;
287 | end;
288 | Dest.Assign(Results);
289 | end
290 | else
291 | begin
292 | Dest.Clear ;
293 | Dest.Add('-1^No Matches') ;
294 | end ;
295 | end;
296 | end;
297 |
298 | procedure LoadConsultDetail(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer) ;
299 | { returns the detail of a consult }
300 | begin
301 | CallV('ORQQCN DETAIL', [IEN]);
302 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
303 | end;
304 |
305 | procedure DisplayResults(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer) ;
306 | { returns the results for a consult }
307 | begin
309 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
310 | end;
311 |
312 | procedure GetConsultRec(IEN: integer);
313 | {returns zero node from file 123, plus a list of all related TIU documents, if any}
314 | const
315 | SHOW_ADDENDA = True;
316 |
317 | var
318 | alist: TStrings;
319 | x: string ;
320 | i: integer;
321 | { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
322 | { Pieces: EntDt^Pat^OrIFN^PtLoc^ToSvc^From^ReqDt^Typ^Urg^Place^Attn^Sts^LstAct^SndPrv^Rslt^
323 | 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
324 | ^EntMode^ReqTyp^InOut^SigFnd^TIUPtr^OrdFac^FrgnCslt}
325 | begin
326 | FillChar(ConsultRec, SizeOf(ConsultRec), 0);
328 | ConsultRec.IEN := IEN ;
329 | alist := TStringList.Create ;
330 | try
331 | alist.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results) ;
332 | x := alist[0] ;
333 | if Piece(x,u,1) <> '-1' then
334 | with ConsultRec do
335 | begin
336 | EntryDate := MakeFMDateTime(Piece(x, U, 1));
337 | ORFileNumber := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 3),0);
338 | PatientLocation := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 4),0);
339 | OrderingFacility := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 21),0);
340 | ForeignConsultFileNum := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 22),0);
341 | ToService := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 5),0);
342 | From := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 6),0);
343 | RequestDate := MakeFMDateTime(Piece(x, U, 7));
344 | ConsultProcedure := Piece(x, U, 8) ;
345 | Urgency := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 9),0);
346 | PlaceOfConsult := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 10),0);
347 | Attention := StrToInt64Def(Piece(x, U, 11),0);
348 | ORStatus := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 12),0);
349 | LastAction := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 13),0);
350 | SendingProvider := StrToInt64Def(Piece(Piece(x, U, 14),';',1),0);
351 | SendingProviderName := Piece(Piece(x, U, 14),';',2) ;
352 | Result := Piece(x, U, 15) ;
353 | ModeOfEntry := Piece(x, U, 16) ;
354 | RequestType := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 17),0);
355 | InOut := Piece(x, U, 18) ;
356 | Findings := Piece(x, U, 19) ;
357 | TIUResultNarrative := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 20),0);
358 | //ProvDiagnosis := Piece(x, U, 23); NO!!!!! Up to 180 Characters!!!!
359 | alist.delete(0) ;
360 | TIUDocuments := TStringList.Create ;
361 | MedResults := TStringList.Create;
362 | if alist.count > 0 then
363 | begin
364 | SortByPiece(TStringList(alist), U, 3);
365 | for i := 0 to alist.Count - 1 do
366 | if Copy(Piece(Piece(alist[i], U, 1), ';', 2), 1, 4) = 'MCAR' then
367 | MedResults.Add(alist[i])
368 | else
369 | TIUDocuments.Add(alist[i]);
370 | end;
371 | end {ConsultRec}
372 | else
373 | ConsultRec.EntryDate := -1 ;
374 | finally
375 | alist.free ;
376 | end ;
377 | end ;
378 |
379 | {---------------- list box fillers -----------------------------------}
380 |
381 | function SubSetOfStatus: TStrings;
382 | { returns a pointer to a list of stati (for use in a list box) }
383 | begin
384 | CallV('ORQQCN STATUS', [nil]);
385 | MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results);
386 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
387 | end;
388 |
389 | function SubSetOfUrgencies(ConsultIEN: integer): TStrings;
390 | { returns a pointer to a list of urgencies }
391 | begin
392 | CallV('ORQQCN URGENCIES',[ConsultIEN]) ;
393 | MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results);
394 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
395 | end;
396 |
397 | function FindConsult(ConsultIEN: integer): string ;
398 | var
399 | x: string;
400 | begin
401 | x := sCallV('ORQQCN FIND CONSULT',[ConsultIEN]);
402 | Result := MakeConsultListItem(x);
403 | end;
404 |
405 | {-----------------consult result functions-----------------------------------}
406 | function GetAssignableMedResults(ConsultIEN: integer): TStrings;
407 | begin
409 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
410 | end;
411 |
412 | function GetRemovableMedResults(ConsultIEN: integer): TStrings;
413 | begin
415 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
416 | end;
417 |
418 | function GetDetailedMedicineResults(ResultID: string): TStrings;
419 | begin
421 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
422 | end;
423 |
424 | procedure AttachMedicineResult(ConsultIEN: integer; ResultID: string; DateTime: TFMDateTime; ResponsiblePerson: int64; AlertTo: string);
425 | begin
426 | CallV('ORQQCN ATTACH MED RESULTS', [ConsultIEN, ResultID, DateTime, ResponsiblePerson, AlertTo]);
427 | end;
428 |
429 | procedure RemoveMedicineResult(ConsultIEN: integer; ResultID: string; DateTime: TFMDateTime; ResponsiblePerson: int64);
430 | begin
431 | CallV('ORQQCN REMOVE MED RESULTS', [ConsultIEN, ResultID, DateTime, ResponsiblePerson]);
432 | end;
433 | {-------------- user access level functions ---------------------------------}
434 |
435 | function ConsultServiceUser(ServiceIEN: integer; DUZ: int64): boolean ;
436 | var
437 | i: integer ;
438 | begin
439 | Result := False ;
440 | CallV('ORWU GENERIC', ['',1,'^GMR(123.5,'+IntToStr(ServiceIEN)+',123.3,"B")']) ;
441 | for i:=0 to RPCBrokerV.Results.Count-1 do
442 | if StrToInt64(Piece(RPCBrokerV.Results[i],u,2))=DUZ then result := True ;
443 | end ;
444 |
445 | function GetActionMenuLevel(ConsultIEN: integer): TMenuAccessRec ;
446 | var
447 | x: string;
448 | begin
449 | x := sCallV('ORQQCN SET ACT MENUS', [ConsultIEN]) ;
450 | Result.UserLevel := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 1), 1);
451 | Result.AllowMedResulting := (Piece(x, U, 4) = '1');
452 | Result.AllowMedDissociate := (Piece(x, U, 5) = '1');
453 | Result.AllowResubmit := (Piece(x, U, 6) = '1') and (Piece(ConsultCanBeResubmitted(ConsultIEN), U, 1) <> '0');
454 | Result.ClinProcFlag := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 7), CP_NOT_CLINPROC);
455 | Result.IsClinicalProcedure := (Result.ClinProcFlag > CP_NOT_CLINPROC);
456 | end ;
457 |
458 | {------------------- Consult request actions -------------------------------}
459 |
460 | procedure ReceiveConsult(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; ReceivedBy: int64; RcptDate: TFMDateTime; Comments: TStrings);
461 | begin
462 | CallV('ORQQCN RECEIVE', [IEN, ReceivedBy, RcptDate, Comments]);
463 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results); {1^Error message' or '0'}
464 | end;
465 |
466 | procedure ScheduleConsult(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; ScheduledBy: Int64; SchdDate: TFMDateTime; Alert: integer;
467 | AlertTo: string; Comments: TStrings);
468 | begin
469 | CallV('ORQQCN2 SCHEDULE CONSULT', [IEN, ScheduledBy, SchdDate, Alert, AlertTo, Comments]);
470 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results); {1^Error message' or '0'}
471 | end;
472 |
473 | procedure DenyConsult(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; DeniedBy: int64;
474 | DenialDate: TFMDateTime; Comments: TStrings);
475 | begin
476 | CallV('ORQQCN DISCONTINUE', [IEN, DeniedBy, DenialDate,'DY',Comments]);
477 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results); {1^Error message' or '0'}
478 | end;
479 |
480 | procedure DiscontinueConsult(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; DiscontinuedBy: int64;
481 | DiscontinueDate: TFMDateTime; Comments: TStrings);
482 | begin
483 | CallV('ORQQCN DISCONTINUE', [IEN, DiscontinuedBy, DiscontinueDate,'DC',Comments]);
484 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results); {1^Error message' or '0'}
485 | end;
486 |
487 | procedure ForwardConsult(Dest: TStrings; IEN, ToService: integer; Forwarder, AttentionOf: int64; Urgency: integer;
488 | ActionDate: TFMDateTime; Comments: TStrings);
489 | begin
490 | CallV('ORQQCN FORWARD', [IEN, ToService, Forwarder, AttentionOf, Urgency, ActionDate, Comments]);
491 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results); {1^Error message' or '0'}
492 | end ;
493 |
494 | procedure AddComment(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; Comments: TStrings; ActionDate: TFMDateTime; Alert: integer;
495 | AlertTo: string) ;
496 | begin
497 | CallV('ORQQCN ADDCMT', [IEN, Comments, Alert, AlertTo, ActionDate]);
498 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results); {1^Error message' or '0'}
499 | end ;
500 |
501 | procedure AdminComplete(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; SigFindingsFlag: string; Comments: TStrings;
502 | RespProv: Int64; ActionDate: TFMDateTime; Alert: integer; AlertTo: string) ;
503 | begin
504 | CallV('ORQQCN ADMIN COMPLETE', [IEN, SigFindingsFlag, Comments, RespProv, Alert, AlertTo, ActionDate]);
505 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results); {1^Error message' or '0'}
506 | end ;
507 |
508 | procedure SigFindings(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; SigFindingsFlag: string; Comments: TStrings; ActionDate: TFMDateTime; Alert: integer;
509 | AlertTo: string) ;
510 | begin
511 | CallV('ORQQCN SIGFIND', [IEN, SigFindingsFlag, Comments, Alert, AlertTo, ActionDate]);
512 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results); {1^Error message' or '0'}
513 | end ;
514 |
515 | //================== Ordering functions ===================================
516 | function ODForConsults: TStrings;
517 | { Returns init values for consults dialog. The results must be used immediately. }
518 | begin
519 | CallV('ORWDCN32 DEF', ['C']);
520 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
521 | end;
522 |
523 | function ODForProcedures: TStrings;
524 | { Returns init values for procedures dialog. The results must be used immediately. }
525 | begin
526 | CallV('ORWDCN32 DEF', ['P']);
527 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
528 | end;
529 |
530 | function SubSetOfProcedures(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings;
531 | begin
532 | begin
533 | CallV('ORWDCN32 PROCEDURES', [StartFrom, Direction]);
534 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
535 | end;
536 | end;
537 |
538 | function LoadServiceList(Purpose: integer): TStrings ;
539 | // Purpose: 0=display all services, 1=forward or order from possible services
540 | begin
541 | Callv('ORQQCN SVCTREE',[Purpose]) ;
542 | MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results) ;
543 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
544 | end ;
545 |
546 | function LoadServiceListWithSynonyms(Purpose: integer): TStrings ;
547 | // Param 1 = Starting service (1=All Services)
548 | // Param 2 = Purpose: 0=display all services, 1=forward or order from possible services
549 | // Param 3 = Show synonyms
550 | begin
551 | Callv('ORQQCN SVC W/SYNONYMS',[1, Purpose, True]) ;
552 | MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results) ;
553 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
554 | end ;
555 |
556 | function LoadServiceListWithSynonyms(Purpose, ConsultIEN: integer): TStrings ;
557 | // Param 1 = Starting service (1=All Services)
558 | // Param 2 = Purpose: 0=display all services, 1=forward or order from possible services
559 | // Param 3 = Show synonyms
560 | // Param 4 = Consult IEN
561 | begin
562 | Callv('ORQQCN SVC W/SYNONYMS',[1, Purpose, True, ConsultIEN]) ;
563 | MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results) ;
564 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
565 | end ;
566 |
567 | function SubSetOfServices(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings;
568 | // used only on consults order dialog for service long combo box, which needs to include quick orders
569 | begin
570 | CallV('ORQQCN SVCLIST', [StartFrom, Direction]);
571 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
572 | end;
573 |
574 | function LoadConsultsQuickList: TStrings ;
575 | begin
576 | Callv('ORWDXQ GETQLST',['CSLT', 'Q']) ;
577 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
578 | end ;
579 |
580 | function ShowSF513(ConsultIEN: integer): TStrings ;
581 | var
582 | x: string;
583 | i: integer;
584 | begin
585 | CallV('ORQQCN SHOW SF513',[ConsultIEN]) ;
586 | if RPCBrokerV.Results.Count > 0 then
587 | begin
588 | x := RPCBrokerV.Results[0];
589 | i := Pos('-', x);
590 | x := Copy(x, i, 999);
591 | RPCBrokerV.Results[0] := x;
592 | end;
593 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
594 | end ;
595 |
596 | procedure PrintSF513ToDevice(AConsult: Integer; const ADevice: string; ChartCopy: string;
597 | var ErrMsg: string);
598 | { prints a SF 513 on the selected device }
599 | begin
600 | ErrMsg := sCallV('ORQQCN PRINT SF513', [AConsult, ChartCopy, ADevice]);
601 | // if Piece(ErrMsg, U, 1) = '0' then ErrMsg := '' else ErrMsg := Piece(ErrMsg, U, 2);
602 | end;
603 |
604 | function GetFormattedSF513(AConsult: Integer; ChartCopy: string): TStrings;
605 | begin
606 | CallV('ORQQCN SF513 WINDOWS PRINT',[AConsult, ChartCopy]);
607 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
608 | end;
609 |
610 | function UnresolvedConsultsExist: boolean;
611 | begin
612 | Result := (sCallV('ORQQCN UNRESOLVED', [Patient.DFN]) = '1');
613 | end;
614 |
615 | procedure GetUnresolvedConsultsInfo;
616 | var
617 | x: string;
618 | begin
619 | x := sCallV('ORQQCN UNRESOLVED', [Patient.DFN]);
620 | with uUnresolvedConsults do
621 | begin
622 | UnresolvedConsultsExist := (Piece(x, U, 1) = '1');
623 | ShowNagScreen := (Piece(x, U, 2) = '1');
624 | end;
625 | end;
626 |
627 | function ConsultMessage(AnIEN: Integer): string;
628 | begin
629 | if AnIEN = uLastOrderedIEN then Result := uLastOrderMsg else
630 | begin
631 | Result := sCallV('ORWDCN32 ORDRMSG', [AnIEN]);
632 | uLastOrderedIEN := AnIEN;
633 | uLastOrderMsg := Result;
634 | end;
635 | end;
636 |
637 | function GetProcedureIEN(ORIEN: string): string;
638 | begin
639 | Result := sCallV('ORQQCN GET PROC IEN', [ORIEN]);
640 | end;
641 |
642 | function GetProcedureServices(ProcIEN: integer): TStrings;
643 | begin
644 | CallV('ORQQCN GET PROC SVCS',[ProcIEN]) ;
645 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
646 | end;
647 |
648 | function ConsultCanBeResubmitted(ConsultIEN: integer): string;
649 | begin
650 | Result := sCallV('ORQQCN CANEDIT', [ConsultIEN]);
651 | end;
652 |
653 | function LoadConsultForEdit(ConsultIEN: integer): TEditResubmitRec;
654 | var
655 | Dest: TStringList;
656 | EditRec: TEditResubmitRec;
657 | begin
658 | Dest := TStringList.Create;
659 | try
660 | tCallV(Dest, 'ORQQCN LOAD FOR EDIT',[ConsultIEN]) ;
661 | with EditRec do
662 | begin
663 | Changed := False;
664 | IEN := ConsultIEN;
665 | ToService := StrToIntDef(Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'SERVICE'), U, 2), 0);
666 | RequestType := Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'TYPE'), U, 3);
667 | OrderableItem := StrToIntDef(Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'PROCEDURE'), U, 1), 0);
668 | ConsultProc := Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'PROCEDURE'), U, 3);
669 | ConsultProcName := Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'PROCEDURE'), U, 2);
670 | Urgency := StrToIntDef(Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'URGENCY'), U, 3), 0);
671 | UrgencyName := Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'URGENCY'), U, 2);
672 | Place := Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'PLACE'), U, 1);
673 | PlaceName := Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'PLACE'), U, 2);
674 | Attention := StrToInt64Def(Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'ATTENTION'), U, 1), 0);
675 | AttnName := Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'ATTENTION'), U, 2);
676 | InpOutp := Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'CATEGORY'), U, 1);
677 | ProvDiagnosis := Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'DIAGNOSIS'), U, 1);
678 | ProvDxCode := Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'DIAGNOSIS'), U, 2);
679 | ProvDxCodeInactive := (Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'DIAGNOSIS'), U, 3) = '1');
680 | RequestReason := TStringList.Create;
681 | ExtractText(RequestReason, Dest, 'REASON');
682 | LimitStringLength(RequestReason, 74);
683 | DenyComments := TStringList.Create;
684 | ExtractText(DenyComments, Dest, 'DENY COMMENT');
685 | OtherComments := TStringList.Create;
686 | ExtractText(OtherComments, Dest, 'ADDED COMMENT');
687 | NewComments := TStringList.Create;
688 | end;
689 | Result := EditRec;
690 | finally
691 | Dest.Free;
692 | end;
693 | end;
694 |
695 | function ResubmitConsult(EditResubmitRec: TEditResubmitRec): string;
696 | var
697 | i: integer;
698 | begin
699 | with RPCBrokerV, EditResubmitRec do
700 | begin
701 | ClearParameters := True;
702 | RemoteProcedure := 'ORQQCN RESUBMIT';
703 | Param[0].PType := literal;
704 | Param[0].Value := IntToStr(IEN);
705 | Param[1].PType := list;
706 | with Param[1] do
707 | begin
708 | if ToService > 0 then
709 | Mult['1'] := 'GMRCSS^' + IntToStr(ToService);
710 | if ConsultProc <> '' then
711 | Mult['2'] := 'GMRCPROC^' + ConsultProc ;
712 | if Urgency > 0 then
713 | Mult['3'] := 'GMRCURG^' + IntToStr(Urgency);
714 | if Length(Place) > 0 then
715 | Mult['4'] := 'GMRCPL^' + Place;
716 | if Attention > 0 then
717 | Mult['5'] := 'GMRCATN^' + IntToStr(Attention)
718 | else if Attention = -1 then
719 | Mult['5'] := 'GMRCATN^' + '@';
720 | if RequestType <> '' then
721 | Mult['6'] := 'GMRCRQT^' + RequestType;
722 | if Length(InpOutP) > 0 then
723 | Mult['7'] := 'GMRCION^' + InpOutp;
724 | if Length(ProvDiagnosis) > 0 then
725 | Mult['8'] := 'GMRCDIAG^' + ProvDiagnosis + U + ProvDxCode;
726 | if RequestReason.Count > 0 then
727 | begin
728 | Mult['9'] := 'GMRCRFQ^20';
729 | for i := 0 to RequestReason.Count - 1 do
730 | Mult['9,' + IntToStr(i+1)] := RequestReason.Strings[i];
731 | end;
732 | if NewComments.Count > 0 then
733 | begin
734 | Mult['10'] := 'COMMENT^';
735 | for i := 0 to NewComments.Count - 1 do
736 | Mult['10,' + IntToStr(i+1)] := NewComments.Strings[i];
737 | end;
738 | end;
739 | CallBroker;
740 | Result := '0';
741 | //Result := Results[0];
742 | end;
743 | end;
744 |
745 | function GetCurrentContext: TSelectContext;
746 | var
747 | x: string;
748 | AContext: TSelectContext;
749 | begin
750 | x := sCallV('ORQQCN2 GET CONTEXT', [User.DUZ]) ;
751 | with AContext do
752 | begin
753 | Changed := True;
754 | BeginDate := Piece(x, ';', 1);
755 | EndDate := Piece(x, ';', 2);
756 | Status := Piece(x, ';', 3);
757 | Service := Piece(x, ';', 4);
758 | GroupBy := Piece(x, ';', 5);
759 | Ascending := (Piece(x, ';', 6) = '1');
760 | end;
761 | Result := AContext;
762 | end;
763 |
764 | procedure SaveCurrentContext(AContext: TSelectContext) ;
765 | var
766 | x: string;
767 | begin
768 | with AContext do
769 | begin
770 | SetPiece(x, ';', 1, BeginDate);
771 | SetPiece(x, ';', 2, EndDate);
772 | SetPiece(x, ';', 3, Status);
773 | SetPiece(x, ';', 4, Service);
774 | SetPiece(x, ';', 5, GroupBy);
775 | SetPiece(x, ';', 6, BOOLCHAR[Ascending]);
776 | end;
777 | CallV('ORQQCN2 SAVE CONTEXT', [x]);
778 | end;
779 |
780 | function GetDefaultReasonForRequest(Service: string; Resolve: Boolean): TStrings;
781 | begin
782 | CallV('ORQQCN DEFAULT REQUEST REASON',[Service, Patient.DFN, Resolve]) ;
783 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
784 | end;
785 |
786 | function ReasonForRequestEditable(Service: string): string;
787 | begin
788 | Result := sCallV('ORQQCN EDIT DEFAULT REASON', [Service]);
789 | end;
790 |
791 | function GetServicePrerequisites(Service: string): TStrings;
792 | begin
793 | CallV('ORQQCN2 GET PREREQUISITE',[Service, Patient.DFN]) ;
794 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
795 | end;
796 |
797 | function GetNewDialog(OrderType: string): string;
798 | { get dialog for new consults}
799 | begin
800 | Result := sCallV('ORWDCN32 NEWDLG', [OrderType, Encounter.Location]);
801 | end;
802 |
803 | function GetServiceIEN(ORIEN: string): string;
804 | begin
805 | Result := sCallV('ORQQCN GET SERVICE IEN', [ORIEN]);
806 | end;
807 |
808 | procedure GetProvDxMode(var ProvDx: TProvisionalDiagnosis; SvcIEN: string);
809 | var
810 | x: string;
811 | begin
812 | x := sCallV('ORQQCN PROVDX', [SvcIEN]);
813 | ProvDx.Reqd := Piece(x, U, 1);
814 | ProvDx.PromptMode := Piece(x, U, 2);
815 | end;
816 |
817 | function GetConsultOrderIEN(ConsultIEN: integer): string;
818 | begin
819 | Result := sCallV('ORQQCN GET ORDER NUMBER', [ConsultIEN]);
820 | end;
821 |
822 | function GetSavedCPFields(NoteIEN: integer): TEditNoteRec;
823 | var
824 | x: string;
825 | AnEditRec: TEditNoteRec;
826 | begin
827 | x := sCallV('ORWTIU GET SAVED CP FIELDS', [NoteIEN]);
828 | with AnEditRec do
829 | begin
830 | Author := StrToInt64Def(Piece(x, U, 1), 0);
831 | Cosigner := StrToInt64Def(Piece(x, U, 2), 0);
832 | ClinProcSummCode := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 3), 0);
833 | ClinProcDateTime := StrToFMDateTime(Piece(x, U, 4));
834 | Title := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 5), 0);
835 | end;
836 | Result := AnEditRec;
837 | end;
838 |
839 | initialization
840 | uLastOrderedIEN := 0;
841 | uLastOrderMsg := '';
842 | uConsultsClass := 0;
843 | uClinProcClass := 0;
844 |
845 | finalization
846 | if uConsultTitles <> nil then uConsultTitles.Free;
847 | if uClinProcTitles <> nil then uClinProcTitles.Free;
848 |
849 | end.