//kt -- Modified with SourceScanner on 8/8/2007 unit fEncVitals; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, fPCEBase, ORDtTm, StdCtrls, ORCtrls, ExtCtrls, Buttons, fAutoSz, ORFn, rvitals, ComCtrls, ORNet, uVitals , TRPCB, DKLang // Vitals Lite 2004-05-21 =========================================== ; {== Vitals Lite 2004-05-21 ===================================================} type TGMV_GetInputPanel = function( var anApp: TApplication; aB: TRPCBroker; aP, // Patient DFN aL, // Hospitals IEN aSig, // Application signature aTemplate // Vitals Input template : String; aNow // Input Date/Time :TDateTime):TCustomForm; {== Vitals Lite 2004-05-21 ===================================================} type TfrmEncVitals = class(TfrmPCEBase) pnlmain: TPanel; lblDate: TStaticText; lblDateBP: TStaticText; lblDateTemp: TStaticText; lblDateResp: TStaticText; lblDatePulse: TStaticText; lblDateHeight: TStaticText; lblDateWeight: TStaticText; lblLstMeas: TStaticText; lbllastBP: TStaticText; lblLastTemp: TStaticText; lblLastResp: TStaticText; lblLastPulse: TStaticText; lblLastHeight: TStaticText; lblLastWeight: TStaticText; lblVitPointer: TOROffsetLabel; lblVital: TStaticText; lblVitBP: TStaticText; lnlVitTemp: TStaticText; lblVitResp: TStaticText; lblVitPulse: TStaticText; lblVitHeight: TStaticText; lblVitWeight: TStaticText; txtMeasBP: TCaptionEdit; cboTemp: TCaptionComboBox; txtMeasTemp: TCaptionEdit; txtMeasResp: TCaptionEdit; cboHeight: TCaptionComboBox; txtMeasWt: TCaptionEdit; cboWeight: TCaptionComboBox; txtMeasDate: TORDateBox; lblVitPain: TStaticText; lblLastPain: TStaticText; lblDatePain: TStaticText; cboPain: TORComboBox; txtMeasPulse: TCaptionEdit; txtMeasHt: TCaptionEdit; pnlBottom: TPanel; btnEnterVitals: TButton; lvVitals: TCaptionListView; procedure SetVitPointer(Sender: TObject); procedure txtMeasBPExit(Sender: TObject); procedure cboTempChange(Sender: TObject); procedure cboTempExit(Sender: TObject); procedure txtMeasRespExit(Sender: TObject); procedure txtMeasPulseExit(Sender: TObject); procedure cboHeightChange(Sender: TObject); procedure cboHeightExit(Sender: TObject); procedure cboWeightChange(Sender: TObject); procedure cboWeightExit(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure lbllastClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject); function HasData: Boolean; function AssignVitals: boolean; procedure cboPainChange(Sender: TObject); procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject); procedure txtMeasTempExit(Sender: TObject); procedure txtMeasHtExit(Sender: TObject); procedure txtMeasWtExit(Sender: TObject); procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure btnEnterVitalsClick(Sender: TObject); //vitals lite private FDataLoaded: boolean; FChangingFocus: boolean; UvitalNew: TStringList; uVitalOld: TSTringList; procedure InitVitalPanel; procedure PopulateLastVital; function GetVitHTRate: String; procedure CheckVitalUnit; procedure ChangeFocus(Control: TWinControl); procedure ClearData; procedure LoadVitalView(VitalsList : TStringList); //Vitals Lite procedure LoadVitalsList; public function OK2SaveVitals: boolean; property VitalNew: TStringList read uVitalNew; property VitalOld: TStringList read uVitalOld; end; var frmEncVitals: TfrmEncVitals; // uVitalLocation: Real; implementation {$R *.DFM} uses UCore, rCore, rPCE, fPCELex, fPCEOther, fVitals,fVisit, fFrame, fEncnt, fEncounterFrame, uInit // , fGMV_InputTemp // Vitals Lite 2004-05-21 ; var TX_VDATE_REQ1 : string; //kt TC_VDATE_REQ : string; //kt TX_KILLDATA : string; //kt const //TX_VDATE_REQ1 = 'Entered vitals information can not be saved without a Date.' + CRLF + <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 // 'Do you wish to use the encounter date of '; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 TX_VDATE_REQ2 = '?'; //TC_VDATE_REQ = 'Missing Vitals Entry Date'; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 //TX_KILLDATA = 'Discard entered vitals information?'; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 procedure SetupVars; //kt Added entire function to replace constant declarations 8/8/2007 begin TX_VDATE_REQ1 := DKLangConstW('fEncVitals_Entered_vitals_information_can_not_be_saved_without_a_Datex') + CRLF + DKLangConstW('fEncVitals_Do_you_wish_to_use_the_encounter_date_of'); TC_VDATE_REQ := DKLangConstW('fEncVitals_Missing_Vitals_Entry_Date'); TX_KILLDATA := DKLangConstW('fEncVitals_Discard_entered_vitals_informationx'); end; var UcboVitChanging: Boolean = False; function TfrmEncVitals.HasData: Boolean; begin result := False; if ((txtMeasBP.text <> '') or (txtMeasTemp.text <> '') or (txtMeasResp.text <> '') or (txtMeasPulse.text <> '') or (txtMeasHt.text <> '') or (txtMeasWt.text <> '')) or (cboPain.text <>'') then result := True; end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.InitVitalPanel; begin lblDate.font.Style := [fsBold]; lblDateBP.font.Style := [fsBold]; lblDateTemp.font.Style := [fsBold]; lblDateResp.font.Style := [fsBold]; lblDatePulse.font.Style := [fsBold]; lblDateHeight.font.Style := [fsBold]; lblDateWeight.font.Style := [fsBold]; lblDatePain.font.style := [fsBold]; lblLstMeas.font.Style := [fsBold]; lblLastBP.font.Style := [fsBold]; lblLastTemp.font.Style := [fsBold]; lblLastResp.font.Style := [fsBold]; lblLastPulse.font.Style := [fsBold]; lblLastHeight.font.Style := [fsBold]; lblLastWeight.font.Style := [fsBold]; lblLastPain.font.style := [fsBold]; lblVital.font.Style := [fsbold]; {Use this area to read parameter for units and set apropriately after parameter is defined. in next version } UcboVitchanging := true; //prevents entering code in CheckVitalUnit try InitPainCombo(cboPain); cboTemp.Text := cboTemp.Items[0]; cboHeight.Text := cboHeight.Items[0]; cboWeight.Text := cboWeight.Items[0]; finally UcboVitchanging := False; //prevents entering code in CheckVitalUnit end; if txtMeasDate.Text = '' then txtMeasDate.Text := FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy@hh:nn', uEncPCEData.VisitDateTime); if (UvitalOld.text = '') then PopulateLastVital; end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.PopulateLastVital; var i: integer; begin GetLastVital(uVitalOld,Patient.DFN); //populate labels from UVitalOld; with UVitalOld do for i := 0 to count-1 do begin if piece(strings[i],U,2) = 'T' then begin lblLastTemp.Caption := ConvertVitalData(piece(strings[i],U,3), vtTemp); lblDateTemp.Caption := FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy', StrToFloat(piece(strings[i],U,4))); end; if piece(strings[i],U,2) = 'P' then begin lblLastPulse.Caption := piece(strings[i],U,3); lblDatePulse.Caption := FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy', StrToFloat(piece(strings[i],U,4))); end; if piece(strings[i],U,2) = 'R' then begin lblLastResp.Caption := piece(strings[i],U,3); lblDateResp.Caption := FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy', StrToFloat(piece(strings[i],U,4))); end; if piece(strings[i],U,2) = 'BP' then begin lblLastBP.Caption := piece(strings[i],U,3); lblDateBP.Caption := FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy', StrToFloat(piece(strings[i],U,4))); end; if piece(strings[i],U,2) = 'HT' then begin lblLastHeight.Caption := ConvertVitalData(piece(strings[i],U,3), vtHeight); lblDateHeight.Caption := FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy', StrToFloat(piece(strings[i],U,4))); end; if piece(strings[i],U,2) = 'WT' then begin lblLastWeight.Caption := ConvertVitalData(piece(strings[i],U,3), vtWeight); lblDateWeight.Caption := FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy', StrToFloat(piece(strings[i],U,4))); end; if piece(strings[i],U,2) = 'PN' then begin lblLastPain.Caption := piece(strings[i],U,3); lblDatePain.Caption := FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy', StrToFloat(piece(strings[i],U,4))); end; end; end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.SetVitPointer(Sender: TObject); begin if ActiveCtrl.tag in VitalTagSet then begin // move pointer to some height and five pixels to right of edit box. lblVitPointer.Top := ActiveCtrl.Top+((ActiveCtrl.height ) div (lblVitPointer.height )); if ActiveCtrl = txtMeasTemp then lblVitPointer.left := (cboTemp.left + cboTemp.Width) else if ActiveCtrl = txtMeasHT then lblVitPointer.left := (cboHeight.left + cboHeight.Width) else if ActiveCtrl = txtMeasWT then lblVitPointer.left := (cboWeight.left + cboWeight.Width) else lblVitPointer.left := (ActiveCtrl.left + ActiveCtrl.Width); end; end; function TfrmEncVitals.GetVitHTRate: String; begin Result := ConvertHeight2Inches(txtMeasHT.Text); txtMeasHT.text := result; end; function TfrmEncVitals.AssignVitals: boolean; var TmpDate: TFMDateTime; begin TmpDate := txtMeasDate.FMDateTime; Result := ValidVitalsDate(TmpDate); if Result then AssignVitals2List(uVitalNew, TmpDate, FloatToStr(PCERPCEncLocation), txtMeasBP.text, txtMeasTemp.text, cboTemp.text, txtMeasResp.text, txtMeasPulse.text, GetVitHTRate, cboHeight.text, txtMeasWT.text, cboWeight.text, cboPain.ItemID); end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.cboTempChange(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; if not (cbotemp.droppeddown) then CheckVitalUnit; end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.CheckVitalUnit; var len,i: integer; found: boolean; comp: string; //substring for comparing temp: string; begin if (UcboVitchanging = true) then exit; UcboVitChanging := true; try with ActiveCtrl as TComboBox do begin found := False; temp := text; while (found = false) and (Length(temp) > 0) do begin i := 0; while (found = false) and (length(items[i]) > 0) do begin len := length(temp); //match text to string comp := copy(items[i],0,len); if (CompareText(comp,temp) = 0) then begin found := true; Text := ''; text := items[i]; end; inc(i); end; if (found = false) then Delete(temp,1,1); end; if (found = False) then begin Text := ''; end; end; finally UcboVitChanging := false; end; end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.cboHeightChange(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; CheckVitalUnit; end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.cboWeightChange(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; CheckVitalUnit; end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.txtMeasBPExit(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; if VitalInvalid(txtMeasBP) then ChangeFocus(txtMeasBP); end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.cboTempExit(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; if(ActiveCtrl <> txtMeasTemp) then begin if VitalInvalid(txtMeasTemp, cboTemp) then ChangeFocus(txtMeasTemp); end; end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.txtMeasRespExit(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; if VitalInvalid(txtMeasResp) then ChangeFocus(txtMeasResp); end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.txtMeasPulseExit(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; if VitalInvalid(txtMeasPulse) then ChangeFocus(txtMeasPulse); end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.cboHeightExit(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; if(ActiveCtrl <> txtMeasHt) then begin if VitalInvalid(txtMeasHt, cboHeight, GetVitHTRate) then ChangeFocus(txtMeasHt); end; end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.cboWeightExit(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; if(ActiveCtrl <> txtMeasWt) then begin if VitalInvalid(txtMeasWt, cboWeight) then ChangeFocus(txtMeasWt); end; end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; FTabName := CT_VitNm; //uVisitType := TPCEProc.create; uVitalOld := TStringList.create; uVitalNew := TStringList.create; end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin //uVisitType.Free; uVitalOld.Free; uVitalNew.free; {== Vitals Lite 2004-05-21 ===================================================} FreeLibrary(VitalsDLLHandle); {== Vitals Lite 2004-05-21 ===================================================} inherited; end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.lbllastClick(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; // try frmEncVitals.Show; except with sender as TStaticText do SelectVital(self.Font.Size, tag); end; //end of try end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.FormShow(Sender: TObject); var GMV_LibName: String; begin inherited; //Begin Vitals Lite {Visit is Assumed to Be selected when Opening Encounter Dialog} GMV_LibName :='GMV_VitalsViewEnter.dll'; GMV_LibName := GetProgramFilesPath + SHARE_DIR + GMV_LibName; VitalsDLLHandle := LoadLibrary(PChar(GMV_LibName)); if VitalsDLLHandle = 0 then // No Handle found // MessageDLG('Can''t find library "'+GMV_LibName+'".',mtError,[mbok],0) <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 MessageDLG(DKLangConstW('fEncVitals_Canxxt_find_library_x')+GMV_LibName+'".',mtError,[mbok],0) //kt added 8/8/2007 else LoadVitalsList; //End Vitals Lite // frmEncVitals.caption := 'Vital entry for - '+ patient.name; {RAB 6/15/98} FormActivate(Sender); end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.FormActivate(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; if(not FChangingFocus) and (not FDataLoaded) then begin FDataLoaded := TRUE; InitVitalPanel; // txtMeasTemp.setfocus; //added 3/30/99 after changing tab order. //The date is now first in tab order, but it shouldn't default there. end; end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.cboPainChange(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; CheckVitalUnit; end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.FormResize(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; //added to make things austo size that do not heave the property. cboTemp.height := txtmeastemp.height; cboPain.height := txtmeastemp.height; cboheight.height := txtmeastemp.height; cboweight.height := txtmeastemp.height; end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.txtMeasTempExit(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; if(ActiveCtrl <> cboTemp) then begin if VitalInvalid(txtMeasTemp, cboTemp) then ChangeFocus(txtMeasTemp); end; end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.txtMeasHtExit(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; if(ActiveCtrl <> cboHeight) then begin if VitalInvalid(txtMeasHt, cboHeight, GetVitHTRate) then ChangeFocus(txtMeasHt); end; end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.txtMeasWtExit(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; if(ActiveCtrl <> cboWeight) then begin if VitalInvalid(txtMeasWt, cboWeight) then ChangeFocus(txtMeasWt); end; end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.ChangeFocus(Control: TWinControl); begin FChangingFocus := TRUE; try Control.SetFocus; finally FChangingFocus := FALSE; end; end; function TfrmEncVitals.OK2SaveVitals: boolean; begin SetupVars; //kt added 8/8/2007 to replace constants with vars. Result := TRUE; if(HasData and (abs(txtMeasDate.FMDateTime) <= 0.0000000000001)) then begin Result := (InfoBox(TX_VDATE_REQ1 + FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy@hh:nn', uEncPCEData.DateTime) + TX_VDATE_REQ2, TC_VDATE_REQ, MB_YESNO or MB_ICONWARNING) = IDYES); if Result then txtMeasDate.FMDateTime := uEncPCEData.DateTime else begin Result := (InfoBox(TX_KILLDATA, TC_VDATE_REQ, MB_YESNO or MB_ICONWARNING) = IDYES); if(Result) then ClearData; end; end; end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.ClearData; begin txtMeasBP.text := ''; txtMeasTemp.text := ''; txtMeasResp.text := ''; txtMeasPulse.text := ''; txtMeasHt.text := ''; txtMeasWt.text := ''; cboPain.text := ''; end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin {capture return key press if on the vital screen} begin inherited; if (ActiveCtrl.tag in VitalDateTagSet)then begin if Key = VK_RETURN then begin Key := 0; if (ActiveCtrl.Tag = TAG_VITPAIN) then ChangeFocus(btnOK) else begin GetParentForm(Self).Perform(WM_NEXTDLGCTL,0,0); SetVitPointer(Sender); end; end; end; end; end; //Begin Vitals Lite procedure TfrmEncVitals.LoadVitalView(VitalsList: TStringList); var i : integer; curCol : TListColumn; curItem : TListItem; HeadingList,tmpList : TStringList; begin HeadingList := TStringList.Create; tmpList := TStringList.Create; lvVitals.ShowColumnHeaders := false; //CQ: 10069 - the column display becomes squished. lvVitals.Items.Clear; lvVitals.Columns.Clear; PiecesToList(VitalsList[0],U,HeadingList); for i := 0 to HeadingList.Count-1 do begin curCol := lvVitals.Columns.Add; curCol.Caption := HeadingList[i]; curCol.AutoSize := true; end; for i := 1 to VitalsList.Count-1 do begin curItem := lvVitals.Items.Add; PiecesToList(VitalsList[i],U,tmpList); curItem.Caption := tmpList[0]; tmpList.Delete(0); curItem.SubItems.Assign(tmpList); end; lvVitals.ShowColumnHeaders := true; //CQ: 10069 - the column display becomes squished. HeadingList.Free; tmpList.Free; end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.btnEnterVitalsClick(Sender: TObject); var VLPtVitals : TGMV_VitalsEnterDLG; GMV_FName : String; begin inherited; if VitalsDLLHandle = 0 then Exit;//The DLL was initialized on Create, but just in case.... //GMV_FName := 'GMV_VitalsEnterDLG'; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 GMV_FName := DKLangConstW('fEncVitals_GMV_VitalsEnterDLG'); //kt added 8/8/2007 @VLPtVitals := GetProcAddress(VitalsDLLHandle,PChar(GMV_FName)); if assigned(VLPtVitals) then begin VLPtVitals( RPCBrokerV, Patient.DFN, FloatToStr(uEncPCEData.Location), GMV_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE, GMV_APP_SIGNATURE, FMDateTimeToDateTime(uEncPCEData.DateTime), Patient.Name, frmFrame.lblPtSSN.Caption + ' ' + frmFrame.lblPtAge.Caption ); end else // MessageDLG('Can not find function "'+GMV_FName+'".',mtError,[mbok],0); <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 MessageDLG(DKLangConstW('fEncVitals_Can_not_find_function_x')+GMV_FName+'".',mtError,[mbok],0); //kt added 8/8/2007 @VLPtVitals := nil; LoadVitalsList; end; procedure TfrmEncVitals.LoadVitalsList; var VitalsList : TStringList; VLPtVitals : TGMV_LatestVitalsList; GMV_FName : String; begin if VitalsDLLHandle = 0 then Exit;//The DLL was initialized on Create, but just in case.... //GMV_FName := 'GMV_LatestVitalsList'; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 GMV_FName := DKLangConstW('fEncVitals_GMV_LatestVitalsList'); //kt added 8/8/2007 @VLPtVitals := GetProcAddress(VitalsDLLHandle,PChar(GMV_FName)); if assigned(VLPtVitals) then begin frmFrame.VitalsDLLActive := True; // need this flag for CCOW (RV) VitalsList := VLPtVitals(RPCBrokerV,Patient.DFN,U,false); if assigned(VitalsList) then LoadVitalView(VitalsList); end else // MessageDLG('Can''t find function "'+GMV_FName+'".',mtError,[mbok],0); <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 MessageDLG(DKLangConstW('fEncVitals_Canxxt_find_function_x')+GMV_FName+'".',mtError,[mbok],0); //kt added 8/8/2007 @VLPtVitals := nil; frmFrame.VitalsDLLActive := False; // need this flag for CCOW (RV) end; //End Vitals Lite end.