//kt -- Modified with SourceScanner on 8/8/2007 unit fProcedure; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, fPCEBase, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, CheckLst, ORCtrls, ExtCtrls, Buttons, uPCE, rPCE, ORFn, fPCELex, fPCEOther, fPCEBaseGrid, fPCEBaseMain, DKLang; type TfrmProcedures = class(TfrmPCEBaseMain) lblProcQty: TLabel; spnProcQty: TUpDown; txtProcQty: TCaptionEdit; lbMods: TORListBox; splRight: TSplitter; lblMod: TLabel; cboProvider: TORComboBox; lblProvider: TLabel; procedure txtProcQtyChange(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject); override; procedure splRightMoved(Sender: TObject); procedure clbListClick(Sender: TObject); procedure lbGridSelect(Sender: TObject); procedure btnSelectAllClick(Sender: TObject); procedure lbModsClickCheck(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer); procedure lbSectionClick(Sender: TObject); procedure lbxSectionClickCheck(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer); procedure btnOtherClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnRemoveClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cboProviderNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); procedure cboProviderChange(Sender: TObject); private FCheckingCode: boolean; FCheckingMods: boolean; FLastCPTCodes: string; FModsReadOnly: boolean; FModsROChecked: string; function MissingProvider: boolean; protected procedure UpdateNewItemStr(var x: string); override; procedure UpdateControls; override; procedure ShowModifiers; procedure CheckModifiers; public function OK2SaveProcedures: boolean; procedure InitTab(ACopyProc: TCopyItemsMethod; AListProc: TListSectionsProc); end; var frmProcedures: TfrmProcedures; implementation {$R *.DFM} uses fEncounterFrame, uConst, rCore; //const //TX_PROC_PROV = 'Each procedure requires selection of a Provider before it can be saved.'; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 //TC_PROC_PROV = 'Missing Procedure Provider'; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 var TX_PROC_PROV : string; //kt TC_PROC_PROV : string; //kt procedure SetupVars; //kt Added entire function to replace constant declarations 8/8/2007 begin TX_PROC_PROV := DKLangConstW('fProcedure_Each_procedure_requires_selection_of_a_Provider_before_it_can_be_savedx'); TC_PROC_PROV := DKLangConstW('fProcedure_Missing_Procedure_Provider'); end; procedure TfrmProcedures.txtProcQtyChange(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; begin SetupVars; //kt added 8/8/2007 to replace constants with vars. if(NotUpdating) then begin for i := 0 to lbGrid.Items.Count-1 do if(lbGrid.Selected[i]) then TPCEProc(lbGrid.Items.Objects[i]).Quantity := spnProcQty.Position; GridChanged; end; end; procedure TfrmProcedures.cboProviderChange(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; begin inherited; if(NotUpdating) then begin for i := 0 to lbGrid.Items.Count-1 do if(lbGrid.Selected[i]) then TPCEProc(lbGrid.Items.Objects[i]).Provider := cboProvider.ItemIEN; GridChanged; end; end; procedure TfrmProcedures.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; FTabName := CT_ProcNm; FPCEListCodesProc := ListProcedureCodes; cboProvider.InitLongList(uProviders.PCEProviderName); FPCEItemClass := TPCEProc; FPCECode := 'CPT'; FSectionTabCount := 1; FormResize(Self); end; procedure TfrmProcedures.UpdateNewItemStr(var x: string); begin SetPiece(x, U, pnumProcQty, '1'); //x := x + U + '1'; end; procedure TfrmProcedures.UpdateControls; var ok, First: boolean; SameQty: boolean; SameProv: boolean; i: integer; Qty: integer; Prov: int64; Obj: TPCEProc; begin inherited; if(NotUpdating) then begin BeginUpdate; try ok := (lbGrid.SelCount > 0); lblProcQty.Enabled := ok; txtProcQty.Enabled := ok; spnProcQty.Enabled := ok; cboProvider.Enabled := ok; lblProvider.Enabled := ok; if(ok) then begin First := TRUE; SameQty := TRUE; SameProv := TRUE; Prov := 0; Qty := 1; for i := 0 to lbGrid.Items.Count-1 do begin if lbGrid.Selected[i] then begin Obj := TPCEProc(lbGrid.Items.Objects[i]); if(First) then begin First := FALSE; Qty := Obj.Quantity; Prov := Obj.Provider; end else begin if(SameQty) then SameQty := (Qty = Obj.Quantity); if(SameProv) then SameProv := (Prov = Obj.Provider); end; end; end; if(SameQty) then begin spnProcQty.Position := Qty; txtProcQty.Text := IntToStr(Qty); txtProcQty.SelStart := length(txtProcQty.Text); end else begin spnProcQty.Position := 1; txtProcQty.Text := ''; end; if(SameProv) then cboProvider.SetExactByIEN(Prov, ExternalName(Prov, 200)) else cboProvider.SetExactByIEN(uProviders.PCEProvider, uProviders.PCEProviderName); //cboProvider.ItemIndex := -1; v22.8 - RV end else begin txtProcQty.Text := ''; cboProvider.ItemIndex := -1; end; // ShowModifiers; finally EndUpdate; end; end; end; procedure TfrmProcedures.FormResize(Sender: TObject); var v, i: integer; s: string; begin inherited; FSectionTabs[0] := -(lbxSection.width - LBCheckWidthSpace - MainFontWidth - ScrollBarWidth); UpdateTabPos; v := (lbMods.width - LBCheckWidthSpace - (4*MainFontWidth) - ScrollBarWidth); s := ''; for i := 1 to 20 do begin if s <> '' then s := s + ','; s := s + inttostr(v); if(v<0) then dec(v,32) else inc(v,32); end; lbMods.TabPositions := s; end; procedure TfrmProcedures.splRightMoved(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; lblMod.Left := lbMods.Left + pnlMain.Left; FSplitterMove := TRUE; FormResize(Sender); end; procedure TfrmProcedures.clbListClick(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; Sync2Section; UpdateControls; ShowModifiers; end; procedure TfrmProcedures.lbGridSelect(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; Sync2Grid; ShowModifiers; end; procedure TfrmProcedures.btnSelectAllClick(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; Sync2Grid; ShowModifiers; end; procedure TfrmProcedures.ShowModifiers; const //ModTxt = 'Modifiers'; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 //ForTxt = ' for '; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 Spaces = ' '; //CommonTxt = ' Common to Multiple Procedures'; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 var i, TopIdx: integer; // Needed, Codes, ProcName, Hint, Msg: string; Proc: TPCEProc; ModTxt : string; //kt ForTxt : string; //kt CommonTxt : string; //kt begin ModTxt := DKLangConstW('fProcedure_Modifiers'); //kt added 8/8/2007 ForTxt := DKLangConstW('fProcedure_for'); //kt added 8/8/2007 CommonTxt := DKLangConstW('fProcedure_Common_to_Multiple_Procedures'); //kt added 8/8/2007 if(not NotUpdating) then exit; Codes := ''; ProcName := ''; Hint := ''; // Needed := ''; for i := 0 to lbGrid.Items.Count-1 do begin if(lbGrid.Selected[i]) then begin Proc := TPCEProc(lbGrid.Items.Objects[i]); Codes := Codes + Proc.Code + U; if(ProcName = '') then ProcName := Proc.Narrative else ProcName := CommonTxt; if(Hint <> '') then Hint := Hint + CRLF + Spaces; Hint := Hint + Proc.Narrative; // Needed := Needed + Proc.Modifiers; end; end; if(Codes = '') and (lbxSection.ItemIndex >= 0) then begin Codes := piece(lbxSection.Items[lbxSection.ItemIndex],U,1) + U; ProcName := piece(lbxSection.Items[lbxSection.ItemIndex],U,2); Hint := ProcName; // Needed := piece(lbxSection.Items[lbxSection.ItemIndex],U,4); Don't show expired codes! end; msg := ModTxt; if(ProcName <> '') and (ProcName <> CommonTxt) then msg := msg + ForTxt; lblMod.Caption := msg + ProcName; if(pos(CRLF,Hint)>0) then Hint := ':' + CRLF + Spaces + Hint; lblMod.Hint := msg + Hint; if(FLastCPTCodes = Codes) then TopIdx := lbMods.TopIndex else begin TopIdx := 0; FLastCPTCodes := Codes; end; ListCPTModifiers(lbMods.Items, Codes, ''); // Needed); lbMods.TopIndex := TopIdx; CheckModifiers; end; procedure TfrmProcedures.CheckModifiers; var i, idx, cnt, mcnt: integer; Code, Mods: string; state: TCheckBoxState; begin FModsReadOnly := TRUE; if lbMods.Items.Count < 1 then exit; FCheckingMods := TRUE; try cnt := 0; Mods := ';'; for i := 0 to lbGrid.Items.Count-1 do begin if(lbGrid.Selected[i]) then begin inc(cnt); Mods := Mods + TPCEProc(lbGrid.Items.Objects[i]).Modifiers; FModsReadOnly := FALSE; end; end; if(cnt = 0) and (lbxSection.ItemIndex >= 0) then begin Mods := ';' + UpdateModifierList(lbxSection.Items, lbxSection.ItemIndex); cnt := 1; end; for i := 0 to lbMods.Items.Count-1 do begin state := cbUnchecked; if(cnt > 0) then begin Code := ';' + piece(lbMods.Items[i], U, 1) + ';'; mcnt := 0; repeat idx := pos(Code, Mods); if(idx > 0) then begin inc(mcnt); delete(Mods, idx, length(Code) - 1); end; until (idx = 0); if mcnt >= cnt then State := cbChecked else if(mcnt > 0) then State := cbGrayed; end; lbMods.CheckedState[i] := state; end; if FModsReadOnly then begin FModsROChecked := lbMods.CheckedString; lbMods.Font.Color := clInactiveCaption; end else lbMods.Font.Color := clWindowText; finally FCheckingMods := FALSE; end; end; procedure TfrmProcedures.lbModsClickCheck(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer); var i, idx: integer; PCEObj: TPCEProc; ModIEN: string; DoChk, Add: boolean; begin if FCheckingMods or (Index < 0) then exit; if FModsReadOnly then begin lbMods.CheckedString := FModsROChecked; exit; end; if(NotUpdating) then begin BeginUpdate; try DoChk := FALSE; Add := (lbMods.Checked[Index]); ModIEN := piece(lbMods.Items[Index],U,1) + ';'; for i := 0 to lbGrid.Items.Count-1 do begin if(lbGrid.Selected[i]) then begin PCEObj := TPCEProc(lbGrid.Items.Objects[i]); idx := pos(';' + ModIEN, ';' + PCEObj.Modifiers); if(idx > 0) then begin if not Add then begin delete(PCEObj.Modifiers, idx, length(ModIEN)); DoChk := TRUE; end; end else begin if Add then begin PCEObj.Modifiers := PCEObj.Modifiers + ModIEN; DoChk := TRUE; end; end; end; end; finally EndUpdate; end; if DoChk then GridChanged; end; end; procedure TfrmProcedures.lbSectionClick(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; ShowModifiers; end; procedure TfrmProcedures.lbxSectionClickCheck(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer); var i: integer; begin if FCheckingCode then exit; FCheckingCode := TRUE; try inherited; Sync2Grid; if(lbxSection.ItemIndex >= 0) and (lbxSection.ItemIndex = Index) and (lbxSection.Checked[Index]) then begin UpdateModifierList(lbxSection.Items, Index); lbxSection.Checked[Index] := TRUE; for i := 0 to lbGrid.Items.Count-1 do begin if(lbGrid.Selected[i]) then with TPCEProc(lbGrid.Items.Objects[i]) do begin if(Category = GetCat) and (Pieces(lbxSection.Items[Index], U, 1, 2) = Code + U + Narrative) then begin { TODO -oRich V. -cEncounters : v21/22 - Added this block to default provider for procedures.} if Provider = 0 then Provider := uProviders.PCEProvider; { uPCE.TPCEProviderList.PCEProvider function sorts this out automatically: } { 1. Current CPRS encounter provider, if present and has active person class as of encounter date. } { 2. Current user, if has active person class as of encounter date. } { 3. Primary provider for the visit, if defined. } { 4. No default. } Modifiers := Piece(lbxSection.Items[lbxSection.ItemIndex], U, 4); GridChanged; exit; end; end; end; end; finally FCheckingCode := FALSE; end; end; procedure TfrmProcedures.btnOtherClick(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; Sync2Grid; ShowModifiers; end; procedure TfrmProcedures.btnRemoveClick(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; Sync2Grid; ShowModifiers; end; procedure TfrmProcedures.cboProviderNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); begin inherited; if(uEncPCEData.VisitCategory = 'E') then cboProvider.ForDataUse(SubSetOfPersons(StartFrom, Direction)) else cboProvider.ForDataUse(SubSetOfUsersWithClass(StartFrom, Direction, FloatToStr(uEncPCEData.PersonClassDate))); end; function TfrmProcedures.OK2SaveProcedures: boolean; begin SetupVars; //kt added 8/8/2007 to replace constants with vars. Result := TRUE; if MissingProvider then begin InfoBox(TX_PROC_PROV, TC_PROC_PROV, MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING); Result := False; end; end; function TfrmProcedures.MissingProvider: boolean; var i: integer; AProc: TPCEProc; begin { TODO -oRich V. -cEncounters : {v21 - Entry of a provider for each new CPT is now required} {Existing CPTs on the encounter will NOT require entry of a provider} {Monitor status of new service request #20020203.} Result := False; { Comment out the block below (and the "var" block above) } { to allow but not require entry of a provider with each new CPT entered} //------------------------------------------------ for i := 0 to lbGrid.Items.Count - 1 do begin AProc := TPCEProc(lbGrid.Items.Objects[i]); if AProc.fIsOldProcedure then continue; if (AProc.Provider = 0) then begin Result := True; lbGrid.ItemIndex := i; exit; end; end; //------------------------------------------------- end; procedure TfrmProcedures.InitTab(ACopyProc: TCopyItemsMethod; AListProc: TListSectionsProc); var i: integer; begin inherited; for i := 0 to lbGrid.Items.Count - 1 do TPCEProc(lbGrid.Items.Objects[i]).fIsOldProcedure := True; end; end.