source: cprs/branches/tmg-cprs/CPRS-Chart/Options/fOptionsReportsCustom.dfm@ 1456

Last change on this file since 1456 was 793, checked in by Kevin Toppenberg, 14 years ago


File size: 4.9 KB
[453]1object frmOptionsReportsCustom: TfrmOptionsReportsCustom
2 Left = 414
[793]3 Top = 317
[453]4 BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu, biHelp]
5 BorderStyle = bsDialog
6 Caption = 'Individual CPRS Report Settings'
7 ClientHeight = 383
8 ClientWidth = 503
9 Color = clBtnFace
10 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
11 Font.Color = clWindowText
12 Font.Height = -11
13 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
14 Font.Style = []
15 KeyPreview = True
16 OldCreateOrder = False
17 OnClose = FormClose
18 OnCreate = FormCreate
19 OnDestroy = FormDestroy
20 OnShow = FormShow
21 PixelsPerInch = 96
22 TextHeight = 13
23 object Bevel3: TBevel
24 Left = 0
25 Top = 352
26 Width = 503
27 Height = 2
28 Align = alBottom
29 end
30 object Panel1: TPanel
31 Left = 0
32 Top = 354
33 Width = 503
34 Height = 29
35 Align = alBottom
36 TabOrder = 1
37 object btnApply: TButton
38 Left = 432
39 Top = 4
40 Width = 50
41 Height = 22
42 Hint = 'Click to save new settings'
43 Caption = 'Apply'
44 Enabled = False
45 ParentShowHint = False
46 ShowHint = True
47 TabOrder = 2
48 OnClick = btnApplyClick
49 end
50 object btnCancel: TButton
51 Left = 368
52 Top = 4
53 Width = 50
54 Height = 22
55 Cancel = True
56 Caption = 'Cancel'
57 TabOrder = 1
58 OnClick = btnCancelClick
59 end
60 object btnOK: TButton
61 Left = 304
62 Top = 4
63 Width = 51
64 Height = 22
65 Caption = 'OK'
66 TabOrder = 0
67 OnClick = btnOKClick
68 end
69 end
70 object Panel2: TPanel
71 Left = 0
72 Top = 0
73 Width = 503
74 Height = 353
75 Align = alTop
76 TabOrder = 0
77 object grdReport: TCaptionStringGrid
78 Left = 1
79 Top = 73
80 Width = 501
81 Height = 272
82 Align = alTop
83 ColCount = 4
84 DefaultRowHeight = 20
85 FixedCols = 0
86 RowCount = 16
87 Options = [goFixedVertLine, goFixedHorzLine, goVertLine, goHorzLine, goDrawFocusSelected, goTabs]
88 ScrollBars = ssVertical
89 TabOrder = 5
90 OnDrawCell = grdReportDrawCell
91 OnKeyDown = grdReportKeyDown
92 OnKeyPress = grdReportKeyPress
93 OnMouseDown = grdReportMouseDown
94 Caption = 'Report Grid'
95 ColWidths = (
96 219
97 97
98 89
99 71)
100 end
101 object edtMax: TCaptionEdit
102 Left = 264
103 Top = 328
104 Width = 89
105 Height = 20
106 BorderStyle = bsNone
107 TabOrder = 1
108 Visible = False
109 OnExit = edtMaxExit
110 OnKeyPress = edtMaxKeyPress
111 end
112 object odbStop: TORDateBox
113 Left = 136
114 Top = 328
115 Width = 113
116 Height = 21
117 TabOrder = 3
118 Visible = False
119 OnExit = odbStopExit
120 OnKeyPress = odbStopKeyPress
121 DateOnly = True
122 RequireTime = False
123 Caption = 'Stop Date'
124 end
125 object odbStart: TORDateBox
126 Left = 8
127 Top = 328
128 Width = 113
129 Height = 21
130 TabOrder = 2
131 Visible = False
132 OnExit = odbStartExit
133 OnKeyPress = odbStartKeyPress
134 DateOnly = True
135 RequireTime = False
136 Caption = 'Start Date'
137 end
138 object odbTool: TORDateBox
139 Left = 360
140 Top = 328
141 Width = 121
142 Height = 21
143 TabOrder = 4
144 Visible = False
145 DateOnly = True
146 RequireTime = False
147 Caption = 'Date'
148 end
149 object Panel3: TPanel
150 Left = 1
151 Top = 1
152 Width = 501
153 Height = 72
154 Align = alTop
155 TabOrder = 0
156 object Label1: TLabel
157 Left = 16
158 Top = 8
159 Width = 265
160 Height = 13
161 Caption = 'Type the first few letters of the report you are looking for:'
162 end
163 object edtSearch: TCaptionEdit
164 Left = 24
165 Top = 32
166 Width = 433
167 Height = 21
168 TabOrder = 0
169 OnChange = edtSearchChange
170 OnKeyPress = edtSearchKeyPress
171 Caption = 'Type the first few letters of the report you are looking for:'
172 end
173 end
174 end
175 object DKLanguageController1: TDKLanguageController
176 Left = 240
177 Top = 192
178 LangData = {
179 170066726D4F7074696F6E735265706F727473437573746F6D01010000000100
180 0000070043617074696F6E010E0000000600426576656C330000060050616E65
181 6C310000080062746E4170706C79010200000003000000070043617074696F6E
182 02000000040048696E7400090062746E43616E63656C01010000000400000007
183 0043617074696F6E00050062746E4F4B01010000000500000007004361707469
184 6F6E00060050616E656C32000009006772645265706F72740101000000060000
185 00070043617074696F6E0006006564744D6178000007006F646253746F700101
186 00000007000000070043617074696F6E0008006F646253746172740101000000
187 08000000070043617074696F6E0007006F6462546F6F6C010100000009000000
188 070043617074696F6E00060050616E656C33000006004C6162656C3101010000
189 000A000000070043617074696F6E00090065647453656172636801010000000B
190 000000070043617074696F6E00}
191 end
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