source: cprs/branches/tmg-cprs/CPRS-Chart/Orders/fODBase.~dfm@ 1456

Last change on this file since 1456 was 453, checked in by Kevin Toppenberg, 16 years ago

Initial upload of TMG-CPRS

File size: 2.5 KB
1inherited frmODBase: TfrmODBase
2 Left = 277
3 Top = 179
4 Width = 528
5 Height = 275
6 HorzScrollBar.Range = 500
7 HorzScrollBar.Tracking = True
8 HorzScrollBar.Visible = True
9 VertScrollBar.Range = 225
10 VertScrollBar.Visible = True
11 AutoScroll = False
12 BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
13 Caption = ''
14 FormStyle = fsStayOnTop
15 KeyPreview = True
16 OnClose = FormClose
17 OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery
18 OnCreate = FormCreate
19 OnKeyPress = FormKeyPress
20 PixelsPerInch = 96
21 TextHeight = 13
22 object memOrder: TCaptionMemo [0]
23 Left = 6
24 Top = 194
25 Width = 430
26 Height = 48
27 TabStop = False
28 Color = clCream
29 Ctl3D = True
30 ParentCtl3D = False
31 ReadOnly = True
32 ScrollBars = ssVertical
33 TabOrder = 0
34 Caption = 'Order'
35 end
36 object cmdAccept: TButton [1]
37 Left = 442
38 Top = 194
39 Width = 72
40 Height = 21
41 Caption = 'Accept Order'
42 TabOrder = 1
43 OnClick = cmdAcceptClick
44 end
45 object cmdQuit: TButton [2]
46 Left = 442
47 Top = 221
48 Width = 39
49 Height = 21
50 Cancel = True
51 Caption = 'Quit'
52 TabOrder = 2
53 OnClick = cmdQuitClick
54 end
55 object pnlMessage: TPanel [3]
56 Left = 24
57 Top = 176
58 Width = 381
59 Height = 44
60 BevelInner = bvRaised
61 BorderStyle = bsSingle
62 TabOrder = 3
63 Visible = False
64 OnExit = pnlMessageExit
65 OnMouseDown = pnlMessageMouseDown
66 OnMouseMove = pnlMessageMouseMove
67 object imgMessage: TImage
68 Left = 4
69 Top = 4
70 Width = 32
71 Height = 32
72 OnMouseUp = memMessageMouseUp
73 end
74 object memMessage: TRichEdit
75 Left = 40
76 Top = 4
77 Width = 332
78 Height = 32
79 Color = clInfoBk
80 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
81 Font.Color = clInfoText
82 Font.Height = -11
83 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
84 Font.Style = []
85 ParentFont = False
86 ReadOnly = True
87 ScrollBars = ssVertical
88 TabOrder = 0
89 WantReturns = False
90 OnMouseDown = pnlMessageMouseDown
91 OnMouseMove = pnlMessageMouseMove
92 end
93 end
94 inherited DKLanguageController1: TDKLanguageController
95 LangData = {
96 090066726D4F444261736500010600000008006D656D4F726465720101000000
97 02000000070043617074696F6E000900636D6441636365707401010000000300
98 0000070043617074696F6E000700636D64517569740101000000040000000700
99 43617074696F6E000A00706E6C4D65737361676500000A00696D674D65737361
100 676500000A006D656D4D6573736167650000}
101 end
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