//kt -- Modified with SourceScanner on 8/8/2007 unit fODMedComplex; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, fAutoSz, StdCtrls, Grids, Buttons, ExtCtrls, ORCtrls, Menus, ORFn, fODBase, uConst, ComCtrls, DKLang; type TfrmODMedComplex = class(TfrmAutoSz) grdDoses: TStringGrid; cmdOK: TButton; cmdCancel: TButton; cboRoute: TORComboBox; cboSchedule: TORComboBox; pnlInstruct: TPanel; cboInstruct: TORComboBox; btnUnits: TSpeedButton; pnlDays: TPanel; txtDays: TCaptionEdit; Label1: TLabel; popUnits: TPopupMenu; Bevel1: TBevel; cmdInsert: TButton; cmdRemove: TButton; UpDown2: TUpDown; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure cmdOKClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cmdCancelClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnUnitsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure pnlInstructExit(Sender: TObject); procedure cboRouteExit(Sender: TObject); procedure cboScheduleExit(Sender: TObject); procedure pnlDaysExit(Sender: TObject); procedure grdDosesDrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState); procedure pnlInstructEnter(Sender: TObject); procedure pnlDaysEnter(Sender: TObject); procedure grdDosesMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure cmdInsertClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cmdRemoveClick(Sender: TObject); procedure grdDosesMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure grdDosesKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); procedure txtDaysChange(Sender: TObject); procedure cboRouteClick(Sender: TObject); private //kt Begin Mod (change Consts to Vars) 8/8/2007 TX_NO_AMPER : string; //kt TX_NF_ROUTE : string; //kt TX_NO_ROUTE : string; //kt TX_NO_SCHED : string; //kt //kt End Mod ------------------- FDropColumn: Integer; procedure ShowEditor(ACol, ARow: Integer; AChar: Char); procedure UnitClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Validate(var AnErrMsg: string); function ValFor(FieldID, ARow: Integer): string; procedure UMDelayEvent(var Message: TMessage); message UM_DELAYEVENT; procedure SetupVars; //kt public { Public declarations } end; function ExecuteComplexDose(CtrlInits: TCtrlInits; Responses: TResponses): Boolean; implementation {$R *.DFM} uses rODBase; const COL_SELECT = 0; COL_INSTRUCT = 1; COL_ROUTE = 2; COL_SCHEDULE = 3; COL_DURATION = 4; VAL_INSTR = 10; VAL_MISC = 11; VAL_ROUTE = 12; VAL_SCHEDULE = 13; VAL_DAYS = 14; VAL_ABBROUTE = 15; TAB = #9; //TX_NO_AMPER = ' Instructions may not contain the ampersand (&) character.'; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 //TX_NF_ROUTE = ' not found in the Medication Routes file.'; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 //TX_NO_ROUTE = ': Route must be entered.'; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 //TX_NO_SCHED = ': Schedule must be entered.'; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 { public functions } procedure TfrmODMedComplex.SetupVars; //kt Added entire function to replace constant declarations 8/8/2007 begin TX_NO_AMPER := DKLangConstW('fODMedComplex_Instructions_may_not_contain_the_ampersand_xxx_characterx'); TX_NF_ROUTE := DKLangConstW('fODMedComplex_not_found_in_the_Medication_Routes_filex'); TX_NO_ROUTE := DKLangConstW('fODMedComplex_x_Route_must_be_enteredx'); TX_NO_SCHED := DKLangConstW('fODMedComplex_x_Schedule_must_be_enteredx'); end; function ExecuteComplexDose(CtrlInits: TCtrlInits; Responses: TResponses): Boolean; var frmODMedComplex: TfrmODMedComplex; AResponse: TResponse; AnInstance, ARow: Integer; x: string; begin frmODMedComplex := TfrmODMedComplex.Create(Application); try ResizeFormToFont(TForm(frmODMedComplex)); with frmODMedComplex do begin // grdDoses.Cells[COL_INSTRUCT, 0] := CtrlInits.DefaultText('Verb'); <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 grdDoses.Cells[COL_INSTRUCT, 0] := CtrlInits.DefaultText(DKLangConstW('fODMedComplex_Verb')); //kt added 8/8/2007 // if grdDoses.Cells[COL_INSTRUCT, 0] = '' then grdDoses.Cells[COL_INSTRUCT, 0] := 'Amount'; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 if grdDoses.Cells[COL_INSTRUCT, 0] = '' then grdDoses.Cells[COL_INSTRUCT, 0] := DKLangConstW('fODMedComplex_Amount'); //kt added 8/8/2007 // CtrlInits.SetControl(cboInstruct, 'Instruct'); <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 CtrlInits.SetControl(cboInstruct, DKLangConstW('fODMedComplex_Instruct')); //kt added 8/8/2007 // CtrlInits.SetPopupMenu(popUnits, UnitClick, 'Nouns'); <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 CtrlInits.SetPopupMenu(popUnits, UnitClick, DKLangConstW('fODMedComplex_Nouns')); //kt added 8/8/2007 // CtrlInits.SetControl(cboRoute, 'Route'); <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 CtrlInits.SetControl(cboRoute, DKLangConstW('fODMedComplex_Route')); //kt added 8/8/2007 // CtrlInits.SetControl(cboSchedule, 'Schedules'); <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 CtrlInits.SetControl(cboSchedule, DKLangConstW('fODMedComplex_Schedules')); //kt added 8/8/2007 with Responses do begin grdDoses.RowCount := InstanceCount('INSTR') + 2; // 1 row for headers, 1 for new dose ARow := 1; // row 1 is first dose row AnInstance := NextInstance('INSTR', 0); while AnInstance > 0 do begin grdDoses.Cells[COL_INSTRUCT, ARow] := IValueFor('INSTR', AnInstance) + ' ' + IValueFor('MISC', AnInstance) + TAB + IValueFor('INSTR', AnInstance) + TAB + IValueFor('MISC', AnInstance); AResponse := FindResponseByName('ROUTE', AnInstance); cboRoute.SelectByID(AResponse.IValue); with cboRoute do if ItemIndex > -1 then x := DisplayText[ItemIndex]; grdDoses.Cells[COL_ROUTE, ARow] := x + TAB + AResponse.IValue + TAB + AResponse.EValue; grdDoses.Cells[COL_SCHEDULE, ARow] := IValueFor('SCHEDULE', AnInstance); x := IValueFor('DAYS', AnInstance); // if Length(x) > 0 then x := x + ' day(s)'; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 if Length(x) > 0 then x := x + DKLangConstW('fODMedComplex_dayxsx'); //kt added 8/8/2007 grdDoses.Cells[COL_DURATION, ARow] := x + TAB + IValueFor('DAYS', AnInstance); AnInstance := NextInstance('INSTR', AnInstance); Inc(ARow); end; {while AnInstance} end; {with Responses} end; Result := frmODMedComplex.ShowModal = mrOK; if Result then with frmODMedComplex, grdDoses, Responses do begin Clear('INSTR'); Clear('MISC'); Clear('ROUTE'); Clear('SCHEDULE'); Clear('DAYS'); for ARow := 1 to Pred(RowCount) do begin if Length(ValFor(VAL_INSTR, ARow)) > 0 then begin Update('INSTR', ARow, ValFor(VAL_INSTR, ARow), ValFor(VAL_INSTR, ARow)); if Length(ValFor(VAL_MISC, ARow)) > 0 then Update('MISC', ARow, ValFor(VAL_MISC, ARow), ValFor(VAL_MISC, ARow)); Update('ROUTE', ARow, ValFor(VAL_ROUTE, ARow), ValFor(VAL_ABBROUTE, ARow)); Update('SCHEDULE', ARow, ValFor(VAL_SCHEDULE, ARow), ValFor(COL_SCHEDULE, ARow)); Update('DAYS', ARow, ValFor(VAL_DAYS, ARow), ValFor(VAL_DAYS, ARow)); end; {if Length} end; {with...for} end; {if Result} finally frmODMedComplex.Release; end; end; { General Functions - get & set cell values} function TfrmODMedComplex.ValFor(FieldID, ARow: Integer): string; { Contents of grid cells is as follows (cells delimited by |, ^ indicates tab char) InstructionText^INSTR^MISC | RouteText^ROUTE^Abbrev. | SCHEDULE DurationText^DAYS Only the first tab piece for each cell is drawn. } begin Result := ''; if (ARow < 1) or (ARow >= grdDoses.RowCount) then Exit; with grdDoses do case FieldID of COL_INSTRUCT : Result := Piece(Cells[COL_INSTRUCT, ARow], TAB, 1); COL_ROUTE : Result := Piece(Cells[COL_ROUTE, ARow], TAB, 1); COL_SCHEDULE : Result := Piece(Cells[COL_SCHEDULE, ARow], TAB, 1); COL_DURATION : Result := Piece(Cells[COL_DURATION, ARow], TAB, 1); VAL_INSTR : Result := Piece(Cells[COL_INSTRUCT, ARow], TAB, 2); VAL_MISC : Result := Piece(Cells[COL_INSTRUCT, ARow], TAB, 3); VAL_ROUTE : Result := Piece(Cells[COL_ROUTE, ARow], TAB, 2); VAL_SCHEDULE : Result := Piece(Cells[COL_SCHEDULE, ARow], TAB, 1); VAL_DAYS : Result := Piece(Cells[COL_DURATION, ARow], TAB, 2); VAL_ABBROUTE : Result := Piece(Cells[COL_ROUTE, ARow], Tab, 3); end; end; procedure FindInCombo(const x: string; AComboBox: TORComboBox); var i, Found: Integer; begin with AComboBox do begin i := 0; Found := -1; while (i < Items.Count) and (Found < 0) do begin if CompareText(Copy(DisplayText[i], 1, Length(x)), x) = 0 then Found := i; Inc(i); end; {while} if Found > -1 then begin ItemIndex := Found; Application.ProcessMessages; SelStart := 1; SelLength := Length(Items[Found]); end else begin Text := x; SelStart := Length(x); end; end; {with AComboBox} end; { Form Events } procedure TfrmODMedComplex.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; with grdDoses do begin ColWidths[COL_SELECT] := 12; ColWidths[COL_INSTRUCT] := 160; // Cells[COL_INSTRUCT, 0] := 'Amount'; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 Cells[COL_INSTRUCT, 0] := DKLangConstW('fODMedComplex_Amount'); //kt added 8/8/2007 // Cells[COL_ROUTE, 0] := 'Route'; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 Cells[COL_ROUTE, 0] := DKLangConstW('fODMedComplex_Route'); //kt added 8/8/2007 // Cells[COL_SCHEDULE, 0] := 'Schedule'; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 Cells[COL_SCHEDULE, 0] := DKLangConstW('fODMedComplex_Schedule'); //kt added 8/8/2007 // Cells[COL_DURATION, 0] := 'Duration'; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 Cells[COL_DURATION, 0] := DKLangConstW('fODMedComplex_Duration'); //kt added 8/8/2007 end; FDropColumn := -1; end; { grdDoses events (including cell editors) } procedure TfrmODMedComplex.grdDosesMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var ACol, ARow: Integer; begin inherited; grdDoses.MouseToCell(X, Y, ACol, ARow); if (ARow < 0) or (ACol < 0) then Exit; if ACol > COL_SELECT then ShowEditor(ACol, ARow, #0) else begin grdDoses.Col := COL_INSTRUCT; grdDoses.Row := ARow; end; end; procedure TfrmODMedComplex.grdDosesKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin inherited; if Key = #13 then ShowEditor(grdDoses.Col, grdDoses.Row, #0); if Key in [#32..#127] then ShowEditor(grdDoses.Col, grdDoses.Row, Key); end; procedure TfrmODMedComplex.grdDosesMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin inherited; case FDropColumn of COL_INSTRUCT: with cboInstruct do if Items.Count > 0 then DroppedDown := True; COL_ROUTE: with cboRoute do if Items.Count > 0 then DroppedDown := True; COL_SCHEDULE: with cboSchedule do if Items.Count > 0 then DroppedDown := True; end; FDropColumn := -1; end; procedure TfrmODMedComplex.grdDosesDrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState); { only show the first tab piece of the cell } begin inherited; grdDoses.Canvas.TextRect(Rect, Rect.Left+2, Rect.Top+2, Piece(grdDoses.Cells[ACol, ARow], TAB, 1)); end; procedure TfrmODMedComplex.ShowEditor(ACol, ARow: Integer; AChar: Char); procedure PlaceControl(AControl: TWinControl); var ARect: TRect; begin with AControl do begin ARect := grdDoses.CellRect(ACol, ARow); SetBounds(ARect.Left + grdDoses.Left + 1, ARect.Top + grdDoses.Top + 1, ARect.Right - ARect.Left + 1, ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top + 1); BringToFront; Show; SetFocus; end; end; begin inherited; if ARow = 0 then Exit; // header row // require initial instruction entry when in last row with grdDoses do if (ARow = Pred(RowCount)) and (ACol > COL_INSTRUCT) and (ValFor(VAL_INSTR, ARow) = '') then Exit; // only allow route when in first row if (ACol = COL_ROUTE) and (ARow > 1) then Exit; // display appropriate editor for row & column case ACol of COL_INSTRUCT: begin // if this is the last row, default the route & schedule to previous row if (ARow > 1) and (ARow = Pred(grdDoses.RowCount)) then begin grdDoses.Cells[COL_INSTRUCT, ARow] := TAB + TAB + ValFor(VAL_MISC, Pred(ARow)); grdDoses.Cells[COL_ROUTE, ARow] := grdDoses.Cells[COL_ROUTE, Pred(ARow)]; grdDoses.Cells[COL_SCHEDULE, ARow] := grdDoses.Cells[COL_SCHEDULE, Pred(ARow)]; end; // set appropriate value for cboInstruct & btnUnits btnUnits.Caption := ValFor(VAL_MISC, ARow); pnlInstruct.Tag := ARow; if popUnits.Items.Count = 0 then begin btnUnits.Visible := False; cboInstruct.Width := pnlInstruct.Width; end; PlaceControl(pnlInstruct); FDropColumn := COL_INSTRUCT; if AChar <> #0 then PostMessage(Handle, UM_DELAYEVENT, Ord(AChar), COL_INSTRUCT) else cboInstruct.Text := ValFor(VAL_INSTR, ARow); end; COL_ROUTE: begin // set appropriate value for cboRoute cboRoute.SelectByID(ValFor(VAL_ROUTE, ARow)); if cboRoute.Text = '' then cboRoute.Text := ValFor(COL_ROUTE, ARow); cboRoute.Tag := ARow; PlaceControl(cboRoute); FDropColumn := COL_ROUTE; if AChar <> #0 then PostMessage(Handle, UM_DELAYEVENT, Ord(AChar), COL_ROUTE); end; COL_SCHEDULE: begin // set appropriate value for cboSchedule cboSchedule.Tag := ARow; PlaceControl(cboSchedule); FDropColumn := COL_SCHEDULE; if AChar <> #0 then PostMessage(Handle, UM_DELAYEVENT, Ord(AChar), COL_SCHEDULE) else cboSchedule.Text := ValFor(COL_SCHEDULE, ARow); end; COL_DURATION: begin // set appropriate value for txtDays pnlDays.Tag := ARow; PlaceControl(pnlDays); txtDays.SetFocus; if AChar <> #0 then PostMessage(Handle, UM_DELAYEVENT, Ord(AChar), COL_DURATION) else txtDays.Text := ValFor(VAL_DAYS, ARow); end; end; {case ACol} end; procedure TfrmODMedComplex.UMDelayEvent(var Message: TMessage); { after focusing events are completed for a combobox, set the key the user typed } begin case Message.LParam of COL_INSTRUCT : FindInCombo(Chr(Message.WParam), cboInstruct); COL_ROUTE : FindInCombo(Chr(Message.WParam), cboRoute); COL_SCHEDULE : FindInCombo(Chr(Message.WParam), cboSchedule); COL_DURATION : begin txtDays.Text := Chr(Message.WParam); txtDays.SelStart := 1; end; end; end; { Instructions Editor } procedure TfrmODMedComplex.pnlInstructEnter(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; // if this was the last row, create a new last row if grdDoses.Row = Pred(grdDoses.RowCount) then grdDoses.RowCount := grdDoses.RowCount + 1; // shift focus to the combobox portion of the instructions panel cboInstruct.SetFocus; end; procedure TfrmODMedComplex.pnlInstructExit(Sender: TObject); var ARow: Integer; begin inherited; ARow := pnlInstruct.Tag; // clear the rest of the row if no instruction has been entered with grdDoses do if (ARow = Pred(RowCount)) and (cboInstruct.Text = '') then begin Cells[COL_INSTRUCT, ARow] := ''; Cells[COL_ROUTE, ARow] := ''; Cells[COL_SCHEDULE, ARow] := ''; Cells[COL_DURATION, ARow] := ''; Exit; end; // save entered information in the cell grdDoses.Cells[COL_INSTRUCT, ARow] := cboInstruct.Text + ' ' + btnUnits.Caption + TAB + cboInstruct.Text + TAB + btnUnits.Caption; pnlInstruct.Tag := -1; pnlInstruct.Hide; end; procedure TfrmODMedComplex.btnUnitsClick(Sender: TObject); var APoint: TPoint; begin inherited; APoint := btnUnits.ClientToScreen(Point(0, btnUnits.Height)); popUnits.Popup(APoint.X, APoint.Y); end; procedure TfrmODMedComplex.UnitClick(Sender: TObject); begin btnUnits.Caption := TMenuItem(Sender).Caption; end; { Route Editor } procedure TfrmODMedComplex.cboRouteClick(Sender: TObject); { force all routes to be the same (until pharmacy changes to accomodate varying routes) } var i: Integer; x: string; begin inherited; with cboRoute do if ItemIndex > -1 then x := Piece(Items[ItemIndex], U, 3) else x := cboRoute.Text; for i := 1 to Pred(grdDoses.RowCount) do if Length(ValFor(VAL_INSTR, i)) > 0 then grdDoses.Cells[COL_ROUTE, i] := cboRoute.Text + TAB + cboRoute.ItemID + TAB + x; end; procedure TfrmODMedComplex.cboRouteExit(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; cboRouteClick(Self); cboRoute.Tag := -1; cboRoute.Hide; end; { Schedule Editor } procedure TfrmODMedComplex.cboScheduleExit(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; grdDoses.Cells[COL_SCHEDULE, cboSchedule.Tag] := cboSchedule.Text; cboSchedule.Tag := -1; cboSchedule.Hide; end; { Duration Editor } procedure TfrmODMedComplex.pnlDaysEnter(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; txtDays.SetFocus; end; procedure TfrmODMedComplex.pnlDaysExit(Sender: TObject); var x: string; begin inherited; x := txtDays.Text; //if Length(x) > 0 then x := x + ' day(s)'; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 if Length(x) > 0 then x := x + DKLangConstW('fODMedComplex_dayxsx'); //kt added 8/8/2007 x := x + TAB + txtDays.Text; grdDoses.Cells[COL_DURATION, pnlDays.Tag] := x; pnlDays.Tag := -1; pnlDays.Hide; end; procedure TfrmODMedComplex.txtDaysChange(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; if txtDays.Text = '0' then txtDays.Text := ''; end; { Command Buttons } procedure TfrmODMedComplex.cmdInsertClick(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; x0, x1, x2: string; begin inherited; cmdInsert.SetFocus; // make sure exit events for editors fire with grdDoses do begin if Row < 1 then Exit; x0 := TAB + TAB + ValFor(VAL_MISC, Row); x1 := grdDoses.Cells[COL_ROUTE, Row]; x2 := grdDoses.Cells[COL_SCHEDULE, Row]; RowCount := RowCount + 1; { move rows down } for i := Pred(RowCount) downto Succ(Row) do Rows[i] := Rows[i-1]; Rows[Row].Clear; Cells[COL_INSTRUCT, Row] := x0; Cells[COL_ROUTE, Row] := x1; Cells[COL_SCHEDULE, Row] := x2; Col := COL_INSTRUCT; ShowEditor(COL_INSTRUCT, Row, #0); end; end; procedure TfrmODMedComplex.cmdRemoveClick(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; begin inherited; cmdRemove.SetFocus; // make sure exit events for editors fire with grdDoses do if (Row > 0) and (RowCount > 2) then begin { move rows up } for i := Row to RowCount - 2 do Rows[i] := Rows[i+1]; RowCount := RowCount - 1; Rows[RowCount].Clear; end; end; procedure TfrmODMedComplex.Validate(var AnErrMsg: string); var i: Integer; RouteID, RouteAbbr: string; procedure SetError(const x: string); begin if Length(AnErrMsg) > 0 then AnErrMsg := AnErrMsg + CRLF; AnErrMsg := AnErrMsg + x; end; begin SetupVars; //kt added 8/8/2007 to replace constants with vars. AnErrMsg := ''; with grdDoses do for i := 1 to Pred(RowCount) do begin if Length(ValFor(VAL_INSTR, i)) > 0 then begin if Pos('&', cboInstruct.Text) > 0 then SetError(IntToStr(i) + TX_NO_AMPER); if ValFor(COL_ROUTE, i) = '' then SetError(IntToStr(i) + TX_NO_ROUTE); if ValFor(COL_SCHEDULE, i) = '' then SetError(IntToStr(i) + TX_NO_SCHED); if (ValFor(VAL_ROUTE, i) = '') and (Length(ValFor(COL_ROUTE, i)) > 0) then begin LookupRoute(ValFor(COL_ROUTE, i), RouteID, RouteAbbr); if RouteID = '0' then SetError(ValFor(COL_ROUTE, i) + TX_NF_ROUTE) else Cells[COL_ROUTE, i] := ValFor(COL_ROUTE, i) + TAB + RouteID + TAB + RouteAbbr; end; {if ValFor} end; {if Length} end; {with grdDoses...for i} end; procedure TfrmODMedComplex.cmdOKClick(Sender: TObject); var ErrMsg: string; begin inherited; cmdOK.SetFocus; // make sure exit events for editors fire Validate(ErrMsg); //if ShowMsgOn(Length(ErrMsg) > 0, ErrMsg, 'Error') then Exit; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 if ShowMsgOn(Length(ErrMsg) > 0, ErrMsg, DKLangConstW('fODMedComplex_Error')) then Exit; //kt added 8/8/2007 ModalResult := mrOK; end; procedure TfrmODMedComplex.cmdCancelClick(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; Close; end; { Test Stuff } end.