1 | inherited frmODText: TfrmODText
2 | Caption = 'Text Only Order'
3 | PixelsPerInch = 96
4 | TextHeight = 13
5 | object lblText: TLabel [0]
6 | Left = 6
7 | Top = 4
8 | Width = 126
9 | Height = 13
10 | Caption = 'Enter the text of the order -'
11 | end
12 | object lblStart: TLabel [1]
13 | Left = 226
14 | Top = 150
15 | Width = 76
16 | Height = 13
17 | Caption = 'Start Date/Time'
18 | end
19 | object lblStop: TLabel [2]
20 | Left = 374
21 | Top = 150
22 | Width = 76
23 | Height = 13
24 | Caption = 'Stop Date/Time'
25 | end
26 | inherited memOrder: TCaptionMemo
27 | TabOrder = 6
28 | end
29 | object memText: TMemo [4]
30 | Left = 6
31 | Top = 18
32 | Width = 508
33 | Height = 124
34 | TabOrder = 0
35 | OnChange = ControlChange
36 | end
37 | object txtStart: TORDateBox [5]
38 | Left = 226
39 | Top = 164
40 | Width = 140
41 | Height = 21
42 | TabOrder = 1
43 | OnChange = ControlChange
44 | DateOnly = False
45 | RequireTime = False
46 | Caption = 'Start Date/Time'
47 | end
48 | object txtStop: TORDateBox [6]
49 | Left = 374
50 | Top = 164
51 | Width = 140
52 | Height = 21
53 | TabOrder = 2
54 | OnChange = ControlChange
55 | DateOnly = False
56 | RequireTime = False
57 | Caption = 'Stop Date/Time'
58 | end
59 | inherited cmdAccept: TButton
60 | TabOrder = 3
61 | end
62 | inherited cmdQuit: TButton
63 | TabOrder = 4
64 | end
65 | inherited pnlMessage: TPanel
66 | TabOrder = 5
67 | end
68 | inherited DKLanguageController1: TDKLanguageController
69 | LangData = {
70 | 090066726D4F4454657874010100000005000000070043617074696F6E010C00
71 | 000008006D656D4F72646572010100000002000000070043617074696F6E0009
72 | 00636D64416363657074010100000003000000070043617074696F6E00070063
73 | 6D6451756974010100000004000000070043617074696F6E000A00706E6C4D65
74 | 737361676500000A00696D674D65737361676500000A006D656D4D6573736167
75 | 65000007006C626C54657874010100000006000000070043617074696F6E0008
76 | 006C626C5374617274010100000007000000070043617074696F6E0007006C62
77 | 6C53746F70010100000008000000070043617074696F6E0007006D656D546578
78 | 74000008007478745374617274010100000009000000070043617074696F6E00
79 | 070074787453746F7001010000000A000000070043617074696F6E00}
80 | end
81 | end