//kt -- Modified with SourceScanner on 8/8/2007 unit fOrdersPrint; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ORCtrls, ORfn, ExtCtrls, rOrders, fFrame, DKLang; type TfrmOrdersPrint = class(TForm) ckChartCopy: TCheckBox; ckLabels: TCheckBox; ckRequisitions: TCheckBox; ckWorkCopy: TCheckBox; lstChartDevice: TORListBox; lstLabelDevice: TORListBox; lstReqDevice: TORListBox; lstWorkDevice: TORListBox; cmdChart: TORAlignButton; cmdLabels: TORAlignButton; cmdReqs: TORAlignButton; cmdWork: TORAlignButton; cmdOK: TORAlignButton; cmdCancel: TORAlignButton; pnlBase: TORAutoPanel; lblDevice: TLabel; lblPartOne: TMemo; lblPart2: TMemo; DKLanguageController1: TDKLanguageController; procedure SetupControls(PrintParams: TPrintParams); procedure cmdChartClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cmdLabelsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cmdReqsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cmdWorkClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cmdOKClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cmdCancelClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ckChartCopyClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ckLabelsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ckRequisitionsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ckWorkCopyClick(Sender: TObject); procedure DeviceListClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); private FPrintIt: boolean; FSelectAll: boolean; FDevices: string; FNature: char; procedure SetupPrompting(CheckBox: TCheckBox; DeviceList: TORListBox; ChangeButton: TORAlignButton; PromptParam: char; DeviceParam: string); end; var frmOrdersPrint: TfrmOrdersPrint; PrintParams: TPrintParams; AnyPrompts: boolean; ResultList: TStringList; const NO_WIN_PRINT = False; procedure SetupOrdersPrint(OrderList: TStringList; var DeviceInfo: string; Nature: Char; SelectAll: Boolean; var PrintIt: Boolean); implementation {$R *.DFM} uses fDeviceSelect, uCore, ORNet, fOrders; procedure SetupOrdersPrint(OrderList: TStringList; var DeviceInfo: string; Nature: Char; SelectAll: Boolean; var PrintIt: Boolean); {displays device and copy selection form for printing orders, and returns a record of the selections} var frmOrdersPrint: TfrmOrdersPrint; begin frmOrdersPrint := TfrmOrdersPrint.Create(Application); try frmFrame.CCOWBusy := True; ResizeFormToFont(TForm(frmOrdersPrint)); with frmOrdersPrint do begin FSelectAll := SelectAll; FPrintIt := False; FNature := Nature; if Nature = #0 then begin // cmdCancel.Caption := 'Cancel Print'; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 cmdCancel.Caption := DKLangConstW('fOrdersPrint_Cancel_Print'); //kt added 8/8/2007 // lblPart2.Text := 'Greyed out items are not available.'; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 lblPart2.Text := DKLangConstW('fOrdersPrint_Greyed_out_items_are_not_availablex'); //kt added 8/8/2007 end; OrderPrintDeviceInfo(OrderList, PrintParams, Nature); SetupControls(PrintParams); if (PrintParams.AnyPrompts) {or FSelectAll} then ShowModal; DeviceInfo := FDevices; PrintIt := FPrintIt; end; finally frmFrame.CCOWBusy := False; frmOrdersPrint.Release; end; end; procedure TfrmOrdersPrint.SetupControls(PrintParams: TPrintParams); begin with PrintParams do begin SetupPrompting(ckChartCopy , lstChartDevice, cmdChart , PromptForChartCopy , ChartCopyDevice); SetupPrompting(ckLabels , lstLabelDevice, cmdLabels, PromptForLabels , LabelDevice); SetupPrompting(ckRequisitions, lstReqDevice, cmdReqs , PromptForRequisitions, RequisitionDevice); SetupPrompting(ckWorkCopy , lstWorkDevice, cmdWork , PromptForWorkCopy , WorkCopyDevice); FDevices := lstChartDevice.ItemID + U + lstLabelDevice.ItemID + U + lstReqDevice.ItemID + U + lstWorkDevice.ItemID; FPrintIt := not (FDevices = '^^^'); end; end; procedure TfrmOrdersPrint.SetupPrompting(CheckBox: TCheckBox; DeviceList: TORListBox; ChangeButton: TORAlignButton; PromptParam: char; DeviceParam: string); { 0 - no prompts - copy is automatically generated. checkbox checked and disabled, device defaulted and button disabled 1 - prompt for copy and ask which printer should be used. checkbox unchecked and enabled, device defaulted and button enabled 2 - prompt for copy and automatically print to the printer defined in the XXXXX COPY PRINT DEVICE field. checkbox unchecked and enabled, device defaulted and button disabled * - don't print. checkbox unchecked and disabled, device empty and button disabled } begin case PromptParam of '0', #0: begin CheckBox.Checked := DeviceParam <> ''; CheckBox.Enabled := False; DeviceList.Clear; if DeviceParam <> '' then begin DeviceList.Items.Add(DeviceParam); DeviceList.Font.Color := clGrayText; DeviceList.ItemIndex := 0; CheckBox.Font.Style := CheckBox.Font.Style + [fsBold]; CheckBox.Font.Color := clInfoText; CheckBox.Color := clInfoBk; end else begin CheckBox.State := cbUnchecked; CheckBox.Enabled := False; end; ChangeButton.Enabled := False; end; '1': begin CheckBox.State := cbUnchecked; CheckBox.Enabled := True; DeviceList.Clear; if DeviceParam <> '' then DeviceList.Items.Add(DeviceParam); ChangeButton.Enabled := False; end; '2': begin CheckBox.State := cbUnchecked; CheckBox.Enabled := True; DeviceList.Clear; if DeviceParam <> '' then DeviceList.Items.Add(DeviceParam) else begin CheckBox.State := cbUnchecked; CheckBox.Enabled := False; end; ChangeButton.Enabled := False; end; '*': begin CheckBox.State := cbUnchecked; CheckBox.Enabled := False; DeviceList.Clear; ChangeButton.Enabled := False; end; end; end; procedure TfrmOrdersPrint.cmdChartClick(Sender: TObject); var x: string; begin x := SelectDevice(Self, Encounter.Location, NO_WIN_PRINT,''); if x <> '' then with lstChartDevice do begin Clear; Items.Add(x); end; end; procedure TfrmOrdersPrint.cmdLabelsClick(Sender: TObject); var x: string; begin x := SelectDevice(Self, Encounter.Location, NO_WIN_PRINT,''); if x <> '' then with lstLabelDevice do begin Clear; Items.Add(x); end; end; procedure TfrmOrdersPrint.cmdReqsClick(Sender: TObject); var x: string; begin x := SelectDevice(Self, Encounter.Location, NO_WIN_PRINT,''); if x <> '' then with lstReqDevice do begin Clear; Items.Add(x); end; end; procedure TfrmOrdersPrint.cmdWorkClick(Sender: TObject); var x: string; begin x := SelectDevice(Self, Encounter.Location, NO_WIN_PRINT,''); if x <> '' then with lstWorkDevice do begin Clear; Items.Add(x); end; end; procedure TfrmOrdersPrint.cmdOKClick(Sender: TObject); //const //TX_NO_SELECTION = 'No copies were selected for printing. Check a copy type, or Cancel.'; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 //TX_NO_SELECTION_CAP = 'Nothing Selected!'; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 var TX_NO_SELECTION : string; //kt TX_NO_SELECTION_CAP : string; //kt begin TX_NO_SELECTION := DKLangConstW('fOrdersPrint_No_copies_were_selected_for_printingx__Check_a_copy_typex_or_Cancelx'); //kt added 8/8/2007 TX_NO_SELECTION_CAP := DKLangConstW('fOrdersPrint_Nothing_Selectedx'); //kt added 8/8/2007 if not ckChartCopy.Checked then lstChartDevice.ItemIndex := -1 else lstChartDevice.ItemIndex := 0; if not ckLabels.Checked then lstLabelDevice.ItemIndex := -1 else lstLabelDevice.ItemIndex := 0; if not ckRequisitions.Checked then lstReqDevice.ItemIndex := -1 else lstReqDevice.ItemIndex := 0; if not ckWorkCopy.Checked then lstWorkDevice.ItemIndex := -1 else lstWorkDevice.ItemIndex := 0; FDevices := Piece(lstChartDevice.ItemID, ';', 1) + U + Piece(lstLabelDevice.ItemID, ';', 1) + U + Piece(lstReqDevice.ItemID, ';', 1) + U + Piece(lstWorkDevice.ItemID, ';', 1); if FDevices = '^^^' then begin FPrintIt := False; InfoBox(TX_NO_SELECTION, TX_NO_SELECTION_CAP, MB_OK) end else begin FPrintIt := True; Close; end; end; procedure TfrmOrdersPrint.cmdCancelClick(Sender: TObject); // Force autoprint of 'don't prompt' items, regardless of continue/cancel selection. begin if FNature = #0 then FDevices := '^^^' else with PrintParams do begin if (PromptForChartCopy = '0') or (PromptForChartCopy = #0) then begin if not ckChartCopy.Checked then lstChartDevice.ItemIndex := -1 else lstChartDevice.ItemIndex := 0; end else lstChartDevice.ItemIndex := -1; if (PromptForLabels = '0') or (PromptForLabels = #0) then begin if not ckLabels.Checked then lstLabelDevice.ItemIndex := -1 else lstLabelDevice.ItemIndex := 0; end else lstLabelDevice.ItemIndex := -1; if (PromptForRequisitions = '0') or (PromptForRequisitions = #0) then begin if not ckRequisitions.Checked then lstReqDevice.ItemIndex := -1 else lstReqDevice.ItemIndex := 0; end else lstReqDevice.ItemIndex := -1; if (PromptForWorkCopy = '0') or (PromptForWorkCopy = #0) then begin if not ckWorkCopy.Checked then lstWorkDevice.ItemIndex := -1 else lstWorkDevice.ItemIndex := 0; end else lstWorkDevice.ItemIndex := -1; FDevices := Piece(lstChartDevice.ItemID, ';', 1) + U + Piece(lstLabelDevice.ItemID, ';', 1) + U + Piece(lstReqDevice.ItemID, ';', 1) + U + Piece(lstWorkDevice.ItemID, ';', 1); end; FPrintIt := (FDevices <> '^^^'); Close; end; procedure TfrmOrdersPrint.ckChartCopyClick(Sender: TObject); begin cmdChart.Enabled := (ckChartCopy.Checked) and (PrintParams.PromptForChartCopy <> '2'); end; procedure TfrmOrdersPrint.ckLabelsClick(Sender: TObject); begin cmdLabels.Enabled := (ckLabels.Checked) and (PrintParams.PromptForLabels <> '2'); end; procedure TfrmOrdersPrint.ckRequisitionsClick(Sender: TObject); begin cmdReqs.Enabled := (ckRequisitions.Checked) and (PrintParams.PromptForRequisitions <> '2'); end; procedure TfrmOrdersPrint.ckWorkCopyClick(Sender: TObject); begin cmdWork.Enabled := (ckWorkCopy.Checked) and (PrintParams.PromptForWorkCopy <> '2'); end; procedure TfrmOrdersPrint.DeviceListClick(Sender: TObject); begin TORListBox(Sender).ItemIndex := -1; end; procedure TfrmOrdersPrint.FormKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if Key = VK_ESCAPE then begin Key := 0; Close; end; end; end.