//kt -- Modified with SourceScanner on 8/8/2007 unit rODAllergy; {$O-} interface uses SysUtils, Classes, ORNet, ORFn, rCore, uCore, TRPCB, dialogs, rMisc ,DkLang //kt ; type TAllergyRec = record Changed: boolean; IEN: Integer; CausativeAgent: string; AllergyType: string; NatureOfReaction: string; SignsSymptoms: TStringList; Originator: int64; OriginatorName: string; Originated: TFMDateTime; Comments: TStringList; IDBandMarked: TStringList; ChartMarked: TStringList; Verifier: int64; VerifierName: string; Verified: boolean; VerifiedDateTime: TFMDateTime; EnteredInError: boolean; DateEnteredInError: TFMDateTime; UserEnteringInError: int64; ErrorComments: TStringList; Observed_Historical: string; Observations: TStringList; ReactionDate: TFMDateTime; Severity: string; NoKnownAllergies: Boolean; NewComments: TStringList; end; TARTPatchInstalled = record PatchInstalled: boolean; PatchChecked: boolean; end; TGMRASiteParams = record MarkIDBandFlag: Boolean; OriginatorCommentsRequired: Boolean; ErrorCommentsEnabled: Boolean; ParamsSet: Boolean; end; TARTClinUser = record IsClinUser: boolean; ReasonFailed: string; AccessChecked: boolean; end; function SearchForAllergies(StringToMatch: string): TStrings; function SubsetofSymptoms(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings; function ODForAllergies: TStrings; function GetCWADInfo(const DFN: string): string; function SaveAllergy(EditRec: TAllergyRec): string; function LoadAllergyForEdit(AllergyIEN: integer): TAllergyRec; function SendARTBulletin(AFreeTextEntry: string; AComment: TStringList): string; function RPCEnterNKAForPatient: string; // site parameter functions function ARTPatchInstalled: boolean; function GetSiteParams: TGMRASiteParams; function MarkIDBand: boolean; function RequireOriginatorComments: boolean; function EnableErrorComments: boolean; function IsARTClinicalUser(var AMessage: string): boolean; implementation const NO_YES: array[Boolean] of string = ('NO', 'YES'); var uARTPatchInstalled: TARTPatchInstalled; uGMRASiteParams: TGMRASiteParams; uARTClinUser: TARTClinUser; function ODForAllergies: TStrings; begin CallV('ORWDAL32 DEF',[nil]); Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end; function SearchForAllergies(StringToMatch: string): TStrings; begin CallV('ORWDAL32 ALLERGY MATCH',[StringToMatch]); Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end; function SubsetofSymptoms(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings; begin Callv('ORWDAL32 SYMPTOMS',[StartFrom, Direction]); Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end; function GetCWADInfo(const DFN: string): string; begin Result := sCallV('ORWPT CWAD',[DFN]); end; function LoadAllergyForEdit(AllergyIEN: integer): TAllergyRec; var Dest: TStringList; EditRec: TAllergyRec; x: string; begin Dest := TStringList.Create; try tCallV(Dest, 'ORWDAL32 LOAD FOR EDIT', [AllergyIEN]) ; if Piece(RPCBrokerV.Results[0], U, 1) <> '-1' then begin with EditRec do begin Changed := False; IEN := AllergyIEN; CausativeAgent := ExtractDefault(Dest, 'CAUSATIVE AGENT'); AllergyType := ExtractDefault(Dest, 'ALLERGY TYPE'); NatureOfReaction := ExtractDefault(Dest, 'NATURE OF REACTION'); SignsSymptoms := TStringList.Create; ExtractItems(SignsSymptoms, Dest, 'SIGN/SYMPTOMS'); MixedCaseByPiece(SignsSymptoms, U, 4); x := ExtractDefault(Dest, 'ORIGINATOR'); Originator := StrToInt64Def(Piece(x, U, 1), 0); OriginatorName := Piece(x, U, 2); Originated := StrToFMDateTime(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'ORIGINATED')); Comments := TStringList.Create; ExtractText(Comments, Dest, 'COMMENTS'); IDBandMarked := TStringList.Create; ExtractItems(IDBandMarked, Dest, 'ID BAND MARKED'); ChartMarked := TStringList.Create; ExtractItems(ChartMarked, Dest, 'CHART MARKED'); //x := ExtractDefault(Dest, 'VERIFIER'); //Verifier := StrToInt64Def(Piece(x, U, 1), 0); //VerifierName := Piece(x, U, 2); //x := ExtractDefault(Dest, 'VERIFIED'); //Verified := Piece(x, U, 1) = 'YES'; //if Verified then // VerifiedDateTime := StrToFMDateTime(Piece(x, U, 2)); x := ExtractDefault(Dest, 'ENTERED IN ERROR'); EnteredInError := Piece(x, U, 1) = 'YES'; DateEnteredInError := StrToFloatDef(Piece(x, U, 2), 0); UserEnteringInError := StrToInt64Def(Piece(x, U, 3), 0); ErrorComments := TStringList.Create; Observed_Historical := ExtractDefault(Dest, 'OBS/HIST'); Observations := TStringList.Create; ExtractText(Observations, Dest, 'OBSERVATIONS'); //ReactionDate := StrToFMDateTime(Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'REACTDT'), U, 3)); //Severity := Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'SEVERITY'), U, 3); NoKnownAllergies := (StrToIntDef(Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'NKA'), U, 3), 0) > 0); NewComments := TStringList.Create; end; end else EditRec.IEN := -1; Result := EditRec; finally Dest.Free; end; end; function SaveAllergy(EditRec: TAllergyRec): string; var i: integer; begin with RPCBrokerV, EditRec do begin ClearParameters := True; RemoteProcedure := 'ORWDAL32 SAVE ALLERGY'; Param[0].PType := literal; Param[0].Value := IntToStr(IEN); Param[1].PType := literal; Param[1].Value := Patient.DFN; Param[2].PType := list; with Param[2] do begin if NoKnownAllergies then Mult['"GMRANKA"'] := NO_YES[NoKnownAllergies]; if CausativeAgent <> '' then Mult['"GMRAGNT"'] := CausativeAgent; if AllergyType <> '' then Mult['"GMRATYPE"'] := AllergyType ; if NatureOfReaction <> '' then Mult['"GMRANATR"'] := NatureOfReaction ; if Originator > 0 then Mult['"GMRAORIG"'] := IntToStr(Originator); if Originated > 0 then Mult['"GMRAORDT"'] := FloatToStr(Originated); with SignsSymptoms do if Count > 0 then begin Mult['"GMRASYMP",0'] := IntToStr(Count); for i := 0 to Count - 1 do Mult['"GMRASYMP",' + IntToStr(i+1)] := Pieces(Strings[i], U, 1, 5); end; //if Verified then // Mult['"GMRAVER"'] := NO_YES[Verified]; //if Verifier > 0 then // Mult['"GMRAVERF"'] := IntToStr(Verifier); //if VerifiedDateTime > 0 then // Mult['"GMRAVERD"'] := FloatToStr(VerifiedDateTime); if EnteredInError then begin Mult['"GMRAERR"'] := NO_YES[EnteredInError]; Mult['"GMRAERRBY"'] := IntToStr(UserEnteringInError); Mult['"GMRAERRDT"'] := FloatToStr(DateEnteredInError); with ErrorComments do if Count > 0 then begin Mult['"GMRAERRCMTS",0'] := IntToStr(Count); for i := 0 to Count - 1 do Mult['"GMRAERRCMTS",' + IntToStr(i+1)] := Strings[i]; end; end ; with ChartMarked do if Count > 0 then begin Mult['"GMRACHT",0'] := IntToStr(Count); for i := 0 to Count - 1 do Mult['"GMRACHT",' + IntToStr(i+1)] := Strings[i]; end; with IDBandMarked do if Count > 0 then begin Mult['"GMRAIDBN",0'] := IntToStr(Count); for i := 0 to Count - 1 do Mult['"GMRAIDBN",' + IntToStr(i+1)] := Strings[i]; end; if Length(Observed_Historical) > 0 then Mult['"GMRAOBHX"'] := Observed_Historical; if ReactionDate > 0 then Mult['"GMRARDT"'] := FloatToStr(ReactionDate); if Length(Severity) > 0 then Mult['"GMRASEVR"'] := Severity; with NewComments do if Count > 0 then begin Mult['"GMRACMTS",0'] := IntToStr(Count); for i := 0 to Count - 1 do Mult['"GMRACMTS",' + IntToStr(i+1)] := Strings[i]; end; end; CallBroker; Result := Results[0]; end; end; function RPCEnterNKAForPatient: string; begin with RPCBrokerV do begin ClearParameters := True; RemoteProcedure := 'ORWDAL32 SAVE ALLERGY'; Param[0].PType := literal; Param[0].Value := '0'; Param[1].PType := literal; Param[1].Value := Patient.DFN; Param[2].PType := list; with Param[2] do Mult['"GMRANKA"'] := 'YES'; CallBroker; Result := Results[0]; end; end; function SendARTBulletin(AFreeTextEntry: string; AComment: TStringList): string; var i: integer; begin with RPCBrokerV do begin ClearParameters := True; RemoteProcedure := 'ORWDAL32 SEND BULLETIN'; Param[0].PType := literal; Param[0].Value := User.DUZ; Param[1].PType := literal; Param[1].Value := Patient.DFN; Param[2].PType := literal; Param[2].Value := AFreeTextEntry; if AComment.Count > 0 then with Param[3] do begin PType := list; for i := 0 to AComment.Count - 1 do Mult[IntToStr(Succ(i)) + ',0'] := AComment[i]; Mult['0'] := '^^' + IntToStr(AComment.Count); end; CallBroker; Result := Results[0]; end; end; // Site parameter functions function ARTPatchInstalled: boolean; begin with uARTPatchInstalled do if not PatchChecked then begin PatchInstalled := ServerHasPatch('GMRA*4.0*21'); PatchChecked := True; end; Result := uARTPatchInstalled.PatchInstalled; end; function GetSiteParams: TGMRASiteParams; var x: string; begin with uGMRASiteParams do if not ParamsSet then begin x := sCallV('ORWDAL32 SITE PARAMS', [nil]); MarkIDBandFlag := (Piece(x, U, 5) <> '0'); OriginatorCommentsRequired := (Piece(x, U, 4) = '1'); ErrorCommentsEnabled := (Piece(x, U, 11) = '1'); ParamsSet := True; end; Result := uGMRASiteParams; end; function MarkIDBand: boolean; begin Result := GetSiteParams.MarkIDBandFlag; end; function RequireOriginatorComments: boolean; begin Result := GetSiteParams.OriginatorCommentsRequired; end; function EnableErrorComments: boolean; begin Result := GetSiteParams.ErrorCommentsEnabled; end; (*function IsARTClinicalUser(var AMessage: string): boolean; const TX_NO_AUTH = 'You are not authorized to perform this action.' + CRLF + 'Either the ORES or ORELSE key is required.'; begin Result := (User.UserClass > UC_CLERK); // User has ORES or ORELSE key if not Result then AMessage := TX_NO_AUTH else AMessage := ''; end;*) function IsARTClinicalUser(var AMessage: string): boolean; //const //TX_NO_AUTH = 'You are not authorized to perform this action.' + CRLF; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 var x: string; TX_NO_AUTH : string; //kt begin TX_NO_AUTH := DKLangConstW('rODAllergy_You_are_not_authorized_to_perform_this_actionx') + CRLF; with uARTClinUser do begin if not AccessChecked then begin x := sCallV('ORWDAL32 CLINUSER',[nil]); IsClinUser := (Piece(x, U, 1) = '1'); if not IsClinUser then ReasonFailed := TX_NO_AUTH + Piece(x, U, 2) else ReasonFailed := ''; AccessChecked := True; end; Result := IsClinUser; AMessage := ReasonFailed ; end; end; end.