| 1 | //kt -- Modified with SourceScanner on 8/8/2007
| 2 | unit rODDiet;
| 3 |
| 4 | interface
| 5 |
| 6 | uses SysUtils, Windows, Classes, ORNet, ORFn, uCore, uConst, rOrders;
| 7 |
| 8 | type
| 9 | TOutpatientPatchInstalled = record
| 10 | PatchInstalled: boolean;
| 11 | PatchChecked: boolean;
| 12 | end;
| 13 |
| 14 | TUserHasFHAUTHKey = record
| 15 | UserHasKey: boolean;
| 16 | KeyChecked: boolean;
| 17 | end;
| 18 |
| 19 | TDietParams = record
| 20 | Tray: Boolean;
| 21 | Cafeteria: Boolean;
| 22 | DiningRm: Boolean;
| 23 | Bagged: Boolean;
| 24 | RegIEN: Integer;
| 25 | NPOIEN: Integer;
| 26 | EarlyIEN: string;
| 27 | LateIEN: string;
| 28 | CurTF: string;
| 29 | BTimes: string;
| 30 | NTimes: string;
| 31 | ETimes: string;
| 32 | Alarms: string;
| 33 | OPMaxDays: integer;
| 34 | OPDefaultDiet: integer;
| 35 | end;
| 36 |
| 37 | function CurrentDietText: string;
| 38 | function DietAttributes(OI: Integer): string;
| 39 | function ExpandedQuantity(Product, Strength: Integer; const Qty: string): string;
| 40 | procedure LoadDietParams(var DietParams: TDietParams; ALocation: string);
| 41 | procedure AppendTFProducts(Dest: TStrings);
| 42 | function SubSetOfDiets(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings;
| 43 | function SubSetOfOPDiets: TStrings;
| 44 | procedure OrderLateTray(NewOrder: TOrder; Meal: Char; const MealTime: string; Bagged: Boolean);
| 45 | function IsolationID: string;
| 46 | function CurrentIsolation: string;
| 47 | procedure LoadIsolations(Dest: TStrings);
| 48 | procedure LoadDietQuickList(Dest: TStrings; const GroupID: string);
| 49 | function DietDialogType(GroupIEN: Integer): Char;
| 50 | function OutpatientPatchInstalled: boolean;
| 51 | function UserHasFHAUTHKey: boolean;
| 52 | procedure GetCurrentRecurringOPMeals(Dest: TStrings; MealType: string = '');
| 53 | function OutpatientLocationConfigured(ALocation: string): boolean;
| 54 |
| 55 |
| 56 | implementation
| 57 |
| 58 | uses TRPCB, rMisc, rCore;
| 59 |
| 60 | var
| 61 | uOutpatientPatchInstalled: TOutpatientPatchInstalled;
| 62 | uUserHasFHAUTHKey: TUserHasFHAUTHKey;
| 63 |
| 64 | function DietAttributes(OI: Integer): string;
| 65 | begin
| 66 | CallV('ORWDFH ATTR', [OI]);
| 67 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results[0];
| 68 | end;
| 69 |
| 70 | procedure LoadDietParams(var DietParams: TDietParams; ALocation: string);
| 71 | begin
| 72 | CallV('ORWDFH PARAM', [Patient.DFN, ALocation]);
| 73 | with RPCBrokerV, DietParams do
| 74 | begin
| 75 | if Results.Count > 0 then
| 76 | begin
| 77 | BTimes := Pieces(Results[0], U, 1, 6);
| 78 | NTimes := Pieces(Results[0], U, 7, 12);
| 79 | ETimes := Pieces(Results[0], U, 13, 18);
| 80 | end;
| 81 | if Results.Count > 1 then
| 82 | begin
| 83 | Alarms := Pieces(Results[1], U, 1, 6);
| 84 | Bagged := Piece(Results[1], U, 10) = 'Y';
| 85 | end;
| 86 | if Results.Count > 2 then
| 87 | begin
| 88 | Tray := Pos('T', Results[2]) > 0;
| 89 | Cafeteria := Pos('C', Results[2]) > 0;
| 90 | DiningRm := Pos('D', Results[2]) > 0;
| 91 | RegIEN := StrToIntDef(Piece(Results[2], U, 2), 0);
| 92 | NPOIEN := StrToIntDef(Piece(Results[2], U, 3), 0);
| 93 | EarlyIEN := Piece(Results[2], U, 4);
| 94 | LateIEN := Piece(Results[2], U, 5);
| 95 | CurTF := Piece(Results[2], U, 6);
| 96 | end;
| 97 | if (not Tray) and (not Cafeteria) and (not DiningRm) then Tray := True;
| 98 | if Results.Count > 3 then
| 99 | OPMaxDays := StrToIntDef(Results[3], 30)
| 100 | else
| 101 | OPMaxDays := 30;
| 102 | if Results.Count > 4 then
| 103 | OPDefaultDiet := StrToIntDef(Results[4], 0)
| 104 | end;
| 105 | end;
| 106 |
| 107 | function CurrentDietText: string;
| 108 | begin
| 109 | CallV('ORWDFH TXT', [Patient.DFN]);
| 110 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results.Text;
| 111 | end;
| 112 |
| 113 | function CurrentTFText(const IENStr: string): string;
| 114 | begin
| 115 | end;
| 116 |
| 117 | procedure AppendTFProducts(Dest: TStrings);
| 118 | begin
| 119 | CallV('ORWDFH TFPROD', [nil]);
| 120 | Dest.AddStrings(RPCBrokerV.Results);
| 121 | end;
| 122 |
| 123 | function ExpandedQuantity(Product, Strength: Integer; const Qty: string): string;
| 124 | begin
| 125 | Result := '';
| 126 | if (Product = 0) or (Strength = 0) or (Length(Qty) = 0) then Exit;
| 127 | Result := sCallV('ORWDFH QTY2CC', [Product, Strength, Qty]);
| 128 | end;
| 129 |
| 130 | function SubSetOfDiets(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings;
| 131 | { returns a pointer to a list of orderable items matching an S.xxx cross reference (for use in
| 132 | a long list box) - The return value is a pointer to RPCBrokerV.Results, so the data must
| 133 | be used BEFORE the next broker call! }
| 134 | begin
| 135 | CallV('ORWDFH DIETS', [StartFrom, Direction]);
| 136 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
| 137 | end;
| 138 |
| 139 | function SubSetOfOPDiets: TStrings;
| 140 | begin
| 141 | CallV('ORWDFH OPDIETS', [nil]);
| 142 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
| 143 | end;
| 144 |
| 145 | procedure OrderLateTray(NewOrder: TOrder; Meal: Char; const MealTime: string; Bagged: Boolean);
| 146 | begin
| 147 | CallV('ORWDFH ADDLATE', [Patient.DFN, Encounter.Provider, Encounter.Location, Meal, MealTime, Bagged]);
| 148 | SetOrderFromResults(NewOrder);
| 149 | end;
| 150 |
| 151 | function IsolationID: string;
| 152 | begin
| 153 | Result := sCallV('ORWDFH ISOIEN', [nil]);
| 154 | end;
| 155 |
| 156 | function CurrentIsolation: string;
| 157 | begin
| 158 | Result := sCallV('ORWDFH CURISO', [Patient.DFN]);
| 159 | end;
| 160 |
| 161 | procedure LoadIsolations(Dest: TStrings);
| 162 | begin
| 163 | CallV('ORWDFH ISOLIST', [nil]);
| 164 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
| 165 | end;
| 166 |
| 167 | procedure LoadDietQuickList(Dest: TStrings; const GroupID: string);
| 168 | begin
| 169 | CallV('ORWDXQ GETQLST', [GroupID, 'Q']);
| 170 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
| 171 | end;
| 172 |
| 173 | function DietDialogType(GroupIEN: Integer): Char;
| 174 | begin
| 175 | Result := CharAt(sCallV('ORWDFH FINDTYP', [GroupIEN]), 1);
| 176 | if not (Result in ['A', 'D', 'E', 'N', 'P', 'T', 'M']) then Result := 'D';
| 177 | end;
| 178 |
| 179 | function OutpatientPatchInstalled: boolean;
| 180 | begin
| 181 | with uOutpatientPatchInstalled do
| 182 | if not PatchChecked then
| 183 | begin
| 184 | //PatchInstalled := True;
| 185 | { TODO -oRich V. -cOutpatient Meals : Uncomment when available }
| 186 | PatchInstalled := (PackageVersion('FH') >= '5.5');
| 187 | PatchChecked := True;
| 188 | end;
| 189 | Result := uOutpatientPatchInstalled.PatchInstalled;
| 190 | end;
| 191 |
| 192 | function UserHasFHAUTHKey: boolean;
| 193 | begin
| 194 | with uUserHasFHAUTHKey do
| 195 | if not KeyChecked then
| 196 | begin
| 197 | UserHasKey := HasSecurityKey('FHAUTH');
| 198 | KeyChecked := True;
| 199 | end;
| 200 | Result := uUserHasFHAUTHKey.UserHasKey;
| 201 | end;
| 202 |
| 203 | procedure GetCurrentRecurringOPMeals(Dest: TStrings; MealType: string = '');
| 204 | begin
| 205 | CallV('ORWDFH CURRENT MEALS', [Patient.DFN, MealType]);
| 206 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
| 207 | MixedCaseList(Dest);
| 208 | end;
| 209 |
| 210 | function OutpatientLocationConfigured(ALocation: string): boolean;
| 211 | begin
| 212 | Result := (sCallV('ORWDFH NFSLOC READY', [ALocation]) = '1');
| 213 | end;
| 214 |
| 215 | end.