//kt -- Modified with SourceScanner on 8/8/2007 unit uODBase; interface uses Classes, ORFn, uConst; { Order Checking } function AddFillerAppID(const AnID: string): Boolean; procedure ClearFillerAppList; { Ordering Environment } procedure SetOrderFormIDOnCreate(AFormID: Integer); function OrderFormIDOnCreate: Integer; procedure SetOrderEventTypeOnCreate(AType: Char); function OrderEventTypeOnCreate: Char; procedure SetOrderEventIDOnCreate(AnEvtID: integer); function OrderEventIDOnCreate: integer; procedure SetOrderEventNameOnCreate(AnEvtNm: string); function OrderEventNameOnCreate: string; function GetKeyVars: string; procedure PopKeyVars(NumLevels: Integer = 1); procedure PushKeyVars(const NewVals: string); procedure ExpandOrderObjects(var Txt: string; var ContainsObjects: boolean; msg: string = ''); implementation uses dShared, Windows, rTemplates, DKLang //kt ; var uOrderEventType: Char; uOrderEventID: Integer; uOrderEventName: string; uOrderFormID: Integer; uFillerAppID: TStringList; uKeyVarList: TStringList; { Order Checking } function AddFillerAppID(const AnID: string): Boolean; begin Result := False; if uFillerAppID.IndexOf(AnID) < 0 then begin Result := True; uFillerAppID.Add(AnID); end; end; procedure ClearFillerAppList; begin uFillerAppID.Clear; end; { Ordering Environment } procedure SetOrderFormIDOnCreate(AFormID: Integer); begin uOrderFormID := AFormID; end; function OrderFormIDOnCreate: Integer; begin Result := uOrderFormID; end; procedure SetOrderEventTypeOnCreate(AType: Char); begin uOrderEventType := AType; end; function OrderEventTypeOnCreate: Char; begin Result := uOrderEventType; end; procedure SetOrderEventIDOnCreate(AnEvtID: Integer); begin uOrderEventID := AnEvtID; end; procedure SetOrderEventNameOnCreate(AnEvtNm: string); begin uOrderEventName := AnEvtNm; end; function OrderEventNameOnCreate: string; begin Result := uOrderEventName; end; function OrderEventIDOnCreate: integer; begin Result := uOrderEventID; end; function GetKeyVars: string; begin Result := ''; with uKeyVarList do if Count > 0 then Result := Strings[Count - 1]; end; procedure PopKeyVars(NumLevels: Integer = 1); begin with uKeyVarList do while (NumLevels > 0) and (Count > 0) do begin Delete(Count - 1); Dec(NumLevels); end; end; procedure PushKeyVars(const NewVals: string); var i: Integer; x: string; begin if uKeyVarList.Count > 0 then x := uKeyVarList[uKeyVarList.Count - 1] else x := ''; for i := 1 to MAX_KEYVARS do if Piece(NewVals, U, i) <> '' then SetPiece(x, U, i, Piece(NewVals, U, i)); uKeyVarList.Add(x); end; procedure ExpandOrderObjects(var Txt: string; var ContainsObjects: boolean; msg: string = ''); var ObjList: TStringList; Err: TStringList; i, j, k, oLen: integer; obj, ObjTxt: string; const CRDelim = #13; //TC_BOILER_ERR = 'Order Boilerplate Object Error'; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 //TX_BOILER_ERR = 'Contact IRM and inform them about this error.' + CRLF + <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 // 'Make sure you give them the name of the quick' + CRLF + <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 // 'order that you are processing.' ; <-- original line. //kt 8/8/2007 var //kt added TC_BOILER_ERR : string; //kt added TX_BOILER_ERR : string; //kt added begin TC_BOILER_ERR := DKLangConstW('uODBase_Order_Boilerplate_Object_Error'); //kt added 8/8/2007 TX_BOILER_ERR := DKLangConstW('uODBase_Contact_IRM_and_inform_them_about_this_errorx') + CRLF + //kt added 8/8/2007 DKLangConstW('uODBase_Make_sure_you_give_them_the_name_of_the_quick') + CRLF + //kt added 8/8/2007 DKLangConstW('uODBase_order_that_you_are_processingx') ; //kt added 8/8/2007 ObjList := TStringList.Create; try Err := nil; if(not dmodShared.BoilerplateOK(Txt, CRDelim, ObjList, Err)) and (assigned(Err)) then begin try Err.Add(CRLF + TX_BOILER_ERR); InfoBox(Err.Text, TC_BOILER_ERR, MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR); finally Err.Free; end; end; if(ObjList.Count > 0) then begin ContainsObjects := True; GetTemplateText(ObjList); i := 0; while (i < ObjList.Count) do begin if(pos(ObjMarker, ObjList[i]) = 1) then begin obj := copy(ObjList[i], ObjMarkerLen+1, MaxInt); if(obj = '') then break; j := i + 1; while (j < ObjList.Count) and (pos(ObjMarker, ObjList[j]) = 0) do inc(j); if((j - i) > 2) then begin ObjTxt := ''; for k := i+1 to j-1 do ObjTxt := ObjTxt + #13 + ObjList[k]; end else ObjTxt := ObjList[i+1]; i := j; obj := '|' + obj + '|'; oLen := length(obj); repeat j := pos(obj, Txt); if(j > 0) then begin delete(Txt, j, OLen); insert(ObjTxt, Txt, j); end; until(j = 0); end else inc(i); end end; finally ObjList.Free; end; end; initialization uOrderEventType := #0; uOrderFormID := 0; uOrderEventName := ''; uFillerAppID := TStringList.Create; uKeyVarList := TStringList.Create; finalization uFillerAppID.Free; uKeyVarList.Free; end.