//************************************************************** // * // Ewb_Editors * // For Delphi * // * // For Delphi 5, 6, 7, 2005, 2006 * // by * // bsalsa - Eran Bodankin - bsalsa@gmail.com * // * // * // Updated versions: * // http://www.bsalsa.com * //************************************************************** {*******************************************************************************} {LICENSE: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED TO YOU "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE APPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. YOU ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE ACCURACY AND THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE AND ALL OTHER RISK ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION. BSALSA PRODUCTIONS DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE SOFTWARE IS ERROR-FREE OR WILL OPERATE WITHOUT INTERRUPTION. THE SOFTWARE IS NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED OR LICENSED FOR USE IN HAZARDOUS ENVIRONMENTS REQUIRING FAIL-SAFE CONTROLS, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE OR OPERATION OF NUCLEAR FACILITIES, AIRCRAFT NAVIGATION OR COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL, AND LIFE SUPPORT OR WEAPONS SYSTEMS. BSALSA PRODUCTIONS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR SUCH PURPOSE. You may use, change or modify the component under 3 conditions: 1. In your website, add a link to "http://www.bsalsa.com" 2. In your application, add credits to "Embedded Web Browser" 3. Mail me (bsalsa@gmail.com) any code change in the unit for the benefit of the other users. 4. Please consider donation in our web site! {*******************************************************************************} //$Id: EwbEditors.pas,v 2006/12/10 18:43:49 sergev Exp $ unit EwbEditors; interface {$I EWB.inc} uses {$IFDEF DELPHI6_UP}DesignEditors, DesignIntf, StrEdit{$ELSE}DsgnIntf{$ENDIF} , Classes; type TEwbCompEditor = class(TComponentEditor) public procedure ExecuteVerb(Idx: integer); override; function GetVerb(Idx: integer): string; override; function GetVerbCount: integer; override; end; TBFFEditor = class(TComponentEditor) public procedure ExecuteVerb(Idx: integer); override; function GetVerb(Idx: integer): string; override; function GetVerbCount: integer; override; end; TSaveFileDLG = class(TStringProperty) public procedure Edit; override; function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override; end; TSaveTextDLG = class(TStringProperty) public procedure Edit; override; function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override; end; TSaveHtmlDLG = class(TStringProperty) public procedure Edit; override; function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override; end; TOpenFileDLG = class(TStringProperty) public procedure Edit; override; function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override; end; TOpenHtmlDLG = class(TStringProperty) public procedure Edit; override; function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override; end; TBrowse4FolderDLG = class(TStringProperty) public procedure Edit; override; function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override; end; {$IFDEF DELPHI6_UP} TMultiStringProperty = class(TStringListProperty) private fStrings: TStringList; protected function GetStrings: TStrings; override; procedure SetStrings(const Value: TStrings); override; end; {$ENDIF} implementation uses Browse4Folder, TypInfo, ShellApi, Windows, Dialogs, SysUtils, IEConst, Forms, shlobj; //--Verb Delphi menu------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEwbCompEditor.ExecuteVerb(Idx: integer); begin case Idx of 0: ShellExecute(0, 'open', SITE_ADDRESS, nil, nil, SW_SHOW); end; end; function TEwbCompEditor.GetVerb(Idx: Integer): string; begin case Idx of 0: Result := 'Support: ' + SITE_ADDRESS; 1: Result := 'Package Version:' + VER_NUM; end; end; function TEwbCompEditor.GetVerbCount: integer; begin Result := 2; end; //---BuildIn Save Dialog for the components------------------------------------- procedure TSaveFileDLG.Edit; var SD: TSaveDialog; begin SD := TSaveDialog.Create(Application); try with SD do begin Filename := GetValue(); InitialDir := ExtractFilePath(FileName); Filter := '*.*'; HelpContext := 0; Options := Options + [ofShowHelp, ofEnableSizing]; if Execute then SetValue(FileName); end; finally SD.Free; end; end; function TSaveFileDLG.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; begin Result := [paDialog, paRevertable]; end; procedure TSaveHtmlDLG.Edit; var SD: TSaveDialog; begin SD := TSaveDialog.Create(Application); try with SD do begin Filename := GetValue(); InitialDir := ExtractFilePath(FileName); Filter := 'Html files|*.html|Htm files|*.htm'; HelpContext := 0; Options := Options + [ofShowHelp, ofEnableSizing]; if Execute then SetValue(FileName); end; finally SD.Free; end; end; function TSaveHtmlDLG.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; begin Result := [paDialog, paRevertable]; end; procedure TSaveTextDLG.Edit; var SD: TSaveDialog; begin SD := TSaveDialog.Create(Application); try with SD do begin Filename := GetValue(); InitialDir := ExtractFilePath(FileName); Filter := 'Text files|*.txt|Word files|*.doc'; HelpContext := 0; Options := Options + [ofShowHelp, ofEnableSizing]; if Execute then SetValue(FileName); end; finally SD.Free; end; end; function TSaveTextDLG.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; begin Result := [paDialog, paRevertable]; end; //---BuildIn Open Dialog for the components------------------------------------- procedure TOpenFileDLG.Edit; var OD: TOpenDialog; begin OD := TOpenDialog.Create(Application); try with OD do begin Filename := GetValue(); InitialDir := ExtractFilePath(FileName); Filter := '*.*'; HelpContext := 0; Options := Options + [ofShowHelp, ofEnableSizing]; if Execute then SetValue(FileName); end; finally OD.Free; end; end; function TOpenFileDLG.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; begin Result := [paDialog, paRevertable]; end; procedure TOpenHtmlDLG.Edit; var OD: TOpenDialog; begin OD := TOpenDialog.Create(Application); try with OD do begin Filename := GetValue(); InitialDir := ExtractFilePath(FileName); Filter := 'Html files|*.html|Htm files|*.htm'; HelpContext := 0; Options := Options + [ofShowHelp, ofEnableSizing]; if Execute then SetValue(FileName); end; finally OD.Free; end; end; function TOpenHtmlDLG.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; begin Result := [paDialog, paRevertable]; end; //---Browse For Folder---------------------------------------------------------- function TBrowse4FolderDLG.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; begin Result := [paDialog, paRevertable]; end; procedure TBrowse4FolderDLG.Edit; var BD: TBrowse4Folder; begin BD := TBrowse4Folder.Create(Application); try with BD do begin Filename := GetValue(); InitialDir := ExtractFilePath(FileName); if Execute then SetValue(FileName); end; finally BD.Free; end; end; procedure TBFFEditor.ExecuteVerb(Idx: integer); var BD: TBrowse4Folder; begin case Idx of 0: begin BD := TBrowse4Folder.Create(Application); try with BD do begin InitialDir := ExtractFilePath(FileName); Execute; end; finally BD.Free; end; end; end; end; function TBFFEditor.GetVerb(Idx: Integer): string; begin case Idx of 0: Result := 'Support: ' + SITE_ADDRESS; 1: Result := 'Package Version:' + VER_NUM; end; end; function TBFFEditor.GetVerbCount: integer; begin Result := 2; end; {$IFDEF DELPHI6_UP} { TMultiStringProperty } function TMultiStringProperty.GetStrings: TStrings; begin if fStrings = nil then fStrings := TStringList.Create; fStrings.Text := GetStrValue; Result := fStrings; end; procedure TMultiStringProperty.SetStrings(const Value: TStrings); begin SetStrValue(Value.Text); end; {$ENDIF} end.