[541] | 1 | unit TMGHTML2;
| 2 |
| 3 | (*
| 4 | NOTES: By Kevin Toppenberg, MD 5/27/09
| 5 |
| 6 | Code heavily modified from original code found at www.supermemo.com/source/
| 7 | Their notes (below) indicate that the code may be freely used.
| 8 | ---------------
| 9 | This unit encapsulates SHDocVw.dll and MSHTML.dll functionality by subclassing
| 10 | THtmlEditorBrowser object as THtmlEditor object
| 11 |
| 12 | THtmlEditor was designed for easy use of HTML display and editing capacity in
| 13 | SuperMemo 2002 for Windows developed by SuperMemo R&D in Fall 2001.
| 14 |
| 15 | SuperMemo 2002 implements HTML-based incremental reading in which extensive HTML
| 16 | support is vital.
| 17 |
| 18 | Pieces of this units can be used by anyone in other Delphi applications that make
| 19 | use of HTML WYSIWYG interfaces made open by Microsoft.
| 20 | *)
| 21 |
| 22 | (*
| 23 | NOTICE: Also Derived from EmbeddedED. See notes in that code block.
| 24 | *)
| 25 |
| 26 | interface
| 27 |
| 28 | uses SysUtils, WinTypes, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Menus,
| 29 | EmbeddedED,
| 30 | ActiveX, MSHTMLEvents, SHDocVw, {MSHTML,} MSHTML_EWB,
| 31 | AppEvnts, controls,
| 32 | IeConst,Messages,Classes,Forms,Graphics;
| 33 |
| 34 | type
| 35 | TSetFontMode = (sfAll,sfSize,sfColor,sfName,sfStyle,sfCharset);
| 36 |
| 37 | TRGBColor = record
| 38 | R : byte;
| 39 | G : byte;
| 40 | B : byte;
| 41 | end; {record}
| 42 |
| 43 | TMGColor = record
| 44 | case boolean of
| 45 | True: (Color : TColor);
| 46 | False: (RGBColor : TRGBColor);
| 47 | end; {record}
| 48 |
| 49 | type
| 50 | // THtmlObj=class(TWebBrowser)
| 51 | THtmlObj=class(TEmbeddedED)
| 52 | private
| 53 | CtrlToBeProcessed : boolean;
| 54 | ShiftToBeProcessed : boolean;
| 55 | CtrlReturnToBeProcessed: boolean;
| 56 | Modified: boolean;
| 57 | FOrigAppOnMessage : TMessageEvent;
| 58 | FApplication : TApplication;
| 59 | FActive : boolean;
| 60 | FEditable: boolean;
| 61 | ColorDialog: TColorDialog;
| 62 | AllowNextBlur : boolean;
| 63 | procedure SetMsgActive (Active : boolean);
| 64 | function GetHTMLText:string;
| 65 | procedure SetHTMLText(HTML:String);
| 66 | function GetText:string;
| 67 | procedure SetText(HTML:string);
| 68 | function GetEditableState : boolean;
| 69 | procedure SetEditableState (EditOn : boolean);
| 70 | procedure SetBackgroundColor(Color:TColor);
| 71 | function GetBackgroundColor : TColor;
| 72 | function ColorToMSHTMLStr(color : TColor) : string;
| 73 | function MSHTMLStrToColor(MSHTMLColor : string) : TColor;
| 74 | procedure SetTextForegroundColor(Color:TColor);
| 75 | function GetTextForegroundColor : TColor;
| 76 | procedure SetTextBackgroundColor(Color:TColor);
| 77 | function GetTextBackgroundColor : TColor;
| 78 | function GetFontSize : integer;
| 79 | procedure SetFontSize (Size : integer);
| 80 | function GetFontName : string;
| 81 | procedure SetFontName (Name : string);
| 82 | function GetSelText:string;
| 83 | procedure SetSelText (HTMLText : string);
| 84 | procedure ReassignKeyboardHandler(TurnOn : boolean);
| 85 | procedure GlobalMsgHandler(var Msg: TMsg; var Handled: Boolean);
| 86 | procedure HandleBlur(Sender: TObject);
| 87 | procedure SubMessageHandler(var Msg: TMessage); override;
| 88 | function SubFocusHandler(fGotFocus: BOOL): HResult; override;
| 89 | function GetActive : boolean;
| 90 | {end private}
| 91 | public
| 92 | {end public}
| 93 | PopupMenu: TPopupMenu;
| 94 | KeyStruck : boolean; // A VERY crude determiner as to if Modified.
| 95 | NextControl : TWinControl;
| 96 | PrevControl : TWinControl;
| 97 | constructor Create(Owner:TControl; Application : TApplication);
| 98 | destructor Destroy; override;
| 99 | procedure Clear;
| 100 | procedure ToggleBullet;
| 101 | procedure ToggleItalic;
| 102 | procedure ToggleBold;
| 103 | procedure ToggleNumbering;
| 104 | procedure ToggleUnderline;
| 105 | procedure ToggleSubscript;
| 106 | procedure ToggleSuperscript;
| 107 | procedure Indent;
| 108 | procedure Outdent;
| 109 | procedure AlignLeft;
| 110 | procedure AlignRight;
| 111 | procedure AlignCenter;
| 112 | procedure TextForeColorDialog;
| 113 | procedure TextBackColorDialog;
| 114 | procedure FontDialog;
| 115 | function SelStart:integer;
| 116 | function SelEnd:integer;
| 117 | function SelLength:integer;
| 118 | function GetTextRange:IHtmlTxtRange;
| 119 | procedure ReplaceSelection(HTML:string);
| 120 | procedure Loaded; Override;
| 121 | function GetTextLen : integer;
| 122 | function MoveCaretToEnd : boolean;
| 123 | function MoveCaretToPos(ScreenPos: TPoint) : HRESULT; //kt added
| 124 | procedure InsertTextAtCaret(Text : AnsiString); //Note: Text is NOT HTMLtext
| 125 | property HTMLText:string read GetHTMLText write SetHTMLText;
| 126 | property Text:string read GetText write SetText;
| 127 | //property Active : boolean read FActive write SetMsgActive;
| 128 | property Active : boolean read GetActive;
| 129 | property Editable : boolean read GetEditableState write SetEditableState;
| 130 | property BackgroundColor : TColor read GetBackgroundColor write SetBackgroundColor;
| 131 | property FontSize : integer read GetFontSize write SetFontSize;
| 132 | property FontName : string read GetFontName write SetFontName;
| 133 | property SelText : string read GetSelText write SetSelText;
| 134 | end;
| 135 |
| 136 | implementation
| 137 |
| 138 |
| 139 | uses
| 140 | WinProcs,Variants,Clipbrd, StrUtils, Math,
| 141 | Windows;
| 142 |
| 143 | const
| 144 | FontScale=3;
| 145 | MaxTextLength = 100;
| 146 | nl = #13#10;
| 147 |
| 148 | procedure EError(EText : string; E : Exception);
| 149 | begin
| 150 | MessageDlg(EText,mtError,[mbOK],0);
| 151 | end;
| 152 |
| 153 |
| 154 | constructor THtmlObj.Create(Owner:TControl; Application : TApplication);
| 155 | begin
| 156 | inherited Create(Owner); //Note: Owner should be a descendant of TControl;
| 157 | FApplication := Application;
| 158 | FOrigAppOnMessage := Application.OnMessage;
| 159 | OnBlur := HandleBlur;
| 160 | AllowNextBlur := false;
| 161 | KeyStruck := false;
| 162 | NextControl := nil;
| 163 | PrevControl := nil;
| 164 | end;
| 165 |
| 166 | destructor THtmlObj.Destroy;
| 167 | begin
| 168 | SetMsgActive(false); //Turns off local OnMessage handling
| 169 | inherited Destroy;
| 170 | end;
| 171 |
| 172 | procedure THtmlObj.SetMsgActive (Active : boolean);
| 173 | //NOTE: This object grabs the OnMessage for the entire application, so that
| 174 | // it can intercept the right-click. As a result, the object needs a
| 175 | // way that it can turn off this feature when it is covered up by other
| 176 | // windows application subwindows etc. This function provides this.
| 177 | begin
| 178 | FActive := Active;
| 179 | ReassignKeyboardHandler(FActive);
| 180 | end;
| 181 |
| 182 | procedure THtmlObj.SetHTMLText(Html : String);
| 183 | var //V : OleVariant;
| 184 | V2 : variant;
| 185 | body : IHTMLElement;
| 186 | status : string;
| 187 | temp : string;
| 188 | begin
| 189 | DocumentHTML := Html;
| 190 | exit; //kt
| 191 | (*
| 192 | try
| 193 | Stop;
| 194 | if Doc =nil then exit;
| 195 | body := Doc.body;
| 196 |
| 197 | if UpperCase(Doc.designMode) <> 'ON' then begin
| 198 | Doc.designMode := 'on';
| 199 | repeat //NOTE: potential endless loop. Perhaps loop only status='loading'?
| 200 | status := Doc.readyState;
| 201 | {Possible status values:
| 202 | uninitialized -- Object is not initialized with data.
| 203 | loading -- Object is loading its data.
| 204 | loaded -- Object has finished loading its data.
| 205 | interactive -- User can interact with the object even though it is not fully loaded.
| 206 | complete -- Object is completely initialized. }
| 207 | if status <> 'complete' then FApplication.ProcessMessages;
| 208 | until (status = 'complete') or (status='interactive') or (status='loaded');
| 209 | end;
| 210 | body := Doc.body;
| 211 | if (body = nil) then begin //Do so stuff to get IE to make a 'body'.
| 212 | V2 := VarArrayCreate([0, 0], VarVariant);
| 213 | V2[0] := ' '; //Html;
| 214 | Doc.Write(PSafeArray(System.TVarData(V2).VArray));
| 215 | body := Doc.body;
| 216 | Doc.close;
| 217 | repeat
| 218 | status := Doc.readyState; //For possible status values, see above)
| 219 | if status <> 'complete' then FApplication.ProcessMessages;
| 220 | until (status = 'complete') or (status='interactive') or (status='loaded');
| 221 | body := Doc.body;
| 222 | end;
| 223 | body.innerHTML := Html;
| 224 | temp := body.innerHTML; //to test if it was set or not...
| 225 | Modified:=true;
| 226 | except
| 227 | on E:Exception do EError('Error setting HTML text',E);
| 228 | end;
| 229 | *)
| 230 | end;
| 231 |
| 232 |
| 233 | function THtmlObj.GetHTMLText:string;
| 234 | var WS:WideString;
| 235 | ch:WideChar;
| 236 | n:integer;
| 237 | w:word;
| 238 | s:string;
| 239 | begin
| 240 | //Result:=DocumentHTML;
| 241 | Result:='';
| 242 | if Doc=nil then exit;
| 243 | WS:=Doc.body.innerHTML;
| 244 | for n:=1 to length(WS) do begin
| 245 | ch := WS[n];
| 246 | w := word(ch);
| 247 | if w>255 then begin
| 248 | s:=IntToStr(w);
| 249 | s:='&#'+s+';';
| 250 | end else s:=ch;
| 251 | Result:=Result+s;
| 252 | end;
| 253 | end;
| 254 |
| 255 | function THtmlObj.GetText:string;
| 256 | var WS:WideString;
| 257 | ch:WideChar;
| 258 | n:integer;
| 259 | w:word;
| 260 | s:string;
| 261 | begin
| 262 | Result:='';
| 263 | if DOC=nil then exit;
| 264 | WS:=Doc.body.innerText;
| 265 | for n:=1 to length(WS) do begin
| 266 | ch:=WS[n];
| 267 | w:=word(ch);
| 268 | if w>255 then begin
| 269 | w:=(w mod 256)+48;
| 270 | s:=IntToStr(w);
| 271 | s:=char(w);
| 272 | end else s:=ch;
| 273 | Result:=Result+s;
| 274 | end;
| 275 | end;
| 276 |
| 277 | procedure THtmlObj.SetText(HTML:string);
| 278 | begin
| 279 | if (DOC=nil)or(DOC.body=nil) then SetHTMLText(HTML)
| 280 | else DOC.body.innerHTML:=HTML;
| 281 | end;
| 282 |
| 283 | procedure THtmlObj.Clear;
| 284 | begin
| 285 | //kt if IsDirty then
| 286 | NewDocument;
| 287 | KeyStruck := false;
| 288 | //SetHTMLText('');
| 289 | end;
| 290 |
| 291 | function THtmlObj.GetEditableState : boolean;
| 292 | var mode : string;
| 293 | begin
| 294 | mode := Doc.designMode;
| 295 | result := (mode = 'On');
| 296 | end;
| 297 |
| 298 | procedure THtmlObj.SetEditableState(EditOn : boolean);
| 299 | var LastMode : string;
| 300 | count : integer;
| 301 | begin
| 302 | LastMode := 'Inherit';
| 303 | try
| 304 | count := 0;
| 305 | repeat
| 306 | inc (count);
| 307 | if Doc = nil then begin
| 308 | FApplication.ProcessMessages;
| 309 | Sleep (100);
| 310 | continue;
| 311 | end else if Doc.body = nil then begin
| 312 | FApplication.ProcessMessages;
| 313 | Sleep (100);
| 314 | continue;
| 315 | end;
| 316 | if EditOn then begin
| 317 | Doc.body.setAttribute('contentEditable','true',0);
| 318 | Doc.designMode := 'On'; //kt
| 319 | FEditable:=true;
| 320 | //SetFocus;
| 321 | end else begin
| 322 | Doc.body.setAttribute('contentEditable','false',0);
| 323 | Doc.designMode := 'Off'; //kt
| 324 | FEditable:=false;
| 325 | end;
| 326 | LastMode := Doc.designMode;
| 327 | until (LastMode <> 'Inherit') or (count > 20);
| 328 | except
| 329 | on E:Exception do EError('Error switching into HTML editing state',E);
| 330 | end;
| 331 | end;
| 332 |
| 333 | procedure THtmlObj.SetBackgroundColor(Color:TColor);
| 334 | begin
| 335 | if Doc=nil then exit;
| 336 | //WaitLoad(true); //kt
| 337 | WaitForDocComplete;
| 338 | if Doc.body=nil then exit;
| 339 | Doc.body.style.backgroundColor := ColorToMSHTMLStr(Color);
| 340 | end;
| 341 |
| 342 | function THtmlObj.GetBackgroundColor : TColor;
| 343 | begin
| 344 | Result := clBlack; //default;
| 345 | if Doc=nil then exit;
| 346 | if Doc.body=nil then exit;
| 347 | Result := MSHTMLStrToColor(Doc.body.style.backgroundColor);
| 348 | end;
| 349 |
| 350 | function THtmlObj.ColorToMSHTMLStr(color : TColor) : string;
| 351 | //Note: TColor stores colors lo-byte --> hi-byte as RGB
| 352 | //Function returns '#RRGGBB'
| 353 | var tempColor : TMGColor;
| 354 | begin
| 355 | tempColor.Color := color;
| 356 | Result := '#'+
| 357 | IntToHex(tempColor.RGBColor.R,2)+
| 358 | IntToHex(tempColor.RGBColor.G,2)+
| 359 | IntToHex(tempColor.RGBColor.B,2);
| 360 | end;
| 361 |
| 362 | function THtmlObj.MSHTMLStrToColor(MSHTMLColor : string) : TColor;
| 363 | //Function converts '#RRGGBB' -- TColor
| 364 | //Note: TColor stores colors lo-byte --> hi-byte as RGB
| 365 | var tempColor : TMGColor;
| 366 | strHexRed,strHexGreen,strHexBlue : string[2];
| 367 | begin
| 368 | Result := clBlack; //FIX!!!! IMPLEMENT LATER...
| 369 | if Pos('#',MSHTMLColor)=1 then begin
| 370 | // MSHTMLColor := MidStr(MSHTMLColor,2,99);
| 371 | strHexRed := MidStr(MSHTMLColor,2,2);
| 372 | strHexGreen := MidStr(MSHTMLColor,4,2);
| 373 | strHexBlue := MidStr(MSHTMLColor,6,2);
| 374 | tempColor.RGBColor.R := StrToIntDef('$'+StrHexRed,0);
| 375 | tempColor.RGBColor.G := StrToIntDef('$'+StrHexGreen,0);
| 376 | tempColor.RGBColor.B := StrToIntDef('$'+StrHexBlue,0);
| 377 | Result := tempColor.Color;
| 378 | //NOTE: This function has not yet been tested....
| 379 | end;
| 380 | end;
| 381 |
| 382 | procedure THtmlObj.ToggleBullet;
| 383 | begin
| 384 | if DOC=nil then exit;
| 385 | //SpecialCommand(IDM_UnORDERLIST,false,true,false,Null);
| 386 | DOC.execCommand('InsertUnorderedList',false,null);
| 387 | Modified:=true;
| 388 | end;
| 389 |
| 390 | procedure THtmlObj.ToggleItalic;
| 391 | begin
| 392 | if DOC=nil then exit;
| 393 | DOC.execCommand('Italic',false,null);
| 394 | Modified:=true;
| 395 | end;
| 396 |
| 397 | procedure THtmlObj.ToggleBold;
| 398 | begin
| 399 | if DOC=nil then exit;
| 400 | DOC.execCommand('Bold',false,null);
| 401 | Modified:=true;
| 402 | end;
| 403 |
| 404 | procedure THtmlObj.ToggleNumbering;
| 405 | begin
| 406 | if DOC=nil then exit;
| 407 | DOC.execCommand('InsertOrderedList',false,null);
| 408 | // SpecialCommand(IDM_ORDERLIST,false,true,false,Null);
| 409 | Modified:=true;
| 410 | end;
| 411 |
| 412 | procedure THtmlObj.ToggleUnderline;
| 413 | begin
| 414 | if DOC=nil then exit;
| 415 | DOC.execCommand('Underline',false,null);
| 416 | Modified:=true;
| 417 | end;
| 418 |
| 419 | procedure THtmlObj.ToggleSubscript;
| 420 | begin
| 421 | if DOC=nil then exit;
| 422 | DOC.execCommand('Subscript',False,0);
| 423 | Modified:=true;
| 424 | end;
| 425 |
| 426 | procedure THtmlObj.ToggleSuperscript;
| 427 | begin
| 428 | if DOC=nil then exit;
| 429 | DOC.execCommand('Superscript',False,0);
| 430 | Modified:=true;
| 431 | end;
| 432 |
| 433 |
| 434 | procedure THtmlObj.Indent;
| 435 | begin
| 436 | if DOC=nil then exit;
| 437 | DOC.ExecCommand('Indent',false,0);
| 438 | Modified:=true;
| 439 | end;
| 440 |
| 441 | procedure THtmlObj.Outdent;
| 442 | begin
| 443 | if DOC=nil then exit;
| 444 | DOC.ExecCommand('Outdent',false,0);
| 445 | Modified:=true;
| 446 | end;
| 447 |
| 448 |
| 449 | procedure THtmlObj.AlignLeft;
| 450 | begin
| 451 | if DOC=nil then exit;
| 452 | DOC.ExecCommand('JustifyLeft',false,0);
| 453 | Modified:=true;
| 454 | end;
| 455 |
| 456 | procedure THtmlObj.AlignRight;
| 457 | begin
| 458 | if DOC=nil then exit;
| 459 | DOC.ExecCommand('JustifyRight',false,0);
| 460 | Modified:=true;
| 461 | end;
| 462 |
| 463 | procedure THtmlObj.AlignCenter;
| 464 | begin
| 465 | if DOC=nil then exit;
| 466 | DOC.ExecCommand('JustifyCenter',false,0);
| 467 | Modified:=true;
| 468 | end;
| 469 |
| 470 | procedure THtmlObj.TextForeColorDialog;
| 471 | begin
| 472 | if ColorDialog = nil then begin
| 473 | ColorDialog := TColorDialog.Create(self);
| 474 | end;
| 475 | if ColorDialog.Execute then begin
| 476 | SetTextForegroundColor(ColorDialog.Color);
| 477 | end;
| 478 | Modified:=true;
| 479 | end;
| 480 |
| 481 | procedure THtmlObj.TextBackColorDialog;
| 482 | begin
| 483 | if ColorDialog = nil then begin
| 484 | ColorDialog := TColorDialog.Create(self);
| 485 | end;
| 486 | if ColorDialog.Execute then begin
| 487 | SetTextBackgroundColor(ColorDialog.Color);
| 488 | end;
| 489 | Modified:=true;
| 490 | end;
| 491 |
| 492 | procedure THtmlObj.SetTextForegroundColor(Color:TColor);
| 493 | begin
| 494 | if DOC=nil then exit;
| 495 | DOC.ExecCommand('ForeColor',false,Color);
| 496 | Modified:=true;
| 497 | end;
| 498 |
| 499 | function THtmlObj.GetTextForegroundColor:TColor;
| 500 | var Background : OleVariant;
| 501 | vt : TVarType;
| 502 | begin
| 503 | Result:=clWindow;
| 504 | try
| 505 | if DOC=nil then exit;
| 506 | Background:=DOC.queryCommandValue('ForeColor');
| 507 | vt:=varType(Background);
| 508 | if vt<>varNull then Result:=Background;
| 509 | except
| 510 | on E:Exception do EError('Error retrieving foreground color',E);
| 511 | end;
| 512 | end;
| 513 |
| 514 | procedure THtmlObj.SetTextBackgroundColor(Color:TColor);
| 515 | begin
| 516 | if DOC=nil then exit;
| 517 | DOC.ExecCommand('BackColor',false,Color);
| 518 | Modified:=true;
| 519 | end;
| 520 |
| 521 | function THtmlObj.GetTextBackgroundColor:TColor;
| 522 | var Background : OleVariant;
| 523 | vt : TVarType;
| 524 | begin
| 525 | Result:=clWindow;
| 526 | try
| 527 | if DOC=nil then exit;
| 528 | Background:=DOC.queryCommandValue('BackColor');
| 529 | vt:=varType(Background);
| 530 | if vt<>varNull then Result:=Background;
| 531 | except
| 532 | on E:Exception do EError('Error retrieving background color',E);
| 533 | end;
| 534 | end;
| 535 |
| 536 | procedure THtmlObj.FontDialog;
| 537 | begin
| 538 | DoCommand(IDM_FONT);
| 539 | Modified:=true;
| 540 | end;
| 541 |
| 542 | function THtmlObj.GetFontSize : integer;
| 543 | var FontSize : OleVariant;
| 544 | vt : TVarType;
| 545 |
| 546 | begin
| 547 | FontSize:=Doc.queryCommandValue('FontSize');
| 548 | vt:=varType(FontSize);
| 549 | if vt<>varNull then Result := FontSize*FontScale
| 550 | else Result :=12*FontScale; //kt
| 551 | end;
| 552 |
| 553 | procedure THtmlObj.SetFontSize (Size : integer);
| 554 | begin
| 555 | if Doc=nil then exit;
| 556 | Doc.ExecCommand('FontSize', false, Size div FontScale);
| 557 | end;
| 558 |
| 559 | function THtmlObj.GetFontName : string;
| 560 | var FontName :OleVariant;
| 561 | vt : TVarType;
| 562 | begin
| 563 | if DOC=nil then exit;
| 564 | FontName:=DOC.queryCommandValue('FontName');
| 565 | vt:=varType(FontName);
| 566 | if vt<>varNull then Result := FontName
| 567 | else Result :='Times New Roman'; //kt
| 568 | end;
| 569 |
| 570 | procedure THtmlObj.SetFontName (Name : string);
| 571 | begin
| 572 | if DOC=nil then exit;
| 573 | DOC.ExecCommand('FontName', false, Name);
| 574 | end;
| 575 |
| 576 | function THtmlObj.SelStart:integer;
| 577 | var TextRange:IHtmlTxtRange;
| 578 | begin
| 579 | Result:=0;
| 580 | TextRange:=GetTextRange;
| 581 | if TextRange=nil then exit;
| 582 | Result:=Abs(Integer(TextRange.move('character',-MaxTextLength)));
| 583 | end;
| 584 |
| 585 | function THtmlObj.SelEnd:integer;
| 586 | var TextRange:IHtmlTxtRange;
| 587 | begin
| 588 | Result:=0;
| 589 | TextRange:=GetTextRange;
| 590 | if TextRange=nil then exit;
| 591 | Result:=Abs(Integer(TextRange.MoveEnd('character',-MaxTextLength)));
| 592 | end;
| 593 |
| 594 | function THtmlObj.SelLength:integer;
| 595 | begin
| 596 | Result:=SelEnd-SelStart;
| 597 | end;
| 598 |
| 599 | function THtmlObj.GetTextRange:IHtmlTxtRange;
| 600 | begin
| 601 | Result:=nil;
| 602 | try
| 603 | if DOC=nil then exit;
| 604 | while DOC.body=nil do begin
| 605 | //WaitLoad(true); //kt
| 606 | WaitForDocComplete;
| 607 | if DOC.body=nil then begin
| 608 | if MessageDlg('Wait for document loading?',mtConfirmation,
| 609 | [mbOK,mbCancel],0) <> mrOK then begin
| 610 | exit;
| 611 | end;
| 612 | end;
| 613 | end;
| 614 | if (DOC.Selection.type_='Text') or (DOC.Selection.type_='None') then begin
| 615 | Result:=DOC.Selection.CreateRange as IHtmlTxtRange;
| 616 | end;
| 617 | except
| 618 | on E:Exception do EError('This type of selection cannot be processed',E);
| 619 | end;
| 620 | end;
| 621 |
| 622 | function THtmlObj.GetSelText:string;
| 623 | var TextRange:IHtmlTxtRange;
| 624 | begin
| 625 | Result:='';
| 626 | TextRange:=GetTextRange;
| 627 | if TextRange=nil then
| 628 | exit;
| 629 | Result:=TextRange.text;
| 630 | end;
| 631 |
| 632 | procedure THtmlObj.SetSelText (HTMLText : string);
| 633 | begin
| 634 | ReplaceSelection(HTMLText);
| 635 | end;
| 636 |
| 637 | procedure THtmlObj.ReplaceSelection(HTML:string);
| 638 | var TextRange:IHtmlTxtRange;
| 639 | begin
| 640 | try
| 641 | TextRange:=GetTextRange;
| 642 | if TextRange=nil then exit;
| 643 | TextRange.PasteHTML(HTML);
| 644 | Modified:=true;
| 645 | except
| 646 | on E:Exception do begin
| 647 | // implement later... ShortenString(HTML,80);
| 648 | EError('Error pasting HTML'+nl+
| 649 | 'Microsoft HTML refuses to paste this string:'+nl+
| 650 | HTML+nl,E);
| 651 | end;
| 652 | end;
| 653 | end;
| 654 |
| 655 |
| 656 | function THtmlObj.MoveCaretToEnd : boolean;
| 657 | //kt added
| 658 | var //TextRange:IHtmlTxtRange;
| 659 | count : integer;
| 660 | begin
| 661 | if not assigned (FTMGDisplayPointer) then begin
| 662 | Result := false;
| 663 | exit;
| 664 | end;
| 665 | Result:=(S_OK = FTMGDisplayPointer.MoveUnit(DISPLAY_MOVEUNIT_BottomOfWindow,0));
| 666 | count := 0;
| 667 | repeat
| 668 | Result:=(S_OK = FTMGDisplayPointer.MoveUnit(DISPLAY_MOVEUNIT_NextLine,-1));
| 669 | inc (count);
| 670 | until (Result = false) or (count > 500);
| 671 | Result:=(S_OK = FTMGDisplayPointer.MoveUnit(DISPLAY_MOVEUNIT_CurrentLineEnd,0));
| 672 | Result:=(S_OK = FCaret.MoveCaretToPointer(FTMGDisplayPointer,
| 673 | integer(FALSE),
| 675 | {
| 676 | SendMessage(FmsHTMLwinHandle, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_END, 0);
| 677 | SendMessage(FmsHTMLwinHandle, WM_KEYUP, VK_END, 0);
| 678 | SendMessage(FmsHTMLwinHandle, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_END, 0);
| 679 | SendMessage(FmsHTMLwinHandle, WM_KEYUP, VK_END, 0);
| 680 | }
| 681 | end;
| 682 |
| 683 | function THtmlObj.MoveCaretToPos(ScreenPos: TPoint) : HRESULT;
| 684 | //kt added entire function
| 685 | var OutTemp : DWORD;
| 686 | begin
| 687 | if not assigned (FTMGDisplayPointer) then exit;
| 688 | FTMGDisplayPointer.moveToPoint(ScreenPos, COORD_SYSTEM_GLOBAL, nil, HT_OPT_AllowAfterEOL, OutTemp);
| 689 | Result := FCaret.MoveCaretToPointer(FTMGDisplayPointer,Integer(True),CARET_DIRECTION_INDETERMINATE);
| 690 | FCaret.Show(Integer(True));
| 691 | end;
| 692 |
| 693 | procedure THtmlObj.InsertTextAtCaret(Text : AnsiString);
| 694 | //kt added. Note: inserts external format (not HTML markup)
| 695 | var P : PWideChar;
| 696 | begin
| 697 | P := StringToOleStr(Text);
| 698 | FCaret.InsertText(P,Length(Text))
| 699 | end;
| 700 |
| 701 |
| 702 | procedure THtmlObj.Loaded;
| 703 | begin
| 704 | inherited Loaded;
| 705 | end;
| 706 |
| 707 | function THtmlObj.GetTextLen : integer;
| 708 | begin
| 709 | Result := Length(GetText);
| 710 | end;
| 711 |
| 712 |
| 713 | procedure THtmlObj.ReassignKeyboardHandler(TurnOn : boolean);
| 714 | {assign HTML keyboard handler to HTML component; restore standard if TurnOn=false}
| 715 | begin
| 716 | if TurnOn then begin
| 717 | FApplication.OnMessage := GlobalMsgHandler;
| 718 | end else begin
| 719 | FApplication.OnMessage := FOrigAppOnMessage;
| 720 | end;
| 721 | end;
| 722 |
| 723 | procedure THtmlObj.GlobalMsgHandler(var Msg: TMsg; var Handled: Boolean);
| 724 | {NOTE: This message handler will receive ALL messages directed to CPRS. I
| 725 | have to do this, because something is filtering messages before they
| 726 | get to this THTMLObj object. My goal is to do as little here as possible,
| 727 | and let the OnMessage for THTMLObj (found in EmbeddedED) take care of the rest.
| 728 | NOTE: This should get activated by OnFocus for object, and deactivated
| 729 | by OnBlur, so it actually should only get messages when focused. }
| 730 | var
| 731 | i : Integer;
| 732 | NewMsg : TMessage;
| 733 |
| 734 | function TransformMessage (WinMsg : TMsg) : TMessage;
| 735 | begin
| 736 | Result.Msg := WinMsg.message;
| 737 | Result.WParam := WinMsg.wParam;
| 738 | Result.LParam := WinMsg.lParam;
| 739 | Result.Result := 0;
| 740 | end;
| 741 |
| 742 | begin
| 743 | Handled:=false; //default to not handled
| 744 | if (Msg.Message=WM_KEYDOWN) then begin
| 745 | if (Msg.WParam=VK_UP) or (Msg.WParam=VK_DOWN) or (Msg.WParam=VK_TAB) then begin
| 746 | NewMsg := TransformMessage(Msg);
| 747 | SubMessageHandler(NewMsg);
| 748 | Handled := (NewMsg.Result = 1);
| 749 | end;
| 750 | end;
| 751 | end;
| 752 |
| 753 |
| 754 | procedure THtmlObj.SubMessageHandler(var Msg: TMessage);
| 755 | //Called from parent's EDMessageHandler, or from GlobalMsgHandler
| 756 | var i : Integer;
| 757 | WinControl : TWinControl;
| 758 |
| 759 | begin
| 760 | Msg.Result := 0; //default to not handled
| 761 | if not ((Msg.Msg=WM_KEYDOWN) or
| 762 | (Msg.Msg=WM_KEYUP) or
| 763 | (Msg.Msg=WM_RBUTTONUP) ) then exit; //Speedy exit of non-handled messages
| 764 | case Msg.Msg of
| 765 | WM_RBUTTONUP : begin
| 766 | if CtrlToBeProcessed then begin
| 767 | CtrlToBeProcessed := false;
| 768 | exit; //Ctrl-right click is ignored
| 769 | end;
| 770 | if assigned(PopupMenu) then PopupMenu.Popup(Mouse.CursorPos.X,Mouse.CursorPos.Y);
| 771 | Msg.Result := 1; //Handled
| 772 | exit;
| 773 | end;
| 774 | WM_KEYDOWN : begin
| 775 | GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(KeyPressTime);
| 776 | KeyStruck := true;
| 777 | //beep(200,50);
| 778 | case Msg.WParam of
| 779 | VK_ESCAPE : begin
| 780 | if Assigned(PrevControl) then begin
| 781 | AllowNextBlur := true;
| 782 | PrevControl.SetFocus;
| 783 | end;
| 784 | end;
| 785 | VK_CONTROL : begin
| 786 | CtrlToBeProcessed:=true;
| 787 | Msg.Result := 1; //Handled
| 788 | exit;
| 789 | end;
| 790 | VK_SHIFT : begin
| 791 | ShiftToBeProcessed:=true;
| 792 | Msg.Result := 1; //Handled
| 793 | exit;
| 794 | end;
| 795 | VK_TAB : begin
| 796 | if (ShiftToBeProcessed and CtrlToBeProcessed) then begin
| 797 | //This isn't working for some reason...
| 798 | for i := 0 to 5 do begin
| 799 | PostMessage(FmsHTMLwinHandle, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_LEFT, 0);
| 800 | end;
| 801 | ShiftToBeProcessed := false;
| 802 | CtrlToBeProcessed := false;
| 803 | end else if ShiftToBeProcessed then begin
| 804 | if Assigned(PrevControl) then begin
| 805 | AllowNextBlur := true;
| 806 | PrevControl.SetFocus;
| 807 | end;
| 808 | ShiftToBeProcessed := false;
| 809 | end else if CtrlToBeProcessed then begin
| 810 | if Assigned(NextControl) then begin
| 811 | AllowNextBlur := true;
| 812 | NextControl.SetFocus;
| 813 | end;
| 814 | CtrltoBeProcessed := false;
| 815 | end else begin
| 816 | for i := 0 to 5 do begin
| 817 | PostMessage(FmsHTMLwinHandle, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_SPACE, 0);
| 818 | end;
| 819 | end;
| 820 | Msg.Result := 1; //Handled
| 821 | end;
| 822 | {
| 823 | VK_RETURN : if CtrlReturnToBeProcessed then begin
| 824 | Msg.Result := 1; //Handled
| 825 | CtrlReturnToBeProcessed := false;
| 826 | end else if CtrlToBeProcessed then begin
| 827 | Msg.Result := 1; //Handled
| 828 | CtrlToBeProcessed := False;
| 829 | CtrlReturnToBeProcessed := true;
| 830 | //PostMessage(Msg.hwnd, WM_KEYUP, VK_CONTROL, 0);
| 831 | end else if ShiftToBeProcessed=false then begin
| 832 | //kt if not FEditable then exit;
| 833 | keybd_event(VK_SHIFT,0,0,0);
| 834 | keybd_event(VK_RETURN,0,0,0);
| 835 | keybd_event(VK_SHIFT,0,KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0);
| 836 | Msg.Result := 1; //Handled
| 837 | end;
| 838 | }
| 839 | Ord('B') : if CtrlToBeProcessed then begin
| 840 | //kt if not FEditable then exit;
| 841 | ToggleBold;
| 842 | Msg.Result := 1; //Handled
| 843 | exit;
| 844 | end;
| 845 | Ord('U') : if CtrlToBeProcessed then begin
| 846 | //kt if not FEditable then exit;
| 847 | ToggleUnderline;
| 848 | Msg.Result := 1; //Handled
| 849 | exit;
| 850 | end;
| 851 | Ord('I') : if CtrlToBeProcessed then begin
| 852 | //kt if not FEditable then exit;
| 853 | ToggleItalic;
| 854 | Msg.Result := 1; //Handled
| 855 | end;
| 856 | end; {case}
| 857 | end;
| 858 | WM_KEYUP : begin
| 859 | case Msg.WParam of
| 860 | VK_CONTROL : begin
| 861 | CtrlToBeProcessed:=false;
| 862 | Msg.Result := 1; //Handled
| 863 | if CtrlReturnToBeProcessed then begin
| 864 | PostMessage(FmsHTMLwinHandle, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_RETURN, 0);
| 865 | end;
| 866 | exit;
| 867 | end;
| 868 | VK_SHIFT : begin
| 869 | ShiftToBeProcessed:=false;
| 870 | Msg.Result := 1; //Handled
| 871 | exit;
| 872 | end;
| 873 |
| 874 | end; {case}
| 875 | exit;
| 876 | end;
| 877 | end; {case}
| 878 | end;
| 879 |
| 880 | procedure THtmlObj.HandleBlur(Sender: TObject);
| 881 | //kt added function
| 882 | function RecentKeyPressed : boolean;
| 883 | var NowTime : FILETIME; //kt
| 884 | KeyTime,NowTime2 : LARGE_INTEGER;
| 885 | Delta : int64;
| 886 | begin
| 887 | GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(NowTime);
| 888 | NowTime2.LowPart := NowTime.dwLowDateTime;
| 889 | NowTime2.HighPart := NowTime.dwHighDateTime;
| 890 | KeyTime.LowPart := KeyPressTime.dwLowDateTime;
| 891 | KeyTime.HighPart := KeyPressTime.dwHighDateTime;
| 892 | Delta := floor( (NowTime2.QuadPart - KeyTime.QuadPart) / 100000);
| 893 | Result := (Delta < 100);
| 894 | end;
| 895 |
| 896 | begin
| 897 | //kt Handle loss of focus when attempting to cursor above top line, or below bottom line.
| 898 | if (not AllowNextBlur) and RecentKeyPressed then begin //kt entire block
| 899 | SetFocusToDoc;
| 900 | //beep(880,100);
| 901 | KeyPressTime.dwLowDateTime := 0;
| 902 | KeyPressTime.dwHighDateTime := 0;
| 903 | exit;
| 904 | end;
| 905 | AllowNextBlur := false;
| 906 | SetMsgActive(false);
| 907 | end;
| 908 |
| 909 | function THtmlObj.SubFocusHandler(fGotFocus: BOOL): HResult;
| 910 | begin
| 911 | SetMsgActive(fGotFocus);
| 912 | end;
| 913 |
| 914 | function THtmlObj.GetActive : boolean;
| 915 | begin
| 916 | Result := TWinControl(Owner).Visible;
| 917 | end;
| 918 |
| 919 |
| 920 | initialization
| 921 |
| 922 | finalization
| 923 |
| 924 | end.
| 925 |