unit uLogic; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Buttons, ExtCtrls, ORNet, ORFn,ComCtrls,Trpcb, ORCtrls; const INT_COMPONENT_SPACING = 4; INT_CBO_CONDITIONLEFT = 3; INT_CBO_CONDITIONWIDTH = 50; INT_CBO_FILELEFT = INT_CBO_CONDITIONLEFT + INT_CBO_CONDITIONWIDTH + INT_COMPONENT_SPACING; INT_CBO_FILEWIDTH = 177; INT_CBO_FIELDLEFT = INT_CBO_FILELEFT + INT_CBO_FILEWIDTH + INT_COMPONENT_SPACING; INT_CBO_FIELDWIDTH = 177; INT_CBO_OPERATORLEFT = INT_CBO_FIELDLEFT + INT_CBO_FIELDWIDTH + INT_COMPONENT_SPACING; INT_CBO_OPERATORWIDTH = 113; INT_EDIT_VALUELEFT = INT_CBO_OPERATORLEFT + INT_CBO_OPERATORWIDTH + INT_COMPONENT_SPACING; INT_EDIT_VALUEWIDTH = 169; INT_EDIT_LOWERLEFT = INT_CBO_OPERATORLEFT + INT_CBO_OPERATORWIDTH + INT_COMPONENT_SPACING; INT_EDIT_LOWERWIDTH = 100; INT_EDIT_UPPERLEFT = INT_EDIT_LOWERLEFT + INT_EDIT_LOWERWIDTH + INT_COMPONENT_SPACING; INT_EDIT_UPPERWIDTH = 100; INT_BUTTON_LEFT = INT_EDIT_VALUELEFT + INT_EDIT_VALUEWIDTH + INT_COMPONENT_SPACING; INT_BUTTON_SIZE = 23; INT_ADD_QUERYROW_BTN_LEFT = INT_CBO_CONDITIONLEFT; INT_ADD_QUERYROW_LABEL_LEFT = INT_ADD_QUERYROW_BTN_LEFT + 30; INT_ADD_QUERYROW_LABEL_CAPTION = 'Add another term to query'; TAG_FILE_BOX = 0; TAG_FIELD_BOX = 1; TAG_RECORD_BOX = 2; LABEL_LEFT_OFFSET = 2; FIELDS_TOP_OFFSET = 30; INDENT_OFFSET = 30; OPEN_BOX_HEIGHT = 120; OPERATOR_BOX_HEIGHT = 150; CLOSE_BOX_HEIGHT = 21; ROW_HEIGHT = 30; ADD_QUERY_OFFSET = OPEN_BOX_HEIGHT + INT_COMPONENT_SPACING; CL_LT_RED = $6C6CBA; Colors : Array[false..true] of TColor = (clWindow, CL_LT_RED); SearchCaption : Array[false..true,false..true] of String[30] = ( ('Search Value', 'Enter Lower ... Upper Value'), //Advanced Mode ('Enter Value to Search For', 'Enter Lower && Upper Values') //Simple Mode ); COMB_EQUALS = '=^= EQUALS'; COMB_NOT_EQUAL = '''=^<>, DOES NOT EQUAL'; COMB_LESS_THAN = '<^<, LESS THAN'; COMB_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS = '<=^<=, LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO'; COMB_GREATER_THAN = '>^>, GREATER THAN'; COMB_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS = '>=^>=, GREATER OR EQUAL TO'; COMB_IN_RANGE = '{^IN RANGE'; COMB_NOT_IN_RANGE = '''{^NOT IN RANGE'; COMB_CONTAINS = '[^CONTAINS'; COMB_NOT_CONTAINS = '''[^DOES NOT CONTAIN'; type TValueMode = (vmUnknown,vmString,vmDate,vmNumeric,vmRange,vmSet,vmPointer); TFieldDataType = (fdtUnknown,fdtText,fdtSet,fdtDate,fdtWP,fdtPointer); TLogicSet = class; //a forward TLogicRow = class(TObject) private { Private declarations } FIndentLevel : integer; FSearchValueMode : TValueMode; FSearchFileNumber : string; FSearchFileName : string; FParentSet : TLogicSet; FRowNum : integer; //starts numbering at 0 FCurFieldDef : string; FInfoPiece3 : string; FVisible : boolean; FTop : integer; FSimpleMode : boolean; FNewGroupStarter : boolean; ValueEdit: TEdit; //Will double as Lower value if entering a range. UpperValueEdit: TEdit; DatePicker : TDateTimePicker; UpperDatePicker : TDateTimePicker; SetPicker : TComboBox; RecordPickerBox : TORComboBox; DelButton : TSpeedButton; FRowOpen : boolean; procedure SetIndentLevel(Value : integer); procedure LoadOperator(CmbBox: TORComboBox); procedure LoadCondition(CmbBox: TORComboBox); procedure ConditionChange(Sender: TObject); procedure DelButtonClick(Sender : TObject); procedure ORBoxNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); procedure FileBoxChange(Sender: TObject); function SubSetOfAllowedFiles(SimpleMode : boolean; FileNum: string; const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer ): TStrings; function SubSetOfFile(FileNum: string; const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer ): TStrings; procedure FieldBoxChange(Sender: TObject); procedure RecordPickerBoxChange(Sender: TObject); procedure DatePickerChange(Sender: TObject); procedure OperatorBoxChange(Sender: TObject); procedure EditBoxChange(Sender: TObject); procedure SetPickerChange(Sender: TObject); function SubSetOfFields(SimpleMode : boolean; FileNum: string; const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings; function ExtractNum (S : String; StartPos : integer) : string; procedure EnsureProperValueFieldVisible; function IsWPField(FileNum,FieldNum : string) : boolean; procedure InitORComboBox(ORComboBox: TORComboBox; initValue : string; boxtype : string); function GetSearchValue() : string; procedure SetVisible(Value : Boolean); procedure PrepSetPicker(setDef : string); procedure SetNewGroupStarter(value : boolean); procedure SetRowNum(value : integer); //This won't change position in parent LogicSet procedure CheckVisibilityIsCorrect; procedure SetSimpleMode(Value : boolean); procedure SetRowColor(Color : TColor); procedure SetSearchLabelCaption; procedure SelectOperator(OperatorLine : string); public { Public declarations } ConditionBox: TORComboBox; FileBox: TORComboBox; FieldBox: TORComboBox; OperatorBox: TORComboBox; OnSearchStringChange : TNotifyEvent; OnRangeModeChange : TNotifyEvent; constructor Create(SearchFileNumber,SearchFileName : string; SimpleMode : Boolean; AParent : TWinControl; AParentSet : TLogicSet; Row : integer); Destructor Destroy; procedure CloseRow; procedure OpenRow; function GetFieldDataType : TFieldDataType; function GetFileNum : string; function GetFieldNum : string; function IsValid : boolean; function GetSearchString(var LastFileNum : string) : string; procedure IndentMore; procedure IndentLess; procedure Clear; procedure SetFile(FileNumber,FileName : string); property IndentLevel : integer read FIndentLevel write SetIndentLevel; property SearchValueMode : TValueMode read FSearchValueMode; property SearchValue : string read GetSearchValue; property Visible : boolean read FVisible write SetVisible; property NewGroupStarter : boolean read FNewGroupStarter write SetNewGroupStarter; property Top : integer read FTop; property RowNum : integer read FRowNum write SetRowNum; Property SimpleMode : boolean read FSimpleMode write SetSimpleMode; property RowOpen : boolean read FRowOpen; end; TLogicSet = class (TObject) private { Private declarations } Rows : TList; FSearchFileNumber : string; FSearchFileName : string; FSearchString : string; FParent : TWinControl; FOwner : TComponent; FSimpleMode : boolean; FFileNumsStack : TStringList; //Will act as stack of filenumbers, based on indent level lblAddAnother: TLabel; btnIndentLess: TButton; btnIndentMore: TButton; function GetRow(Index : integer): TLogicRow; procedure Handle1RowChange(Sender : TObject); function GetSearchString : string; function GetRowCount : integer; procedure HandleIndentMore(Sender : TObject); procedure HandleIndentLess(Sender : TObject); procedure HandleAddQuery(Sender : TObject); procedure UpdateButtonPlacement; procedure SetSimpleMode(Value : boolean); public { Public declarations } OnSearchStringChange : TNotifyEvent; SearchStringEdit : TEdit; //not owned by this object; lblFile : TLabel; //not owned by this object; lblField : TLabel; //not owned by this object; lblOperator : TLabel; //not owned by this object; lblValue : TLabel; //not owned by this object; DelBitmap : TBitmap; //IS owned by this object; btnAddSrchField : TBitBtn; constructor Create(SearchFileNumber,SearchFileName : string; AParent : TWinControl; AOwner : TComponent); Destructor Destroy; function RowBefore (ARow : TLogicRow) : TLogicRow; function PriorRow : TLogicRow; //Next to last row. function LastRow : TLogicRow; procedure IndentMore; procedure IndentLess; function AddRow : TLogicRow; function IndexOf(ARow : TLogicRow) : integer; procedure DeleteRow(Index : integer); overload; procedure DeleteRow(ARow : TLogicRow); overload; procedure SetFile(FileNumber,FileName : string); procedure Clear; property Row[Index : integer] : TLogicRow read GetRow; property SearchString : string read FSearchString; Property RowCount : integer read GetRowCount; Property SimpleMode : boolean read FSimpleMode write SetSimpleMode; end; implementation uses FMErrorU; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- //TLogicRow //----------------------------------------------------------------------- constructor TLogicRow.Create(SearchFileNumber,SearchFileName : string; SimpleMode : Boolean; AParent : TWinControl; AParentSet : TLogicSet; Row : integer); procedure InitBox(Box : TORComboBox; Row : integer; DropDown : boolean); begin with Box do begin Visible := false; Parent := AParent; Top := FTop; Delimiter := '^'; Pieces := '2'; if DropDown then begin Style := orcsDropDown; //orcsSimple; end else begin Style := orcsSimple; end; Height := OPEN_BOX_HEIGHT; AutoSelect := False; CheckEntireLine := True; LongList := True; LookupPiece := 2; end; end; begin {constructor} Inherited Create; FRowNum := Row; FSearchFileNumber := SearchFileNumber; FSearchFileName := SearchFileName; FParentSet := AParentSet; FVisible := false; FSimpleMode := SimpleMode; FRowOpen := true; FTop := FIELDS_TOP_OFFSET + ROW_HEIGHT * Row; FNewGroupStarter := false; OnSearchStringChange := nil; OnRangeModeChange := nil; ConditionBox := TORComboBox.Create(AParent); //Create condition box (e.g. AND, OR, NOT) InitBox(ConditionBox,Row,true); with ConditionBox do begin Left := INT_CBO_CONDITIONLEFT; Width := INT_CBO_CONDITIONWIDTH; OnChange := ConditionChange; end; LoadCondition(ConditionBox); FileBox := TORComboBox.Create(AParent); //create the file box InitBox(FileBox,Row,true); with FileBox do begin Left := INT_CBO_FILELEFT; Width := INT_CBO_FILEWIDTH; OnNeedData := ORBoxNeedData; OnClick := FileBoxChange; OnChange := FileBoxChange; Tag := TAG_FILE_BOX; end; FieldBox := TORComboBox.Create(AParent); //create the field box InitBox(FieldBox,Row,false); with FieldBox do begin Left := INT_CBO_FIELDLEFT; Width := INT_CBO_FIELDWIDTH; OnNeedData := ORBoxNeedData; OnChange := FieldBoxChange; Tag := TAG_FIELD_BOX; end; OperatorBox := TORComboBox.Create(AParent); //create the operator box (e.g. >, <, =, [ etc) InitBox(OperatorBox,Row,true); with OperatorBox do begin Left := INT_CBO_OPERATORLEFT; Width := INT_CBO_OPERATORWIDTH; Height := OPERATOR_BOX_HEIGHT; OnClick := OperatorBoxChange; OnChange := OperatorBoxChange; end; LoadOperator(OperatorBox); ValueEdit := TEdit.Create(AParent); //create the Value edit box (also Lower limit box) with ValueEdit do begin Visible := false; Parent := AParent; Left := INT_EDIT_VALUELEFT; Width := INT_EDIT_VALUEWIDTH; Top := FTop; OnChange := EditBoxChange; end; UpperValueEdit := TEdit.Create(AParent); //create the lower limit box with UpperValueEdit do begin Visible := false; Parent := AParent; Left := INT_EDIT_LOWERLEFT; Width := INT_EDIT_UPPERWIDTH; Top := FTop; OnChange := EditBoxChange; end; DatePicker := TDateTimePicker.Create(AParent); with DatePicker do begin Visible := False; Parent := AParent; DateTime := Now; Format := 'MM/dd/yyyy'; Width := INT_EDIT_VALUEWIDTH; Top := FTop; OnChange := DatePickerChange; end; UpperDatePicker := TDateTimePicker.Create(AParent); with UpperDatePicker do begin Visible := False; Parent := AParent; DateTime := Now; Format := 'MM/dd/yyyy'; Width := INT_EDIT_UPPERWIDTH; Top := FTop; OnChange := DatePickerChange; end; RecordPickerBox := TORComboBox.Create(AParent); InitBox(RecordPickerBox,Row,true); with RecordPickerBox do begin Width := INT_EDIT_VALUEWIDTH; OnNeedData := ORBoxNeedData; OnChange := RecordPickerBoxChange; Tag := TAG_RECORD_BOX; end; SetPicker := TComboBox.Create(AParent); With SetPicker do begin Visible := false; Parent := AParent; Width := INT_EDIT_VALUEWIDTH; Top := FTop; OnChange := SetPickerChange; end; DelButton := TSpeedButton.Create(AParent); with DelButton do begin Visible := false; Parent := AParent; Height := INT_BUTTON_SIZE; Width := INT_BUTTON_SIZE; //Caption := '(x)'; //Will be assigned a bitmap by parentset Top := FTop; OnClick := DelButtonClick; Hint := 'Delete row'; ShowHint := true; ParentShowHint := False; Visible := true; end; SetIndentLevel(0); InitORComboBox(FileBox,FSearchFileName,'file'); FileBoxChange(FileBox); FieldBoxChange(FieldBox); SetVisible(true); SetSimpleMode(FSimpleMode); end; {constructor} Destructor TLogicRow.Destroy; begin ConditionBox.Free; FileBox.Free; FieldBox.Free; OperatorBox.Free; ValueEdit.Free; UpperValueEdit.Free; DatePicker.Free; UpperDatePicker.Free; RecordPickerBox.Free; SetPicker.Free; DelButton.Free; Inherited Destroy; end; procedure TLogicRow.SetIndentLevel(Value : integer); begin FIndentLevel := Value; ConditionBox.Left := INT_CBO_CONDITIONLEFT + INDENT_OFFSET * Value; FileBox.Left := INT_CBO_FILELEFT + INDENT_OFFSET * Value; FieldBox.Left := INT_CBO_FIELDLEFT + INDENT_OFFSET * Value; OperatorBox.Left := INT_CBO_OPERATORLEFT + INDENT_OFFSET * Value; ValueEdit.Left := INT_EDIT_VALUELEFT + INDENT_OFFSET * Value; UpperValueEdit.Left := INT_EDIT_UPPERLEFT + INDENT_OFFSET * Value; DatePicker.Left := INT_EDIT_VALUELEFT + INDENT_OFFSET * Value; UpperDatePicker.Left:= INT_EDIT_UPPERLEFT + INDENT_OFFSET * Value; RecordPickerBox.Left:= INT_EDIT_VALUELEFT + INDENT_OFFSET * Value; SetPicker.Left := INT_EDIT_VALUELEFT + INDENT_OFFSET * Value; DelButton.Left := INT_BUTTON_LEFT + INDENT_OFFSET * Value; if FParentSet<> nil then begin If FParentSet.lblFile <> nil then FParentSet.lblFile.Left := INT_CBO_FILELEFT + LABEL_LEFT_OFFSET + INDENT_OFFSET * Value; If FParentSet.lblField <> nil then FParentSet.lblField.Left := INT_CBO_FIELDLEFT + LABEL_LEFT_OFFSET + INDENT_OFFSET * Value; If FParentSet.lblOperator <> nil then FParentSet.lblOperator.Left := INT_CBO_OPERATORLEFT + LABEL_LEFT_OFFSET + INDENT_OFFSET * Value; If FParentSet.lblValue <> nil then FParentSet.lblValue.Left := INT_EDIT_VALUELEFT + LABEL_LEFT_OFFSET + INDENT_OFFSET * Value; end; end; procedure TLogicRow.Clear; //This just resets the row for use. It doesn't delete it. begin SetIndentLevel(0); FileBox.ItemIndex := 0; FileBox.Text := piece(FileBox.Items[0],'^',2); FileBoxChange(FileBox); FieldBox.ItemIndex := 0; FieldBox.Text := piece(FieldBox.Items[0],'^',2); FieldBoxChange(FieldBox); ValueEdit.Text := ''; UpperValueEdit.Text := ''; DatePicker.DateTime := Now; UpperDatePicker.DateTime := Now; RecordPickerBox.Text := ''; RecordPickerBox.ItemIndex := 0; SetPicker.Text := ''; ConditionBox.ItemIndex := 0; ConditionBox.Text := piece(ConditionBox.Items[0],'^',2); end; procedure TLogicRow.SetFile(FileNumber,FileName : string); begin if (FSearchFileNumber=FileNumber) and (FSearchFileName=FileName) then exit; FSearchFileNumber := FileNumber; FSearchFileName := FileName; InitORComboBox(FileBox,FSearchFileName,'file'); FileBoxChange(FileBox); FieldBoxChange(FieldBox); end; procedure TLogicRow.SetRowColor(Color : TColor); begin ConditionBox.Color := Color; FileBox.Color := Color; FieldBox.Color := Color; OperatorBox.Color := Color; ValueEdit.Color := Color; UpperValueEdit.Color := Color; DatePicker.Color := Color; UpperDatePicker.Color := Color; SetPicker.Color := Color; RecordPickerBox.Color := Color; end; procedure TLogicRow.CloseRow; procedure CloseORBox(Box : TORComboBox); begin Box.Style := orcsDropDown; Box.Height := CLOSE_BOX_HEIGHT; //Box.Color := clInactiveBorder; end; begin FRowOpen := false; if FNewGroupStarter and (FVisible=false) then exit; CloseORBox(ConditionBox); CloseORBox(FileBox); CloseORBox(FieldBox); CloseORBox(RecordPickerBox); SetRowColor(clInactiveBorder); SetVisible(true); end; procedure TLogicRow.OpenRow; begin FRowOpen := true; SetRowColor(Colors[FSimpleMode]); SetVisible(true); end; procedure TLogicRow.SetRowNum(value : integer); //This won't change position in parent LogicSet var Top : integer; begin if value <> FRowNum then begin FRowNum := Value; Top := FIELDS_TOP_OFFSET + ROW_HEIGHT * FRowNum; ConditionBox.Top := Top; FileBox.Top := Top; FieldBox.Top := Top; OperatorBox.Top := Top; ValueEdit.Top := Top; UpperValueEdit.Top := Top; DatePicker.Top := Top; UpperDatePicker.Top := Top; RecordPickerBox.Top := Top; SetPicker.Top := Top; DelButton.Top := Top; end; end; procedure TLogicRow.SetSearchLabelCaption; begin If FParentSet.lblValue <> nil then begin FParentSet.lblValue.Caption := SearchCaption[FSimpleMode,(FSearchValueMode = vmRange)]; end; end; procedure TLogicRow.SetSimpleMode(Value : boolean); begin if Value <> FSimpleMode then begin SetRowColor(Colors[FSimpleMode]); FSimpleMode := Value; if FSimpleMode=true then begin InitORComboBox(FileBox,'A','file'); //Populate File box if FileBox.Items.Count > 0 then begin FileBox.ItemIndex := 0; FileBox.Text := piece(FileBox.Items[FileBox.ItemIndex],'^',2) end; end else begin InitORComboBox(FileBox,FSearchFileName,'file'); //Populate File box end; SetSearchLabelCaption; InitORComboBox(FieldBox,'A','field'); //Populate Field box if Assigned(OnSearchStringChange) then OnSearchStringChange(self); end; end; procedure TLogicRow.SetNewGroupStarter(Value : boolean); begin if Value = FNewGroupStarter then exit; FNewGroupStarter := Value; SetVisible(not FNewGroupStarter); ConditionBox.Color := clWindow; ConditionBox.Visible := true; end; procedure TLogicRow.SelectOperator(OperatorLine : string); var index,i : integer; begin if OperatorBox.Items.Count = 0 then exit; //not working, why? --> index := OperatorBox.Items.IndexOf(OperatorLine); index := -1; for i:= 0 to OperatorBox.Items.Count-1 do begin if OperatorBox.Items[i] = OperatorLine then begin index := i; break; end; end; //if index = OperatorBox.ItemIndex then exit; //no change. if index < 0 then index := 0; OperatorBox.Text := piece(OperatorBox.Items[index],'^',2); OperatorBox.ItemIndex := index; OperatorBoxChange(Self); end; procedure TLogicRow.LoadOperator(CmbBox: TORComboBox); //Load the operators, with the first piece being the mumps operator and //the second piece the text in the operator box begin CmbBox.Items.Add(COMB_EQUALS); CmbBox.Items.Add(COMB_NOT_EQUAL); CmbBox.Items.Add(COMB_LESS_THAN); CmbBox.Items.Add(COMB_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS); CmbBox.Items.Add(COMB_GREATER_THAN); CmbBox.Items.Add(COMB_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS); CmbBox.Items.Add(COMB_IN_RANGE); CmbBox.Items.Add(COMB_NOT_IN_RANGE); CmbBox.Items.Add(COMB_CONTAINS); CmbBox.Items.Add(COMB_NOT_CONTAINS); CmbBox.ItemIndex := 0; CmbBox.Text := piece(CmbBox.Items[0],'^',2); end; procedure TLogicRow.LoadCondition(CmbBox: TORComboBox); //Load the conditions, with the first piece being the mumps conditional and //the second piece the text in the conditions box begin CmbBox.Items.Add('&^AND'); CmbBox.Items.Add('!^OR'); CmbBox.Items.Add('NOT^NOT'); CmbBox.ItemIndex := 0; CmbBox.Text := 'AND'; end; procedure TLogicRow.ORBoxNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); var Result : TStrings; FileNum : string; ORComboBox : TORComboBox; begin ORComboBox := TORComboBox(Sender); Case ORComboBox.Tag of TAG_FILE_BOX : begin FileNum := FSearchFileNumber; Result := SubSetOfAllowedFiles(FSimpleMode,FileNum, StartFrom, Direction); end; TAG_FIELD_BOX : begin if FileBox.Items.count = 0 then exit; if FileBox.ItemIndex = -1 then FileBox.ItemIndex := 0; FileNum := piece(FileBox.Items[FileBox.ItemIndex],'^',1); Result := SubSetOfFields(FSimpleMode, FileNum, StartFrom, Direction); end; TAG_RECORD_BOX: begin FileNum := ExtractNum (FCurFieldDef,Pos('P',FCurFieldDef)+1); Result := SubSetOfFile(FileNum, StartFrom, Direction); end; else Exit; end; {case} ORComboBox.ForDataUse(Result); end; procedure TLogicRow.FileBoxChange(Sender: TObject); begin InitORComboBox(FieldBox,'A','field'); //Populate Field box if Assigned(OnSearchStringChange) then OnSearchStringChange(self); end; procedure TLogicRow.PrepSetPicker(setDef : string); var oneOption : string; begin SetPicker.Items.Clear; SetPicker.Text := ''; oneOption := 'x'; while (setDef <> '') and (oneOption <> '') do begin oneOption := piece(setDef,';',1); setDef := pieces(setDef,';',2,32); oneOption := piece(oneOption,':',2); if oneOption <> '' then begin SetPicker.Items.Add(oneOption); end; end; if SetPicker.Items.Count > 0 then begin SetPicker.SelText := SetPicker.Items[0]; end else begin SetPicker.Text := '(none defined)'; end; end; procedure TLogicRow.EnsureProperValueFieldVisible; var NewSearchValueMode : TValueMode; CurDataType : TFieldDataType; Operator : string; procedure ShowOnly(Control : TWinControl); begin ValueEdit.Visible := false; UpperValueEdit.Visible := false; DatePicker.Visible := false; UpperDatePicker.visible := false; RecordPickerBox.Visible := false; SetPicker.Visible := false; Control.Visible := true; end; begin CurDataType := GetFieldDataType; Operator := OperatorBox.Text; if Pos('IN RANGE',Operator) > 0 then begin NewSearchValueMode := vmRange; if CurDataType in [fdtPointer,fdtSet] then begin MessageDlg('A RANGE can''t be used with this type of field.',mtError,[MBOK],0); OperatorBox.Text := piece(OperatorBox.Items[0],'^',2); //should be EQUALS OperatorBox.ItemIndex := 0; exit; end; end else begin Case CurDataType of fdtUnknown : NewSearchValueMode := vmString; fdtText : NewSearchValueMode := vmString; fdtSet : NewSearchValueMode := vmSet; fdtDate : NewSearchValueMode := vmDate; fdtWP : NewSearchValueMode := vmString; fdtPointer : NewSearchValueMode := vmPointer; else NewSearchValueMode := vmString; end; {case} end; if (NewSearchValueMode = FSearchValueMode) and not (NewSearchValueMode in [vmPointer,vmSet]) then exit; //nothing to be done. if (FSearchValueMode = vmRange) or (NewSearchValueMode = vmRange) then begin if Assigned(OnRangeModeChange) then OnRangeModeChange(Self); //can be used to change labels. end; FSearchValueMode := NewSearchValueMode; Case NewSearchValueMode of vmRange: begin if curDataType = fdtDate then begin DatePicker.Width := INT_EDIT_LOWERWIDTH; ShowOnly(DatePicker); UpperDatePicker.Visible := true; end else begin ValueEdit.Width := INT_EDIT_LOWERWIDTH; ShowOnly(ValueEdit); UpperValueEdit.Visible := true; end; end; vmString: Begin ValueEdit.Width := INT_EDIT_VALUEWIDTH; ShowOnly(ValueEdit); end; vmSet: begin PrepSetPicker(FInfoPiece3); ShowOnly(SetPicker); end; vmDate: begin DatePicker.Width := INT_EDIT_VALUEWIDTH; ShowOnly(DatePicker); end; vmPointer: begin ShowOnly(RecordPickerBox); InitORComboBox(RecordPickerBox,'A','record'); //Populate Field box end; end; {case} SetSearchLabelCaption; end; procedure TLogicRow.CheckVisibilityIsCorrect; var RowPrior : TLogicRow; begin ConditionBox.Visible := (FRowNum>0); RowPrior :=FParentSet.RowBefore(Self); if (RowPrior <> nil) then if RowPrior.NewGroupStarter=true then begin ConditionBox.Visible := false; end; DelButton.Visible := (FParentSet.RowCount>1); end; procedure TLogicRow.SetVisible(Value : Boolean); begin FVisible := Value; FileBox.Visible := Value; FieldBox.Visible := Value; OperatorBox.Visible := Value; if Value = true then begin EnsureProperValueFieldVisible; CheckVisibilityIsCorrect; end else begin ConditionBox.Visible := False; ValueEdit.Visible := false; UpperValueEdit.Visible := false; DatePicker.Visible := false; UpperDatePicker.visible := false; RecordPickerBox.Visible := false; SetPicker.Visible := false; end; end; function TLogicRow.GetSearchValue() : string; var CurDataType : TFieldDataType; begin CurDataType := GetFieldDataType; case FSearchValueMode of vmRange: begin if curDataType = fdtDate then begin Result := DateToStr(DatePicker.DateTime) + '..' + DateToStr(UpperDatePicker.DateTime); end else begin Result := ValueEdit.Text + '..' + UpperValueEdit.Text; end; end; vmString: Begin Result := ValueEdit.Text; end; vmSet: begin Result := SetPicker.Text; end; vmDate: begin Result := DateToStr(DatePicker.DateTime); end; vmPointer: begin Result := RecordPickerBox.Text; end; else Result := ''; end; {case} end; function TLogicRow.GetSearchString(var LastFileNum : string) : string; var ThisFileNum : string; NewFileNum : boolean; Fld : string; begin Result := ''; NewFileNum := true; //default if (IsValid=false)and(FNewGroupStarter=false) then exit; ThisFileNum := piece(FileBox.Items[FileBox.ItemIndex],'^',1); if LastFileNum <> ThisFileNum then begin NewFileNum := true; LastFileNum := ThisFileNum; end; if ConditionBox.Visible then begin if (NewFileNum=false) and (ConditionBox.ItemIndex>-1) then begin Result := Result + Piece(ConditionBox.Items[ConditionBox.ItemIndex],'^',1); end else begin Result := Result + ' ' + ConditionBox.Text + ' '; end; end; if FNewGroupStarter then begin Result := Result + '('; end else begin if FileBox.Items.Count = 0 then exit; if FileBox.ItemIndex < 0 then FileBox.ItemIndex := 0; if NewFileNum then Result := Result + ThisFileNum + ':'; if FSimpleMode then begin if FieldBox.ItemIndex < 0 then exit; Fld := FieldBox.Items[FieldBox.ItemIndex]; Result := Result + '(' + Piece(Fld,'^',1); end else begin Result := Result + '("' + FieldBox.Text + '"'; end; Result := Result + Piece(OperatorBox.Items[OperatorBox.ItemIndex],'^',1); Result := Result + '"' + GetSearchValue + '")'; end; end; procedure TLogicRow.OperatorBoxChange(Sender: TObject); begin EnsureProperValueFieldVisible; //If RANGE picked, then this will change edit fields. if (OperatorBox.ItemIndex < 0) and (OperatorBox.Items.Count>0) then begin OperatorBox.ItemIndex := 0; OperatorBox.Text := piece(OperatorBox.Items[0],'^',2); end; // ParentSet. end; function TLogicRow.GetFileNum : string; begin Result := IntToStr(FileBox.ItemIEN); end; function TLogicRow.GetFieldNum : string; begin Result := IntToStr(FieldBox.ItemIEN); end; function TLogicRow.GetFieldDataType : TFieldDataType; var SubFileNum : string; FileNum,FieldNum : string; function IsSubFile(FieldDef: string) : boolean; begin SubFileNum := ExtractNum(FieldDef,1); result := (SubFileNum <> ''); end; begin Result := fdtUnknown; if Pos('F',FCurFieldDef)>0 then begin //Free text Result := fdtText; end else if Pos('D',FCurFieldDef)>0 then begin //date field Result := fdtDate; end else if Pos('S',FCurFieldDef)>0 then begin //Set of Codes Result := fdtSet; end else if Pos('P',FCurFieldDef)>0 then begin //Pointer to file. Result := fdtPointer; end else if IsSubFile(FCurFieldDef) then begin //Subfiles. FileNum := GetFileNum; FieldNum := GetFieldNum; if (FileNum <> '') and (FieldNum <> '') then begin if IsWPField(FileNum,FieldNum) then Result := fdtWP; end; end; end; procedure TLogicRow.FieldBoxChange(Sender: TObject); var Info : string; CurDataType : TFieldDataType; begin if FieldBox.ItemIndex >=0 then begin Info := FieldBox.Items[FieldBox.ItemIndex]; end else Info := ''; FCurFieldDef := piece(Info,'^',3); FInfoPiece3 := piece(Info,'^',4); EnsureProperValueFieldVisible; CurDataType := GetFieldDataType; Case CurDataType of fdtUnknown, fdtPointer, fdtSet : SelectOperator(COMB_EQUALS); fdtText, fdtWP : SelectOperator(COMB_CONTAINS); fdtDate : SelectOperator(COMB_IN_RANGE); end; //OperatorBoxChange(Self); if Assigned(OnSearchStringChange) then OnSearchStringChange(self); end; procedure TLogicRow.EditBoxChange(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(OnSearchStringChange) then OnSearchStringChange(self); end; procedure TLogicRow.SetPickerChange(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(OnSearchStringChange) then OnSearchStringChange(self); end; procedure TLogicRow.ConditionChange(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(OnSearchStringChange) then OnSearchStringChange(self); end; procedure TLogicRow.RecordPickerBoxChange(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(OnSearchStringChange) then OnSearchStringChange(self); end; procedure TLogicRow.DatePickerChange(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(OnSearchStringChange) then OnSearchStringChange(self); end; function TLogicRow.ExtractNum (S : String; StartPos : integer) : string; var i : integer; ch : char; begin result := ''; if (S = '') or (StartPos < 0) then exit; i := StartPos; repeat ch := S[i]; i := i + 1; if ch in ['0'..'9','.'] then begin Result := Result + ch; end; until (i > length(S)) or not (ch in ['0'..'9','.']) end; function TLogicRow.SubSetOfFields(SimpleMode : Boolean; FileNum: string; const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings; { returns a pointer to a list of file entries (for use in a long list box) - The return value is a pointer to RPCBrokerV.Results, so the data must be used BEFORE the next broker call! } var cmd,RPCResult,GetSimple : string; begin Result := nil; //default RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG SEARCH CHANNEL'; RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Value := '.X'; // not used RPCBrokerV.param[0].ptype := list; cmd := 'FIELD LIST SUBSET'; if SimpleMode then GetSimple :='1' else GetSimple :='0'; cmd := cmd + '^' + FileNum + '^' + StartFrom + '^' + IntToStr(Direction) + '^^' + GetSimple; RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"REQUEST"'] := cmd; //RPCBrokerV.Call; CallBroker; if RPCBrokerV.Results.Count > 0 then begin RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; //returns: error: -1; success=1 if piece(RPCResult,'^',1)='-1' then begin // handle error... end else begin RPCBrokerV.Results.Delete(0); if RPCBrokerV.Results.Count=0 then begin //RPCBrokerV.Results.Add('0^'); end; end; Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end; end; procedure TLogicRow.DelButtonClick(Sender : TObject); begin FParentSet.DeleteRow(Self); end; function TLogicRow.IsWPField(FileNum,FieldNum : string) : boolean; var RPCResult : string; SrchStr : string; //Idx: integer; begin SrchStr := FileNum + '^' + FieldNum + '^'; //Idx := CachedWPField.IndexOf(SrchStr + 'YES'); //if Idx > -1 then begin Result := true; exit; end; //Idx := CachedWPField.IndexOf(SrchStr + 'NO'); //if Idx > -1 then begin Result := false; exit; end; result := false; RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG CHANNEL'; RPCBrokerV.param[0].ptype := list; RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"REQUEST"'] := 'IS WP FIELD^' + FileNum + '^' + FieldNum; //RPCBrokerV.Call; CallBroker; RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; //returns: error: -1; success=1 if piece(RPCResult,'^',1)='-1' then begin FMErrorForm.Memo.Lines.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results); FMErrorForm.PrepMessage; FMErrorForm.ShowModal; end else begin RPCResult := piece(RPCResult,'^',3); result := (RPCResult = 'YES'); //CachedWPField.Add(SrchStr + RPCResult); end; end; function TLogicRow.IsValid() : boolean; var CurDataType : TFieldDataType; begin Result := false; //default to failure if (FRowNum>0) and (ConditionBox.Text = '') then exit; if FileBox.Text = '' then exit; if FieldBox.Text = '' then exit; if OperatorBox.Text = '' then exit; Case FSearchValueMode of vmUnknown : exit; vmRange : begin CurDataType := GetFieldDataType; if CurDataType <> fdtDate then begin if (ValueEdit.Text = '') or (UpperValueEdit.Text = '') then exit; end; end; vmString,vmNumeric : begin if (ValueEdit.Text = '') then exit; end; vmDate : begin //Date is always present... //if (DatePickerBox.Text = '') then exit; end; vmSet : begin if (SetPicker.Text = '') then exit; end; vmPointer : begin if (RecordPickerBox.Text = '') then exit; end; end; {case} Result := true; end; function TLogicRow.SubSetOfAllowedFiles(SimpleMode : boolean; FileNum: string; const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer ): TStrings; { returns a pointer to a list of file entries (for use in a long list box) - The return value is a pointer to RPCBrokerV.Results, so the data must be used BEFORE the next broker call! } var cmd,RPCResult,GetSimple : string; begin RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG SEARCH CHANNEL'; RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Value := '.X'; // not used RPCBrokerV.param[0].ptype := list; cmd := 'ALLOWED FILES ENTRY SUBSET'; if SimpleMode then GetSimple :='1' else GetSimple :='0'; cmd := cmd + '^' + FileNum + '^' + StartFrom + '^' + IntToStr(Direction) + '^^' + GetSimple; RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"REQUEST"'] := cmd; //RPCBrokerV.Call; CallBroker; if RPCBrokerV.Results.Count > 0 then begin RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; //returns: error: -1; success=1 if piece(RPCResult,'^',1)='-1' then begin // handle error... end else begin RPCBrokerV.Results.Delete(0); if RPCBrokerV.Results.Count=0 then begin //RPCBrokerV.Results.Add('0^'); end; end; end; Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end; function TLogicRow.SubSetOfFile(FileNum: string; const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer ): TStrings; { returns a pointer to a list of file entries (for use in a long list box) - The return value is a pointer to RPCBrokerV.Results, so the data must be used BEFORE the next broker call! } var cmd,RPCResult : string; begin RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG CHANNEL'; RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Value := '.X'; // not used RPCBrokerV.param[0].ptype := list; cmd := 'FILE ENTRY SUBSET'; cmd := cmd + '^' + FileNum + '^' + StartFrom + '^' + IntToStr(Direction); RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"REQUEST"'] := cmd; //RPCBrokerV.Call; CallBroker; RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; //returns: error: -1; success=1 if piece(RPCResult,'^',1)='-1' then begin // handle error... end else begin RPCBrokerV.Results.Delete(0); if RPCBrokerV.Results.Count=0 then begin //RPCBrokerV.Results.Add('0^'); end; end; Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end; procedure TLogicRow.InitORComboBox(ORComboBox: TORComboBox; initValue : string; boxtype : string); begin ORComboBox.Items.Clear; ORComboBox.Text := ''; //initValue; ORComboBox.InitLongList(initValue); if ORComboBox.Items.Count > 0 then begin ORComboBox.ItemIndex := 0; ORComboBox.Text := Piece(ORComboBox.Items[0],'^',2); end else begin ORComboBox.Text := ''; end; end; procedure TLogicRow.IndentMore; begin SetIndentLevel(FIndentLevel+1); end; procedure TLogicRow.IndentLess; begin if FIndentLevel>0 then SetIndentLevel(FIndentLevel-1); CheckVisibilityIsCorrect; end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // TLogicSet //----------------------------------------------------------------------- constructor TLogicSet.Create(SearchFileNumber,SearchFileName : string; AParent : TWinControl; AOwner : TComponent); begin Inherited Create; OnSearchStringChange := nil; SearchStringEdit := nil; DelBitmap := nil; Rows := TList.Create; FSimpleMode := True; FSearchFileNumber := SearchFileNumber; FSearchFileName := SearchFileName; FParent := AParent; FOwner := AOwner; FFileNumsStack := TStringList.Create; DelBitmap := TBitmap.Create; btnAddSrchField := TBitBtn.Create(AOwner); with btnAddSrchField do begin Visible := false; Parent := AParent; Height := 25; Width := 25; OnClick := HandleAddQuery; end; lblAddAnother := TLabel.Create(AOwner); with lblAddAnother do begin Visible := false; Parent := AParent; Caption := INT_ADD_QUERYROW_LABEL_CAPTION; Height := 15; Hint := 'Add More Search Terms'; ShowHint := true; ParentShowHint := False; end; btnIndentMore := TButton.Create(AOwner); with btnIndentMore do begin Visible := false; Parent := AParent; Caption := '('; Height := 15; Width := 15; OnClick := HandleIndentMore; Hint := 'Start New Grouping'; ShowHint := true; ParentShowHint := False; end; btnIndentLess := TButton.Create(AOwner); with btnIndentLess do begin Visible := false; Parent := AParent; Caption := ')'; Height := 15; Width := 15; OnClick := HandleIndentLess; Hint := 'Close Grouping'; ShowHint := true; ParentShowHint := False; end; //UpdateButtonPlacement; //Done in SetSimpleMode SetSimpleMode(FSimpleMode); end; Destructor TLogicSet.Destroy; var i : integer; ARow : TLogicRow; begin for i := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do begin ARow := GetRow(i); if ARow= nil then continue; ARow.Destroy; end; Rows.Free; FFileNumsStack.Free; btnAddSrchField.Free; lblAddAnother.Free; btnIndentMore.Free; btnIndentLess.Free; DelBitmap.Free; Inherited Destroy; end; function TLogicSet.GetRow(Index : integer): TLogicRow; begin if (Index > -1) and (Index < Rows.Count) then begin Result := TLogicRow(Rows.Items[Index]); end else Result := nil; end; function TLogicSet.GetRowCount : integer; begin Result := Rows.Count; end; function TLogicSet.IndexOf(ARow : TLogicRow) : integer; begin Result := Rows.IndexOf(ARow); end; function TLogicSet.AddRow : TLogicRow; var ALogicRow : TLogicRow; begin ALogicRow := TLogicRow.Create(FSearchFileNumber,FSearchFileName,FSimpleMode, FParent,Self,Rows.Count); ALogicRow.OnSearchStringChange := Handle1RowChange; if DelBitmap <> nil then ALogicRow.DelButton.Glyph.Assign(DelBitmap); Rows.Add(ALogicRow); Result := ALogicRow; if PriorRow <> nil then begin ALogicRow.IndentLevel := PriorRow.IndentLevel; PriorRow.CloseRow; end; UpdateButtonPlacement; end; procedure TLogicSet.DeleteRow(Index : integer); var ALogicRow, NextLogicRow : TLogicRow; i : integer; IndentLevel : integer; DeletingLastRow : boolean; GroupEmpty : boolean; begin If Rows.Count=1 then exit; //always leave at least one row present. if (Index < 0) or (Index > Rows.Count-1) then exit; DeletingLastRow := (Index = Rows.Count-1); ALogicRow := GetRow(Index); if ALogicRow <> nil then begin IndentLevel := ALogicRow.IndentLevel; ALogicRow.Destroy; end else begin IndentLevel := 0; end; Rows.Delete(Index); for i := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do begin ALogicRow := GetRow(i); if ALogicRow = nil then continue; ALogicRow.SetRowNum(i); ALogicRow.CheckVisibilityIsCorrect; end; //FIX!!! If row is a group starter, then all dependant rows should be // shifted leftward. //Check if row prior to that deleted was a group opener GroupEmpty := false; //default ALogicRow := GetRow(Index-1); NextLogicRow := GetRow(Index); //Next in list, that has pulled up into Index's position if (ALogicRow <> nil) and ALogicRow.NewGroupStarter then begin //Now see if group is now empty. if NextLogicRow=nil then begin GroupEmpty := true; end else if NextLogicRow.IndentLevel < IndentLevel then begin GroupEmpty := true; end; end; if GroupEmpty then begin if Rows.Count > 1 then begin DeleteRow(ALogicRow); end else begin ALogicRow.NewGroupStarter := false; end; end; if DeletingLastRow then begin ALogicRow := LastRow; if ALogicRow <> nil then begin ALogicRow.OpenRow; ALogicRow.CheckVisibilityIsCorrect; end; end; Handle1RowChange(self); UpdateButtonPlacement; end; procedure TLogicSet.DeleteRow(ARow : TLogicRow); //NOTE: Don't put details here. Put in OTHER DeleteRow above. var index : integer; begin index := IndexOf(ARow); DeleteRow(index); end; function TLogicSet.PriorRow : TLogicRow; begin if Rows.Count>1 then begin Result := TLogicRow(Rows.Items[Rows.Count-2]); end else Result := nil; end; function TLogicSet.LastRow : TLogicRow; begin if Rows.Count>0 then begin Result := TLogicRow(Rows.Items[Rows.Count-1]); end else Result := nil; end; function TLogicSet.RowBefore (ARow : TLogicRow) : TLogicRow; var index : integer; begin Result := nil; index := Rows.IndexOf(ARow); if index > 0 then Result := GetRow(Index-1); end; procedure TLogicSet.UpdateButtonPlacement; var ARow : TLogicRow; Left, Top : integer; begin ARow := LastRow; if ARow = nil then Top := 50 else Top := ARow.Top; If LastRow <> nil then Left := LastRow.FileBox.Left else Left := INT_ADD_QUERYROW_BTN_LEFT; btnAddSrchField.Top := Top + ADD_QUERY_OFFSET; btnAddSrchField.Left := Left; btnAddSrchField.Visible := true; lblAddAnother.Top := Top + ADD_QUERY_OFFSET + INT_COMPONENT_SPACING; lblAddAnother.Left := btnAddSrchField.Left + btnAddSrchField.Width + INT_COMPONENT_SPACING; lblAddAnother.Visible := true; btnIndentMore.Top := btnAddSrchField.Top + btnAddSrchField.Height + INT_COMPONENT_SPACING; btnIndentMore.Left := lblAddAnother.Left; btnIndentMore.Visible := not FSimpleMode; btnIndentLess.Top := btnIndentMore.Top; btnIndentLess.Left := btnIndentMore.Left + btnIndentMore.Width + + INT_COMPONENT_SPACING; btnIndentLess.Visible := not FSimpleMode; end; procedure TLogicSet.Handle1RowChange(Sender : TObject); begin FSearchString := GetSearchString; if Assigned(OnSearchStringChange) then OnSearchStringChange(Sender); if Assigned(SearchStringEdit) then SearchStringEdit.Text := FSearchString; end; procedure TLogicSet.HandleIndentMore(Sender : TObject); begin IndentMore; end; procedure TLogicSet.HandleIndentLess(Sender : TObject); begin IndentLess; end; procedure TLogicSet.HandleAddQuery(Sender : TObject); var ARow : TLogicRow; begin if RowCount > 0 then begin ARow := LastRow; if (ARow <> nil) and (ARow.IsValid=false) then begin MessageDlg('Please complete current row before adding a new one.',mtInformation,[mbOK],0); exit; end; end; AddRow; LastRow.Visible := true; UpdateButtonPlacement; end; procedure TLogicSet.IndentMore; var NewRow : TLogicRow; begin if LastRow.IsValid then begin NewRow := AddRow; end; LastRow.NewGroupStarter := true; NewRow := AddRow; NewRow.IndentMore; NewRow.Visible := true; end; procedure TLogicSet.IndentLess; var PriorRow, ARow : TLogicRow; begin ARow := LastRow; if ARow.IndentLevel = 0 then exit; if ARow.IsValid = true then begin ARow := AddRow; end; ARow.IndentLess; ARow.Visible := true; PriorRow := RowBefore(ARow); if PriorRow = nil then exit; if PriorRow.NewGroupStarter then begin DeleteRow(PriorRow); end; end; function TLogicSet.GetSearchString : string; var CurFile : string; ARow : TLogicRow; CurIndentLevel : integer; i : integer; begin FFileNumsStack.Clear; FFileNumsStack.Add(''); Result := ''; CurFile := ''; CurIndentLevel := 0; for i := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do begin ARow := GetRow(i); if ARow = nil then continue; if ARow.IndentLevel > CurIndentLevel then begin Inc(CurIndentLevel); CurFile := ''; FFileNumsStack.Add(''); end else while (ARow.IndentLevel < CurIndentLevel) do begin Dec(CurIndentLevel); FFileNumsStack.Delete(FFileNumsStack.Count-1); CurFile := FFileNumsStack.Strings[FFileNumsStack.Count-1]; Result := Result + ')'; end; Result := Result + ARow.GetSearchString(CurFile); FFileNumsStack.Strings[FFileNumsStack.Count-1] := CurFile; end; while CurIndentLevel > 0 do begin Result := Result + ')'; Dec(CurIndentLevel); end; end; procedure TLogicSet.SetSimpleMode(Value : boolean); begin FSimpleMode := Value; if Value = true then begin if Assigned(lblFile) then lblFile.Caption := 'Category'; if Assigned(lblField) then lblField.Caption := 'Detail'; if Assigned(lblOperator) then lblOperator.Visible := false; //if Assigned(lblValue) then lblValue.Caption := 'Value to Search For:'; end else begin if Assigned(lblFile) then lblFile.Caption := 'Associated File'; if Assigned(lblField) then lblField.Caption := 'Field'; if Assigned(lblOperator) then lblOperator.Visible := True; //if Assigned(lblValue) then lblValue.Caption := 'Search Value'; end; if Assigned(SearchStringEdit) then begin //SearchStringEdit.Visible := not Value; SearchStringEdit.ReadOnly := Value; SearchStringEdit.Enabled := not Value; SearchStringEdit.Color := Colors[not FSimpleMode]; end; UpdateButtonPlacement; if LastRow <> nil then LastRow.SimpleMode := Value; end; procedure TLogicSet.SetFile(FileNumber,FileName : string); var i : integer; begin if (FSearchFileNumber=FileNumber) and (FSearchFileName=FileName) then exit; FSearchFileNumber := FileNumber; FSearchFileName := FileName; for i := 0 to Rows.Count - 1 do begin Self.Row[i].SetFile(FileNumber,FileName); end; end; procedure TLogicSet.Clear; begin while RowCount > 1 do begin DeleteRow(LastRow); end; if LastRow <> nil then LastRow.Clear; if Assigned(SearchStringEdit) then SearchStringEdit.Text := FSearchString; end; end.