source: cprs/branches/tmg-cprs/CPRS-Chart/Templates/fTemplateAutoGen.dfm@ 1229

Last change on this file since 1229 was 453, checked in by Kevin Toppenberg, 16 years ago

Initial upload of TMG-CPRS

File size: 3.6 KB
1object frmTemplateAutoGen: TfrmTemplateAutoGen
2 Left = 361
3 Top = 230
4 ActiveControl = rgSource
5 BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
6 BorderStyle = bsDialog
7 Caption = 'Generate Template'
8 ClientHeight = 213
9 ClientWidth = 415
10 Color = clBtnFace
11 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
12 Font.Color = clWindowText
13 Font.Height = -11
14 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
15 Font.Style = []
16 OldCreateOrder = False
17 Position = poScreenCenter
18 OnShow = FormShow
19 PixelsPerInch = 96
20 TextHeight = 13
21 object lblTop: TMemo
22 Left = 256
23 Top = 8
24 Width = 147
25 Height = 65
26 TabStop = False
27 BorderStyle = bsNone
28 Color = clBtnFace
29 Lines.Strings = (
30 'Template generation creates a '
31 'new template, automatically '
32 'copying the template'#39's '
33 'boilerplate from an existing '
34 'source.')
35 TabOrder = 5
36 end
37 object lblSelect: TStaticText
38 Left = 0
39 Top = 0
40 Width = 241
41 Height = 213
42 Align = alLeft
43 Alignment = taCenter
44 AutoSize = False
45 Caption = 'Select Source of Template Generation ...'
46 TabOrder = 6
47 end
48 object rgSource: TKeyClickRadioGroup
49 Left = 256
50 Top = 88
51 Width = 153
52 Height = 81
53 Caption = ' Template Generate Source '
54 Items.Strings = (
55 '&Boilerplated Note Title'
56 '&Patient Data (Object)')
57 TabOrder = 2
58 TabStop = True
59 OnClick = rgSourceClick
60 end
61 object cbxObjects: TORComboBox
62 Left = 0
63 Top = 0
64 Width = 249
65 Height = 213
66 Style = orcsSimple
67 AutoSelect = True
68 Caption = 'Patient Data'
69 Color = clWindow
70 DropDownCount = 8
71 ItemHeight = 13
72 ItemTipColor = clWindow
73 ItemTipEnable = True
74 ListItemsOnly = False
75 LongList = False
76 LookupPiece = 0
77 MaxLength = 0
78 Pieces = '1'
79 Sorted = False
80 SynonymChars = '<>'
81 TabOrder = 1
82 Visible = False
83 OnDblClick = cbxObjectsDblClick
84 CharsNeedMatch = 1
85 end
86 object btnOK: TButton
87 Left = 257
88 Top = 190
89 Width = 75
90 Height = 21
91 Caption = '&OK'
92 Default = True
93 ModalResult = 1
94 TabOrder = 3
95 end
96 object btnCancel: TButton
97 Left = 337
98 Top = 190
99 Width = 75
100 Height = 21
101 Cancel = True
102 Caption = '&Cancel'
103 ModalResult = 2
104 TabOrder = 4
105 end
106 object cbxTitles: TORComboBox
107 Left = 0
108 Top = 0
109 Width = 249
110 Height = 213
111 Style = orcsSimple
112 AutoSelect = True
113 Caption = 'Choose Existing Template'
114 Color = clWindow
115 DropDownCount = 8
116 ItemHeight = 13
117 ItemTipColor = clWindow
118 ItemTipEnable = True
119 ListItemsOnly = True
120 LongList = True
121 LookupPiece = 0
122 MaxLength = 0
123 Pieces = '2'
124 Sorted = False
125 SynonymChars = '<>'
126 TabOrder = 0
127 Visible = False
128 OnDblClick = cbxTitlesDblClick
129 OnNeedData = cbxTitlesNeedData
130 CharsNeedMatch = 1
131 end
132 object DKLanguageController1: TDKLanguageController
133 Left = 200
134 Top = 112
135 LangData = {
136 120066726D54656D706C6174654175746F47656E010100000001000000070043
137 617074696F6E010700000006006C626C546F7001010000000200000005004C69
138 6E65730009006C626C53656C656374010100000003000000070043617074696F
139 6E0008007267536F75726365010200000004000000070043617074696F6E0500
140 000005004974656D73000A006362784F626A6563747301010000000600000007
141 0043617074696F6E00050062746E4F4B01010000000700000007004361707469
142 6F6E00090062746E43616E63656C010100000008000000070043617074696F6E
143 0009006362785469746C6573010100000009000000070043617074696F6E00}
144 end
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