//kt -- Modified with SourceScanner on 8/7/2007 unit UploadImages; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Buttons, ExtCtrls, pngimage, ExtDlgs, OleCtrls, uCore, SHDocVw, DKLang; type TImageInfo = class private public TIUIEN : int64; //IEN in file# 8925 DFN : AnsiString; //IEN in Patient File (#2) UploadDUZ : int64; //IEN in NEW PERSON file ThumbFPathName : AnsiString; // local file path name ImageFPathName : AnsiString; // local file path name ServerPath : AnsiString; ServerFName : AnsiString; ServerThumbFName: AnsiString; ShortDesc : String[60]; Extension : String[16]; ImageDateTime : AnsiString; UploadDateTime: AnsiString; ObjectType : int64; //pointer to file 2005.02 ProcName : String[10]; //server limit is 10 chars. pLongDesc : TStrings; //Won't be owned by this list procedure Assign(Source : TImageInfo); procedure Clear; end; TAutoUploadNote = class private public TIUIEN : int64; //IEN in file# 8925 ErrMsg : AnsiString; NoteTitle : AnsiString; //Title of note to be associated with image Patient : TPatient; ImageInfo : TImageInfo; Location : AnsiString; //Location that image if from DOS : AnsiString; //Date of service Provider : AnsiString; CurNoteImages: TStringList; UploadError : Boolean; procedure SetDFN(var ChartNum,Location,FName,LName,MName,DOB,Sex : string); Procedure SetInfo(var DOS,Provider,Location,Title : string); function SameAs(OtherNote: TAutoUploadNote): boolean; procedure MakeNewBlankNote(DFN,DOS,Provider,Location,Title : string); procedure InitFrom(OtherNote: TAutoUploadNote); function IsValid : boolean; procedure Clear; constructor Create(); destructor Destroy; override; end; type TUploadForm = class(TForm) OpenFileDialog: TOpenDialog; Image1: TImage; PickImagesButton: TBitBtn; Label1: TLabel; CancelButton: TBitBtn; UploadButton: TBitBtn; Label2: TLabel; Label4: TLabel; ShortDescEdit: TEdit; LongDescMemo: TMemo; Label3: TLabel; Label5: TLabel; DateTimeEdit: TEdit; ClearImagesButton: TBitBtn; OpenDialog: TOpenPictureDialog; FilesToUploadList: TListBox; NoteEdit: TEdit; PickOtherButton: TBitBtn; pnlIEHolder: TPanel; WebBrowser: TWebBrowser; Label6: TLabel; MoveCheckBox: TCheckBox; PolTimer: TTimer; DKLanguageController1: TDKLanguageController; procedure UploadButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure PickImagesButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure ShortDescEditChange(Sender: TObject); procedure ClearImagesButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure FilesToUploadListClick(Sender: TObject); procedure PickOtherButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormRefresh(Sender: TObject); procedure PolTimerTimer(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } Bitmap : TBitmap; Picture : TPicture; function MakeThumbNail(Info: TImageInfo): boolean; procedure LoadNotesEdit(); //procedure LoadNotesList(); function UploadFile(Info: TImageInfo; DelOrig : boolean): boolean; procedure UploadChosenFiles(); function ProcessOneLine(Line : string) : string; function ProcessOneFile(FileName : string) : boolean; procedure ScanAndHandleImgTxt; procedure ScanAndHandleImages; procedure DecodeImgTxt(Line : string; out ChartNum, Location, FName, LName, MName, Sex, DOB, DOS, Provider, Title : string; FilePaths : TStrings); function EncodeImgTxt(ChartNum, Location, FName, LName, MName, Sex, DOB, DOS, Provider, Title : string; FilePaths : TStrings) : AnsiString; procedure FinishDocument(UploadNote : TAutoUploadNote); public { Public declarations } FScanDir : String; PolInterval : integer; procedure SetScanDir(NewDir : string); published property ScanDir : String read FScanDir write SetScanDir; end; var UploadForm: TUploadForm; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses fNotes, StrUtils, //for MidStr etc. ORFn, //for PIECE etc. Trpcb, //for .PType enum fImages, //for upload/download files etc. //Targa, //for TGA graphic save ORNet, //for RPCBrokerV rTIU, uTMGOptions ; // const // DefShortDesc = '(Short Image Description)'; <-- original line. //kt 8/7/2007 type TFileInfo = class private public SrcRec : TSearchRec; STimeStamp : String; SBarCode : String; FPath : String; MetaFileName : String; MetaFileExists : boolean; BatchCount : integer; procedure Assign(Source: TFileInfo); procedure Clear; end; var DefShortDesc : string; //kt AutoUploadNote : TAutoUploadNote; procedure SetupVars; begin DefShortDesc := DKLangConstW('UploadImages_xShort_Image_Descriptionx'); //kt added 8/7/2007 end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------- function NumPieces(const s: string; ADelim : Char) : integer; var List : TStringList; begin List := TStringList.Create; PiecesToList(S, ADelim, List); Result := List.Count; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TFileInfo.Assign(Source: TFileInfo); begin SrcRec := Source.SrcRec; STimeStamp := Source.STimeStamp; SBarCode := Source.SBarCode; FPath := Source.FPath; BatchCount := Source.BatchCount; MetaFileName := Source.MetaFileName; MetaFileExists := Source.MetaFileExists; end; procedure TFileInfo.Clear; begin //SrcRec := ... //Note sure how to clear this. Will leave as is... STimeStamp := ''; SBarCode := ''; FPath := ''; BatchCount := 0; MetaFileName := ''; MetaFileExists := false; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TImageInfo.Assign(Source : TImageInfo); begin TIUIEN := Source.TIUIEN; DFN := Source.DFN; UploadDUZ := Source.UploadDUZ; ThumbFPathName := Source.ThumbFPathName; ImageFPathName := Source.ImageFPathName; ServerPath := Source.ServerPath; ServerFName := Source.ServerFName; ServerThumbFName := Source.ServerThumbFName; ShortDesc := Source.ShortDesc; Extension := Source.Extension; ImageDateTime := Source.ImageDateTime; UploadDateTime := Source.UploadDateTime; ObjectType := Source.ObjectType; ProcName := Source.ProcName; pLongDesc := Source.pLongDesc; //this is only a pointer to object owned elsewhere end; procedure TImageInfo.Clear; begin TIUIEN := 0; DFN := ''; UploadDUZ := 0; ThumbFPathName := ''; ImageFPathName := ''; ServerPath := ''; ServerFName := ''; ServerThumbFName := ''; ShortDesc := ''; Extension := ''; ImageDateTime := ''; UploadDateTime:= ''; ObjectType :=0; ProcName := ''; pLongDesc := nil end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TAutoUploadNote.SetDFN(var ChartNum,Location,FName,LName,MName,DOB,Sex : string); var RPCResult : AnsiString; PMS : AnsiString; begin //Notice: ChartNum, and PMS are optional. If PMS is 1,2,or 3, then ChartNum // is used to look up patient. Otherwise a lookup is based on just // Name, DOB, Sex. // To NOT use ChartNum, just set the values to '' // //Note: If LName is in form: `12345, then LName is used for DFN, and call // to server for lookup is bypassed, and the values for FName,DOB etc // are ignored if MidStr(LName,1,1)='`' then begin Self.Patient.DFN := MidStr(LName,2,999); end else begin //**NOTE**: site-specific code if Location ='Laughlin_Office' then PMS :='2' else if Location ='Peds_Office' then PMS :='3' else PMS := ''; //default RPCBrokerV.ClearParameters := true; RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG GET DFN'; RPCBrokerV.param[0].value := ChartNum; RPCBrokerV.param[0].ptype := literal; RPCBrokerV.param[1].value := PMS; RPCBrokerV.Param[1].ptype := literal; RPCBrokerV.param[2].value := FName; RPCBrokerV.Param[2].ptype := literal; RPCBrokerV.param[3].value := LName; RPCBrokerV.Param[3].ptype := literal; RPCBrokerV.param[4].value := MName; RPCBrokerV.Param[4].ptype := literal; RPCBrokerV.param[5].value := DOB; RPCBrokerV.Param[5].ptype := literal; RPCBrokerV.param[6].value := Sex; RPCBrokerV.Param[6].ptype := literal; RPCBrokerV.Call; RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; //returns: success: DFN; or error: -1^ErrMsg if piece(RPCResult,'^',1) <> '-1' then begin self.Patient.DFN := RPCResult; end else begin self.Patient.DFN := ''; end; end; end; Procedure TAutoUploadNote.SetInfo(var DOS,Provider,Location,Title : string); //Just loads values into structure. No validation done. begin Self.DOS := DOS; Self.Provider := Provider; Self.Location := Location; Self.NoteTitle := Title; end; procedure TAutoUploadNote.InitFrom(OtherNote: TAutoUploadNote); //Will create a blank note for itself. begin Patient.Assign(OtherNote.Patient); ImageInfo.Assign(OtherNote.ImageInfo); Location := OtherNote.Location; DOS := OtherNote.DOS; Provider := OtherNote.Provider; NoteTitle := OtherNote.NoteTitle; CurNoteImages.Assign(OtherNote.CurNoteImages); MakeNewBlankNote(Patient.DFN,DOS,Provider,Location,NoteTitle); end; procedure TAutoUploadNote.MakeNewBlankNote(DFN,DOS,Provider,Location,Title : string); var RPCResult : string; begin RPCResult := ''; Self.ErrMsg := ''; //default to no error messages RPCBrokerV.ClearParameters := true; RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG GET BLANK TIU DOCUMENT'; RPCBrokerV.param[0].value := DFN; RPCBrokerV.param[0].ptype := literal; RPCBrokerV.param[1].value := Provider; RPCBrokerV.Param[1].ptype := literal; RPCBrokerV.param[2].value := Location; RPCBrokerV.Param[2].ptype := literal; RPCBrokerV.param[3].value := DOS; RPCBrokerV.Param[3].ptype := literal; RPCBrokerV.param[4].value := Title; RPCBrokerV.Param[4].ptype := literal; RPCBrokerV.Call; RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; try TIUIEN := StrToInt64(Piece(RPCResult,'^',1)); //returns: success: TIU IEN; or error: -1 except on E: EConvertError do begin Self.ErrMsg := 'WHILE CREATING BLANK NOTE FOR UPLOAD, ' + 'ERROR CONVERTING: ' + RPCBrokerV.Results[0] + ' to document record #.'; TIUIEN := -1; end end; If TIUIEN <> -1 then begin Self.Patient.DFN := DFN; Self.Provider := Provider; Self.Location := Location; Self.DOS := DOS; end else begin Self.ErrMsg := 'FAILED TO CREATE A BLANK NOTE FOR UPLOAD' + ' ' + Piece(RPCResult,'^',2); Self.UploadError := true; end; end; function TAutoUploadNote.IsValid : boolean; begin Result := true; //default to success. if (Patient.DFN='') {or (TIUIEN < 1)} or (ErrMsg <> '') or (NoteTitle = '') or (Location = '') or (DOS = '') or (Provider = '') then begin Result := false end; end; procedure TAutoUploadNote.Clear; begin TIUIEN := 0; if Patient <> nil then Patient.Clear; if ImageInfo <> nil then ImageInfo.Clear; Location := ''; DOS := ''; Provider := ''; NoteTitle := ''; UploadError := False; if CurNoteImages <> nil then CurNoteImages.Clear; end; function TAutoUploadNote.SameAs(OtherNote: TAutoUploadNote): boolean; begin Result := true; if (OtherNote = nil) or (OtherNote.Patient = nil) or (Patient.DFN <> OtherNote.Patient.DFN) or (DOS <> OtherNote.DOS) or (Provider <> OtherNote.Provider) or (Location <> OtherNote.Location) or (NoteTitle <> OtherNote.NoteTitle) then begin Result := false; end; end; constructor TAutoUploadNote.Create; begin Self.TIUIEN := 0; Self.Patient := TPatient.Create; Self.CurNoteImages := TStringList.Create; Self.ImageInfo := TImageInfo.Create; Self.Clear; end; destructor TAutoUploadNote.Destroy; begin self.patient.free; Self.CurNoteImages.Free; Self.ImageInfo.Free; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TUploadForm.MakeThumbNail(Info: TImageInfo) : boolean; //This takes Info.ImageFPathName and creates a 64x64 .bmp file with //this same name, and saves in cache directory. //saves name of this thumbnail in info.ThumbFPathName var Rect : TRect; ThumbFName : AnsiString; begin Rect.Top := 0; Rect.Left:=0; Rect.Right:=63; Rect.Bottom:=63; result := false; //default of failure try Picture.LoadFromFile(Info.ImageFPathName); Bitmap.Canvas.StretchDraw(Rect,Picture.Graphic); ThumbFName := frmImages.CacheDir + '\Thumb-' + ExtractFileName(Info.ImageFPathName); ThumbFName := ChangeFileExt(ThumbFName,'.bmp'); Bitmap.SaveToFile(ThumbFName); //save to local cache (for upload) Info.ThumbFPathName := ThumbFName; //pass info back out. Info.ServerThumbFName := ChangeFileExt(Info.ServerFName,'.ABS'); //format is .bmp result := true except on E: Exception do exit; end; end; function TUploadForm.UploadFile(Info: TImageInfo; DelOrig : boolean): boolean; //result: true if success, false if failure var RPCResult,index : AnsiString; ImageIEN : AnsiString; MsgNum : AnsiString; ErrorMsg : AnsiString; i : integer; begin RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'MAGGADDIMAGE'; RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Value := '.X'; RPCBrokerV.Param[0].PType := list; RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"NETLOCABS"'] := 'ABS^STUFFONLY'; RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"magDFN"'] := '5^' + Info.DFN; {patient dfn} RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"DATETIME"'] := '7^NOW'; {date/time image collected} RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"DATETIMEPROC"'] := '15^' + Info.ImageDateTime; {Date/Time of Procedure} if Info.ProcName <> '' then RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"PROC"'] := '6^' + Info.ProcName; {procedure} RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"DESC"'] := '10^(Hard coded Short Description)'; {image description} if Info.ShortDesc <> '' then RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"DESC"'] := '10^' + Info.ShortDesc; {image description} RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"DUZ"'] := '8^' + IntToStr(Info.UploadDUZ); {Duz} //The field (#14) below is used for images that are part of a group, //for example a CT exam might contain 30 images. This field //contains a pointer back to the Image file (2005), to the //object whose type is "GROUP" that points to this object as //a member of its group. A pointer to this object will be //found in the Object Group multiple of the parent GROUP //object. //RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"GROUP"'] := '14^' + group; RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"OBJTYPE"'] := '3^' + IntToStr(Info.ObjectType); RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"FileExt"'] := 'EXT^' + Info.Extension; for i := 0 to Info.pLongDesc.Count - 1 do begin index := IntToStr(i); while length(index) < 3 do index := '0' + index; index :='"LongDescr' + index + '"'; RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult[index] := '11^' + Info.pLongDesc.Strings[i]; end; RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.STRcall; { returns ImageIEN^directory/filename } ImageIEN := Piece(RPCResult,'^',1); result := ((ImageIEN <> '0') and (ImageIEN <> '')); // function result. if result=false then begin // ErrorMsg :='Server Error -- Couldn''t store image information'; <-- original line. //kt 8/7/2007 ErrorMsg :=DKLangConstW('UploadImages_Server_Error_xx_Couldnxxt_store_image_information'); //kt added 8/7/2007 MessageDlg(ErrorMsg,mtWarning,[mbOK],0); end; if result then begin Info.ServerPath := Piece(RPCResult,'^',2); Info.ServerFName := Piece(RPCResult,'^',3); result := frmImages.UploadFile(Info.ImageFPathName,Info.ServerPath,Info.ServerFName,1,1); if result=false then begin // ErrorMsg :='Error uploading image to server'; <-- original line. //kt 8/7/2007 ErrorMsg :=DKLangConstW('UploadImages_Error_uploading_image_to_server'); //kt added 8/7/2007 //Application.MessageBox(@ErrorMsg,'Error Uploading Image'); MessageDlg(ErrorMsg,mtWarning,[mbCancel],0); end; //Later, put code that also copies the file into the cache directory, //so that we don't have to turn around and download it again. if result then begin RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'MAG3 TIU IMAGE'; RPCBrokerV.param[0].ptype := literal; RPCBrokerV.param[0].value := ImageIEN; RPCBrokerV.Param[1].ptype := literal; RPCBrokerV.param[1].value := IntToStr(Info.TIUIEN); RPCBrokerV.Call; RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; //returns: success: 1^message; or error: 0^error message MsgNum := Piece(RPCResult,'^',1); result := (MsgNum = '1'); if result=false then begin // ErrorMsg :='Error associating image with note:' + #13 + Piece(RPCResult,'^',2); <-- original line. //kt 8/7/2007 ErrorMsg :=DKLangConstW('UploadImages_Error_associating_image_with_notex') + #13 + Piece(RPCResult,'^',2); //kt added 8/7/2007 MessageDlg(ErrorMsg,mtWarning,[mbCancel],0); end; end; if (result=true) and (MoveCheckBox.Checked) then begin DeleteFile(Info.ImageFPathName); end; if result then begin if MakeThumbNail(Info) then begin; result := frmImages.UploadFile(Info.ThumbFPathName,Info.ServerPath,Info.ServerThumbFName,1,1); if result=false then begin // ErrorMsg :='Error sending thumbnail image to server.'; <-- original line. //kt 8/7/2007 ErrorMsg :=DKLangConstW('UploadImages_Error_sending_thumbnail_image_to_serverx'); //kt added 8/7/2007 MessageDlg(ErrorMsg,mtWarning,[mbOK],0); end; end; if DelOrig=true then begin DeleteFile(Info.ImageFPathName); end; end; end; //returns: result end; procedure TUploadForm.UploadChosenFiles(); var i : integer; Info: TImageInfo; begin SetupVars; Info := TImageInfo.Create(); Info.pLongDesc := nil; //Load up info class/record Info.ShortDesc := MidStr(ShortDescEdit.Text,1,60); if Info.ShortDesc = DefShortDesc then Info.ShortDesc := ' '; Info.UploadDUZ := User.DUZ; if LongDescMemo.Lines.Count>0 then begin Info.pLongDesc := LongDescMemo.Lines; end; Info.ObjectType := 1; //type 1 is Still Image (jpg). OK to use with .bmp?? Info.ProcName := 'Picture'; //max length is 10 characters Info.ImageDateTime := DateTimeEdit.Text; Info.TIUIEN := frmNotes.lstNotes.ItemID; Info.UploadDateTime := 'NOW'; Info.DFN := Patient.DFN; for i:= 0 to FilesToUploadList.Items.Count-1 do begin Info.ImageFPathName := FilesToUploadList.Items.Strings[i]; Info.Extension := ExtractFileExt(Info.ImageFPathName); //includes '.' Info.Extension := MidStr(Info.Extension,2,17); //remove '.' if not UploadFile(Info,MoveCheckBox.Checked) then begin //Upload function passes back filename info in Info class //Application.MessageBox('Error uploading image file!','Error'); end; end; Info.Free; end; procedure TUploadForm.LoadNotesEdit(); begin NoteEdit.Text := frmNotes.tvNotes.Selected.Text; end; { procedure TUploadForm.LoadNotesList(); var NoteInfo,s,dateS : AnsiString; i : integer; const U='^'; begin NoteComboBox.Items.Clear; for i := 0 to frmNotes.lstNotes.Count-1 do with frmNotes.lstNotes do begin NoteInfo := Items[i]; (* example NoteInfo: piece# 1: 14321^ //TIU IEN piece# 2: PRESCRIPTION CALL IN^ //Document Title piece# 3: 3050713.0947^ //Date/Time piece# 4: TEST, KILLME D (T0101)^ //Patient piece# 5: 133;JANE A DOE;DOE,JANE A^ //Author piece# 6: Main_Office^ //Location of Visit piece# 7: completed^ //Status of Document piece# 8: Visit: 07/13/05;3050713.094721^ //Date/Time piece# 9...: ;^^1^^^1^' //? *) dateS := Piece(Piece(NoteInfo, U, 8), ';', 2); s := FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy@hh:nn', MakeFMDateTime(dateS)) + ' -- '; // s := Piece(Piece(NoteInfo, U, 8), ';', 1) + ' -- '; s := s + Piece(NoteInfo, U, 2) + '; '; s := s + 'Author: ' + Piece(Piece(NoteInfo, U, 5), ';', 2) + ', '; s := s + Piece(NoteInfo, U, 6); NoteComboBox.Items.Add(s); end; NoteComboBox.ItemIndex := frmNotes.lstNotes.ItemIndex; end; } //Delphi events etc.------------------------------------------------ procedure TUploadForm.UploadButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin try WebBrowser.Navigate(frmImages.NullImageName); except on E: Exception do exit; end; UploadChosenFiles(); end; procedure TUploadForm.PickImagesButtonClick(Sender: TObject); var i : integer; begin If OpenDialog.Execute then begin for i := 0 to OpenDialog.Files.Count-1 do begin FilesToUploadList.Items.Add(OpenDialog.Files.Strings[i]); end; end; end; procedure TUploadForm.PickOtherButtonClick(Sender: TObject); var i : integer; begin If OpenFileDialog.Execute then begin for i := 0 to OpenFileDialog.Files.Count-1 do begin FilesToUploadList.Items.Add(OpenFileDialog.Files.Strings[i]); end; end; end; procedure TUploadForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin FormRefresh(self); FilesToUploadList.Items.Clear; LoadNotesEdit(); SetupVars; ShortDescEdit.Text := DefShortDesc; end; procedure TUploadForm.ShortDescEditChange(Sender: TObject); begin if Length(ShortDescEdit.Text)> 60 then begin ShortDescEdit.Text := MidStr(ShortDescEdit.Text,1,60); end; end; procedure TUploadForm.ClearImagesButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin FilesToUploadList.Items.Clear; FilesToUploadListClick(self); end; procedure TUploadForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Bitmap := TBitmap.Create; Bitmap.Height := 64; Bitmap.Width := 64; Picture := TPicture.Create; AutoUploadNote := TAutoUploadNote.Create; FScanDir := uTMGOptions.ReadString('Pol Directory','??'); if FScanDir='??' then begin FScanDir := ExtractFileDir(Application.ExeName); uTMGOptions.WriteString('Pol Directory',FScanDir); end; PolInterval := uTMGOptions.ReadInteger('Pol Interval (milliseconds)',0); if PolInterval=0 then begin PolInterval := 60000; uTMGOptions.WriteInteger('Pol Interval (milliseconds)',PolInterval); end; end; procedure TUploadForm.SetScanDir(NewDir : string); begin if DirectoryExists(NewDir) then begin FScanDir := NewDir; uTMGOptions.WriteString('Pol Directory',FScanDir); end; end; procedure TUploadForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin Bitmap.Free; Picture.Free; end; procedure TUploadForm.FilesToUploadListClick(Sender: TObject); var FileName: AnsiString; SelectedItem: integer; begin SelectedItem := FilesToUploadList.ItemIndex; if SelectedItem > -1 then begin FileName := FilesToUploadList.Items[SelectedItem]; //Application.MessageBox('Here I would pass to IE','NOte'); end else begin FileName := frmImages.NullImageName; end; try WebBrowser.Navigate(FileName); except on E: Exception do exit; end; end; procedure TUploadForm.FormRefresh(Sender: TObject); begin try WebBrowser.Navigate(frmImages.NullImageName); except on E: Exception do exit; end; end; procedure TUploadForm.DecodeImgTxt(Line : string; out ChartNum, Location, FName, LName, MName, Sex, DOB, DOS, Provider, Title : string; FilePaths : TStrings); //format of line is as follows: //ChartNum^Location^FName^LName^MName^Sex^DOB^DOS^Provider^Title^FilePath(s) //NOTE: To provide patient IEN instead of FName etc, use this format: // ^Location^^`1234567^^^^DOS^Provider^Title^FilePath(s) // i.e. `IEN (note ` is not an appostrophy (')) // `IEN in place of LName, and leave blank: ChartNum,FName,FName,Sex,DOB var Files: String; FileName : String; num,i : integer; begin if Pos('}',Line)>0 then begin Line := Piece(Line,'}',2); //If error message is present, still allow parse. end; ChartNum := Piece(Line,'^',1); Location := Piece(Line,'^',2); FName := Piece(Line,'^',3); LName := Piece(Line,'^',4); MName := Piece(Line,'^',5); Sex := Piece(Line,'^',6); DOB := Piece(Line,'^',7); DOS := Piece(Line,'^',8); Provider := Piece(Line,'^',9); Title := Piece(Line,'^',10); Files := Piece(Line,'^',11); //may be list of multiple files separated by ; if Pos(';',Files)>0 then begin num := NumPieces(Files,';'); for i := 1 to num do begin FileName := piece(files,';',i); if FileName <> '' then FilePaths.Add(FileName); end; end else begin FilePaths.Add(Files); end; end; function TUploadForm.EncodeImgTxt(ChartNum, Location, FName, LName, MName, Sex, DOB, DOS, Provider, Title : string; FilePaths : TStrings) : AnsiString; //format of line is as follows: //ChartNum^Location^FName^LName^MName^Sex^DOB^DOS^Provider^Title^FilePath(s) //NOTE: To provide patient IEN instead of FName etc, use this format: // ^Location^^`1234567^^^^DOS^Provider^Title^FilePath(s) // i.e. `IEN (note ` is not an appostrophy (')) // `IEN in place of LName, and leave blank: ChartNum,FName,FName,Sex,DOB var i : integer; begin Result := ChartNum + '^' + Location + '^' + FName + '^' + LName + '^' + MName + '^' + Sex + '^' + DOB + '^' + DOS + '@01:00' + '^' + Provider + '^' + Title + '^'; //added time of 1:00 elh 7/8/08 for i:= 0 to FilePaths.Count-1 do begin Result := Result + FilePaths.Strings[i]; if i <> FilePaths.Count-1 then Result := Result + ';'; end; end; procedure TUploadForm.FinishDocument(UploadNote : TAutoUploadNote); var Text : TStringList; ErrMsg : String; RPCResult : String; i : integer; oneImage: string; //TIUIEN : int64; begin if (UploadNote.TIUIEN>0) and (UploadNote.CurNoteImages.Count>0) and (UploadNote.UploadError = False) then begin //Add text for note: "See scanned image" -- // or later, some HTML code to show note in CPRS directly.... Text := TStringList.Create; Text.Add(''); Text.Add(''); Text.Add(''); Text.Add(''); Text.Add('VistA HTML Note'); Text.Add(''); Text.Add(''); Text.Add('

'); Text.Add('Note created automatically from imported media.'); Text.Add('

'); for i := 0 to UploadNote.CurNoteImages.Count-1 do begin // note: $CPRSDIR$ will be replaced at runtime with directory of CPRS // This will be done as page is passed to TWebBrowser (in rHTMLTools) oneImage := '$CPRSDIR$\Cache\' + UploadNote.CurNoteImages.Strings[i]; //oneImage := CacheDir + '\' + CurNoteImages.Strings[i]; Text.Add(''); Text.Add('

'); end; //Text.Add(''); //Text.Add('If images don''t display, first view them in IMAGES tab.
'); //Text.Add('Then return here, click on note and press [F5] key to refresh.'); //Text.Add('
'); //Text.Add('

'); Text.Add(''); Text.Add(''); Text.Add(' '); rTIU.SetText(ErrMsg,Text,UploadNote.TIUIEN,1); //1=commit data, do actual save. Text.Free; //Here I autosign -- later make this optional? RPCBrokerV.ClearParameters := true; RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG AUTOSIGN TIU DOCUMENT'; RPCBrokerV.param[0].value := IntToStr(UploadNote.TIUIEN); RPCBrokerV.param[0].ptype := literal; RPCBrokerV.Call; RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; //returns: error: -1; success=1 if RPCResult='-1' then begin MessageDlg('Unable to set status for scanned document to SIGNED',mtError,[mbOK],0); end; UploadNote.TIUIEN := 0; end; UploadNote.Clear; end; function TUploadForm.ProcessOneLine(Line : string) : string; //Returns: if success, ''; if failure, returns reason //format of line is as follows: //ChartNum^Location^FName^LName^MName^Sex^DOB^DOS^Provider^Title^FilePath(s) //NOTE: To provide patient IEN instead of FName etc, use this format: // ^Location^^`1234567^^^^DOS^Provider^Title^FilePath(s) // i.e. `IEN (note ` is not an appostrophy (')) // `IEN in place of LName, and leave blank: ChartNum,FName,FName,Sex,DOB var ChartNum,FName,LName,MName,Sex,DOB : String; DOS,Provider,Title : String; ThisNote : TAutoUploadNote; FilePaths : TStringList; i : integer; Location : string; begin Result := ''; //default to success for function ThisNote := TAutoUploadNote.Create; FilePaths := TStringList.Create(); DecodeImgTxt(Line, ChartNum, Location, FName, LName, MName, Sex, DOB, DOS, Provider, Title, FilePaths); ThisNote.SetDFN(ChartNum,Location,FName,LName,MName,DOB,Sex); ThisNote.SetInfo(DOS,Provider,Location,Title); if Pos('//Failed',Line)>0 then ThisNote.UploadError := true; if ThisNote.IsValid then begin //A note can be 'Valid' and still have an 'UploadError' if ThisNote.SameAs(AutoUploadNote)= false then begin ThisNote.TIUIEN := AutoUploadNote.TIUIEN; FinishDocument(AutoUploadNote); // Close and clear any existing note AutoUploadNote.InitFrom(ThisNote); Result := AutoUploadNote.ErrMsg; //'' if no error end; if ThisNote.UploadError then AutoUploadNote.UploadError := true; if (AutoUploadNote.UploadError=false) then for i := 0 to FilePaths.Count-1 do begin AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.pLongDesc := nil; //Load up info record with data for upload AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.ShortDesc := 'Scanned document'; AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.UploadDUZ := User.DUZ; AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.ObjectType := 1; //type 1 is Still Image (jpg). OK to use with .bmp?? AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.ProcName := 'Scanned'; //max length is 10 characters AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.ImageDateTime := DOS; AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.TIUIEN := AutoUploadNote.TIUIEN; AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.UploadDateTime := 'NOW'; AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.DFN := AutoUploadNote.Patient.DFN; AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.ImageFPathName := FilePaths.Strings[i]; AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.Extension := ExtractFileExt(AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.ImageFPathName); //includes '.' AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.Extension := MidStr(AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.Extension,2,17); //remove '.' if not UploadFile(AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo,true) then begin //Upload function passes back filename info in Info class Result := 'ERROR UPLOADING IMAGE FILE'; end; AutoUploadNote.CurNoteImages.Add(AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.ServerFName); end else begin If Result='' then Result := '(Error found in earlier file entry in batch)'; end; end else begin Result := 'NOTE INFO INVALID (Probably: PATIENT NOT FOUND)'; end; FilePaths.Free; ThisNote.Free; end; function TUploadForm.ProcessOneFile(FileName : string) : boolean; //This will process image(s) indicated in textfile FileName //After uploading image to server, textfile and specified images are deleted //Returns Success //Note: To upload multiple images into one document, one may add multiple // lines to the ImgTxt text file. As long as the info is the same // (i.e. same provider, patient, note type, DOS etc) then they // will be appended to current note. // OR, add multiple image file names to one line. // -- the problem with multiple images on one line is that errors // can not be reported for just one image. It will be ONE for any/all // OR, if the next file in process-order is still has the same info as // the prior file, then it will be appended. var Lines : TStringList; i : integer; ResultStr : string; OneLine : string; begin Result := true; //default is Success=true Lines := TStringList.Create; Lines.LoadFromFile(FileName); //FinishDocument(AutoUploadNote); //will save and clear any old data. for i := 0 to Lines.Count-1 do begin OneLine := Lines.Strings[i]; ResultStr := ProcessOneLine(OneLine); //Even process with //failed markeers (to preserve batches) if Pos('//Failed',OneLine)> 0 then begin //If we already have //Failed, don't duplicate another Error Msg Result := false; //prevent deletion of file containing //Failed// end else begin if ResultStr <> '' then begin Lines.Strings[i] := '//Failed: '+ResultStr+'}'+Lines.Strings[i]; Lines.SaveToFile(FileName); Result := false; end; end; end; //Temp, for debugging //Lines.SaveToFile(ChangeFileExt(FileName,'.imgtxt-bak')); //end temp Lines.free; end; procedure TUploadForm.ScanAndHandleImgTxt; var FoundFile : string; Found : TSearchRec; FilesList : TStringList; i : integer; result : boolean; begin //NOTE: Later I may make this spawn a separate thread, so that // user doesn't encounter sudden unresponsiveness of CPRS //I can use BeginThread, then EndTread //Issues: ProcessOneFile would probably have to be a function // not in a class/object... FilesList := TStringList.Create; //scan for new *.ImgTxt file //FindFirst may not have correct order, so collect all names and then sort. if FindFirst(FScanDir+'*.imgtxt',faAnyFile,Found)=0 then repeat FilesList.Add(FScanDir+Found.Name); until FindNext(Found) <> 0; FindClose(Found); FilesList.Sort; //puts filenames in alphanumeric order //Now process images in correct order. for i := 0 to FilesList.Count-1 do begin FoundFile := FilesList.Strings[i]; if ProcessOneFile(FoundFile) = true then begin {process *.imgtxt file} DeleteFile(FoundFile); FoundFile := ChangeFileExt(FoundFile,'.barcode.txt'); DeleteFile(FoundFile); end; //Note: it is OK to continue, to get other non-error notes afterwards. end; FinishDocument(AutoUploadNote); // Close and clear any existing note FilesList.Free end; procedure TUploadForm.ScanAndHandleImages; (* Overview of mechanism of action of automatically uploading images. ================================================================= -- For an image to be uploaded, it must first be positively identified. This can occur 1 of two ways: -- the image contains a datamatrix barcode. -- the image is part of a batch, and the first image of the batch contains a barcode for the entire batch. -- At our site, the scanner program automatically names the files numerically so that sorting on the name will put them in proper order when working with batches. -- The decoding of the barcode requires a special program. I was not able to find a way to run this on the Windows client. I found the libdmtx that does this automatically. It currently is on unix only. It was too complicated for me to compile it for windows. I initially wanted everything to run through the RPC broker. This involved uploading the image to the linux server, running the decoder on the server, then passing the result back. The code for this is still avail in this CPRS code. However, the process was too slow and I had to come up with something faster. So the following arrangement was setup -- scanned images are stored in a folder that was shared by both the windows network (and thus is available to CPRS), and the linux server. -- At our site, we used a copier/scanner unit that created only TIFF files. These are not the needed format for the barcode decoder, so... -- a cron job runs on the linux server that converts the .tif files to .png. Here is that script: --------------------------------- -- Next the .png files must be checked for a barcode. Another cron task scans a directory for .png files and creates a metafile for the file giving its barcode reading, or a marker that there is no barcode available for that image. The file name format is: *.barcode.txt, with the * coorelating to filename of the image. -- The decoding process can take some time (up to several minutes per image. -- A flag file named barcodeRead.working.txt is created when the script is run, and deleted when done. So if this file is present then the decoding process is not complete. -- if a *.barcode.txt file is present, then no attempts will be made to decode the image a second time. -- CPRS still contains code to upload an image to look for a barcode. At this site, only png's will contain barcodes, so I have commented out support for automatically uploading other file formats. -- Here is the unix bash script that decodes the barcodes. It is launched by cron: --------------------------------- --------------------------------- -- After the *.png images are available, and no flag files are present to indicate that the server is working with the files, then the images are processed, using the barcode metafiles. This is triggered by a timer in CPRS. It essentially converts imagename + barcode data --> --> *.imgtxt. -- For each *.png image, there will be a *.imgtxt metafile created. This will contain information needed by the server, in a special format for the RPC calls. When an *.imgtxt file is present, this is a flag that the image is ready to be uploaded. -- A timer in CPRS scans for *.imgtxt files. When found, it uploads the image to the server and creates a container progress note for displaying it in CPRS. *) procedure ScanOneImageType(ImageType : string); //Scan directory for all instances of images of type ImageType //For each one, create a metadata file (if not already present) //Note: Batch mode only works for a batch of file ALL OF THE SAME TYPE. //I.e. There can't be a batch of .jpg, then .gif, then .bmp. This is //because a scanner, if it is scanning a stack of documents for a given //patient will produce all files in the same ImageType function DeltaMins(CurrentTime,PriorTime : TDateTime) : integer; //Return ABSOLUTE difference in minutes between Current <--> Prior. //NOTE: if value is > 1440, then 1440 is returned var DeltaDays,FracDays : double; begin DeltaDays := abs(CurrentTime-PriorTime); FracDays := DeltaDays - Round(DeltaDays); if DeltaDays>1 then FracDays := 1; Result := Round((60*24)*FracDays); end; var FoundFile : string; MetaFilename : string; Found : TSearchRec; BarCodeData : AnsiString; DFN,DOS,AuthIEN,LocIEN,NoteTypeIEN : string; OneLine : string; FilePaths : TStringList; AllFiles : TStringList; OutFileLines : TStringList; BatchS : string; tempCount : integer; BatchFInfo : TFileInfo; LastFileTimeStamp,CurFileTimeStamp : TDateTime; DeltaMinutes : integer; pFInfo : TFileInfo; i : integer; Label AbortPoint; const ALLOWED_TIME_GAP = 2; //time in minutes begin FilePaths := TStringList.Create; OutFileLines := TStringList.Create; AllFiles := TStringList.Create; BatchFInfo := TFileInfo.Create; //NOTE: Later I may make this spawn a separate thread, so that // user doesn't encounter sudden unresponsiveness of CPRS //I can use BeginThread, then EndTread //Issues: ProcessOneFile would probably have to be a function // not in a class/object... //scan for all instances *.ImageType Image file //Store info for processesing after loop //Do this as a separate step, so files can be processed in proper order if FindFirst(FScanDir+'*.'+ImageType,faAnyFile,Found)=0 then repeat FoundFile := FScanDir+Found.Name; if FileExists(ChangeFileExt(FoundFile,'.imgtxt')) then continue; MetaFilename := ChangeFileExt(FoundFile,'.barcode.txt'); pFInfo := TFileInfo.Create; //will be owned by AllFiles pFInfo.MetaFileName := MetaFilename; pFInfo.FPath := FoundFile; pFInfo.SrcRec := Found; pFInfo.STimeStamp := FloatToStr(FileDateToDateTime(Found.Time)); pFInfo.MetaFileExists := FileExists(MetaFilename); pFInfo.SBarCode := ''; //default to empty. pFInfo.BatchCount := 0; if pFInfo.MetaFileExists = false then begin //Call server via RPC to decode Barcode //This is too slow and buggy. Will remove for now... //BarCodeData := frmImages.DecodeBarcode(FoundFile,ImageType); //pFInfo.SBarCode := BarCodeData; pFInfo.SBarCode := ''; //Here I could optionally create a Metafile for processing below. end; if pFInfo.MetaFileExists then begin //Retest in case RPC changed status. if FileExists(FScanDir+'barcodeRead.working.txt') then goto AbortPoint; OutFileLines.LoadFromFile(pFInfo.MetaFileName); if OutFileLines.Count>0 then begin pFInfo.SBarCode := OutFileLines.Strings[0]; //convert 'No Barcode message into an empty string, to match existing code. if Pos('//',pFInfo.SBarCode)=1 then pFInfo.SBarCode := ''; if NumPieces(pFInfo.SBarCode,'-') <> 8 then pFInfo.SBarCode := ''; end else begin pFInfo.MetaFileExists := false; //set empty file to Non-existence status end; end; AllFiles.AddObject(pFInfo.FPath,pFInfo); //Store filename, to allow sorting on this. until FindNext(Found) <> 0; AllFiles.Sort; // Sort on timestamp --> put in ascending alpha filename order //-------- Now, process files in name order ------------ LastFileTimeStamp := 0; BatchFInfo.BatchCount := 0; for i := 0 to AllFiles.Count-1 do begin pFInfo := TFileInfo(AllFiles.Objects[i]); if pFInfo.MetaFileExists = false then continue; CurFileTimeStamp := FileDateToDateTime(pFInfo.SrcRec.Time); DeltaMinutes := DeltaMins(CurFileTimeStamp,LastFileTimeStamp); // *.barcode.txt file exists at this point if pFInfo.SBarCode <> '' then begin //Found a new barcode LastFileTimeStamp := CurFileTimeStamp; //Note: The expected format of barcode must be same as that // created by TfrmPtLabelPrint.PrintButtonClick: // 70685-12-31-2008-73-6-1302-0 // PtIEN-DateOfService-AuthorIEN-LocIEN-NoteTypeIEN-BatchFlag // THUS there should be 8 pieces in the string. DFN := piece(pFInfo.SBarCode,'-',1); DOS := pieces(pFInfo.SBarCode,'-',2,4); AuthIEN := piece(pFInfo.SBarCode,'-',5); LocIEN := piece(pFInfo.SBarCode,'-',6); NoteTypeIEN := piece(pFInfo.SBarCode,'-',7); BatchS := piece(pFInfo.SBarCode,'-',8); if BatchS = '*' then begin pFInfo.BatchCount := 9999 end else begin try pFInfo.BatchCount := StrToInt(BatchS); except on E:EConvertError do begin pFInfo.BatchCount := 1; end; end; end; //BatchFInfo.SBarCode := pFInfo.SBarCode; end else if (BatchFInfo.BatchCount > 0) then begin if (DeltaMinutes > ALLOWED_TIME_GAP) then begin pFInfo.Clear; BatchFInfo.Clear; end else begin //Apply barcode from last image onto this one (from same batch) pFInfo.SBarCode := BatchFInfo.SBarCode; end; end; if pFInfo.SBarCode <> '' then begin //Success --> write out ImgTxt file... FilePaths.Add(pFInfo.FPath); OneLine := EncodeImgTxt('', '`'+LocIEN,'', '`'+DFN, '', '', '', DOS,'`'+AuthIEN, '`'+NoteTypeIEN, FilePaths); if pFInfo.BatchCount>0 then begin //A BATCH marker has been found on current barcode. This means that //Batchmode should be turned on. This will apply current barcode //data to any subsequent images, providing there is not a gap in //time > ALLOWED_TIME_GAP BatchFInfo.Assign(pFInfo); //reset Batch info to current end; //Decrease use count of Batch Info Dec(BatchFInfo.BatchCount); end else begin OneLine := ''; end; OutFileLines.Clear; if OneLine <> '' then begin OutFileLines.Add(OneLine); OutFileLines.SaveToFile(ChangeFileExt(pFInfo.FPath,'.imgtxt')); end; FilePaths.Clear; OutFileLines.Clear; LastFileTimeStamp := CurFileTimeStamp; end; AbortPoint: FindClose(Found); BatchFInfo.Free; FilePaths.Free; for i := 0 to AllFiles.Count-1 do begin //free owned objects pFInfo := TFileInfo(AllFiles.Objects[i]); pFInfo.Free; end; AllFiles.Free; OutFileLines.Free; end; var flag1Filename,flag2Filename : string; begin flag1Filename := FScanDir+'barcodeRead.working.txt'; flag2Filename := FScanDir+'convertTif2Png.working.txt'; //if linux server is in middle of a conversion or barcode decode, then skip. if (FileExists(flag1Filename)=false) and (FileExists(flag2Filename)=false) then begin (* Remove {}'s to be able to have jpg's etc that contain barcodes In our site, only png's will have barcodes, and thus these are the only images that can be uploaded automatically. Uploading jpg's, bmp's etc to look for (nonexistent) barcodes will just waste time and bandwidth. *) { ScanOneImageType('jpg'); ScanOneImageType('jpeg'); ScanOneImageType('gif'); ScanOneImageType('bmp'); } //ScanOneImageType('tif'); {Tiff was not showing up in IE for some reason} //ScanOneImageType('tiff'); {Tiff was not showing up in IE for some reason} ScanOneImageType('png'); end; end; procedure TUploadForm.PolTimerTimer(Sender: TObject); begin PolTimer.Enabled := false; try if Assigned(frmImages) and frmImages.AutoScanUpload.Checked then begin ScanAndHandleImages; //create metadata for images (if not done already) ScanAndHandleImgTxt; //process upload file, based on metadata end; finally PolTimer.Enabled := true; PolTimer.Interval := PolInterval; end; end; end.