1 | //kt -- Modified with SourceScanner on 8/7/2007
2 | unit UploadImages;
3 |
4 | interface
5 |
6 | uses
7 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
8 | Dialogs, StdCtrls, Buttons, ExtCtrls, pngimage, ExtDlgs, OleCtrls,
9 | uCore,
10 | SHDocVw, DKLang;
11 |
12 | type
13 |
14 | TImageInfo = class
15 | private
16 | public
17 | TIUIEN : int64; //IEN in file# 8925
18 | DFN : AnsiString; //IEN in Patient File (#2)
19 | UploadDUZ : int64; //IEN in NEW PERSON file
20 | ThumbFPathName : AnsiString; // local file path name
21 | ImageFPathName : AnsiString; // local file path name
22 | ServerPath : AnsiString;
23 | ServerFName : AnsiString;
24 | ServerThumbFName: AnsiString;
25 | ShortDesc : String[60];
26 | Extension : String[16];
27 | ImageDateTime : AnsiString;
28 | UploadDateTime: AnsiString;
29 | ObjectType : int64; //pointer to file 2005.02
30 | ProcName : String[10]; //server limit is 10 chars.
31 | pLongDesc : TStrings; //Won't be owned by this list
32 | procedure Assign(Source : TImageInfo);
33 | procedure Clear;
34 | end;
35 |
36 | TAutoUploadNote = class
37 | private
38 | public
39 | TIUIEN : int64; //IEN in file# 8925
40 | ErrMsg : AnsiString;
41 | NoteTitle : AnsiString; //Title of note to be associated with image
42 | Patient : TPatient;
43 | ImageInfo : TImageInfo;
44 | Location : AnsiString; //Location that image if from
45 | DOS : AnsiString; //Date of service
46 | Provider : AnsiString;
47 | CurNoteImages: TStringList;
48 | UploadError : Boolean;
49 | procedure SetDFN(var ChartNum,Location,FName,LName,MName,DOB,Sex : string);
50 | Procedure SetInfo(var DOS,Provider,Location,Title : string);
51 | function SameAs(OtherNote: TAutoUploadNote): boolean;
52 | procedure MakeNewBlankNote(DFN,DOS,Provider,Location,Title : string);
53 | procedure InitFrom(OtherNote: TAutoUploadNote);
54 | function IsValid : boolean;
55 | procedure Clear;
56 | constructor Create();
57 | destructor Destroy; override;
58 | end;
59 |
60 | type
61 | TUploadForm = class(TForm)
62 | OpenFileDialog: TOpenDialog;
63 | Image1: TImage;
64 | PickImagesButton: TBitBtn;
65 | Label1: TLabel;
66 | CancelButton: TBitBtn;
67 | UploadButton: TBitBtn;
68 | Label2: TLabel;
69 | Label4: TLabel;
70 | ShortDescEdit: TEdit;
71 | LongDescMemo: TMemo;
72 | Label3: TLabel;
73 | Label5: TLabel;
74 | DateTimeEdit: TEdit;
75 | ClearImagesButton: TBitBtn;
76 | OpenDialog: TOpenPictureDialog;
77 | FilesToUploadList: TListBox;
78 | NoteEdit: TEdit;
79 | PickOtherButton: TBitBtn;
80 | pnlIEHolder: TPanel;
81 | WebBrowser: TWebBrowser;
82 | Label6: TLabel;
83 | MoveCheckBox: TCheckBox;
84 | PolTimer: TTimer;
85 | DKLanguageController1: TDKLanguageController;
86 | btnPickPDF: TBitBtn;
87 | procedure UploadButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
88 | procedure PickImagesButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
89 | procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
90 | procedure ShortDescEditChange(Sender: TObject);
91 | procedure ClearImagesButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
92 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
93 | procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
94 | procedure FilesToUploadListClick(Sender: TObject);
95 | procedure PickOtherButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
96 | procedure FormRefresh(Sender: TObject);
97 | procedure PolTimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
98 | procedure btnPickPDFClick(Sender: TObject);
99 | procedure FormHide(Sender: TObject);
100 | private
101 | { Private declarations }
102 | Bitmap : TBitmap;
103 | Picture : TPicture;
104 | FAllowNonImages : boolean;
105 | FUploadedImagesList : TStringList; //List of strings of images succesfully uploaded.
106 | function MakeThumbNail(Info: TImageInfo): boolean;
107 |
108 | procedure LoadNotesEdit();
109 | //procedure LoadNotesList();
110 | function UploadFile(Info: TImageInfo; DelOrig : boolean): boolean;
111 | function CopyFileToTemp(FNamePath : string) : string;
112 | procedure UploadChosenFiles();
113 | function ProcessOneLine(Line : string) : string;
114 | function ProcessOneFile(FileName : string) : boolean;
115 | procedure ScanAndHandleImgTxt;
116 | procedure ScanAndHandleImages;
117 | procedure DecodeImgTxt(Line : string; out ChartNum, Location,
118 | FName, LName, MName, Sex, DOB, DOS, Provider,
119 | Title : string; FilePaths : TStrings);
120 | function EncodeImgTxt(ChartNum, Location, FName, LName, MName, Sex, DOB,
121 | DOS, Provider, Title : string; FilePaths : TStrings) : AnsiString;
122 | procedure FinishDocument(UploadNote : TAutoUploadNote);
123 | procedure SetAllowNonImages(Value : boolean);
124 | public
125 | { Public declarations }
126 | FScanDir : String;
127 | PolInterval : integer;
128 | procedure SetScanDir(NewDir : string);
129 | published
130 | property ScanDir : String read FScanDir write SetScanDir;
131 | property UploadedImages : TStringList read FUploadedImagesList;
132 | property AllowNonImages : boolean read FAllowNonImages write SetAllowNonImages;
133 | end;
134 |
135 | var
136 | UploadForm: TUploadForm;
137 |
138 | implementation
139 |
140 | {$R *.dfm}
141 |
142 | uses fNotes,
143 | StrUtils, //for MidStr etc.
144 | ORFn, //for PIECE etc.
145 | Trpcb, //for .PType enum
146 | fImages, //for upload/download files etc.
147 | //Targa, //for TGA graphic save
148 | ORNet, //for RPCBrokerV
149 | rTIU,
150 | rHTMLTools,
151 | fImagePickPDF, //for PDF picker dialog
152 | uTMGOptions
153 | ;
154 |
155 | // const
156 | // DefShortDesc = '(Short Image Description)'; <-- original line. //kt 8/7/2007
157 |
158 | type
159 | TFileInfo = class
160 | private
161 | public
162 | SrcRec : TSearchRec;
163 | STimeStamp : String;
164 | SBarCode : String;
165 | FPath : String;
166 | MetaFileName : String;
167 | MetaFileExists : boolean;
168 | BatchCount : integer;
169 | procedure Assign(Source: TFileInfo);
170 | procedure Clear;
171 | end;
172 |
173 | var
174 | DefShortDesc : string; //kt
175 | AutoUploadNote : TAutoUploadNote;
176 |
177 |
178 | procedure SetupVars;
179 | begin
180 | DefShortDesc := DKLangConstW('UploadImages_xShort_Image_Descriptionx'); //kt added 8/7/2007
181 | end;
182 |
183 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
184 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
185 |
186 | function NumPieces(const s: string; ADelim : Char) : integer;
187 | var List : TStringList;
188 | begin
189 | List := TStringList.Create;
190 | PiecesToList(S, ADelim, List);
191 | Result := List.Count;
192 | end;
193 |
194 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
195 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
196 | procedure TFileInfo.Assign(Source: TFileInfo);
197 | begin
198 | SrcRec := Source.SrcRec;
199 | STimeStamp := Source.STimeStamp;
200 | SBarCode := Source.SBarCode;
201 | FPath := Source.FPath;
202 | BatchCount := Source.BatchCount;
203 | MetaFileName := Source.MetaFileName;
204 | MetaFileExists := Source.MetaFileExists;
205 | end;
206 |
207 | procedure TFileInfo.Clear;
208 | begin
209 | //SrcRec := ... //Note sure how to clear this. Will leave as is...
210 | STimeStamp := '';
211 | SBarCode := '';
212 | FPath := '';
213 | BatchCount := 0;
214 | MetaFileName := '';
215 | MetaFileExists := false;
216 | end;
217 |
218 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
219 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
220 | procedure TImageInfo.Assign(Source : TImageInfo);
221 | begin
222 | TIUIEN := Source.TIUIEN;
223 | DFN := Source.DFN;
224 | UploadDUZ := Source.UploadDUZ;
225 | ThumbFPathName := Source.ThumbFPathName;
226 | ImageFPathName := Source.ImageFPathName;
227 | ServerPath := Source.ServerPath;
228 | ServerFName := Source.ServerFName;
229 | ServerThumbFName := Source.ServerThumbFName;
230 | ShortDesc := Source.ShortDesc;
231 | Extension := Source.Extension;
232 | ImageDateTime := Source.ImageDateTime;
233 | UploadDateTime := Source.UploadDateTime;
234 | ObjectType := Source.ObjectType;
235 | ProcName := Source.ProcName;
236 | pLongDesc := Source.pLongDesc; //this is only a pointer to object owned elsewhere
237 | end;
238 |
239 | procedure TImageInfo.Clear;
240 | begin
241 | TIUIEN := 0;
242 | DFN := '';
243 | UploadDUZ := 0;
244 | ThumbFPathName := '';
245 | ImageFPathName := '';
246 | ServerPath := '';
247 | ServerFName := '';
248 | ServerThumbFName := '';
249 | ShortDesc := '';
250 | Extension := '';
251 | ImageDateTime := '';
252 | UploadDateTime:= '';
253 | ObjectType :=0;
254 | ProcName := '';
255 | pLongDesc := nil
256 | end;
257 |
258 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
259 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
260 | procedure TAutoUploadNote.SetDFN(var ChartNum,Location,FName,LName,MName,DOB,Sex : string);
261 | var RPCResult : AnsiString;
262 | PMS : AnsiString;
263 | begin
264 | //Notice: ChartNum, and PMS are optional. If PMS is 1,2,or 3, then ChartNum
265 | // is used to look up patient. Otherwise a lookup is based on just
266 | // Name, DOB, Sex.
267 | // To NOT use ChartNum, just set the values to ''
268 | //
269 | //Note: If LName is in form: `12345, then LName is used for DFN, and call
270 | // to server for lookup is bypassed, and the values for FName,DOB etc
271 | // are ignored
272 |
273 | if MidStr(LName,1,1)='`' then begin
274 | Self.Patient.DFN := MidStr(LName,2,999);
275 | end else begin
276 | //**NOTE**: site-specific code
277 | if Location ='Laughlin_Office' then PMS :='2'
278 | else if Location ='Peds_Office' then PMS :='3'
279 | else PMS := ''; //default
280 |
281 | RPCBrokerV.ClearParameters := true;
282 | RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG GET DFN';
283 | RPCBrokerV.param[0].value := ChartNum; RPCBrokerV.param[0].ptype := literal;
284 | RPCBrokerV.param[1].value := PMS; RPCBrokerV.Param[1].ptype := literal;
285 | RPCBrokerV.param[2].value := FName; RPCBrokerV.Param[2].ptype := literal;
286 | RPCBrokerV.param[3].value := LName; RPCBrokerV.Param[3].ptype := literal;
287 | RPCBrokerV.param[4].value := MName; RPCBrokerV.Param[4].ptype := literal;
288 | RPCBrokerV.param[5].value := DOB; RPCBrokerV.Param[5].ptype := literal;
289 | RPCBrokerV.param[6].value := Sex; RPCBrokerV.Param[6].ptype := literal;
290 | //RPCBrokerV.Call;
291 | CallBroker;
292 | RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; //returns: success: DFN; or error: -1^ErrMsg
293 | if piece(RPCResult,'^',1) <> '-1' then begin
294 | self.Patient.DFN := RPCResult;
295 | end else begin
296 | self.Patient.DFN := '';
297 | end;
298 | end;
299 | end;
300 |
301 | Procedure TAutoUploadNote.SetInfo(var DOS,Provider,Location,Title : string);
302 | //Just loads values into structure. No validation done.
303 | begin
304 | Self.DOS := DOS;
305 | Self.Provider := Provider;
306 | Self.Location := Location;
307 | Self.NoteTitle := Title;
308 | end;
309 |
310 | procedure TAutoUploadNote.InitFrom(OtherNote: TAutoUploadNote);
311 | //Will create a blank note for itself.
312 | begin
313 | Patient.Assign(OtherNote.Patient);
314 | ImageInfo.Assign(OtherNote.ImageInfo);
315 | Location := OtherNote.Location;
316 | DOS := OtherNote.DOS;
317 | Provider := OtherNote.Provider;
318 | NoteTitle := OtherNote.NoteTitle;
319 | CurNoteImages.Assign(OtherNote.CurNoteImages);
320 | MakeNewBlankNote(Patient.DFN,DOS,Provider,Location,NoteTitle);
321 | end;
322 |
323 | procedure TAutoUploadNote.MakeNewBlankNote(DFN,DOS,Provider,Location,Title : string);
324 | var RPCResult : string;
325 | begin
326 | RPCResult := '';
327 | Self.ErrMsg := ''; //default to no error messages
328 |
329 | RPCBrokerV.ClearParameters := true;
330 | RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG GET BLANK TIU DOCUMENT';
331 | RPCBrokerV.param[0].value := '`'+DFN; RPCBrokerV.param[0].ptype := literal;
332 | RPCBrokerV.param[1].value := Provider; RPCBrokerV.Param[1].ptype := literal;
333 | RPCBrokerV.param[2].value := Location; RPCBrokerV.Param[2].ptype := literal;
334 | RPCBrokerV.param[3].value := DOS; RPCBrokerV.Param[3].ptype := literal;
335 | RPCBrokerV.param[4].value := Title; RPCBrokerV.Param[4].ptype := literal;
336 | //RPCBrokerV.Call;
337 | CallBroker;
338 | RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0];
339 | try
340 | TIUIEN := StrToInt64(Piece(RPCResult,'^',1)); //returns: success: TIU IEN; or error: -1
341 | except
342 | on E: EConvertError do begin
344 | 'ERROR CONVERTING: ' + RPCBrokerV.Results[0] + ' to document record #.';
345 | TIUIEN := -1;
346 | end
347 | end;
348 | If TIUIEN <> -1 then begin
349 | Self.Patient.DFN := DFN;
350 | Self.Provider := Provider;
351 | Self.Location := Location;
352 | Self.DOS := DOS;
353 | end else begin
355 | ' ' + Piece(RPCResult,'^',2);
356 | Self.UploadError := true;
357 | end;
358 | end;
359 |
360 | function TAutoUploadNote.IsValid : boolean;
361 | begin
362 | Result := true; //default to success.
363 | if (Patient.DFN='') {or (TIUIEN < 1)} or (ErrMsg <> '') or (NoteTitle = '')
364 | or (Location = '') or (DOS = '') or (Provider = '') then begin
365 | Result := false
366 | end;
367 | end;
368 |
369 | procedure TAutoUploadNote.Clear;
370 | begin
371 | TIUIEN := 0;
372 | if Patient <> nil then Patient.Clear;
373 | if ImageInfo <> nil then ImageInfo.Clear;
374 | Location := '';
375 | DOS := '';
376 | Provider := '';
377 | NoteTitle := '';
378 | UploadError := False;
379 | if CurNoteImages <> nil then CurNoteImages.Clear;
380 | end;
381 |
382 | function TAutoUploadNote.SameAs(OtherNote: TAutoUploadNote): boolean;
383 | begin
384 | Result := true;
385 | if (OtherNote = nil) or (OtherNote.Patient = nil)
386 | or (Patient.DFN <> OtherNote.Patient.DFN)
387 | or (DOS <> OtherNote.DOS)
388 | or (Provider <> OtherNote.Provider)
389 | or (Location <> OtherNote.Location)
390 | or (NoteTitle <> OtherNote.NoteTitle) then begin
391 | Result := false;
392 | end;
393 | end;
394 |
395 | constructor TAutoUploadNote.Create;
396 | begin
397 | Self.TIUIEN := 0;
398 | Self.Patient := TPatient.Create;
399 | Self.CurNoteImages := TStringList.Create;
400 | Self.ImageInfo := TImageInfo.Create;
401 | Self.Clear;
402 | end;
403 |
404 | destructor TAutoUploadNote.Destroy;
405 | begin
406 | self.patient.free;
407 | Self.CurNoteImages.Free;
408 | Self.ImageInfo.Free;
409 | end;
410 |
411 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
412 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
413 | function TUploadForm.MakeThumbNail(Info: TImageInfo) : boolean;
414 | //This takes Info.ImageFPathName and creates a 64x64 .bmp file with
415 | //this same name, and saves in cache directory.
416 | //saves name of this thumbnail in info.ThumbFPathName
417 |
418 | var
419 | Rect : TRect;
420 | ThumbFName : AnsiString;
421 | begin
422 | Rect.Top := 0; Rect.Left:=0; Rect.Right:=63; Rect.Bottom:=63;
423 | result := false; //default of failure
424 | try
425 | Picture.LoadFromFile(Info.ImageFPathName);
426 | Bitmap.Canvas.StretchDraw(Rect,Picture.Graphic);
427 | ThumbFName := frmImages.CacheDir + '\Thumb-' + ExtractFileName(Info.ImageFPathName);
428 | ThumbFName := ChangeFileExt(ThumbFName,'.bmp');
429 | Bitmap.SaveToFile(ThumbFName); //save to local cache (for upload)
430 | Info.ThumbFPathName := ThumbFName; //pass info back out.
431 | Info.ServerThumbFName := ChangeFileExt(Info.ServerFName,'.ABS'); //format is .bmp
432 | result := true
433 | except
434 | on E: Exception do exit;
435 | end;
436 | end;
437 |
438 |
439 | function TUploadForm.UploadFile(Info: TImageInfo; DelOrig : boolean): boolean;
440 | //result: true if success, false if failure
441 | var
442 | RPCResult,index : AnsiString;
443 | ImageIEN : AnsiString;
444 | MsgNum : AnsiString;
445 | ErrorMsg : AnsiString;
446 | i : integer;
447 | CacheFPathName, tempFName : string;
448 |
449 | begin
450 | RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'MAGGADDIMAGE';
451 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Value := '.X';
452 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].PType := list;
453 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"NETLOCABS"'] := 'ABS^STUFFONLY';
454 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"magDFN"'] := '5^' + Info.DFN; {patient dfn}
455 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"DATETIME"'] := '7^NOW'; {date/time image collected}
456 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"DATETIMEPROC"'] := '15^' + Info.ImageDateTime; {Date/Time of Procedure}
457 | if Info.ProcName <> '' then
458 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"PROC"'] := '6^' + Info.ProcName; {procedure}
459 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"DESC"'] := '10^(Hard coded Short Description)'; {image description}
460 | if Info.ShortDesc <> '' then
461 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"DESC"'] := '10^' + Info.ShortDesc; {image description}
462 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"DUZ"'] := '8^' + IntToStr(Info.UploadDUZ); {Duz}
463 |
464 | //The field (#14) below is used for images that are part of a group,
465 | //for example a CT exam might contain 30 images. This field
466 | //contains a pointer back to the Image file (2005), to the
467 | //object whose type is "GROUP" that points to this object as
468 | //a member of its group. A pointer to this object will be
469 | //found in the Object Group multiple of the parent GROUP
470 | //object.
471 | //RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"GROUP"'] := '14^' + group;
472 |
473 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"OBJTYPE"'] := '3^' + IntToStr(Info.ObjectType);
474 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"FileExt"'] := 'EXT^' + Info.Extension;
475 |
476 | if assigned(Info.pLongDesc) then begin
477 | for i := 0 to Info.pLongDesc.Count - 1 do begin
478 | index := IntToStr(i);
479 | while length(index) < 3 do index := '0' + index;
480 | index :='"LongDescr' + index + '"';
481 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult[index] := '11^' + Info.pLongDesc.Strings[i];
482 | end;
483 | end;
484 |
485 | //RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.STRcall; { returns ImageIEN^directory/filename }
486 | CallBroker;
487 | if RPCBrokerV.Results.Count>0 then RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results.Strings[0];
488 |
489 | ImageIEN := Piece(RPCResult,'^',1);
490 | result := ((ImageIEN <> '0') and (ImageIEN <> '')); // function result.
491 | if result=false then begin
492 | ErrorMsg :=DKLangConstW('UploadImages_Server_Error_xx_Couldnxxt_store_image_information'); //kt added 8/7/2007
493 | MessageDlg(ErrorMsg,mtWarning,[mbOK],0);
494 | end;
495 | if result then begin
496 | Info.ServerPath := Piece(RPCResult,'^',2);
497 | Info.ServerFName := Piece(RPCResult,'^',3);
498 | result := frmImages.UploadFile(Info.ImageFPathName,Info.ServerPath,Info.ServerFName,1,1);
499 | if result=false then begin
500 | ErrorMsg :=DKLangConstW('UploadImages_Error_uploading_image_to_server'); //kt added 8/7/2007
501 | MessageDlg(ErrorMsg,mtWarning,[mbCancel],0);
502 | end;
503 | if result then begin
504 | RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'MAG3 TIU IMAGE';
505 | RPCBrokerV.param[0].ptype := literal;
506 | RPCBrokerV.param[0].value := ImageIEN;
507 | RPCBrokerV.Param[1].ptype := literal;
508 | RPCBrokerV.param[1].value := IntToStr(Info.TIUIEN);
509 | //RPCBrokerV.Call;
510 | CallBroker;
511 | RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0];
512 | //returns: success: 1^message; or error: 0^error message
513 | MsgNum := Piece(RPCResult,'^',1);
514 | result := (MsgNum = '1');
515 | if result=false then begin
516 | ErrorMsg :=DKLangConstW('UploadImages_Error_associating_image_with_notex') + #13 + Piece(RPCResult,'^',2); //kt added 8/7/2007
517 | MessageDlg(ErrorMsg,mtWarning,[mbCancel],0);
518 | end;
519 | end;
520 | if (result=false) then exit;
521 | //Copy the file into the cache directory, so that we don't have to turn around and download it again.
522 | CacheFPathName := rHTMLTools.CPRSDir + '\cache\' + ExtractFileName (Info.ServerFName);
523 | if not FileExists(CacheFPathName) then begin
524 | tempFName := Info.ImageFPathName;
525 | CopyFile(PChar(tempFName),PChar(CacheFPathName),FALSE);
526 | end;
527 | if (MoveCheckBox.Checked) then begin
528 | DeleteFile(Info.ImageFPathName);
529 | end;
530 | if MakeThumbNail(Info) then begin;
531 | result := frmImages.UploadFile(Info.ThumbFPathName,Info.ServerPath,Info.ServerThumbFName,1,1);
532 | if result=false then begin
533 | ErrorMsg :=DKLangConstW('UploadImages_Error_sending_thumbnail_image_to_serverx'); //kt added 8/7/2007
534 | MessageDlg(ErrorMsg,mtWarning,[mbOK],0);
535 | end;
536 | CacheFPathName := rHTMLTools.CPRSDir + '\cache\' + ExtractFileName (Info.ServerFName);
537 | if not FileExists(CacheFPathName) then begin
538 | CopyFile(PChar(Info.ImageFPathName),PChar(CacheFPathName),FALSE);
539 | end;
540 | if DelOrig=true then begin
541 | DeleteFile(Info.ImageFPathName);
542 | end;
543 | end;
544 | end;
545 | //returns: result
546 | end;
547 |
548 |
549 |
550 | procedure TUploadForm.UploadChosenFiles();
551 | var i : integer;
552 | Info: TImageInfo;
553 |
554 | begin
555 | SetupVars;
556 | Info := TImageInfo.Create();
557 | Info.pLongDesc := nil;
558 |
559 | //Load up info class/record
560 | Info.ShortDesc := MidStr(ShortDescEdit.Text,1,60);
561 | if Info.ShortDesc = DefShortDesc then Info.ShortDesc := ' ';
562 | Info.UploadDUZ := User.DUZ;
563 | if LongDescMemo.Lines.Count>0 then begin
564 | Info.pLongDesc := LongDescMemo.Lines;
565 | end;
566 | Info.ObjectType := 1; //type 1 is Still Image (jpg). OK to use with .bmp??
567 | Info.ProcName := 'Picture'; //max length is 10 characters
568 | Info.ImageDateTime := DateTimeEdit.Text;
569 | Info.TIUIEN := frmNotes.lstNotes.ItemID;
570 | Info.UploadDateTime := 'NOW';
571 | Info.DFN := Patient.DFN;
572 |
573 | for i:= 0 to FilesToUploadList.Items.Count-1 do begin
574 | Info.ImageFPathName := FilesToUploadList.Items.Strings[i];
575 | Info.Extension := ExtractFileExt(Info.ImageFPathName); //includes '.'
576 | Info.Extension := MidStr(Info.Extension,2,17); //remove '.'
577 |
578 | if UploadFile(Info,MoveCheckBox.Checked) then begin //Upload function passes back filename info in Info class
579 | FUploadedImagesList.Add(Info.ServerFName);
580 | end else begin
581 | //Application.MessageBox('Error uploading image file!','Error');
582 | end;
583 | end;
584 | Info.Free;
585 | end;
586 |
587 | procedure TUploadForm.LoadNotesEdit();
588 | begin
589 | NoteEdit.Text := frmNotes.tvNotes.Selected.Text;
590 | end;
591 |
592 | {
593 | procedure TUploadForm.LoadNotesList();
594 | var
595 | NoteInfo,s,dateS : AnsiString;
596 | i : integer;
597 | const
598 | U='^';
599 | begin
600 | NoteComboBox.Items.Clear;
601 |
602 | for i := 0 to frmNotes.lstNotes.Count-1 do with frmNotes.lstNotes do begin
603 | NoteInfo := Items[i];
604 | (* example NoteInfo:
605 | piece# 1: 14321^ //TIU IEN
606 | piece# 2: PRESCRIPTION CALL IN^ //Document Title
607 | piece# 3: 3050713.0947^ //Date/Time
608 | piece# 4: TEST, KILLME D (T0101)^ //Patient
609 | piece# 5: 133;JANE A DOE;DOE,JANE A^ //Author
610 | piece# 6: Main_Office^ //Location of Visit
611 | piece# 7: completed^ //Status of Document
612 | piece# 8: Visit: 07/13/05;3050713.094721^ //Date/Time
613 | piece# 9...: ;^^1^^^1^' //?
614 | *)
615 | dateS := Piece(Piece(NoteInfo, U, 8), ';', 2);
616 | s := FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy@hh:nn', MakeFMDateTime(dateS)) + ' -- ';
617 | // s := Piece(Piece(NoteInfo, U, 8), ';', 1) + ' -- ';
618 | s := s + Piece(NoteInfo, U, 2) + '; ';
619 | s := s + 'Author: ' + Piece(Piece(NoteInfo, U, 5), ';', 2) + ', ';
620 | s := s + Piece(NoteInfo, U, 6);
621 | NoteComboBox.Items.Add(s);
622 | end;
623 | NoteComboBox.ItemIndex := frmNotes.lstNotes.ItemIndex;
624 | end;
625 | }
626 | //Delphi events etc.------------------------------------------------
627 |
628 | procedure TUploadForm.UploadButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
629 | begin
630 | try
631 | WebBrowser.Navigate(frmImages.NullImageName);
632 | sleep(500); //Give Webbrowser time to release any browsed document.
633 | except
634 | on E: Exception do exit;
635 | end;
636 | UploadChosenFiles();
637 | //note This UploadButton has .ModalResult = mrOK, so form is closed after this.
638 | end;
639 |
640 | procedure TUploadForm.PickImagesButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
641 | var i : integer;
642 | begin
643 | If OpenDialog.Execute then begin
644 | for i := 0 to OpenDialog.Files.Count-1 do begin
645 | FilesToUploadList.Items.Add(OpenDialog.Files.Strings[i]);
646 | end;
647 | end;
648 | end;
649 |
650 | procedure TUploadForm.PickOtherButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
651 | var i : integer;
652 | begin
653 | If OpenFileDialog.Execute then begin
654 | for i := 0 to OpenFileDialog.Files.Count-1 do begin
655 | FilesToUploadList.Items.Add(OpenFileDialog.Files.Strings[i]);
656 | end;
657 | end;
658 | end;
659 |
660 | procedure TUploadForm.btnPickPDFClick(Sender: TObject);
661 | var i : integer;
662 | begin
663 | if not Assigned(frmImagePickPDF) then begin
664 | frmImagePickPDF := TfrmImagePickPDF.Create(Self); //free'd in OnHide
665 | end;
666 | if frmImagePickPDF.Execute then begin
667 | for i := 0 to frmImagePickPDF.Files.Count-1 do begin
668 | FilesToUploadList.Items.Add(frmImagePickPDF.Files.Strings[i]);
669 | end;
670 | end;
671 | end;
672 |
673 | procedure TUploadForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
674 | begin
675 | FormRefresh(self);
676 | FilesToUploadList.Items.Clear;
677 | FUploadedImagesList.Clear;
678 | LoadNotesEdit();
679 | SetupVars;
680 | ShortDescEdit.Text := DefShortDesc;
681 | end;
682 |
683 | procedure TUploadForm.ShortDescEditChange(Sender: TObject);
684 | begin
685 | if Length(ShortDescEdit.Text)> 60 then begin
686 | ShortDescEdit.Text := MidStr(ShortDescEdit.Text,1,60);
687 | end;
688 | end;
689 |
690 | procedure TUploadForm.ClearImagesButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
691 | begin
692 | FilesToUploadList.Items.Clear;
693 | FilesToUploadListClick(self);
694 | end;
695 |
696 | procedure TUploadForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
697 | begin
698 | Bitmap := TBitmap.Create;
699 | Bitmap.Height := 64;
700 | Bitmap.Width := 64;
701 | Picture := TPicture.Create;
702 | FAllowNonImages := true;
703 | FUploadedImagesList := TStringList.Create;
704 |
705 | AutoUploadNote := TAutoUploadNote.Create;
706 | FScanDir := uTMGOptions.ReadString('Pol Directory','??');
707 | if FScanDir='??' then begin
708 | FScanDir := ExtractFileDir(Application.ExeName);
709 | uTMGOptions.WriteString('Pol Directory',FScanDir);
710 | end;
711 | PolInterval := uTMGOptions.ReadInteger('Pol Interval (milliseconds)',0);
712 | if PolInterval=0 then begin
713 | PolInterval := 60000;
714 | uTMGOptions.WriteInteger('Pol Interval (milliseconds)',PolInterval);
715 | end;
716 | end;
717 |
718 | procedure TUploadForm.SetScanDir(NewDir : string);
719 | begin
720 | if DirectoryExists(NewDir) then begin
721 | FScanDir := NewDir;
722 | uTMGOptions.WriteString('Pol Directory',FScanDir);
723 | end;
724 | end;
725 |
726 | procedure TUploadForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
727 | begin
728 | Bitmap.Free;
729 | Picture.Free;
730 | FUploadedImagesList.Free;
731 | end;
732 |
733 | procedure TUploadForm.FilesToUploadListClick(Sender: TObject);
734 | var
735 | FileName: AnsiString;
736 | SelectedItem: integer;
737 | begin
738 | SelectedItem := FilesToUploadList.ItemIndex;
739 | if SelectedItem > -1 then begin
740 | FileName := FilesToUploadList.Items[SelectedItem];
741 | if UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(FileName))='.PDF' then begin
742 | FileName := CopyFileToTemp(FileName); //returns '' if copy fails
743 | if FileName = '' then FileName := frmImages.NullImageName;
744 | end;
745 | end else begin
746 | FileName := frmImages.NullImageName;
747 | end;
748 | try
749 | WebBrowser.Navigate(FileName);
750 | except
751 | on E: Exception do exit;
752 | end;
753 | end;
754 |
755 | function TUploadForm.CopyFileToTemp(FNamePath : string) : string;
756 | var DestFile : string;
757 | lpDestFile : PAnsiChar;
758 | lpSourceFile : PAnsiChar;
759 | begin
760 | DestFile := frmImages.CacheDir + '\tempbrowseable' + ExtractFileExt(FNamePath);
761 | lpDestFile := PAnsiChar(DestFile);
762 | lpSourceFile := PAnsiChar(FNamePath);
763 | if CopyFile(lpSourcefile,lpDestFile,LongBool(FALSE)) = TRUE then begin //0=success
764 | Result := DestFile;
765 | end else begin
766 | Result := '';
767 | end;
768 | end;
769 |
770 | procedure TUploadForm.FormRefresh(Sender: TObject);
771 | begin
772 | try
773 | WebBrowser.Navigate(frmImages.NullImageName);
774 | except
775 | on E: Exception do exit;
776 | end;
777 | end;
778 |
779 | procedure TUploadForm.FormHide(Sender: TObject);
780 | begin
781 | FormRefresh(Sender);
782 | frmImagePickPDF.Free;
783 | frmImagePickPDF := nil;
784 | end;
785 |
786 | procedure TUploadForm.DecodeImgTxt(Line : string; out ChartNum, Location,
787 | FName, LName, MName, Sex, DOB, DOS, Provider,
788 | Title : string; FilePaths : TStrings);
789 | //format of line is as follows:
790 | //ChartNum^Location^FName^LName^MName^Sex^DOB^DOS^Provider^Title^FilePath(s)
791 | //NOTE: To provide patient IEN instead of FName etc, use this format:
792 | // ^Location^^`1234567^^^^DOS^Provider^Title^FilePath(s)
793 | // i.e. `IEN (note ` is not an appostrophy ('))
794 | // `IEN in place of LName, and leave blank: ChartNum,FName,FName,Sex,DOB
795 |
796 | var Files: String;
797 | FileName : String;
798 | num,i : integer;
799 | begin
800 | if Pos('}',Line)>0 then begin
801 | Line := Piece(Line,'}',2); //If error message is present, still allow parse.
802 | end;
803 | ChartNum := Piece(Line,'^',1);
804 | Location := Piece(Line,'^',2);
805 | FName := Piece(Line,'^',3);
806 | LName := Piece(Line,'^',4);
807 | MName := Piece(Line,'^',5);
808 | Sex := Piece(Line,'^',6);
809 | DOB := Piece(Line,'^',7);
810 | DOS := Piece(Line,'^',8);
811 | Provider := Piece(Line,'^',9);
812 | Title := Piece(Line,'^',10);
813 | Files := Piece(Line,'^',11); //may be list of multiple files separated by ;
814 | if Pos(';',Files)>0 then begin
815 | num := NumPieces(Files,';');
816 | for i := 1 to num do begin
817 | FileName := piece(files,';',i);
818 | if FileName <> '' then FilePaths.Add(FileName);
819 | end;
820 | end else begin
821 | FilePaths.Add(Files);
822 | end;
823 |
824 | end;
825 |
826 | function TUploadForm.EncodeImgTxt(ChartNum, Location, FName, LName, MName, Sex, DOB,
827 | DOS, Provider, Title : string; FilePaths : TStrings) : AnsiString;
828 | //format of line is as follows:
829 | //ChartNum^Location^FName^LName^MName^Sex^DOB^DOS^Provider^Title^FilePath(s)
830 | //NOTE: To provide patient IEN instead of FName etc, use this format:
831 | // ^Location^^`1234567^^^^DOS^Provider^Title^FilePath(s)
832 | // i.e. `IEN (note ` is not an appostrophy ('))
833 | // `IEN in place of LName, and leave blank: ChartNum,FName,FName,Sex,DOB
834 | var i : integer;
835 | begin
836 | Result := ChartNum + '^' + Location + '^' + FName + '^' + LName + '^' +
837 | MName + '^' + Sex + '^' + DOB + '^' + DOS + '@01:00' + '^' + Provider + '^' +
838 | Title + '^'; //added time of 1:00 elh 7/8/08
839 | for i:= 0 to FilePaths.Count-1 do begin
840 | Result := Result + FilePaths.Strings[i];
841 | if i <> FilePaths.Count-1 then Result := Result + ';';
842 | end;
843 | end;
844 |
845 |
846 | procedure TUploadForm.FinishDocument(UploadNote : TAutoUploadNote);
847 | var Text : TStringList;
848 | ErrMsg : String;
849 | RPCResult : String;
850 | i : integer;
851 | oneImage: string;
852 | //TIUIEN : int64;
853 |
854 | begin
855 | if (UploadNote.TIUIEN>0) and (UploadNote.CurNoteImages.Count>0)
856 | and (UploadNote.UploadError = False) then begin
857 | //Add text for note: "See scanned image" --
858 | // or later, some HTML code to show note in CPRS directly....
859 | Text := TStringList.Create;
860 | Text.Add('<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC>');
861 | Text.Add('<html>');
862 | Text.Add('<head>');
863 | Text.Add('<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">');
864 | Text.Add('<title>VistA HTML Note</title>');
865 | Text.Add('</head>');
866 | Text.Add('<body>');
867 | Text.Add('<p>');
868 | Text.Add('Note created automatically from imported media.');
869 | Text.Add('<p>');
870 | for i := 0 to UploadNote.CurNoteImages.Count-1 do begin
871 | // note: $CPRSDIR$ will be replaced at runtime with directory of CPRS
872 | // This will be done as page is passed to TWebBrowser (in rHTMLTools)
873 | oneImage := '$CPRSDIR$\Cache\' + UploadNote.CurNoteImages.Strings[i];
874 | //oneImage := CacheDir + '\' + CurNoteImages.Strings[i];
875 | Text.Add('<img WIDTH=640 src="'+oneImage+'">');
876 | Text.Add('<p>');
877 | end;
878 | //Text.Add('<small>');
879 | //Text.Add('If images don''t display, first view them in IMAGES tab.<br>');
880 | //Text.Add('Then return here, click on note and press [F5] key to refresh.');
881 | //Text.Add('</small>');
882 | //Text.Add('<p>');
883 | Text.Add('</body>');
884 | Text.Add('</html>');
885 | Text.Add(' ');
886 | rTIU.SetText(ErrMsg,Text,UploadNote.TIUIEN,0); //elh changed from 1 to 0 //1=commit data, do actual save.
887 | Text.Free;
888 | //Here I autosign -- later make this optional?
889 | RPCBrokerV.ClearParameters := true;
890 | RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG AUTOSIGN TIU DOCUMENT';
891 | RPCBrokerV.param[0].value := IntToStr(UploadNote.TIUIEN);
892 | RPCBrokerV.param[0].ptype := literal;
893 | //RPCBrokerV.Call;
894 | CallBroker;
895 | if RPCBrokerV.Results.Count > 0 then begin
896 | RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; //returns: error: -1; success=1
897 | end else begin
898 | RPCResult := '-1';
899 | end;
900 | if RPCResult='-1' then begin
901 | MessageDlg('Unable to set status for scanned document to SIGNED',mtError,[mbOK],0);
902 | end;
903 | UploadNote.TIUIEN := 0;
904 | end;
905 | UploadNote.Clear;
906 | end;
907 |
908 |
909 | function TUploadForm.ProcessOneLine(Line : string) : string;
910 | //Returns: if success, ''; if failure, returns reason
911 |
912 | //format of line is as follows:
913 | //ChartNum^Location^FName^LName^MName^Sex^DOB^DOS^Provider^Title^FilePath(s)
914 | //NOTE: To provide patient IEN instead of FName etc, use this format:
915 | // ^Location^^`1234567^^^^DOS^Provider^Title^FilePath(s)
916 | // i.e. `IEN (note ` is not an appostrophy ('))
917 | // `IEN in place of LName, and leave blank: ChartNum,FName,FName,Sex,DOB
918 |
919 | var
920 | ChartNum,FName,LName,MName,Sex,DOB : String;
921 | DOS,Provider,Title : String;
922 | ThisNote : TAutoUploadNote;
923 | FilePaths : TStringList;
924 | i : integer;
925 | Location : string;
926 |
927 | begin
928 | Result := ''; //default to success for function
929 | ThisNote := TAutoUploadNote.Create;
930 | FilePaths := TStringList.Create();
931 | DecodeImgTxt(Line, ChartNum, Location, FName, LName, MName, Sex, DOB, DOS, Provider, Title, FilePaths);
932 |
933 | ThisNote.SetDFN(ChartNum,Location,FName,LName,MName,DOB,Sex);
934 | ThisNote.SetInfo(DOS,Provider,Location,Title);
935 | if Pos('//Failed',Line)>0 then ThisNote.UploadError := true;
936 | if ThisNote.IsValid then begin //A note can be 'Valid' and still have an 'UploadError'
937 | if ThisNote.SameAs(AutoUploadNote)= false then begin
938 | ThisNote.TIUIEN := AutoUploadNote.TIUIEN;
939 | FinishDocument(AutoUploadNote); // Close and clear any existing note
940 | AutoUploadNote.InitFrom(ThisNote);
941 | Result := AutoUploadNote.ErrMsg; //'' if no error
942 | end;
943 | if ThisNote.UploadError then AutoUploadNote.UploadError := true;
944 | if (AutoUploadNote.UploadError=false) then for i := 0 to FilePaths.Count-1 do begin
945 | AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.pLongDesc := nil;
946 | //Load up info record with data for upload
947 | AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.ShortDesc := 'Scanned document';
948 | AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.UploadDUZ := User.DUZ;
949 | AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.ObjectType := 1; //type 1 is Still Image (jpg). OK to use with .bmp??
950 | AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.ProcName := 'Scanned'; //max length is 10 characters
951 | AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.ImageDateTime := DOS;
952 | AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.TIUIEN := AutoUploadNote.TIUIEN;
953 | AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.UploadDateTime := 'NOW';
954 | AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.DFN := AutoUploadNote.Patient.DFN;
955 | AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.ImageFPathName := FilePaths.Strings[i];
956 | AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.Extension := ExtractFileExt(AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.ImageFPathName); //includes '.'
957 | AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.Extension := MidStr(AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.Extension,2,17); //remove '.'
958 | if not UploadFile(AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo,true) then begin //Upload function passes back filename info in Info class
960 | end;
961 | AutoUploadNote.CurNoteImages.Add(AutoUploadNote.ImageInfo.ServerFName);
962 | end else begin
963 | If Result='' then Result := '(Error found in earlier file entry in batch)';
964 | end;
965 | end else begin
966 | Result := 'NOTE INFO INVALID (Probably: PATIENT NOT FOUND)';
967 | end;
968 | FilePaths.Free;
969 | ThisNote.Free;
970 | end;
971 |
972 |
973 | function TUploadForm.ProcessOneFile(FileName : string) : boolean;
974 | //This will process image(s) indicated in textfile FileName
975 | //After uploading image to server, textfile and specified images are deleted
976 | //Returns Success
977 | //Note: To upload multiple images into one document, one may add multiple
978 | // lines to the ImgTxt text file. As long as the info is the same
979 | // (i.e. same provider, patient, note type, DOS etc) then they
980 | // will be appended to current note.
981 | // OR, add multiple image file names to one line.
982 | // -- the problem with multiple images on one line is that errors
983 | // can not be reported for just one image. It will be ONE for any/all
984 | // OR, if the next file in process-order is still has the same info as
985 | // the prior file, then it will be appended.
986 | var
987 | Lines : TStringList;
988 | i : integer;
989 | ResultStr : string;
990 | OneLine : string;
991 | begin
992 | Result := true; //default is Success=true
993 | Lines := TStringList.Create;
994 | Lines.LoadFromFile(FileName);
995 | //FinishDocument(AutoUploadNote); //will save and clear any old data.
996 | for i := 0 to Lines.Count-1 do begin
997 | OneLine := Lines.Strings[i];
998 | ResultStr := ProcessOneLine(OneLine); //Even process with //failed markeers (to preserve batches)
999 | if Pos('//Failed',OneLine)> 0 then begin //If we already have //Failed, don't duplicate another Error Msg
1000 | Result := false; //prevent deletion of file containing //Failed//
1001 | end else begin
1002 | if ResultStr <> '' then begin
1003 | Lines.Strings[i] := '//Failed: '+ResultStr+'}'+Lines.Strings[i];
1004 | Lines.SaveToFile(FileName);
1005 | Result := false;
1006 | end;
1007 | end;
1008 | end;
1009 | //Temp, for debugging
1010 | //Lines.SaveToFile(ChangeFileExt(FileName,'.imgtxt-bak'));
1011 | //end temp
1012 | Lines.free;
1013 | end;
1014 |
1015 |
1016 | procedure TUploadForm.ScanAndHandleImgTxt;
1017 | var
1018 | FoundFile : string;
1019 | Found : TSearchRec;
1020 | FilesList : TStringList;
1021 | i : integer;
1022 | result : boolean;
1023 | begin
1024 | //NOTE: Later I may make this spawn a separate thread, so that
1025 | // user doesn't encounter sudden unresponsiveness of CPRS
1026 | //I can use BeginThread, then EndTread
1027 | //Issues: ProcessOneFile would probably have to be a function
1028 | // not in a class/object...
1029 |
1030 | FilesList := TStringList.Create;
1031 |
1032 | //scan for new *.ImgTxt file
1033 | //FindFirst may not have correct order, so collect all names and then sort.
1034 | if FindFirst(FScanDir+'*.imgtxt',faAnyFile,Found)=0 then repeat
1035 | FilesList.Add(FScanDir+Found.Name);
1036 | until FindNext(Found) <> 0;
1037 | FindClose(Found);
1038 | FilesList.Sort; //puts filenames in alphanumeric order
1039 |
1040 | //Now process images in correct order.
1041 | for i := 0 to FilesList.Count-1 do begin
1042 | FoundFile := FilesList.Strings[i];
1043 | if ProcessOneFile(FoundFile) = true then begin {process *.imgtxt file}
1044 | DeleteFile(FoundFile);
1045 | FoundFile := ChangeFileExt(FoundFile,'.barcode.txt');
1046 | DeleteFile(FoundFile);
1047 | end; //Note: it is OK to continue, to get other non-error notes afterwards.
1048 | end;
1049 | FinishDocument(AutoUploadNote); // Close and clear any existing note
1050 | FilesList.Free
1051 | end;
1052 |
1053 |
1054 | procedure TUploadForm.ScanAndHandleImages;
1055 | (* Overview of mechanism of action of automatically uploading images.
1056 | =================================================================
1057 | -- For an image to be uploaded, it must first be positively identified.
1058 | This can occur 1 of two ways:
1059 | -- the image contains a datamatrix barcode.
1060 | -- the image is part of a batch, and the first image of the batch
1061 | contains a barcode for the entire batch.
1062 | -- At our site, the scanner program automatically names the files numerically
1063 | so that sorting on the name will put them in proper order when working
1064 | with batches.
1065 | -- The decoding of the barcode requires a special program. I was not
1066 | able to find a way to run this on the Windows client. I found the
1067 | libdmtx that does this automatically. It currently is on unix only.
1068 | It was too complicated for me to compile it for windows. I initially
1069 | wanted everything to run through the RPC broker. This involved
1070 | uploading the image to the linux server, running the decoder on the
1071 | server, then passing the result back. The code for this is still avail
1072 | in this CPRS code. However, the process was too slow and I had to
1073 | come up with something faster. So the following arrangement was setup
1074 | -- scanned images are stored in a folder that was shared by both the
1075 | windows network (and thus is available to CPRS), and the linux server.
1076 | -- At our site, we used a copier/scanner unit that created only TIFF
1077 | files. These are not the needed format for the barcode decoder, so...
1078 | -- a cron job runs on the linux server that converts the .tif files
1079 | to .png. Here is that script:
1080 | <removed due to frequent changes...>
1081 | ---------------------------------
1082 | -- Next the .png files must be checked for a barcode. Another cron
1083 | task scans a directory for .png files and creates a metafile for
1084 | the file giving its barcode reading, or a marker that there is
1085 | no barcode available for that image. The file name format is:
1086 | *.barcode.txt, with the * coorelating to filename of the image.
1087 | -- The decoding process can take some time (up to several minutes
1088 | per image.
1089 | -- A flag file named barcodeRead.working.txt is created when the
1090 | script is run, and deleted when done. So if this file is present
1091 | then the decoding process is not complete.
1092 | -- if a *.barcode.txt file is present, then no attempts will be made
1093 | to decode the image a second time.
1094 | -- CPRS still contains code to upload an image to look for a barcode.
1095 | At this site, only png's will contain barcodes, so I have commented
1096 | out support for automatically uploading other file formats.
1097 | -- Here is the unix bash script that decodes the barcodes. It is
1098 | launched by cron:
1099 | ---------------------------------
1100 | <removed due to frequent changes...>
1101 | ---------------------------------
1102 | -- After the *.png images are available, and no flag files are present
1103 | to indicate that the server is working with the files, then the images
1104 | are processed, using the barcode metafiles. This is triggered by a
1105 | timer in CPRS. It essentially converts imagename + barcode data -->
1106 | --> *.imgtxt.
1107 | -- For each *.png image, there will be a *.imgtxt metafile created. This
1108 | will contain information needed by the server, in a special format for
1109 | the RPC calls. When an *.imgtxt file is present, this is a flag that
1110 | the image is ready to be uploaded.
1111 | -- A timer in CPRS scans for *.imgtxt files. When found, it uploads the
1112 | image to the server and creates a container progress note for displaying
1113 | it in CPRS.
1114 | *)
1115 |
1116 | procedure ScanOneImageType(ImageType : string);
1117 | //Scan directory for all instances of images of type ImageType
1118 | //For each one, create a metadata file (if not already present)
1119 |
1120 | //Note: Batch mode only works for a batch of file ALL OF THE SAME TYPE.
1121 | //I.e. There can't be a batch of .jpg, then .gif, then .bmp. This is
1122 | //because a scanner, if it is scanning a stack of documents for a given
1123 | //patient will produce all files in the same ImageType
1124 |
1125 | function DeltaMins(CurrentTime,PriorTime : TDateTime) : integer;
1126 | //Return ABSOLUTE difference in minutes between Current <--> Prior.
1127 | //NOTE: if value is > 1440, then 1440 is returned
1128 | var DeltaDays,FracDays : double;
1129 | begin
1130 | DeltaDays := abs(CurrentTime-PriorTime);
1131 | FracDays := DeltaDays - Round(DeltaDays);
1132 | if DeltaDays>1 then FracDays := 1;
1133 | Result := Round((60*24)*FracDays);
1134 | end;
1135 |
1136 | var
1137 | FoundFile : string;
1138 | MetaFilename : string;
1139 | Found : TSearchRec;
1140 | BarCodeData : AnsiString;
1141 | DFN,DOS,AuthIEN,LocIEN,NoteTypeIEN : string;
1142 | OneLine : string;
1143 | FilePaths : TStringList;
1144 | AllFiles : TStringList;
1145 | OutFileLines : TStringList;
1146 | BatchS : string;
1147 | tempCount : integer;
1148 | BatchFInfo : TFileInfo;
1149 | LastFileTimeStamp,CurFileTimeStamp : TDateTime;
1150 | DeltaMinutes : integer;
1151 | pFInfo : TFileInfo;
1152 | i : integer;
1153 | Label AbortPoint;
1154 |
1155 | const
1156 | ALLOWED_TIME_GAP = 2; //time in minutes
1157 |
1158 | begin
1159 | FilePaths := TStringList.Create;
1160 | OutFileLines := TStringList.Create;
1161 | AllFiles := TStringList.Create;
1162 | BatchFInfo := TFileInfo.Create;
1163 |
1164 | //NOTE: Later I may make this spawn a separate thread, so that
1165 | // user doesn't encounter sudden unresponsiveness of CPRS
1166 | //I can use BeginThread, then EndTread
1167 | //Issues: ProcessOneFile would probably have to be a function
1168 | // not in a class/object...
1169 |
1170 | //scan for all instances *.ImageType Image file
1171 | //Store info for processesing after loop
1172 | //Do this as a separate step, so files can be processed in proper order
1173 | if FindFirst(FScanDir+'*.'+ImageType,faAnyFile,Found)=0 then repeat
1174 | FoundFile := FScanDir+Found.Name;
1175 | if FileExists(ChangeFileExt(FoundFile,'.imgtxt')) then continue;
1176 | MetaFilename := ChangeFileExt(FoundFile,'.barcode.txt');
1177 | pFInfo := TFileInfo.Create; //will be owned by AllFiles
1178 | pFInfo.MetaFileName := MetaFilename;
1179 | pFInfo.FPath := FoundFile;
1180 | pFInfo.SrcRec := Found;
1181 | pFInfo.STimeStamp := FloatToStr(FileDateToDateTime(Found.Time));
1182 | pFInfo.MetaFileExists := FileExists(MetaFilename);
1183 | pFInfo.SBarCode := ''; //default to empty.
1184 | pFInfo.BatchCount := 0;
1185 | if pFInfo.MetaFileExists = false then begin
1186 | //Call server via RPC to decode Barcode
1187 | //This is too slow and buggy. Will remove for now...
1188 | //BarCodeData := frmImages.DecodeBarcode(FoundFile,ImageType);
1189 | //pFInfo.SBarCode := BarCodeData;
1190 | pFInfo.SBarCode := '';
1191 | //Here I could optionally create a Metafile for processing below.
1192 | end;
1193 | if pFInfo.MetaFileExists then begin //Retest in case RPC changed status.
1194 | if FileExists(FScanDir+'barcodeRead.working.txt') then goto AbortPoint;
1195 | OutFileLines.LoadFromFile(pFInfo.MetaFileName);
1196 | if OutFileLines.Count>0 then begin
1197 | pFInfo.SBarCode := OutFileLines.Strings[0];
1198 | //convert 'No Barcode message into an empty string, to match existing code.
1199 | if Pos('//',pFInfo.SBarCode)=1 then pFInfo.SBarCode := '';
1200 | if NumPieces(pFInfo.SBarCode,'-') <> 8 then pFInfo.SBarCode := '';
1201 | end else begin
1202 | pFInfo.MetaFileExists := false; //set empty file to Non-existence status
1203 | end;
1204 | end;
1205 | AllFiles.AddObject(pFInfo.FPath,pFInfo); //Store filename, to allow sorting on this.
1206 | until FindNext(Found) <> 0;
1207 | AllFiles.Sort; // Sort on timestamp --> put in ascending alpha filename order
1208 |
1209 | //-------- Now, process files in name order ------------
1210 | LastFileTimeStamp := 0;
1211 | BatchFInfo.BatchCount := 0;
1212 | for i := 0 to AllFiles.Count-1 do begin
1213 | pFInfo := TFileInfo(AllFiles.Objects[i]);
1214 | if pFInfo.MetaFileExists = false then continue;
1215 | CurFileTimeStamp := FileDateToDateTime(pFInfo.SrcRec.Time);
1216 | DeltaMinutes := DeltaMins(CurFileTimeStamp,LastFileTimeStamp);
1217 | // *.barcode.txt file exists at this point
1218 | if pFInfo.SBarCode <> '' then begin //Found a new barcode
1219 | LastFileTimeStamp := CurFileTimeStamp;
1220 | //Note: The expected format of barcode must be same as that
1221 | // created by TfrmPtLabelPrint.PrintButtonClick:
1222 | // 70685-12-31-2008-73-6-1302-0
1223 | // PtIEN-DateOfService-AuthorIEN-LocIEN-NoteTypeIEN-BatchFlag
1224 | // THUS there should be 8 pieces in the string.
1225 | DFN := piece(pFInfo.SBarCode,'-',1);
1226 | DOS := pieces(pFInfo.SBarCode,'-',2,4);
1227 | AuthIEN := piece(pFInfo.SBarCode,'-',5);
1228 | LocIEN := piece(pFInfo.SBarCode,'-',6);
1229 | NoteTypeIEN := piece(pFInfo.SBarCode,'-',7);
1230 | BatchS := piece(pFInfo.SBarCode,'-',8);
1231 | if BatchS = '*' then begin
1232 | pFInfo.BatchCount := 9999
1233 | end else begin
1234 | try
1235 | pFInfo.BatchCount := StrToInt(BatchS);
1236 | except
1237 | on E:EConvertError do begin
1238 | pFInfo.BatchCount := 1;
1239 | end;
1240 | end;
1241 | end;
1242 | //BatchFInfo.SBarCode := pFInfo.SBarCode;
1243 | end else if (BatchFInfo.BatchCount > 0) then begin
1244 | if (DeltaMinutes > ALLOWED_TIME_GAP) then begin
1245 | pFInfo.Clear;
1246 | BatchFInfo.Clear;
1247 | end else begin
1248 | //Apply barcode from last image onto this one (from same batch)
1249 | pFInfo.SBarCode := BatchFInfo.SBarCode;
1250 | end;
1251 | end;
1252 | if pFInfo.SBarCode <> '' then begin
1253 | //Success --> write out ImgTxt file...
1254 | FilePaths.Add(pFInfo.FPath);
1255 | OneLine := EncodeImgTxt('', '`'+LocIEN,'', '`'+DFN, '', '', '',
1256 | DOS,'`'+AuthIEN, '`'+NoteTypeIEN, FilePaths);
1257 | if pFInfo.BatchCount>0 then begin
1258 | //A BATCH marker has been found on current barcode. This means that
1259 | //Batchmode should be turned on. This will apply current barcode
1260 | //data to any subsequent images, providing there is not a gap in
1261 | //time > ALLOWED_TIME_GAP
1262 | BatchFInfo.Assign(pFInfo); //reset Batch info to current
1263 | end;
1264 | //Decrease use count of Batch Info
1265 | Dec(BatchFInfo.BatchCount);
1266 | end else begin
1267 | OneLine := '';
1268 | end;
1269 | OutFileLines.Clear;
1270 | if OneLine <> '' then begin
1271 | OutFileLines.Add(OneLine);
1272 | OutFileLines.SaveToFile(ChangeFileExt(pFInfo.FPath,'.imgtxt'));
1273 | end;
1274 | FilePaths.Clear;
1275 | OutFileLines.Clear;
1276 | LastFileTimeStamp := CurFileTimeStamp;
1277 | end;
1278 | AbortPoint:
1279 | FindClose(Found);
1280 | BatchFInfo.Free;
1281 | FilePaths.Free;
1282 | for i := 0 to AllFiles.Count-1 do begin //free owned objects
1283 | pFInfo := TFileInfo(AllFiles.Objects[i]);
1284 | pFInfo.Free;
1285 | end;
1286 | AllFiles.Free;
1287 | OutFileLines.Free;
1288 | end;
1289 |
1290 | var flag1Filename,flag2Filename : string;
1291 | begin
1292 | flag1Filename := FScanDir+'barcodeRead.working.txt';
1293 | flag2Filename := FScanDir+'convertTif2Png.working.txt';
1294 | //if linux server is in middle of a conversion or barcode decode, then skip.
1295 | if (FileExists(flag1Filename)=false) and (FileExists(flag2Filename)=false) then begin
1296 | (* Remove {}'s to be able to have jpg's etc that contain barcodes
1297 | In our site, only png's will have barcodes, and thus these are the
1298 | only images that can be uploaded automatically. Uploading jpg's, bmp's
1299 | etc to look for (nonexistent) barcodes will just waste time and bandwidth. *)
1300 | {
1301 | ScanOneImageType('jpg');
1302 | ScanOneImageType('jpeg');
1303 | ScanOneImageType('gif');
1304 | ScanOneImageType('bmp');
1305 | }
1306 | //ScanOneImageType('tif'); {Tiff was not showing up in IE for some reason}
1307 | //ScanOneImageType('tiff'); {Tiff was not showing up in IE for some reason}
1308 | ScanOneImageType('png');
1309 | end;
1310 | end;
1311 |
1312 | procedure TUploadForm.PolTimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
1313 | begin
1314 | PolTimer.Enabled := false;
1315 | try
1316 | if Assigned(frmImages) and frmImages.AutoScanUpload.Checked then begin
1317 | ScanAndHandleImages; //create metadata for images (if not done already)
1318 | ScanAndHandleImgTxt; //process upload file, based on metadata
1319 | end;
1320 | finally
1321 | PolTimer.Enabled := true;
1322 | PolTimer.Interval := PolInterval;
1323 | end;
1324 | end;
1325 |
1326 | procedure TUploadForm.SetAllowNonImages(Value : boolean);
1327 | begin
1328 | FAllowNonImages := Value;
1329 | btnPickPDF.Enabled := Value;
1330 | PickOtherButton.Enabled := Value;
1331 | end;
1332 |
1333 |
1334 |
1335 | end.