source: cprs/branches/tmg-cprs/CPRS-Chart/fARTAllgy.dfm@ 1456

Last change on this file since 1456 was 453, checked in by Kevin Toppenberg, 16 years ago

Initial upload of TMG-CPRS

File size: 18.9 KB
1inherited frmARTAllergy: TfrmARTAllergy
2 Tag = 1105
3 Left = 339
4 Top = 266
5 Width = 561
6 Height = 465
7 Caption = 'Enter Allergy or Adverse Reaction'
8 Position = poScreenCenter
9 OnClose = FormClose
10 OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery
11 OnCreate = FormCreate
12 PixelsPerInch = 96
13 TextHeight = 13
14 object pnlBase: TORAutoPanel [0]
15 Left = 0
16 Top = 0
17 Width = 553
18 Height = 431
19 Align = alClient
20 BevelOuter = bvNone
21 TabOrder = 0
22 object lblAllergyType: TOROffsetLabel
23 Left = 38
24 Top = 403
25 Width = 63
26 Height = 15
27 Caption = 'Allergy Type:'
28 HorzOffset = 2
29 Transparent = False
30 VertOffset = 2
31 Visible = False
32 WordWrap = False
33 end
34 object cmdOK: TButton
35 Left = 380
36 Top = 403
37 Width = 72
38 Height = 21
39 Caption = 'OK'
40 TabOrder = 1
41 OnClick = cmdOKClick
42 end
43 object cmdCancel: TButton
44 Left = 459
45 Top = 403
46 Width = 72
47 Height = 21
48 Cancel = True
49 Caption = 'Cancel'
50 TabOrder = 2
51 OnClick = cmdCancelClick
52 end
53 object pgAllergy: TPageControl
54 Left = 4
55 Top = 17
56 Width = 529
57 Height = 371
58 ActivePage = tabGeneral
59 MultiLine = True
60 TabOrder = 0
61 object tabGeneral: TTabSheet
62 Caption = '&General'
63 object lblAgent: TOROffsetLabel
64 Left = 7
65 Top = 44
66 Width = 82
67 Height = 15
68 Caption = 'Causative agent:'
69 HorzOffset = 2
70 Transparent = False
71 VertOffset = 2
72 WordWrap = False
73 end
74 object btnAgent: TSpeedButton
75 Left = 175
76 Top = 62
77 Width = 19
78 Height = 19
79 Caption = '...'
80 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
81 Font.Color = clWindowText
82 Font.Height = -11
83 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
84 Font.Style = [fsBold]
85 ParentFont = False
86 OnClick = btnAgentClick
87 end
88 object lblOriginator: TOROffsetLabel
89 Left = 202
90 Top = 1
91 Width = 50
92 Height = 15
93 Caption = 'Originator:'
94 HorzOffset = 2
95 Transparent = False
96 VertOffset = 2
97 WordWrap = False
98 end
99 object lblOriginateDate: TOROffsetLabel
100 Left = 202
101 Top = 44
102 Width = 81
103 Height = 15
104 Caption = 'Origination Date:'
105 HorzOffset = 2
106 Transparent = False
107 VertOffset = 2
108 WordWrap = False
109 end
110 object Bevel1: TBevel
111 Left = 7
112 Top = 299
113 Width = 502
114 Height = 36
115 end
116 object lblSymptoms: TOROffsetLabel
117 Left = 7
118 Top = 127
119 Width = 84
120 Height = 15
121 Caption = 'Signs/Symptoms:'
122 HorzOffset = 2
123 Transparent = False
124 VertOffset = 2
125 WordWrap = False
126 end
127 object lblSelectedSymptoms: TOROffsetLabel
128 Left = 147
129 Top = 127
130 Width = 98
131 Height = 15
132 Caption = 'Selected Symptoms:'
133 HorzOffset = 2
134 Transparent = False
135 VertOffset = 2
136 WordWrap = False
137 end
138 object lblSeverity: TOROffsetLabel
139 Left = 362
140 Top = 81
141 Width = 43
142 Height = 15
143 Caption = 'Severity:'
144 HorzOffset = 2
145 Transparent = False
146 VertOffset = 2
147 WordWrap = False
148 end
149 object lblObservedDate: TOROffsetLabel
150 Left = 362
151 Top = 44
152 Width = 102
153 Height = 15
154 Caption = 'Reaction Date/Time:'
155 HorzOffset = 2
156 Transparent = False
157 VertOffset = 2
158 WordWrap = False
159 end
160 object lblComments: TOROffsetLabel
161 Left = 295
162 Top = 127
163 Width = 54
164 Height = 15
165 Caption = 'Comments:'
166 HorzOffset = 2
167 Transparent = False
168 VertOffset = 2
169 WordWrap = False
170 end
171 object lblNatureOfReaction: TOROffsetLabel
172 Left = 7
173 Top = 82
174 Width = 95
175 Height = 15
176 Caption = 'Nature of Reaction:'
177 HorzOffset = 2
178 Transparent = False
179 VertOffset = 2
180 WordWrap = False
181 end
182 object ckNoKnownAllergies: TCheckBox
183 Left = 7
184 Top = 3
185 Width = 119
186 Height = 17
187 Caption = 'No Known Allergies'
188 TabOrder = 0
189 OnClick = ckNoKnownAllergiesClick
190 end
191 object btnCurrent: TButton
192 Left = 7
193 Top = 24
194 Width = 114
195 Height = 21
196 Caption = 'Active Allergies'
197 TabOrder = 1
198 OnClick = btnCurrentClick
199 end
200 object lstAllergy: TORListBox
201 Left = 7
202 Top = 61
203 Width = 166
204 Height = 21
205 Color = clBtnFace
206 ExtendedSelect = False
207 ItemHeight = 13
208 ParentShowHint = False
209 ShowHint = True
210 TabOrder = 2
211 OnClick = lstAllergyClick
212 ItemTipColor = clWindow
213 LongList = False
214 Pieces = '2'
215 OnChange = ControlChange
216 end
217 object cboOriginator: TORComboBox
218 Left = 202
219 Top = 16
220 Width = 139
221 Height = 21
222 Style = orcsDropDown
223 AutoSelect = True
224 Color = clWindow
225 DropDownCount = 8
226 ItemHeight = 13
227 ItemTipColor = clWindow
228 ItemTipEnable = True
229 ListItemsOnly = True
230 LongList = True
231 LookupPiece = 2
232 MaxLength = 0
233 ParentShowHint = False
234 Pieces = '2,3'
235 ShowHint = False
236 Sorted = False
237 SynonymChars = '<>'
238 TabOrder = 4
239 OnChange = ControlChange
240 OnNeedData = cboOriginatorNeedData
241 CharsNeedMatch = 1
242 end
243 object calOriginated: TORDateBox
244 Left = 202
245 Top = 61
246 Width = 140
247 Height = 21
248 Color = clBtnFace
249 Enabled = False
250 TabOrder = 5
251 OnChange = ControlChange
252 DateOnly = False
253 RequireTime = False
254 end
255 object ckChartMarked: TCheckBox
256 Left = 294
257 Top = 307
258 Width = 113
259 Height = 17
260 Caption = 'Marked On Chart'
261 Checked = True
262 State = cbChecked
263 TabOrder = 18
264 Visible = False
265 OnClick = ControlChange
266 end
267 object ckIDBand: TCheckBox
268 Left = 122
269 Top = 307
270 Width = 97
271 Height = 17
272 Caption = 'ID Band Marked'
273 TabOrder = 17
274 OnClick = ControlChange
275 end
276 object cboSymptoms: TORComboBox
277 Left = 7
278 Top = 141
279 Width = 135
280 Height = 152
281 Style = orcsSimple
282 AutoSelect = True
283 Color = clWindow
284 DropDownCount = 8
285 ItemHeight = 13
286 ItemTipColor = clWindow
287 ItemTipEnable = True
288 ListItemsOnly = True
289 LongList = True
290 LookupPiece = 0
291 MaxLength = 0
292 Pieces = '2'
293 Sorted = False
294 SynonymChars = '<>'
295 TabOrder = 11
296 OnKeyDown = cboSymptomsKeyDown
297 OnMouseClick = cboSymptomsMouseClick
298 OnNeedData = cboSymptomsNeedData
299 CharsNeedMatch = 1
300 end
301 object lstSelectedSymptoms: TORListBox
302 Left = 147
303 Top = 141
304 Width = 136
305 Height = 122
306 ExtendedSelect = False
307 ItemHeight = 13
308 ParentShowHint = False
309 ShowHint = True
310 TabOrder = 12
311 ItemTipColor = clWindow
312 LongList = False
313 Pieces = '2,4'
314 OnChange = lstSelectedSymptomsChange
315 end
316 object btnDateTime: TButton
317 Left = 154
318 Top = 270
319 Width = 62
320 Height = 21
321 Caption = 'Date/Time'
322 TabOrder = 13
323 OnClick = btnDateTimeClick
324 end
325 object btnRemove: TButton
326 Left = 223
327 Top = 270
328 Width = 57
329 Height = 21
330 Caption = 'Remove'
331 TabOrder = 14
332 OnClick = btnRemoveClick
333 end
334 object grpObsHist: TRadioGroup
335 Left = 362
336 Top = 2
337 Width = 147
338 Height = 38
339 Columns = 2
340 Ctl3D = True
341 Items.Strings = (
342 'Observed'
343 'Historical')
344 ParentCtl3D = False
345 ParentShowHint = False
346 ShowHint = True
347 TabOrder = 7
348 OnClick = grpObsHistClick
349 end
350 object cboSeverity: TORComboBox
351 Left = 362
352 Top = 96
353 Width = 127
354 Height = 21
355 Style = orcsDropDown
356 AutoSelect = True
357 Color = clWindow
358 DropDownCount = 8
359 ItemHeight = 13
360 ItemTipColor = clWindow
361 ItemTipEnable = True
362 ListItemsOnly = True
363 LongList = False
364 LookupPiece = 0
365 MaxLength = 0
366 Pieces = '2'
367 Sorted = False
368 SynonymChars = '<>'
369 TabOrder = 9
370 OnChange = ControlChange
371 OnExit = ControlChange
372 CharsNeedMatch = 1
373 end
374 object calObservedDate: TORDateBox
375 Left = 362
376 Top = 61
377 Width = 145
378 Height = 21
379 TabOrder = 8
380 OnChange = ControlChange
381 DateOnly = False
382 RequireTime = False
383 end
384 object cmdPrevObs: TButton
385 Left = 202
386 Top = 96
387 Width = 140
388 Height = 21
389 Caption = 'View Previous Observations'
390 TabOrder = 6
391 OnClick = cmdPrevObsClick
392 end
393 object memComments: TRichEdit
394 Left = 294
395 Top = 141
396 Width = 213
397 Height = 112
398 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
399 Font.Color = clWindowText
400 Font.Height = -11
401 Font.Name = 'Courier New'
402 Font.Style = []
403 ParentFont = False
404 ScrollBars = ssVertical
405 TabOrder = 15
406 OnExit = memCommentsExit
407 end
408 object cmdPrevCmts: TButton
409 Left = 322
410 Top = 270
411 Width = 157
412 Height = 21
413 Caption = 'View Previous Comments'
414 TabOrder = 16
415 OnClick = cmdPrevCmtsClick
416 end
417 object cboNatureOfReaction: TORComboBox
418 Left = 7
419 Top = 96
420 Width = 190
421 Height = 21
422 Style = orcsDropDown
423 AutoSelect = True
424 Color = clWindow
425 DropDownCount = 8
426 ItemHeight = 13
427 ItemTipColor = clWindow
428 ItemTipEnable = True
429 ListItemsOnly = True
430 LongList = False
431 LookupPiece = 0
432 MaxLength = 0
433 Pieces = '2'
434 Sorted = False
435 SynonymChars = '<>'
436 TabOrder = 3
437 OnChange = ControlChange
438 CharsNeedMatch = 1
439 end
440 object btnSevHelp: TORAlignButton
441 Left = 489
442 Top = 96
443 Width = 21
444 Height = 21
445 Caption = '?'
446 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
447 Font.Color = clWindowText
448 Font.Height = -11
449 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
450 Font.Style = [fsBold]
451 ParentFont = False
452 TabOrder = 10
453 OnClick = btnSevHelpClick
454 end
455 end
456 object tabVerify: TTabSheet
457 Caption = '&Verify'
458 ImageIndex = 3
459 object lblVerifier: TOROffsetLabel
460 Left = 99
461 Top = 51
462 Width = 55
463 Height = 15
464 Caption = 'Verified By:'
465 HorzOffset = 2
466 Transparent = False
467 VertOffset = 2
468 WordWrap = False
469 end
470 object lblVerifyDate: TOROffsetLabel
471 Left = 99
472 Top = 108
473 Width = 66
474 Height = 15
475 Caption = 'Date Verified:'
476 HorzOffset = 2
477 Transparent = False
478 VertOffset = 2
479 WordWrap = False
480 end
481 object ckVerified: TCheckBox
482 Left = 99
483 Top = 18
484 Width = 69
485 Height = 17
486 Caption = 'Verified'
487 TabOrder = 0
488 OnClick = ControlChange
489 end
490 object cboVerifier: TORComboBox
491 Left = 99
492 Top = 65
493 Width = 138
494 Height = 21
495 Style = orcsDropDown
496 AutoSelect = True
497 Color = clWindow
498 DropDownCount = 8
499 ItemHeight = 13
500 ItemTipColor = clWindow
501 ItemTipEnable = True
502 ListItemsOnly = True
503 LongList = True
504 LookupPiece = 2
505 MaxLength = 0
506 Pieces = '2,3'
507 Sorted = False
508 SynonymChars = '<>'
509 TabOrder = 1
510 OnChange = ControlChange
511 OnNeedData = cboVerifierNeedData
512 CharsNeedMatch = 1
513 end
514 object calVerifyDate: TORDateBox
515 Left = 99
516 Top = 124
517 Width = 137
518 Height = 21
519 TabOrder = 2
520 OnChange = ControlChange
521 DateOnly = False
522 RequireTime = False
523 end
524 end
525 object tabEnteredInError: TTabSheet
526 Caption = 'Entered In Error'
527 ImageIndex = 2
528 object lblErrCmts: TLabel
529 Left = 7
530 Top = 12
531 Width = 98
532 Height = 13
533 Caption = 'Comments (optional):'
534 end
535 object lblEnteredInError: TLabel
536 Left = 0
537 Top = 330
538 Width = 521
539 Height = 13
540 Align = alBottom
541 Alignment = taCenter
542 Caption = 'EnteredInError'
543 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
544 Font.Color = clWindowText
545 Font.Height = -11
546 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
547 Font.Style = [fsBold]
548 ParentFont = False
549 end
550 object ckEnteredInError: TCheckBox
551 Left = 286
552 Top = 5
553 Width = 203
554 Height = 17
555 Caption = 'Mark this allergy as "Entered In Error"'
556 TabOrder = 0
557 Visible = False
558 OnClick = ControlChange
559 end
560 object memErrCmts: TRichEdit
561 Left = 6
562 Top = 27
563 Width = 506
564 Height = 263
565 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
566 Font.Color = clWindowText
567 Font.Height = -11
568 Font.Name = 'Courier New'
569 Font.Style = []
570 ParentFont = False
571 ScrollBars = ssVertical
572 TabOrder = 1
573 OnExit = memCommentsExit
574 end
575 end
576 end
577 object cboAllergyType: TORComboBox
578 Left = 38
579 Top = 418
580 Width = 190
581 Height = 21
582 Style = orcsDropDown
583 AutoSelect = True
584 Color = clBtnFace
585 DropDownCount = 8
586 Enabled = False
587 ItemHeight = 13
588 ItemTipColor = clWindow
589 ItemTipEnable = True
590 ListItemsOnly = True
591 LongList = False
592 LookupPiece = 0
593 MaxLength = 0
594 Pieces = '2'
595 Sorted = False
596 SynonymChars = '<>'
597 TabOrder = 3
598 Visible = False
599 OnChange = ControlChange
600 CharsNeedMatch = 1
601 end
602 end
603 inherited DKLanguageController1: TDKLanguageController
604 LangData = {
605 0D0066726D415254416C6C65726779010100000001000000070043617074696F
606 6E01310000000700706E6C4261736500000E006C626C416C6C65726779547970
607 65010100000002000000070043617074696F6E000500636D644F4B0101000000
608 03000000070043617074696F6E000900636D6443616E63656C01010000000400
609 0000070043617074696F6E0009007067416C6C6572677900000A007461624765
610 6E6572616C010100000005000000070043617074696F6E0008006C626C416765
611 6E74010100000006000000070043617074696F6E00080062746E4167656E7400
612 000D006C626C4F726967696E61746F7201010000000700000007004361707469
613 6F6E0010006C626C4F726967696E617465446174650101000000080000000700
614 43617074696F6E000600426576656C3100000B006C626C53796D70746F6D7301
615 0100000009000000070043617074696F6E0013006C626C53656C656374656453
616 796D70746F6D7301010000000A000000070043617074696F6E000B006C626C53
617 6576657269747901010000000B000000070043617074696F6E000F006C626C4F
618 627365727665644461746501010000000C000000070043617074696F6E000B00
619 6C626C436F6D6D656E747301010000000D000000070043617074696F6E001300
620 6C626C4E61747572654F665265616374696F6E01010000000E00000007004361
621 7074696F6E001200636B4E6F4B6E6F776E416C6C65726769657301010000000F
622 000000070043617074696F6E000A0062746E43757272656E7401010000001000
623 0000070043617074696F6E000A006C7374416C6C6572677900000D0063626F4F
624 726967696E61746F7200000D0063616C4F726967696E6174656400000D00636B
625 43686172744D61726B6564010100000011000000070043617074696F6E000800
626 636B494442616E64010100000012000000070043617074696F6E000B0063626F
627 53796D70746F6D73000013006C737453656C656374656453796D70746F6D7300
628 000B0062746E4461746554696D65010100000013000000070043617074696F6E
629 00090062746E52656D6F7665010100000014000000070043617074696F6E000A
630 006772704F62734869737401010000001500000005004974656D73000B006362
631 6F536576657269747900000F0063616C4F627365727665644461746500000A00
632 636D64507265764F6273010100000016000000070043617074696F6E000B006D
633 656D436F6D6D656E747300000B00636D6450726576436D747301010000001700
634 0000070043617074696F6E00130063626F4E61747572654F665265616374696F
635 6E00000A0062746E53657648656C700000090074616256657269667901010000
636 0018000000070043617074696F6E000B006C626C566572696669657201010000
637 0019000000070043617074696F6E000D006C626C566572696679446174650101
638 0000001A000000070043617074696F6E000A00636B5665726966696564010100
639 00001B000000070043617074696F6E000B0063626F566572696669657200000D
640 0063616C5665726966794461746500001100746162456E7465726564496E4572
641 726F7201010000001C000000070043617074696F6E000A006C626C457272436D
642 747301010000001D000000070043617074696F6E0011006C626C456E74657265
643 64496E4572726F7201010000001E000000070043617074696F6E001000636B45
644 6E7465726564496E4572726F7201010000001F000000070043617074696F6E00
645 0A006D656D457272436D747300000E0063626F416C6C65726779547970650000
646 1300646C675265616374696F6E4461746554696D650000}
647 end
648 object dlgReactionDateTime: TORDateTimeDlg
649 FMDateTime = 2981202.000000000000000000
650 DateOnly = False
651 RequireTime = False
652 Left = 5
653 Top = 400
654 end
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