source: cprs/branches/tmg-cprs/CPRS-Chart/fAddlSigners.dfm@ 1456

Last change on this file since 1456 was 453, checked in by Kevin Toppenberg, 16 years ago

Initial upload of TMG-CPRS

File size: 6.0 KB
1object frmAddlSigners: TfrmAddlSigners
2 Left = 275
3 Top = 164
4 BorderStyle = bsDialog
5 Caption = 'Identify Additional Signers'
6 ClientHeight = 362
7 ClientWidth = 403
8 Color = clBtnFace
9 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
10 Font.Color = clWindowText
11 Font.Height = -11
12 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
13 Font.Style = []
14 OldCreateOrder = True
15 Position = poScreenCenter
16 OnCreate = FormCreate
17 OnDestroy = FormDestroy
18 PixelsPerInch = 96
19 TextHeight = 13
20 object pnlBase: TPanel
21 Left = 0
22 Top = 0
23 Width = 403
24 Height = 362
25 Align = alClient
26 BevelOuter = bvNone
27 TabOrder = 0
28 object pnlButtons: TORAutoPanel
29 Left = 0
30 Top = 309
31 Width = 403
32 Height = 53
33 Align = alBottom
34 BevelOuter = bvNone
35 TabOrder = 2
36 object cmdOK: TButton
37 Left = 125
38 Top = 14
39 Width = 75
40 Height = 25
41 Caption = 'OK'
42 TabOrder = 0
43 OnClick = cmdOKClick
44 end
45 object cmdCancel: TButton
46 Left = 215
47 Top = 14
48 Width = 75
49 Height = 25
50 Cancel = True
51 Caption = 'Cancel'
52 TabOrder = 1
53 OnClick = cmdCancelClick
54 end
55 end
56 object pnlAdditional: TORAutoPanel
57 Left = 0
58 Top = 70
59 Width = 403
60 Height = 239
61 Align = alClient
62 TabOrder = 1
63 object SrcLabel: TLabel
64 Left = 11
65 Top = 15
66 Width = 175
67 Height = 16
68 AutoSize = False
69 Caption = 'Select or enter additional signers'
70 end
71 object DstLabel: TLabel
72 Left = 214
73 Top = 16
74 Width = 145
75 Height = 16
76 AutoSize = False
77 Caption = 'Current additional signers'
78 end
79 object cboSrcList: TORComboBox
80 Left = 11
81 Top = 33
82 Width = 174
83 Height = 185
84 Style = orcsSimple
85 AutoSelect = True
86 Caption = 'Select or enter additional signers'
87 Color = clWindow
88 DropDownCount = 8
89 ItemHeight = 13
90 ItemTipColor = clWindow
91 ItemTipEnable = True
92 ListItemsOnly = True
93 LongList = True
94 LookupPiece = 2
95 MaxLength = 0
96 Pieces = '2,3'
97 Sorted = False
98 SynonymChars = '<>'
99 TabOrder = 0
100 TabStop = True
101 OnClick = cboSrcListClick
102 OnKeyDown = cboSrcListKeyDown
103 OnMouseClick = cboSrcListMouseClick
104 OnNeedData = NewPersonNeedData
105 CharsNeedMatch = 1
106 end
107 object DstList: TORListBox
108 Left = 213
109 Top = 33
110 Width = 174
111 Height = 185
112 ItemHeight = 13
113 MultiSelect = True
114 ParentShowHint = False
115 ShowHint = True
116 TabOrder = 1
117 OnClick = DstListClick
118 Caption = 'Current additional signers'
119 ItemTipColor = clWindow
120 LongList = False
121 Pieces = '2'
122 end
123 object cmdRemove: TButton
124 Left = 264
125 Top = 221
126 Width = 75
127 Height = 25
128 Caption = 'Remove'
129 TabOrder = 2
130 Visible = False
131 OnClick = cmdRemoveClick
132 end
133 end
134 object pnlTop: TORAutoPanel
135 Left = 0
136 Top = 0
137 Width = 403
138 Height = 70
139 Align = alTop
140 BevelOuter = bvNone
141 TabOrder = 0
142 object lblAuthor: TOROffsetLabel
143 Left = 12
144 Top = 9
145 Width = 97
146 Height = 15
147 Caption = 'Author (not editable)'
148 HorzOffset = 2
149 Transparent = False
150 VertOffset = 2
151 WordWrap = False
152 end
153 object lblCosigner: TOROffsetLabel
154 Left = 213
155 Top = 10
156 Width = 155
157 Height = 15
158 Caption = 'Expected Cosigner (not editable)'
159 HorzOffset = 2
160 Transparent = False
161 VertOffset = 2
162 WordWrap = False
163 end
164 object cboCosigner: TORComboBox
165 Left = 214
166 Top = 26
167 Width = 174
168 Height = 21
169 Style = orcsDropDown
170 AutoSelect = True
171 Caption = 'object lblCosigner: TOROffsetLabel'
172 Color = clCream
173 DropDownCount = 8
174 Enabled = False
175 ItemHeight = 13
176 ItemTipColor = clWindow
177 ItemTipEnable = True
178 ListItemsOnly = True
179 LongList = True
180 LookupPiece = 0
181 MaxLength = 0
182 Pieces = '2,3'
183 Sorted = False
184 SynonymChars = '<>'
185 TabOrder = 1
186 TabStop = True
187 OnChange = cboCosignerChange
188 OnExit = cboCosignerExit
189 OnNeedData = cboCosignerNeedData
190 CharsNeedMatch = 1
191 end
192 object txtAuthor: TCaptionEdit
193 Left = 14
194 Top = 27
195 Width = 178
196 Height = 21
197 TabStop = False
198 AutoSize = False
199 Color = clCream
200 ReadOnly = True
201 TabOrder = 0
202 Caption = 'Author (not editable)'
203 end
204 end
205 end
206 object DKLanguageController1: TDKLanguageController
207 Left = 192
208 Top = 64
209 LangData = {
210 0E0066726D4164646C5369676E65727301010000000100000007004361707469
211 6F6E010F0000000700706E6C4261736500000A00706E6C427574746F6E730000
212 0500636D644F4B010100000002000000070043617074696F6E000900636D6443
213 616E63656C010100000003000000070043617074696F6E000D00706E6C416464
214 6974696F6E616C000008005372634C6162656C01010000000400000007004361
215 7074696F6E0008004473744C6162656C01010000000500000007004361707469
216 6F6E000A0063626F5372634C697374010100000006000000070043617074696F
217 6E0007004473744C697374010100000007000000070043617074696F6E000900
218 636D6452656D6F7665010100000008000000070043617074696F6E000600706E
219 6C546F70000009006C626C417574686F72010100000009000000070043617074
220 696F6E000B006C626C436F7369676E657201010000000A000000070043617074
221 696F6E000B0063626F436F7369676E657201010000000B000000070043617074
222 696F6E000900747874417574686F7201010000000C000000070043617074696F
223 6E00}
224 end
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